dvminics · 4 years
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the smokey musk was discernible upon entering the warehouse, becoming increasingly prominent until it fully engulfed every sense within the van gogh room. it wasn’t dom’s first choice, but he’d gotten lost, and it was the closest path of escape from whatever was going on in the margaret keane room. “hey,” he spoke up, catching sight of a figure that was familiar or appeared familiar, at least. either way, he held up the second water bottle he had with him in offering. “kinda hard to breathe in here, huh?” @radopens​
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duckyaltalt · 4 years
( @radopens​ )
Stretched across a beanbag - Ducky hadn’t been sure how long ago it’d been since he’d first joined the room, eyes glazing past the sunflowers that surrounded him and sticking to the painting overhead, instead. Someone had thought to mimic Starry Night on the ceiling - the stars pulsated, colors swirled - he thought he could name constellations in the painting, like there’d been any to begin with. “That one’s, fucking ... Cassiopeia,” he pointed up, towards nothing, head half-hanging off the beanbag and body sunken in - his perception skewed, “She uh - was a queen, once. Got strung up with the stars as punishment, though - fucking ... pissed Poseidon off, or whatever. Big fucking ego.”
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frvyas · 4 years
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the frida kahlo room served as a transitory spot for most, to grab their drinks and then move on. two freshmen lingered, though, making their rounds from bowl to bowl, sampling each one, gradually losing balance, cross-eyed and all. “bets on who’s gonna go down face first tonight? personally, i’ve got my eye on the tall, lanky kid. he’s winced with every sip. definitely a lightweight,” freya ascertained, bringing her own cup of magenta to her lips. a tiny grimace followed, not yet used to its’ stringency -- might as well have been rubbing alcohol dyed purple. “twenty bucks he runs to the toilets or collapses. what’d you say?” @radopens​
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philcmena · 4 years
( @radopens​ )
philly hung from the mouth of the dinosaur model like she’d been crushed beneath its’ teeth, limbs sticking out from between tooth gaps like the bars of a cage - that’s what the mouth had felt like; a cage. it hadn’t been a particularly large exhibit - only eight feet tall - but she still had managed to find herself stuck between jaw. hardly minded it, though - felt natural, almost, like every time she’d gotten stuck on a tree’s branches. “hello,” she greeted a passerby, bent upside down - secure in the dinosaur’s mouth and narrowly avoiding tooth against spine, “it seems i’ve gotten very stuck. do you have a drink on you? i’m quite parched.”
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axclfms · 4 years
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                          she’s    inherited    a    pair    of    bright    red    sunglasses    from    whoever    left    them    for    her    in    the    bathroom,    the    blue    streak    of    paint    across    one    of    the    lens’    is    her    personal    touch.    it    matches    the    blue    that    resides    in    her    hair    from    when    her    entire    figure    had    been    outlined    on    one    of    the    canvases    in    the    pollock    room.    she’s    a    blur    of    golden    chaos    as    she    makes    her    way    through    room-to-room,    polishing    a    drink    and    leaving    a    bright    red    kiss    on    her    chosen    masterpiece    before    drifting    into    the    next    room.    she’s    refilling    a    red    cup    at    a    makeshift    bar,    behind    her    a    group    of    frat-like    boys    have    taken    campbell    soup    cans    and    have    turned    them    into    a    game    of    beer    pong.    she    takes    a    sip    of    her    drink,    turning    to    the    person    beside    her,    “  what    do    you    say    -  ”    she    tosses    a    look    over    her    shoulder,  before she looks back at them with a smile  ,     “  think    we    can    beat    chad,    brad    and    their    dad    in    a    game  ?    if    we    win,    i’ll    let    you    replace    my    tits    with    any    body    part    you    want    in    the    picasso    photobooth  .  ” @radopens​ 
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