#ruggie bucchi x sapphix laurentius
shrimplymoray · 7 months
I was told I could request more so….
Can I have a funny Ruggie x Sapphix story, about Ruggie (or Sapphix, either one is fine lol) getting jealous over her hanging out with someone?
Like i dunno what else to ask except for maybe more sea kelp content 😭
STARES INTESIVELY AT YOU If u request Sea Kelp i will cry, ily beeeeee/p Also, hope u don't mind me taking inspo from that one drawing u did full of Sapphix and Ruggie stuff!
Ruggie Bucchi x Sapphix Laurentius - Jealousy
Sapphix was excited to come see this years VDC. She had come to the last years one, but due to how... torublesome, it was, she was afraid to attend to one of the musical performances again. However, even though left and right she had to give her autographs, she was happy to see so many interesting researches and artistic renditions of the world. And she had the company of her favorite Hyena, to make it even more fun. "Shihihi did'ya see the price those dumbasses are paying for those snacks? I could make them for half the price and it would be thrice as better." "Oh I bet it! I still remember when you made me those donuts, what did you even put on it to make them so tasty?" "Chef's secret. Buuuut every secret can be paid to be spread..." "Oh shush it!" As the duo (couple? who knew at this point!) made their way around the stands, they found the... Mountain Lovers club? What even is this? "Oh no..." Ruggie said before the tall teal haired boy gave his soft and lowkey condenscending smile at Sapphix and his Hyena almost-boyfriend.
"Hello there Sapphix-san, Ruggie-san. Would you care to hear about my research?" "Hell no, we were just going to-" "I want to! These mushrooms look so adorable, is it about them?" "Wha- Hey! He is gonna try shoving them on ya or something, i've seen Jade do that before." Jade put his hand to his chest, and looked almost hurt, though his tone didn't seem to share that same sentiment. "Your words wound me profusely, Ruggie-san. I was merely trying to explain the intricacies of this mushroom species I've so carefully and effortly cultivated myself." "Aww look Ruggie, it looks like it has a little veil on it! Let's hear it, pleeease? I'll pay you some food in return."
Ruggie mumbled and grumbled about not wanting to, but accepted nonetheless, he was actually hungry and wanted something fancy for once. "Thank you for your attention. My name is Jade Leech,, Junior from class 3-E, and I am the founder of the Mountain Lovers club. My research is solely based on the phallus Indusiatus, or Veiled Lady mushroom. You see these species [...]" Sapphix kept intringuinly looking at the examples Jade cultivated, and inquiring him about the little mushrooms, which only helped to sour Ruggie's mood even more. He wasn't really the jealous type, usually. He was pretty confident that he could do whatever he wanted if he wasn't caught, but with Sapphix it was different. He didn't want to steal from her, or do something that would hurt her. He actually, genuinely, liked to be around her and to hear her laugh and see how she would smile so cutely at him. Seeing all this attention, he is used to only seeing being given to him, given to someone else... It actually hurt.
Ruggie didn't even noticed that his ears and tail were droopy, and that he had instinctively gotten closer to Sapphix. It was like an instinct, protect the mate or whatever. One who noticed, however, is Jade, he looked at Ruggie and smiled "Would you have any questions about the mushrooms, Ruggie-san?" "No, Sapphiiiiiix can we go now, i'm starving in here hearing him ramble" His glare was clear as day, however Jade didn't retort at all. "I do believe I've finished my presentation. Hope you have a great date." "Oh, btu we aren't-" "Yeah, thanks, bye forever or whatever" ruggie pushed sapphix away into a fancy food stall, still with a pout on his lips. The girl was not dumb, and she had noticed his jealousy, but all she did now was get near him and hug him, making him all flustered. "Hey Hey! What's that for?!" "Consider this my revenge from you playing spelldrive with Vil's pupil instead of Going out shopping with me" "Wha-DO YOU MEAN EPEL? YOU DID THIS ON PURPOSE?!!"
Ah yes my fave romance troupe: payback jealousy to the hyena boy. God I love ur ocs so much bee, hope u enjoy this!!
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