callsign-bunnie · 2 years
Gaz: Bro, I had a dream we fucked.
Rodolfo: Bro, relax it was just a dream.
Gaz: Huh, gay, I wouldn’t fuck you.
Rodolfo: You wouldn’t?
Gaz: I mean, unless you want to-
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callsign-bunnie · 9 months
im foaming at the mouth over the gazrudy thing GODDDDD i love rarepairs i literally Require more
It's not the camboys one, but here's some Gazrudy omega/omega! It's a little darker but you guys know who I am.
Warnings: rape/noncon, dark themes, explicit murder, domestic abuse
Rodolfo had broken another dish. His husband was going to be pissed. His hands had been shaking too hard to even stop himself, though. 
He’d been married for only five years. He was only 28 years old. His husband was 45. He hadn’t even gotten a sweet period, he’d only gotten the cruel part of it. He couldn’t remember if there was a single part of his marriage where he hadn’t been beaten for small things. 
He had had a suspicion of why he wasn’t allowed in the basement. 
For the last three years, his husband would scream at him, beat him if he even looked at the door. So, he’d gotten used to ignoring it. Now, though… he couldn’t. He squeezed his eyes shut as he sank to the floor, desperately trying to pick up every piece of the broken plate that he could, desperately trying not to think about exactly what is in the basement.
What was their name? How old were they? 
He had had his suspicions that his husband was cheating on him.
He’d come home to their bed smelling like another omega for a while. The scent was the exact same, a fresh rain that gave him the same sensation as sitting by a window while it stormed. It was a pleasant scent, he’d honestly liked it, even if it shattered his heart. Now, though? Now it sent it racing.
How long had they been down there? Were there others?
His husband had gotten too drunk two nights before. The door had been left open. Rodolfo hadn’t wanted to go down it, but he’d been able to hear the sobs. He’d stared at the opening for about ten minutes before finally going down the stairs. There, he’d been met with another omega, his leg chained to a wire frame bed.
It was cliche, it was from every psychological thriller, and Rodolfo had hysterically laughed because the image of the omega, dark skinned and bruised, had been exactly what he envisioned when he read books like that. 
The omega hadn’t seemed to notice him and Rodolfo’s laughing had broken into sobs before he was quick to drag himself back up the stairs, shutting the basement door and locking it again, so his husband would have no suspicion of him ever being there. He had pushed away bile as he later seduced his husband to keep him from going back down there.
He wished he’d been being cheated on.
Wincing as he sliced a finger on a broken piece of the plate. They were crystal plates, they were supposed to hold a dinner party that night. Did the people his husband knew know about the omega in the basement? Did they know that his husband was a monster? Did they know how he beat Rodolfo? Did they know?
Swallowing his dread, he finally finished picking up the pieces and stood, again, dumping the plate in the trash, before just staring at the pieces as they glittered and sparkled in the bright sterile LED kitchen lights, contrasted against the black trash bag they sat in. The plates were a wedding gift from his husband’s family, from his mother in law.
He hated those plates. She hated him, she knew his husband beat Rodolfo, but she smiled and didn’t care. Rodolfo’s own mother often told him that wives have to grin and bear abuse from their husband, if they wish to be comfortable. You married rich, Rodolfo, what were you expecting? 
As if she knew what he was going through, she was the aggressor in her own marriage. Rodolfo had watched her scream at and beat his own father, had watched her tell him how useless he was, how awful he was. 
Rodolfo wasn’t good enough for his mother in law and her precious baby boy, Wayne Smith. He was practically still breast feeding from her. 
He wanted to break another plate, but his husband oh so adored those plates. They were beautiful, they were pristine. And… they were beautiful. If not for what they were attached to, he would have loved them. He would have loved this entire house. 
His eyes glanced at the basement, again. He couldn’t get in, it had a padlock on it. Maybe he should have freed the omega, taken him and just ran but… Rodolfo was terrified. What if they were caught? And to call the police was an even worse idea. His husband was friends with them, they would never believe Rodolfo over him. No one would even come to check.
So, he put the lid back on the trash and returned to the sink, trying not to drop another plate.
Later, he stood by his husband as he made some big speech about work and working hard and being a hard worker. His husband was charming, he was charismatic, he knew how to say a lot which meant very little. Even still, everyone around the table clapped and Rodolfo wondered when the last time the omega in the basement had eaten was. 
Resisting the urge to recoil in fear and disgust as his husband wrapped his arm around Rodolfo’s waist was one of the hardest things he’d ever done, but he’d already been doing it for so many years that forcing himself to smile, big bright and plastic, came as naturally as waking up. He covered his face with a smile the same way he’d use his hand to shield the early morning sun, streaming in from the window.
Everyone stared up at his husband with awe and admiration and why shouldn’t they? They sat in a kitchen which had been photographed and placed in magazines, next to a wife who was still gorgeous and youthful and never nagged, eating food that came directly from recipes and classes by the best chefs in the world. His husband had achieved the dream, the goal.
Their eyes would barely glance over the bruises peeking from the neckline of a cocktail dress in a garish autumn orange that Rodolfo had not wanted, had hated. The omegas would smile with sympathy, the alphas would look away with shame, but did any of them help him? No.
Why should they?
“I saw the shards in the trash can.” His husband murmured into his neck that night, undoing the zipper on his dress. Rodolfo wasn’t scared, he had expected this treatment, he expected the hand around his neck, he expected the blows landed on his body, he expected the next morning where he had to hold a tissue to his lip that he’d accidentally reopened by forcing too wide of a smile as he lovingly kissed his husband on the cheek and told him to have a good day at work.
Now, he stood in front of the basement door, touching the lock on it. It was a padlock, it required a key. He didn’t have a key. His husband had the key. He bet it was on his keychain, too. He probably liked to look at it, remind himself what he kept down there. 
Rodolfo hated him. He wanted to scream at him, he wanted to break every perfect crystal dish in the house over his head, he wanted to break down into sobs and he wanted to die, he wanted to run, he wanted to scream again. 
Rodolfo couldn’t sleep. It’d been two weeks and every single day had left him guilty and more and more disgusted and afraid. If his husband’s eyes would shift to the basement door too many times, he’d force himself to go to him, rub over his shoulders and purr into his neck, beg his husband to touch him, to feel him.
He’d fight not to puke through the entire affair, wearing himself out in an attempt to wear his husband out, and sometimes it worked, but… it hadn’t that night. Because as soon as his husband thought Rodolfo had gone to sleep, he’d gotten out of bed and gone downstairs, and Rodolfo had heard the basement door open. 
Guilt ate him alive. He should have tried harder, but he was in pain, he was exhausted. His husband never made love, he brutalized, and Rodolfo had to take a lot of it to even get close, and he’d failed, and now someone else suffered for it.
Rodolfo wasn’t enough for his husband. No, no, his husband wanted more. He’d always want more, he craved violence and sadism like an addict needed heroin. He never would have enough unless someone was below him, begging and sobbing and pleading to no longer be hurt. 
Guilt ate him alive and sobs wracked his body, his mind tormenting him with images of what his husband might be doing to the other omega. If Rodolfo had only tried harder, his husband would have been satisfied and too tired to do anything else, but he’d failed. He’d failed and he would continue to fail, over and over.
He hated his husband.
Guilt turned to rage, and the sobs finally subsided. There was a little rod in his body, a wooden dowel, that kept his posture straight. It kept him prim and proper and pretty and smiling. It kept him in a good position while his husband tugged marinette strings above him, manipulating him, making sure he performed exactly how he was supposed to.
Those same strings yanked him from the bed, they swung his legs over the edge of it. He grasped the sheets when he was sitting up and he felt the little dowel rod in his body start to crack. Closing his eyes for a moment and reaching up to wipe his face, he stood and pulled on one of his many many silk robes. His husband didn’t want him being uncovered if he needed to be up at any point during the night, but what he covered with still had to be beautiful. 
Another garish orange color that he hated.
He knew how to keep his footsteps silent, he never knew what would set his husband off, and he did it with some thick socks, carefully padding down the massive staircase to where the kitchen, and the door to the basement, resided on the main floor. 
He pulled out the big knife in the knife’s block, he could never remember their names. Years and years of cooking classes, and it was the one thing he’d never committed to memory the names of the knives. He just knew this one was the big one, good for meat.
He really liked his knives, too. Black and beautiful, fitting with the neutral tones of the kitchen. Always sharp, he had them professionally sharpened. They had been sharpened that morning, in fact. 
So sharp that as he touched the tip to his finger, it immediately drew blood, which he was quick to lick off, nodding. Sharp enough, more than enough. 
The basement door hung slightly open, the stupid bastard likely not thinking Rodolfo would wake up and come to investigate. Of course, why would he? Rodolfo would be beaten if he did, so he wouldn’t have.
Rather, he was.
Or was it investigating if you knew exactly what you were coming down to see?
Grasping the knife in his hand, he went to the door and pulled it open more, knowing it was well oiled not to make a noise, since his husband wouldn’t want the squeak of a hinge to wake Rodolfo up in the night. He also knew that the boards to the stairs of the basement were well maintained, cement so they couldn’t squeak either. He kept every staircase, every floorboard so perfectly maintained. All of this work to hide it, just to forget to fucking lock the door when he got drunk.
Did his husband know what Rodolfo would do? Had this entire time… had his husband been secretly just as terrified of Rodolfo? Maybe he should have been.
Down the stairs, he could hear sobs. Begging from a broken voice, pleading. His heart ached, his stomach turned, and his eyes burned. So, the strings pulled him downstairs. They pulled him to a shittily lit basement where he got full view of his husband raping another omega.
The omega didn’t really fight him, Rodolfo didn’t blame him. There was no point, Wayne would take what he wanted regardless. That’s all he ever fucking did, was take and take and take and take. 
He didn’t make a fucking sound. All Rodolfo did was stare for a moment, pressing his eyes shut. His husband was loud in bed, snarling and telling whoever he was fucking to shut the fuck up, to take whatever he gave them. As he did now.
The strings walked him to right up behind his husband and then they pulled his hands above his head. He grasped the knife handle with both of them, gripping so tight his fingers ached, then he finally screamed as he brought the knife down, right into his husband’s neck. 
His husband’s entire body went stiff and then the strings were all being cut. He could practically feel the dowel rod as it slid from his body and he was quick to back up, gasping and staring at his hands as he did.
The omega was quick to scramble up the bed as his husband backed away and then slowly turned to look at Rodolfo, his eyes wide and full of shock. Rodolfo had never ever defied his husband. Not a single time. His husband had always had to get crafty in finding reasons to berate and beat him. 
His one and only act of defiance.
Wayne fell to his knees and reached up behind his neck, pulling the knife from it and blood sprayed from his neck, coating Rodolfo in the first bit of warmth he’d ever felt from the alpha. The knife dropped and then the alpha followed, slumping forward and falling onto the floor.
Now, it hit Rodolfo what he had done. His husband was dying.
Frantically, he dropped down and shoved his husband to his back, desperately pressing his hands to the hole in Wayne’s neck to try to staunch the bleeding. The sobs were back, breaking his body as he desperately tried to stop the bleeding. But, it was no use, as more blood just flowed from the back of his neck.
His husband’s eyes didn’t move from his own, even when the life clearly left them, even when his entire body slacked. Rodolfo had done that, he’d killed him.
He’d killed him.
Carefully, he stood, staring at the blood that coated up to his elbows. There was so much of it. Then, his eyes moved to the other omega, who stared at him, wide eyed. He knew why his husband had taken the omega, he was beautiful. Clearly young, bright eyed, with miles of dark skin and all legs. 
Rodolfo’s eyes moved between the omega and his husband, and then to his hands. He’d killed him, they were both free. Oh god, they were both free. He rushed to the omega, looking around on the chain that was on his ankle, seeing another key lock. 
So, he went to his husband’s body, digging around until he found the key chain. It was on a long lanyard, and Rodolfo knew exactly what it felt like to have it hit his back. He desperately searched around the keychain until he found a key small enough, unlocking the chain and then looking up at the omega. 
“What’s your name?” He asked before he could help himself, careful not to touch the omega so he wouldn’t be bloody. “How long have you been down here?”
The omega sat up, his hands trembling, and he looked down. “Kyle… I don’t know how long I’ve been here… It feels like years, but I think it’s only been a few months. There have been others, I replaced a different one that… that…” 
Rodolfo understood. He shouldn’t have tried to stop the bleeding. “When was the last thing you ate- time you ate.” He corrected, trying to work through everything trying to hit him everywhere at once. 
Kyle shook his head. “I don’t know.” He was clearly malnourished, so Rodolfo believed him.
“Come on.” Rodolfo very gently tugged him to stand, having to catch the much taller omega as he wobbled on his legs and then fell. Regardless, Rodolfo supported him, guiding him up the stairs and taking him to a bathroom, where he ran a bath and then left to put some food reheat in the oven.
Then, he went back upstairs, carefully washing the omega, who sort of slumped against the wall, his eyes seemingly having trouble staying open. “I’m sorry…” Rodolfo murmured. “I found out a few weeks ago, I should have stopped it then.”
Kyle shook his head. “I heard what he was doing to you… I could hear all of it… If you had, you might be dead…”
Rodolfo wasn’t sure he was wrong. Even still, he wished he had done something earlier. “I’m still sorry… I should have tried.”
Kyle didn’t say anything in response, so Rodolfo gently helped him out, got him a towel and then helped him down to the kitchen table, where he set the food in front of him. “I’m going to tell the police the truth. I found you in the basement and I killed him. They’re still going to put me in jail.” Rodolfo murmured. “But it’s okay. Do you have any family you can contact?”
Kyle looked up at him, clearly alarmed. “You can’t go to jail! You saved me, that’s not fair.”
“It’s how the law is.” Rodolfo shrugged, looking down at the table. “Do you have any family?” He repeated.
Kyle winced. “A father… and a brother. I don’t… my phone had their phone numbers. But… I’m guessing that is long gone.”
Rodolfo guessed he was probably right. “Do you know their names? I can search online, maybe find a facebook or a missing persons report or… something.” He murmured. “So you can go home and… I’ll take care of everything else. The police won’t come until I call them.”
Kyle shook his head. “I don’t… My dad’s a lawyer. He’s a really good lawyer, he’s never lost, maybe he could help? I don’t… want you to go to prison just for helping me…”
“I don’t think he can help. My husband was well loved.” Rodolfo shook his head, sighing. “I’m going to prison.”
“Let him try… please…” Kyle pleaded, taking Rodolfo’s hand. “You don’t deserve that.” His eyes were big, again, full of tears, and Rodolfo couldn’t help but drop his shoulders and give in. 
So, he did, looking down at their hands and nodding. “I’ll let him try…” He murmured. “If he’s a lawyer, it’ll be much easier to find him. I’ll just have to… search his name and find his firm.” 
Kyle nodded. “His name is John Price.”
John Price did more than try. In return for rescuing Kyle, who it was determined had been missing for an entire year, he pulled every string he had access to and he made everything just go away. The charges were immediately put into passion and defense of another, as Rodolfo was honest and just laid out the abuse, and how he’d found Kyle in the basement of the house and killed his husband to save him.
It turned out that John Price was even more respected than his husband had been so all John Price had to do was wave his hand and every single consequence just disappeared. Rodolfo still inherited everything from his husband, though not his life insurance for a few reasons. Rodolfo didn’t care about that, letting the company keep the money. He also gave Wayne’s family the house in exchange for them fucking off, though they mostly seemed content to pretend it never happened as it made big news.
Big rich business man keeping omegas in his basement…
For years, Wayne had tortured Rodolfo and then just made his own consequences disappear. The police wouldn’t believe him, none of his coworkers did, none of his friends. Rodolfo had had no way out. To do the same, to get away with his only act of defiance, his worst act of defiance…
It was empowering. 
Now, he was finding somewhere else to live, though Price had insisted Rodolfo stay with him and Kyle, and Kyle’s adopted brother Roach, until Rodolfo found somewhere. So, he was staying in Kyle’s room which was, ironically, in the basement. 
In fact, now Kyle was getting dressed for the day, and Rodolfo was trying very hard not to look at him. He felt horrible for the way the omega made him feel, though he didn’t really understand the feelings. Omegas shouldn’t feel that way towards other omegas… right?
But, as he glanced at Kyle, or Gaz as he’d been called by Price and his brother Roach, his eyes immediately moved to trace over the regrowing muscle in Gaz’s back, the now scarred over skin, and he wanted to touch him. But… he couldn’t do that.
His husband had already abused Gaz for his own sick lust, Rodolfo couldn’t continue to make Gaz the product of lust. 
So, he forced his eyes away, working on buttoning his own shirt. He was going to be looking at a few houses that day, having enough money from his husband that he could buy whatever he wanted. The problem was… he didn’t know what he wanted. He wanted somewhere that felt safe.
Preferably no basements.
Somewhere he could settle down and live the rest of his life in peace and silence. Price was going to help him set up an account to put his money into and then he could live off of the interest as income and he’d never have to work. This was fortunate as he had no working skills, his mother refusing to let him so he could grow up and marry rich.
He tensed, trying not to shiver as perpetually cold finger tips touched his arms and slid down them. The action caused his breath to catch in his throat and he was releasing it as hot air fanned over the side of his neck. “I wish you wouldn’t look away like that… You can look at me, I don’t mind…”
Gaz was anemic, due to his year in the basement. Rodolfo had heard him wake up screaming from nightmares, begging to be let go, begging for his father. Price was always dutifully there, too, holding him while he sobbed. 
Rodolfo was always petrified with guilt. He should have noticed, he should have looked earlier. Then, of course, his further inaction only had him feeling guiltier and guiltier. Sometimes, in the morning, he’d have to excuse himself to the bathroom so he could puke his guilt up, his body fighting to desperately purge the feeling. 
“I… I can’t… do that to you…” Rodolfo whispered, pressing his eyes shut as the guilt rose, again, threatening him with more bile and nausea. 
But, he was met with a soft whimper and then Gaz came around Rodolfo, looking down at him. “Why not? You’re not your husband, you’re not that monster.”
Rodolfo softened, looking down at his hands. He didn’t have a good excuse, maybe it was just the guilt and fear. Even still, it held his hands at his sides, and it kept his eyes from Gaz’s still bare chest. “I… I can’t.”
“Please…” Gaz begged and then he was taking Rodolfo’s hands, pulling them up to rest on his face. A soft rain washed over him and he melted into the scent, focusing on the feeling of Gaz’s skin under his hands, feeling his jaw and then his lips as he turned his face to press them to Rodolfo’s wrist.
They were soft, softer than his husband’s had been, though Rodolfo doubted he’d ever felt them past his teeth. Everything about Gaz was softer. His skin, his eyes, his voice. Rodolfo wanted to sink into it, and never leave. When Gaz prompted Rodolfo’s hands to move down to his neck, Rodolfo didn’t stop him, just continuing to feel him and feel the bones in his neck, in his collarbone, the softness in his chest and then Gaz let Rodolfo’s hands dropped. “Please.”
Rodolfo looked up, meeting Gaz’s eyes, again, and they were so big, they were so… so… desperate. He felt like he’d be committing an even worse offense by saying no… So, he didn’t. He gave in and nodded, gasping when Gaz’s mouth was on his own barely a moment later. Their lips slotted together in a way that Rodolfo had never experienced.
They were matched, no one was trying to dominate the other. This kiss didn’t make him feel like he had to fight to keep his head above the ways, kicking at hands that threatened to drag him down, that threatened to drown him. No, instead, he was laying on the surface of the water, feeling it gently sway him.
When Gaz pulled him back to the bed, Rodolfo didn’t resist to follow, just climbing onto it as Gaz laid back and finally broke the kiss, their eyes meeting again. Again, though, Rodolfo hesitated and Gaz made a soft sound, rolling them over before slotting their legs together and rolling his hips against Rodolfo’s.
Warm pleasure spread through his body, helped along by Gaz leaning down and kissing his neck. So, Rodolfo’s hands moved up and ran over Gaz’s body, desperate to touch every inch of skin that he could. It appeared Gaz was just as desperate, though, as his hands worked to unbutton Rodolfo’s shirt, again, and then hands were running over his chest, grasping as his softest places. 
Gaz continued to move their hips together, though both were quick to remove their pants as the pleasure soon just wasn’t enough and then Gaz’s fingers pressed inside Rodolfo, moving in a way that gave him a new pleasure he’d never experienced from an alpha. Gaz knew what he was doing, and it made sense. 
An omega would know how best to please another omega. 
Rodolfo returned the favor in the best way he could, having to squirm to reach. Thankfully, Gaz moved to help him, shifting so he was half raised above Rodolfo’s stomach, his hand behind him to keep working in and out of Rodolfo’s soaked hole. 
So, Rodolfo’s fingers sank into Gaz, and his heart thrummed as Gaz’s head fell back, a soft moan coming from the omega’s lips. This felt… right. There was no disgust from Gaz’s touch, no need to recoil and run away. He wanted this, he wanted it more than anything. 
He moved his hand in time with Gaz’s, keeping whatever tempo that Gaz set, and following his lead. It’d been established that Gaz, who had slept around before being taken, was far more experienced than Rodolfo, who was a virgin before meeting Wayne. Gaz had clearly taken that into consideration, because he would move if needed, showing Rodolfo where to touch, where to move, and keeping the lead.
As Rodolfo’s pleasure built into something white hot, his own movements became frantic, but it was okay because Gaz just started to roll his hips down onto Rodolfo’s hand, coaxing him. “It’s okay… Just give into it, let it crash over you…”
Rodolfo took a breath and did his best to relax before he was arching his back without meaning to, pushing his own fingers deeper into Gaz who’s body stuttered and slumped back for a moment, a soft whimper falling from him. 
Rodolfo was quick to take advantage of the new knowledge, arching again to push his fingers deeper and deeper before craning his hand, shoving them about as deep as he could manage. He brushed against Gaz’s back wall, just barely able to reach and then he pressed against the flesh that he could, eyes going wide at the reaction that caused.
Gaz cried with pleasure, his thighs shaking around Rodolfo, and then he was returning the favor, his own longer fingers managing to reach much deeper than Rodolfo could, kneading at Rodolfo’s back wall. The pleasure was overwhelming, taking over his entire body and forcing him to squeeze his eyes shut and bit his tongue to keep from screaming. 
Every muscle in his body trembled as Gaz kept up with the treatment, and he fought to reciprocate, continuing to knead into the flesh inside Gaz, who was now trembling in a similar way. Moments later, intense pleasure was crashing into Rodolfo in waves, while Gaz practically screamed and clenched around Rodolfo, his body jerking in an almost desperate fashion. 
Afterwards, the omegas collapsed into each other, Gaz squirming so he could bury his face in Rodolfo’s chest. “Do you know what just happened?”
Rodolfo had a bit of an idea. “I’ve… never had one before.” He mumbled, kind of embarrassed, and Gaz looked up at him, his expression soft. “Wayne never really cared about my side. Even in the beginning.”
“I care.” Gaz promised, resting his face on Rodolfo’s chest and looking up at him. “I fell in love with you when I watched you stand above your husband’s body.”
Rodolfo blushed and moved to look away, but Gaz stopped him, shaking his head. “Please don’t look away from me. It’s cold and lonely when you do…”
So, Rodolfo didn’t, instead moving to stroke his hand over Gaz’s hair and then down his back. He’d shaved all of his hair off, weeks after they returned to Price. He’d read some article about the memory of hair, and so he’d just shaved it off. 
Rodolfo was glad to see it was already growing back, though certainly not as fast as Rodolfo’s would have. Rodolfo had considered shaving his, but he didn’t think that style would work for him, even remotely, so he’d refrained. Instead, he’d gotten tattoos with Gaz, since his husband had always hated them. 
A phoenix on his side. 
He softened when Gaz fell asleep, and made the decision to cancel his appointments, not wanting to leave, anyway. He’d stay there until something crossed his path, with Gaz.
Rodolfo tilted his head back and laughed as Gaz made their poor housecat, or one of them, dance across the bed. Thankfully, Snowball (Gaz’s name) didn’t seem to mind. He was a massive fluffy spoiled cat, which they’d rescued from under a car.
A soft breeze streamed in through the open window, and he could smell the scent of honeysuckle bushes and their many many flowering fruit trees, still smelling wet from the rain, though the scent might be coming from Gaz, who always smelled strong when he was happy.
Rodolfo had found the property by complete accident, getting lost and driving by it, seeing the massive For Sale sign. The price had been hefty, but he hadn’t cared, paying in cash so they’d give it to him right away. He’d expected Gaz to want to stay with Price, but… no. Gaz had came with him, and they’d built the cottage on the property, staying with Price for the year it took for it to be done. They were building an outdoor bath and shower, meant to be made to use natural water sources, and their previous project had been a massive home for several large rabbits that both had fallen in love with at the pet store.
They’d worried about Snowball trying to eat them, but the minute he’d tried, one of them had whacked him on the head and he’d ended up crying for a while, and dominance had been established. Now, he was content to cuddle with the rabbits who were somehow close to his size, anyway.
The rabbits had an easy access to their house via an underground tunnel that Snowball had yet to figure out how to get into, so it wasn’t uncommon to see one of the rabbits randomly hopping around the cottage and curling up to nap in the sunny spots. 
Gaz finally let Snowball down and took his turn in the board game they were playing. He still woke up from nightmares, but he didn’t scream anymore. Instead, Rodolfo would be woken up to tears on his back or chest, and soft sobbing, which he was quick to soothe. Gaz seemed to take to Rodolfo singing when that happened, which Rodolfo would never fail to oblige. 
Roach often visited, in fact they were putting together plans for a small guest house for him and Price to use when they did, as Price also often visited. “We should have my dad over for dinner this weekend.” Gaz murmured, smiling. “I think he misses us.”
Rodolfo had no doubts the man did, seeing as he was often asking when both of them would come back and visit, insisting Gaz not leave Rodolfo behind. “I’ll cook something big.” Rodolfo agreed. “Or maybe just chicken mole since he eats so much of it every time I do.”
“He loves your cooking.” Gaz confirmed. That had been one of the first things Rodolfo had changed about himself, relearning his home country’s traditional dishes. Wayne had hated them, insisted Rodolfo cook American food, but Gaz appeared to love anything Rodolfo made. 
Rodolfo had already promised to host dinner for Christmas, and Price was apparently going to travel to find Rodolfo the biggest steamer pot he could find, and they’d built a big outdoor stove and oven so Rodolfo would have the space to do so. Price had a friend named Kate who had her own adopted children and an old childhood friend of Rodolfo’s had reached out after seeing his name on the news, so they’d have a decent amount of mouths to feed.
Rodolfo didn’t mind, he had never minded cooking for a large amount of people. There was no obligation, he could tell them all to go fuck themselves if he wanted, and so there was no pressure or fear. No guilt.
“Whatever you cook,” Gaz promised, touching Rodolfo’s hand, “he will love.”
Rodolfo relaxed, glad for that, and he quickly took his turn, before laughing as Gaz stole a kiss, before having to swat his hand away from stealing another game token. “That’s cheating!” He laughed.
Gaz pouted but didn’t try again. “I won’t cheat…” He mumbled, though Rodolfo could see the corners of his mouth rise. 
Rodolfo did still feel guilty for one thing. If he had never married Wayne, if Wayne had never taken Gaz… he’d never have this. He’d have never had Gaz. In a sick way, he was grateful, though he wished he could take the memories away from either of them. It was the only good thing that Wayne had ever given him. 
“You know, if you do plan to host more dinners…” Gaz started, chuckling. “We’re going to need more plates. We only have two, right now. Ceramic or glass?”
Rodolfo shook his head. “I don’t care, as long as it’s not Crystal.”
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callsign-bunnie · 1 year
gazrudy omega/omega for the betterment of the world my friend
This took longer than it should have and I will admit, a fair amount of it was worldbuilding. Yes, for a oneshot.
Rodolfo had been a camboy, a male omega sexual streamer, since he was 19 years old. He’d been struggling to pay his way through college and so a friend, Soap Mactavish, had gotten him into it. The friend was also an omega, and he had made a fuck ton of money doing “pleasure streams” where he essentially got paid to play with himself while lonely, horny alphas would watch and tip him.
Like Rodolfo had said, Soap made a ton of money. An absurd amount of money. So, Rodolfo had tried it. He’d apparently been exactly what a bunch of these alphas were looking for, because his first stream had secured him several “regulars” through the site he was using.
Then, that site shut down and left a lot of the streamers without work. So, Rodolfo and Soap had combined Soap’s computer science degree and Rodolfo’s business management degree and they’d started their own site.
They didn’t want to deal with employment laws or anything, so only they used the site, but they had had plenty of regulars, two of which actively fund Rodolfo and Soap’s individual lifestyles, so they had had enough revenue to keep going. 
Soap eventually moved away from streaming to just doing videos and he had even done personal meets with a couple of his regulars, now doing regular meetings and “sessions” with the aforementioned alpha, Ghost, that basically was Soap’s Sugar Daddy, and so Rodolfo was still the primary streamer.
Or, he had been. Then, Gaz came into his life. Rodolfo had wanted a bigger apartment, but he didn’t want to live alone, and he wasn’t quite ready to take the plunge and allow Alejandro, his regular, to become his Sugar Daddy, yet, so he would need someone to help him pay rent.
Gaz was, at first, a quiet and shy omega. Rodolfo had only needed someone to cover 1/3 of the rent, and he’d figured it’d be easier to find someone that way. Gaz was new to the area, a transfer from a different college, and apparently the luxury apartment that Rodolfo had chosen was a dream come true for him, which…
Well, Rodolfo wouldn’t brag but it definitely was a fantastic apartment. 
And, he was a pleasant omega. Gorgeous, Rodolfo would say, and fairly funny once he got used to you. He kept the two rooms he rented clean and while he didn’t cook much, he was very forthcoming in compliments when Rodolfo did. 
Well, Gaz had lost his job around six months into their living situation, and this was around the same time Soap had stopped streaming. A gap in the website had been opened and Gaz had came to Rodolfo and asked if he could start streaming as well and they’d came to the agreement that Rodolfo would just take his portion of rent from the revenue and give him the rest.
Gaz had been very popular, right off the bat, just like Rodolfo. He was tall for an omega, but he was, as Rodolfo had mentioned, gorgeous. All legs, smooth skin, and while he was a bit shy on camera, a lot of the viewers had eaten it up, calling it refreshing from Soap’s sultry personality. (Soap had had a few things to say, but he’d ultimately agreed that Rodolfo could play sultry enough for the both of them and that Gaz was a bit of a change. He had not appreciated Rodolfo’s challenge of him going back to streaming, though.)
They’d never streamed together, though. The other omega made Rodolfo feel odd things… He’d never been quite sure he wanted to cross that line, unsure he’d be able to come back from it.  
“Classes were awful.” Gaz groaned and plopped down on the couch beside Rodolfo, using a towel to try his hair. “I don’t know what bug has been up my professor’s asses, but with the exception of Price and Laswell… Ugh, I don’t even know. I’m sick of them.”
Rodolfo laughed, softly, amused with his roommate. He’d graduated a few months previous and wasn’t sure he wanted to pursue his master’s, yet. He knew the website couldn’t be his career, forever, but he doubted he needed a master’s as a landing pad. “I do not miss classes.”
Gaz snorted and slammed back into the couch, just wearing a towel. “What are we watching?”
Rodolfo shrugged, looking away before his head got distracted. “Something random. It was suggested on the front of the streaming site, so I just stuck it on. Honestly, it’s garbage, might as well be on the Lifetime channel.”
Gaz “ahhed” and then sighed. “I should do some classwork I have, but I think if I looked at it, I might throw my laptop across the room, so I think I might skip out, tonight.”
Most were shocked when Gaz was revealed to be more of a jock than an academic. He had fantastic grades, he was in the more advanced courses, and he placed a lot of emphasis on keeping his mind sharp, but Gaz was also head of the omega’s volleyball team, played co-ed football, and just, generally, seemed to prefer sports. 
Rodolfo laughed, again. “That laptop is important for making money, so maybe don’t put it in jeopardy of being broken?”
“That was my thinking.” Gaz smiled at him and then he shrugged. “So, no homework tonight.” 
Then, the other omega stretched out, closing his eyes and yawning softly. Rodolfo’s eyes immediately went over his limbs, following every inch of skin, and he grasped at the blanket he was under. He didn’t know what to call this, was it a crush? Whatever it was, it was on his last nerves and he needed to stop having to deal with it. “Let’s order dinner.” Gaz suddenly said, opening his eyes. This startled Rodolfo, so he quickly looked away. “Are you… okay?”
Rodolfo found himself blushing dark and he looked at the ceiling. “Yeah. I’m fine.” When he looked at Gaz, Gaz didn’t look convinced. “Anyway, you said let’s order dinner?”
“Yeah…” Gaz narrowed his eyes for a moment before shrugging and getting out his phone. “Our usual?”
“Yeah, sure.” Rodolfo nodded a bit, trying his best to turn back to the TV and focus on it. “Are you planning on streaming tonight?”
“No. I made enough off the last that I think i’m gonna take a break, tonight.” Gaz answered and set his phone down, again. “Why do you ask?”
“I don’t know.” He’d just been curious. “Just… was asking.”
Gaz “ahhed” and then they fell into an awkward silence. Rodolfo really needed to get a handle on himself. “Have you gotten any consistent regulars? I haven’t checked in on your streams, lately.” It was getting too much to handle.
“Yes, actually… A couple. One, I feel bad, but I think he’s trying to become like Ghost and Alejandro is to you and Soap. He’s very sweet, nice to talk to.” Gaz explained. “Hasn’t told me his name, yet.”
Funnily enough, Rodolfo wasn’t that jealous. It’s what made his feelings even more complicated. Because he wouldn’t be jealous if Gaz found an alpha like he or Soap had. He certainly would if Gaz got into an actual relationship, but not something like that. Soap and Ghost’s relationship did verge on romantic but… it wasn’t committed.
Rodolfo nodded a bit. “He sounds good. Spoils you, I presume?”
“Completely.” Gaz smiled. “I don’t know, he seems lonely, I… I feel like I’m taking advantage of him. How do you and Soap not feel bad about Ghost and Alejandro?”
“Fuck,” Rodolfo winced. Alejandro was complicated… Alejandro was a childhood best friend… He did feel bad. “I do feel bad. It’s why I’ve tried to back away from it. I don’t know how Soap does it… Well, I think he really likes Ghost, I think that’s how.”
Gaz frowned and then sighed. “I love doing this, but… it gets so complicated on my emotions. So many lines constantly get blurred… I don’t know where to set my boundaries and where to take them down.”
Rodolfo agreed that it could get really complicated. So insanely complicated. “Trust me, I get it.” He looked away from Gaz, again grasping at the blanket. When the food arrived, he took a breath and got up to go get it, handing Gaz his and then hesitating. “I think I’m going to go eat in room and then go to bed early.”
Gaz frowned and then looked disappointed before nodding. “Alright. Sleep well, Rudy.”
Rodolfo nodded and then went to his room, taking a deep breath. God, he needed to get a handle on himself. He shook it off and just turned something on the tv, trying desperately hard to get his mind off the other omega. Gaz was right, things got so overwhelmingly complicated.
With Soap, with Alejandro, and definitely with Gaz. He wanted a ton of things he couldn’t exactly have and it drove him mad. It didn’t feel fair, sometimes, how complicated things could get. He didn’t want to be dealing with all of these feelings… 
He made a frustrated sound and just focused on eating and whatever shit movie he’d put on. He fought his mind to keep it off of his roommate, and to keep himself from going out to the living room and opening a door he wasn’t sure he’d be able to close.
When he finished eating, he put his leftovers in the little mini fridge he kept in his room, so he wouldn’t have to leave his room, and just tried to settle into bed, tired anyway. It did cross his mind to stream, but… he really didn’t feel like it. 
He jumped when he heard his door start to open, quickly sitting up, and frowning when Gaz came into his room. “Gaz, I-”
Gaz didn’t give him a chance to speak, crossing the room and climbing onto the bed, his mouth immediately on Rodolfo’s. It startled and shocked Rodolfo, but he couldn’t find himself shoving the other omega away, either. 
Gaz’s hands were all over Rodolfo, clumsy but in a desperate way, not an inexperienced way. Rodolfo didn’t fight him when he was shoved down into the bed, and he just moved his hands to grasp at Gaz’s arms as he moved to kiss his neck, and Rodolfo keened up into him.
“I- What are you doing?” Rodolfo asked, almost not expecting to receive an answer.
Gaz shoved his hands up Rodolfo’s shirt, causing him to shiver as his cold skin touched Rodolfo’s always warm skin. However, then he paused. “I… I like you. I know you like me too, and I want… us to acknowledge that.”
Rodolfo flushed dark and he moved to be able to look at Gaz, easier, before touching his face and kissing him again. He softened when the other omega just melted and then his hands were touching all over him, again. 
Eventually, they found between his legs, thrusting under his panties and Rodolfo gasped as fingers pushed into him. He was already so slick and he whined as Gaz’s long fingers worked in and out of his body, gladly accepted by it. “Fuck, Gaz…” he moaned, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. 
Gaz purred and nuzzled into Rodolfo’s neck, biting and kissing over the skin that was there. “You’re so pretty…” It was almost whined into his skin. He flushed dark red as he felt Gaz grind into his thigh and he quickly scented him, gasping at the harsh bite he earned in response. 
Rodolfo arched his back as Gaz’s fingers shoved deeper inside him, digging his nails into Gaz’s back and grinding his hips against his hand. Finally, Gaz scented him in return and he just melted as the sensation of a hot summer rain filled his senses, moving so he could bite into Gaz’s shoulder.
Gaz continued to grind into his thigh, in time with his hand movements, and he moaned Rodolfo’s name, which had his stomach doing odd things, flipping and squeezing. Rodolfo continued to grasp onto him, rocking against his hand and shifting his hips so he could push his leg up against Gaz. Gaz’s movements stuttered a bit, before they seemed to pick up in intensity.
It wasn’t long and Rodolfo was tensing as he came, arching his back up and into Gaz. Gaz came shortly after him, his hips stuttering and jerking. “Fuck…” Gaz whined when he was done and then he moved to the side, hugging onto Rodolfo and nuzzling him. 
Rodolfo melted into the bed, panting softly, before turning and curling up into the other omega. “That’s certainly a way to acknowledge feelings.” He finally teased, softly. “Maybe a conversation, next time, corazón?”
“Maybe…” Gaz laughed, softly. “I didn’t hear you complaining.”
No, Rodolfo certainly hadn’t been. And he wasn’t, now. He yawned. “Sleep in here, tonight…” he murmured, nuzzling into the other’s chest. “Please.”
Gaz just nodded. “I will…” He murmured, and then Rodolfo heard his breathing slow as he, presumably, dozed off. So, Rodolfo joined him, smiling softly as he did so.
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Omegaverse: @arwenprinses @vergilnelosparda @del79jji @thisisthedarknessofmymind @stardust-medic99
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callsign-bunnie · 1 year
Hey uh…. Can i get a *incomprehensible mumbling before i lean closer to the speaker* i saw your succubi Rudy commercial where they mentioned you’re doing GazRudy? I want an order of that, spicy, with a side of fries please. Thanks
Of course! I wanted to write this so fucking bad-
Rodolfo was doing his best to relax. With everything going on, he’d admit that he felt rather useless. Alejandro didn’t need him and he and Ghost were still figuring out their dynamic that he couldn’t exactly seek him out for food.
Not that he needed food, anyway, since he wasn’t Fucking doing anything. This was frustrating. 
He understood why he couldn’t. It was hard enough on the people that Alejandro and Valeria would be there. 
Even still, he was frustrated. Whatever, he ignored it. Right now, he’d done everything he needed to. There were no missions to run. All of his paperwork was filled out. He had nothing to fucking do. So, he was sitting in his office and reading a book. 
He felt the person approach before they knocked on the doorframe. Sergeant Garrick. He looked up, seeing he was awkwardly standing in the doorway. “Hello, si- Rudy.” 
“Hi. Can I help you with anything?” Rodolfo nodded at Gaz. 
Gaz hesitated. “Hanging out with Ghost is um… kind of awkward. I was wanting to know if I could hang out in here?” 
Rodolfo raised an eyebrow and then leaned back in his chair. “Sure. I’m curious, why are you here and not with Price? You seem to follow him around like a puppy.”
“Price told me to stay.” Gaz turned dark red. “Something about it not being a good idea to be around Colonel Vargas too long?”
Rodolfo supposed that made sense. Poor Kid probably didn’t understand why, though. “I see. And Ghost has been left to keep an eye on you?”
“I think so.” Gaz nodded. 
Rodolfo knew that wasn’t true. Ghost had stayed behind because of his own effect on people. “I see. Well, spend all of the time you want to in here.”
“Thank you, s- Rudy.” He seemed to relax and then he was pulling out Rodolfo’s extra chair and sitting in it. 
Rodolfo smiled and then turned back to his book, squinting through his glasses at his book. 
“I didn’t know you wore glasses.” Gaz commented. 
Rodolfo shrugged, slightly. “Just for reading.” No, he didn’t. Being a succubi meant perfect vision. However, being 32 meant he probably would need to wear readers. It was a small detail that just helped him blend in more. 
“Oh.” Gaz nodded. 
Rodolfo started to pick up on a nervous energy coming from the kid and it kind of irritated him, slightly. Not towards Gaz, but it got him jittery. 
Especially since the anxious energy seemed to be spiraling. Again, he felt bad. The sergeant had been racing with it ever since he got there and while he definitely appeared to hide it, well, Rodolfo still felt bad for him. 
Rodolfo glanced up, looking for some kind of tell that Gaz was anxious, but he was giving nothing. He couldn’t just offer to help without an excuse. 
Then, he did notice Gaz was looking around the office, his eyes shifting around. He could work with boredom. 
Rodolfo sat up and then sat back in his chair, watching him. He set his book down, folding it closed. “Are you bored, Sergeant?”
Gaz looked at him and then appeared to blush. “Slightly. Sorry.”
“That’s alright.” Rodolfo noticed his shoulders slightly up. “You’re very tense.”
Gaz only appeared to blush darker and Rodolfo smiled, gently. He looked bashful. He did start to wonder if Gaz had a bit of a crush on him. It was natural, Rodolfo had a way of drawing men in. 
Soap had seemed to successfully ignore him but he had no doubt Ghost had already found a way to pull Soap in. 
Rodolfo stood and then went around Gaz, touching his shoulders, gently. Gaz appeared to almost flinch before he made a visible effort to relax. 
Rodolfo thought he was so sweet, able to see how flustered he was at Rodolfo touching him. Definitely a crush. “When was the last time you made an effort to relax?”
“Uh- uhm… a while.” Gaz nodded. Rodolfo realized this was not helping as Gaz only became more stressed! 
Rodolfo furrowed his brows and then sighed. Well, he could just use his energy. He did his best to soothe Gaz, rubbing his shoulders and watching him finally start to relax. “You should try to relax more.”
“No time.” Gaz admitted, furrowing his brows. “Price always has me busy on some mission.”
Rodolfo tsked. “I’ll have to scold him.”
“Oh, you don’t have to do that.” Gaz blushed dark. 
Rodolfo laughed, softly. “I’m teasing, don’t worry. You’re too sweet.”
Gaz only became more bashful. “Oh.” 
Rodolfo went back to gently massaging his shoulders. “Do you want me to help you relax more?”
Gaz paused. “How?”
“I have a few ways… I don’t think this massage is helping as well as I’d like it to…” Rodolfo murmured, gently. 
Gaz blushed. “What are they?”
“When was the last time someone took care of you?” Rodolfo asked, instead of responding. He kept his tone neutral, not wanting to startle Gaz. 
Gaz still was startled, nonetheless. Rodolfo felt bad again. He wondered if Gaz got this nervous around anyone else? He always seemed so sure with Price and while Rodolfo could see that he was almost permanently anxious, Rodolfo was starting to wonder if his presence was just making it worse. 
“Take care of me?” Gaz asked, his voice much quieter. 
Rodolfo tilted his head and then he went around Gaz, touching his chin and lifting it so Gaz was looking at him. “You know what I’m asking, Sergeant Garrick.”
Gaz blinked at him and then shy was rooting through him, coating Gaz’s skin. Rodolfo thought it was so cute. “It’s… been a while.” He mumbled.
“Poor thing.” Rodolfo shook his head. He tilted Gaz’s head up more and then leaned forward, kissing him sweetly. 
Gaz seemed to almost freeze before he was kissing back, almost feeling like he’d just melted. Rodolfo pulled away and ran his finger tips down the sides of Gaz’s neck. “Do you want me to change that?” Rodolfo asked.
Gaz had almost chased the kiss and he looked up at Rodolfo before nodding. “I would, Rudy.”
Rodolfo smiled. “Good. You’ll have to sit in my chair, it reclines back.”
“What??” Gaz immediately was up and over to Rodolfo’s desk chair. Rodolfo had to stifle his amusement as he watched Gaz immediately slam down into the chair, find the lever to recline it and put it all the way back. “Bloody hell, this is awesome! How did you guys get these?”
“Alejandro has a taste for comfort.” Rodolfo answered, watching him. Huh, he seemed completely at ease, now. If Rodolfo had known it would be that easy, he’d have shown him the chair earlier. 
Rodolfo shrugged and sat down, though he paused halfway when Gaz was suddenly up. “Wait- I still want to. If it’s on the table, that is.”
Rodolfo looked at him and then smiled. “I see.” He straightened back up and nodded. He met Gaz’s gaze as he went around the table and then he was standing in front of him. Gaz looked up at him with honest eyes. Rodolfo hadn’t been aware that was an expression, but it fit. 
He leaned down and pushed the chair to be reclined back and then he moved and straddled Gaz, having to slot his legs around the arms. They dug in slightly uncomfortably, but Rodolfo was used to it.
Rodolfo had decided that Gaz didn’t need to know the real use for the chairs and why Alejandro had bought them. 
Gaz watched him the entire time. When Rodolfo straddled him, his hands moved to Rodolfo’s hips, but Rodolfo shook his head. He reached behind his back and then materialized a strand of silk ribbon, leaning down and pushing Gaz’s hands behind his back, carefully tying them. 
Gaz was an even brighter red and Rodolfo could now see arousal coursing through his veins, bright red and warm. Rodolfo kissed him once he was done, soft and sweet. “Now, before we do anything, I have to show you something and if it changes your mind, you have to let me know, okay?”
Gaz frowned but nodded. “Okay…”
Rodolfo closed his eyes and then he revealed his true eyes, opening them and looking at Gaz. At first, there was surprise. Gaz’s eyes went wide and he almost flinched back. But then Rodolfo saw curiosity and awe bloom in Gaz’s chest as he almost squirmed to move closer and look at them. “Woah.” Gaz tilted his head. “How-”
Rodolfo pulled off his shirt and then rolled his shoulders, adjusting to his trueform. His wings fluttered behind his back before folding. “You can tell whoever you’d like. Either they won’t believe you, or they already know.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t tell anyone. I- Wow…” Gaz softened and relaxed back into the chair. “What are you?”
Rodolfo cringed. “Succubus.”
“Awesome.” Gaz half grinned. “Wait, does that-”
“I’m full. I don’t need to feed off of you, don’t worry.” Rodolfo shook his head, assuring the other. “You’re anxious, I want to help.”
Gaz paused and then relaxed, believing Rodolfo. “Okay. Good.” 
Rodolfo smiled and then carefully rolled his hips down against Gaz’s, smiling at the soft groan he earned. “Good boy.” 
Gaz bucked his hips up into Rodolfo’s and Rodolfo laughed. “Behave yourself.”
“I’m trying.” Gaz huffed but he did go still, biting the inside of his cheek. 
Rodolfo tilted his head and then reached down, cupping his jaw and then using his thumb to pull down Gaz’s lip. He chuckled, softly, at the fangs he saw. They were human, but they were almost adorable. “Well. I guess we can’t have you biting me, then, can we?” He didn’t want Gaz to drink his blood. That ran the risk of addiction. 
Gaz blushed. “No. I guess not.”
“That’s okay.” Rodolfo let his face go and finally got up, working his own jeans and boxers off. Then, he crouched down, making eye contact with Gaz as he undid the other’s jeans and started to work them down. Gaz swallowed and then anticipation was racing through him right alongside arousal. 
Gaz closed his eyes once Rodolfo had his jeans around his knees and then Rodolfo moved, again, and climbed back on top of him. “You’re so light.” Gaz commented.
Rodolfo fluttered his wings. “Don’t want to break the chair, cariño.”
“What does that mean?”
Rodolfo smiled. “I think it translates to sweetheart in English. Yes, I think that’s the closest term. It’s a term of endearment.”
“O-Oh.” Gaz was dark red and flustered again. Rodolfo liked that he had that effect on the other. He liked that he barely had to do anything and the other was flustered and shy. 
Gaz shifted his hips a little and then Rodolfo took the hint, lifting up and sinking down onto his cock. Gaz at first looked like he was going to stop him and Rodolfo saw a flash of concern, but then he was letting his head fall back and Rodolfo theorized it had to do with the fact that Rodolfo had kept his expression perfectly at ease.
“Do not worry, cariño.” Rodolfo murmured, rolling his hips carefully. “My body is made to please… I can take whatever is thrown at me, I promise.”
Gaz looked up at him, frowning. “But… you like it, too, right?”
Rodolfo almost melted at the sincerity that was there. Gaz was clearly so worried that Rodolfo didn’t receive pleasure from sex. “I do.” He promised, being honest. “Especially when I feed.”
“Okay… Good. I don’t want to do something that’s one-sided.” Gaz relaxed again. 
Rodolfo liked how sincere and open Gaz was. It was sweet and almost made Rodolfo feel special. “It’s not one-sided.” He promised.
Then, Rodolfo continued to move his hips, rolling them in a slow and even pace. Gaz didn’t make much noise, but his head fell back and his breathing stuttered occasionally. Rodolfo put his hand behind Gaz’s neck and lifted him up, kissing him carefully as he started to lift his hips as he rolled them. 
“Fuck…” Gaz breathed, moving his hips to meet Rodolfo.
Rodolfo decided not to scold him, letting him have the movement. He moved his mouth down to Gaz’s neck, kissing and biting carefully. Gaz moaned, finally, moving his head so Rodolfo had a better angle. 
Rodolfo gladly exploited it, making little marks and then kitten licking over them. “You’re so sweet…” He murmured. He finally let Gaz lay back, again, and then braced his hands on his chest. 
Rodolfo started to move faster, though he kept an even steady pace. Gaz’s head fell completely back as he was taller than the back of the chair, even with it completely reclined.
Rodolfo watched him and then reached up, carefully wrapping his hand around Gaz’s throat. Gaz just completely melted, lifting his head up to meet Rodolfo’s eyes before his head fell back again and he pushed his throat into Rodolfo’s hand. “Aww…” Rodolfo cooed and then started to murmur in Spanish, telling Gaz just how sweet he was, how pretty he was.
Gaz clearly didn’t understand it, but he went wild for it, moving his hips almost desperately to meet Rodolfo and pushing himself deeper into Rodolfo.
Rodolfo did have to moan a few times, putting his head down and abandoning the Spanish to instead start to ride Gaz harder and faster, flicking his wrist to silence the chair as it started to squeak. They did not need anyone’s attention right then.
Gaz moaned and moaned and Rodolfo could catch his name a few times. Rodolfo moved his hand back to Gaz’s chest, ignoring his soft whine of protest, and continued to ride him. 
“Fuck, I’m- I’m close.” Gaz moaned, after a moment, and Rodolfo smiled to himself. Okay, maybe he’d have a small snack. 
Rodolfo nodded. “Cum for me, cariño.” He murmured. He worried about making Gaz last too long, not wanting to break the human.
Gaz arched his back as he came, filling Rodolfo. Rodolfo continued to move, even once he was done, until he could feel his own orgasm building. Gaz whimpered but took it, not protesting.
When Rodolfo finally came, he slumped his shoulders and panted slightly, though he was already recovering. It’d been a long time since he was actually exhausted after sex. Even Gaz didn’t appear to be completely wiped, though he was clearly a lot more relaxed and a soft blissful haze had settled over Gaz’s brain. 
Rodolfo moved down and undid Gaz’s ties, making the ribbon disappear and then he carefully made the chair, and Gaz, sit up. “How do you feel?”
“Bloody fantastic.” Gaz half grinned. 
Rodolfo laughed, softly. “Good. I’m glad.” He considered and then looked at Gaz. “Meet me for a shower, later.” He said as he got up. 
“Okay.” Gaz didn’t even hesitate to answer, just eagerly nodding.
These two nerds have been bouncing around in my head for so long
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