#rucas 365
sand1128 · 5 years
Lucas & his oldest sing the perfect “Riley” song 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
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lucidite · 7 years
RVCA by seaside town
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mapotypo · 6 years
Ulises 31
Viví en el vientre de mi madre, en la casa de la abuela, en la casa de mis viejos, viví en una república en São Paulo, en un hostal en Paraty, en una hacienda del siglo pasado, en una Favela en Río de Janeiro, y en Pichi Ruca na Patagonia. Mis sentidos sintieron las mudanzas de la tierra. He sentido el calor intenso de un verano, el viento del otoño, el frío rompehuesos del invierno, he pisado la nieve, he sentido nada y al mismo tiempo todo. He aprendido a llegar a lugares a los que no me esperan, y he aprendido a despedirme, he aprendido de los maestros que me ha dado la vida por el espacio de tiempo que estos maestros me enseñaron de la vida. He reído como nunca y sonreído como siempre, he convertido lluvia en ríos y ríos en cascadas. He llorado de felicidad y de nostalgia. Saudade. Me he cumplido metas, y otras me las he pospuesto o las he dejado transformarse. He soñado en grande y por momentos me he vuelto esclavo de mis ambiciones. Me he enamorado abandonandome a mi, y me he enamorado abandonando al otro. He amado por segundos, he tatuado recuerdos en mi memoria, y me he refugiado en cuerpos gentiles. He agradecido por el día, por la noche, por un pan y por la vida. Me he enojado por lo injusto, por la soledad, por la falta de tabaco, y por la falsa seguridad que te da el dinero. Me he reencontrado y me he reperdido. Me alcanzó y me rescató, y al minuto siguiente me quedo en sombra. Me motivo. Me siento lejos de los que quiero, pero me siento cerca de donde debo ¿Donde debo de estar? He sido caminante, senderista y nómada, he sido Siervo sin Tierra, pero Siervo en procura de la prometida. Me llene de 365 dias mas y ahora es que lo entiendo...
Estoy viviendo.
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sand1128 · 7 years
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Lucas remembers his mom’s words of wisdom from “Not Goodbye”  
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sand1128 · 7 years
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Lucas has the boys "trained" already!! 🙊🤣
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sand1128 · 7 years
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Lucas loves to share pics of his family 😊
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sand1128 · 7 years
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Logan loves being a big brother.... at least for now.... 😆
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sand1128 · 7 years
Rucas 365: Michael Friar Arrives
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sand1128 · 7 years
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Meet Faith Babineux.... Zanessa's gorgeous daughter!!
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sand1128 · 7 years
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sand1128 · 7 years
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Farkle wishes Riley a Happy National Sister's Day!
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sand1128 · 7 years
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Uncle Zay can't wait for Michael's arrival!!
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sand1128 · 7 years
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Like Father.... Like Son
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sand1128 · 7 years
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Logan and Michael absolutely love when Uncle Zay teases their parents!! 😂😂😂😂
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sand1128 · 7 years
FanFic: Rucas- Not Your Father
Father’s Day was one of the worst days of the year as far as Lucas was concerned. No matter how old he got, it always brought forth memories of his dad.  Even though Lucas was a father himself (4x over!) he still felt like the scared young boy that he had been.
Riley desperately wished she and the kids could change his feelings about the day but after a failed attempt or two to replace his old memories with new ones, they stopped trying.
This year, Uncle Zay and Aunt Vanessa were picking the kids up to spend the day with them and their 3 offspring. Usually, Farkle and Smackle would take the kids for the day. Their 4 kids were best friends with the Friar 4 but Smackle surprised Farkle and the kids with a trip to NY. Their kids wanted to see where their parents grew up.
Normally up before the sun, Lucas allows himself to hang out in bed with his iPad. As he reads the latest MLB news, he can’t help but smile widely as the sounds of his family getting ready ring throughout the house.  Not for the first time, he wishes he could change his feelings about Father’s Day. Thankfully his wife and kids have accepted his feelings even if they don’t understand them.
Silence reigns a few minutes after the chaos and his heartbeat speeds up. He knows that silence means that his kids have left and his wife will be rejoining him. Part of him feels guilty for being excited at the thought of “Rucas” time. His kids are his world but he misses being able to spend time with his wife. His wife…. his heart skips a beat at the thought of her. He hopes that feeling never goes away…that he will always remember how lucky he is.
His breath catches as Riley enters the room, wearing one of his old t-shirts, her hair in a messy updo and one of her trademark megawatt smiles. This is one of his absolute favorite looks of hers. His absolute favorite? Has resulted in 4 kids.  🙊 
He lifts the sheets so she can climb under. She immediately scoots over until she is wrapped in his arms, head on his chest.
“The kids wanted me to tell you that they love you and they hope you have a good day,” Riley whispers as she raises her head to look at him.
Lucas closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. He is disappointed in himself.  At a minimum, he should have gotten up to see them this morning. His arms tighten around Riley but when he starts to speak, she covers his mouth with her fingers. He looks at her quizzically.
“Please let me say what I need to and then you can speak, OK?” She waits for his nod of approval
Staring into his eyes, she begins “Lucas… there is so much that goes into being a dad. Things that your dad failed at… but you do them and more without any thought. The kids and I are ALWAYS your priority. We never want for anything and we know that there isn’t anything you wouldn’t do for us.” Lucas closes his eyes and Riley pauses until he opens them again. She wants him to see everything she is trying to convey “Every day I thank the universe for that morning on the subway. Not only are you the love of my life but I couldn’t ask for a better father for our kids.
Our kids know that they are loved, no matter what else is going on in our lives, they know that they are our world. They know that no matter what happens… no matter what they have done wrong? They can still come to us. While we might get angry or be disappointed in them- they know that nothing will change our love. The kids know that you would sacrifice anything and everything to protect them.” Riley hopes she is getting through to him. “Do you remember what it was like when your dad came home for the day?“
Lucas nods his head and quietly replies "Yes. I used to get nauseous… I would wait for him to snap. I’d always keep a close eye on my mom because I was afraid of what he would do to her.”
“You told me that you felt helpless during those times. That you worried that you wouldn’t be able to protect your mom.”
“I used to worry all the time.”
“Lucas, my love, our kids have never had that worry. They have never had to worry about protecting me from you. They know that you would never hurt me…hurt them”
“Hurting you would kill me. I promised to love you forever and that’s one promise I fully intend to keep.” Lucas covers his tattoo with his right hand and holds Riley’s hand in his left. He stares into her eyes as his thumb caresses her hand “you and the kids are my whole world” he leans forward and gives her a gentle kiss.
“And you are ours.” She echoes as she kisses him in return.
“Do you remember what you said to me after we got back together in college?”
“I promised to always be your hero”
“And you are. You’ve always been our hero. I can hear the awe in their voices when they talk about what you’ve said & done. The excitement on their faces when they tell their friends about what you’ve done at work or what you have done with the kids. What I’m about to tell you has to stay between us ok? No Texas Lucas… promise?!”
“Really? How am I supposed to promise that?” Lucas asks with his eyebrow raised.
“By trusting me…. I wouldn’t ask you to make that promise unless I was 10,000% sure he isn’t necessary.��� Riley replies with a smirk as she reaches up and soothes his brow.
“True, true. All right, princess, I promise.”
“I overheard Emily Ann tell Jared that if he wants to marry her some day? He must be at least ½ the man her daddy is. That she doesn’t expect anyone to be just like her daddy because in her eyes? She knows that no one will measure up to him.”
Lucas is stunned into silence…his heart beating rapidly as he silently thanks his Maker for giving him this life & the woman he is privileged to call his wife. He knows, has always known, that he is the man that he is because of her. She is the reason he wants to be a better man. The reason he wakes every morning. The reason he exists.
Silently, he leans forward and kisses her with everything he has. After a few minutes when breathing has become a necessity, he leans his forehead on hers and quietly says “I love you, Mrs. Friar. I didn’t know it was possible to love someone as much as I love you & our children. I don’t know that I can express to you how I feel…. you all are my reason for being.”
“I love you, Mr. Friar. Every day I fall a little more than the day before. Flaws and all you are the perfect man for me. The perfect husband. The perfect dad. Together there isn’t anything we can’t do.”
“Let’s call uncle Zay and go spend some time with our children. I’m ready to celebrate Father’s Day.” Lucas announces with a smile.
Riley’s grin reaches from ear to ear. As she rolls over to stand up, Lucas pulls her back into his arms for another kiss. After a few minutes, he winks at her and tells her “Emily Ann is way, way too young to even think of the word marriage. I told you- she’s not dating until she’s 40!”
Riley chuckles as they get out of the bed…” You know she and Jared have been dating since she’s 15”
“I know but it’s not funny Riley. The deal was when she was 40…. 4-0…. 40. Hmmm…. perhaps I need to start chasing Jared with his boot….” Lucas looks at Riley with a mock scowl.
“Relax MadDog… we like Jared. He passed your test…just like you passed my dad’s.”
“I know but…”
“But nothing Lucas. She’s only 18…. she’s not getting married tomorrow.”
In a move that would have made his father in law proud, Lucas clutches his chest and gasps. “Don’t talk about my baby and married in the same sentence!”
Riley giggles and Lucas feels 10 feet tall. He walks over to her and wraps her in his arms once again.
“As a wise man once said, “Believe me, I know the story.” I have to admit that he looks at her like I look at you.”
“And how’s that?”
“Like I have won the greatest prize in the world. I love you Ri.”
“I love you too. I think we have both won the greatest prize in the world.” Riley pulls his face to hers for another kiss.
After a few minutes of silence, Riley steps back from Lucas and walks back to the bed “You know, Zay isn’t expecting us. So why don’t we take advantage of that and enjoy a little Rucas time?” Before she can finish the question, Lucas has stripped down and pulled her back into their bed. 😈 
                   Zay hangs up the phone and turns to the kids “As soon as you guys are done with dinner, we are going to meet your parents for ice cream.”
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sand1128 · 7 years
Rucas 365: Security Tape
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A/N: Special thanks to @rucadora for creating these black & white GIFs for me! 
Love it when everyone banters with each other…Zay and his mouth- double trouble!!!  
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