#rtc fans you shall be fed today
liennalei · 2 years
What ruins the RTC revival
So i’ve been brainrotting over RTC these last weeks and. watched both bootlegs. while the original holds a dear place in my heart, the revival simply isnt as good. So Im going to rewatch it and write down the reasons why. 
AN: please watch the show before reading this. it wont make sense otherwise.
Also. R! is used to talk about the revival character. Likewise, O! is used to talk about the original character. Cause holy shit they are completely different characters.
1. Humanoid Karnak. i refuse to elaborate. 
2. “Virgil shall play— the bass”. I loved that delivery, and now it’s gone
3. When explaining the rules about the armrest, Karnak goes a bit too fast, which ruins the comedy for me
4. “I assure you, none of the calls you are about to receive will have life altering consequences (pause. looks down) except for one of you”. THE PAUSE IS GONE. THE PAUSE WAS WHAT MADE IT FUNNY.
I will elaborate. In the original version, the choir is on the other side of the stage, facing backwards, and only face the public when dead. This helps establish that the stage is the afterlife. THIS VERSION DOESNT DO THAT. 
6. R!Mischa looks old. The entire cast looks old, but R!Mischa looks like a 40 year old. Thats a grown ass man sir.
7. No Penny foreshadowing in the newspaper.
8. The segment of "something doesnt feel quite right–" is gone. I loved that segment. I feel its fundamental to introducing us to the characters.
9. No friendly banter between Ocean and Noel during the song :(
10. RICKY ISNT SUPPOSED TO SING YET. Even if hes already dead, the others arent supposed to know he can already talk.
11. On the subject of R!Ricky. The crutches are gone. What the fuck. I know why but i hate why.
12. R!Ocean is the one asking "where are we?". And its not scared, its not confused, its just... a question. O!Constance's delivery is far better.
I hate this delivery. R!Ocean's "Democracy rocks!" was perfect: preppy, upbeat... this singy-songy democracy rocks sucks. O!Ocean wouldve never.
14. I hate R!Ocean. I refuse to elaborate.
Sike! I will. She's doesnt look the "overachiever golden girl" part. I dont mean her looks, i mean her attitude– she seems normal. She seems like a normal girl, shes not even half as annoying! Thats what made O!Ocean great– her being annoying yet lovable!
15. Mischa doesnt grab his crotch :(
Okay i must elaborate. The crotch grabbing may seem weird but its part of the gangsta persona. The psoture this Mischa adopts is simply... not it.
16. That was emasculating...
After the "i am naked child in the wilderness" introduction, O!Mischa says "that was whack". Not emasculating. Hes surprised that hes said that, but he doesnt say that it doesnt represent him. He knows he is vulnerable, and he embraces it. R!Mischa seems embarrassed of this side of him. WHICH IS NOT MY DEAR MISCHA.
17. Instead of giving the discourse, Ricky simply says "Level up". There is no character.
18. On the topic. The choir realises he can speak only now. There is no "The twilight zone" moment, no "It certainly appears that way. Badass" moment. Fuck this.
Sidenote: we're at the 13 min mark
19. R!Jane Doe is less autistic coded. Shes just creepy. Inherently bad.
20. "Playing games where people"s lives are on the table is
Super illegal"
This delivery makes no sense. Why would she say it like that. Why would she move her hips alongside that line.
21. This monologue's delivery is shit. It reads like a comedic monologue, and not a "debate team" monologue.
22. The improv thing. Why would you add that. I mean i know why but why.
23. "IT TAKES TWO WINGS TO FLY–" R!Ocean is a theatre kid in the bad way. O!Ocean was a debate team kid. O!Ocean was better and more in line with the character
24. Instead of singing the "Oh nooOOOooO" she says "Nope. Nope." Why. Oh, I know why!
25. This Ocean can't sing. Im sorry. No offence, but this actress isn't fit for this role. Her voice doesnt adjust to Ocean's registry.
26. Instead of the euphoric "WHAT A RUSH" we get a full of soberbia "What a rush~". R!Ocean is meaner.
I have to note R!Constance is one of the few good things in here. Her delivery is great and her dialogue is good.
27. "And then i got to get on that ride. Thanks" got replaced with a line that makes Ricky seem like an incel
Okay i know that ricky IS horny but hes NOT an incel. "No one wants to make out with the tambourine guy". O!Ricky wouldnt complain about that. He complained about riding the cyclone and DYING.
28. Instead of trying to get a hug, Jane tries to offer up her doll. I just loved that part :( it gives her character.
R!Noel is also good. Not as good as O!Noel, but good. The nativity scene is awkward, but it fits. So im not counting that.
And the transition from Noel to Monique is amazing.
29. But, as much as I like this Noel's acting... the singing is mediocre. It sounds like a karaoke performance. It looks like a karaoke performance. It feels like a karaoke performance.
Its been half an hour. I need help.
31. The dance during "THAT FUCKED UP GIIIIIIIIIIRL" changes and its worse.
32. Again, I hate R!Ocean
33. Every Story's Got a Lesson. Again, she cant sing.
34. The porno bit is gone. It gave Ricky some depth.
35. The Saw V bit is gone too. It was so funny :(
36. The improv thing..... sucks. Constance lets to, and she is supposed to be the restrained girl until her song. It breaks the character. It ruins the surprise.
37. The transition to Mischa's turn is rough as fuck
38. Mischa's backstory here makes him seem like an asshole. The original was this sad story, this one is just angry. Its reductive.
39. He says "Mostly positive feedback" as a bad thing, says it /neg. Doubting. O!Mischa was amazed, loving, said it /pos.
40. It was HILARIOUS when he said "Good for hot dog (raises index, as in "1"), but not so good for Ukraine (raises middle finger too, as in "2") so THANK YOU FOR KILLING MY MOTHER (leaves middle finger up)". GUESS WHAT. THATS GONE AS WELL.
41. The pause before "Autotune will never die" is gone too
42. To put it simply, R!Mischa didnt slay. O!Mischa slayed.
43. Why does Ricky have a box in his head. What the fuck. I know why but why.
44. It takes too fucking long for Mischa to get his. Uh. Thingy around the waist (fajín in spanish).
45. The Talia projection on the sheet/skirts is bad. Im sorry. Its just bad. Not as creative, not as perfectly-timed...
46. I miss the bit where Talia appears in Mischa's chest. As if it were his heart. It was so emotional yo
47. The dubstep part is not as good. I loved the circle with the fortnite dance.
48. Mischa is off tune by the end of the song
50. The transition to Ricky is shit. Its just "yo why dont you go next"
51. R!Ricky not smooth. Ocean is weak to her knees for no reason.
52. The backstory changes for no reason???? Hes not disabled he just wont speak????? There truly was no need.
I'll admit it: this man Can Dance
54. R!Ricky is less autistic coded. Hes just WEIRD. Inherently bad.
55. The space jesus line is delivered badly
56. R!Jane Doe doesnt fly.
Thats my only complaint, and its justifiable. R!Jane Doe is one of the few things done right here.
57. The New Birthday Song is less awkward in the beginning. Less like theyre making it up on the spot and more like they all knew it already.
58. I just realised the bit of LOVE CONQUERS ALL IS GONE.
59. Retroactively, NO PART OF "DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT WOULDVE HAPPENED IF TALIA AND MISCHA HAD MET?" . That was so poetic,,,,,, and now its gone,,,,,,
60. Ocean's breakdown isnt much of a breakdown.
R!Constance. Wow. I love her. She is the only other good thing in here.
61. I HATE R!Ocean
62. R!Ocean doesnt elaborate on why it shouldnt be her. She isnt self aware as the original.
63. The final montage doesnt show us her entire life. Sure, it shows her POV, but theres no old Penny.
64. Karnak breaks and talks normally afterwards.
65. They dont smile profoundly as they disappear. Thats the saddest change.
My final thoughts
It is a great show. This is not a decent show. Most of the songs sound off, except for Sugar Cloud and The Ballad of Jane Doe, and the acting is mediocre at best. 
Maybe it’s not as bad. Maybe the original is so good that it simply can’t measure up to it. 
Heck, maybe i’m conditioned after having watched it thousands of times.  Hate and love are two sides of the same coin: perhaps, had i not loved the original so much, i wouldn’t have hated this rendition as profusely. 
Regardless, I did not like the Blue Bridge version. 
Your lucky number is 7. Be sure to Ride the Cyclone. 
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