#rt sora
random-tail · 4 months
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MerMay Sora.
I couldn't think of a background but I think the simplicity of it let's her glow stand out more. I have a little drabble to go with it that I might share latter.
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imasallstars · 3 months
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The June 2024 Shiny Party event has started! Clear various missions in order to obtain various tokens to exchange for luxurious rewards!
Login for ONE/TWO/THREE/FOUR/FIVE DAYS within the duration
Exchange items TEN/TWENTY/THIRTY times
Produce illumination STARS/L'Antica/HO-KU-RA CLIMAX GIRLS/ALSTROEMERIA/STRAYLIGHT/noctchill/SHiis/CoMETIK one time
Clear 1/3/5/10/20/30 LESSONS while in the PRODUCE MODE
Create a FES IDOL with over 600/700 STAT in their VOCAL/DANCE/VISUAL stat
Play the CHALLENGE TOUR 1/3/5/10 times
Clear 10~300 STAMINA
Play Tokosaki no Niwa/Babel City Grace/Hanamuke no Hanakotoba/Arittake no Kagayaki de (Auto/Skip okay)
Clear Tokosaki no Niwa/Babel City Grace/Hanamuke no Hanakotoba/Arittake no Kagayaki de (normal play only)
Achieve a FULL COMBO on Tokosaki no Niwa/Babel City Grace/Hanamuke no Hanakotoba/Arittake no Kagayaki de (normal play only)
Clear Bokura dake no Mirai no Sora/NEO THEORY FANTASY/HAREBARE!!/HIKARI no destination with a SCORE RANK of C/B/A/S/SS (normal play only)
Clear 3/5 songs with FULL COMBO (normal play only)
Clear a LIVE with over 1000/15000/2000 LIFE (normal play only)
Clear a LIVE with over 300/500/700 COMBO (normal play only)
Train up a SUPPORT CARD until Level 10/20/50
Achieve MASTER TRAINING with a Support Card 1 TIME
AWAKEN a Produce card 1/3/5 TIMES
The missions are available until June 30th 20:59 JST!
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manofmanymons · 8 months
You got any ships that'd have people side eying you?
Uuuuuuh out of any fandom ever? Short answer: yes.
Long answer: it's a little complicated what I would define as a ship for me bc when it comes to ships I actively ship and actually think should kith I have incredibly few. But when it comes to ships where someone else will be like "these two are cute together" and I'll go "yeah I see it" and maybe rt/rb a post about them it's like...almost any ship. Y'all have watched me write hcs for almost every mix and match combination of almost every character in Survive even though I have like,,,two ships from that game. And also what some people consider side eye worthy is different from what I do.
Like,,,for example, I know I've said it before, but I don't think human x digimon ships are inherently weird. I think it varies on a partner-to-partner basis. I've seen a lot of people in gg fandom ship Ruli and Angoramon or Kiyo and Jellymon and...yeah I think that's fine. But no one ships Hiro and Gammamon because that would be weird. And I don't think I really have to explain what the difference there is. But I know for some people it's just a hard no across the board lmao.
Probably the only ship I actively ship rn that people think is weird is, for reasons I will never understand, ThomAya. For those of you not in Genshin fandom they're just a classic cute longtime best friends to lovers ship that some people unironically think is incest because Ayaka told one person one time that Thoma is kind of like a second brother to her. These same people will turn around and ship him with her actual brother tho which...what? Like if you actually think they're related or whatever how would that not, in your eyes, also make him related to her brother I DON'T UNDERSTAND YOU PEOPLE. I digress.
OH OH OH NOT TO KEEP GENSHINNING BUT FUN FACT I totally got canceled on twitter for shipping kaether back when it was implied but not explicitly confirmed yet that Aether's an adult so the "Traveler is literally minor-coded" crowd came for my ass. I tragically got blocked by one of my only mutuals who liked Digimon back then over that shit lakfdjak. Like sorry for assuming a character who had "seen the birth and death of stars" but is kinda short was at least 18. I was right though.
I know a lot of my KH ships are side eye worthy because they'll be between characters who have literally never met (i.e. most mix and match combos of the characters who are Nobodies of or replicas of or the embodiment of darkness extracted from the other major characters). Some of them are between characters who, despite literally having entire arcs dedicated to establishing that they are NOT the same person, people will still point at and call self-cest. (i.e. shipping Roxas with Sora or Xion). So again I genuinely don't think they're weird, but I know other people do.
I've seen people say it's weird to ship Pao-Lin and Lara in Tiger & Bunny because of their "age difference." They are 16 and 14. Sue me.
Here's a special segment for things I shipped in middle and high school that no one thought was weird back then but would DEFINITELY get a side eye in 2024.
I was a sebaciel shippper when I was like,,,12. Would I still ship it today? Probably no. But hey it was 2013 and I'm pretty sure the show WANTED you to ship them.
Almost any hetalia ship. I am not even joking, almost every character in that entire show was related somehow or another. It was like 2015. I was not immune to smashing pretty characters together and shouting "now kiss." I also was not doing deep dives into whether or not the immortal personifications of countries were technically related or had age gaps, I'm sorry.
Totally shipped Yoichi and Gekkouin from OnS. I mean my main ship was kimiyoi but multishippping is real. To be honest it was just a classic case of being a teenager and shipping the character I related to with the character I thought was hot. It was not any deeper than that.
TLDR: if any of y'all do now or ever have shipped anything weird, I'm not gonna judge you for it. I literally do not have the right to.
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michm-law · 7 months
Spouses EDUARDO AND ELSA VERSOLA , petitioner,
C.A et.al and Victoria Ong , respondents
This case started from a loan transaction between private respondent Dr. Victoria T. Ong Oh and a certain Dolores Ledesma, wherein the former granted a P1,000,000.00 loan to the latter. As a security for said loan, Ledesma issued to private respondent a check for the same amount dated 10 February 1993 and promised to execute a deed of real estate mortgage over her house and lot located at Tandang Sora, Quezon City, covered by Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) No. RT-51142. The execution of the deed of real estate mortgage did not materialize, but Ledesma delivered the owner's duplicate copy of the TCT No. RT-51142 to private respondent.
Thereafter, Ledesma sold the said house and lot to petitioners for P2,500,000.00. Petitioners paid Ledesma P1,000,000.00 as downpayment, with the remaining balance of P1,500,000.00 to be paid in monthly installments of P75,000.002 starting 15 March 1993. Even before the monthly installments became due, Ledesma already asked petitioners to pay the remaining balance of P1,500,000.00. Petitioners, however, were only able to pay the amount of P50,000.00 to Ledesma. To raise the full amount that Ledesma demanded, petitioners applied for a loan with Asiatrust Bank, Inc. (Asiatrust) in the amount of P2,000,000.00. In the course of the application for said loan, petitioners, private respondent, and Ledesma convened with Asiatrust to arrive at a scheme to settle the obligation of Ledesma to private respondent and the obligation of petitioners to Ledesma. After the meeting, the following agreement3 was arrived at: (1) private respondent would grant Ledesma an additional loan of P450,000.00, making the latter's loan from the former amount to P1,450,000.00 (the amount of P1,450,000.00 would then be credited to petitioners as full settlement of the purchase price of the property); (2) Ledesma would execute a Deed of Sale transferring ownership over her house and lot, covered by TCT No. RT-51142, to petitioners; (3) private respondent would then deliver the duplicate copy of TCT No. RT-51142 to Asiatrust; (4) once petitioners had secured a title to the said house and lot in their names, they would execute a real estate mortgage over it in favor of Asiatrust to secure their loan of P2,000,000.00; and (5) Asiatrust would then grant a loan of P2,000,000.00 to petitioners with a written guarantee that the P1,500,000.00 would be given directly by Asiatrust to private respondent after the mortgage lien of Asiatrust would have been annotated on the titl55e of the said property.
In keeping with the foregoing agreement, private respondent granted Ledesma an additional loan of P450,000.00. Ledesma, in turn, executed a Deed of Sale transferring the title of the subject property to petitioners. Private respondent then delivered the title of the said property to Asiatrust. The Deed of Sale was registered and TCT No. RT-51142 in the name of Ledesma was cancelled and a new one, TCT No. 83104, was issued in the names of petitioners. Thereafter, Asiatrust approved the loan application of petitioners, after which the latter issued a check in the amount of P1,500,000.00 to private respondent. However, when Asiatrust tried to register the Real Estate Mortgage covering the subject property executed in its favor by petitioners, it discovered a notice of levy on execution was annotated on the title in connection with Ledesma's obligation to a certain Miladay's Jewels, Inc., in the amount of P214,284.00. Because of this annotated encumbrance, Asiatrust did not register said Real Estate Mortgage and refused to release the P2,000,000.00 loan of petitioners. When private respondent presented Ledesma's check for payment, the same was dishonored for the reason that the account was already closed. Subsequently, when private respondent presented for payment the check issued by petitioners, the said check was likewise dishonored because there was a stop payment order. With the dishonor of the checks and with Asiatrust's refusal to release the P2,000,000.00 loan of petitioners, private respondent came away empty-handed as she did not receive payment for the P1,500,000.00 loan she granted to Ledesma that was assumed by petitioners. As a result, private respondent filed a Complaint for Sum of Money against Ledesma, petitioners, and Asiatrust before the RTC, Branch 217, Quezon City, 
After trial, the RTC, in a Decision dated 31 May 1996, rendered a verdict in favor of private respondent and against petitioners.
It was appealed to the Court of Appeals and it was Modified .
No appeal having been filed, the foregoing Decision attained finality.
The issue in the main is whether or not petitioners timely raised and proved that their property is exempt from execution.
Held ;
The Court DENIED the petition and The judgment of the Court of Appeals dismissing the petition in CA-G.R. SP No. 79300, for lack of merit, is hereby AFFIRMED. Costs against petitioners.
While it is true that the family home is constituted on a house and lot from the time it is occupied as a family residence and is exempt from execution or forced sale under Article 153 of the Family Code, such claim for exemption should be set up and proved to the Sheriff before the sale of the property at public auction. Failure to do so would estop the party from later claiming the exemption.
The petitioner failed to timely raised and proved that their property was their family home for assuming that the sheriff know it was and failed tomredeem.their property during the redemption period .
In view of the facts obtaining in this case, and taking into consideration the applicable jurisprudence on the matter, the Court finds that petitioners' assertion for exemption is a mere afterthought, a sheer artifice to deprive private respondent of the fruits of the verdict of her case.
Article 153 of the Family Code provides:
The family home is deemed constituted on a house and lot from the time it is occupied as the family residence. From the time of its constitution and so long as its beneficiaries resides therein, the family home continues to be such and is exempt from execution, forced sale or attachment except as hereinafter provided and to the extent of the value allowed by law.
0 notes
thyele · 1 year
Rockon Social Clubさん「/ 7/14(金)19時〜 文化放送「WILD KNIGHTS」が限定復活! \ #成田昭次 #高橋和也 #岡本健一 #寺岡呼人 出演! ▼詳細 https://t.co/Mhtna559NI 番組名:文化放送「WILD KNIGHT 成田です」 番組メール:[email protected] 推奨ハッシュタグ:#ワイルドナイト #男闘呼組 #RockonSocialClub」https://twitter.com/rockonsocialclu/status/1671032523357585408
DEZERT SORA(4444)さん「Focus of DEZERT #2 メンバーソロフォーカスライブビデオ 続々完成してきてる〜(いつもギリギリ 06.22 20:00から続々と出るよ〜 https://t.co/2tufeOgcuh」https://twitter.com/DEZERT_SORA/status/1670982813330599936
WOWOW MUSICさん「╋━━━━━  明日放送&配信‼️     ━━━━━╋ 『BUCK-TICK Live 2019「ロクス・ソルスの獣たち」』 6/20(火)午後8:00~ ▶https://t.co/rVSfWQXQpW #BUCKTICK が2019年に行なった初の幕張メッセ単独ライブの模様をお届け✨ 必見です😍 #WOWOW @BUCKTICK_INFO https://t.co/fRR2jJHFCC」https://twitter.com/wowow_mj/status/1670725648984449025
Petit Brabanconさん「Tour 2023「INDENTED BITE MARK」 開催地の街頭ビジョンにて昨日まで 放映された「孤動」MV ティザー ご覧いただけましたでしょうか🐶❓ 残念ながら見られなかった皆さんへ 渋谷で放映された様子をフルVer.でお届け🎥 次はツアーでお会いしましょう💫 チケット一般発売中 https://t.co/ODgQ8YgK4P https://t.co/WLeouMuWoc」https://twitter.com/PetitBra_staff/status/1670740708691509248
hitokiさん「新曲できた! https://t.co/tyggEQtAOb」https://twitter.com/hitokill/status/1670951967064215552
enon kawataniさん「朝起きたらindigo la Endの新曲ミックス上がってた。良い曲過ぎたかもしれません。」https://twitter.com/indigolaEnd/status/1670971432246054914
DEZERT SORA(4444)さん「ダークでイカつめなテイストのアクセを今回は使用したくNil:GRAVEで今回は全て統一しました〜 ニルさんあざっす!」https://twitter.com/DEZERT_SORA/status/1670800430002057216
りょんりょんさん「ヴィジュアル系ロックバンドのボーカリストのレッスンを沢山担当していたのだけど、最近になって再び戻って来てくれた二人が、今日、私に焼肉をご馳走してくれました✨ お互いのかつてを深く知る三人焼肉は…もう…最高でした😉 左)アリス九號. Vo.将  右)exViViD 現在Solo Vo. SHIN #感謝 https://t.co/bxhUGFEbu0」https://twitter.com/ryon2sensei/status/1670779440790659074
ハルア 8月5日今治 JAM SOUNDSさん「ApesがCD発売するんだ😭」https://twitter.com/haruaxxlllla/status/1670776664081711110
玲王那さん「6/17のIndustrial Apesライブ映像 観ました⭐︎ライブ前に妖迦さんが今日はヒデトの命日なんだよ。って言ってた。 作詞作曲したヒデト君のハイターハイターママレモンしっかりギターかき鳴らさせてもらいました⭐︎ 7/29に発売はするIndustrial Apes のCDに収録されてるから是非聴いてほしいな⭐︎ https://t.co/12jghvWBLP」https://twitter.com/reona_gt0117/status/1670749808993386496
grace periodさん「grace period Radio 第8回が公開されました📻 今回の内容は一体何かな🤔 🎙️是非ご視聴お願いします🎙️ https://t.co/iyo4LTztz1」https://twitter.com/graceperiod_jp/status/1670765021390057472
WildSideTokyoさん「【緊急決定】 これぞ華麗なる激情! 毒だからこそ美しくあれ! 2023/7/21(金) OPEN 18:30 CHARGE ¥4100(D代込み) TAKANAGER CRUE ザ・ヒーナキャット B.B チケットは6/18(日)10:00販売開始! https://t.co/pMaMSTI5FS https://t.co/OQZRaN2yXq」https://twitter.com/WildSideTokyo/status/1668558900369711106
LIVE HOUSE CRESCENDOさん「7/23(日)【チケ好評発売中!】 17:00-① PAPILIO EFFECTUS 17:55-② MARY RUE 18:50-③ Yan x Yan 19:45-④ ユキSESSION 20:40-⑤ ARESZ ◆来場 https://t.co/ealmpetbP1 ◆配信 https://t.co/mbqdBtyZG1 ◆投げ銭(※6/24~受付) https://t.co/yMw46Y0F8g お楽しみに! https://t.co/oExEaYYBwo」https://twitter.com/crescendo_jp/status/1670027369288179712
響 / Hibiki【摩天楼オペラ】さん「恵比寿リキッドルームありがとう!! XANVALAとの2マンかましすぎました🔥 知哉さんとのドラマーショット😊 📸 : @a_kwsk_1985 https://t.co/9jhxtEZOxv」https://twitter.com/HibikiShiraishi/status/1670787802378772480
eclipse.✩⃝ STRAY INDIVIDUALITY GROUPさん「コンプレックス・イマージュ ☪·̩͙ お嬢 @ojo_pnd ▶https://t.co/pLjrGblizP Illust みつのこ 様 @mitunoko0630 Move amyu 様 @Amyu_1201 MIX イマジン @99qqkuku #歌い手さんMIX師さん動画師さん絵師さんPさんと繋がりたい #いいねで気になった人お迎え #拡散希望RTお願い致します #月蝕主義 https://t.co/d6hdbbFH8V」https://twitter.com/eclipse01429/status/1670739626036969472
アリス九號.OFFICIALさん「本日開催! #ALICENINE. VS SERIES 「#Singularity02」 vs vistlip @vistlipofficial #新宿BLAZE @shinjuku_blaze OPEN 17:30 / START 18:00 *マスク着用/声出し可 ◎当日券:https://t.co/HAML4nOUpC ◎グッズ:15:30~ ◎ロッカー:入場後利用可 ◎クローク:無し #アリス九號. https://t.co/3rVgpHJa5F」https://twitter.com/alicenine_jp/status/1670989856384643073
がる真 (GALMA)さん「👼 COVER 👼 Tenshi(Artist:Gouryella) https://t.co/ivVb8Gixoy #サイバートランス (avex) シリーズからのカバーです 今回は初の、Cubaseを用いての新作となります! まだまだ不慣れなため点が多いですが どうぞよろしくお願いいたします🙇 #DTM #カバー曲 #CyberTrance #trance https://t.co/YP8GxKu7oT」https://twitter.com/betabeta_compre/status/1669298715683692544
SEXX GEORGEさん「アメブロを投稿しました。 『おはよう0620ψ(`∇´)ψ』 #アメブロ https://t.co/BBSng2NA0Q いろいろ🩵 絶賛予約受付中! [email protected] https://t.co/kpqvY6L1Oj」https://twitter.com/abikoshinonkai/status/1670962228949032961
Drum 篤人さん「【今日は】 2023年6月20日(火) 巣鴨獅子王 ・タイトル imawano kotoba 1st Live 「 混 ぜ ろ よ 危 険 」 https://t.co/GKekTpHu6f」https://twitter.com/atsuto0107/status/1671011540487770112
aieさん「遂に今夜、gibkiy gibkiy gibkiy3年振りの新曲リリースツアーファイナル・・・。 下北沢Shelter、19時30分開幕・・・。 https://t.co/yGi5qSzTc4 https://t.co/IeuQVMQUgP」https://twitter.com/THEGOD_aie/status/1671016080507285509
横山企画室さん「@ryo_dalli いいおもひで✨」https://twitter.com/yokodile01/status/1671022332411011073
金髪豚野郎K助(偽殿下)さん「グリムの新音源「 Silent Forest」各サブスクでの配信始まりました (°_°) https://t.co/wIdcN47XEg」https://twitter.com/goldenpigdrumer/status/1671027539798786049
猫好きYOU_THE SOUND BEE HD☠️MARY RUE☠️Lemさん「いってきまーっす✨朝は涼しかったから喜んでたら、なんか暑くなってる💦すでに汗だくだぜぃ。。。ホットヨガするようになったら、代謝良くなったんか、汗かきやすくなった😅 MARY RUE、浦和ナルシス、19:50から❣️ https://t.co/A6wVo7kd4B」https://twitter.com/YOUsoundbee/status/1671029547603730434
[email protected] Marilyn Marathonさん「【現在のスケジュール】 7.9(日) マリリン・マラソン 7.29(土) NEiN 8.11(金) grace period 8.29(火) NEiN ※写真は一部 https://t.co/rfBWPA0BCd」https://twitter.com/eisuke_gp/status/1671037640379101184
MAKE MY DAY 8/26 SCREAM OUT LOUD FESTさん「🔥今年も開催決定🔥 🌐SCREAM OUT LOUD FEST 2023🌐 8/26 渋谷CYCLONE/宇田川GARRET More info coming soon… https://t.co/H5WUVsAeX9」https://twitter.com/MAKEMYDAYjp/status/1670989878845382657
Hydeさん「#HYDE #HYDELIVE2023 #声出し解禁 #ZeppHaneda https://t.co/OTXfxZkPob」https://twitter.com/HydeOfficial_/status/1671041332851408896
SUGIZOさん「今日6/20は世界難民の日。現在、紛争や迫害、人権侵害などの理由で強制移動を強いられた人は1億840万人。シリア、ウクライナ、アフガニスタンを中心に、残念ながら悪化の一途を辿る状況だ。彼らの幸福を心から願う。彼らをサポートし続けて行きたい。いつか全員が安堵の生活を手に入れられるまで。SGZ https://t.co/AkUQVYMjxl」https://twitter.com/SUGIZOofficial/status/1671048176768528385
SUGIZOさん「I sincerely wish for their happiness. I want to continue to support them until they all can have a life of peace and security. SGZ https://t.co/hTHQoubI2M」https://twitter.com/SUGIZOofficial/status/1671048534395858946
SUGIZOさん「Today,June 20th is World Refugee Day. Currently, there are 108.4 million people who have been forcibly displaced due to conflict, persecution, and human rights violations, mainly in Syria, Ukraine, and Afghanistan, in a sadly deteriorating situation. https://t.co/YvUAIlGuE3」https://twitter.com/SUGIZOofficial/status/1671048411431460865
【Phobia】 KISUIさん「Phobia/abyssの集い https://t.co/RRZhiQfqUy」https://twitter.com/KISUIxxx/status/1671345206581678087
Ryuichi Kawamura officialさん「明日も福ちゃんと一緒に🎤 https://t.co/hnZLsZIMJh」https://twitter.com/RyuichiKawamur2/status/1671315758478135296
がる真 (GALMA)さん「【お知らせ】 Soundcloudの方でこれまで上げておりました、カバー曲の方を 急遽全て削除させていただきました 恥ずかしながら、SoundcloudとJASRACは包括提携が行われていない事を今まで見落とし 昨今の情勢を機に知り 今回削除させていただきました 恐れ入りますが、よろしくお願い申し上げます」https://twitter.com/betabeta_compre/status/1671291026257117186
中島卓偉STAFFさん「<TAKUI NAKAJIMA LIVE 2023 ANOTHER OF GREATEST SONGS> & <TAKUI NAKAJIMA 25TH ANNIVERSARY Volume.1TAKUI SONGS ONLY 1999~2005 TAKUI THE BEST> 本日よりファンクラブ先行チケット入金期間です。 チケットの当落確認、よろしくお願いいたします。 #中島卓偉 #Team卓偉 @takuinakajima https://t.co/EpxaWLvQyt」https://twitter.com/helter_takui_st/status/1671035153139789828
takuma.さん「NEiNメンバーさんとのツーショット! 健太さんともツーショットを、、、 と思ったのですがそれはもうNEiNとの対バンがない限り難しいのでプライベートでツーショット撮ろう笑 https://t.co/mu3tvGgGzc」https://twitter.com/takuma_official/status/1671048413276946432
gibkiy gibkiy gibkiyさん「【本日の公演】 2023年6月20日(火) avantgarde,barbarian.「反吐」 ツアーファイナル 東京・下北沢 SHELTER OPEN 19:00 START 19:30 先行物販 18:00-18:30 当日券販売あり https://t.co/mp0xeLv4JF https://t.co/uSezrbPUlJ」https://twitter.com/gibkiy_official/status/1671062311380058112
Hydeさん「scream towards them now 321! #HYDE #HYDELIVE2023 #HYDEPARK2023 #HYDEチェキレター https://t.co/RDdxMw5iKR」https://twitter.com/HydeOfficial_/status/1671065310387138561
kazuさん「gibkiy gibkiy gibkiy 今夜はavantgarde,barbarian.「反吐」ツアーファイナル。 下北沢SHELTERでお待ちしています。 https://t.co/yHb313lyA5 https://t.co/fyz08X1BmF」https://twitter.com/sckkazu/status/1671066423861575680
seekさん「Psycho le Cemu 今週末の京都、大阪、神戸に向けてリハーサル。 今回のセットリストはなかなか面白いラインナップになっていると思います。 みっちり練習してきましたんで楽しみにしていてください。 今月はLidaさんプロデュースのグッズもあるよ。 https://t.co/TukhP68yG8」https://twitter.com/seek_bonshisya/status/1671069955482329088
seekさん「今年のサイコルシェイムのツアーは毎月、各メンバーのキャラがモチーフになったグッズが展開されています ちなみに7月の水戸、柏、山梨は僕担当 グッズはデザインを手掛け既に入稿済 個性の強いグッズにしてしまったので 買う人は買ってくれるし 買わない人は絶対買わないと思います 買ってください」https://twitter.com/seek_bonshisya/status/1671075338590490624
UNCLOCK LOVER 頼田陵介さん「UNCLOCK LOVER最新曲 -手紙- ちょこっとだけ歌ってみた🙋‍♀️ https://t.co/CaokLmlUNO」https://twitter.com/yorita_ryosuke/status/1671075784973516801
LUNA SEAさん「【SLAVE先行受付は明日18時締切!!】 LUNA SEA DUAL ARENA TOUR 2023 MOTHER OF LOVE, MOTHER OF HATE UN ENDING STYLE 横浜,福岡,仙台,名古屋,大阪 指定席受付期間:6/21(水)18時まで 本日中にWEBにてご入会完了の方はお申し込み可能です! 是非お見逃しなく!! 詳細はこちら https://t.co/qQ7quh2Y6A https://t.co/AdEFiplXs7」https://twitter.com/LUNASEAOFFICIAL/status/1671080455460855814
ぴあ 音楽編集部さん「Like-an-Angel 1stLIVE夢の一夜をレポート「やるって言ったら大概のことはなんとかなるから!」(独占カット全6枚) https://t.co/bfFNIz8Ldn @_LikeanAngel #LikeanAngel #LArcenCiel https://t.co/4tW1nrCAKQ」https://twitter.com/OngakuPia/status/1671080449874235392
源 依織さん「今日の物販で少しだけチェキ売ります。 ご報告までに!」https://twitter.com/prin_guitarist/status/1671080620351709184
鳥を見た toriwomita 公式さん「ご予約絶賛受付中です! 7/13 (木) 鳥を見たpresents 【サボテンだらけの部屋】 荻窪club Doctor 出演: ◎鳥を見た ◎ほたるたち ◎komori & yusa(from 壊れかけのテープレコーダーズ) OPEN 19:00 START 19:30 adv ¥2500 door ¥2800 予約 https://t.co/qluTMEA5vz https://t.co/HHqlfd1xB5」https://twitter.com/toriwomita/status/1671075593637756928
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rdpunzalan · 2 years
Article 153 of the Family Code
Art. 153. The family home is deemed constituted on a house and lot from the time it is occupied as a family residence. From the time of its constitution and so long as any of its beneficiaries actually resides therein, the family home continues to be such and is exempt from execution, forced sale or attachment except as hereinafter provided and to the extent of the value allowed by law. (223a)
G.R. No. 164740             July 31, 2006
This lawsuit was born out of a loan agreement between the private respondent Dr. Victoria T. Ong Oh and a woman named Dolores Ledesma, wherein the former gave the latter a loan for P1,000,000.00. Ledesma wrote a check for the amount of the loan to the private respondent as collateral. She agreed to sign a deed of real estate mortgage on her house and lot in Tandang Sora, Quezon City, covered by Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) No. 10, dated February 10, 1993, and to execute the same amount. RT-51142. The execution of the deed of real estate mortgage did not materialize, but Ledesma handed the owner's duplicate copy of the TCT No. RT-51142 to private respondent.
Thereafter, Ledesma sold the abovementioned house and lot to petitioners for P2,500,000.00. Ledesma received a down payment of P1,000,000.00 from petitioners, with the remaining P1,500,000.00 to be paid in P75,000.00 monthly payments.
Ledesma demanded payment of the final P1,500,000.00 sum from the petitioners before the monthly installments were even due. Petitioners, however, were only able to pay the amount of P50,000.00 to Ledesma. Ledesma wanted the whole payment, and petitioners applied to raise it. for a loan of P2,000,000.00 with Asiatrust Bank, Inc. (Asiatrust).
Petitioners, private respondent, and Ledesma assembled with Asiatrust to come at a scheme to resolve the liability of Ledesma to private respondent... and the obligation of petitioners to Ledesma. The following agreement[3] was reached after the meeting: (1) the private respondent would lend Ledesma an additional P450,000.00 loan, bringing her total loan from the previous amount to P1,450,000.00 (the P1,450,000.00 amount would then be credited to petitioners as full settlement of the purchase price of the property); (2) Ledesma would sign a Deed of Sale transferring ownership over her home and lot, covered by TCT No. to the petitioners, RT-51142; (3) private respondent... subsequently deliver the duplicate TCT No. RT-51142 to Asiatrust; (4) once petitioners had secured a title to the said home and lot in their names, they would execute a real estate mortgage on it in favor of Asiatrust to secure their loan of P2,000,000.00; and (5) (5)
When the mortgage lien of Asiatrust had been noted on the title of the relevant property, Asiatrust would then issue petitioners a loan of P2,000,000.00 with a written promise that the P1,500,000.00 would be given directly by Asiatrust to the private respondent.
Petitioners' loan application was authorized by Asiatrust, and then the latter... issued a check in the amount of P1,500,000.00 to private respondent. However, Asiatrust found a notice of levy on execution was written on the title in its attempt to register the Real Estate Mortgage covering the subject property executed in its favor by petitioners. connection with Ledesma's commitment to a specific Miladay's Jewels, Inc., in the amount of P214,284.00. Asiatrust declined to register the real estate mortgage in question and withheld the petitioners' P2,000,000.00 loan as a result of the annotation encumbrance. Before the RTC, Branch 217, Quezon City, a private respondent filed a Complaint for Sum of Money against Ledesma, petitioners, and Asiatrust.
Following the trial, the RTC reached a decision in favor of the private respondent and against the petitioner in a Decision dated May 31, 1996. The private respondent then filed a Motion for Execution with the trial court, which the latter granted in an Order dated April 14, 2000. The property listed in the petitioners' names and covered by TCT No. 83104 was levied on on June 23, 2000. Sheriff arranged for the sale of... the home in an open auction on September 19, 2000. The notice of the sale was served to the petitioners. Petitioners submitted a "Objection/Exception to the Sheriff's Sale of Defendant Sps. Eduardo and Elsa Versola's Family Home Pending" to the sheriff on September 18th, 2000.
Despite the petitioners' protests, the property was still sold at a public auction on September 19 and was given to a private respondent for the bid price of P2,835,000.00.
A Sheriff's Final Deed of Sale in favor of the private respondent was made on March 19, 2002, as a result of the petitioners' inability to redeem the property during the redemption period.
The issue in the main is whether or not petitioners timely raised and proved that their property is exempt from execution.
However, the case files contain no information about how the petitioners established and supported the fact that the property up for sale was their family home in the aforementioned motion. In any case, the trial court dismissed the motion on the grounds that it lacked a notice of hearing and considered it as a simple scrap of paper.
Petitioners submitted an Objection/Exception to Sheriff's Sale of Defendant Sps to the sheriff on the day before the scheduled sale of the relevant property. The residence of Eduardo and Elsa Versola. There, petitioners merely claimed that the property that was the subject of the... Their family house was up for auction. Instead of providing evidence to support their claim, the petitioners lazily assumed that the sheriff was aware that they were using the property as their family residence.
Petitioners did not vehemently contest private respondent's Ex-parte Motion for Issuance of Confirmation of Judicial Sale of Real Property until over two years after the execution sale and after the issuance of the "Sheriff's Final Deed of Sale"
Owned by Sps. Elsa and Eduardo Versola that the subject property is immune from execution. Even then, there was no indication that the petitioners had provided proof that the property is in fact a family residence.
The Court determines that the petitioners' claim of exemption is an obvious ruse intended to deny the private respondent access to the benefits of the decision in her case in light of the facts present in this case and the relevant jurisprudence.
Panganiban, C.J., Ynares-Santiago, Austria-Martinez, Callejo, Sr., J.J., concur.
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screaming, crying, etc etc
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keykidpilipili · 2 years
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Today I give you ewok Sora and Strelitzia. Tomorrow? Hot Rod if I know.
I would like to thank again my fc pal Kanbaaru for the idea.
[ID: In the first picture Sora stands facing the left, grinning and Kingdom Key resting on his right shoulder. His fur is a dark rich brown. He is wearing his kh4 red button hoodie and his dark grey vest, as well as his crown necklace. In the second picture, Strelitzia eyebrows furrowed holds Starlight in her right hand and her knees are bent. She is wearing her white kh4 dress and collar. END ID]
Sora and Strelitzia belong to uhhhh Square Enix?
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izzyizumi · 4 years
* d o . n o t . r e b l o g [chatter] (comments ok if respectful)
mE: ok you know wHAT you win THIS round
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random-tail · 2 months
Just Another Day.
This is a short story featuring @vacantfields Valentin and Chase. As well as my own oc Sora
This is a PLATONIC interaction it is NOT a ship. I just want to make that clear after past experience with other fans of @vacantfields work.
Sora: she / they
Valentin: he / him
Chase: he / him
“Chase, I understand you want us to have… some common activity of interest. I very much doubt this is it.” An older eclipse model in a royal blue jacket holds up a skateboard made to hold his weight.
Chase turns around, his rays nearly flopping him in the face as he starts to walk backwards. He grins widely. “Aw come on Valentin. You'll never know till you try, you might really like it! Besides didn’t you perform balancing acts way back when?”
“Yes. But emphasis on ‘way back when’.” Valentin sighs as he carry the board under his arm.
Meanwhile Chase continues to walk backwards putting his arms behind his head. Continuing their way down the sidewalk in the city. “Well think of it like what people say about learning to ride a bike. You never forget-!?”
Just as Chase turns around to walk the correct way. He bumps into and topples over someone who emerged from the alley way. Causing both to crash down on to the concrete.
For a split second, Chases systems to a quick self diagnostic check and flashes a red sign. But just as quickly, he dismisses it as he scrambles to get up.
“Shoot, Shoot, Shoot! I’m so sorry! Are you ok?!”
Chase looks down to the individual he landed on top of in their fall. Their night cap and lack of rays revealing them to be a moon model with dark cold gray coloring. The shift themselves up to be on their hands and knees before giving Chase a quick, cold, glance. Causing the poor babysitter bot to freeze. They got to their feet and proceeded to dust themselves off. All while Chase hovered with his hands, idly, wanting to apologize and help. Yet also wanting to keep his distance from the cold look they gave him. Once they got themselves picked up, they grab a red tote they had dropped. Slinging it over their shoulder before turning to address Chase properly. Seeing them face to face, they had one optic closed, with the others pupil was barely visible.
Chase audibly gulps before rubbing the back of his neck. Ignoring the slight twitch in his wrist “I’m really sorry about that. I should have been looking where I was going.” He gives them a sheepish smile, but they simply stare at him. They then tilt their head and open their mouth to say something, but a flash in the open optic makes them freeze. Before snapping their head around to a different direction. They don’t even look back before taking off at a full sprint down the street
Chase blinks at the sudden departure before deflating a bit. “What.. just happened?”
Valentin then walks up beside him with an almost knowing look. “I am here if you need me Chase. Not everyone can handle being given the cold shoulder. Though I do suggest then next time you try to ‘sweep them off their feet'. That you don’t tackle them into the concrete.”
“WHAT!!? No! That wasn’t- I wasn’t- what!?” Chase fumbles his words as Valentin laughs at him and continues walking.
“Vaaaalll my brothers already torture me enough, don’t you do it too"
Chase whines, as he jogs to catch up to the taller bot as they continue their way to the park.
An alarm go’s off in a dim room as Soras optic comes online from rest mode. They stare at the ceiling for a few seconds as their systems do a quick diagnostic check. She growns.
“84%? Mm… that’s 3% less then my last 5 hour charge.” They sigh as they sit up and unplug from their cord. “I really should ask for a new charger.” They get up from their makeshift bed which was an old cot they put to the side of their shop. After stretching, a habit she picked up from watching humans do it, Sora walks over to their sterilization box and got out her equipment for the day.
After prepping her emergency fist aid bag with all her tools. She sent a quick message to the hospital to report herself on duty. While leaving her building through a back ally door, she looked through her phone to see if she received any messages from her other patients while in rest mode. Only to heave a heavy sign when she sees that the local map bot Jeff was pushed over. Again. And needed his arm repaired.
Sending a quick message to the poor bot that they would work on meeting him later to get him fixed. They put their phone away and exit the allie, only to collide with someone who proceeds to loose their balance. Falling on top of her.
Laying on the concrete sidewalk, Sora did a quick diagnostic check on her systems. Checking that everything was functioning before tempting to move.
“Shoot, Shoot, Shoot! I’m so sorry! Are you ok?!”
She hears the frantic voice of someone of who she assumes fell on her. After seeing the only damage being an abrasion on her palm. They sit up and glance at the individual who seems to freeze up. Looking at him with a quick identifier scan, she saw he was a babysitter bot. But none she was acquainted with. Sora then proceeded to pick herself up and her bag as the odd bot watched them, looking fidgety. As they turned to confront and apologize to the babysitter bot, they noticed a twitch in his right wrist. Doing a quick scan they took note that he had jammed it’s socket back. Most likely after trying to brace himself when they fell. But he then put it behind his head
“I’m really sorry about that. I should have been looking where I was going.”
Sora stared at him before tilting their head. They were just as much at fault at not paying attention. They go to voice this when they suddenly received a red alert to a medical emergency. Snapping their head towards to the direction of the incident. They took off as they simultaneously mapped out the quickest route to the site. While putting a note in the back of their head to seek out the babysitter bot later to apologize.
Chase and Valentin make it to the park and it doesn’t take long for Valentin to master using the skate board. Yet after an hour he relinquish it to Chase who begins to show off for some of the kids that had gathered to watch the 2 animatronics. Chase even began teaching some of the kids some skateboard tricks while Valentin happily showed off some magic to littler ones.
After a few hours Chase flopped onto the bench next to Valentin, letting his head hang back. Valentin looked at him. “Kids wear you out?” He chuckled
Chase stretched out his arms as he leaned forward. “nah, this is nothing compared to the quadruplets I baby sit every now and then.” He starts to rotate his wrist of which makes a noticeable clicking noise.
Valentin raises an eyebrow and puts down the small book he had brought with him to read. “quadruplets?”
Chase grabs his wrist and looks at it squinting. “Yep, Lenore, Annabelle, Bernice and Edgar. Grate kids, all of them each a little hectic in their own way though.” He flicks his hand.
Valentin tilts his head. “Oh really? How so?”
Chase looks at him before returning to fiddling with his wrist. “Oh well Lenore has this obsession with birds. Black birds to be specific, and loves to stop and feed them whenever she gets the chance. Annabelle is fascinated by the ocean and will watch the little mermaid on repeat for hours. Bernice is a bit of a germaphobe despite her age and after getting scared by her dentist about cavities she’s constantly brushing her teeth. To the point I literally have to hide her toothbrush. And then Edgar, he’s just quiet and it’s a little difficult to get him out of his shell. But he loves to read and write. Specially poems.” Chase then stiffens when he feels & hears something snap in his wrist.
Valentin blinks a few times. “wait…what-"
Valentin gets cut off by a sudden scream which had them both straighten and look. By one of the grinding rails sat a young boy with an older one, whom Chase was teaching earlier, kneeling beside him. The younger one was crying his eyes out as he sat on the ground and held his arm.
Chase quickly jumped up and ran over skidding onto his knee as he got to them. Doing a quick look over he takes note of the forming burse on the boys arm and his scraped knee.
“Hay there buddy. Looks like you took one nasty spill, you ok?” Chase asked calmly as he looked as the kid.
The boy sniffled and tried to wipe away his snot and tears as he shook his head no. The older boy grimaced.
“He did the trick wrong and fell. Landing on his arm on the rail before sliding on the concrete.”
Chase schooled his face to not grimaces as well. Knowing full well that such a landing could brake bones. Chase then hovers his hands over the kids arm.
“Alright then. How about we move away and get you to an urgent care-" he gose to gently cradle the boys arm.
Chase jolts and turns his head 180 towards the voice. Only for his optics to widen.
It was the animatronic from earlier.
Sora groaned as she flops onto a bench in the city park. 6 calls, 1 of them a false alarm, and 4 her service was denied. First responder bots were still a new thing, so she wasn’t too surprised that many of the people were afraid of their help. Yet, knowing full well that they could of lessened the patients pain or prevented further damage, and still have the patient deny their assistance. Weighed on Sora incredibly.
Their first alert was a hit and run, with a woman showing signs of being concussed and a fractured hip from being clipped. She needed to stay elevated and needed to stay still. Yet when Sora arrived to offer their assistance. The woman was extremely animated in refusal to the point of even pushing Sora back despite her pain. Later they received a report saying the woman nearly slipped into unconsciousness from her head injury before the ambulance arrived.
Sora rubbed her face plate out of frustration, they could of helped if they were just allowed. What’s even the point anymore?
They then slipped their hand into their hat were they pull out a box of cigarettes. Because a human needed to be conscious to give consent for their assistance. Having artificial lungs for CPR had little use. So she put a cigarette into her mouth then searches for her lighter.
Just as they find it however, a scream catches their attention. Quickly snatching their bag, Sora jumps up and runs to the source of the scream.
They run to a skater section of the park and see a young boy crying on the ground with an older one trying to sooth him. From their pointed of similarities she could assume they were either brothers or cousins. Then judging from the way the boy was holding his arm, he fell on it.
Before Sora could close the distance to check on the boy. A flash of orange and blue blocks her, causing her to freeze when they recognized the floppy rays. The babysitter bot from earlier.
They watched as the babysitter bot talked calmly to the boy who seems to respond to well. But seeing the boy shake his head no, she assumed it means he was in pain. Quickly, they began to approach to hopefully assist.
However, their circuits flashed cold as they watch the babysitter bot reach out to the boy. “Alright then. How about we move away and get you to an urgent care-"
Sora suddenly blerts out causing the babysitter bot to spin his head around. They stared at each other till Sora began to approach.
“Don’t touch him. He could have a fracture and moving him without bracing it could make it worse.”
The babysitter bot tenses as she kneels next to him before looking at the boy. He looked scared and upset. Most likely wasn’t expecting to take such a fall. But with a quick scan she was relieved to conclude that he's only bruised. Not possessing enough body weight to land on his arm and rail to brake it let alone fracture it.
Sora smiled a little for the boy. “Hello, my name is Sora. I’m a medical bot, would you like some assistance?” she inwardly cringed at the automatic greeting she had to say to each patient. But kept her smile for the boys sake.
The boy sniffled then looked at the older boy, before they both nod. Giving Sora some relief.
“Alright, my scans show that lucky you didn’t fracture you arm.” She glances at the babysitter bot who seems to relax from that. “so how about we move to a bench?” Sora looks at the little boy before looking at the babysitter bot.
She watches as he smiles and picks up the boy gently before all 4 head to a bench. Sitting down, Sora starts to dig into their bag as the bot talks to the little kid.
“Do you know how it happened buddy?”
The boy sniffled. “I lost my balance?”
“Hmm in that case after your all patched up, why do I help you learn to balance better. Yeah?”
The boy lights up at this and nods. “Thank you Chase.”
Chase smiles at the boy before looking at Sora who finally gets out an ice pack and hands it to the boy for his arm. She then go back to rummaging through it before pulling out a cotton ball and stuff to clean his knee. Her gently smile then suddenly turns stern.
“Now. I have a very important question for you. And you Must, answer.” They look at the boy with a serious expression which makes both the boys and Chase gulp.
“What… kind of band aid?”
Sore flicks their hand out with 8 different colors and themed band aids in between her fingers. From glittery, to super hero’s and princess’s, Chase couldn’t help but smile as the boy lights up even more. He chose a bug themed band aid as Sora cleaned and patched his knee. Sending him on his way with his older sibling.
Sora and Chase wave goodbye till Sora turned to him. “Alright. Your turn.”
Chase looked at her “…what?”
Without much warning, Sora grabbed Chase by the arm and pulled him over to were Valentin had been watching. Once at the bench, she points to it. “Sit.” Chase dos as told before glancing at Valentin who looks at him with a quisitive stare. Sora then pulls out a box from their bag that had a similar cross like their medical bag. But it was blue with wrenches crossed instead. Opening it he sees a plethora of different tools used for animatronic repair.
“Did you not perform a self diagnostic check when we ran into each other earlier?” with out hesitation they kneel in front of Chase and took his hand.
Chase scratched his face plate with his free hand. “Well I did, it’s automatic but I was more worried about you so i-"
“Pushed away the error sign that would of told you that your wrist joint was damaged.” Sora states rather then ask as they cuts a look at him.
Chase deflates a bit “..yeah…heh"
Valentin pinches where the bridge of his nose would be and shakes his head.
Sora sighs as they move his hand palm up and picked up a plate remover. “Well I received no damage from our collision, just a simple abrasion on my palm. Can you isolate and turn off you sensory array to you arm please.” Chase nods and dose so. Sora then takes the tool to his plating and Pops it off gently revealing the inner workings of his wrist and arm.
Valentin narrows his eyes. “Parton me lille måne. But shouldn’t you ask first?”
Sora freezes then looks at Valentin with a straight face. “We are machines we have no rights and only kept functioning by human whims. If they see us as no longer usable they will scrap us in a heartbeat. I myself am damaged beyond cost to repair so I took a point to keep myself functioning so to not be tossed away. Also. If I were to ask permission to a, as humans put it, ‘fine tuned piece of machinery’ and that so called ‘machinery’ said yes. It would lead to both parties getting into trouble by our respected manufacturers. So I find it best not to ask and just do. Besides, most would rather except the free maintenance rather then try to sue a hospital of which owns me.”
Sora went back to working on Chases wrist as both bots stared.
Valentin then leaned back with a smile. “Point taken lille måne.”
Chase then thinks.” So… you’re a medical bot for humans AND animatronics?”
Sora doesn’t look away from their work on his wrist. “In a way yes. Iv repaired many bots in the city when their owners refuse to.” They switch tools quickly as Chase and Valentin watched.
“Surely there isn’t that many bots in disrepair?” Valentin questioned mostly to himself but the almost sad look Sora gives causes him to pause. “oh…”
Sora sighs as they tighten the joint back up. “unfortunately there is. Map bots and STAFF bots being the first on the chopping blocks to be melted down.” They snap Chases plating back into place. “Alright. Touch each finger to your thumb.” Chase dos so as they watch and nod. “rotate your wrist.” Once again he dos as asked, pleasantly surprised by how smooth his motions are now.
“Wow it feels way better then before. Thanks.” Chase stands as Sora dos, Valentin fallowing after as Sora puts their tools away.
“it’s no problem. Though next time don’t ignore your error messages. Just like a human fracture you could of made it worse by moving it.” Sora flings their bag over her shoulder.
Chase rubs the back of his head. “Heh yeah. Noted.” He then leans back as a slip of paper is presented to him from Sora.
“My contact information. If you have any other problems just call me.” He take the paper to notice there are 2. Sora looks to Valentin. “I can also see if I can repair those rays in you wish. But they look to be stable. If not to repair, just to clean to prevent erosion. If you want.” Chase smiles giving the second copy to Valentin whom bows his head a little. “I will keep that in mind lille måne.” He slips the paper into his chest pocket .
Sora nods then turns to leave, but Chase stops her. “Uh Hay. If not for a repair. Could we call you to, you know. Hang out?”
Sora took at him and thinks before giving a small smile “Sure.”
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imasallstars · 2 years
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「Clear Spring☆Lady Dress Collection」St@rt!!
Theater Days’ gacha box has been updated with the next Misaki’s Reccomended Outfit♪ gacha box. This box is a special rerun Step-Up gacha with discounted pulls on Step 1 (1500) and Step 2 (2000), along with a guaranteed Pick-Up SSR on Step 3! ※ you are only able to use PAID jewels with this special box
This gacha will feature the following idols:
[LTD] SSR/SSR+ 【Small Orchestra】Julia
[LTD] SSR/SSR+【Elegant Holiday】Kotoha Tanaka
SSR/SSR+【Enjoying The Times】Kaori Sakuramori
SSR/SSR+【Orange no Sora no Shita】Fuka Toyokawa
The limited card(s) will ONLY be available until March 23rd 23:59 JST and may return after some time
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teamwaffle-o · 6 years
everyone needs to stop bullying sora right the fuck now or some disney characters are gonna catch these hands
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wiindus · 6 years
listen ven is already naturally short and then he wakes up and he’s like physically a year younger than sora he’s short he is s h o r t he’s t i ny
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thinkin bout how while riku was being consumed by the darkness on destiny island in kh1 and sora was reaching into the darkness for him, he came into contact with the small amount of light riku still had in his heart and was given the keyblade
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finoalcielo · 3 years
KOI: It just so happens that everyone's gathered at the office in Ikebukuro ~! ️ AI: Yay~♪ (clapping) ICHIRU: And it just so happens that I don't have to do anything in particular! ISSEI: Yay~♪ (clapping) AI: ...Should we add some photo to this post too? 3 MEN: Yes
It's a bit cold today #Up high #Twin Day
SORA: It was a miracle seeing two sets of twins (Kisaragi siblings and Kuga brothers) on Twin Day. NOZOMU: On such a day, Sora and I unintentionally, by chance.. no, we wore a miracle was twin outfit. SORA: Maybe you and I are twins in heart... NOZOMU: It would have been perfect if Sora was ○ cm taller... SORA: You, how about you shrink a little...
#Twin Day
HARU: Let us coordinate our outfits immediately! Ta-dah~ ▶Haru & Aoi HARU: Aoi-kun! AOI: Haru-san! \ bursting with joy / ▶Hajime & Arata HAJIME: ... ARATA: ... \ ... / HAJIME: Somehow, you have a low tension ARATA: Though I look like this, my heart is jumping with joy
#The black haired brothers look cool
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heyo since natsume's thing is kinda not using tsumugi or sora to fight that means hes jsut duking it out w only his magic constantly rt (bc using the weapon also gives room for the demon to use their magic while in combat therefore the amount of magic used is lessened when using a weapon bc it'd b like the mg does one attack w magic and then the demon does another w demonic energy)? so like, doesnt that mean natsume would be the most likely candidate for an overuse of magic? so, does that mean natsume should b the first angel?
((O_O)) perhaps..
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