#rqf parenting
romionequickiefest · 7 years
Parenting Prompt
...... WE HAVE A TIE!!
☆ the WINNERS are ☆ with 38% of the vote each
Counting to 100 by @diva-gonzo!!!! Helpless by @therozzy!!!!
Congratulations to both of you!!
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In this blog, we will be discussing about the New UK Immigration Rules which includes Skilled Worker, Visitor and other routes.
A new Statement of Changes in UK Immigration Rules has been issued by the UK Government which gives more information about the UK’s new Points-Based Immigration System for visitors and workers, along with a several of other modifications.
We highly suggest you to watch the full video. These immigration changes may have great impact on your future UK Visa applications.
The New Rules, officially known as HC 813 (Click here), along with the explanatory memorandum can be found in the link here.
Read More:
Announcing the end of Tier 2 (General), the new UK Immigration Rules will see the overview of the new ‘Skilled Worker’ route from 1 December 2020. The Skilled Worker visa route is not as much limiting than Tier 2 (General). For instance, the skill obligation is RQF 3 instead of RQF 6, there is no resident labour market test (RLMT), there is no cooling-off period and there are better switching options for those migrants desiring to make an visa application inside the UK. Sponsors will still be required to show that they need a sponsored employee to fill up a ‘genuine vacancy’.
Modifications to Tier 2 (ICT), substituted by ‘Intra-Company Transfer’, comprises a less burdensome cooling-off period than now. There are also modifications to all other attributes of Tier 2 and Tier 5.
The immigration rules on absences have been established and there are also a number of other adjustments to the general obligations including in relation to criminal convictions, obligatory grounds of refusal, English language valuations and maintenance.
Concerning students, the UK visitor rules are being laidback to allow visitors coming to the UK for up to six months to be able to study in the UK during their stay. Currently, study under the visitor route is seriously limited. Furthermore, the short-term study facility will only be for students who will come to UK to study English for 6 – 11 months.
Parents of Child Students will be provided authorization in line with the child, instead of 12 months blocks as before.
Visitors will also be allowed to come to the UK to volunteer during their visit – currently, they can only do so if the volunteering is related to the visit.
The new Hong Kong British National (Overseas) visa routes are officially announced into UK immigration law.
Several other work routes have also seen transformations, including Representative of an Overseas Business, Innovator, Start-Up and Ancestry. The majority of modifications are mostly technical, for example moving them to their specific ‘Appendix’ of the Rules. We will be revising all the key changes in detail and update our blog as soon as they are officially available
The 30 June 2021 cut-off date has also officially been announced for EU Settlement Scheme applications, even though there is possibility for applicants to apply where there are ‘reasonable grounds’ for losing the deadline.
Lastly, the New Rules published give legislative protection for migrants who overstayed from 24 January – 30 November 2020 due to Coronavirus pandemic.
Our blog ends here, if you need more information on the new UK Immigration Rules, please contact us now by commenting below or via our website.
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immigration22 · 2 years
Can a Dependent on a Student Visa Work in the UK in 2022?
                          Dependents can stay in the UK under the new UK PBS visa regulations (Points Based System). These include the major applicants' partners or children. The UK government's job regulations are stringent for main student visa holders. A student visa holder, on the other hand, can work in a variety of vocations. They must nevertheless adhere to certain guidelines.
Dependents can apply for a UK dependent visa on their own or in conjunction with the applicant. However, the principal candidate must be a full-time student enrolled in a postgraduate level study (RQF level 7 or higher) for at least 9 months, a new government-sponsored student, or a PhD extension scheme student.
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Who Is a Dependent on a UK Student Visa?
International students are permitted to bring immediate family members to the UK while studying. To be specific, this includes the applicant's kid or partner. They are referred to as dependents. They are subject to separate UK student visa restrictions.
Other relatives, such as brothers, parents, sisters, or other relatives, are not eligible to qualify as dependents.
Qualifications to Become a Dependent on a UK Student Visa
A person can become a UK student visa dependant if they meet the following criteria:
·         They are the applicant's wife or husband.
·         The finance, same-sex partners, or unmarried partner is the partner. The applicant and his or her partner have been living together for at least two years.
·         The partner is a legally recognized civil partner.
·         They are over the age of 18.
·         They fulfill the financial criteria of the United Kingdom.
·         They would stay for as long as the applicant did.
·         Throughout the duration, the partner would reside with the candidate.
·         The spouse has no desire to live in the United Kingdom permanently.
Children to Become Dependents on UK Student Visas
A kid may become dependent on a UK student visa if:
·         He or she is under the age of 18.
·         First-time application for a student dependant visa in the United Kingdom.
·         Documents are ready to be shown in accordance with Student and Child Guidance guidelines.
·         Come with both parents and just one.
·         Individuals above the age of 18 must have separate documentation to remain as dependents.
·         I have no desire to live permanently in the United Kingdom.
·         Parents are financially liable for their children (specific to minors).
·         Do not have a full-time job (specific to minors).
·         Typically, they live with their parents (except for educational purposes).
·         Their emotional support comes from their parents.
·         They are unmarried and have no children of their own (specific to adults).
General rules for UK student visa dependent:
 There are various requirements for acquiring a UK student visa dependent. These are family members of the original UK student visa holder. They are listed below.
·         The UK student visa holder has applied for a full-time post-graduate degree. The deadline is in nine months or more. The Register of Student Sponsors includes publicly-funded institutions, private providers, HEI, independent schools, etc.
·         A full-time course is awarded to the UK student visa holder by an international or government funding organization.
·         The dependant has immigration approval for a student dependent visa in the United Kingdom.
·         Housing, transportation, and reception must all be pre-arranged for a handicapped dependant. It is feasible with the assistance of UK authorities.
·         After obtaining student visa authorization, the initial UK student visa holder had a kid.
·         The dependant must apply at the same time as the applicant for the UK student visa.
NOTE: Under-18 UK student visa holders are not permitted to bring any dependents with them. It is exclusively available to UK college or university-level student visa holders.
·         They must follow to the visa restrictions of the United Kingdom in terms of length and work permanence.
·         They are not permitted to remain in the United Kingdom indefinitely. However, a UK student visa dependant may request a visa extension.
Children Born in the United Kingdom
 Children born in the United Kingdom do not automatically acquire citizenship. They must have at least one parent with established status or British citizenship in the UK. However, the infant will not need a visa while in the UK unless the family travels outside of the country and wishes to return.
NOTE: If the kid is 3 months old and the family goes outside of Scotland before they acquire a visa, the principal student visa applicant may be charged for any NHS treatment taken in other areas of the UK.
The following are the rules for a UK student visa that is contingent on working in the UK:
·         The student visa holder is enrolled in a 9-month or longer post-graduate study with a "track record of compliance." In that instance, their dependant may choose to work part-time in the UK.
·         A sponsorship agency has extended a full-time course invitation to the student visa holder. Only multinational or government organisations are eligible, and the course must be completed within six months.
·         Dependents of main student visa holders with permission to work for at least nine months can work. The principal visa holder must be enrolled in a full-time UK college degree programme or higher education.
Fields in which a UK Student Visa Dependent Can Work
·         Dependents of UK student visas are not restricted from working in specific areas. There are some points for dependents under this heading:
·         Dependents can look for work in any industry.
·         Those with specialised talents should focus on professions that require them. Many organisations hire personnel that are bilingual.
Work Fields That Are Inapplicable
A student visa holder in the United Kingdom is not permitted to work in the following occupations.
1.      Sports
The following are the rules:
Ø  They are not permitted to work as a ‘sports coach' or as other 'professional athletes.'
Ø  It applies to partner dependents who received visa approval on or after April 6, 2014.
Ø  It applies to child dependents who received visa approval on or after November 19, 2015.
Ø  It also applies to new applicants who are dependents of newly granted UK student visas.
2.      Medical profession
   The following are the rules:
Ø  They are not permitted to work professionally as a dentist or doctor in training.
Ø  It is applicable to previous Tier 4 partner dependents that were granted visas on October 5, 2020.
Ø  It also applies to newer dependents of students with UK student visas.
Ø  The Immigration Rules provide various exclusions under paragraph 319D(b) (iii).
The following UK study visa dependents are exempt:
Ø  Those with a prior degree course in dentistry or medicine from British universities formerly held a UK visa that allowed them to practise their profession.
3.      Work Time Duration                                                        
A UK student visa dependant can only stay in the UK with the primary visa holder. They must travel back to their native nation with the principal visa holder. As a result, they can only work while in the UK. The period might be 6 months or more.
How Does a UK Student Visa Recipient Find Work in the UK?
The following are the options for obtaining a UK student visa based on employment in the UK.
Ø  Some firms may refuse to hire UK student visa dependents. As a result, one should apply to many places.
Ø  There are several job vacancies available online.
Ø  Some employers additionally state whether or not they accept UK student visa dependents. It is critical to properly read the provided material.
Ø  It is critical to state upfront whether you are a UK student visa dependant.
For more information visit: - https://prominentoverseas.com/can-a-dependent-on-a-student-visa-work-in-the-uk-in-2022/
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studentvisasavenue · 3 years
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The United Kingdom is among the top destinations for aspiring students seeking world-class education and high quality of life. For years, United Kingdom has been ranked among the top 10 nations for its excellent education system and reputable universities.
Those who wish to pursue their dream of studying at a top UK university or college must apply for a UK student visa.
You can choose among three types of study visas in the UK. Let’s have a look at the options below.
Short-term study visa
You can apply for this visa to study English in the UK. A standard English language course in the UK lasts from 6 months to 11 months. Therefore, you can stay in the UK up to the length of your study program with 30 days extension.
To apply for UK’s short-term study visa, you must:
Be 16 years or older
Be accepted to pursue an English language course at an accredited institution in the UK
have enough proof of funds to support yourself for your stay in the UK, also for your tuition fee, daily expenses, and return ticket
General Student Visa (Tier 4)
The General Student Visa is the most popular visa among overseas students who wish to study in a top university or college in the United Kingdom.
With this visa, you can study in the UK and work as a student union sabbatical officer. Also, your family members or your dependents (spouse and children) may apply to stay with you or join you in the United Kingdom if they’re from outside the EEA or Switzerland.
As a General (Tier 4) Student Visa holder, you can pursue the following courses:
The full-time course below RQF level 3-, 4- or 5-degree level with a minimum of 15 hours per week of daytime study
Full-time course of RQF level 6-, 7- or 8-degree level or above
Full-time course RQF level 6,7- or 8-degree level or above (equivalent to a course of a UK higher education)
The part-time course above RQF level 7-degree level or above
Recognized foundation postgraduate program for dentists or doctors
English language course in the Common European Framework of Reference at level B2 or above
If you are 16 years old or over, then to apply for a UK Student visa (Tier 4), you must:
have enough proof of funds to support yourself in the UK
have an offer issued by a licensed student sponsor
be capable of understanding, reading, writing, and speaking the English language
have consent from your parents (age between 16 or 17)
apply for the visa at least six months before the commencement of your course
obtain 40 points on the table, which includes:
30 points for your Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) letter issued from any Tier 4 licensed university
10 Points for your proof of funds
To know if you qualify to apply for a UK student visa, fill our free student assessment form today, and one of our advisors at Student Visas Avenue will get back to you shortly. Or, for quick guidance and support,
For any questions, get in touch with Study Visas Avenue Tel: - (+91) 99714 59229 Email: - [email protected] Website: https://www.studentvisasavenue.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Student-Visas-Avenue-106252325129727 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/student_visas_avenue/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Stu_VisasAvenue LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/student-visas-avenue/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd6S5P-rfG5Z_8lHGBIaR3g Pinterest: https://in.pinterest.com/studyvisasavenue/
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romionequickiefest · 8 years
Brisk Brillance
A little something for the parents in the group. This is inspired by my own son who, although he was the best baby ever, became known as the “sex warden” due to his uncanny ability to hear a zipper drop through three rooms and two closed doors. I am also proud to announce that through discipline and editing, I was able to bring this one in at fighting weight: 698 words!!
Category: Parenting Rated M Drabble
It was partly Rose’s fault, to be perfectly honest. She’d been the kind of baby that made new parents feel invincible-like they’d mastered every problem inferior parents were too inept to solve. She’d slept through the night before she was a month old, switched easily between breast and bottle as her mother’s schedule required, cooed constantly, and could entertain herself indefinitely. As a result, Ron and Hermione laughed at the frustrated tales many young parents relayed: tales of fatigued and sexless days.
Then came Hugo. He was by no means an unhappy baby, just one who required constant attention. He slept little, and while awake, was content to remain forever in his mum or dad’s loving arms. On the rare occasion that he could be coaxed into a charmed baby swing or play yard, the tiniest indication that his parents were enjoying a kiss would bring about a meltdown.
So, to say that Ron Weasley was surprised when he arrived home to his lovely, although slightly frazzled, wife pulling him quickly into the kitchen for a heated snog, would be an epic understatement.
“Now that’s my kind of welcome!”
“Shhh! We have to be quiet!”
“We do?”
“Yes…Rose and Hugo are in her room watching a video,” she continued in answer to his doubtfully cocked eyebrow, “He’s obsessed with her today, for some reason…we should take advantage while we can.”
“Sounds brilliant, but we both know that kid can hear your knickers drop through two closed doors and a silencing charm.”
“Precisely why I’m not wearing any.”
“If you’re quick and quiet.”
“I prefer slow and loud, but I’ll take what I can get.”
With the practiced brisk brilliance obtained only by shag-desperate parents, Ron snogged his wife as he backed her toward the counter. Once there he lifted her up, leaving her hands free to deftly lift her skirt and unzip his trousers. He moaned quietly as her fingertips brushed his embarrassingly quick erection, while her heels dug into his arse, urging him forward.
“Damn woman, don’t you want me to fondle your bits a little first?”
“I can do that myself, but nothing can take the place of you inside me.”
“Bloody hell!” He whispered, his forehead resting on hers. “This is gonna be quicker than you bargained for if you keep saying shit like that.”
He looked down into the small space between them to see her rubbing his cock up and down her wet slit. They both hissed as she brought him to her opening and inched forward to bring just his tip inside. Her position left her little control over the situation, so she encouraged him deeper by pushing him forward with her feet and opening her thighs even wider. He replied to her demand by slamming into her in one deft movement.
Ron relished the feeling of her being wrapped around him in every possible way. He knew he would not be able to hold out long against his rapidly approaching release. He could, however, bring her with him just as quickly. He pulled her closer and thrust into her with short deep strokes, punctuating each word he breathed across her ear.
“Being quick like this…do you remember? That first summer? Desperate for each other?”
“God, yes.”
“I still remember…that first taste of you… your sweet fanny in my face…watching you come.”
“Still the sexiest sight I’ve ever seen…could never get enough. My cock deep inside you, fucking you, loving you.”
“Come…with me…you feel…too…fucking good…Mione!”
She did just that-the force of his climax triggering her own. They clung to one another, struggling to even out their breathing. They had just enough time to finish a cleansing charm before they were called back to parental reality by a commotion down the hall. Hugo’s wail was broken by Rose’s call.
“Mummy!! ‘Ugo needs ooh!”
Ron and Hermione chuckled as they straightened their clothes, relieved that the day had given them at least a few moments. She gave her husband a quick kiss and headed toward the kitchen door.
“Why don’t you let me, love? You’ve been with them all day.”
“That, my dear, is the second best plan I’ve heard today.”
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romionequickiefest · 8 years
Category: Parenting Rated M Drabble
“Ron.” A whisper.
“Ron!” More forceful this time.
“Wazzamatter?” Ron says, groggy.
“You fell asleep.”
“Did I?”
“Yes. Just when we were about to –”
A loud yawn interrupts her.
“For Heaven’s sake, Ron.”
“I’m tired,” he whines. “Hugo never bloody sleeps.”
“One second you were all – excited, and the next…” A gesture at the gradually deflating tent in the sheets.
“I’m sorry, love.” He stifles another yawn.
“It’s important that we maintain our intimate relationship. All the books say so. We knew it would be harder with two, but –”
“Trust me love, I want to. I’m just – so –” he yawns again, “fucking tired.”
Hermione gives a loud sigh.
“Fine. Goodnight, Ron.”
“G’night love.”
He rolls onto his side and rests his hand on her hip. The ensuing spark of arousal causes her to draw in a sharp breath, but he’s already snoring.
“Damn,” she whispers. She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes, willing sleep to come, trying to ignore the lingering ache. It’s a helpless undertaking. And so, with a glance at her sleeping husband, she wriggles out from his embrace; her hand slides under the sheet, along her still-rounded belly and into her knickers.
The first brush of fingers against labia makes her gasp. She looks again at Ron but his eyes remain closed, his breathing even. She touches herself again and presses her lips together, trying not to moan aloud. She’s done this in front of him before, of course, but never while he slept; the taboo of it makes her heart race.
And then she touches her nub, and she can’t help but arch off the mattress and groan.
Suddenly, a large, familiar hand covers hers, pushing her fingers harder against her core, and she moans again. Her eyes flutter open and he’s above her, his eyes dark with lust. “Need a hand?”
“Oh, God,” she gasps, and her orgasm overwhelms her, leaving her breathless. Before she can recover, Ron is dragging her knickers down her legs and pressing his body to hers, as a hand on her hip rolls her onto her side. She can feel his reawakened cock, hard and insistent behind her.
“I thought you were too tired?”
“Turns out I was wrong,” he whispers, and pushes in.
He is everywhere – hard muscles moving against her back, mouth on her neck, a hand holding her hip, her arse, tweaking her aching nipple; and, most of all, his cock pressing deep into her. Each touch draws out something primal from within her; every movement sets her nerve endings alight. She grinds back against him desperately, doing anything she can to increase the delicious friction.
She whimpers as her second orgasm shatters her, her eyes screwed up against the force of it, but he doesn’t slow down. Instead he growls in her ear and rolls his hips even harder against her, fingers digging into her thigh. She’s helpless. She can’t escape this snare, this hedonistic vice his body has captured her in, and she doesn’t want to. She can do nothing except groan, each thrust drawing sounds from deep within her chest, and somehow remember to breathe. She is entirely at his mercy. And just when she thinks she can’t take anything more, he reaches for her clit once more.
She cries out and so does he, and then they fall silent, the room filled only with their panting breaths as their heart rates slowly return to normal.
“Better?” he asks after a while.
“Mmm.” Hermione feels sated, wrung out, as though she may never move again. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you up. Honestly.”
“It’s fine.” He presses a kiss to her cheek and another in her sweat-dampened hair. “I love you.”
“I love you, too,” she says, but he is already snoring again.
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romionequickiefest · 8 years
Quality Time
Category: Parenting Rated M Drabble
Two arms snaked around Ron’s waist as he stood in front of the bathroom sink, drying his hands.
“What are you doing in here?” He asked with a hesitant, I-don’t-want-to-get-my-hopes-up smile.
“I thought we could do with some alone time,” she answered, kissing his shoulder blade.
“What about the kids?”
“I got them both to go down for a kip.”
She had barely finished speaking before Ron, in a practiced movement, whirled her around in front of him as he locked the door with his other hand.
Within moments he was up her shirt like a determined Niffler in a bank vault, sighing happily as he nuzzled her breasts, one hand reaching around to knead her arse.
“There’s no rush, Ron,” Hermione laughed, threading her fingers through his hair, her eyes fluttering shut as he sucked her nipple into a peak.
“Sorry,” he muttered against her skin.
“It hasn’t been that long! I know it can be difficult to find time with the kids–”
“Speaking of, we need to move fast–they never stay down long enough,” Ron mumbled, licking his way down her stomach and undoing her shorts, letting them and her knickers fall around her ankles.
He hadn’t had his tongue between her folds for nearly long enough before she was tugging him to stand up, but she made up for it by pulling his head down to her and sucking his tongue, gripping him through his trousers before deftly undoing the fly to free him. She teased him with a slow, deliberate pull, circling her thumb over the already damp head. When he groaned into her mouth, she laughed, and slid to her knees, looking up at him wickedly.
“Hermione, I don’t think we have tiiIIIIIiiime–ohfuckityes!”
She felt his fingers tangle in her hair close to the scalp, enough for her to feel his excitement, but not enough to hurt. She smirked against him when she heard him whimper at the loss of contact as she removed him from her mouth, only for him to moan in appreciation when she gave his bollocks a careful suck. She let one hand fondle them, enjoying their weight, as she trailed tiny licks and kisses up his shaft, before sucking him down in one swift motion that had him jerking so hard he rose onto his toes. Her thighs were burning from her crouched position, but she ignored it as she built up a steady pace, one hand dropping down to brush the dampness spreading in her knickers.
Ron’s muscles tensed beneath his skin, his stomach sucking in harshly as she swirled her tongue around the tip. “‘Ermione, up,” he slurred, signalling that he was too close.
Once she was halfway standing, he lifted her up and placed her on the sink–specifically installed for the height–and positioned himself as she locked her ankles behind him. Both tried to be quiet, so as not to wake the children, but muttered curses and endearments soon had the mirror fogging up, sweat slicking down both of their backs. Hermione had already brought herself near the edge with her own fingers, so she encouraged him to move faster, the muscles of his arse clenching under her heels. Their cries were covered by several bottles and jars being knocked to the floor, ignored for the moment as they slumped together, breathing heavily.
“We really need to do this more often,” Ron said, kissing her shoulder.
“I know it’s been an adjustment this summer. You can always pay me a visit in my office,” Hermione said, chuckling as his eyes lit up.
Once they were dressed and hair smoothed back into place, they opened the door.
Coming face to face with Hugo, slumped against the opposite wall as only a fifteen year old could. All three stared at one another for several long, familiarly awkward moments. Hugo finally sighed.
“Rose, you were right!” He bellowed/
“Ha!” His sister’s voice floated back. “That’s twenty Galleons you owe me, Badger Boy!”
“I’m…..just gonna go use the other one,” Hugo mumbled, slinking back down the hall.
“Poor Hugo!” Hermione shook her head.
“Yeah. Imagine how he’ll feel when he finds out we’ve done it in there, too.”
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romionequickiefest · 8 years
Counting to 100
Category: Parenting Rated M
Ron held his breath after laying Rose down in bassinet, counting to 100 before he could take a step back towards the door. She could wake in an instant before 100 but then sleep for hours once she was fast asleep. At 101, Ron took a step backwards towards the open door to the landing, knowing that Hermione probably was in the kitchen, tidying after lunch on a chilly Saturday, a rare day for her to be away from the office.
Rosie didn’t realize that Mummy worked so much and that Daddy missed Mummy fiercely during the week. But then she was only six months old and hadn’t quite learned about using inside voices for informing Daddy she was awake or ready for a nappy change. Rosie was as loud has her mother, sometimes.
He took one last step to the doorway and a small yet strong hand yanked him through the doorway to the hall, pressing him into the sheet rock on the other side, across from their bedroom. “Asleep?” Hermione inquired as she worked her hands under his jumper and vest, covered in porridge and fruit pudding. “Please tell me that she will sleep for at least an hour.” Small hands went further under his vest, finding the hairs on his chest and the pebbling of his nips.
Ron pulled his wand from his trousers and motioned it at the doorway and walls. “She can’t hear us now, but we can hear her.”
“Brilliant,” Hermione whispered before pulling Ron across the hallway to their bedroom. His jumper and vest flew off, sans magic, but Ron used his wand to divest Hermione of her sleep trousers and vest, leaving her in her skin.
“Ron?” Hermione motioned that he hadn’t finished with his clothes but he laughed then shimmied out of his trousers and pants. “Sorry,” he chuckled while knowing he wasn’t sorry at all. He dove under the covers of their bed and Hermione joined him, kissing him frantically.
“Hour? Sure about that?” Her hand worked down through the coarse hairs on his lower belly onto his cock, feeling the silky skin covering the ridges and veins.
“I dunno, it might be ten minutes if you have your way.” Ron rolled them over, with Hermione pressed into the warmed bedclothes, feeling her hands over his shoulders and down onto his bum.  “Fuck, missed this too much!” He kissed her, pressing his lips into her neck and chest, leaving a trail of kisses over her.
Her legs wrapped around his hips, opening herself up to him. “Last three days in the office, all I could think about was you making me scream.” She shifted again and he slid into her, warm and inviting and just the right bit of grip. “You’d think we’d been without for months, not a week.”
Ron lifted up from his elbows onto his knees, bringing Hermione’s legs onto the bed behind his arse. His hands found his favorite bits, on her tits and her clit, rubbing both.  “Well, when your case wrapped up Tuesday, I knew you’d want to celebrate. And before that, it had been a month.” He pouted a second before moving her right leg to his shoulder and her left one as wide as she could comfortably move it. “You were working sixteen hour days getting that legislation ready to pass.” He rubbed her clit and she clamped down on him, moaning and quivering under his touch.  He slowed some, letting her appreciate the massive orgasm before speeding back up.
“Merlin knows everyone who ever had Remus as a professor was there, celebrating the Werewolf Emancipation and Employment Act you busted your arse to pass.” Ron pulled her closer, focusing on thrusting higher on her inner walls to feel her come harder. She did, screaming.
“Fuck, it was my third proudest moment, being with you.” Her eyes were closed and she was close, by the way she was panting. His thrusts grew erratic but he knew she had a third in her. Her words were growing crass and pointed, which never failed to make him even harder. “Second was the day you gave birth to Rose – and lived through it. First was the day you married my sorry arse!”
The band in his bits exploded, giving everything he had to his blissful wife.
He fell back into the bedclothes, trying to remember how to breathe when he felt her crawling over his chest. Wetness fell onto his chest and heard his wife weeping.
“I did it for Remus, and Professor Snape. All of those journals, detailing exactly what happened to them that year. I knew I had to do something, to help those afflicted get the help they needed, from competent potions masters. I knew they needed help and I said I would do something.”
Ron opened his eyes and saw his wife, while disheveled and properly shagged, smiling bright. “My brilliant wife. I am so proud to be your husband.”
“I couldn’t do it without your help and support.”
“You know,” Ron smirked, “one day, Rose will know how amazing her Mum is.”
Hermione leaned down and kissed him languidly. “But I hope that she’ll always be Daddy’s little girl. That will exceed all my expectations.”
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romionequickiefest · 7 years
10 days of highlights
♛ Parenting When you have littles running around, interruptions and time limitations necessitate the need to get creative. The TRUE quickie.
Counting to 100 Putting Rosie’s naptime to good use whilst simultaneously catching up
Quality Time Quickies happen where they can. Even in the loo.
Helpless Parenting can be extremely tiring... but Hermione can fire him up even when he’s asleep.
if you know already know your favourites remember to VOTE!
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