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insomniacember · 3 months ago
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i made all this lyrics,images,mp3s,drawings
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campaign-spotlight · 7 months ago
Dungeon Lore VI: Actual Plays and Peak D&D
In this week's Flashlight, we talk the rise of actual plays, the incredible profitability of Wizards of the Coast, and the professionalization of a hobby. We get into both academic media theory and SEC filings. Reilly is astounded by how many movies Jake has never seen. Spoiler warnings for Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves as well as "I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream" as well as maybe Rick and Morty? Also, we mention our Patreon on air for the first time.
Here are some links that we used in research for the episode. (It's a research-heavy episode.)
Here’s a CNBC article about Wizards of the Coast’s financials, including its profitability. 
Here’s a link to World’s Largest Dungeon Session 01, which is the oldest RPGMP3 episode still online.
Here’s the host of RPGMP3 talking about actual play podcasts in 2008. 
Here’s a Polygon article about the history and format of actual plays.
Here’s an academic journal article on actual play production and monetization.
Here’s a discussion of actual play shows trying to tell inclusive stories.
Here’s an academic journal article that analyzes actual plays through a media studies lens. 
Here’s another CNBC article (sorry) quoting WotC management on the importance of actual play to the business.
Here’s Hasbro’s quarterly SEC filing from May 2024.
If you like the music on the show, go check out more of Reilly's music.
Follow us wherever you get your podcasts, including Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and YouTube. You can also get episodes right from the source at our RSS feed. If you enjoy Campaign Spotlight, consider subscribing to our Patreon. For more on the show, including links to all our social media, visit our website.   
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mirandamckenni1 · 2 years ago
Liked on YouTube: Bisexual Pride, Erasure and "Privilege" 🌈 || https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lw4u2uqJ8-w || Happy pride friends! Today we're having a lil chitchat about being bisexual with some fun facts, some unfun treatment bi people receive and the idea of 'straight passing privilege'. Get your Baphy plushies here! https://bit.ly/3OYu1Ae Join this channel to get stompid emmotes (see what I did there) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBP1symGPqYIqi86gaXiX-Q/join Captions by David Glennon: [email protected] Like and subscribe if you enjoyed! Website: https://ift.tt/Be7TrHN Emma Thorne Extra: https://www.youtube.com/@EmmaThorneExtra Gaming Channel: https://www.youtube.com/LittleDuckGaming Twitch: https://ift.tt/mFjoACa Instagram: @emmainashes Twitter: @EmmaTheGoblin Patreon: https://ift.tt/tXU9uIi Merch: https://emma-thorne.com Ko-Fi: https://ift.tt/gIHQhVv Submit suggestions here: Emma Thorne Channel Suggestion box: https://ift.tt/cqW8Xvt Little Duck Gaming Suggestion box: https://ift.tt/CktD7OQ PO BOX: Emma Thorne PO Box 78387 LONDON E4 0HY Links! Pri demon th tee's: https://ift.tt/KcnX4IA Savy's video on Heartstopper drama & bi erasure: https://youtu.be/-3uE9LMLSfM Timecodes: 00:00 Start 03:55 What is "Bisexual"? 05:51 On demanding explanations and outing people 08:39 Gaydar isn't real 09:19 Some Bi Facts! 10:51 Bi People and Homophobia 11:36 Biphobia 13:23 Bi Erasure in Pop Culture 15:41 Straight Passing "Privelege" 21:01 How to be a bi buddy :) Huge thank you to my Colossal Quackers and Giant Chickens on Patreon! Bill Garrett Curious Quakka HiMyNameIsSpoon Jaderian Jeremy Buck Kori Gailliot Lord Nibbles Dankworth IX Philip Doherty Robi Groves Samandme59 Sean Hamill James Eastwood John newman Matto Chocolate Jesus Aspen Fat Houdini Chad Stewart supremepotato 471 A very confused looking badger Alexander C Fairbanks Andy is ducking around April Washburn Azku Bert Whitehead Brandon Brian McKemey Broos Nemanic Buddmeister2.0 Chantale cmd Connla "Chicken Maximus" Lyons Darth_Rondoudou Dave Kircher Daylin denny5252 Dr. Mint Dreffed Dylan Sweetland Ephemeral Entropy Buffer FalcorTheGinger Farron Sutton Faye The Succubus Flash -prez- Bluewolf Fulcrum GamingRidge Geeeee (NOT FOR VIDEOS) Henry Curtis JadedJabberwocky Jan Bojarp Jason Runcie Jim Lathrop Jo Ro John Fry Justin Rogers Kevin Levites Kiwi Satan Laughing Sisyphus Lizzy Gayle Lulidine Lynn Dobbs Lynn Shackelford Matthew Goderre Matthew Green Mattus McChicken Nuggetus Militant Agnostic Mordlex 200 Mr Smeeth Niamh Coghlan NINJARED Nixie NotMyselfThisTime Novaria Lebedev Nullunit ohsosmooth Paul McGinty paul mueller Peter Kyrouac PlatypusBear Quique León razbitom Red Ochsenbein RileyTheTortoise Rosyna Keller RPGMP3 Sarah Chavis Sean Siliconself SIRIUSLY Tank Lowe Tax Man The Shropshire Lad Thomas V Lohmeier Valyrie WeirdyBeardy Willow the Wendigo jedidragonwarriorqueen PaulM Will Crouch Ambo aka Fearless Ambassador Ceilidh Dave Smith Andrew Abigail Hess
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rpgmp3-fan · 7 years ago
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RPGMP3 is playing the classic module, B5: Horror on the Hill, updated for the new D&D 5E ruleset.
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rbtalley3 · 4 years ago
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elfshotthefood · 2 years ago
RPGmp3.com, World's Largest Dungeon.
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paolo-redaelli · 4 years ago
Mystara Player’s Guide | RPGMP3
Mystara Player’s Guide | RPGMP3
View On WordPress
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whatdoyoudopods · 4 years ago
Jade Regent Adventure Path
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Here are the actual play groups currently using the Jade Regent adventure path from @officialpaizo​!
The Pod Called Quest (Podcast)
Strange Gods Podcast (Podcast)
RPGMP3.com (Podcast)
Do you know of another podcast or stream running this adventure path? Send me a show name and link in the notes below!
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eldmosild · 5 years ago
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awcharyn · 5 years ago
This website gives not just a safe deal but additionally a quick supply of Poe orbs right after making sure the payment. An individual gets poe orbs in a suprisingly low price rate on this website. This site provides a reimbursement guarantee to people whenever they deal with any issue with trading. Online players can acquire the Poe orbs within just ten minutes just by paying on this site.
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mirandamckenni1 · 8 months ago
The Old Testament Myths AREN'T Original? 📖 Today we're joined by the fantastic Dr Josh Bowen: expert Assyriologist to talk about the Ancient Near Eastern myths that inspired the Old Testament. If you're a history fan, interested in learning some contextual history to better understand the stories of the OT or if you're looking to debate fundamentalist apologists, this is the one for you! Check out Dr Josh's 7 part lecture series using my affiliate link: https://ift.tt/9pN2P4y Atheists Handbook to the OT: https://ift.tt/qlEv7dM Join this channel to get stompid emmotes (see what I did there) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBP1symGPqYIqi86gaXiX-Q/join Captions by David Glennon: [email protected] Like and subscribe if you enjoyed! Website: https://ift.tt/NO4xAK9 Emma Thorne Extra: https://www.youtube.com/@EmmaThorneBackstage Gaming Channel: https://www.youtube.com/LittleDuckGaming Twitch: https://ift.tt/1lZr6ob Instagram: @emmainashes Twitter: @EmmaTheGoblin Patreon: https://ift.tt/ysfWSx1 Merch: https://emma-thorne.com Ko-Fi: https://ift.tt/Iwzhecb PO BOX: Emma Thorne PO Box 78387 LONDON E4 0HY Huge thank you to my Colossal Quackers and Giant Chickens on Patreon! Bill Garrett Brent Bartlett Chaotic Quakka dirtfixer Douglas Steingraber 2 Jaderian Jeremy Buck John E. John newman Lord Nibbles Dankworth IX Nick Muggio Philip Doherty Purple_Pug_2013 Samandme59 Sean Hamill Squeaky Fish 2 Vermont1777 Al Sweigart Andrew Andrew Rackstraw April Washburn Ben Eiynk Bert Whitehead Brian McKemey Buddmeister2.0 CandyConsumption Ceilidh Chantale Connla "Chicken Maximus" Lyons Darren McHaffie Dave Kircher Dave Smith Daylin Emory Darling FalcorTheGinger Farron Sutton Flash -prez- Bluewolf HissyFit! Pet Therapy and Rescue Israel Perez-Tanahashi Jan Bojarp Jason Runcie jaxjanjy jedidragonwarriorqueen Jim Lathrop Jo Ro John Fry King Skippus Laker Sparks Lizzy Gayle Lulidine Magic Mel Matthew Green Mattus McChicken Nuggetus Mordlex 200 Mr Smeeth NotMyselfThisTime ohsosmooth Paul Lyon Paul McGinty paul mueller PaulM Peter Kyrouac Ralti razbitom Rosyna Keller RPGMP3 Sean SIRIUSLY The Shropshire Lad TooFarSouth Trent aka Professor Football Valyrie VinceWasSu Willow the Wendigo Wrongtown via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ha1X7gwaXBw
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rpgmp3-fan · 7 years ago
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RPGMP3 is playing the classic module, B5: Horror on the Hill, updated for the new D&D 5E ruleset.
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brittellis · 5 years ago
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mirandamckenni1 · 1 year ago
Cringey Christian Clickbait: "Autism Cured by God" Today we're looking at one of the worst channels I've ever come across, a super cringe Christian channel which ticks every 'controversial' clickbait topic, from transphobia to 'curing' autism with God. Join this channel to get stompid emmotes (see what I did there) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBP1symGPqYIqi86gaXiX-Q/join Captions by David Glennon: [email protected] Like and subscribe if you enjoyed! Website: https://ift.tt/xo9XirZ Emma Thorne Extra: https://www.youtube.com/@EmmaThorneBackstage Gaming Channel: https://www.youtube.com/LittleDuckGaming Twitch: https://ift.tt/GiZS7UK Instagram: @emmainashes Twitter: @EmmaTheGoblin Patreon: https://ift.tt/Qq6yh5R Merch: https://emma-thorne.com Ko-Fi: https://ift.tt/X8O4iKk PO BOX: Emma Thorne PO Box 78387 LONDON E4 0HY Timecodes: 00:00 Start 01:37 On "Cringe" 05:02 Kaden Pody's Channel 08:40 "Autism set free" Video 18:30 MrBeast Video Huge thank you to my Colossal Quackers and Giant Chickens on Patreon! Alex Aspen Bill Garrett Chad Stewart Chaotic Quakka Childfree Matto Chocolate Jesus Douglas Steingraber 2 Fat Houdini HiMyNameIsSpoon Jaderian Jason Haase Jeremy Buck John newman Kori Gailliot Lord Nibbles Dankworth IX Marissa Arciero Mike Nick Muggio Philip Doherty Robi Groves Samandme59 Sean Hamill supremepotato 471 Vermont1777 A very confused looking badger Aaron Reece Aaron Speer Abigail Hess Alexander C Fairbanks Alltag Amber Ambo aka Fearless Ambassador Andrew Andy is ducking around April Washburn Asinga Skeladale Azku Baked Bads Ben Eiynk Bert Whitehead Bike Murns Brandon Brian B Brian McKemey Broos Nemanic Buddmeister2.0 C Cackles Catherine the Great Ceilidh Chantale Charlie edwins ChickFilADeathFries(John) Chris Davies Chris Simpson cmd Connie Wright Connla "Chicken Maximus" Lyons Cory Garner Danny Danny Van Hecke Darren McHaffie Darth_Rondoudou DasMonitor Dave Kircher Dave Smith David Daylin denny5252 Dr. Mint Dreffed Dylan Sweetland Eamonn Sheridan Ephemeral Entropy Buffer FalcorTheGinger Farron Sutton Faye The Succubus Flash -prez- Bluewolf Flirty Imp Franciszek Stefanek Fulcrum GamingRidge gay of reckoning Geeeee (NOT FOR VIDEOS) George Bush gm gm GrayV Greymond Henry Curtis I climbed the rope ladder to face dictator of the world JadedJabberwocky James Crick James Eastwood Jan Bojarp Jason Metcalf Jason Runcie jedidragonwarriorqueen jghfghjhgy Jilly Gee Jim Lathrop Jo Ro John Fry Justin Rogers Kent Woodward Kevin Levites Kiwi Satan Kristjan Wager LadyKeira Laker Sparks Laughing Sisyphus Lizzy Gayle Lucie Lamprell Lulidine Lynn Dobbs Lynn Shackelford Manny Roman Mark Threlfall Matthew Goderre Matthew Green Mattus McChicken Nuggetus MilesTeg (aka Jim Bennett) Militant Agnostic miss_bunburyist Mogarringa Mordlex 200 Mr Cya Mr Smeeth Mr. Creosote Nerd Fiction Niamh Coghlan Nick Ellis NINJARED Nixie Noisy Blue NotMyselfThisTime Novaria Lebedev Nullunit ohsosmooth Paul McGinty paul mueller PaulM Payne309 Peter Kyrouac pewmewnoire pewmewnoire PlatypusBear Plux Quique León RacingPig razbitom Red Ochsenbein Repti-Verse Richard Jackson RileyTheTortoise Rosyna Keller RPGMP3 Rudy Bee samsbro1952 . samsbro1952 . Sarah Chavis Sean Siliconself Silly Kristy Silly Kristy SIRIUSLY SuperSquidHunk taisau Tank Lowe Tax Man That person The Shropshire Lad ThmsR Thomas V Lohmeier Tracey O'Raw Valyrie Ville Paanasalo VinceWasSu Wasatch Witch WeirdyBeardy Will Crouch William Witt Willow the Wendigo Zuhl via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9GOeAgdGoI
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rpgmp3-fan · 7 years ago
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RPGMP3 is playing the classic module, B5: Horror on the Hill, updated for the new D&D 5E ruleset.
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rpgmp3-fan · 7 years ago
RPGMP3 is playing the classic adventure module, B5: Horror on the Hill, updated for D&D 5E!
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