isaaccecilbryant · 4 years
"So do ya have any crazy stories from when you were a kid? I'll share mine if you share yours! It'll be fun! I've got looooots~"
Isaac warmly chuckled as he thought back to his childhood. He was never the type to misbehave, so he had a limited selection of stories to pick from. Even less if he excluded the fatally embarrassing ones. 
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“It was a regular occurrence for me to sneak whatever small animal I caught outside into the house. My parents would catch me right away and make me release it though. I really wanted a pet as a kid.” Isaac gave it some more thought. Was he so boring of a child that he hadn’t had any wild adventures.
“Oh, wait. There was a time when my friend Miles and I hid in his father’s office, and he ended up evacuating a whole floor of the academy building to keep a bully from finding us.”
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