#rp: wyl
serwaymarroyce · 2 years
Continued RP with @addersands from here
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“What a blessing it is that the Watch sent me south as opposed to east. If what you say is true.” Not that Waymar doubted the Lady of Wy’s words in the slightest. Her words regarding Lys carried a tone of casual confidence that so often belonged to those with firsthand experience. To imagine that his companion beneath the stars this night had witnessed the splendor of Lys, had stood beneath its scorching sun and moon alike was not a stretch of the imagination at all. 
“For all that I own is black. To send me there would be my end. What a shame that would be.” Humor continued to lift Waymar’s tone with those words, his pace keeping with Soraeya’s. It was subtle yet he was following her lead, his pace delayed but a half step to hers as their wandering continued. Ahhh, but was it wanderung, in truth? Exactly where were the two off on their foray about the castle?
“A sonneteer? Ohhh, my lady, you are too kind. How wonderful it is to know my fortunes are not dashed if my sword arm fails me.” Humor had well turned into a full, encompassing grin cast in the direction of the Dornish noblewoman. She had a wit about her, and humor too. Two things that were so often in woefully short supply when it came to meeting with the highborn. 
No wonder he liked her from the beginning.
Their stroll about the grounds of the castle had taken them to the walls of Castle Wyl. Leaving nothing but the flanking mountains to obstruct one's sight of the countless stars above, all but a flickering candle to the magnificence that was the sight of the Dornish moon.
If it was that sight and that sight alone which bid his companion to invite him out into the night, Waymar would have considered this evening impeccably well spent. 
Yeti was the sight of that mischievous grin of hers and those words that accompanied it which sent a splash of color across Waymar’s face. Just how concealed would such a reddening of the face be beneath the light of such a moon? In that moment when the subtle safety of darkness was sought that pale light in the sky felt as blazing as the noontime sun.
Recovery was sought in a grin of his own, and the resting of arms across the parapet of the wall. Such a thing served two purposes. One, it gave the opportunity to savor the sight of the night sky above. Two, it gave Waymar an opportunity to recompose himself. As best one could in the company of one with wits sharp enough to shave ice.
“Many things are on my mind, Lady Soraeya. But let me speak of the one you have likely already surmised. The Watch sending a brother this far south is not bred out of startlingly poor navigational skill. Despite all our troubles we still know north from south.” Ahh, that humor remained, but it was but a spark compared to an ember. There was little warmth in it. “It is from desperation. For aid. Whatever can be offered. Swords, spears, the men to wield them. Grain. Even clothing. Black, of course. Not that I’d seek to deprive you of all clothes of mourning. Winter is here. I fear it will even come as far as your walls in time.”
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teena-rps · 3 years
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❝ stay away from those taylor women; they're nothing but trouble.
cw: illness/cancer
tldr: 5 half-sisters from a flighty mom. (youngest is a npc.) they came to beechbridge ~20 years ago. the eldest was the surrogate mom that pushed them all to get out of the small town. now they’re all back in town to help out while their mother is sick. now they’re all stuck in the same 3-bedroom they grew up in.
angie taylor isn’t a bad woman but she is the type that relies heavily on other people for her comforts, particularly men. a romantic at heart, she always believed that the next one would stick, even if he was married and had a family of his own, or was pointedly leaving town in a month. five daughters by as many men later, and she’s never learned her lesson; fragile heart breaking over and over, daughters left to connect the shambles that could have been their family. angie treated her daughters more like relationship trophies than kids so her oldest daughter picked up the parenting slack.
they moved around a lot. their mother was an entertainer and even after they settled in beechbridge and put their collective foot down (it’s a cute town and everyone was really friendly), their mother was still flitting in and out. a few years before clara was born, angie went through breast cancer treatment. the girls grew up, shouldered the medical debts and nora pushed them all out to go on to greater things. now their mother is sick again and they’ve all migrated back to beechbridge to share the load of taking care of their mother, their littlest sister and nora’s little baboo. except beechbridge is a tiny town, probably not tons of short-term rentals, so they’re crammed into the house they grew up in which is getting a little crowded.
the sisters can be anything you want though nora probably pushed them into college to help them get decent jobs (the second youngest could also still be in school and is now doing online classes while in beechbridge) and into bigger cities where they could have more opportunities. they all have different fathers and don’t really have to physically look all that similar. and they don’t have to have crappy connections to their fathers like nora does but they did mostly grow up as a family unit. but yeah they’re all a huge mess and it’ll be lots of fun, i promise! hit me up here or on discord at tee#0825
☆ nora flynn taylor. 32. born in las vegas. chocolate cosmo. emily browning. tee.
nora isn’t the heart of the family by any means (she’s far too pushy, sarcastic and strict) but she’s definitely the backbone. she’s been taking care of them as long as anyone can remember, working every shitty job to get her sisters the hell out of dodge and onto better things. she had a bit of a meltdown when she hit 30 and her sisters will all grown (read: she basically had a mid-life crisis) and went on a bit of tear like she used to in high school and now there’s a 3 year old toddler chilling around with the family.
☆ – – taylor. 26-27. born in –. membergroup. face claim. player.
tba lalala
☆ – – taylor. 23-25. born in –. membergroup. face claim. player.
☆ – – taylor. 20-22. born in –. membergroup. face claim. player.
☆ clara remi taylor. born in beechbridge. 16. npc.
born a few years after angie’s first bout with breast cancer, clara is the baby of the family, dotted upon and coddle by their mother who keeps her close to her chest. she’s the most like their mother and since starting high school, has had a slew of short-term but dramatic relationships.
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missgreentelepath · 5 years
“Look just do this one thing for me, and I’ll do anything you say. Please? Please? Please?“ from Wyl
“Yeah? How badly do you want me to say yes?” The young redhead asked, arms crossing over her chest. “Miss Perfect needs lil sis to help?” Ja’ak asked with a smirk. Ja’ak leaped her bed, stepping up to her big sister.
“Alright here’s the deal. I don’t do the dishes for a month, and you have to take me to the new space horror movie!”
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corelliaxdreaming · 5 years
for the blog asks 3, 5, 10, 11, and 12. and just for you I'll throw in 2 so you have an excuse to talk about the boy (not that you need one but have one anyway)
3. What was the purpose of this blog when you created it?Haha, approximately 87 years ago (okay, more like 7 or so), this started life as “icandrawamoth,” an rp blog for Combeferre from Les Miserables. All that stuff is still there if you go back far enough in the archive.
5. Do people you know outside of tumblr know about this blog?People know I have a Tumblr, but they do not know what it is. I will protect the secrecy of this blog with my life. I had an rl friend ask for it pretty insistantly, and I said no. This is my place where I can just be me and not have to worry about anybody judging me.
10. Do you follow any tags?Yep! Several of them are fairly inactive and tend to show my posts more often than anything, but the ones I’m currenly following are: Alphabet Squadron, cinemagraph, fairytaleedit, Forces of Destiny & Star Wars Forces of Destiny, Mami Tomoe, Matt Rosell, mythologyedit, Rose Tico, Sleep No More, Tycho Celchu, Wedge Antilles, and Wyl Lark.
11. Do you check recommended posts?I do fairly reguarly, and I’m still waiting for the fact that they’re swimming in Good Omens to fade away. That’s going to happen, right? I have no idea how the algorithms work.
12. Do you check the trending tags?Also regularly. It’s one way I get news. There’s always the split second terror of “is this celebrity trending because it’s their birthday or because they died?” or the mystery of what a certain fandom is trending.
2. What is your profile picture and why did you choose to use it?It was still Tycho when you asked me this, and yep, the boy, because I love him! Now it’s the OTP finally, which I’m happy with, but it’s still weird and a thing I’m getting used to.
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valoirhq · 6 years
WYLLEM ‘WYL’ CROSS, who strongly resembles MATTHEW DADDARIO, has made Ceres Centropolis their home. They are a 29 year old MUTANT and have been in the city for TWO YEARS. They have been known to have ATMOKINESIS, NATURAL WARPING (developing). They are known to be + PASSIONATE & + LOYAL and - BLUNT & - EMOTIONAL.  If you’re lucky, you may catch them working at ALTIMIRA ACADEMY as a TEACHER/TRAINER.  ((Jax, EST, 22, HE/HIM))
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Your application has been accepted.  Please send your account to us within 24 hours or risk the chance of having your FC reopened!
After sending your account in, please follow all of the other players in the RP!  
Also post something in character within 24 hours after you’ve sent in your account. 
Follow all of the tracked tags so you can keep up with Ceres Centropolis!
Please make an introductory post about your character in the#vi.intro tag.  
In the introductory post, please include at least five bullet points about your character’s power and history.
Thanks so much for applying. Please enjoy your stay at Ceres Centropolis.
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throneshq · 3 years
would ni ni fit into this rp ? or maybe zorzo natharuetai ? thank you in advance for your help!
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hello  there  !  i  think  both  would  absolutely  be  wonderful  to  have  here  !  i  could  see  ni  ni  as  a  member  of  houses  wyl,  poole,  piper,  or  ladybright,  &  zorzo  would  be  great  in  houses  karstark,  gardener,  darkwood,  or  cuy  !  either  would  also  work  wonderfully  for  erik  forrester’s  late  wife’s  family  or  selina  targaryen’s  ladies  in  waiting  /  spies  !
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asoiafundone-blog · 6 years
Lady Grey’s RP wish list
a thread where Tywin visits the North for the first time -- could be pre-GoT, during or after. (Roose Bolton makes a comment in the show that the King’s armies have never marched past the neck or something like that so I’m assuming Tywin has never been to Winterfell)
conversations with Tyrion
positive interactions with grandchildren (does this rule Joff out? not sure..)
a thread where Cat doesn’t die at the Red Wedding and Roose takes her back to the Dreadfort as a prisoner
canon ship with Walda, modern au ship with Walda, anything with Walda, really
anything with Isyla of Wyl
ARYA (could be platonic ships with canon Arya or romantic ships with older Arya in au or where she returns to Braavos in later years)
Canon-era threads where someone has contracted the House of Black and White for an assassin 
Harrenhal threads
Modern au assassin Jaqen threads
threads with Stannis, Davos, Selyse, Shireen, Gendry, Arya
anything really -- still feeling this character out
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teena-rps · 3 years
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elijah dunn · thirty · financial advisor & accountant · beechbridge native · went away for college · cat dad · single · sea poison · trevante rhodes
· bear hugs · the sound of crunching fall leaves · cozy sweaters · keeping rocks as souvenirs · nike socks with slides · ties in fun colours · pearly white teeth · whiskey on the rocks · polished boots · denim jackets · leather journals · late night workouts · snorting when laughing · good advice · gregarious winking · pickup basketball games · maxed iphone storage · not wearing a shirt after april · smell of pine needles · cola gummies · bi af · protein shakes · homemade apple pie · romantic comedies · slow, deep kisses · fluffy cats · voicing opinions · pillow forts · shaved coconut · eyerolls · who even carries cash anymore · minty breath ·
needs; some family members · pals · gym buds · co-workers at the bank · ppl whose accounting he does on the side · someone he punched that one time or something · idk everything probably ·
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teena-rps · 3 years
name: tee timezone: est pronouns: she/her favourite character parallels: paris geller, sam wilson, willow rosenberg, don draper, atticus finch favourite types of plots: complicated family dynamics, tight-knit friend groups,  what do you want in a site: somewhere fun where the community is very welcoming and inclusive! about you: i’m getting back into rp-ing after a brief hiatus to pls forgive my errors friends! also i love october and i am salem from og sabrina
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fun fact: i really hate raw tomatoes and their texture freaks me out a bit
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teena-rps · 3 years
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nora taylor · thirty-two · waitress · side hustle queen · born in las vegas · twenty-year citizen · oldest sister ·  single mother · chocolate cosmo · emily browning
· ripped jeans · messy buns · undereye bags · oversized flannels ·  sitting down in the shower · battered paperbacks · worn-in converse sneakers · blanket forts · sunday morning breakfast · cramped handwriting · stackable jewellery · warm sun spots · polaroid pictures · half-full tip jar · pinky promises · coke in bottles · cookies warm from the oven · daisies · whistling tea kettle · stopping to pet every dog · sarcasm and sass · small but mighty �� sour strip candy · playing in the snow · lemon-scented cleaner · lipstick stains on wineglasses · hummed lullabies · all jokes are puns · being wrapped up in a warm comforter · mending every bit of clothing · working every menial job · threading fingers through hair ·
needs; three younger sisters · father of the smol child maybe · at least one best friend that can deal with her · people who don’t appreciate her sarcasm · pretty much everything lbr ·
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