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fetichesonoro · 3 months ago
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25th Latin Grammys, Miami, Florida, 2024.
The Warning, Juan Luis Guerra 4.40, Mon Laferte, Cimafunk and Catalina García, Ela Taubert and Joe Jonas, Karol G, Rozalén, Sílvia Pérez Cruz, and Dillom.
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fidjiefidjie · 11 months ago
Bon Matin 💙🎸🆕️❤️
Rozalén, Carlos Vives 🎶 Tres Días en Cartagena
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waru-chan8 · 1 year ago
1, 3, 9 and 23 for the songs ask 🎶
Thank you so much Lyanne for this
1. A song you like with a colour in the tittle La puerta violeta (The Violet door) by Rozalén. It's about a women beaten by his partner that finds strenghts to leave them
3. A song that reminds you of summertime Eso que tu me das by Jarabe de Palo
9. A song that makes you happy Don't Fix Me by Blind Channel. This is the song I wanted to hear when I was a teen and I broke with my bf. I wanted to hear that there wasn't anything bad with me
23. A song that you think everyone should listen to In The Shadows of Ukraine by Kalush Orchestra & The Rasmus. The base of the song is In The Shadows from The Rasmus but they got a cool mix in there. Be aware that the video has war and gruesome imatges
Music general ask
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al-mayriti · 2 years ago
okay so, since a few years ago, i have been compiling songs that talk about certain cities / regions of spain because they make me emotional for some reason and i really like them :) soon after starting doing that i wanted to share it here but i didn't know how. i might have found how to tho. i will be posting lyrics to some of these songs, and i will be explaining every reference they make to that particular city / area, so we all get to learn a bit about it !! let me know if i should change the formatting or whatever, this is all a wip lol. i will be tagging both here and in my masterpost with 'spain in songs', but again, that's also a wip lol
anyways, i wanted to start with a song about albacete cause that's where my mother's side of the family is from so i have a very strong tie to it and especially to rozalén (she's like. the family titular singer. i don't know how to explain it but she's very dear to us all) so i had to !!!!
before starting, just a bit of context; she made this song when she was chosen as the pregonera (spokesperson) in the albacete city festivities last year, and she sung it for the first time during the pregón (speech). the first time i listened to it was through and audio my mum's cousin sent her lol. also, it's a jota, one of the traditional musical styles in the peninsula - it's the most common as well. the album where this song is from is full of traditional sounds if you want to check it out, as every rozalén album it's full of songs with social messages and just. phenomenal stuff. i really recommend it, it's called matriz.
anyways, here's the translation in english of the lyrics (let me know if there's any mistakes!!!). i will do all explanations below the cut, so this doesn't get too lengthy.
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as stated before, jotas are one of the traditional songs in iberia. they vary according to the region; the one sung in albacete, which is also the type of jota this song is, is a jota manchega. the most well-known jotas are, however, the ones from aragón, as they are known to be the original and oldest ones as well. this is how aragonese jotas sound, try to spot the difference with the manchegas!
all la mancha (the region albacete is part of) is famous for its steel work, and albacete in particular is known for its navajas or knife pockets! you can find them all over souvenir stores and roadside bars, and there's even a cutlery museum in albacete city.
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3. albacete province is indeed a land of mountains and plains! most of the province is part of the meseta sur ('southern tableland'), part of the larger meseta central , but the southwest is full of mountains and river canyons, as it contains part of the sierras (mountains) of segura and alcaraz, in the cordillera prebética ('prebaetic system').
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4. albacete sits halfway between madrid and the mediterranean coast, and that's what has granted it it's importance within the country. in fact, most people from madrid know it as the place where you stop by to eat on your trip to the coast (which explains the next line in the song).
5. okay, this is just a dumb dad joke and i feel mortified having to explain it, so sorry beforehand. when someone with a lot of confidence on themselves say they want to study in harvard when they grow up, or when someone cites a dubius study made in harvard, someone (usually a dad) will say, 'yeah, from "jarvacete".' In spanish, if you say 'harvard city' fast, it would be pronounced more or less like 'har-bah-seeh-teh', similar to albacete ('al-bah-theh-teh'). it's just a dumb joke idk.
6. funnily enough, this one isn't a joke but a real tagline of the city. really. the term 'the new york of la mancha' to refer to albacete was coined by the writer azorín at the end of the 19th century in a poem to the city, calling it like that because of its tall and modern buildings, its heavy industrialization, and its electrical workframe. it's also the largest city in la mancha (it has 172k inhabitants) by a wide margin (guadalajara, the 2nd largest, only has 87k), so that helps. here's a comparision between the two cities, so you can see the striking resemblance. albacete is on the right btw.
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7. the atascaburras (literally 'donkeyclogger') is one of the traditional dishes from albacete province. it is usually eaten in winter after a snow, and it's made with dried and salted cod, boiled potatoes, olive oil, garlic, boiled eggs, and walnuts.
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8. the miguelitos ('little michaels') are the most well-known dessert from albacete province, sold in every roadside bar and so very iconic, i love them. they originated in the town of la roda, and are a type of cream filled puff pastry. they're sometimes also filled with chocolate (the superior miguelitos imo).
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9. the bota (literally 'boot') is a traditional spanish wine recipient found mostly in rural areas, such as albacete, made out of leather. it's a very iconic iberian tool, it is used in a lot of stuff for aesthetic purposes.
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10. the feria de albacete ('albacete fair') is the main festivity of the city (the one for which rozalén was spokeperson for and the reason this song got made). it is celebrated every year from 7-17th september in honour of the Virgen de los Llanos ('Our Lady of the Plains'), and it's celebrated in this space called the recinto ferial full of attractions and stands, lots of drinks, free food, and people dressing up in the traditional manchego outfits and dancing and having fun and it's great :) within this recinto ferial, there's this tall pole called el pincho ('the spike') that is used as a meeting point for many albaceteñes, so it's become this iconic part of the feria.
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11. the alpargatas are a traditional spanish shoes made out of wicker and esparto used (in a more modern form) all over iberia (i myself have a pair), and that happen to be part of the manchego outfit.
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beni75 · 2 years ago
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lescroniques · 2 months ago
Bea Romero, intèrprete de Rozalén: "La llengua de signes és Patrimoni de la Humanitat
Diego Santamaría / elcorreodeburgos.com Tomás Alonso / elcorreodeburgos.comNi es mou un pèl quan actua, al costat de la seva estimada Rozalén, davant de centenars o milers de persones. La cosa canvia quan a Bea Romero, la intèrpret de llengua de signes (LSE) més famosa d’Espanya, li toca parlar en públic. La seva timidesa la delata, és un pessic de nervis, però fa goig escoltar tot el que té a…
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musictomyremember · 4 months ago
Eskorzo y Rozalén · 'Se Tiene Que Acabar'
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todocubaonline · 2 years ago
Cantante española Rozalén anuncia concierto en La Habana
Invitada a Cubadisco 2023, la artista expresó su alegría por el recibimiento que tuvo en esta capital, donde toca por primera vez.
La cantante española Rozalén anunció en sus redes sociales que realizará un concierto este 8 de mayo en el Teatro Nacional de Cuba, como parte de la Feria Internacional Cubadisco 2023. El certamen, catalogado como la mayor fiesta del disco en la isla, se extenderá hasta el 14 de mayo en varios escenarios de La Habana y de algunas provincias del país. Rozalén, invitada a Cubadisco 2023, expresó…
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arquichelista · 2 years ago
La tumba de la golondrina | La Ronda de Boltaña feat. Rozalen.
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koelnpoetry · 2 years ago
Sentí a kilómetros
Que te quería a centímetros de mí
Macaco & Rozalén - La Distancia (2021)
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diegomansomartin · 8 months ago
Mr.Kilombo ft. Rozalén - "Sinmigo"
Hay que soltar con fuerza, dejar que llueva a mares llenarnos la cabeza de pájaros de portugales sólo de imaginarte me entran los mil temblores pero, no tengo el cuerpo pa' mendigar amores...
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advestager · 1 year ago
currently obsessed with a song in italian one in spanish one in korean/english and two in japanese so you can probably imagine the appalling linguistic hodgepodge going on in my brain right now
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armatofu · 1 year ago
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al-mayriti · 1 year ago
my heart is aching for marwán right now honestly. he's a spanish singer-songwriter and i knew that he and his family were from an arab-speaking country, but i didn't know he was palestinian until i saw this tweet from him yesterday.
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and today he tweeted this.
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i hate that we only get affected by tragedies when its celebrities who live them, but maybe this will finally be the push so that the government ceases all help to the idf (i have seen on twitter that maybe some warships were sent to israel from spain but i have not confirmed it) and continues condemning this ethnic cleansing.
meanwhile, support marwán, he's an excellent songwriter and he apparently is going to release some songs talking through everything going on in palestine. here are his youtube channel and his spotify, i really enjoy his recent collab with andrés suárez, un día de estos !
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yume-fanfare · 2 years ago
la verdad lo que tengo mucho son asignaciones de canciones en español a blorbos,
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retales-del-alma · 1 year ago
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Letras que gritan los desgarros del alma ,
Letras que ahuyentaron miedos y pusieron fin a la sumisión.
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