#royal girl really evil actually and rebel girl really good actually!! also teachers sleep in their classrooms when school is over!
holycompendium · 5 months
i hate the "apple and raven were switched at birth" theory so bad it's insane. like, not only is it laughably unfounded but it literally goes against everything the story of eah is trying to tell?
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clownsgobeepbeep · 7 years
AU Stuff
I can't sleep rn so have this spam
Human "AU"/Forms
Cosmos: Family toy shop manager and toymaker
Jelly: Heir to entire family business, toymaker and the one to keep up with the reputation
Pepper:Toymaker and sells bakes goods
Cuckoo: Works in an antique shop 
Ace: Doesn't do much because he's a lazy fuck, but he does help out at the toy shop
High School AU
Cosmos: Popular flirt, senior, lazy piece of shit who only has an A+++ in math and science, manipulative and secretly a mama's boy
Jelly: Popular flirt, junior, teacher's pet/very good student, secretly a big nerd and book worm just trying to make her family proud
Pepper: Bullied/"Loser",  junior, tries his best at school but can't always succeed. No sports but damn everybody is terrified when he plays dodgeball
Cuckoo: College student who volunteers at the high school when they have time, many think they're very good looking but they're quite oblivious if not flustered
Ace: Bully, senior who should be in college but he's such an idiot he flunked, is actually trying his best but sucks at everything except football and wrestling, his horrible mother is in the PTA
Vampire AU
Cosmos: Vampire and heir to family fortune
Jelly:Vampire and acts like the head of the house
Pepper: Vampire and wild one in the family
Cuckoo: Werewolf trying their best to not hurt/kill anybody
Ace: Vampire and part of Jelly's "grooms"
Reverse Vampire AU
Cosmos: Vengeful Vampire Hunter
Jelly: Human rebelling against her brother's demands
Pepper: Human afraid of the world, especially vampires 
Cuckoo: Human trying to mend their friends' problems
Ace: Werewolf that helps Cosmos kill vampires, especially to protect Jelly apparently 
Pirate AU
Cosmos:Fearsome pirate captain who inherited family ship
Jelly: Sea witch and siren, though she doesn't know it yet
Pepper: Pirate and his brother's first mate/right hand man
Cuckoo: Head of the royal navy who hunts pirates and prevents any killings of sirens(secret friendship/alliance with Cosmos)
Ace: Pirate part of Cosmos' crew; strong, buff guy
Bonus AU's that don't matter but I felt like writing for:
Horror Movie AU/Somewhat like High School AU
Cosmos: Senior, not a suspect of being the killer, is trying to find out who it is
Jelly: Sweet, innocent, flirty junior who has never encountered the killer so everybody believes they want something with her. She is the killer.
Pepper: Junior, afraid of everything, has encountered killer and it almost gave him a heart attack, not a suspect
Cuckoo: Senior, suspected of being killer since the killings started when they transferred back
Ace: Senior, suspected of being killer since he's a buff, scary guy and also a quiet loner who hates the whole world
Ghost AU
Cosmos: Brother of the ghost and heir to the family toy shop, secretly uses his sister to his advantage while encouraging her
Jelly: Partially dead woman that wanders around the beach looking for her lost love she denies killing
Pepper: Terrified brother of the ghost who wants nothing to do with her, so scared that he carries around a harpoon gun to scare her away and protect others
Cuckoo: Works in an antique shop and is the town tale teller who will tell you all the legends in the town, and they'll tell you all about the ghost
Ace: Former suitor of the ghost who is used to bring her "suitors" since he's trying to please her
Fairytale AU
Cosmos: Former heir to the throne, oldest of the Hooded Trio
Jelly: Leader of the Hooded Trio(name she and her brothers got once they planned schemes to overthrow the new evil tyrant)
Pepper: Youngest of the Hooded Trio who mostly steals their necessities and handles easier things unlike his siblings
Cuckoo:Very powerful and ancient(yet young looking) hermit formally part of the D'Vitt family's royal court who hid after the family was overthrown
Ace: Son of the new evil tyrant and former huntsman who now helps the Hooded Trio when not fighting with Pepper
Zombie Apocalypse AU
Cosmos: Supply handler
Jelly: Leader of the group
Cuckoo: Medic
Ace: Muscle of the group and son of the one who started everything
Hospital AU
Cosmos: That one really charming doctor who is brothers with that one guy who's always sick
Jelly: College student that frequently visits the hospital to volunteer, even considered a nurse, sister to that one cute doctor and that sick guy
Pepper: Patient who practically lives there since he has a horrible illness, brother to that hot doctor and the very pretty nurse girl
Cuckoo: One of the best doctors there, also one many people fake illnesses just to see
Ace: Patient who is frequently there because he exhausts himself so much yet also never received treatment when younger: he's also Pepper's roommate pretty much ^^
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