#roy villarreal
epuiseeparmedia · 7 months
First Neville and mostly Carragher try to get Wayne Rooney admitting he could have done just as well as Ronaldo but he just wasn’t « selfish ». He waffled in his answer the intentions of the question was clear. Fun fact, Cristiano Ronaldo has more assists in his career. Other fun facts, Rooney is younger and had all the opportunities to score and win trophies once Cristiano left United : whose fault it is he couldn’t match his stats and retired before Cristiano?
Wayne Rooney is also currently out of managerial position because he sucks at it and won’t check out his ego to be an understudy in a coaching team for a few years, unless it’s a famous coach like Guardiola.
Now they got Ole pretending all was sunshine and rainbows before Ronaldo ruined it all, and it is the biggest pack of lies ever. The man who couldn’t qualify to ucl ko and lost a Europa league final to…check notes… mighty Villarreal. He couldn’t even get a carabao cup with his project. Too bad for him all European clubs know it’s bullshit and that’s why he too is currently jobless.
Greenwood is being average at Getafe despite all the PR, Martial couldn’t make it in Sevilla (!) on a loan and like shaw is regularly “injured” to evade blame and transfers, Rashford best season G/A was equal to Ronaldo’s worst and treated by the press as superior but now he is back to mediocrity standards, Cavani couldn’t make it at Valencia, Pogba was caught for doping (something everyone is happy to believe is unrelated to any organisations he played for, or an accident), Lingard just recently found a club in South Korea, Mata and De Gea retired.
All in a few years of the mighty project Ole was apparently « cooking » and Ronaldo somehow ruined by his mere presence. It must have been a solid project.
I am annoyed with Cristiano saying happy birthday to Real Madrid like a simp, but I don’t recall the real doing shit like that: they fluffed up Benzema and let his PR spread the lies Ronaldo was overshadowing him 🙄. They ghosted him when the Mayorga affair came out. But they didn’t send Gutti, Raul or Casillas out to Chinguirito to bash him.
Because there’s no way those interviews of club adjacent people by club adjacent people got made in short notice without at least tacit approval of said club.
The face of Roy Keane: he knows the truth and he is ashamed of those fools.
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freelance-informatique · 11 months
Cristiano Ronaldo: Liste complète des records battus en Europe !
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Records Ronaldo sur les pelouses européennes Avant de traverser les frontières vers l'Arabie Saoudite pour rejoindre le club d'Al-Nassr, Cristiano Ronaldo a illuminé les terrains européens par son talent inouï. Que ce soit en Ligue des Champions, en phase finale de l’EURO ou en sélections masculines, chaque passage de Ronaldo a été synonyme de records. Records Ronaldo : le Roi incontesté de la Ligue des Champions Cristiano Ronaldo n'est pas seulement un joueur, c'est une institution à records dans la Ligue des Champions. Son 140e but au sein de la compétition européenne remonte au 20 octobre 2021. Il l'inscrit face à Villarreal. Avec cinq titres de champion en poche, il détient le record du plus grand nombre de finales jouées et gagnées. Ses 183 matchs disputés et ses 140 buts marqués dans cette compétition reflètent son apport colossal. Lire aussi : Messi Super Ballon d’Or ? Cristiano Ronaldo risque de se positionner cette fois-ci Un butin de guerre difficile à battre - Meilleur Buteur sur une Saison : Avec 17 buts lors de la saison 2013/14, Cristiano Ronaldo détient le record de buts sur une seule saison. - Monarque des Phases Éliminatoires : CR7 compte 67 buts en phase à élimination directe, une statistique qui démontre son efficacité dans les moments cruciaux. - La Série Royale : Cristiano Ronaldo est le seul joueur à avoir marqué lors de 11 rencontres consécutives de la Ligue des Champions. - En matières de récompenses individuelles, le natif de de Funchal totalise 4 titres de meilleur joueur UEFA et 15 apparitions dans l'Équipe de l'Année des internautes d'UEFA.com, preuve de l'estime et la reconnaissance qu'il reçoit au niveau continental. L'Épopée en sélection nationale Cristiano Ronaldo a toujours porté haut les couleurs de son pays. Avec 203 sélections, il est le joueur masculin le plus capé dans l'histoire du football mondial. Les performances de Ronaldo lors des phases finales de l'EURO sont mythiques. Il a participé à cinq phases finales, et a laissé son empreinte dans chacune d'elles. Ses records historiques de Ronaldo - Le Meilleur Buteur de l'EURO: Avec 14 buts en phase finale et 54 buts en comptant les éliminatoires, Cristiano Ronaldo domine les classements de buteurs. - Triplet de Triplés: Il est le seul joueur à avoir marqué au moins trois buts lors de plusieurs EURO (2012, 2016 et 2020). - Cristiano Ronaldo est le seul joueur à avoir marqué lors de cinq Coupes du Monde consécutives. Voir également : Découvrez la fortune de Lionel Messi en 2023 ! Ronaldo Vs Messi : une rivalité épique La rivalité entre Cristiano Ronaldo et Lionel Messi a toujours pimenté le monde du football. Mais en matière de records UEFA, Cristiano Ronaldo semble avoir une longueur d'avance, grâce à ses performances constantes et ses exploits indétrônables. Les records Ronaldo : une trace indélébile dans le football européen Les records de Cristiano Ronaldo sont le témoignage de son génie et de sa persévérance. Son voyage continue, et à chaque étape, il repousse les limites du possible en gravant son nom dans le cœur des fans et dans l'histoire du football européen. Read the full article
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oelnet · 1 year
Real Madrid : Fede Valverde frappe un joueur de Villarreal après le match, voici l’acte ignoble qu’a posé celui-ci
Après la belle victoire du Real Madrid face au FC Barcelone en Coupe du roi, il y a quelques jours, les Merengue ont perdu ce samedi en championnat. Contre toute attente, Karim Benzema et ses coéquipiers ont perdu contre le Villarreal. Le Real Madrid a perdu à domicile sur le score de 2 buts contre 3 pour le compte de la 28e journée de la Liga. Avec ce résultat, il est clair que le club madrilène…
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wiwsport · 2 years
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nightingaletrash · 3 years
I’m reworking Evie’s backstory now that she’s a Ravnos, and because Kara frankly deserves better considering that she didn’t really exist when I first made Evie.
Sooooooooooooooooo under the cut because I ramble as always.
A couple of notes first:
First off, Jacob doesn’t exist in VTM anymore. I never really intended Evie to have a brother, and he only really existed because of HPHM. He just kinda unnecessarily complicates what I want to do with Evie now, so he’s gone.
Kara doesn’t die in child birth because that’s boring. So she lived, actually got to raise Evie, and got to do hot girl shit.
Evie’s dad, Adam, was still killed by a Sabbat pack that attacked his work place, as he was unknowingly working for a Camarilla-aligned Lasombra, who then Embraced him to save him. He tried to keep tabs on his wife and daughter, but lost track of them after they fled Roy.
When Evie was still very young, Kara remarried a Ventrue Cleaver named Roy. While he was charming and a perfect partner in the beginning, he quickly became increasingly abusive and Kara was beginning to suspect that he wasn’t quite what he seemed. So when she met a group of travellers who seemed to understand the nature of her plight and offered her and her daughter safety and freedom, she decided to task the risk and got herself and Evie out of there.
The travellers were led by a mysterious woman, Rosetta, who was rarely seen outside of her RV, and Kara suspected that they were much like her now ex-husband. However they were welcoming, friendly, and very skilled at evading those they wished to avoid, and she soon found herself more relaxed in their company. She was even willing to join them in their voyage to the US, as it meant putting as much distance as possible between herself and Roy.
As they years went by, Kara and Evie learned to live as vampires did even as they remained largely ignorant to the extent of the supernatural nature of the group - hiding from the sun, staying on the move, and knowing how to avoid or combat danger. Kara was ghouled and Evie grew to believe that the slightly odd nature of the people around her was simply normal.
Everything changed, however, when Kara vanished under strange circumstances. She and Evie had gone to a store to purchase supplies, and when one of the travellers found a very distressed Evie, she told them that a strange old lady had hit her mother and dragged her away. From that brief description alone, the travellers knew exactly what had happened, and lingered in the area for about a week in the hopes that Kara might have survived the initial frenzies and ordeals of being a Shovelhead.
By the time they tracked her down, however, she had already been taken in by her sire, Millicent Rue, and she refused to return to the travellers. Whatever she had experienced during her frenzies had left her terrified of doing terrible harm to Evie, and she asked her friends for one favour: to look after Evie and to never tell her what had really happened to her.
And so the travellers packed up their vans and departed with Evie, who was distraught by her mother’s ‘death’ - they had every intention of keeping their promise to Kara, and for ensuring that Evie was as best prepared for unlife as she could be when she was old enough.
As the years continued, Evie continued to be educated in her lessons, being taught how to sneak and steal and protect herself, all in the name of furthering her survival. The group continued to travel west across the US until they reached California. They did various oddjobs to raise money along the coast before eventually arriving in LA.
And then a stranger visited their campsite. A hooded woma approached Rosetta’s RV and let herself inside. An hour after she left, Rosetta emerged and called for Evie to accompany her into the city.
They were discovered by the Camarilla three nights later, and were promptly put on trial for an unsanctioned Embrace. Rosetta offered no defense or explanation for her actions and accepted her Final Death with no protest, whereas Evie was spared thanks to the intervention of Nines Rodriguez.
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she-and-the-serpent · 5 years
An Invitation to My Kindred Spirits
My name is Katerley. I'm a multiethnic genderfluid woman, a 20-year-old college senior with a double major, and I am a creator. I'm a friend, sister, daughter, wife, and witch.
The labels aren't meaningful by themselves. They do little but cast me into a broad, but slightly smaller, pool of Anybodys. There's nothing wrong with that particular pool, but I want you to know me.
My name is Katerley Villarreal. The beautiful surname is a gift from my adoring, kick-ass husband, Juan. We live together in the Pineywoods of Deep East Texas. He and my younger brother Joshua are putting up a fence as I write this. My brother-in-law Roy is gaming in the living room. We have 5 pitbulls, a grandpa mut named Charro, and 11 cats. Of this massive litter my sole contribution is Artemis, a black cat who is just over a year old, an asshole, and dearly loved.
This is my first professional blog. I represent myself as a spiritual practitioner, writer, artist, and entrepreneur. My graduation plan is eclectic and interdisciplinary (crossing into English, history, creative writing, and anthropology), and many of my interests as a student will be reflected here. But this is not an academic pursuit. This is witch work.
In the brief span of my life, I have experienced poverty, childhood trauma, gaslighting, domestic abuse, rape, bullying, (racial/sexual/gender) prejudice, depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, self-harmful behavior, and homelessness (cushioned by the couches of true friends). Stories for another time, but stories you will hear. These experiences have shaped me into a survivor.
But these are also just labels. None of the words above can approximate the depth of suffering I endured. Sitting next to my best friend at my high school graduation, I cried because I never expected to live for so long. Sometimes I still cry because of the deep gratitude I feel to be here now, growing and healing with the support of those who love me.
My past was not without its consequences. In addition to genetic joint problems, eczema, asthma, near-sightedness, and life-threatening allergies, I've recently learned that I have endometriosis. My womb, though sacred, is inextricably linked to a lifelong history of pain and trauma.
So much of my pain is tied to being female, and I've allowed this to fester and grow inside of me. It hurts. I write to heal. I write because I'm tired of surviving, I want to thrive. I write because I want to believe that the Universe is safe for vulnerability, authenticity, and love. I write because I believe that self-acceptance is the only path to peace, and I want to share this journey with you. I write because I believe that we are all sacred creatures, and that many of us are just waiting to wake up to our power. Your time is now.
This blog is for witches, women, young people, gay people, genderfluid people, and people of color. This blog is for people who want to connect with their higher selves and raise the vibration of their life. This blog is for people who need encouragement to keep fighting, striving, and aspiring; those who have been knocked down and still pick themselves up time and time again. Specifically, this blog will focus on spirituality, sisterhood, compassionate service, and the appreciation of beauty. If you seek female solidarity, practical humanitarianism, realization of your divinity, and ways to nurture beauty in your life and the world, I write for you.
I believe in the indomitable Spirit. If you are a woman, a witch, a person of color, an outsider, you've felt the struggle. This blog is a reminder that this world is your heritage, wellness is your human right, and joy is your divine inheritance. This is a reminder that you are a divine expression of the Universe. If you choose to walk with me, you'll read reflections on spirituality and culture, guides for holistic well-being, everything I can find about badass goddesses in history and mythology, and encouragement to uplift you on your quest of eternal empowerment. You will also see personal essays and creative works here. It is my hope that providing a window into my soul will create an honest connection between the two of us, you and I, so that we can heal and grow together. Posts will be published every Sunday at 8 AM, with the possibility for additional posts throughout the week. Feel free to respond.
This blog is more than a professional platform or personal project, it is an exploration of faith. My faith is that we are all one, and that each of us yearns deeply for compassion and connection with one another. We live in a world that has hardened many of us around the edges, and some of us to the core, like mud baked beneath the hot Texas sun. This is not the only way to live. I believe that if I extend my hand to you, you'll extend your hand in return, and we can help one another. I am deeply grateful for comments, questions, critiques, and feedback. It is my hope that as we share our stories and heal together, we can send ripples of love and positivity into the world around us. Are you with me?
The ultimate aim of this blog is to share my self-expression and build a community with people who want to deepen their experience of love and unity in this world. Why should we be divided and hateful just because mainstream media and politicians say so? We can choose a different path. My hope for this blog is that, through gentle whispers, knowing nudges, and some cosmic winks, it will lead you and I to deep spiritual transformations. These transformations, in turn, will free us from our self-punishments and delusions, and help us step into happier, more fulfilling lives. When we heal ourselves, we heal humanity. This blog is the humble foundation for a community of love.
There are more "practical" goals as well. My podcast Queens of Heaven: The Forgotten Women of Mythology will air its first episode January 2020. If you're interested in mythology, history, folklore, and badass women, this podcast is for you.
Additionally, Bricolage (this blog) is one part of a larger project: She & the Serpent.
She & the Serpent is a business as well as an organization-in-development. The website will launch this Sunday (November 10, 2019), and will eventually include features from this blog, pieces about Oneness and the Divine Feminine, access to the podcast, as well as ways to integrate spirituality, sustainability, and activism into your day-to-day life. It will be a resource for personal development, witchy advice, spiritual growth, and collaboration. She & the Serpent will also feature a store. (I'll create an additional post describing my services and products.)
Bricolage and She & the Serpent are ambitious projects with humble origins. These dreams can only come true with your help. If you want to to walk the path together, you're already in the right place. Welcome, Kindred Spirit, and thank you.
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lighteous · 2 years
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“On // In” by YABE TADASHI
Joan Gilberto -Estate  0:01
Hosono Haruomi  -Laughter Meditation  6:17
Jon Hassell -Sundown Dance 13:54
Bootsy’s Rubber Band -Jungle Bass 18:04
Prince - Rainbow Children 20:48
WaqWaq Kingdom  -Medicine Man 24:46
マッカーサーアコンチ -感受性ドン 26:39
Daniel Villarreal  -In/On 30:47
Roy Porter -Drums for Daryl  34:48
Ella Fitzgerald  -Beat Me Daddy Eight to Bar. 37:42
African Head Charge  -Ready You Ready 40:11
Tom Ze -Triu-Triii... 43:49
*Unknown  -*Unknown 48:51
Alice Coltrane -Sita Ram 53:09
Fred Frith  -Candy Machine  53:40
Joe Zawinul  -6 A.M walking on the Nile 58:58
The Polyversal Souls -Love in Outer Space 1:02:29
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abcnewspr · 2 years
‘Nightline’ Grows Across the Board Year to Year and Week to Week Hitting Season Highs in All Demos
‘Nightline’ Delivers Strongest Performance in Total Viewers and Adults 25-54 in 16 Months, and in Adults 18-49 in 20 Months
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As part of ABC News’ special “Guns in America,” ABC News national correspondent Mireya Villarreal interviews Dr. Roy Guerrero, the only pediatrician in Uvalde, Texas, and ABC News chief national correspondent Matt Gutman travels to a gun show in Harker Heights, Texas / *ABC News/Nightline
ABC News’ “Nightline” ranked No. 1 in Total Viewers (950,000), Adults 25-54 (302,000) and Adults 18-49 (245,000) for the 3rd week in a row during the week of June 6, 2022, based on Live + Same Day Data from Nielsen Media Research.
“Nightline” posted double-digit gains year to year in Total Viewers (+38% - 950,000 vs. 704,000), Adults 25-54 (+56% - 302,000 vs. 193,000) and Adults 18-49 (+68% - 245,000 vs. 146,000).
“Nightline” posted gains on the previous week in Total Viewers (+9% - 950,000 vs. 874,000), Adults 25-54 (+14% - 302,000 vs. 264,000) and Adults 18-49 (+27% - 245,000 vs. 193,000), hitting season highs across the board.
In fact, “Nightline” turned in its strongest performance in Total Viewers and Adults 25-54 in 16 months and best Adults 18-49 number in 20 months – since weeks of 2/15/21 and 10/5/20, respectively
On Wednesday (6/8/22), “Nightline” saw its top telecast in Total Viewers (1.380 million) and Adults 25-54 (474,000) in nearly 2 years and in Adults 18-49 (379,000) in 20 months — since 7/7/20, 6/2/20 and 9/30/20, respectively.
Season to date, “Nightline” is beating CBS’ “The Late Late Show with James Corden” in Adults 25-54 and Adults 18-49 for the 7th consecutive year — since the 2015-2016 season.
This week, “Nightline” included coverage of Dr. Roy Guerrero, the only pediatrician in Uvalde, Texas, hours before traveling to Washington, D.C., to testify in Congress, as well as gun owners’ feelings about raising the minimum age to buy an AR-15 as a part of ABC News’ special coverage “Guns in America”; the emotional pleas from survivors’ and victims’ family members demanding change from lawmakers on Capitol Hill following a string of mass shootings by gunmen using AR-15 style rifles in Uvalde, Texas and Buffalo, New York; documentary filmmaker Nick Quested, whose account and footage of the riot is a central piece of the Jan. 6 House Committee investigation; car thefts which are skyrocketing across the country; two transgender activists celebrating and sharing the pride and joy of Trans life; and former actress turned rock star Taylor Momsen.
NOTE: On Friday (6/10/22), CBS’ “The Late Late Show with James Corden” was retitled to “Late Late Show-JC—ENC,” and NBC’s “Late Night with Seth Meyers” was retitled to “Seth Meyers-SM.” The retitled telecasts are excluded from the weekly and season averages.  CBS’ and NBC’s averages are based on four days (Monday-Thursday).
ABC News’ “Nightline” is late-night television’s prestigious, award-winning news program featuring the most powerful, in-depth stories that shape our lives and the world around us. It is anchored by Juju Chang and Byron Pitts. Eman Varoqua is executive producer. The program airs weeknights from 12:35 p.m.-1:05 a.m. EDT on ABC. “Nightline” has also produced numerous original documentaries available on ABC News digital platforms and Hulu.
Week of June 6, 2022
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Source: The Nielsen Company, NTI Total Viewers, Adults 25-54 and Adults 18-49 Live + SD Current Week (w/o 6/6/22), Previous Week (w/o 5/30/22) and Year-Ago Week (w/o 6/7/21). Most Current: 2021 -2022 Season (9/20/21 – 6/12/22) and 2020 -2021 Season (9/21/20 – 6/13/21).  Nielsen ratings for ABC, NBC and CBS include additional airings in select markets. Beginning 8/31/20, national ratings also include Out of Home (OOH) viewing. Averages based on regular telecasts.
*COPYRIGHT ©2022 American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. All photography is copyrighted material and is for editorial use only. Images are not to be archived, altered, duplicated, resold, retransmitted or used for any other purposes without written permission of ABC News. Images are distributed to the press in order to publicize current programming. Any other usage must be licensed. Photos posted for Web use must be at the low resolution of 72dpi, no larger than 2x3 in size.
For more information, follow ABC News PR on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
-- ABC --
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OM : Marcelino, un coach pas ordinaire ! Voici son palmarès
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Marseille, France - L'Olympique de Marseille a annoncé hier l'arrivée de Marcelino Garcia Toral en tant que nouvel entraîneur de l'équipe, suite à la fin du contrat d'Igor Tudor plus tôt cette année. Marcelino, un technicien respecté dans le milieu du football, est bien connu pour son passage réussi dans des clubs espagnols tels que Séville, Villarreal et l'Athletic Bilbao. Marcelino : Un entraîneur expérimenté à la tête l'OM Marcelino Garcia Toral, plus communément appelé Marcelino, apporte avec lui une expérience considérable en tant qu'entraîneur de l'OM. Avec Valence, il a remporté la Coupe du Roi en 2019, ce qui a été considéré comme une grande réussite pour le club. https://twitter.com/LaMinuteOM_/status/1671382421239889921 Il a récemment ajouté un autre titre à son palmarès en remportant la Supercoupe d'Espagne avec l'Athletic Bilbao en 2021. Ces succès témoignent de son talent et de sa capacité à obtenir des résultats au plus haut niveau. Lire aussi :  Pablo Longoria a identifié son favori pour coacher l'OM ! Une approche tactique solide axée sur la défense Marcelino est connu pour son utilisation du système de jeu 4-4-2, qui met l'accent sur une défense solide tout en offrant une attaque agressive lorsque l'occasion se présente. Cette approche tactique a été couronnée de succès dans ses précédentes expériences en tant qu'entraîneur et pourrait apporter une nouvelle dimension au jeu de l'OM. Les supporters attendent avec impatience de voir comment Marcelino mettra en place son style de jeu à Marseille. Un parcours professionnel diversifié pour Marcelino, le nouveau coach de l'OM Avant de se lancer dans une carrière d'entraîneur en 1997, Marcelino a également connu une carrière de joueur professionnel. Il a évolué sur les terrains de football de 1985 à 1994, acquérant ainsi une compréhension approfondie du jeu. Cette expérience en tant que joueur a toujours jouer un rôle clé dans sa capacité à comprendre et à communiquer avec les joueurs. Voir aussi : Marcello Gallardo très direct face à l'offre de l'OM ! Un choix en accord avec la vision du club Le choix de Marcelino comme nouvel entraîneur de l'OM est conforme à la vision du club telle que décrite par Pablo Longoria, le président du club. Longoria a exprimé son désir de trouver un technicien qui partage la culture du travail, la rigueur, la discipline et le style de jeu souhaités par le club. Marcelino correspond à ces critères et est donc perçu comme un choix judicieux pour mener l'OM vers de nouveaux succès. Les attentes sont élevées pour Marcelino et son équipe, alors qu'ils se préparent à affronter une saison pleine de défis et d'opportunités. Les supporters espèrent voir un jeu solide et attractif, avec l'espoir de retrouver les sommets du football français et européen. ________ Pour retrouver toute l'actu foot, rendez-vous sur notre page Facebook ou sur notre page Twitter ! Read the full article
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bongdatructuyenn · 2 years
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nightingaletrash · 3 years
Sullivan: "How angry would you be if I ate your husband? Asking for a friend." He is visibly disappointed to find out he's on the wrong side of the Atlantic for that.
There's also the fact that Kara heavily suspects he may well have been Kindred himself (and he is, the bastard), so if Sullivan ate him, that would be diablerie.
Sullivan: I don't care, I'll eat him anyway
Kara: you're on the wrong side of the Atlantic
Sullivan: ...
Sullivan: I'll swim there
Kara loves her brother very much 💜
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salalewz · 3 years
Coupe du Roi : Face au Sporting, première grande opportunité pour Nicolas Jackson avec Villarreal ?
Avec les absences de joueurs dans le secteur offensif de Villarreal, Nicolas Jackson pourrait avoir une belle opportunité de démontrer certaines de ses qualités face au Real Sporting ce jeudi en Coupe du Roi.
L’absence de Boulaye Dia ou Samuel Chukwueze, partis rejoindre leur sélection pour la CAN 2021, va certainement ouvrir beaucoup plus les portes de l’équipe première de Villarreal à Nicolas Jackson durant ce mois de janvier. Et cela pourrait déjà se voir dès ce jeudi après-midi lors des 16e de finale de Coupe du Roi.
Alors qu’elle se rend au Stade El Molinón pour défier le Real Sporting de Gijón (17h00 GMT), l’équipe d’Unai Emery devra faire sans plusieurs joueurs offensifs. En plus de Boulaye Dia et Samuel Chukwueze, le Sous-marin Jaune sera également privé de Paco Alcácer et d’Arnaut Danjuma, blessés depuis quelques semaines.
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LaLiga Española
Alavés vs Real Madrid: resumen en video, resultado y goles del partido de la jornada 1 de LaLiga en directo
เกมส์สล็อตทดลองเล่นฟรี LONDON (AP) — Chelsea began its bid to follow up a Champions League title with another Premier League trophy by beating Crystal Palace 3-0 on Saturday, illustrating the size of the task facing newly hired manager Patrick Vieira at the visitors. Defenders Marcos Alonso and Trevoh Chalobah— with his first goal for Chelsea, on his Premier League debut — scored either side of a close-range strike by U.S. forward Christian Pulisic in a dominant display by Thomas Tuchel’s team. The win came three days after Chelsea won the UEFA Super Cup by beating Villarreal in a penalty shootout. While it makes for a perfect start to the season for the European champions, Palace could be facing up to a tough year under Vieira, the former Arsenal and France star who replaced Roy Hodgson in charge for his first senior managerial role in English soccer.Vieira has pledged to adopt a more attacking style than previous Palace managers, but his team barely created a clear-cut chance at Stamford Bridge. This shouldn’t be the game to judge him, though.
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Real Madrid vs Villarreal : Analyses et compos probables !
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Ce soir à Santiago-Bernabeu, nous aurons droit à Real Madrid vs Villarreal pour le compte de la 28ème journée de Liga. Cette rencontre s'annonce palpitante pour les fans des deux équipes, avec un enjeu important pour le Real Madrid qui est en course pour le titre. Analyse et dynamique des deux équipes Les Merengues devront donc tout donner pour remporter cette victoire à domicile. Cependant, la tâche ne sera pas facile face à une équipe de Villarreal solide et combative, qui aura à cœur de contrecarrer les plans du Real Madrid. Les deux équipes sont au coude à coude au niveau des statistiques, avec une attaque redoutable pour le Real Madrid et une défense solide pour Villarreal. Lire aussi : Rafael Leão au Real Madrid : Une offre de 70 millions € sur la table Le Real Madrid, actuellement relégué à douze points derrière le leader, a pour ambition de bien préparer leur quart de finale aller de la Ligue des champions contre Chelsea, qui se jouera mercredi prochain. Ils viennent tout juste de se qualifier en finale de la Coupe du Roi après une large victoire sur le Barça en demi-finale retour (4-0). En championnat, l'équipe madrilène a récemment écrasé le Real Valladolid (6-0), avec notamment trois buts de Benzema. Ce soir, ils affrontent un Villarreal déterminé à se qualifier pour la Ligue des champions, occupant pour le moment la sixième place, à seulement quatre points de la quatrième place occupée par la Real Sociedad. Les visiteurs sortent d'une victoire 2-0 à domicile contre l'équipe basque et vont chercher à faire tomber les Merengues pour obtenir des points précieux dans leur quête pour une qualification en Ligue des champions. Lire aussi : Haaland au Real Madrid : Son agent se confie l'avenir du Cyborg ! Real Madrid vs Villarreal : Les compositions probables Le Real Madrid devrait avoir tous ses joueurs à disposition pour affronter Villarreal, à l'exception de Ferland Mendy, qui est blessé. De leur côté, les visiteurs devront faire sans Jackson, qui est suspendu, ainsi qu'Etienne Capoue, Gerard Moreno et Francis Coquelin, qui ne joueront pas. La participation de Raul Albiol, Alex Baena et Samu Chukwueze est incertaine. Real Madrid : Courtois – Vazquez, Rüdiger, Alaba, Nacho – Ceballos, Tchouaméni, Camavinga – Asensio, Rodrygo, Vinicius - Benzema Villarreal : Reina – Foyth, Albiol, Torres, Pedraza – Terrats, Parejo, Baena – Chukwueze, Morales, Pino. Lire aussi : Le Real a refusé Vlahovic à cause des menaces de Benzema ! ________ Pour retrouver toute l'actu foot, rendez-vous sur notre site web ou sur notre page Twitter. Read the full article
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buenosairesnews · 3 years
Argentina vs. Venezuela in World Cup qualifier, possible eleven, kick off times
Argentina play against Venezuela in the World Cup qualifiers at La Bombonera with Lionel Messi set to start.
Lionel Messi returns to La Bombonera, the home of Boca Juniors as Argentina play their final home match of the 2022 World Cup qualifiers. Messi is set to start with Alexis Mac Allister of Brighton also in the rumored eleven.
Coach Lionel Scaloni will be without four players who are suspended. Those four being Emiliano “Dibu” Martínez, Cristian Romero, Emiliano Buendía and Gio Lo Celso. All four are suspended for this match and the next qualifier against Ecuador for having broken Brazilian COVID protocols.
Scaloni has already stated that Franco Armani will be the goalkeeper for the match. With no Lisandro Martínez who is injured, Germán Pezzella is rumored to start alongside Nicolás Otamendi. Marcos Acuña injured means Nicolás Tagliafico starts and Gonzalo Montiel is suspended for this match as Molina gets the start.
Leandro Paredes and Rodrigo De Paul keep their places in midfield and with the suspended Lo Celso unable to play, rumors out of Argentina have Alexis Mac Allister starting. Up front, Ángel Di María is unfit and Lautaro Martínez tested positive for COVID, with rumors stating that Nicolás González and Joaquín Correa will start alongside Lionel Messi. Here is the rumored eleven:
Armani; Molina, Pezzella, Otamendi, Tagliafico; De Paul, Paredes, Alexis Mac Allister; Messi, Joaquín Correa and Nicolás González
Here are the players who are available for the World Cup qualifier:
Goalkeepers: Franco Armani (River Plate) Juan Musso (Atalanta) Geronimo Rulli (Villarreal)
Defenders: Juan Foyth (Villarreal) Nahuel Molina (Udinese) Germán Pezzella (Real Betis) Lucas Martínez Quarta (Fiorentina) Nicolás Otamendi (Benfica) Nicolás Tagliafico (Ajax)
Midfielders: Franco Carboni (Inter) Leandro Paredes (Paris Saint-Germain) Guido Rodríguez (Real Betis) Rodrigo De Paul (Atletico Madrid) Exequiel Palacios (Bayer Leverkusen) Luka Romero (Lazio) Alexis Mac Allister (Brighton) Valentin Carboni (Inter) Alejandro Garnacho (Manchester United) Nicolás Paz (Real Madrid) Tiago Geralnik (Villarreal) Manuel Lanzini (West Ham United)
Forwards: Ángel Correa (Atletico Madrid) Matias Soulé (Juventus) Lucas Ocampos (Sevilla) Nicolás González (Fiorentina) Joaquin Correa (Inter) Lionel Messi (Paris Saint-Germain) Lucas Boyé (Elche) Julián Álvarez (River Plate)
Unavailable: Emiliano “Dibu” Martínez (Aston Villa) – Suspended Emiliano Buendía (Aston Villa) – Suspended Cristian “Cuti” Romero (Tottenham Hotspur) – Suspended Gio Lo Celso (Villarreal) – Suspended Lisandro Martínez (Ajax) – Injured Gonzalo Montiel (Sevilla) – Suspended Marcos Acuña (Sevilla) – Injured Alejandro Papu Gómez (Sevilla) – Injured Lautaro Martínez (Inter) – COVID Ángel Di Maria (Paris Saint-Germain) – Injured, not expected to start
As we reported, some of the younger players on the team have a chance to make the bench for the match. Alejandro Garnacho of Manchester United has a chance to make the bench. Here are the kick off times:
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vs. Venezuela
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World Cup qualifier kick off time:
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7:30 pm Eastern
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4:30 pm West Coast
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11:30 pm Friday
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12:30 am Saturday
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1:30 am Saturday
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2:30 am Sarurday
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3:30 am Saturday
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5:00 am Saturday
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5:30 am Saturday
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7:30 am Saturday pic.twitter.com/KR3np20Kgj
— Roy Nemer (@RoyNemer) March 25, 2022
Argentina soccer news
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nightingaletrash · 4 years
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Me, continuing to work on Roy and his brood? It's more likely than you think.
Roy Villarreal/Byrne (he's used a lot of last names over the years) is the family patriarch, Camarilla Prince, and Cleaver. Self-proclaimed eccentric, he was once compared to Bloody Mary because he kept burning 'undesirables' at the stake during the early years of his reign - namely Caitiff, Thinbloods, Anarchs and Sabbat. He was Embraced to become a puppet Prince, but he diablerised his sire once he no longer needed her. Given that he grew up in the Tudor period, he firmly believes in the divine right to rule despite his own apparent disinterest in ruling himself, though he also believes that it will be evident when his rule is no longer favoured. Above all else, Roy is controlling and sadistic, enjoying the simple pleasure of being able to torment someone.
Victoria Manse, Roy's only Embraced childe and heir, Prince-Regent when Roy decides he's not interested in ruling himself. She was his step-daughter in life, and actually tried to murder him on more than one occasion when she realised what he was; now she is completely loyal to him and regards him as her true father. She considers herself above most of her siblings, but has a genuine affection for Delilah, Beaker, and Charter.
Delilah Cruise, an illegally Embraced Tremere that Roy adopted after having her sire executed and before the Pyramid could scoop her up. She usually partners up with Victoria when there's work to be done, and she handles magical defenses at the Athena and at the family haven.
Gina Holloway, a mysterious Tzimisce who serves as Sheriff. Her methods of killing depend on the crime she's punishing - Thinbloods and Caitiff get quick, clean deaths. Traitors suffer as furniture. No one but Roy and Victoria knows where she came from, but she is unusually willing to work with the city's Tremere.
David Sarif, a Lasombra who was Embraced into the Sabbat but later defected to the Camarilla with Roy's help. He departed for his home city of Detroit in the 90s to claim praxis there but was assassinated by a Sabbat pack for his betrayal. He is survived by a single childe.
Beaker and Charter are twin Nosferatu, and operate in Leicester. While Beaker works closely with Victoria and Delilah to aid in the running of the city, Charter poses as a politically neutral information broker in order to gather intelligence. While most of the city's Kindred know that Beaker and Charter are twins, newcomers are usually unaware that the latter is associated with the Camarilla, much less that she is the adopted childe of the local Prince.
Leon Chase is a Brujah who was Embraced by an Anarch who sought to stir up revolt. Instead Leon killed his sire and asked to be allowed to join the Camarilla, a request that Roy fulfilled. He has an intense hatred of Anarchs as a result of his Embrace, and he often struggles with his Brujah temper when things aren't going his way.
Lisa Corner is a Toreador Fledgling who was illegally Embraced in a whirlwind romance. While her sire was executed, Roy chose to spare and adopt Lisa. While initially grateful and loyal to Roy, his indifference to the deaths his pursuit of Evie had brought alienated her and she began to plot her betrayal. Of all of Roy's childer, she is the closest to her humanity.
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