#roy pokemom
krislikofan · 7 days
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I love my happy kids
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croagunkfan · 11 months
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Redraw from the latest ep cause this scene was so cute!
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krislikofan · 24 days
Ann - That character that has haunted me since her appearance. Her presence in the horizons is not significant, Liko’s classmate, as well as her close friend. But I'm not sure that it will be as insignificant in the future.
For me, the theory that Ann is connected with the explorers is, in fact, so far the most truthful theory that there is in general in this anime. As we remember, the first person to see the pendant from Liko’s hands was, of course, Ann. Afterwards, when Liko moved to the Brave Asagi, she began calling Ann, and surprisingly, explorers always found out where the Brave Asagi was without complex tracking systems(of course, this does not apply to the moments when we were openly shown that the explorers were intentionally tracking the ship.)
Ann could very well be a fake friend for Liko in order to convey basic information to the explorers, and her goal is to gain Liko’s trust and also transfer all the information to the explorers.
By the way, do you remember that episode where Ann met Liko Dot and Roy on the way to the Academy? From this episode, the scene where Ann showered Liko with compliments, and Dot only cast ambiguous glances at Liko, became ingrained in me. The episodes where they took notes were about nothing. We were simply shown the relationship between the main characters and their Pokémon, but what I noticed first was Dot’s behavior. She was quite active in these episodes, noticed the condition of Liko and Roy, offered help, was interested in how everyone was doing, and in general she was active. But as soon as Ann appeared in their trio, Dot remained silent. She didn't say anything, just glanced at Ann and Liko.
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I don't think it's because of Ann's activity. If we remember Nemona, then Dot behaves normally with her, chatting with friends the same way. Maybe because she has problems with her social life? Don't think. Just remember the episode where Dot lured an incredibly large number of people to a cafe. It's possible that Dot sees something wrong with Ann. She is clearly embarrassed by her behavior and her excessive attention to Liko. And it’s even clear why, she doesn’t look through rose-colored glasses, she has a good instinct, and she’s not used to trusting others so blindly like Roy and Liko.
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But I also often asked myself the question - how could Ann even get to the explorers? Until one day I noticed one detail. Have you noticed that Ann and Sango are similar? Hairstyle, shades of pink in the hair, similar eye shape, as well as the fang on the same side. It is possible that Ann may be a relative of Sango, for example, the sister.
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It may happen that when Liko finds out that Ann is Sango's sister and that she helped the explorers, she will be disappointed in her. But Ann will go over to Liko's side, sacrificing her relationship with Sango. Naturally, Liko needs time to ask Ann.
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In general, initially Ann could not have any intentions of becoming real friends with Liko, but let's remember that first of all they are children, and naturally Ann became attached to Liko and began to perceive her as a friend. She could tell Sango that she is not at all attached to Liko, and views her as an enemy, but it will all be a lie. Of course, Ann perceives her as her best friend, and sincerely does not want to think differently.
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SO! That was the biggest post in my life... I hope you like it!!
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