devildevotee · 2 years
Hi there! So I saw this post and I wanted to ask, how to you view and work with Lord Satan, and how do you differentiate him from Lord/Lady Baphomet? I've always been confused about Satan as a daemon, and never really knew if he was the same as Baphomet or not or how to differentiate them.
I've been wanting to work with Satan as his own deity/daemon for a while now, but never really knew how to go about it.
Really interested to know how you view them both!
~ Many Blessings ~
-Korv Xx
two reflections of one energy. i'd connect lucifer to this, as well (though keep in mind that this is my personal beliefs, and it's alright and even encouraged to form your own - do what feels right for you first and foremost). they're all connected, not dissimilar to the father/the son/the holy spirit all being apart of the same one deity, but being different aspects of said deity. think of them as like a hydra, having three heads with different faces and different brains, and one body that connects them. the heads are their own identities, while also being the same body that connects one to another. i hope that makes sense, because it makes sense to me.
anyway, another way i personally differentiate satan and baphomet is if satan was red, and lucifer is blue, then baphomet is purple - a peaceful middle ground between the two. additionally, if lucifer is more angelic and satan more demonic, then baphomet is a neutral ground between the two. baphomet is also divinely androgynous, whereas lucifer can be seen as being feminine, satan more masculine (though labelling demons as strictly one or another doesn't really slot neatly into my practice, i need to express that. it works for some people, but not for me).
i'm a little dissociative when writing this, so i hope this makes sense. i just want to express differences in order to help you focus on one or another. but again! it's totally fine to disagree with me and/or form your own belief system regarding this. this is solely just how i view it within my own practice.
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