#rows of horizontal scars that have been housing acne since I was 11 years old
buzzheadchick · 3 months
I told my father, “I feel like I’m supposed to be 5’9”, that would be a good height for me. It feels right.” I am not 5’9”, I am just over 5’6”. Sometimes, right after waking up, I measure 5’7” but I don’t lead with that bc it feels like cheating.
But when I said that to him, he told me that the docs projected I was gonna be 5’10” based on how I grew. But probably because I was so inactive growing up that I didn’t read it. YOU’RE TELLING ME. I COULD’VE BEEN FIVE FOOT TEN INCHES TALL. IF I HAD KNOWN THAT WAS POSSIBLE I MAYBE WOULD’VE WORKED A LITTLE HARDER TOWARDS THAT.
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