#rowan and robbie are in a teeny class with like merula chiara and barnaby
gayandvibin · 4 years
20 witt Robbie and Rowan xd
This potions test is going to be the death of him.
Rowan Khanna had always hoped that he would flicker out in old age, or as the first to make a monumental discovery that will hold their family in history books for millennia to come.
But as it stands, perhaps sixth year is what's really going to do it.
The words swim on the page under the golden glow of candle light, and it is at this dank hour of the morning the youngest Khanna is certain that Severus Snape is the most vindictive bastard he has ever met in his life.
He thunks his head down on the desk, the bridge of his glasses pressing an indent into his skin.
There is a hearty chuckle from his bed,
"Alright there, Ro?"
"Superb, love."
"Mmm, is it your wolfsbane or your cheese based potions that's getting you?"
Rowan throws his head back, squeaking the chair back and looking over at his boyfriend.
"I cannot believe he is making us study all of this crap."
Robert grins, potion books closed at his side,
"I think it's the only fun Snape gets, and who are we to deprive an old man of his dreams?"
Rowan straightens, rubbing at the bridge of his nose,
"Is it a bad call to drop a subject right before end of year tests?"
"Maybe. But at least you don't have to pass, I'm never going to live it down if I willingly spent two years of my life in that classroom, only to have Sanpe laugh in my face on results day."
"Ugh. Robbie, I am going to die before we get there."
"Oh c'mon babe, you just need some sugar."
Muttering curses to himself, Rowan opens the textbook and scans the page.
If he keeps reading, nothing can go wrong, right?
The bed shifts over his shoulder as he turns over, noting the list of ingredients and his own spidery annotations.
It's once he's read through most of the method that a weighty packet smacks him right in the side of the face.
He squints at Robbie, grinning sheepishly at the headboard,
"What in the actual fuck was that?"
"Sugar! It helps you think, something about brain pathways or whatever."
He waves a hand as if in emphasis of his point.
Rowan bites his tongue and unfurls the paper bag.
"Thank you, Robert."
His mouth quirks into a smile without his intent.
"Well, they are your favourite, so I've been saving them for you."
For a moment Rowan can feel liquid gathering at the corners of his eyes, but he blames it on the early morning and a lack of sleep, jamming half of a sugar quill in his mouth.
He hums a half-formed reply, and flicks through the chapter.
Almost there... almost there and then he can sleep...
Twenty minutes becomes forty, then fifty, and soon his desk chair is beginning to mold to the crook of his spine.
The barest hint of sunlight trickles between the curtain gap, and his candle pools wax in a disquieting puddle.
The notes are barely less nonsensical than they had been an hour or so previously when Robert makes the decision to seat himself in Rowan's lap, winding around his limbs like a bowtruckle.
"What are you doing?"
"Well, if you're not coming to bed, then I'm coming to you."
He sighs,
"Robert, you are in the way of my notes."
The shorter of the two shrugs, seemingly settling in further.
"I love you, but I need you to go away because you're really bloody distracting and I have to pass this test tomorrow."
Robbie looks up at him, eyes half lidded as he mumbles,
"You're not taking anything in, so you might as well get a couple hours of sleep, right?"
He yawns into Rowan's chest, and he supposes he can't argue with that.
So his potions notes lay open on his desk, pages creased under a bag of sugar quills, well into the morning. His dreams are unfettered by the monoliths of his textbook, and Robert curls at his side.
The day is good, at least, and no tragedy befalls Rowan Khanna.
In fact, he rather pleased by its outcome.
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