#rough age timeline thing blegh
dirt-cup-draco · 4 years
Bucky x Reader-Holding You
@wreckofawriter‘s cliche month
“What are you two doing here?” Bucky seethed, grabbing Rebecca’s arm as you two sauntered about the junkyard, drinks in hand and inhibitions slipping away. 
“Same as you,” Becca sneered, ripping her arm from her brother’s grasp. “Having a good time. It looks like you need to try harder,” 
Bucky growled, a noise low in his throat that only meant trouble but it made your stomach twist in knots and your heart rate rise to dangerous levels. 
“H-Hi Bucky,” You stammered, trying to distract from the tension and get a word in between the two large personalities you were stuck between. Being a Barnes meant being brash, stubborn and the life of the party and Becca and Bucky had those traits in spades. 
Bucky’s attention was drawn to you and he let out a groan. “Why you trying to get into trouble Becs?”
“God, you sound just like dad! Besides, Y/N is here and you’re not yelling at her!” Becca pouted. At nineteen, her teenage rebellion phase was going stronger than ever. Steve saw Bucky in her and you wondered if it was part of the reason the boys you were both so protective of her, keeping her from Bucky’s mistakes in the fear she would repeat history. 
“That’s because she can take care of herself!” Bucky argued and you were halfway between laughing at Becca’s put out look and fainting from the praise aimed at you from Bucky.
“She” You cut in, waving your hand between the two. “Can speak for herself. She is also going to go get another drink while you two argue. Where’s Steve?” You asked Bucky and you tried to keep the nerves from causing you to waver. You always got so nervous around him. Tonight, you refused. You would be as cool as a cucumber, damn it. 
“Oh um, check all the dark corners. Or just look for a lone shadow I guess,” Bucky said, his attention still focused on berating his baby sister for following him to a party that was very much not meant for the company of two young girls like yourself. Becca always hated that. She would be damned if she let anyone else tell her what to do or how to live her life. You could tell Bucky admired it as much as he hated it. 
She really was just like him. Yet, you could pick the two of them apart so easily. Bucky was surprisingly, not as rough around the edges as his sister. She had ideas, always had, and they drove her to being the person she wanted to be without apology. Bucky was the same in many aspects, but he could be who he wanted to be because he was a man. Becca had to fight her way to be accepted as the loud and proud woman she was. There wasn’t a submissive bone in her body. 
Bucky eye’s were lighter in color, sharp and observant but mingled in was the childish splendor that never seemed to leave. His cheeks were adorably rounded and his hair cropped short but it only accentuated his best features. You smiled into you drink thinking about the shape of his nose, the rosiness of his lips. To say you had a crush would be a devastating understatement. 
Grabbing a lukewarm drink from the bin a few feet from the fire pit you watched as people mingled, some sitting and chatting while others danced about. A few even ducked and darted behind and between the junked cars in a tipsy game of hide and seek. You shook the water from the bottom of the bin off your hand and noted that the ice had been long since melted, a shame. 
Your eyes were peeled, searching for Steve but it seemed like he was nowhere to be seen. He liked to stick close when Bucky was getting up to all that Bucky did but he wasn’t a fan of cheap thrills or getting his hopes crushed by another shallow dame. It made sense that he was somewhere further in the background, uninterested. You wanted to be spending your time with Bucky, but you feared he would grow weary of you following him around like a love sick puppy. Steve made good company and you were growing used to avoiding Bucky at the blonde’s side. 
Your search for Steve however was cut short as a tall man with boyish features approached you. His red hair curled around his ears and it bounced as he jogged to you. His cheeks were round, fair skin covered in freckles. It seemed his entire body was as you connected the dots that trailed down his neck and underneath the collar of his shirt that hung from his willowy form. His eyes were a dazzling shade of emerald and his smile turned golden and blinding from the firelight. “Care to dance?” The stranger asked, hand extended. 
You peered around you, determining that it was in fact you who he was talking to. You considered politely turning him down but then you caught sight of Bucky chatting up some pretty blonde. You sighed, but put on a smile. “I would love that,” 
He took your hand and swept you into the crowd with a celebratory “I told you boys she’d say yes!” that made you giggle. 
Three (or for, or five) drinks later and an hour of dancing and you were feeling absolutely dead on your feet, head floating on your shoulders as you tried to focus. You were on the grass, earth spinning about but your hand was clasped with another’s and your back was supported by a sturdy chest. “Hmm, when did we stop dancin’?” You wondered aloud, not quite remembering how you ended up on the ground. 
“Oh you sweet thing,” Shane, that was the pretty boy’s name, laughed warmly in your ear before pressing an affectionate kiss to your temple. “You really are a lightweight,” It seemed you had stopped some time ago as you focused on the embers of the bonfire, the flame burning lower than you remembered as the junkyard grew darker. You remembered feeling light, Shane spinning you around and sweeping you off your feet and now, your feet were resting. 
“Shhh, that’s a secret,” You mumbled to Shane, peering at him in the dying light of the fire. “I’m supposed to look impressive,” You muttered as he grinned, nudging his nose against yours. His hands were large against your hips, trailing up your sides. 
“Impressive for who?” He whispered, hand against your cheek as he nudged you to angle yourself towards him. You shifted then, moving in the handsome stranger’s lap so that you were facing him, elbows on his shoulders and nose against his. 
“Someone who doesn’t want me,” You pouted then, lip wobbling as you thought about how nice Shane was, how he made you feel special and wanted, but how it all felt wrong. You wanted it to be right, you had thought that since the moment he’d asked you to dance. He was sweet, fun, respectful. What was to stop you from wanting more with him? 
“Is it that guy you were lookin’ at before we danced?”
You nodded slowly, mind catching up as your tumultuous feelings and Shane rubbing your back helped you sober up. “Bucky. My stupid, lovely Bucky. Except he isn’t mine, he likes everyone else and I’m just Becca’s friend,” 
Shane didn’t know Becca but just smiled as you rambled on. “He’s a handsome fella, good guy too from what I know. We run into each other every so often. Steve’s a doll, been lucky enough to spend a night with him,” 
“You like Steve?” You gasped, eyes bright. “I love Steve! He’s so good, isn’t he so good? You should date Steve!” 
Shane laughed warm and hearty, reclining back as you stayed put. “I wouldn’t mind it but I don’t think that’s gonna work out, he’s steered clear of me since then... You’re pretty cute too, wouldn’t mind taking you out,” 
Bucky cursed as he stubbed his toe against an engine that had been left to collect dust in the yard. Hopping on one foot he surveyed the area through squinted eyes. The party had died down significantly and he had found Becca and Steve on the hood of a rusted car, watching the stars and talking about nothing in particular.
That was the sign that they were both thoroughly tired and his cue to go and search for you. He hadn’t seen you all night long and now as he couldn’t find you, he was growing worried. Bucky had been hoping to dance with you at least once tonight but then he had gotten into it was Rebecca and the chance had left with you when you’d gone to search for Steve.
What worried him more was that Steve told him that you’d never found him. What had you been up to all night? He skirted around the form of some passed out fool and walked closer to the dying firelight, taking long looks at the shadows in it’s vicinity and hoping that one of them had the white blouse you’d worn that night. 
That was his favorite top. It was well fitting and simple. The rosy colored buds of flowers made up the patter of the shirt and it brought out the tone of your skin and the warmth of your smile. You were as pretty as any flower he’d ever seen, prettier even. It hadn’t been until two years ago that he’d really taken notice. It had been a hot summer’s day and Becca was wanting to celebrate her birthday with him, Steve and you. You’d all gone for a swim. 
You had glowed in the sunlight as you ran around with his sister, splashing playfully in the water. “When did Y/N get so pretty?” He’d muttered, accidentally catching Steve’s ear. Bucky hadn’t heard the end of it yet, and it didn’t help that his eyes always seemed to be following you. So why couldn’t he find you now? 
He was about to call your name but was interrupted by two people speaking in low voices. Bucky could make out the frilled edge of your blouse. Your hands were planted on someone’s chest and your hair hung around your face as you giggled. 
“...You’re pretty cute too, wouldn’t mind taking you out,” The soft slur of the man’s voice floated up into the night air and Bucky sighed. He knew that voice. 
“Come on Y/N! Time to get out of here,” Bucky interrupted, hands finding your underarms as he hauled you up from Shane’s lap. The redhead darted up, a frown on his face.
“Jesus, Barnes. Give a guy, and girl-” He added, nodding to you as you pulled yourself from Bucky’s grasp. “-some warning next time,” 
“Yeah,” You said indignantly, fighting the urge to crawl under Bucky’s arm because it was what you wanted or go back to Shane’s side to make a point. Instead, you remained between the two. Your time spent talking to Shane had let you sober up and your mind was clear again and all was well despite the pounding that begun in your temples. “We were busy talkin’” 
“Right.” Bucky laughed. “Talking,” 
Shane opened his mouth, a bashful expression on his face but you cut in sooner. “We were! And so what if we weren’t? You’re Becca’s older brother, not mine,” 
Bucky felt like the wind had been knocked from his lungs and Shane let out a whoop of laughter. 
“Oh buddy! She got you there!” 
“Can it, Murphy,” Bucky blushed. Was that all he was to you? Becca’s brother? He understood if you didn’t feel the same, but he had at least hoped you two were friends. Even when you were all kids and he used to grab Steve and book it down the street so you and Becca couldn’t follow the pair of them to their “Super Secret Boy’s Only Hide Out”, which had only been an alley that didn’t get much traffic from trouble or citizens alike. The name had needed work. Despite his childishness, he’d always come back with Steve after they’d gotten bored and you’d all eat ice pops on the porch as friends. 
“Yeah, Murphy,” You giggled and Shane rolled his eyes at his last name, tucking you under his arm and ruffling your hair. 
“Whatever, kid,” He scoffed.
Bucky felt that familiar jealousy rise up and he glared. “I was just coming to see if you were coming back home with us all, but if you’d rather stay here then I don’t care,” He did care. 
You looked between Shane and Bucky for a minute before you pat Shane’s cheek. “Tonight was fun, don’t forget me, yeah?” 
“Never, ever, sweetheart,” Shane winked. “I’m sure I’ll see you around,” He said pointedly, glancing at Bucky before strolling off himself. 
“Lets go,” Bucky muttered, already four strides ahead of you before you could even process his words. You had to jog the last few steps to get to him. You grabbed his arm, digging your heels in as you brought him to a stop. 
“Why’re you so pissed?” You asked, eyebrow shooting up to your hairline as Bucky grunted. 
“I’m not pissed.” 
“Riiight,” You rolled your eyes in disbelief, trying to ignore how he hooked his arm in yours as you began walking again. You didn’t mind the proximity to him, even if he was being a bristly jerk. “Or did you forget the part where you pulled me off of Shane?” 
“You got me there,” Bucky winced. He’d been jealous, what could he say? “I’m just tired?” 
The suggestion fell flat however and you laughed softly. “You’re a miserable liar even after all of these years. You should’ve learned when you tried to convince me that it wasn’t you who had cut my ponytail while I’d been sleeping over” 
“You might’ve believed me if I hadn’t been holding the scissors,” 
“Maybe, but I’ve come to notice you sound like you’re asking a question every time you lie, like you can’t quite believe it yourself,” 
“You’re drunk?” 
You laughed as Bucky tried to wiggle his way out of the conversation, only now noticing his quite obvious tell. 
“I’m plenty sober now, thank you. But, for a moment there I could barely remember my own name let alone what Shane and I were doing on the ground,” You laughed lightheartedly but Bucky tensed up. 
“What do you have against him.” 
“The truth, Bucky,” You sighed. “Please? I’m not interrogating you, I just hoped we were beyond lies,” Thankfully, the pleasant buzz was still in your system and your fun with Shane had given you the confidence to speak openly and honestly with Bucky. You hadn’t stuttered yet!
“You like each other,” Bucky stated and you paused in your steps. 
“I barely know him,” You pointed out. “We had fun, he’s a friend. I can tell you right now that we weren’t serious about a thing all night- we didn’t even kiss. He’s a nice guy, we were just talking.” 
Bucky just shrugged. 
“Look,” You sighed. “I know you’re protective over Becca and I can see why you see me the same way, but I meant what I said earlier. You’re not my big brother Bucky and-” 
“You really think thats what this is about?” Bucky gaped at you, nearly tripping over his own two feet as you both dodged a spare tire laying around. 
“What else could it be?” You asked, exasperated. You stood beneath the moonlight, arms crossed tight over your chest as you glanced at Bucky. There was a lonesomeness in your eyes that he found he could understand. It was the look of someone who had lost hope for something different from the ordinary. But what was unchanging in your life that troubled you? He couldn’t recall Rebecca mentioning anything. 
“I- You- You really don’t know?” Bucky stammered. 
“Don’t know what?” You asked, feeling a bit frustrated. You didn’t like being out of the loop especially when it came to Bucky. Had you messed up somehow? Did he think you a fool?
“Oh, doll,” Bucky laughed. “You’re going to be the death of me,” 
“Buck, just tell me!” 
Bucky just laughed harder and smiled wider, his hand easily finding yours as he pulled you against him. “What I have against Shane Murphy, is that he got to hold you all night long and I didn’t and I’d have kissed his ass if he kissed you because I didn’t have the guts to do it,” 
Your surprised gasp was swallowed as Bucky brushed his lips against yours, an experiment that left you weak in the knees. He pulled away to gauge your reaction but you chased his lips, gripping the back of his neck as you brought him to you again. “The night isn’t over yet,” You sighed as he trailed desperate, open mouth kisses against your jaw and neck. “He’s not here, and you’ve got me all to yourself,” 
Bucky’s arms were comfortably tight around your waist and you ran your fingers through his hair, wanting to memorize as many sensations as you could before this moment was over. Bucky was paying particular attention to a spot on your neck that had you gasping softly, hot breath coming from parted lips, when he heard a strangled noise and a boisterous laugh. 
“Fuck,” Bucky cursed on a panted breath, head falling to rest on your shoulder. 
“You owe me three bucks and some gum,” Becca beamed at Steve and he rolled his eyes. 
“Rather owe it to you then cheat you out of it,” He muttered with pink cheeks, embarrassed at finding you and Bucky in the middle of something but glad you two were finally realizing what had been between you for the past couple years. 
“You were taking so long, we got worried,” She explained. “You both have the terrible habit of waiting forever. I swear, all I hear from Y/N is how she would kill to be one of those girls you take to dances and Steve only ever hears how pretty you think she is.” 
Bucky grinned, looking down at you as you hid your face. “You had a crush on me?” 
“You had one on me?” You countered back and his smug look turned sheepish. 
“Glad that’s settled,” Becca chimed in again and you giggled as she looped her arm through yours, tugging you forward. “Now lets go home,” 
Bucky wanted to steal you from his sister’s side but he held back as he strolled behind the both of you, Steve elbowing his side in congratulations as he followed after you. You looked over your shoulder, shooting him a smile and a playful roll of your eyes as Becca whispered rapid-fire about something he couldn't make out. It made his heart skip a beat. 
Take that Shane, she’s mine. Bucky thought proudly as he followed Steve, having fallen a few steps behind. Bucky couldn’t get the thought of you out of his head, nor could he forget the feel of your lips against his. And god knows I’m her’s.
Bucky realized that the night truly was over as he dropped you off at home, wishing it didn’t have to end so soon after you two had only begun. Yet, when you kissed him for a long moment before racing indoors he knew that it wouldn’t be for long that you two would be parted and he would be holding you again. 
tag list: @angelinathebook @thehumanistsdiary @cleopatera
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