#rottmnt a mother's guidance
acewithapaintbrush · 2 years
A Mother's Guidance AU
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I never thought I would make an AU since I'm not good at coming up with stuff like this and this one is still very bare bones tbh but the idea wouldn't leave my head so here you go:
In this AU Splinter's mom still abandoned him, but she didn't have to sacrifice herself. It was more about leaving everything behind which could tie her to the mortal world and that sadly included her son. Over the years, living isolated in a big temple of the Hamatos, she began to question her decision and even came to regret it. I imagine that she tried reaching out once but her message went unanswered and she thought that her son didn't want anything to do with her anymore.
But the truth is that the message never reached Yoshi 'cause he was trapped in the battle nexus. After the whole Draxum debacle he finds the message waiting for him and decides to take a leap of faith and go to her.
His mother, faced with a traumatized son who is suddenly father to four mutated turtles, has a choice to make and decides that she has sacrificed enough for destiny. It is time to finally support her son. The both of them leave the Hamato Clan behind to raise the boys together.
I want this to be lots of fluff with grandmother Atsuko but of course there will be some drama too. You can't just leave destiny behind. Sooner or later it's going to come knocking on your door again….
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pillowdrawz · 1 year
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Tangled Plot Au: Basically this is when Miles got to a different Universe But In the Rottmnt universe Where Rise Fam is being so over protective to Mikey to the point he rarely gets to go out. RISE Mikey wanted to go to the Hidden city Lantern Festival but he needed some Guidance a friend cause Hidden city Festival Rules.
Also Since Spider horse? Existed and Also wanted to Capture Miles it's a Win.
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Then Boom Plot happens They fell in love.
ALSO the Rise fam are just Overly Protective NOT the step mother kind of way just The over protective type where Mikey is treated like a Glass. And Rise Mikey hated that.
Since Rise Mikey wanted to go to the LANTERN Festival Him the spider horse and Miles Have a great time etc.
Why did I make this for fun but also Because I rewatch tangled and ITS A GOOD PLOT NGL.
(I draw the boat scene already But I can't post it more cause tumblr has a limit in pictures.)
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rottmntrulesall · 4 years
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acewithapaintbrush · 2 years
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My version of aged-up Hamato Atsuko from my rottmnt 'A mother's guidance AU' that I have introduced here. I basically just gave her more wrinkles and a different haircut tbh
Haven't done much with the AU yet 'cause I'm occupied with the animatic but the cogs are turning
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