#roswell garage door repair
jasiahmarquis19 · 3 months
Smartly Garage Fix
Smartly Garage Fix Marietta, GA, is your trusted garage door repair service if you are looking for reliable garage door experts in Marietta, GA. We provide top-notch garage door repair services at affordable & reasonable prices. Whenever you have an emergency with your current garage door
service :
garage door repair services.
repair Broken garage door springs.
replacement for your current garage door.
call us : (678) 223-4751
4475 Roswell Rd, Marietta, GA 30062
working hours : Mon-Sun 08:00 AM- 11:00 PM
you will get 30 $ offer
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garagedoorroswell · 4 months
Garage Door Repair Roswell
At Garage Door Repair Roswell, you can be at ease with your safety and security. We are your go-to-guy garage door opener installation service company in Roswell, GA area. Call us now at 678-223-4536 and let us give you the best garage door opener installation service that you deserve!
Replacement Garage Door Opener
Garage Door Remote
Replacement Garage Door Opener
Repairs Replacing Garage Door Cable
Emergency Garage Door Service
Replacement Garage Door Panels
Residential Garage Doors
Commercial Garage Doors
Roll Up Garage Doors
MON-FRI: 7AM - 5PM / SAT - SUN: 10.30AM - 4PM
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Garage Door in Sandy Springs has the best team in town to provide you with the highest quality of garage door repair services in whole Sandy Springs, GA area
Broken Garage Door Spring Replacement Garage Door Opener
Garage Door Remote Replacement
Replacing Garage Door Cable
Garage Door Springs Repair
Repair Garage Door Opener
MON-FRI: 9am - 5pm / SAT - SUN: 10am - 4pm
5975 Roswell Rd NE, Sandy Springs, GA 30328, USA https://sandyspringsgaragedoors.com/
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Garage Doors Roswell
At Garage Doors Roswell we offer garage door replacement services for your garage door needs in Roswell, GA area.
How To Fix Garage Door Opener
Garage Door Springs Repair
Garage Door Extension Springs Garage
Door Remote Transmitter
Garage Door Opener Installation
Insulated Garage Doors
Automatic Garage Door Repair
Roll Up Garage Doors
Fix Broken Garage Door
Repair Garage Door Opener
980 Mansell Rd, Roswell, GA 30076
MON-FRI: 8am - 5pm / SAT - SUN: 9am - 3pm https://garagedoorsroswell.com/
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Silencing of Noisy Garage Doors
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“We can fix various concerns with your garage door. And thanks to same day garage door repair, Roswell locals are able to have peace of mind. If the garage door gets stuck, or if a part is loose, give us a ring because we can help you. Our experts in Roswell have what you need.”
Article source here: Silencing of Noisy Garage Doors
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alexguerinss · 4 years
set me free (chapter 2/?) (crossposted to ao3) 
(chapter 1)
summary: malex au loosely based on “peach plum pear.” alex and kyle finally meet michael sanders
Alex woke with a start and fell off the couch, mindful of his surroundings as he remembered where he was. He noticed the sun coming in through the curtain and the empty couch opposite him, with a folded up blanket and pillow that Kyle left there. The nightmare was still fresh in his mind, but he shook his head to get the negative thoughts out of his head.
He heard footsteps coming, probably someone trying to figure out what the noise was and he looked up to see Kyle, Maria and Mimi staring at him. Kyle was holding a bowl of fruit loops, milk almost splashing onto the floor as he practically flew into the living room in haste. He looked away abashedly as Maria looked down to make sure nothing spilled, before Mimi spoke up.
“Are you okay sweetie?” The motherly tone of her voice almost made him cry, trying not to think of his own mother, before he plastered on a smile and nodded.
“Just a nightmare. I’m fine,” he replied, getting up off the hardwood floor and folding up the blanket that got strewn on the floor.
Kyle was half paying attention to the scene in front of him now, taking a look at his bowl of cereal again, while Maria and Mimi looked at Alex, expecting him to explain his nightmare.
Trying not to make a big deal out of his nightmare, he shook his head and walked quickly past them into the bathroom. Locking the door behind him, he tried to get his breathing under control.
He hadn’t had a panic attack in years and he was not going to start having one now, in a stranger’s house of all places.
He splashed water on his face before unlocking the door, and walking out to greet the rest of them in the kitchen. As Kyle was finishing up his cereal, Alex looked up to see Maria at the stove, with Mimi next to her helping her make the breakfast foods. Whatever it was, it smelled delicious and his stomach agreed, if the noise it made was anything to go by.
The noise did not go unnoticed by Mimi, who let out a laugh before grabbing the orange juice from the fridge, along with a glass from the cabinet.
“Here you go honey,” handing him the jug to pour for himself, before she turned back to help her daughter finish making the food.
As Maria and Mimi finished, Alex got an empty plate and was astonished to see them set out a spread of pancakes, french toast and waffles.
Alex was grateful but confused by the array of food. “Are other people coming over to help eat this?”
Maria smirked, before grabbing herself two pancakes and some french toast with a fork and putting them on her plate.
“Nope. My mom and I thought that after last night, it looked like you two needed a big meal, so eat up!”
Alex turned to his best friend and watched as Kyle piled on the food trying to maneuver it all so everything could fit on his plate at once.
“Didn’t you already eat?” He gestured towards the cereal bowl that was now empty beside his plate.
“That was my pre-breakfast meal man. I’m a growing boy and I need all the food I can get!”
Alex snorted in response, amused, before shaking his head and grabbing a waffle. As he doused his waffle with syrup, he turned to look at Mimi.
“So, where is Sander’s Auto?” He asked, cutting into the waffle and taking a bite. It was delicious and he wanted to savor every bite. Who knew when he’d get a home cooked meal again?
“A few blocks away, within walking distance. Maria will walk you over there and introduce you to Walt and his son, Michael. He’s around your age. They can set you up with some way to get you a car to take for your trip.”
Alex nodded, before turning back to enjoy his breakfast, suddenly very curious as to what this Michael guy was like.
“Hey Deluca, what brings you over here?” A voice came from beside a car at the auto shop as he looked at the guests. “Just here to see my pretty face?”
Maria rolled her eyes, before walking over to smack him in the arm.
“Sadly Sanders, I have better things to do than stare at your ugly mug,” she teased, smirking as he feigned hurt, before pointing at Alex and Kyle behind her.
“These two need a car.”
“And what are we supposed to do about that?”
Alex frowned at the question, assuming that this wouldn’t be an issue.
Maria groaned, “Well, my mom suggested a way for them to work for a car. They need it for their trip. Their car got stolen.”
“Wyatt again?”
“Seems like it. They were on their way to…” she stopped mid-sentence, as she realized she never knew their final destination. “Where were you guys headed?”
Alex cleared his throat, ignoring the weird feeling in his stomach as he looked at the curly haired boy, “Roswell.”
Michael laughed, “Big alien fan?”
“Just some unfinished business,” Alex said coldly, wanting the feeling inside him to go away. He needed to get out of this town and soon. He had a plan and he needed to follow through with it. No matter what.
Alex turned away from the conversation to look around the shop, trying to get the image of Michael’s face and curls out of his head. He didn’t need any distractions.
“Okay then,” Michael said, giving Kyle a questioning look. Kyle just shrugged at him, confused. He knew Alex was tight-lipped about certain things, but this was different. He hoped his friend would open up to him soon.
“So uh, what do we need to do to get a car?”
“Well, I can help fix up one of our cars but it’ll cost ya,” Michael said, pulling a white cloth out of his pocket to clean up his hands.
Alex turned to glare at him, “We have no money or clothes for that matter. How do you think we can pay you?”
The silent pleading look in his eyes had Michael sighing, “I can talk my dad into letting you clean up around the shop. The garage needs a new paint job and one of the fences out back needs repairing.”
Alex turned to Kyle who gave him a look, one that suggested that they do this or they’d never get out of this town.
“Deal,” Alex replied, putting his hand out to shake Michael’s.
Shocked at the gesture, Michael could only put his own hand out to accept the handshake.
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profitinaecho · 4 years
So You Want to Spin Ch11
In retrospect, maybe spending twenty minutes teasing Max wasn’t the greatest of ideas based upon the long, drawn out torture he is laving on her body. She was banking on him being so excited to get inside her that he wouldn’t draw it out. But after months of pent up frustration, Max is taking it out on her in the best way possible.
“I want you to feel what I feel for you.” Liz admits to him shyly laying sprawled out next to him in bed in the wee hours of that morning after what feels like hours of torture with his mouth.
“More echos?” Max raises a cocky eyebrow. He had teased her until she begged him for relief repeatedly. He has no doubt he could get her there again if she asked him to.
“And everything else.” Liz giggles as he rolls on top of her again, kissing her soundly.
It’s as close to admitting that she has fallen for him Liz is going to get tonight so Max doesn’t push her. His girl hates feeling vulnerable. So he kisses the back of her hand and holds intimate eye contact before finally sliding inside her. He doesn’t know how he lived without this feeling before now.
Max lifts and lowers her, faster, harder, deeper- whatever she is mindlessly chanting under him. His fingers slide through her long dark hair, teeth gnashing as they try to keep their mouths together. Liz comes once again, her limbs wrapped tightly around his and she feels him tense then relax under her as he quickly follows.
They catch their breath laying sweaty on their backs side by side. Their ankles are intertwined because the idea of not touching in this moment is unacceptable but they are too hot to be completely touching. Once their breathing has slowed, Liz rolls back on top of Max’s sweaty chest.
“We should probably talk about what comes next…” Liz glances up at Max shyly through her lashes from where she is sprawled out sweaty and naked on top of him.
“Well if you give me a minute to recover…” Max shifts under her suggestively, tracing her spine with the tips of his fingers. He’s exhausted and the happiest he’s felt in a long time.
“Uh uh. That’s not allowed.” Liz shakes her head at him, smiling giddy. She places wet kisses across his chest and his heart before taking a deep breath. “What about when we return to work?”
Max clears his throat at the turn the conversation has taken and feels completely naked under her penetrating gaze. “I guess that would depend on whether you want to continue this or not.” He wills himself to keep his expression neutral in case she shoots him down, but his heart skips at the idea of being together.
Liz bites her lip and her stomach flips with anxiety. Commitment has always made her nervous and part of her wants to run even considering the idea. “We probably have to go to HR when we get back, right? And sign a waiver?”
Max releases his breath with relief and nods. “Yes, there’s some sort of ‘I consent to be touched by coworker’ form.”
Liz nibbles along Max’s collar bone before tipping her head up to whisper in his ear. “I completely consent to be touched by my coworker.”
Max rumbles out a laugh before slipping his hands lower down her waist below the pepper printed sheets. “Good.”
After not near enough sleep, Max’s alarm goes off. Liz grumbles on top of him and he has trouble locating her face under her tangled wild mane from his hands running through it.
Max cuddles her close, whispering, “I know. I don’t want to wake up either. But we have to go get a new tire and I’m not leaving you alone in this sketchy hotel room.”
“Coffee” Max swears he hears from under the mass of dark hair and he smiles, finger combing the ends of her hair. Liz shifts a little, feeling deliciously sore.
“I bet the repair shop will have some good coffee. Not that it matters with all the stuff you add in to it.” Max wishes he could stay in this bed with her forever but work is calling. They have murders to solve and are on a deadline.
With a grumble, Liz squeezes his torso good morning once before her head finally pops up and makes eye contact with him. Max kisses her nose and smiles lopsidedly at her. It always takes Liz a moment to accept that she is awake and it is best if he leaves her alone until she gets there.
Normally, he brings her a cup of coffee in the morning to help Liz wake up but their room has no coffee maker or complimentary breakfast. Tracing shapes and lines gently along her back, Max hums to himself while Liz stretches.
“I don’t want to leave this bed and go back to real life.” Liz places kisses along his pectoral muscles before stretching and sighing. “Reality isn’t any fun.”
Max leans down and kisses her forehead, inhaling the scent that is Liz before pausing when she giggles. “What?”
“You smell like rain. And sex. And me.” Max can feel her lips curving up into a smile against his skin.
“We should both probably hop in the shower then, huh?” Max suggests, rolling Liz onto the psychedelic pepper floor to the sound of her giggles.
After getting dressed and ready for the day, the couple check out of the motel and follow the clerks direction to a nearby garage to fix the tire. While they wait, Liz pulls out her spreadsheet of family’s they need to visit for DNA and interviews.
“Do you think we can fit two families in still today? We might need to add an extra day.” Liz chews on her pen thinking about the logistics.
“We can play it by ear. We have a couple extra road days for wiggle room if we need them.” The plan had been to have collected all the samples and be back in Roswell by Tuesday so that Liz could send the samples off to be tested as soon as possible. But as long as they return by Friday, they will still be able to mail the samples that week.
“What if he kills again before we catch him, Max?” Liz worries. The thought had been plaguing her and she felt heavy with the pressure.
“I hope he doesn’t but if he does, maybe he will get reckless and we will finally figure out who he is.” It wasn’t much of a comfort, as they both knew a serial offender wouldn’t just stop. But maybe they would get lucky and the killer would take a break long enough to catch him.
“You’re right.” Liz nods at his assertion.
Max slides his hand along the back of Liz’s neck, gently rubbing away the tension to comfort her. They fade into their own personal Max and Liz bubble away from the smell of motor oil and nascar posters. They show each other comfort through their touch until a throat clears and they are reminded they are not alone.
“Mr. and Mrs. Evans? Your car is ready” calls out a young handsome mechanic, dangling their keys.
“Oh, we’re not…” Liz starts and Max smiles, taking the keys from the man’s outstretched hand.
Max pulls up to a decrepit adobe shack at the address Liz gave him and turns off the car. “This is it?”
“I think so.” Liz double checks the Guitierez family’s address on her paper with the dangling house numbers on the home in front of them. “It says number 514.”
“Stay behind me, just in case.” Max rumbles, unclicking his seatbelt and getting out of his cruiser. Liz comes around the hood of the SUV holding his cream colored cowboy hat. Max gently takes it from her hand and plops it on his head, advancing to the home.
Suddenly the door swings open, and a tan skinny Latino man steps out onto the porch. “We don’t speak to gordito policia.” He crosses his arms and stares down at Max from his weathered porch.
Max doesn’t know what “gordito” means, but he has some guesses. “We’re here to talk about your missing sister? Rosa?” Max shifts from foot to foot trying to get a read on the situation.
Liz comes out from behind Max and smiles tentatively at Mr. Guitierez. “My sister’s name was Rosa too. She died ten years ago.”
“Did you find Rosa?” Mr. Guitierez glances at the back of the cruiser and then back to Liz.
“We have several unidentified remains back in Roswell and we need the DNA of a family member to compare the remains to for identification.” Liz explains.
“Your DNA will only be used for identification, you have my word. It will have no effect on your immigration status.” Max adds, heartfeltly.
After thinking about it for a moment, Mr. Guitierez gestures for them to follow him inside his home. The house is in dire need of repairs but homely.
When they get back on the highway, Max smiles over at Liz. “What does gordito mean?”
Liz bites her lip to try to stifle a laugh. “He called you a fat cop.”
Max gasps, as if outraged. “That’s not even accurate. I’ve cut way back on my donuts.”
“You had three chocolate donuts this morning.” Liz smirks at him.
“I had to put back on the calories we burned last night.”
“Uh huh. If you say so.”
“Hey, I’m sorry about your sister.” Max whispers, suddenly serious.
“Thank you. It was a long time ago. She overdosed from a toxic mix of pain medications and whatever else she could find.” A single tear rolls down Liz’s cheek and Max squeezes her hand.
“My feet hurt” Liz pouts, rubbing the arches of her feet. The couple are settled into their nice downtown El Paso hotel room they were unable to reach the day before.
“That’s because you were in heels all day.” Max drops his suitcase on the opposite bed from where Liz is sitting and perches on the bed facing her.
“I have to because you’re so tall or I end up looking like a child next to you and no one will take me seriously.” Liz groans, massaging her sore feet. It was the uneven sand and rocks that did it.
“Maybe you’ll grow.” Max teases her, taking her left foot into his lap to massage her arches.
After a while, Liz starts to feel better and smiles innocently at him as her barefoot skirts up his thigh. “Speaking of growing….”
Just as her foot skates across his erection, Max growls. “You asked for it.” He warns, dropping her foot to the floor and pouncing onto the neighboring bed to the sound of Liz’s delighted laughter.
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gdtrnroswell-blog · 5 years
When your home’s garage door malfunctions, our technicians at Garage Door Repair Roswell are ready to come to your rescue. We're ranked number one in our area of Georgia for outstanding service and customer satisfaction. Give us a call today! Phone 770-285-3988
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We are your Georgia Roswell Garage Door Service Experts!
Firebird Garage Door Repair Roswell 1348 Governors Run Ct, O'Fallon, MO 63366 (636) 535-2934 http://garagedoorrepairsroswellga.com/
Firebird Garage Door Repair Roswell has a great team of technicians who knows the ins and outs of garage doors.
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Dunwoody Garage Door Repair Services
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Our Focused Door Service technicians not only  serve the local Dunwoody area, but we also can expertly help those that live in Smyrna, North Atlanta, Roswell, Alpharetta, Sandy Springs and other communities in the area. Call our helpful technicians for all of your garage door needs! We offer outstanding garage door repair as well as installation for your new garage door. We also offer garage door spring repair as well as installation for your new garage door opener. Call Now: (404) 500-0144Replace Damaged Garage Door Sections
Read more on http://www.buckheadgaragedoorrepair.com/locations/Dunwoody-garage-door.html
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freeminimaps · 5 years
Roswell Garage Door Repair
Are you looking for expert garage door repair in Roswell, GA? If so, look no further! Roswell Garage Door Repair is here to make sure that your Roswell garage door is in its best possible shape. We do this by providing services such as opener repair, opener installation, spring repair, garage door replacement, and even overhead garage door repair. Roswell, GA is a wonderful place to live and it is important that this major aspect of your home is in great condition.
Check out our blogs:
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Our experts are skilled to work with all major garage door brands, like Amarr, CHI Doors, LiftMaster, Sears, Wayne Dalton, Clopay, Genie and Craftsman.
Phone: (678) 323-1584 www.roswellgaragedoorrepair.net
  Roswell Garage Door Repair was originally published on New profitable business directory and remarkable travel blog!
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garagedoorroswell · 5 years
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Roswell Garage Door Repair in Roswell, GA - Live Stream Edit - https://youtu.be/m9hayoYy3ME
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joyjooswellness · 5 years
Residential Locksmiths in Snellville, Georgia | (678) 733-9350 | Pro Mobile Locksmith
Pro Mobile Locksmith is the locksmith you keep hearing about – we are renowned in the area as a residential locksmith. Check out our other video: https://youtu.be/3lV_CCXPe_A https://youtu.be/S7n4daUjBMc https://youtu.be/G8BNcTXQfvc Snellville locals select Pro Mobile Locksmith because they know they will get what they need for a great price. Check out some of our popular services: -Break in repairs -Installation of deadbolts -Keyless Entry -Deadbolt change -Broken key extraction -Lock changes, replacement and installation -Garage locks -Safe unlocking -Master keys -Patio Locks -24/7 lockout assistance Look through our website for more information on our services, https://ift.tt/2qNy6hV You are going to want residential locksmith services that are carried out by an expert and sure to be effective. Now, if you are looking for better security features, you are going to need a Snellville locksmith. We have experts who can help you if you own a home. Maybe you want deadbolts installed or perhaps you want to go keyless. There are many reasons for reaching out to us – we do offer plenty of services but we are also proud of our customer satisfaction guarantee. Even more, 24/7 help for your convenience is available with us. Whether you are a commercial or residential customer, or even an automotive customer, you will find what you need here with us. Our Snellville locksmiths can’t be beat if you need a locksmith. Snellville, GA is a nice place to call “home” and we plan to keep it that way. Learn more about our locksmith services by dialing our number. With us, you will get a Snellville locksmith that actually wants the best for customers. Services include: Automotive Snellville Locksmith -High-security sidewinder -Ignition change -Smart keys -Transponder key programming and duplication -Lockout Help -Trunk unlocking -Steering wheel locks -Opening of car doors -Broken key extraction -Replacement of ignition cylinder Emergency Locksmith Snellville, GA -Ignition cylinders replaced -Auto alarm services -Safe unlocking -Auto, residential and commercial keys created -Ignition changes -24/7 lockout assistance Residential Locksmith Snellville, GA -24/7 assistance for home lockouts -Home safe installation -Rekeying locks -Gun Safes -Installation of deadbolts -Lock repair -Deadbolt change -Keyless entry -Lock changes, replacement and installation Commercial Snellville Locksmith -Magnetic locks -Commercial lock repair -Access control -Panic bars -Cabinet locks -Mailbox locks -Safe and vault installations and unlocking -Commercial lock replacement -Video surveillance Pro Mobile Locksmith provides stellar services here in Snellville, Georgia, and if you don’t believe it just look at our amazing reviews online. You would be hard-pressed to find a harder working, more devoted residential locksmith. Snellville professionals at our local company are mobile, background-checked, insured and licensed – what more could you want? Oh, right – a satisfaction guarantee. We provide that, too! If you ask our customers, they are going to tell you that we offer better service than other locksmiths. That’s because we guarantee their satisfaction, of course. True dedication is demonstrated in the fact that our locksmiths are willing and ready to help you if you get locked out of your home in the middle of the night. When you want a Snellville locksmith right away, just give us a chance to prove our worth. All major brands Famous manufacturers we use include: -Schlage -Medeco -Kaba -Baldwin -Kwikset -ASSA -Arrow -Ilco -Falcon -Yale -Mul-T-Lock Other service areas You might live outside Snellville, Georgia. Locals call us from Alpharetta, Johns Creek, Marietta and Roswell, GA too! Snellville, Georgia Lock Change If you are in Snellville, GA Pro Mobile Locksmith is a name you should remember in case you ever need a lock change. Lock changes in Snellville better secure homes when locks are otherwise falling apart. Deadbolt change in Snellville Do you need a deadbolt change? Do you want to go keyless? Do you know about double cylinder deadbolts? This is the type of information we can provide to customers. You will find what you need with us for an affordable price, whether that entails a deadbolt change or another service. Snellville– Emergency Lockout If you get locked out, we can help get you back inside fast. Pro Mobile Locksmith will come to you and work with a sense of urgency, knowing you want to get on with your day or night. We stand out as a locksmith. Snellville residents should call us! Get A FREE QUOTE: (678) 733-9350 Here's our address: 2221 Pinehurst Rd, Snellville, GA 30078 WEBSITE: https://ift.tt/2qNy6hV via YouTube https://youtu.be/gYyKk82I8bg
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holisticstrong · 5 years
Roswell Garage Door Repair in Roswell, GA - Live Stream Edit - https://youtu.be/m9hayoYy3ME
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