#rosemund of britchester
houseofkingdoms · 6 months
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Dear diary,
I'm home from the wedding of Wilhelmina. It was a beautiful wedding. So well organised and in a beautiful setting. I loved being there. It was also nice chatting with her again. I have many memories of playing with her as little girls and now we are both in our twenties and getting married. Life goes fast. It will be great doing this together too. Getting married and maybe having children. Probably, she is the heir also and while Jean isn't the heir we will have to produce one. So children it is. I hope they can play with eachother in the future.
Jean wasn't more talkative now then he was when I visited him. It's alright. I will do the talking for now. Maybe I just have to find something he is interested in and wants to talk about.
Love, Rosemund
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houseofkingdoms · 6 months
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Rosemund of Britchester: You look so beautiful, Wilhelmina
Wilhelmina of Windenburg: Thank you Rosemund
Rosemund: It was a lovely ceremony
Wilhelmina: I thought so too and my little sister did great as flower girl
Rosemund: She was adorable
Wilhelmina: I thought so too
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Rosemund: And it's so beautiful having a wedding in your own garden
Wilhelmina: yeah, were will you get married?
Rosemund: Outdoors, just like you but not in the garden of our house or the palace. The garden of the palace is gorgeous but not suited for a wedding.
Wilhelmina: Well, it will be wonderful, I'm sure
Rosemund: yeah, me too
Wilhelmina: Crazy to think then we will both be married
Rosemund: Well, yeah, crazy
Wilhelmina: I remember playing with you on a wedding we attended as little girls
Rosemund: yeah, which one was that?
Wilhelmina: I don't know
Rosemund: we were like six and eight yours old or something like that
Wilhelmina: Yeah, and Louisa really wanted to play with us
Rosemund: Yeah, good memories
Wilhelmina: Now other little children will be making memories on our weddings
Rosemund: Strange to thing about
Wilhelmina: Yeah
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houseofkingdoms · 6 months
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Prince Jean of Willow Creek and princess Rosemund of Britchester arrive at the wedding of princess Wilhelmina of Windenburg. The couple is engaged since two months and will be wed in september. It's the first occaision the couple does as together.
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houseofkingdoms · 6 months
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Rosemund of Britchester: hi grandma
Margaret of Britchester: Hi honey
Rosemund: How are things going?
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Margaret: It's quiet around here without your grandpa
Rosemund: Yeah
Margaret: There was always something going on. The prime minister coming by to discuss things and all other type of things. Never quiet. It's nice to read now but maybe a little bit to quiet
Rosemund: Yeah, well, if you like some more noise you can come to us. All those things are now coming to daddy
Margaret: yeah, that's how it goes my dear
Rosemund: I like it for now. It keeps me distracted from the fact that I will be moving in a couple of months
Margaret: I heared, engaged to prince Jean
Rosemund: Yeah
Margaret: How is he?
Rosemund: We don't speak much
Margaret: no?
Rosemund: I will be going with him to the wedding of princess Wilhelmina
Margaret: You can talk then
Rosemund: Yeah. But Jean isn't really talkative. He doesn't say much
Margaret: Oh, yeah, some men are like that
Rosemund: Yeah, well, I think he is one of them.
Margaret: You will grow into loving him
Rosemund: yeah?
Margaret: Yes, dear, take it from your grandma. You will learn to love the man you will marry
Rosemund: Okay
Margaret: Don't worry
Rosemund: Thanks grandma, that gives me peace
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houseofkingdoms · 6 months
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Dear diary,
I'm almost going home. I had a good time in Willow Creek but also looking forward to be back home with my parents, grandmother and brother. It will be different living here and not being able to go back that often but I'm not worried I won't like it here. Jean's house isn't big but it's nice and I can change a bit, I think, when I'm living there. I mainly would like to plant more flowers in his garden. I love flowers and there are so many in Willow Creek. Just not in his backyard. It's a shame, if you have one, use it. Backyards are rare in Britchester, even for royals. Only my grandmother has one.
Love, Rosemund
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houseofkingdoms · 6 months
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Another royal engagement! After the engagement of princess Wilhelmina of Windenburg a couple months ago, now another royal wedding coming with the engagement of prince Jean of Willow Creek and princess Rosemund of Britchester.
The prince and princess will be going together to the wedding of princess Wilhelmina this june.
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houseofkingdoms · 6 months
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Jean of Willow Creek: Welcome to my place
Rosemund: The garden looks really nice, Jean
Jean: Thanks
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Rosemund: You are living beautiful
Jean: Thanks
Rosemund: So this is the kitchen and the living room
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Jean: Yeah
Rosemund: And you have little music room, how nice. Do you play often?
Jean: no
Rosemund: oh... And upstairs are the bedrooms?
Jean: Yes and my office
Rosemund: It looks nice. But you can put more flowers in the backyard. It's almost empty
Jean: yeah
Rosemund: And maybe some flowers on the table and in the kitchen
Jean: hmm
Rosemund: You have a beautiful home, Jean. Not too big but beautiful
Jean: thanks
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houseofkingdoms · 6 months
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Dear diary,
I'm in Willow Creek right now. And it's so beautiful. So much nature, so many flowers. I defenitely can see myself living here. So different from all the many houses, streets and sidewalks in Britchester. Stones everywhere when you walk around there. Here it's so peaceful. You can hear the birds singing.
Meeting Jean and his parents was weird. So weird to get to know the people who will be your family for the rest of your life. Jean is nice but not very talkative. Not when we met eachother, not when we spend time alone in the garden, not when we had diner with his parents. Mostly he just says one word back, like no or yes or something like that. He varies but like, that's it. I felt like a chatterbox when I was alone with him.
Well, the first day is over. I met Jean and his parents. Tomorrow he will show me his house. I will move in with him. Maybe we will find a bigger house once we are settled in but first we will live there. I'm excited to see were I will be living. I hope it has nice flowers too.
Love, Rosemund
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houseofkingdoms · 6 months
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Rosemund of Britchester: It's so amazing here. Such a lovely place to sit and chat in peace
Jean: Yeah
Rosemund: Do you come here often?
Jean: No
Rosemund: oh
Jean: yeah
Rosemund: You don't like the flowers? Of is it your parents
Jean: no, I like flowers and my parents
Rosemund: oh
Jean: yeah
Rosemund: I would be sitting here everyday
Jean: I'll know were to find you then
Rosemund: hihi, yeah
Jean: haha
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houseofkingdoms · 6 months
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Rosemund of Britchester: Oh, it looks lovely out here. So many flowers
Jean of Willow Creek: It's spring
Rosemund: It looks so beautiful. And this fountain is nice too
Jean: Yes
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Rosemund: Well, I think I like here. So different from the streets in Britchester
Jean: Alright
Rosemund: You must be happy living here
Jean: Well, I'm happy to live in Willow Creek. But this is my parents palace. I don't live here anymore. I have my own place
Rosemund: Oh... So you are just here to welcome me
Jean: yes
Rosemund: And when do you go home?
Jean: Tonight
Rosemund: Oh
Jean: You will be staying in one of the guestrooms here
Rosemund: Yeah, I know
Jean: Good
Rosemund: Can I see your house sometime?
Jean: Sure
Rosemund: Is it like this palace?
Jean: no
Rosemund: Oh
Jean: Just a normal house
Rosemund: Alright
Jean: Come, let's sit somewhere more comfortable
Rosemund: Okay
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houseofkingdoms · 6 months
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Delfine of Willow Creek: Welcome princess Rosemund
Rosemund of Britchester: Hello your majesty
Filip of Willow Creek: welcome in Willow Creek
Jean of Willow Creek: Hi Rosemund
Delfine: Come, sit down, dear
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Delfine: Come closer, Jean. How was your flight, Rosemund
Rosemund: It was good, thank you
Delfine: And your ride to the palace?
Rosemund: Beautiful, my parents didn't lie. It's a beautiful country
Filip: Thank you, it's our treasure
Delfine: Well, I was thinking you two would like some time together so maybe Jean can show you the garden.
Rosemund: oh, I would love that
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houseofkingdoms · 6 months
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Dear diary,
I will soon be leaving for a stay in Willow Creek. I'll meet my future husband, Jean, and I will meet his parents and maybe other family members. I don't know. There will be a photomoment for the official announcement. It will all be real when I go on this trip. I'll be Jean's fiance when I come back. So weird to think about it.
Love, Rosemund
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houseofkingdoms · 6 months
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Dear diary,
My grandfather is dead and I'm getting married. The conclusion of a very emotinal day. I still can't fully comprehend what has happend today.
My mom and dad came back early because my granddad was in the hospital. I saw him the day he got in the hospital. Grandma was scared he wouldn't make it and said we all should come. Well, she was right. He died today, right after mom and dad came back. They went straight to the hospital when they came back. After he died they came home, told me that I'm getting married to prince Jean of Willow Creek and then they went off to grandma to help her. Dad not only has to help her but he is now king. So he has to do all the things grandpa used to do.
I don't know how I'm going to sleep tonight. I'll try but I don't have high hopes.
Love, Rosemund
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houseofkingdoms · 6 months
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Hilda of Britchester: I would really like to go to dad myself and help him.
Rosemund of Britchester: Ofcourse mom, I'll go to Theobald and we will sit together
Hilda: Your dad already called him and he is coming here
Rosemund: Oh, that's good too
Hilda: But first we have to discuss something
Rosemund: Oh
Hilda: While we were in Willow Creek we found you a good match as future husband
Rosemund: Oh
Hilda: It's prince Jean of Willow Creek
Rosemund: Oh
Hilda: It's not really set in stone yet. But your dad and I are very enthousiastic about it and see this as a great oppertunity for both countries and for you. You will be living in a beautiful country.
Rosemund: Oh
Hilda: So, now you know. I'll go to grandma too. Stay safe
Rosemund: Ofcourse
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houseofkingdoms · 6 months
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Gerald of Britchester: Rosemund!
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Rosemund of Britchester: dad! I'm so glad you are home. How is grandpa doing?
Gerald of Britchester: I'm sorry, dear, grandpa didn't make it. I'll have to go to your grandmother and deal with all kind of things. Your mother will catch you up
Rosemund: Oh, I'm sorry, dad, good luck
Gerald: Thanks, dear
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Rosemund: So grandpa died
Hilda of Britchester: yes, shortly after we arrived in the hospital he died
Rosemund: How is grandma doing?
Hilda: She is very sad
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houseofkingdoms · 6 months
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Dear diary,
I'm home alone. Mom and dad are gone. It's been wonderful. I had friends over and we could just skip all the royal protocals. It was very nice. Now I'll have a night just by myself. I have plenty of time to get creative and do my own thing. I love it.
Love, Rosemund
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