#rose lavella
glimmerofawesome · 2 months
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philatelicdatabase · 8 years
The British Solomon Islands: A Small Group for the Moderate Specialist (1910)
This article was originally published in “The Postage Stamp”, 15 October 1910.
For the collector who, whilst maintaining his interest in his general collection, is desirous of indulging his specialistic tendencies to a moderate extent, there are a number of small and straightforward issuing countries, which have sprung into being during the past decade and offer admirable opportunities for activity in this direction.
The country, with which we are dealing this week, is one that is particularly well adapted to the requirements of the would-be specialist.
Its two small series of postage stamps are readily obtainable and are free from perplexing varieties, whilst the design is picturesque, and they are by no means prohibitive on the score of expense. It is, in fact, a great, compact, and attractive little country.
Geographical The British Solomon Islands are a group of coral islands lying in the Pacific Ocean in the south east of the island of New Guinea. The principal islands are Bougainville, Choiseul, Ysabel, and Malaita, in the northern district and Vella Lavella, Kulambangra, New Georgia, Guadacanar, and San Christoval in the southern.
Together they have an area of about 15,000 square miles and a population of 67,000, of whom only 110 are white.
The natives are savage and warlike and indulge in cannibalism.
The government is administered by a British Resident, representing the Commissioner of the Western Pacific.
Tulagi is the seat of government, the other settlements being Gavutu, Gizo and Shortlands.
Historical The islands were discovered in 1567 by Alvaro Mendana de Meyra, and were christened Solomon by him in the supposition that they were the ‘Land of Ophir,’ from which King Solomon derived his riches.
In 1768 they were visited by the celebrated French explorer, Bougainville, from whom one of the islands takes its name.
A British Protectorate was established over a number of the islands in 1893, under the terms of the Samoa Convention, by which Germany renounced all claim to the islands of Choiseul and Ysabel.
Philatelic History The first postage stamps were issued early in 1907, and were roughly lithographed in Sydney, N.S.W. After about eighteen months they were replaced by a series of similar design printed in London from line-engraved plates.
To the latter series three high value stamps were added in the spring of 1909, thus completing the philatelic history of the islands to date.
First Issue 1907. February 14th. Seven values. Design of lagoon with native war canoe in foreground.
Lithographed by W. E. Smith & Co., in Sydney.
Large Design.  Coarse, white wove, unwatermarked paper Perf. 11.
½ d. deep ultramarine 1d. rose 2d. dull blue 2 ½ d. orange yellow 5d. yellow green 6d. chocolate 1s. violet
The 2 ½ d. and 6d. stamps are known imperforate. There are a number of minor differences in all values caused by the crude manner of their production.
Second Issue 1908. October 27th. Owing to the British Solomon Islands having entered the Postal Union on September 3rd, 1907, it became necessary for the colours of the ½ d. and 2 ½ d. values to be altered in order to conform to the regulations of that body in respect of  low value postage stamps.
The Sydney stamps being deemed unsatisfactory, it was decided to have an entirely new series, produced in the finest and most up-to-date manner and the order was accordingly placed with Messrs. De la Rue & Co., the prominent London stamp printers, who prepared a handsome series of stamps printed from steel plates, the design based on the first series, but reduced to the regulation size.
The new series was printed in colours conforming to the Crown Agents’ Colour Scheme.
On receipt of the new issue the lithographed stamps were withdrawn from use, and early in 1909 the remainders were destroyed.
Reduced Design. Line Engraved. Wmk. Multiple Crown CA. sideways. Perf 14.
½ d. yellow green. 1d. carmine 2d. grey. 2 ½ d. ultramarine. 5d. sage green. 6d. red lilac. 1s.black on green.
Early in 1909 the following three high value stamps were added to the above-listed series.
Design as before. Wmk. Multiple Crown CA. Perf. 14.
2s. purple on blue. 2s. 6 d. red on blue. 5s. green on yellow.
The British Solomon Islands: A Small Group for the Moderate Specialist (1910) was originally published on Philatelic Database
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sparkly-cassy · 8 years
This Or That
tagged by @elalavella
1. Coke or Pepsi: To be honest I don’t often drink sodas but I would say pepsi
2. Disney or Dreamworks: Dreamworks? I dont know, I like both and I grew up with Disney but there’s just something extra with dreamworks
3. Coffee or tea: Tea, tea and tea. Just ask my friends at school they’re just like “of course it’s tea” and then keep calling me a hipster which I can no longer deny but come on do you have to rub it in? x)
4. Books or movies: BOOKS! I absolutely loVE books, I started reading Donald duck series when I first learned to read and then in 3rd grade i upgraded to teen books and in 6th grade I started reading grown up books, but after 7th grade i stop reading every night but now I’ve found a bunch of books I wanna read so gotta start that up bc reading is the absolut best thing in the world, if I find a book I like I will sit the whole day reading it and usually be done with it either the same day or the next.
5. Windows or Mac:  I prefer windows, but thats windows 7 bc I’ve never had windows 8 or 10. I do have a Mac book air that I got from school but I think i would prefer a mix of the two.
6. DC or Marvel: I honestly don’t know, I watch the movies from Marvel but don’t remember any DC movies. I’m not very big on movies or series so more often than not I get judged bc I haven’t seen a movie or bc I’ve seen it but don’t remember a thing from it so I guess Marvel bc Benedict Cumberbatch played Dr. Strange.
7. Xbox or PlayStation: I’ve never owned either one and bearly played either so PlayStation bc of all the new cool games that has come out for it?
8. Dragon Age or Mass Effect: I’ve never played either and I have no idea what Mass Effect is about and I’ve only heard my friend talk about Dragon Age and I often fangirl with her about DA so I guess DA?
9. Night owl or early riser: Night owl, I can’t wake up in the morning whatsoever, I need more than 20 alarms per morning and I can sTILL wake up late and miss my bus. It doesn’t matter when I got to bed or how many hours I slept.
10. Cards or chess: I’ve never played chess in my life and I’ve never had the chance to, which has led to my friend being all like “HOW COULD YOU’VE NEVER PLAYED CHESS, NOT EVEN ONCE?!?” So yea..... Cards?
11. Chocolate or vanilla: I love Chocolate so much but like Vanilla ice-cream tho? The best. But still chocolate wins, but if it was chocolate or any ice-cream? Ice-cream would win.
12. Vans or Converse:  Conevers.
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: I have NO idea who any of these ppl or non ppl are but Imma say Lavella bc my friend talks a lot about them so yeah.
14. Fluff or angst: FLUFF
15. Beach or forest: Dude! FOREST! I fricking love nature SO MUCH it’s insane I don’t care for the beach at all, the beach can go fuck itself it has nothing on the forest. Leave me with my camera in a forest and I will be entertained for a WHOLE day.
16. Dogs or Cats: CATS! HAVE you seen THEM?! I fucking LOVE cats sO MUCH oh my GOD THEY’RE the absolut bEST
17. Clear Skies or Rain: I like the clear sky and warm weather bc that means i can wear more of my clothes (it’s really cold here) but I love the rain and thinks its super cosy.
18. Cooking or eating out: Eating out. I think it’s cosy and I’m all about the cosyness even tho it ain’t cheap....
19. Spicy food or mild food: Mild
20. Halloween/Samhain or Solstice/Yule/Christmas: Christmas? I like autumn more but I don’t like al the stuff that happens around halloween aka all the spooks and decorations.
21. Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot (and no the winter coats and ACs are not an option): I’m most of the times a bit cold so I guess that... I can’t really stand being too hot so yeah.
22. If you could have a superpower, what would it be: There’s three powers I would like. 1. pause time (or being able to reverse it a tiny bit) 2. be invisible or 3. teleport.
23. Animation or Live action: Animation.
24. Paragon or renegade: I don’t know what this means so neither?
25. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go: Somewhere where its hot but not to hot and a lot of trees, I don’t know, there’s not a place I wanna visit so yeah.
26. Which Mass Effect class do you play as: I’ve never played it... 27. Roses or lilies:  Lilies are kinda nice but roses bc theres so many different ones, like big and small, a lot of layers or a little, and all the colours.
28.  Cold dessert or hot dessert: Cold, bc cheese cake, and ice-cream. But hot desserts like cookies are nice.
29. Shower or Bath: Baths are really nice but only if you can walk around a bit so showers.
30. Okay, my question: Writing or drawing: I can’t draw for shit so writing.
I tag anyone who wanna do this, I mean i only have one friend on here and they are the ones who taged me so yeah
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