#rosa mireles-valdez
pristinepastel · 7 years
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merry christmas and happy holidays from my fav gals and their partners! mistletoe~~~ ps cole is definitely wearing his usual clothes under the sweater
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Matrimonios 1708-1709 (by/por linda v.)
1708-1709 film 168360
001 168360
002 OAH 2645-2646 p1
005 Juan Saucedo & Bernarda de San Miguel /Saltillo *tree desc #7
011 Juan Baltazar & Maria Rodriguez /Compostela *tree desc #12
015 Juan Manuel Gutierrez & Gertrudes Ayllon /Jalostotitlan/Juchipila
022 Juan de Olivares & Josefa Nuno /Zapotlan *tree desc #23 /also see #33
024 Juan de la Torre & Geronima Navarro /Saltillo *tree desc #27
033 same as #22 Juan de Olivares & Josefa Nuno *tree desc #33
035 Juan Martin & Petrona Maria /Guadalajara/Sayula
038 Juan Damian & Catalina de los Angeles /Teocaltiche/Jalostotitlan
040 Juan de los Reyes & Teresa Maria Delgado /Sayula
045 Juan Antonio de Tames & Catarina Rodriguez /Monterrey *tree desc #45
050 Ignacio de los Santos de Charles Mireles & Petronila de Jaso /Monterrey
058 Juan de la Mancha & Juana de la Garza /Monterrey *tree desc #58
065 Jose Cantu & Gertrudes de la Garza /Monterrey
066 Diego Gonzalez Rubio & Rosa Francisca de Vargas /Jalostotitlan *tree desc #68
072 Antonio de Pedroza & Teresa Macias Valadez /Lagos *tree desc #72
082 Nicolas de Aldrete & Josefa de la Mora y Hermosillo /Cuquio/Tepatitlan *tree desc #86
090 Juan Aceves de Hermosillo & Polonia de Torres /Tepatitlan *tree desc #92
094 Felix de Acosta & Maria Landeros /Aguascalientes/Lagos *tree desc #94
107 same as img #94 Felix de Acosta & Maria Landeros /Aguascalientes/Lagos
115 Sebastian de Haro y Cueba & Josefa de Avila y Ledesma /Compostela
118 Roque Jimenez & Josefa Maria Macias /Ameca/Ahualulco
131 Santiago de Arizpe & Juana de los Santos /Satillo *tree desc #131
138 Salvador de Gamboa & Maria Rosales /Monte Escovedo *tree desc #139
140 Sebastian del Rio & Maria de Montes /Saltillo
144 Francisco Gutierrez & Bernarda Sanchez /Saltilo *tree desc #145
150 Francisco Cantu & Josefa Manuela de la Garza /Monterrey *tree desc #150
155 Francisco de los Santos & Polonia Sanchez de Segovia /Sierra de Pinos
159 Francisco Marcos & Lorenza Clara /Cocula
162 Francisco Arias & Juana Garcia /Ahuacatlan
166 Francisco Javier Casillas & Antonia Francisca /Poncitlan/Zapotlan
170 Gregorio Basauri & Nicolasa Elizondo /Reinos de Castilla/Leon/Jalpa /also see img #184
182 Francisco Mellado & Juana de Salaises /Villa Purificacion
184 part of img #170 Gregorio Basauri & Nicolasa Elizondo
189 Geronimo de Ornelas Villasenor & Francisca Alonso de los Hinojos /Teocaltiche
195 Cristobal Flores & Josefa Zepeda /Saltillo *tree desc #195
203 Cristobal Rodriguez & Rosa Maria /Tizapan *tree desc #203
208 Andres Arias de Savedra & Josefa de Bascones /Tepic
212 Andres Correa & Magdalena de los Reyes /Mazapil
217 Juan Antonio Ponce de Leon & Teodora Garcia /Monclova
223 Juan de Arredondo & Maria de Ibarra /Saltillo *tree desc #223
229 Alonso Nunez de Haro & Juana Jimenez /Guadalajara/Mascota *also see img #280
242 Juan de Plaza & Maria Rosa /Jala
246 Lorenzo Mejia & Magdalena de Santillan /Nochistlan *tree desc #252
256 Jose de Ornelas & Maria Gonzalez de Ruvalcaba /Teocaltiche
263 Jose de Aguilera & Jualiana de Velasco /Zacatecas
267 Patricio Lopez & Magdalena de Aranda /Ahuacatlan
270 Martin Geronimo & Maria Magdalena /Jalpa
273 Diego Sebastian & Magdalena /Teocaltiche
276 Andres Lozano & Antonia Gongora /Monterrey *tree desc #276
280 same as img #229 Alonso Nunez de Haro & Juana Jimenez *tree image #289
335 Antonio Alvarez & Maria de Llamas /Jalostotitlan/Nochistlan
340 Antonio Jimenez & Maria de San Miguel /Saltillo *tree desc #343
346 Antonio de la Garza & Isabel Cavazos /Monterrey *tree desc #346
351 Antonio Ramirez & Petronila Flores /Jalostotitlan *also see #361
354 Diego de la Mancha & Luisa de la Garza /Monterrey *tree desc #354
361 same as img #351 Antonio Ramirez & Petronila Flores /Jalostotitlan
363 Luis de Ornelas & Matiana Ruiz /Teocaltiche *tree desc #367
374 Miguel de Herrera & Josefa Chrisostomo /Acaponeta
378 Diego Flores de Valdez & Juana de la Fuente /Saltillo *tree desc #378
385 Luis de Navarrete & Mariana Tellez de Grajeda /Autlan
390 Miguel Galarza & Magdalena Macias /Real de Santa Rosa *tree desc #394
397 Miguel de la Garza & Isabel de Uribe /Monterrey *tree desc #397
404 Lucas Hernandez & Teresa Maria Salaises /Tepic/Ahuatlan
407 Alonso de Avila & Lucrecia de la Cruz /Purificacion
417 Salvador Hernandez & Lorenza Torres /Guanajuato/Aguascalientes
421 Salvador Gonzalez & Josefa de a Pena /Cuyutlan/Compostela
427 Salvador Gutierrez & Catalina de Vargas Castaneda /San Cristobal de la Barranca
446 Jose Juan de Medina & Maria Magdalena /Guanajuato/Juchipila
451 Felipe Duran & Maria de Cuevas /Nochistlan//Tepatitlan
458 Nicolas Garcia & Juana Martinez /Lagos
461 Miguel Juarez & Josefa Gomez /Aguascalientes/Teocaltiche/Ameca
468 Pedro Sanchez & Pascuala /Jalostotitlan *continues on img #475
470 Nicolas Muniz de Velasco & Rosalia de la Cueva y Aiyon /Compostela
471 Nicolas Vazquez de Lara & Rosa Matilde Sainz de Santiago *1st page missing
475 continues from img #468 Pedro Sanchez & Pascuala /Jalostotitlan
477 part of img #471 Nicolas Vazquez de Lara & Rosa Matilde Sainz de Santiago *tree #477
479 Nicolas de Avalos (Davalos) Becerra & Maria Beltran de Ayala /Guadalajara
484 Jose Maria Orosco & Catalina Gonzalez /Teocaltiche/Nochistlan *tree desc #487
492 Juan Acevedo del Castillo & Maria de la Cruz /Michoacan/Ahuacatlan
493 Maria de la Encarnacion Garcia *suspension de matrimonio por problemas de juridiccion y
      tributos /Jerez
508 Jacinto Munoz de Leon & Juana Duran /Panuco
512 Jose de la Cerda & Antonia de Arizmendi /Teocaltiche
524 Jose de los Santos & Ana Macias /Aguascalientes
529 Jose de Aramburu & Catarina de Islas /Nochistlan/Aguascalientes *tree desc #531
535 Jose Macario Tremino (Trevino) & Juana Caballero /Monterrey *tree desc #536
541 Jose Ramirez & Lorenza Hernandez /Moya *tree desc #546
553 Jose de los Santos & Antonia Rosales Ramirez /Nochistlan *tree desc #555
563 Antonio Romo de Vivar & Felipa de Cuevas /Asientos/San Luis Potosi
566 Nicolas Jose de Escamilla & Micaela de Lomelin y Renteria /Ciudad de Mexico/Jalostotitlan
570 Jose de los Reyes & Beatriz de Medina /Aguascalientes *tree desc #570
575 Manuel de Olague & Felipa de la Cueva /Jerez
582 Pedro Calvillo & Bernarda Flores /Aguascalientes/Jalpa *cont on img #585 & #588
583 Miguel de Vargas & Juana de Robles /Cajititlan
585 part of img #582 Pedro Calvillo & Bernarda Flores
586 Dionicio Sanchez & Juana Josefa /Nochistlan
587 Ignacio Ruiz de Esparza & Gertrudes Macias /Aguascalientes
588 continues from images #582 & 585 Pedro Calvillo & Bernarda Flores
589 Pedro Fernandes de Sayas & Teresa Rodriguez de Carbajal /Reinos de Castilla/Boca Leones
599 Santiago Gonzalez de Archundia & Juana Gutierrez Duron /Islahuaca/Aguascalientes
602 Juan de Osorio & Magdalena Flores Medrano /Juchipila
606 Francisco Juan & Francisca Antonia /Tonala/Coyula
611 Fracisco de Ibarra & Maria Carrera /Acaponeta/Tepic
618 Francisco Agustin & Juana Petrona /Tonala
623 Gregorio Marastigui & Tomasa de Guzman (Morales) /Caracas/Compostela
628 Geronimo de Ruvalcaba & Antonia de Salas /Aguascalientes/Teocaltiche
631 Bartolome Garcia & Juana Ruiz de Esparza /Aguascalientes
634 Bernardo Pascual (esclavo) & Dominga de la Cruz /Aguascalientes/San Luis Potosi
636 Bartolome Ruiz Bravo & Ana Zezati del Castillo /Cordova/Sacatecas
641 Cristobal Lopez & Nicolasa de Viches /Zacatecas
645 Jose de los Reyes & Beatriz de Medina /Aguascalientes
648 Sebastian de Quezada & Antonia Ornelas /Jalostotitlan *tree desc #650
654 Marcos Gonzalez Hidalgo & Tomasa Cantu /Monterrey *tree desc #654
660 Antonio Gonzalez & Juana Gonzalez /Amacueca
661 Manuel Gonzalez & Josefa de Villareal /Monterrey
663 continues from img #660 Antonio Gonzalez & Juana Gonzalez
666 Lorenzo Ramirez & Juana Perez /Aguascalientes/Jalostotitlan
669 Juan de Medrano & Maria Martinez de Lerma /Guadalajara/Acaponeta
673 Juan Lopez & Ana de Castaneda /Santa Cruz
679 Juan Lopez & Ana Carrillo /Guadalajara
683 Nicolas de Arevalo (Ruvalcaba) & Antonia Garcia de los Angeles /Cuquio
695 Pedro de Araiza & Magdalena de Salazar /Aguascalientes
707 Antonio Velarde Cosio & Merenciana de Reinoso /Juchipila/Lagos
709 Lorenzo de Padilla y Davila & Rosa Maria Alvarez
711 Nicolas Cervantes & Juana Francisca /Aguascalientes/Fresnillo
714 Maria Magdalena /Tonala *caso en tribunal
716 Lazaro Valdez & Jacinta de la Pena /Saltillo *tree desc #718
722 Antonio de la O & Magdalena de Lamas /Colotlan
0 notes
pristinepastel · 7 years
ok modern au
cus to heck w it the others can do it so why not share mine ok so my modern au is also a reincarnation au! takes place hundreds of years after inquisition (and da4 of course) and everyone reincarnated and regains their memory of their past life whenever they first learn/hear about themselves. so like varric(as well as the rest of the da2 crew) remembers after reading tale of the champion for school, dorian remembers himself after learning about prominent figures in tevinter history, Solas remembers after going to a museum exhibit dedicated to inquisition times (they sort of photographed his murals since they couldn’t risk destroying skyhold), etc. Osiria is now a university student majoring in nursing with a minor in biomedical art and sculpture, meets Solas since he’s a painting major(that’s why he was at the museum you see). She remembers at the same time as Solas, after seeing herself in one of the murals. She also has her older sister Mickey back! She reincarnated as a qunari too :^) Shiloh isn’t in college yet but she’s planning on becoming a veterinarian major. She learns about herself during a basic history class( where they get it so very wrong. they recorded the correct race and gender, but portrayed it as “andraste rewarded the inquisitor by removing her magic and giving her a better life” when she was almost made tranquil in kirkwall so bleh), and kind of ran out to the library so Varric(who is a librarian) could help her feel better. She meets Cole again in the library too, but he never forgot his past life, but instead he waited for her to remember. Evangeline remembered during her religious history class, when she read about how she helped Cassandra rebuild a new order of seekers. She works as assistant librarian at Varric’s library! Jaimie now runs her dream bakery, and has an adopted daughter named Mirabeau. She and Cullen met eachother again in college, and re married before they even remembered their past lives. They remembered when seeing a film adaption of Varric’s “Of Harrowings and Halberds” because did you honestly not expect him to write something like that. Harice and Harding are both archeology majors and got their reminder after recovering one of Lace’s old journals on a dig. They remembered at the same time, it was romantic and also slightly embarrassing for harding lollo Sahrel and Olivia (along with Elena and Rosa accompanied by Sephiroth after shenanigans and the universe restarting) remembered their past lives after watching a documentary on prominent dalish figures in history. It mentioned their clan for its unusually diverse makeup(i’ll elaborate on a diff post).
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pristinepastel · 7 years
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Personal tarot sketches, Major arcana part two! Wheel of fortune, Siòphra Justice, Rosa The hanged man, Mariel Death, Elena Temperance, Gerard The devil, Elisa The tower, Alex The star, Shiloh The moon, Darkus The sun, Jaimie Part one is here, part three is here
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pristinepastel · 7 years
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eeeh i might do a better ver of rosa later if i can get these mods to work. i made her w the me:a character creator instead of the da:i one because she just doesnt fit in a high fantasy setting (which is ironic cus she gets reincarnated into ff7 but still)
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pristinepastel · 7 years
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Oh yeah I also fooled around in the character creator again lollo
From top to bottom right to left is Aether, Darkus, Haos, Mickey, and Rosa.
Rosa had to be edited in paint tool sai, and Im not sure it turned out too well- the vitiligo and the hair are a bit too... stark i think? Also the vitiligo is supposed to be more pinkish than yellow. but ye thats Olivia and Elena’s sister. Mickey is Osiria’s older sister- I might make a human Osiria later to make a more direct comparison. Im hoping Darkus and Haos are similar enough- theyre twins and Im not sure how well I portrayed that but I think its ok?? dunno
I also hadnt figured out to turn off film grain yet so the pics are a bit eck but oh well i turned it off now. anyway next up is a side by side w all the mireles girls
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pristinepastel · 7 years
Hello! :) 19, 22, and 32 for Elena and Olivia?
:^D!!19: What is the most inappropriate thing they have ever done in public?For Olivia, that’d be when she started cracking her toes in front of the chantry mothers while Shiloh was talking to them after the templars left in Val Royeaux. They didn’t say anything, but the clerics looked a little green and Cassandra rolled her eyes.As for Elena, she’s a much more stoic person over all- more because of shyness than maturity though. She did once have an entire flirty conversation in antivan with Zevran in the open and in front of the rest of the group, but it was done with such a poker face on her part that no one caught on.22: How do the sneeze (ex: loudly, quietly, openly, into their elbow, hold the sneeze in)? All three triplets have a very particular sneeze- its loud and slightly vocal. Elena tries to hold them in but ends up having to sneeze into her elbow. Olivia just lets it happen in the open. As a bonus, Rosa is very good at not sneezing, but if she’s sick she tends to keep tissues with her and sneeze into them if she needs to.32: How would they respond to being handed an infant? Oh they love kids and babies! Elena grew up in an alienage, and always played with the kids there if they asked her to, and looked after babies while their parents worked. Olivia also played with the kids in her clan, and taught a lot of them how to carve toys out of wood(with the permission of their parents, of course). If they were handed an infant out of the blue, Elena would subconsciously adjust to the best way to hold them and start rocking them without breaking conversation. Olivia would start grinning and bouncing the baby on her hip while speaking nonsensically to them.
Meme is here!
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pristinepastel · 7 years
OC Masterlist!
Masterlist and Face Claims of my OCs! :^) Okie Dokes, in chronological order:
Dragon Age Origins:
Abeera Cousland: Hanan Turk
Aahil Cousland: Riz Ahmed
Nascha Mahariel: Raytanna Williams
Elena Tabris: Eva Mendes
Alex Brosca: Willy Cartier
Borghild Aeducan: Roshumba Williams
Brandt Aeducan: Shermon Brathwaite
Cheyenne Amell: Nguyễn Thùy Lâm
Dragon Age 2:
Mariel Hawke: Ji Hye Park
Gerard Hawke: Kim Sung Han
Dragon Age Inquisition:
Shiloh Surana: Olesya Rulin
Osiria Adaar: Sayo Yoshida
Jaimie Trevelyan: Clara Luce Lafond
Evangeline Trevelyan: Tico Armand
Harice Trevelyan: Christian Dubosse
Shokrakar Adaar: Theo Theodoridis
Elisa Cadash: Aishwarya Rai
Sahrel Lavellan: Dayvid Thomas
Olivia Lavellan: Eva Mendes
Amelan: Lira
Tailor: Mau Thuy
Asaara: Jodi Boam
Laella: Kassandra Clementi
Jade Empire:
Scholar Ling: Bebe Pham
Arukama Fumi: Nichole Bloom
Arukama Mizumi and Hannah Goldstein: Hayley Kiyoko
Arukama Natsumi: Devon Naoki
Final Fantasy 7:
Rosa Mireles-Valdez: Eva Mendes
Estrella Mireles-Valdez: Fluvia Lacerda
D. Gray Man:
Wysteria: Mystic Kids Evelyn
Harry Potter:
Shurah Alton: Anton Yelchin
XMen/Mystic Messenger:
Eun-Byeol Mun: Moon Geun-Young
Aileen Wilson: Jessica Stam
Aisha Jones: Amal Arafa
Jazz Williams: Bernadette Peters
Patricia/Trisha Walker: Ellen Page
Esfir Utkin: Veronica Vernadskaya
Kingdom Hearts:
Haos and Darkus: Roxio Crusset
Aether: Valentijn De Hingh
Astera: Courtney McCullough
Carrigan Ramos: Nita Fernando
Mickey Yukiyama: Meisa Kuroki
Resident Evil:
Frida Tellers: Angela Basset
Irina: N/A
Kizochka Zima: Mountain Lion
Kay: Melina Weissman
Hand-Shadow-Tree: Blue Tongued Skink
Stacy Altaha: Marisa Quinn
Nate Bunker-Eaton: William Jackson Harper
Nora Bunker-Eaton: Andy Allo
Sally Li May: Chen Lili
Suzy Cain: Madeline Stuart
Fatal Frame/Amnesia:
Akiba Haruka and Haruko: Ryōko Hirosue
Kabat'hafti: Daouda Sonko
Nasaa Saareem: Cierra Skye
Jean Lnu: Madison Reis
Kaphar'ti: Nneka Ogwumike
Charlotte and Margaret: Anna Sviridova
Arleena: Ji Hye Park
Pops: Vin Diesel
Hâskian Jensaarai: Ines Rau
Taral Jensaarai: Onnys Aho
Adelaide Hopps: Chanty Sok
Luiz'ahan: Lea T
Legend of Zelda:
Zenaide Tellers: Chanel Iman
Tallulah: N/A
Mass Effect Trilogy: 
Chen Shepard: Tong Liya
Lan Shepard: Tong Liya
Xian Shepard: Li Yifeng
Carlos Valdez: Laz Alonso
Allison King: Sarah Geronimo
Mass Effect Andromeda:
Qingmei Ryder: Blanche Chu
Jie Ryder: Godfrey Gao
Anfisa Andreev: Kristina Asmus
Pillars of Eternity:
Waiola: Denny Mendez
Hanne: Derek Jaeschke
Siòphra: Thando Hopa
Timofei: Ivan Zakharov
Ives: Casil McArthur
World of Warcraft:
Beep-Beep: N/A
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