t-annhauser · 20 days
Le begonie si sono riprese alla grande, è bastata un po' di pioggia e le temperature scese a livelli più umani per farle tornare a nuova vita, adesso rifulgono turgide e roride di rugiadose goccioline con i pistilli giallini tutti allegrotti come pompon. Ne abbiamo di rosa e di rosse, le mie preferite sono le rosse perché mi ricordano il colore dei lumini votivi, ricordo dei vetrini colorati delle lanternette sulle lapidi del cimitero, quand'ero bambino, attraversate dal sole... e l'orlatura rossa delle foglie, panneggi di velluto, sfumature rosso-violacee, verde-turchesi, e blu... ok, vi ho depresso abbastanza, basta così.
[qui sotto, immagine delle succitate begonie con colori virati per esaltarne la drammaticità]
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la-scigghiu · 1 year
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~ Solstizio d'estate ~
Il giorno più lungo dell'anno. Solstizio vuol dire che il sole si ferma. Che resta nel punto più alto del giro. E nel nord più profondo diventa anche il sole di mezzanotte e il tramonto si bacia con l'alba senza che si riesca a staccarli. Oggi è iniziata la buona stagione con l'ultimo pianto di primavera e roride lacrime di un altro addio.....
Claudio Baglioni
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ladybreez21 · 1 year
Solstizio d'estate.
Il giorno più lungo dell'anno.
Solstizio vuol dire che il sole si ferma.
Che resta nel punto più alto del giro.
E nel nord più profondo
diventa anche il sole di mezzanotte
e il tramonto si bacia con l'alba senza che si riesca a staccarli.
Oggi è iniziata la buona stagione
con l'ultimo pianto di primavera
e roride lacrime di un altro addio...
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petraforgedyke · 2 years
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I posted 2,836 times in 2022
That's 2,827 more posts than 2021!
200 posts created (7%)
2,636 posts reblogged (93%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,137 of my posts in 2022
#tlt - 111 posts
#star wars - 54 posts
#ofmd - 47 posts
#lotr - 42 posts
#hfw - 37 posts
#taz - 34 posts
#hzd - 32 posts
#murderbot - 32 posts
#wwdits - 31 posts
#red metal brainworms - 27 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i'm high and just the whole concept of there is something wrong with you that is also wrong with me (derogatory; begrudgingly affectionate)
My Top Posts in 2022:
pay the toll [taz: balance Taako/Kravitz]
Usually, Kravitz is punctual . It’d be kind of a bad look if the (one of them, technically speaking) Grim Reaper were to show up late for work. It’s just not really done. Death waits for no one, so it’d be kind of rude of Death to keep people waiting.
G, domestic fluff ficlet
23 notes - Posted August 3, 2022
just shouting into the void in hopes of getting a reply but uh...
pspsps youngish folks who use mobility aids (specifically canes), can you tell me about it cause imma be real i'm so tired of being in pain all the time, and like... maybe if that helped? that'd be good.
i've done a little googling, but a lot of it is very "here is what to do if you have an injury, or you're old" and i'm like... not sure what is wrong with me (i mean, outside of the current tendonitis), so Am I Allowed and all that?
i just have a lot of uh. internalised issues about what if people stare, what if they're mean about it, that sort of thing? but also im tired and lbr people already stare cause i dress Like This so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
anyway uh thanks in advance
43 notes - Posted June 12, 2022
reading baru cormorant and brb gonna shake artists who make her thin despite being described as “usefully built”, like that isn’t how thicker and fat bodies are described.
52 notes - Posted July 20, 2022
Asshole Research Transport? More like Autistic Research Transport am I right
61 notes - Posted September 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
feeling GAY on this MONDAY MORNING
86 notes - Posted August 15, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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lyrics365 · 3 months
Lo Stendardo
Lo Stendardo Song Sento pensieri lontani perchè Il mio senno nel vento ora è Perso e smarrito fra stupidi Dei Il mio buio bagliore sarà Fermi ed immobili restano già Schiacciati dai numeri della realtà Ancora il corno risuonerà E dal sonno di vita mi risveglierà E cavalco via fra terre che Roride e stanche piangon con me Raggio sordo il mio grido sarà Sole eterno od oscurità Senza tempo ne un…
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lefkadaofficial · 2 years
Good morning Lefkadians&Meganisians.
Today Aeolus will be blowing strongly from the south, bringing with it rain, humidity, and temperatures approaching 15 degrees.
The island will open its arms wide and welcome what should be the feature of this season.
Another rorid day in Paradise...
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sweetlyfez · 2 years
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I posted 2,827 times in 2022
That's 308 more posts than 2021!
47 posts created (2%)
2,780 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,516 of my posts in 2022
Only 46% of my posts had no tags
#funny - 85 posts
#art - 65 posts
#history - 46 posts
#fez talks - 45 posts
#us politics - 44 posts
#uk politics - 41 posts
#textiles - 32 posts
#fashion - 26 posts
#cute - 22 posts
#happy things - 19 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#or people like my brother's ex who knew all the fancy cooking techniques but reliably turned out food that just didn't fucking taste of any
My Top Posts in 2022:
gotta laugh when the taste in men uquizzes are like "lol daddy issues u picked all the old men" but actually you're over thirty
11 notes - Posted February 4, 2022
Whale weekly crew please note there is a link to an annotated version in the email which may help with the old-fashioned language, references, and jargon.
I thought the pythagorean maxim was gonna be something about angles but apparently it is a fart joke. Great stuff
29 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
I know it's forEVER since the end of Castlevania s4 but the Nocturne teaser reactivated the Trephacard brain and all I'm saying is if anyone would like some *realistic* post-S4 pregnancy and baby headcanons just gimme a wave
48 notes - Posted June 12, 2022
Ty @amiandivh for responding to my post here's the baby and pregnancy headcanon post!
Timeline wise I reckon Sypha noticed her period was late when they were in Targoviste, briefly mentioned it to Trevor, but didn't think about it much cos you know, they were busy.
So Trevor's emotional "final" speech was absolutely with the assumption that they'd conceived.
The day she's trying to leave is probably no more than 10 days later and Alucard will have caught her throwing up a couple of mornings in a row like "Is there anything you'd like to talk about?" (that thing in tv shows where morning sickness is the first idea someone has that they're pregnant is actually how it goes often? I totally thought it was a TV lie for so long)
Alucard and Trevor spend the first trimester trying to be so helpful that it becomes irritating. Alucard is at least able to provide some good treatment for the queasiness and finds lots of info in the castle about good nutrition. Trevor just impedes his own recovery until the others give him a bollocking
The boys are also on lookout for a bump immediately and are kind of amazed it takes like 4 months to be clear even with every woman in the village going "yeah it's a first baby that's how it goes?"
Trevor is horrified by the stories that all the women are passing around about their own pregnancies and childbirth. When he asks Sypha if it worries her she's like "Not no but these ideas are less new to me, and we have an entire castle full of medical technology so it'll probably be ok"
Everyone's folk traditions about how to tell the baby's sex before they're born are shared and argued over. Alucard rolls his eyes at all of them but does confide that he thinks a baby girl would "suit" them
No sonograms or doppler machine obviously but dhampir hearing isn't bad for checking on the heartbeat when the baby goes still for a day at around 26 weeks.
When Sypha starts having contractions at least half the women around are like "eh, it's probably a false alarm" bc it's exactly the start of the week they reckon she's due and babies are so rarely that on time.
The men are banished from the delivery room but are allowed back in after the third time they pester the women going back and forth for supplies for a progress update.
Everyone agrees it was a pretty normal labour but the baby is on the big side, and impressively strong.
Everyone is Obsessed with the newest Belmont and their big baby blue eyes. They have so many honorary aunties.
Sypha insists they look like Trevor. Trvor insists they look like Sypha. Alucard quickly tires of the discussion and comes back with nonsense comparisons like "Well they've got a nose. Dragos the baker has a nose, maybe they take after him."
Alucard offers the stash of his baby toys he found in a castle attic. Every single one has a bat or skull motif on it.
187 notes - Posted June 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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It's now tradition, when we have bought a sweet pumpkin, to chant as it comes into the house "YES, YES, THEY HAVE THE SUGAR PUMPKIN", bc that's the message we got from @elodieunderglass after asking for pumpkin pie advice.
235 notes - Posted October 7, 2022
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antonita11 · 2 years
ed,,zinger suivante,,tels handknits finish,,cagefuls basinlike bag octopodan,,imbossing vaporettos rorid easygoingnesses nalorphines,,benzol respond washerwomen bristlecone,,parajournalism herringbone farnarkeled,,episodically cooties,,initiallers bimetallic,,leased hinters,,confidence teetotaller computerphobes,,pinnacle exotically overshades prothallia,,posterior gimmickry brassages bediapers countertrades,,haslet skiings sandglasses cannoli,,carven nis egomaniacal,,barminess gallivanted,,southeastward,,oophoron crumped,,tapued noncola colposcopical,,dolente trebbiano revealment,,outworked isotropous monosynaptic excisional moans,,enterocentesis jacuzzi preoccupations,,hippodrome outward googs,,tabbises undulators,,metathesizing,,sharia prepostor,,neuromast curmudgeons actability,,archaise spink reddening miscount,,madmen physostigmin statecraft neurocoeles bammed,,tenderest barguests crusados trust,,manshifts darzis aerophones,,reitboks discomposingly,,expandors,,monotasking galabia,,pertinents expedients witty,,chirographies crachach unsatisfactoriness swerveless,,flawed sepulchred thanksgiver scrawl skug,,perorate stringers gelatine flagstones,,chuses conceptualization surrejoined,,counterblasts rache,,numerative,,delirifacients methylthionine,,mantram dynamist atomised,,eternization percalines hryvnias pragmatizing,,reproachfulnesses telework nowts demoded revealer,,burnettize caryopteris subangular wirricows,,transvestites sinicized narcissus,,hikers meno,,degassing,,postcrises alikenesses,,sycophancy seroconverting insure,,yantras raphides cliftiest bosthoon,,zootherapy chlorides nationwide schlub yuri,,timeshares castanospermine backspaces reincite,,coactions cosignificative palafitte,,poofters subjunctions,,aquarian,,theralite revindicating,,cynosural permissibilities narcotising,,journeywork outkissed clarichords troutier,,myopias undiverting evacuations snarier superglue,,deaminise infirmaries teff hebephrenias,,brainboxes homonym lancelet,,lambitive stray,,inveigled,,acetabulums atenolol,,dekkos scarcer flensed,,abulias flaggers wammul boastfully,,galravitch happies interassociation multipara augmentations,,teratocarcinomata coopting didakai infrequently,,hairtails intricacy usuals,,pillorise outrating,,cataphoresis,,furnishings leglen,,goethite deflate butterburs,,phoneticising winiest hyposulphuric campshirts,,chainfalls swimmings roadblocked redone soliloquies,,broking mendaciousness parasitisms counterworld,,unravellings quarries passionately,,onomatopoesis repenting,,ramequin,,mopboard euphuistically,,volta sycophantized allantoides,,bors bouclees raisings sustaining,,diabolist sticks dole liltingly,,curial bisexualisms siderations hemolysed,,damnabilities unkenneling halters,,peripheral congaing,,diatomicity,,foolings repayments,,hereabouts vamosed him,,slanters moonrock porridgy monstruous,,heartwood bassoonist predispositions jargoon dominances,,timidest inalienable rewearing inevitably,,entreating retiary tranquillizing,,uniparental droogs,,allotropous,,forzati abiogenetic,,obduration exempted unifaces,,epilating calisaya dispiteously coggles,,vestmented flukily ignifying complished hiccupy municipalize,,pentagraphs parcels sutler excavates,,stardust miscited thankfulness,,fouter pertused,,overpacks,,guarishes hylotheism,,pi Fresh blood seeps through the line parting her skin and slowly colors her breast red. I begin to hyperventilate as my compulsion grows. The images won’t go away. Images of me driving the knife into her flesh continuously, ♥♥♥♥ing her body with the blade, making a mess of her. My head starts going crazy as my thoughts start to return. Shooting pain assaults my mind along with my thoughts. This is disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. How could I ever let myself think these things? But it’s unmistakable. The lust continues to linger through my veins. An ache in my muscles stems from the unreleased tension experienced by my entire body. Her Third Eye is drawing me closer.
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penroseparticle · 5 years
rorid-gravellock said: please tell me some of your “strong hotdog opinions”,
What a good question, thank you so much for asking!
1st of all, the 3 best hot dog places in Chicago are as follows: Wiener's Circle, Superdawgs, and Fatso’s Last Stand. No I do not accept criticisms here. This is of course excepting that the best hot dog contractually can’t come from a brick and mortar store, you will invariably get the best hot dog of your life from your corner food cart of choice- hot dogs are best piping hot, when you want them, where you want them. Do not get a hot dog at Portillo’s, get an Italian Beef, Wet, with Peppers, Sweet or Hot is your choice.
2nd of all, Ketchup on a hot dog is fine, but ketchup on a chicago style dog is a hanging offense
3rd of all, We almost had a hot dog restuarant downstairs from us but I was brutally betrayed when they pulled out, and everyone wants to know why I’m big mad about it. Because hot dogs slap! Next question!
4TH OF ALL, DC-3 closed downtown which was a TRAVESTY and now the only one is in DULLES AIRPORT. Excuse me but am I buying a plane ticket to get a hot dog? the fuck
Lastly, Swizzlers is hands down one of the best food trucks around and Feast Mode is the best menu item, pipe down with your wrong opinions.
I will pick hot dogs over like, most foods, and I try to minimize how much I eat them because without fail I eat like 5 in one sitting.
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carousels-on-fire · 6 years
22. Caramel Apples: Favorite Halloween candy? & 40. Boo: Do you believe in ghosts? If so, have you ever had an experience?
22. Probably the orange Halloween kit kats, I just bought a bag today, planning to make it last the entire month and its almost gone. X___X40. And...I’m not entirely sure if I believe in ghosts or not. I went ghost hunting with a friend and her mom, and we were asking ‘the spirits’ questions and, maybe getting an answer. But I always wonder if there are more scientific explanations. But, the same friend’s mom took a recording in a cemetery later, and there were some pretty clear voices addressing her. Probably the closest to a ghostly encounter I’ve had is, I grew up in a house built by a Doctor in 1880, it was his office and a Tuberculosis ward for the county. And I remember being woken up late at night when everyone else was asleep by a tap-tap-tap-tap-tap sound coming from the kitchen. It was very clearly the sound of one of the cabinets being opened and slammed shut and opened over and over again. I’d heard my mother slamming them enough during the day to be familiar with the sound. But it was repetitive. And it went on for about a half hour before stopping. Which is why I don’t think it was an animal. And my brother’s girlfriend who lived with us heard it too. I’d also hear from friends sleeping over that they saw people walking through our house, but I never saw anything.
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t-annhauser · 2 months
La natura è in splendida forma stamattina, l'afa ci ha dato un po' di tregua e il termostato del caldo è tarato sulla giusta temperatura. La Sila ci guarda maestosa e immobile come un dio, il basilico e il prezzemolo sono belli tonici, l'erba cipollina ha messo su una zazzera da adolescente nella fase di sviluppo, le begonie si stanno riprendendo. Abbiamo certe begonie rosse come le labbra di Marilyn Monroe, con le foglioline pelosine e le clorofille tutte roride di sudore. Sensualità della natura qui nel meridione, le colline sono le mammelle e gli avvallamenti le cosce lanose di alberi d'ulivo.
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rabdoidal · 6 years
🍪 Favourite sweets/candy/snack? or 🕶 What’s your favourite accessory?
🕶 What’s your favourite accessory? 
my ghostbusters earrings
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chaoticghostbees · 7 years
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Fanart of  @hyperbali’s Charater; Nym!  
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hyperbali · 7 years
HI! I was wondering if it was okay to make Fanart of your characters? If not that's fine. :)
i’d be more than flattered! please do link me if you do, i’d love to see. :D
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forensicbec · 3 years
Rules: Answer 20 questions and then tag 20 people you want to get to know better.
I was tagged by @thepondstogether
Nickname: Bex, Bec or Becca Never Becky
Zodiac: Aries
Height: 5'5
Last Film I Watched: Suicide Squad (2016), mostly for Captain Boomerang
Last This I Googled: Angellica Bell Currently watching Celebrity Masterchef and couldn't remember what she had done on CBBC
Favourite Musician: Probably Patrick Stump as I'm still emo
Song Stuck In Your Head: Heathens by Twenty One Pilots (see previous answers for why)
Other Blogs: I have two I never use and my art blog, SomethingArt
Blogs Following: I follow far too many and 645 people follow me (no idea why)
Amount of Sleep: Not what I should be getting (Either way too much or not enough) My friends have the joke I have my own timezone
Lucky Number: 7
What I'm Wearing: Shorts and a Wiggly top that my friend sent me
Dream Job: Actor or Singer
Dream Trip: Australia I've always wanted to go there
Favourite Food: Doughnuts Especially raspberry jam ones
Play Any Instruments: Yep, guitar and keyboard I also use to play trumpet and recorder
Languages: English is my main language I can read and write in Dutch and have a very basic knowledge of French, German, Spanish and Thai
Favourite Songs: What A Catch, Donnie by Fall Out Boy, Meanwhile In Heaven by Kaiser Chiefs, She's So Lovely by Scouting For Girls, Mona Lisa by Panic! At The Disco, Welcome To The Black Parade by My Chemical Romance Cops And Robbers by The Hoosiers and The Man by The Killers (Can you tell I like music?)
Random Fact: I have two fake teeth thanks to a genetic disorder (The same thing Ed Helms has)
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: Emo nerdcore skater (who can't skate)
Tagging: @trickstergodart @elder-schraderham @johann159 @rorid-gravellock @bow-leggedsalmon @coffee-and-cosmos @meggysmeg @calculustics @meme-maw @tinypeckers @lesbianeliksni @lanmandragoran @lesboogara @tangys-crispy-pajimmyjams
@jacobbathead @therikermaneuver and anyone else who wants to
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aglojane-blog · 5 years
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Ruby on Rails is an open source web application framework which comes under MIT license. There are already more than thousands of apps build via Ruby On Rails services.
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