strategemaus-blog · 8 years
ropamaagi replied to your post:
no cursed ike the next time
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     Ike, more like SIKE.
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acieral · 8 years
65. “Don’t let go’’ hug
Raindrops beat down upon them, the steady rhythm  cathartic but not nearly as numbing as he wishes (or does he? he’s not sure if he’d rather feel anguish or emptiness). Anger has faded, sadness too, and he feels as if all the emotion that fueled him during their escape from the Plegian capitol has been washed away by the water, leaving only a kind of heaviness behind, a cold, sleepy feeling that slows his mind and dulls his senses, making his limbs feel like lead.
He’s aware, distantly, of Robyn leading him to a carriage, guiding his clumsy self into it and settling him into one of its seats, but as the tactician turns to leave, expression grim, a hand darts out. 
It takes Chrom a few moments to realize that it’s his.
A questioning look forms on the other man’s face, but Chrom is already tugging him back with all the force he can bring himself to muster, and when the tactician acquiesces, taking a seat next to Chrom, Chrom latches on. Arms wrap around the other man as the tears begin to flow, differing from the rain only in their warmth, and Chrom buries his face into the other’s shoulders as he clings.
It’s selfish of him, to seek comfort from one so often relied on, but Chrom can’t bring himself to let go.
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justxcegirl · 9 years
          Now that she was officially engaged to Inigo ( something she still couldn’t believe had actually happened ) there was thing she ought to do for definite - and that was speak to Inigo’s father. Approaching him with a skip, she gave him a big smile and an enthusiastic wave.
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               “Hey! I was wondering if I could talk to you about Inigo~” A small giggle because, this was kind of embarrassing after all, and she wanted to make a good impression on his family. Just better keep up the good manners like her father had taught her to do.
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strategemaus-blog · 8 years
ropamaagi liked your post:    Meet me at Final Destination in fifteen...
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     Okay, look, after the last time we were in the pit together, maybe it’s for everyone’s benefit we hit training before trying to team up again.
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acieral · 9 years
"Roses are red, violets are blue-- you are doing great as a leader, I'm so proud of you."
“Roses are red, violets are blue, if I’m doing well, then it’s all thanks to you.”
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crowmedian-blog · 9 years
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☠ “You need some help? That’s a lot to carry by yourself, nyaha.”
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@ropamaagi “kill me” drabble 
It seemed Ike had traded one potentially doomed world for another. Only, Tellius had been saved, and it did not come with the sacrifice of someone close to him. It had been hard fought, yes, and those he cared about had been put at risk -- but it was different.
Not like this.
Grima was powerful, more so than any of them had anticipated. It was difficult to imagine, Ike knew very well. Pitting oneself up against that of a God -- or a being that came close enough -- how did you prepare for that? And when that being was a comrade, a friend...a lover? Is there ever a way to steel oneself against that?
No, there wasn’t, not for any sane person. But Ike would not leave it to others, would not settle this burden on the next generation -- on their children.
So he took up Ragnell against the woman he loved. Whether he lived or died in this fight, it did not matter to him. If it meant Robin’s end, than Ike would follow her there. Falchion might have been a dragon slayer, but Ragnell was a blessed blade -- it had cleaved a Goddess in two, and Ike did not doubt it’s power here. If Grima lived, he would lose; if Grima fell, he would still lose. Whatever the outcome, Ike would at least be able to say that he fought for his family here.
The fight on the great dragon’s back had been arduous. The beast could summon its followers to hamper their assault, and Grima was decidedly powerful in its own right. 
And Robin...
Robin added another level of difficulty to it. It was clear many of the others did not wish to draw a blade against her, even if she had been overcome by their foe. That is why Ike charged on his own, leaving Chrom’s army to fight off the Grimleal. The fell dragon’s attacks were strong, its breath full of darkness and rot -- like it would eat away at their very existence. But Ike ignored the pain that was inflicted on himself, forced his body to move closer and closer to Robin’s.
Until he was close enough to thrust Ragnell into her abdomen, the golden blade slipping through flesh as easily as wind whispering through leaves. Ike’s momentum didn’t stop, though, and the force of his attack sent them both off the dying beast’s back. It was an embrace of death, and one of loyalty and love.
You will never be alone...
Robin’s eyes cleared, even as her face paled.
I will follow you always...
Ike’s grip was unrelenting, and not even the tearing fingers of the wind could break them apart as they fell.
To whatever end, even if you fade away, I will fade with you.
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