phyrek · 6 years
-walks into his office and slides a box of chocolates onto his desk- "I was shopping and saw these gourmet chocolates. I thought you might be interested!" :)
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         PERIPHERAL caught sight of the box sliding towards him on the desk. Gaze lifting to the owner of the familiar voice, lips curved into a faint smile. It was moments like this he legitimately wondered how she managed to join the Turks. Just like the chocolates she bought, Elena was too sweet to join a group known to do dirty work. Maybe that was why she was treated so much like a secretary. Still, as much as he appreciated the gift, he couldn’t help but lightly tease her.
                       ❝  Is this your way of bribing me? I’m not this cheap, unless your request is a small one.  ❞     A hand motioned for her to continue, eagerly awaiting her response.
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aonemanarmy · 6 years
"Hey, Sephiroth? Why do you keep your hair long? Doesn't it get in the way during battle?"
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“I would think that you Turks would have better things to do than to inquire into such trivial matters.” He eyed the woman as if searching for some ulterior motive to her inquiries, the General ever suspicious of anyone and everyone. “As for the why, it is mere preference and nothing more. It does not impede my effectiveness in combat and thus is entirely irrelevant.”
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"Cloud!" The blonde-haired 'rookie' (although she'd been a Turk for years, she seemed to be cursed with the title) winced at the over-enthusiasm in her voice, then stopped and smiled. "Glad you made it home safe." She winced again; 'Stop being so damn friendly, Elena!' She mused angrily, groaning at Cloud's face. "... Anyway. We Turks have been keeping our eyes on you, and we noticed you've been down. So... here." She held out handful of lillies, freshly picked. "T-This is from the others too!"
   Can the day feel any longer than it actually has to be? Universe don’t answer that. Cloud paces through the streets of Edge without a destination in mind, an aimless limbo without conclusion, prisoner to his thoughts once more. It gets tiring listening to the same song over and over again—it gets overplayed, it gets on the nerves, quirks up some rage—it’s what happens when the mind is the one with the most control instead of it being the other way around. Visually, one can easily come to the assumption that sleep’s not been very kind to Cloud as of late, it hasn’t been his best friend or a friend at all in the first place. The lack of sleep is obvious by just looking at his eyes, his less than lax posture, and the way his footing seems uneven. For the most part it’s purposeful, a state of his own design by will and choice alone even if it didn’t initially start that way. Nightmares haunt him in the dream realm, in a reality that mocks this one but it’s different with him. Sometimes there’s difficulties, sometimes he can’t tell the difference. He can’t tell apart if the blood on his hands is real, if the corpse of his friend is what it is because he’s chosen to strike them down at will, he can’t tell if he’s to break free of those shackles will he still be the one in control? Or will it be someone else who’s not there? It’s headache. ‘Fuck..’ An inward curse as he comes to a stop and rests a hand on his forehead, feeling how its pulse is far more intense than it should be. Maybe he should tell someone, talk to someone-
   Well, that immediately gets voted out without as much of a second thought. It’s something he should attempt however, and of that he’s more than aware of. But, the sound of his name being yelled from a distance away dictates that it’ll be something he could look into later. His disconnect isn’t as strong anymore so that’s comforting at least. “…?” The name of the bearer escapes for a moment, but it is a voice he recognizes, there’s a joyous hop to it.
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   “Elena?” It’s like a swig when he catches flight of her after looking behind him. It’s sure been a while. He doesn’t even want to wonder what she might want because chances are it’s at the instruction of Rufus so he’s going to nip it at the bud before she continues. Sweet talk is just that after all, mere sweet talk. “I’m not interested. Tell Rufus to look for someone else.” He’s no one’s dirty laundry handler, let alone SHINRA’s or- well, what’s currently left of them as they try to build back that glory of theirs. She trails off with something he’s already vaguely aware of, but why they’d keep prints of his workings goes beyond him. He doesn’t do anything special, he’s just a delivery boy now. He wants normalcy and some smooth sailing for a change. “..Must be borin’.” He interjects without amusement and shaking his head. However as she continues things seem to take a turn given that what he’s come to assume isn’t a truth so it sparks some interest. ‘Noticed I’ve been..down?’ He wonders. Just how close have these suited fellows been keeping an eye on him anyway? His tired eyes widen slightly at the sight of the flowers and what looks like to be what the turks had been dishing up for him. “Flowers?” He questions, staring at them before he takes them from her hands. For some reason he has a difficult time believing this is a delivery from all of them but..regardless of the source the gesture in itself is kind and of that he acknowledges without a fault. This ordeal makes an end of his lip lift up into what can quality as a smile. “Thanks, I guess.” Not something that happens everyday, but he’ll take it whatever it is.
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flava-proelium · 6 years
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                        ︻デ═一           rookie-turk                    ︻デ═一
A new, independent Elena of the Shinra Turks from the Final Fantasy VII compilation. Rules, About and other links coming soon!
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dxnzelstrife · 6 years
[x] | @rookie-turk
Oh boy. This always seemed to be a problem one way or another since he lived in a bar. The boy had to interact with drunkards on occasion and it looked like Elena was the culprit for this evening. As soon as his ears caught the sound of her cooing the boy froze glancing over at the blond. There goes his chance to leave the room undetected. Before Denzel even had a chance to respond, he saw Elena sliding off the stool heading towards him only to immediately give his cheek a pinch as she smiled at him which actually wasn’t too difficult to handle. A mess? She was more than a mess. She had to be the drunkest person in the bar already in his personal opinion. “You sure that’s cause you didn’t drink too much? Maybe it’d be better if you sat back down...” 
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silktseng-blog · 6 years
"Rumor has it, you'd like to take me home with you... But then again, this is Reno's word, not mine."
Send “Rumour has it…” and a rumour about my muse in my ask!
“Reno often misunderstands... and gets excited when he shouldn’t. Don’t pay any attention to his rumours.”
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empatheticscientist · 6 years
"NO!" -- rookieturk
She knew that Elena’s job was to protect her, but she still wasn’t expecting the other woman to tackle her into the wall, earning a loud squeak from the surprised scientist. She thought she heard bullets striking against the back wall, having been aimed at them. 
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aonemanarmy · 6 years
@rookie-turk said: I’m sobbing, this is so funny to me for some reason?! 😂😂                
ooc: I’m guessing it’s all the ‘irrelevants’ in the answers. I know it cracks me up just having a wall of them or N/As like on the last one I filled out for him, but let’s be honest, that’s pretty much canon Sephiroth.           
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"Hi Cloud!" The rookie Turk slowly walked towards the swordsman, waving anxiously. For once, she was in casual clothing; a pink hoodie and a pair of simple blue jeans. "I was thinking... Would you like to go to dinner some time? No ShinRa business, I promise."
   “I should be back at some point tonight.” So he passes his farewells, waving at the kids and Tifa whilst dismissing himself from the bar to begin his workday filled with deliveries. The demand this week hasn’t been so out of control, something he finds himself thankful for given that on his free time he’s given the opportunity to work on his blades, Fenrir, and help around the bar. Of course spending time with the others is also a plus, but Cloud’s a man who appreciates staying busy to keep his mind off things, keep him attached to now, the present, and today. Perhaps not a task of major difficulties to the general population, but to him it’s a challenge in itself. Thus far he hasn’t done too shabby, but he’s not going to count on fortune for this one. As he paces towards Fenrir only a mere distance away he slips on his gloves and once before his beloved vehicle he secures the packages he already does have on it, wanting to make sure they won’t fall on his way to here and there. He isn’t entirely packed today, at least with his usual wear, going with a simple black leather jacket, but not without his trusted fusion sword. That thing stays no matter what. Just when he’s about to mount Fenrir someone makes the effort to catch his attention, at this point it’s semi-familiar so he doesn’t wonder too much. Turning around he verifies his suspicions, it’s Elena. She’s making it quite common to linger around these parts, dropping by every so often in the bar thankfully not under orders to get to him. Of that Cloud feels plenty of relief, she just drops by as a customer. “Hey.” He greets, leaning his weight back against Fenrir and crossing his arms over his chest. “Not on duty?” He quirks an eyebrow up, taking an educated guess out of the lack of the familiar black suit. He’s actually kind of surprised. Who would’ve thought! They wear other things beyond black suits and they have days off too! It’s kind of ridiculous to think that, but these are pretty rare instances, especially at times like these.
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   “Dinner?” He ponders on the word with furrowed brows. Why’d she want him to tag along for something like that? Is she looking for options? He’s got a few in mind. “Tifa runs dinner hours at the bar,” he motions, pointing behind him to the bar with his thumb. “Schedule for that’s on the wall.” Maybe he can help the bar with that a bit, a little push. “There’s a lot of good food.” What she’s trying to do and ask goes right over his head, but he’s none the wiser. “I have deliveries to make” he continues, now mounting Fenrir, starting it and slipping his goggles over his eyes. “See ya’.” With that he bids farewell and with a roar from Fenrir he’s on his way to keep himself according to what schedule he’s got already mapped out within his head. 
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dxnzelstrife · 6 years
[x] | @rookie-turk
The brunette watched the blond with a partially arched brow as she addressed him as if he were maybe five years old. He was ten, there was a huge difference but he supposed he should be thankful that she wasn’t doing anything else that was weird like hugging him or whatever displays of affection that adults showed kids sometimes. Standing behind the counter, the boy kept an eye on her.
“Tifa and Cloud aren’t here. Cloud’s on a delivery and Tifa went out a while ago so I’m the only one here.” he replied picking up an already clean glass to clean again to pass the time or at least look busy. “And Marlene isn’t my sister, she just staying here while her Dad’s…someplace else.” Denzel explained placing the glass down. “Business? What kind of business are you talking about?”
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silktseng-blog · 6 years
[Stops you as you walk past, gives you a big smooch, then continues making coffee]
Tseng froze at the sudden, forward behaviour from Elena before then clearing his throat and adjusting his tie.
Well, nobody saw, no harm done.
“I take mine black, if you’re doing a round,” was his only comment.
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wheresmygoddamntea · 6 years
Send 📜 for my muse to bestow some of their wisdom on yours        
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“Quit being a goddamn flunky to those two idiots you work with and go out and get a real #$%^ing job woman!”
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wheresmygoddamntea · 6 years
She raised an eyebrow, hugging her clipboard to her chest. She cleared her throat and braced herself for whatever nonsense he was going to spew from that foul mouth of his.
“ShinRa has an offer, captain. We hope you’ll be interested.” She held out the clipboard, which was filled with documents. “We need your assistance. As we’re short on staff, we require a pilot for a while. Taking the time out of your… ‘busy’ schedule would result in a large payment, as well as all the tea a man could want.”
She flashed him a trademark smirk; being around Rufus for all those years, he’d rubbed off on her.
“What do you say?”
Cid grunted as he reached out and snatched the clipboard from the woman and scanned over it. Flipping through the documents he remained surprisingly silent for a moment with the only sound being the steady puffing the pilot did on his cigarette.
“All this paperwork and not one #$%^ing mention on what’s most important.” Cid growled, shoving the clipboard back into the Turk’s arms. “So wipe that slimy smirk off your goddamn face. If you Shinra bastards think you can buy my ass off then you better try harder.”
Removing his cigarette he let out a cloud of smoke and spat on the ground.
“My answer is #$%^ you. Shinra promised me one too many things in the past and what do I have to show for it? Not a goddamn thing!” Pointing toward the abandoned rocket that gave the town its name he snarled. “There’s all that your boss is good for so he can shove it!”
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