everymanpdf · 2 years
im also addicted to tea now because of my job and boyfriend. it's almost eleven pm and im like what if i made a cup of the maple black tea i love so much. as a treat
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owlask · 2 years
🌟 Rating my Tea Advent Calender 🍵☕
Day 1: Marzipan "Lübecker Art"
Too watery and has a strong aftertaste of rancid (?) almonds. Missing the sweetness of marzipan.
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theriu · 10 months
Nothing quite so technically accurate yet practically unhelpful as some dictionary pronunciation styles.
Me: What’s rooibus?
Kindle Dictionary: A South African shrub whose leaves are often used for tea!
Me: Cool, how do you pronounce it?
Kindle Dictionary: /ˈrɔɪbɒs/ (:
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eatmangoesnekkid · 11 months
Here is the nutrient-dense rooibus tea that many may not be able to swallow. If you are feeling tender, please do not read any further and take good care of your body/energy.
Anything that happens in this reality is God's will, even when our minds can't intellectually understand or make sense of it. That means there are no accidents. And there will always be heartbreak and horrific suffering in this reality just like there will always be sweetness and care.
Each of us come into the world with our own roles to play. I don't know why women in Sudan live in the horrific conditions, but what I do know if that if I take advantage of the privileges I have in the West, I'm being of service to them in some way.
Through conscious actions such as choosing to go for a walk in the misty cold rain, mindful that I have no threat of being raped, over slouching down in a chair and mindlessly scrolling on the internet.
Through movement --relaxing my body with deep breaths because there is no reason for me to look over my shoulders from fear and anxiety that someone will attack me.
Through a gratitude practice--just being thankful to eat a comforting warm meal around the kitchen table with loved ones, even if it is not the most nutritious.
Through thoughtfulness: how thoughtful I am in allowing my body to receive rest when tired or kindly making enough nutritious food to share with the single mother busy with toddlers on her hand.
Through decolonial sexual intimacy --being explorative and open, having the kind of sex I enjoy, and allowing myself to be have lots of fun and live more sexually liberated.
Or through creating authentically without complaint of being tired, blocked, or hungry-- are ways that I/we favorably impact the spirit of the women in Sudan who do not have the same freedom and access that I/we have, may never meet me/us, but can feel a greater sense strength through our meaningful actions that have long legs.
Remember that we are deeply enmeshed and connected in the greater ecology of life. What I do with day has some impact upon the collective. There is a karmic gift in living in places where we have more opportunities to speak, express, and be through everything we do.
In the West, the laws of karma have been always configured into our experiences. When we just squander our energy, we create a disconnect that causes of lose even more energy/power.
Two major influences impacting karma in an undesired way are our programming and conditioning from our family line and dopamine addiction.
I like to get to the core quintessential element of transformation. If you want to transform, you need energy. And to grow your energy is to expand your consciousness.
As we open up our consciousness, we can help to favorably influence or undo our karma through our heart-based thoughts, actions, and deeds, quieting/softening the mind, expanding the nervous system, and growing our prana (life force) through evolving our energy beyond a very basic, root chakra, sexual extinct. In other words, sex must include the whole body, especially the heart. Otherwise we stay stuck in these small singular stories of ourselves.
This is a temporary school we are living in so live it to the fullest. The body is also temporary so be good to it. Get all the lessons and blessings out of this reality. When you graduate from this reality I.e. die, you wills realize, once again, how much time you wasted taking this "game of life" too seriously than what was necessary. And all of this requires some level of devotion and courage, the essences of us where we can easily become too distracted to embody.--India Ame'ye, Author
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cheadarchesse · 7 days
Bought a box of earl grey tea for baking (london fog cake, here I come) and decided to brew myself a cup since, well, I have a whole box. I usually have either rooibus or honeybush, occasionally chai, so wasn't sure if I'd like it.
Big fan. When I run out, I'll get some of the good stuff from the lil tea shop downtow
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anotherdayforchaosfay · 6 months
Woooooot!!!!! A massive tea order I put in on Sips By has shipped today! They were have a 50% discount sale on EVERYTHING, so I snatched up more tea and several teacups and mugs. For the unaware, my blood type is Tea. White, green, black, herbal, the only kind I cannot stand is rooibus (because it does bad things to my digestion system). My favorites are English Breakfast Tea and herbal coffee (herbal mix that tastes and feels exactly like coffee).
When I told my husband about the sale, he insisted I treat myself, and wouldn't leave me alone until I did. His reasoning? I deserve nice things, especially after all the hardwork I've done and am currently with commission. It's been three weeks or so since I put in my order, and received an email a few days ago informing me the sale resulted in massive amounts of orders, many of them quite large, and they're taking awhile to fill. Then today, I got a shipping notice, which has me giddy with excitement.
I collect teacup/mugs, and they have some I've been eyeing for awhile. Somehow, I need to make room for the new additions to the collection. One of the teacups looks like a little pink ghost. I have another in my collection that looks like a cauldron, and that one is strictly for October 1st to November 4th. After that, it gets set aside. I have a set of four glass teacups and saucers that are very delicate and pretty. Those are for when we have guests over. One person said it made them feel like they were a little girl again, have tea parties with her dolls.
Tea sparks joy, and I miss having digital tea parties with random people. There was a fun things during lockdown where folks were having tea parties on Zoom. You just signed up for a day and time, dressed up, and have a teacup or mug. There was one party of around 10 people, three were in cosplay, four were in Jane Austen era clothes, one looked like she was going to prom, one was in Lolita clothes, and I wore a nice dress with makeup and my hair pulled back. I did point out I put all my effort into making pretty quilts because I can't make my own clothes (yet) whereas everyone else made their clothes. We have a lot of fun discussing our work, and one of the women purchased a quilt from my shop. We need tea parties again. They were sooooo much fun and made the loneliness vanish for a couple hours.
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afaroffsong · 1 year
What kind of teas do you like?
OhohO! Excellent question. I like so many teas. Off the top of my head:
Good ol’ black tea. Barry’s, of course. (It’s Irish. ;D) With some milk and a wee bit of sugar.
Green tea is great as well. For some reason we hardly ever have any in the house so when I do manage to get my hands on some I cannot stop myself from having one too many cups.
I drink a lot of rooibus, too. My mom buys this fantastic orange-vanilla blend. It is delicious with a drop of honey.
I tend to drink a cup of chamomile in the evenings when I know I’m going to have a hard time falling asleep. The flavour reminds me of my dad reading LOTR to me and my siblings for the first time (I was 9/10), even though I’m pretty sure I only had it once or twice back then.
I also love chai. My dad drinks a lot of… cinnamon chai, I think? He doesn’t add sugar or anything but he put cream in it once which I thought was gross. He thought it was incredible.
We used to have a collection of herbal teas when we lived in America. There were so many flavours—peppermint and other things I don’t remember. My brother liked a peach-flavoured tea. I think there was a berry-flavoured tea? We drank pots of it.
Anyway I could ramble on forever about tea, so I should probably stop now. XD
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solarsapphic · 8 months
Rosehip tea and rooibus? also hi, I just realised we are moots!
hii there !! i'm not sure who this is, but you should totally reach out :)
Rosehip tea - which book did you love when you were younger? Simon vs. The Homosapien Agenda was my absolute favorite as a kid because it was the first queer story I ever read, it still has a special place in my heart now <3
Rooibus - what is one of your favorite books? Kinda cheesy, but One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston is definitely in my top 5. I love a good sapphic romance, it's so cute !!
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flameintobeing · 2 years
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happy good witch season! seeing as it’s fifteen weeks til the album drops and there’s fifteen songs on the album, i’ve decided to do a tarot card countdown where every week i drop a new card and tell u a little bit about one of the songs, from the very beginning to the very end.
so here we go, the first song, the title track. the good witch. i had this title in my mind (planted by a higher power it feels) but i knew for it to be the title of the album, i wanted it to be the opening track too. call it superstition, but the ysuft opener felt so right for me in that era that i knew her successor needed to create that same magic. i wanted another mission statement, another beginning for us to all center ourselves with, the ginger, the cleanser, the fresh page.
so i wrote tgw on my last day in decoy, a residential studio in suffolk i also visited for ysuft. coincidentally (fatefully), i wrote her on our last day there, as a final hail mary on the piano with joe sat in the other room working on want you back - if u trace back two years, i also wrote ysuft on my last day in decoy that first visit, also with joe sat in the very same chair.
this song has so much of my heart in it - written on that creaky piano, fuelled by romantic vision and rooibus tea, it really is the calm before the storm.
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5 Drinks to Get to Know Me
Tagged by the exquisite @deathdefyinglifeleaps, thank you for enabling me 🥂
a huge hot comforting cup of coffee with a spot of milk, a bit of cardamom and heaps of cinnamon
Schlumberger (though honestly I’ve never met a bubbly I didn’t like)
uncountable liters of tap water, but only in class
Rabarbersaft (my mum’s homemade Swedish rhubarb cordial)
all the teas (right now high in rotation: rooibus and sencha)
Tagging @watch-the-stars-go-by, @ellicelluella, @korppunen, @startedwellthatsentence, @absolutelyfibulas if y’all feel like sharing ☕
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dgalerab · 1 year
Spill the tea! If you want. Or share ur favorite teas or beverages I am very literally thirsty
without going into detail sometimes your very terrible bad no good extended family invites you to a wedding as though they didn't disinvite you to weddings mere years ago for Fucked Up Weirdo Reasons That They Have Not Ceased
anyway very sad that i got boba (comfort beverage) today BEFORE being informed of this. can i get boba again on the same day. is that normal.
anyway i like rooibus tea currently but jasmine green tea is a recurring fave
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dearhaunt · 4 months
koala march cookies & dandelion tea & then rooibus with chamomile hibiscus and orange peel & persona 3 all day
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cilantrospirit · 5 months
wearing a felted wool skirt is all fun and games until you spill rooibus chai on it then BAM impossible to clean & strong wool smell. dgmw I love a wet wool smell (makes me feel like I'm 11 years old wet felting with my sister around the winter solstice) but this baby has never before been washed and if having oatmilk in her does anything bad this wretched Earth shall never know peace from me. not that it currently does but... well, you know. life is good when I have all these nice things but without a lover I really can't cope with much. thank you
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currantlee · 1 year
THE SHOWDOWN to determine whether I’m insane
So, I personally enjoy black tea, some variations of chai and rooibus tea with milk or oatmilk 😊 Other kinds of tea with milk aren’t exactly my cup of tea, so to speak 😁
Anyway, what about you guys? Please vote because I really wanna know!
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owlask · 2 years
🌟 Rating my Tea Advent Calender 🍵☕
Day 8: Chai Tea
It smells like Glühwein. It has a bit of a Glühwein aftertaste. But it does not taste like Glühwein. Hahaha. It drinks like water (it’s Rooibus based), but with a nice explosion of spices following it.
3/5 The smell is definitely the best part of this tea, not gonna lie
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treehehe116 · 4 years
Rooibus tea is an excellent caffeine free alternative to black tea if you are trying to quit. It has a lovely honey-like taste and aroma, similar to black tea.
Rooibus comes from a word meaning red bush, and is actually not actual tea :3
It’s very yummy after steeping at just boiling for four minutes with a healthy splash of milk.
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