#rooftop solar plant in Bhopal
mbmledlights · 10 days
Save on Energy Bills with MBM India Energy’s Rooftop Solar Plants in Bhopal and Madhya Pradesh
As the demand for sustainable energy solutions grows, rooftop solar plants have emerged as a smart investment for both residential and commercial properties. MBM India Energy, a top solar energy provider in Bhopal and throughout Madhya Pradesh, delivers cutting-edge rooftop solar plant solutions, enabling efficient and cost-effective harnessing of solar power. With a mission to promote clean energy, MBM India Energy delivers cost-effective solar power systems that contribute to reducing energy bills and protecting the environment.
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Why Choose a Rooftop Solar Plant?
Installing a rooftop solar plant in Bhopal or anywhere in Madhya Pradesh comes with several advantages. First and foremost, solar energy is a renewable resource, meaning you can generate power sustainably for years to come. It not only helps reduce your carbon footprint but also leads to significant savings on electricity bills. Furthermore, the government offers subsidies and incentives for adopting solar energy, making it an affordable solution for many households and businesses.
MBM India Energy offers tailored rooftop solar plant installations based on the energy consumption patterns of your home or business. Our systems are designed to maximize solar energy capture and efficiently convert it into usable electricity, ensuring that you get the most out of your investment.
Advantages of Rooftop Solar Plants in Madhya Pradesh
Madhya Pradesh enjoys abundant sunshine, making it a prime location for generating solar power. By installing a rooftop solar plant, homeowners and businesses can tap into this clean energy source and contribute to the state’s efforts toward renewable energy adoption.
MBM India Energy’s rooftop solar plant in Madhya Pradesh are designed to withstand local weather conditions and operate efficiently year-round. With expert engineers and high-quality materials, our installations provide long-lasting performance and minimal maintenance requirements.
Why MBM India Energy?
At MBM India Energy, we understand the unique energy needs of our customers. Our team of experienced professionals offers comprehensive solutions, including consultation, design, installation, and maintenance services for rooftop solar plants. Whether you're looking to reduce your energy costs or make an environmentally conscious choice, we ensure that our solar solutions meet the highest industry standards.
For more information on rooftop solar plant in Bhopal and across Madhya Pradesh, visit our website at https://mbmindiaenergy.com/solar-rooftop-plant.php and take a step towards a greener, more sustainable future with MBM India Energy.
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centaurpowers · 1 year
Harnessing Solar Energy in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh: A Comprehensive Guide to On-Grid and Off-Grid Solar Systems for Homes
Solar System for home in Bhopal
The term "solar system" describes the group of asteroids that are gravitationally connected to the Sun. The planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and other smaller bodies are all in orbit around the Sun, which serves as its centre star.
Solar System for home In Bhopal, India, a comprehensive solar power system for a residence requires a number of elements and factors. Please be aware that since then, prices and specific products might have changed, making it crucial to speak with local solar suppliers or installers to obtain the most recent information and quote that is tailored to your needs. Here is a general description of what to anticipate:
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Battery (Optional): Although most grid-connected solar systems don't need batteries (extra electricity can be fed back into the grid), some homeowners want to include battery storage for backup power during outages or to store excess energy for nighttime use.
Net metering: Net metering is a feature that is accessible in many locations, including Bhopal. You can do this to get credit for any surplus electricity you sell back to the grid. When your solar panels aren't producing enough electricity, such as on overcast days or at night, this helps offset electricity expenses.
Solar panels: Solar panels are the main device used to convert sunlight into electricity. Your energy usage and available roof space will determine how many panels you need. Generally speaking, you would prefer reliable brands of solar panels that are of good quality and efficiency.
Inverter: Solar panels provide direct current (DC), whereas dwellings use alternating current (AC). The inverter transforms the DC electricity generated by the panels into usable AC energy for your house.
Mounting Structure: To hold the solar panels on the roof, mounting structures that are both strong and resilient are required. The mounting solution chosen will depend on the kind of roof you have (concrete, metal, tile, etc.).
 On-Grid Solar Systems in Bhopal -
 On-Grid Solar Systems in Bhopal- The Indian state of Madhya Pradesh's capital, Bhopal, had been actively embracing solar energy options, including on-grid solar installations. A design where solar panels are connected to the nearby electrical grid is called an on-grid solar system, often referred to as a grid-tied solar system. Here are some pertinent details regarding on-grid solar systems in Bhopal:
Solar Installers and suppliers: On-grid solar solutions are provided by a number of solar installation businesses and suppliers in Bhopal. For the installation of on-grid solar systems on residential, commercial, and industrial premises, these businesses offer the required hardware, installation services, and support.
Government Initiatives: The government of Madhya Pradesh, like that of many other Indian states, has been pushing the use of solar energy through a number of initiatives, incentives, and subsidies. Increasing the installation of solar power systems, especially on-grid solar configurations, was the goal of these projects.
Off-Grid Solar Systems in Bhopal -
Off-Grid Solar Systems in Bhopal - Off-grid solar systems are a great choice for locations with intermittent or restricted access to the main power grid. By producing and storing electricity locally, these systems offer a sustainable and unreliant energy source.
Off-grid solar systems were being used in Bhopal, like in many other regions of India, for a variety of purposes, including:
Residential use: To power lights, fans, refrigerators, and other necessary equipment, homeowners and small-business owners installed off-grid solar systems.
Agriculture: In order to water their farms even in remote locations without grid access, farmers are implementing solar-powered irrigation systems.
Rooftop Solar in Madhya Pradesh -
Rooftop Solar in Madhya Pradesh - Like many other Indian states, Madhya Pradesh has been encouraging and pushing the use of rooftop solar power generation. The state government has established a number of measures and legislation to encourage the installation of rooftop solar panels for users in the residential, commercial, and industrial sectors.
For info:-  Industrial LED lights in Bhopal
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led-manufacturer · 3 years
Are you looking for a solar rooftop manufacturer in Bhopal? MBM is the best solar rooftop plant manufacturer in Bhopal that provides the most trustable service to their clients even after the installation. Contact MBM for installation of solar rooftop plant.
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juudgeblog · 6 years
All That You Must Know About Captive Generation Plant
Written by Arun Mehta, pursuing Certificate Course in Electricity and Renewable Energy Laws offered by Lawsikho as part of his coursework.  Arun works as a Specialist in Scheduling and Forecasting at Rewa Ultra Mega Solar Limited, Bhopal. Additionally, he has a MBA degree in Power Management.
What is Captive Generation?
A Captive Generating Plant is a power plant set up by any person, cooperative society or an association of persons (including companies) for generating electricity primarily for their own use. A generation plant is considered captive only if more than 51% of its electricity generated is used by the owner(s) for their own consumption and the minimum aggregate ownership (or individual ownership as the case may be) of the captive generating plant is at least 26%. Thus, in case there are multiple owners of a captive plant (also called group captive), they should satisfy the above requirement of a minimum of 51% energy consumption from the captive and collective ownership of at least 26%.
Why Captive Generation?
Electricity is one of the major inputs for any industry and industries require a consistent and reliable supply of electricity. For some industries, the quality of electricity (in terms of harmonics, voltage, and other technical parameters) is quite important. Further, reliable and quality supply at reasonable costs is another important factor for industries. Sometimes, these requirements cannot be aptly fulfilled by the state utilities. In such cases, going for captive power is the more feasible option. Captive power reduces dependability on the grid, reduces the cost of electricity which is an input to production processes and surplus electricity can also be sold to the grid, thus bringing in multiple benefits. Captive power plants have not only benefited the owners, but also the electricity utilities by supplying extra power when there has been a deficit in the power supply.
Types of Captive Generation
Captive power plants can be classified on the basis of various parameters. A typical classification is shown in the figure below.
Different types of industries have different choices on the type of captive plant they choose to set up. For instance, heavy industries such as steel, aluminium and smelting industries which are energy intensive, generally set up coal-based power plants. Sugar industries typically setup bagasse based plants in order to optimally utilize the waste product from their factories. Diesel generators are widely used by a variety of industries, including commercial facilities such as malls, office complexes, and hospitals. Diesel generators are also used for supplying peak power and backup power. Several industries are also using cogeneration plants in which the waste heat from the boiler is effectively utilized in heating applications, one example of such industry is Arvind Mills which is a textile industry. Renewable energy, especially wind and solar are becoming the most sought-after technologies for setting up captive projects. With RE, there are other associated benefits given by Central and State Governments which have made them an attractive option for investors. For instance, several textile manufacturers setup captive wind power plants under Ministry of Textile’s Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme, wherein they were provided a capital subsidy for setting up the captive plants. For solar rooftop systems, the capital subsidy of 30% on benchmark or project cost (whichever is lower) is provided by MNRE. Further, states have their own capital subsidy for the rooftop systems. Apart from the subsidies, easier financing, concessional import duties, excise duties and tax holidays are also provided for grid-connected solar systems. Another benefit being provided to the solar rooftop systems is net-metering, in which a bidirectional energy meter is installed at the user end and the surplus energy generated can be fed into the grid resulting in further saving on costs.
Benefits of Captive Generation
For energy-intensive industries, captive power provides a cheaper option than power from discoms, since the discoms charge additional surcharges and cross-subsidies from industries. The Electricity Act of 2003 is an enabler for a captive generation. Section 9(2) gives the right to open access to the captive generator and Sections 38, 39 and 42 provide that open access cross-subsidies and surcharge are not applicable to captive projects. Thus, this can be huge savings for the industries for which power is a major cost input. Captive power is also beneficial for the grid, especially in a power deficit scenario. The government has encouraged captive power generation to address the situation of power deficit which has considerably reduced. Captive power can also be used when there is no power supply from the distribution utilities. Hence, in case of load shedding, backup diesel generators can be used to supply captive power. For captive generators based on renewable sources, other benefits are also available such as Renewable Energy Certificates, discounted wheeling and banking charges, net metering and carbon credits under the CDM Mechanism.
Key factors for consideration while setting up Captive Generation Plant
While deciding to go for setting up a captive generation plant for a factory, the following aspects should be considered:
Type of load
The type of load depends on the purpose for which the industry is being set up. Heavy load intensive industries such as steel and aluminium have larger power requirements and already have access to coal. Coal-based thermal captive plants are used for such industries. Sugar factories typically use biomass or bagasse as fuel as it is the end product of sugar manufacturing process. Cogeneration is another technology which can be used if steam is also required in the industrial processes apart from electricity. An example of such industry is the textile industry in which the waste heat from a steam boiler can be used for further industrial processes. Diesel generators are another popular option used by several industries with lesser load requirements. Diesel generators have the advantage of being able to operate without any auxiliary power supply and are very reliable as standalone power sources, however, the fuel, i.e. diesel is often expensive and polluting.
Recently, renewable sources of energy such as wind, solar and biomass are also being used as captive sources by many industries. Though the efficacy of such captive plants for energy-intensive processes may be questionable due to the variability of the power supply, many less intensive industries including food industries, textile, and commercial offices etc. can benefit from captive renewable energy. Now, even heavy power usage industries such as Delhi Metro are buying solar power. Innovative contracting or bundling of renewable power with conventional power can facilitate the supply of power from renewable sources even to energy-intensive industries.
Land requirement
Land requirement for setting up a power project varies from technology to technology, hence land availability is a critical parameter in deciding the type of captive project. Land requirements for various types of power plants are tabulated below:
Typical financing options for captive plants include self-financing, loans and financing by equipment contractors. For smaller plants, self-financing is the preferred option as depreciation on assets can be used in saving taxes. The goal for the financing of captive plants differs from the Independent Power Producers in the sense that the key objective is to lower the cost of generation and not higher rates of return9. In certain cases, the financing is done by the equipment supplier companies, who do turnkey contracts (i.e. complete commissioning of the plant) and supply power to the captive consumer at negotiated rates. Tariff determination while supplying to a licensee: If some part of power from the captive plant is being supplied to a distribution licensee then the tariff is determined by the appropriate committee as per Section 62 (a) of the Electricity Act, 2003 or tariff may be determined competitively as per Section 63 of Electricity Act, 2003 1.
Connectivity /Open Access
The captive plant owner has to apply for connectivity to the grid to discom, STU or CTU as the case may be. For connectivity, the captive owner has to comply with the rules and regulations of CTU/STU and adhere to the grid codes prescribed by the Central/State Regulatory Commissions.
Charges to be paid for open access
Open access charges are the charges payable by the open access consumers to entities such as discoms or transmission licensees for access to their network. These charges do not include the generation tariff which is payable to the generator or supplier. Industrial consumers who use the grid for consumption of power from their captive plants have to pay the open access charges. However, unlike the usual industrial consumers, who are supplied power by the distribution licensee, the captive consumers save on cross-subsidy charges and additional surcharges levied by distribution licensee. The open access charges levied on a captive consumer are as follows16:
Wheeling Charge
Charges applicable for transmitting the power through discom’s network. Typically, the open access consumer is connected to the discom network at 33 kV or below. Hence, if both captive generation plant and load are connected to the same discom network of 33 kV or below, wheeling charges would be payable by the captive consumer. The wheeling charges are determined by the State Regulatory Commission in their tariff order.
Wheeling losses
These are the technical losses of the distribution network of 33 kV or below. The losses are determined by the State Regulatory Commission and apportioned to the open access to consumers on the basis of their energy draw.
State Transmission Utility (STU) charges
The STU grid usually operates at 66 kV, 132 kV or sometimes 220 kV voltages. In case the power from the captive generator flows through the state grid, STU charges are leviable to the captive consumer. These charges are also determined by the State Regulatory Commission.
STU losses
Similar to wheeling losses, STU losses are the losses of the state grid, which are approved by the State Regulatory Commission.
PoC charges and losses
These are charges and losses incurred if the power is being transmitted through the interstate grid. Charges and losses for the national grid are determined through a point of connection method. These charges are specified on a monthly basis by CERC and the losses are specified on a weekly basis.
Banking charges
Banking charges are payable by captive consumers who use the banking facility. Typically, in banking arrangements, the surplus energy generated by a captive user is used by the distribution licensee and the same amount of energy can be used by the captive user at a later time when the energy generation from the captive plant is insufficient. The distribution licensees charge for banking facility. Many states have given waiver in banking facility for renewable energy projects.
Concerns in a captive generation
Clearances and approvals
Clearances and approvals may be required by the captive generator. The major approvals required are environmental clearance and safety clearance from the Electrical Inspector.
Environmental Clearance
Environmental compliance by captive plants is a key issue since there are no set mandates for environmental clearance. Thermal plants are quite polluting and cause air, water, and land pollution. Non-compliance in terms of emissions and effluent disposal can lead to exacerbation of environmental problems. However, clearance from the environmental agencies such as MoEF, CPCB, and SPCB can result in higher costs and delays.
Electrical Inspector approval
For the safety of men and material, Electricity Act 2003 under Section 53, provides measures for a safety inspection by Electrical Inspector under the State or Central Government. Adherence to the rules, regulations and safety measures specified by the Electrical Inspectorate must be complied with for getting clearance from the Electrical Inspector.
Fuel availability
Fuel availability could be an issue for captive plants, especially if they do not have firm contracts or captive mines for sourcing coal, or have space constraints for fuel storage9. Price hikes in domestic or imported fuel prices could also impact the cost of electricity generated by the captive plant.
Captive plants may have low efficiency due to smaller size9 and domestic coal. Due to such inefficiency, there could be fuel scarcity in the country if captive plants become mainstream sources of power.
Human Resources
Captive power plants may lack skilled and trained manpower for the day to day operations of the power plant9. Employing skilled personnel can add extra costs to the tariff of electricity procured from such plants.
While captive generation certainly has benefits, careful consideration of the various factors such as technology, fuel, nature of load and cost to benefits need to be assessed for evaluation and selection of power procurement option. Captive generation can also play a supplementary role in supplying power to the grid and alleviating power shortages in the country.
  Students of Lawsikho courses regularly produce writing assignments and work on practical exercises as a part of their coursework and develop themselves in real-life practical skills.
  The post All That You Must Know About Captive Generation Plant appeared first on iPleaders.
All That You Must Know About Captive Generation Plant syndicated from https://namechangersmumbai.wordpress.com/
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metrorailnews · 7 years
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Latest News from https://goo.gl/v4rF5z
Delhi Metro | DMRC plans to make all phase-III stations solar powered
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Bhopal: Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) today signed Three Power Purchase Agreements and unique Co-ordination Scheduling Agreement for 25 years period with Rewa Ultra Mega Solar Limited, (a joint venture of Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) and Government of Madhya Pradesh), Solar Power Developers (Mahindra, ACME Solar and Solenergi) and MPPMCL. DMRC has become the first metro to procure Solar Power on RESCO basis as Inter State Open Access Consumer.
The landmark event was graced by the presence of Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu, Hon’ble Minister of Urban Development, Shri Piyush Goyal, Hon’ble Minister of State (IC) for Power, Coal, New & Renewable Energy and Mines and Sh. Shivraj Singh Chauhan, Hon’ble Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh.
DMRC team of senior officers, was led by Mr. Anoop Kumar Gupta, Director (E), who has been instrumental in spearheading DMRC’s efforts for enhancing use of solar power, to reduce impact of increasing energy tariff and mitigate environment depletion.
DMRC was involved in this mega solar project since April 2016 and played crucial role in drafting project documents. Team of officers from DMRC & RUMSL, through diligent detailing, robust project preparedness, keeping appropriate distribution of risks, have achieved a record low first year tariff of Rs. 2.97, for solar energy.
This 750 MW Solar Project being set up at Rewa, Madhya Pradesh, will be one of the largest Solar plant in the world and is likely to be operational from June 2018. DMRC will source 345 MUs annually from this project, effectively the entire energy requirement of Phase – 3 of Delhi Metro project and would mean substantial savings in energy cost for Delhi Metro.
DMRC also has a target of commissioning 20 MWp rooftop solar plants by end of 2017 on its premises and has successfully commissioned 16 MWp capacity till date and already signed Power Purchase Agreements for 31.50 MWp.
Source: DMRC Press Release.
Click here to see more https://goo.gl/v4rF5z
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mbmledlights · 1 month
The Future of Energy: Rooftop Solar Plants in Madhya Pradesh with MBM India Energy
In an era where sustainable energy solutions are crucial for combating climate change and reducing utility costs, rooftop solar plants are becoming increasingly popular. For residents and businesses in Bhopal and across Madhya Pradesh, MBM India Energy offers cutting-edge rooftop solar plant solutions that combine efficiency, reliability, and affordability.
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The Rise of Rooftop Solar Plants
Rooftop solar plants have emerged as a practical solution for generating clean energy right from the rooftops of homes and commercial buildings. They offer a way to harness the abundant sunlight in our region, converting it into electricity that can power everyday activities. This not only helps in reducing dependence on conventional energy sources but also contributes to significant savings on electricity bills.
Why Choose MBM India Energy for Your Rooftop Solar Plant?
MBM India Energy has established itself as a leading provider of rooftop solar plant in Bhopal and Madhya Pradesh, offering solutions that cater to various needs and budgets. Here’s why they are the top choice for solar energy:
1. Customized Solutions: MBM India Energy understands that every property has unique requirements. They offer customized rooftop solar plant solutions designed to maximize energy production based on your specific rooftop space and energy needs.
2. High-Quality Components: Their solar plants are built with high-quality panels and equipment to ensure durability and efficiency. This dedication to quality ensures that your solar system operates at peak performance and remains reliable for years to come.
3. Expert Installation: The company employs experienced technicians who handle the installation process with precision. Their expertise ensures that your rooftop solar plant is installed correctly, optimizing performance and longevity.
4. Cost-Effectiveness: MBM India Energy provides affordable solar solutions without compromising on quality. They offer competitive pricing and help you understand the return on investment, making solar energy accessible and financially beneficial.
5. Government Compliance: Their solar systems comply with all local regulations and standards, ensuring that your installation meets all legal requirements and benefits from any available incentives or subsidies.
Benefits of Rooftop Solar Plants
1. Energy Independence: Generate your own electricity and reduce reliance on the grid.
2. Cost Savings: Lower your electricity bills with solar power.
3. Environmental Benefits: Lower your carbon footprint and support a more sustainable planet.
4. Increased Property Value: Enhance the value of your property with a modern solar installation.
Get Started with MBM India Energy
If you’re considering a rooftop solar plant in Bhopal or anywhere in Madhya Pradesh, MBM India Energy is your trusted partner for reliable and efficient Rooftop solar plant in Madhya Pradesh. Visit https://mbmindiaenergy.com/solar-rooftop-plant.php to learn more about their offerings and take the first step towards a sustainable energy future. Harness the power of the sun and enjoy the benefits of clean, renewable energy with MBM India Energy’s expert solutions.
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led-manufacturer · 3 years
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Get your solar rooftop and cut your monthly bill up to 75%. MBM provides a best residential solar rooftop system at affordable price.
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juudgeblog · 6 years
All That You Must Know About Captive Generation Plant
Written by Arun Mehta, pursuing Certificate Course in Electricity and Renewable Energy Laws offered by Lawsikho as part of his coursework.  Arun works as a Specialist in Scheduling and Forecasting at Rewa Ultra Mega Solar Limited, Bhopal. Additionally, he has a MBA degree in Power Management.
What is Captive Generation?
A Captive Generating Plant is a power plant set up by any person, cooperative society or an association of persons (including companies) for generating electricity primarily for their own use. A generation plant is considered captive only if more than 51% of its electricity generated is used by the owner(s) for their own consumption and the minimum aggregate ownership (or individual ownership as the case may be) of the captive generating plant is at least 26%. Thus, in case there are multiple owners of a captive plant (also called group captive), they should satisfy the above requirement of a minimum of 51% energy consumption from the captive and collective ownership of at least 26%.
Why Captive Generation?
Electricity is one of the major inputs for any industry and industries require a consistent and reliable supply of electricity. For some industries, the quality of electricity (in terms of harmonics, voltage, and other technical parameters) is quite important. Further, reliable and quality supply at reasonable costs is another important factor for industries. Sometimes, these requirements cannot be aptly fulfilled by the state utilities. In such cases, going for captive power is the more feasible option. Captive power reduces dependability on the grid, reduces the cost of electricity which is an input to production processes and surplus electricity can also be sold to the grid, thus bringing in multiple benefits. Captive power plants have not only benefited the owners, but also the electricity utilities by supplying extra power when there has been a deficit in the power supply.
Types of Captive Generation
Captive power plants can be classified on the basis of various parameters. A typical classification is shown in the figure below.
Different types of industries have different choices on the type of captive plant they choose to set up. For instance, heavy industries such as steel, aluminium and smelting industries which are energy intensive, generally set up coal-based power plants. Sugar industries typically setup bagasse based plants in order to optimally utilize the waste product from their factories. Diesel generators are widely used by a variety of industries, including commercial facilities such as malls, office complexes, and hospitals. Diesel generators are also used for supplying peak power and backup power. Several industries are also using cogeneration plants in which the waste heat from the boiler is effectively utilized in heating applications, one example of such industry is Arvind Mills which is a textile industry. Renewable energy, especially wind and solar are becoming the most sought-after technologies for setting up captive projects. With RE, there are other associated benefits given by Central and State Governments which have made them an attractive option for investors. For instance, several textile manufacturers setup captive wind power plants under Ministry of Textile’s Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme, wherein they were provided a capital subsidy for setting up the captive plants. For solar rooftop systems, the capital subsidy of 30% on benchmark or project cost (whichever is lower) is provided by MNRE. Further, states have their own capital subsidy for the rooftop systems. Apart from the subsidies, easier financing, concessional import duties, excise duties and tax holidays are also provided for grid-connected solar systems. Another benefit being provided to the solar rooftop systems is net-metering, in which a bidirectional energy meter is installed at the user end and the surplus energy generated can be fed into the grid resulting in further saving on costs.
Benefits of Captive Generation
For energy-intensive industries, captive power provides a cheaper option than power from discoms, since the discoms charge additional surcharges and cross-subsidies from industries. The Electricity Act of 2003 is an enabler for a captive generation. Section 9(2) gives the right to open access to the captive generator and Sections 38, 39 and 42 provide that open access cross-subsidies and surcharge are not applicable to captive projects. Thus, this can be huge savings for the industries for which power is a major cost input. Captive power is also beneficial for the grid, especially in a power deficit scenario. The government has encouraged captive power generation to address the situation of power deficit which has considerably reduced. Captive power can also be used when there is no power supply from the distribution utilities. Hence, in case of load shedding, backup diesel generators can be used to supply captive power. For captive generators based on renewable sources, other benefits are also available such as Renewable Energy Certificates, discounted wheeling and banking charges, net metering and carbon credits under the CDM Mechanism.
Key factors for consideration while setting up Captive Generation Plant
While deciding to go for setting up a captive generation plant for a factory, the following aspects should be considered:
Type of load
The type of load depends on the purpose for which the industry is being set up. Heavy load intensive industries such as steel and aluminium have larger power requirements and already have access to coal. Coal-based thermal captive plants are used for such industries. Sugar factories typically use biomass or bagasse as fuel as it is the end product of sugar manufacturing process. Cogeneration is another technology which can be used if steam is also required in the industrial processes apart from electricity. An example of such industry is the textile industry in which the waste heat from a steam boiler can be used for further industrial processes. Diesel generators are another popular option used by several industries with lesser load requirements. Diesel generators have the advantage of being able to operate without any auxiliary power supply and are very reliable as standalone power sources, however, the fuel, i.e. diesel is often expensive and polluting.
Recently, renewable sources of energy such as wind, solar and biomass are also being used as captive sources by many industries. Though the efficacy of such captive plants for energy-intensive processes may be questionable due to the variability of the power supply, many less intensive industries including food industries, textile, and commercial offices etc. can benefit from captive renewable energy. Now, even heavy power usage industries such as Delhi Metro are buying solar power. Innovative contracting or bundling of renewable power with conventional power can facilitate the supply of power from renewable sources even to energy-intensive industries.
Land requirement
Land requirement for setting up a power project varies from technology to technology, hence land availability is a critical parameter in deciding the type of captive project. Land requirements for various types of power plants are tabulated below:
Typical financing options for captive plants include self-financing, loans and financing by equipment contractors. For smaller plants, self-financing is the preferred option as depreciation on assets can be used in saving taxes. The goal for the financing of captive plants differs from the Independent Power Producers in the sense that the key objective is to lower the cost of generation and not higher rates of return9. In certain cases, the financing is done by the equipment supplier companies, who do turnkey contracts (i.e. complete commissioning of the plant) and supply power to the captive consumer at negotiated rates. Tariff determination while supplying to a licensee: If some part of power from the captive plant is being supplied to a distribution licensee then the tariff is determined by the appropriate committee as per Section 62 (a) of the Electricity Act, 2003 or tariff may be determined competitively as per Section 63 of Electricity Act, 2003 1.
Connectivity /Open Access
The captive plant owner has to apply for connectivity to the grid to discom, STU or CTU as the case may be. For connectivity, the captive owner has to comply with the rules and regulations of CTU/STU and adhere to the grid codes prescribed by the Central/State Regulatory Commissions.
Charges to be paid for open access
Open access charges are the charges payable by the open access consumers to entities such as discoms or transmission licensees for access to their network. These charges do not include the generation tariff which is payable to the generator or supplier. Industrial consumers who use the grid for consumption of power from their captive plants have to pay the open access charges. However, unlike the usual industrial consumers, who are supplied power by the distribution licensee, the captive consumers save on cross-subsidy charges and additional surcharges levied by distribution licensee. The open access charges levied on a captive consumer are as follows16:
Wheeling Charge
Charges applicable for transmitting the power through discom’s network. Typically, the open access consumer is connected to the discom network at 33 kV or below. Hence, if both captive generation plant and load are connected to the same discom network of 33 kV or below, wheeling charges would be payable by the captive consumer. The wheeling charges are determined by the State Regulatory Commission in their tariff order.
Wheeling losses
These are the technical losses of the distribution network of 33 kV or below. The losses are determined by the State Regulatory Commission and apportioned to the open access to consumers on the basis of their energy draw.
State Transmission Utility (STU) charges
The STU grid usually operates at 66 kV, 132 kV or sometimes 220 kV voltages. In case the power from the captive generator flows through the state grid, STU charges are leviable to the captive consumer. These charges are also determined by the State Regulatory Commission.
STU losses
Similar to wheeling losses, STU losses are the losses of the state grid, which are approved by the State Regulatory Commission.
PoC charges and losses
These are charges and losses incurred if the power is being transmitted through the interstate grid. Charges and losses for the national grid are determined through a point of connection method. These charges are specified on a monthly basis by CERC and the losses are specified on a weekly basis.
Banking charges
Banking charges are payable by captive consumers who use the banking facility. Typically, in banking arrangements, the surplus energy generated by a captive user is used by the distribution licensee and the same amount of energy can be used by the captive user at a later time when the energy generation from the captive plant is insufficient. The distribution licensees charge for banking facility. Many states have given waiver in banking facility for renewable energy projects.
Concerns in a captive generation
Clearances and approvals
Clearances and approvals may be required by the captive generator. The major approvals required are environmental clearance and safety clearance from the Electrical Inspector.
Environmental Clearance
Environmental compliance by captive plants is a key issue since there are no set mandates for environmental clearance. Thermal plants are quite polluting and cause air, water, and land pollution. Non-compliance in terms of emissions and effluent disposal can lead to exacerbation of environmental problems. However, clearance from the environmental agencies such as MoEF, CPCB, and SPCB can result in higher costs and delays.
Electrical Inspector approval
For the safety of men and material, Electricity Act 2003 under Section 53, provides measures for a safety inspection by Electrical Inspector under the State or Central Government. Adherence to the rules, regulations and safety measures specified by the Electrical Inspectorate must be complied with for getting clearance from the Electrical Inspector.
Fuel availability
Fuel availability could be an issue for captive plants, especially if they do not have firm contracts or captive mines for sourcing coal, or have space constraints for fuel storage9. Price hikes in domestic or imported fuel prices could also impact the cost of electricity generated by the captive plant.
Captive plants may have low efficiency due to smaller size9 and domestic coal. Due to such inefficiency, there could be fuel scarcity in the country if captive plants become mainstream sources of power.
Human Resources
Captive power plants may lack skilled and trained manpower for the day to day operations of the power plant9. Employing skilled personnel can add extra costs to the tariff of electricity procured from such plants.
While captive generation certainly has benefits, careful consideration of the various factors such as technology, fuel, nature of load and cost to benefits need to be assessed for evaluation and selection of power procurement option. Captive generation can also play a supplementary role in supplying power to the grid and alleviating power shortages in the country.
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  The post All That You Must Know About Captive Generation Plant appeared first on iPleaders.
All That You Must Know About Captive Generation Plant syndicated from https://namechangersmumbai.wordpress.com/
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