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headcanonsandmore · 5 years ago
Hey, do you want me to send you something that'll piss you off?
As long as it’s not about the F*ltson stuff that’s going on right now, yes. But could you really cope with the knowledge that you’d deliberately annoy a sweet Hufflepuff such as myself?...
I’m just messing, though, mate; send whatever you like.  
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nilefreemans · 6 years ago
ron weasley + pink?? or if it's alright with you, then ron weasley + the asexual flag?
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hillnerd · 5 years ago
13 for the fanfic asks?
13. Name three favorite characters to write.
Ron is my very fave. I’m just the most familiar (obsessed) with him, and he’s so casual about everything that it makes it very easy to slip into his head and write. Plus he’s funny, and I like writing funny characters. He’s just so full of love and fire- and so natural and wholesome- I keep considering writing parts of that australia fic Waking Up from his perspective simply because it’s easier- since he’s doing so much and is just very natural to write. That’s probably why I write SO many stories that either have him in it, or star him. He’s just... SO great. :) 
Hermione is a another fave. I like her because it’s a bit more of an exploration and trying to understand her- in some ways I get her- I was a meticulous fussbudget child myself and was always the ‘brightest kid in the room.’ But on other levels I don’t understand her- how withholding she is at times, that level of darkness she achieves- I dunno, She’s a very interesting character to write. Trying to nail her particular brand of fearsome/caring proud/insecure is a cool challenge. 
Percy is another case of interesting. I almost put Angelina or George here, as they were really a pleasure to write- but Percy, man, it’s just plain fascinating tackling him. He has all this fire, passion, wit, and insecurity- and he hides it so deep beneath layers of rules and societal expectations. I won’t lie, writing Percy is exhausting sometimes. He’s in such a dark place in Reunión Familiar - and it’s weird writing the Weasleys home as a distant uncomfortable place- writing Weasleys who AREN’T quite one big happy family? It hard. He’s grieving and so estranged from everyone, and trying to find his way- it’s hard, but I really enjoy it- and have been working on the next chapter of reunion.
ask me some fanfic asks! :)
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lytefoot · 6 years ago
I believe you ship Drastoria? Could you talk about it and why it interests you? I don't really do OC ships but I want to know your Astoria. I also want to know if there are solid reasons for shipping Draco with good people. Reasons that aren't, "She fixed him and Draco got his redemption arc!" (Also take your time. I'm in no rush.)
I do!
(This is super-long, so I’m going to throw a “Read More” on it.)
My take on Drastoria is hugely influenced by @littlerose13writes and per_mare_ad_astra on AO3 (whose tumblr I don’t know), who are inspired by Cursed Child, and @thediariesofastoriagreengrass, whose opinion on CC I don’t know. (In particular, this thread of Jamie’s did a lot to shape my thinking about Drastoria.)
So in my main timeline, Draco came out of the war not knowing who he was, and with nobody really liking him very much. Lucius went to prison for a surprisingly small number of years, Narcissa went to the south of France until England cooled down a little bit, and Draco got a cheap flat until the Ministry decided how much of the former death eaters’ assets they were going to seize. (Spoiler: not too much actually. Old Money still talks, even after the war, no matter how mad Harry gets about it. Draco gets to keep the manor, though if you want to be technical Lucius is stripped of it.)
So Draco’s young, rich (once the Ministry decides to let him have his money) and at loose ends. What is there to do except step into the swirl of pureblood society? But nobody likes him much. The ones whose families were full-on DEs don’t like him because he got away with it while their people didn’t (never mind the fact that Draco’s getting off involved naming quite a few names in court). The ones with pureblood supremacist attitudes don’t like him because the DEs, having lost, are now an embarrassment to their position. And all of them don’t like him because he got away with it, just like his father did after the first war, just like Malfoys always do, the slimy f***ers.
And all of a sudden Draco is an outsider, and he’s seeing this world he grew up in with an outsider’s eyes, and it’s gross. He doesn’t like it. He doesn’t know who he is, and he doesn’t know who else to be. He wants to be a better person, he wants to be himself, but he doesn’t know what that looks like. Post-war Draco is done with ideology. He doesn’t go from anti-muggle to pro-muggle. He goes from fanatical to apolitical. His reform is more personal in nature. He does realize that, on a personal level, he’s been an a**hole, mostly as a result of meeting much bigger bullies than him. And he’d rather not be an a**hole any more, if he can figure out another mode of interaction.
That’s where he is when he meets Astoria. Oh, he’s met her before--they were Slytherins together, after all--but she’s a couple years younger than he is, and there’s a sense, in Society, that she’s somehow Defective. (I have absolutely wholeheartedly adopted CC’s “blood curse” thing, as filtered through the authors I mentioned above.) They never really interacted very much--how much did Harry interact with non-Weasley Gryffindors that weren’t in his year? Like that. He meets Astoria at a party where nobody’s spoken to him all night, and she wanders over and says something like, “Terrible party, isn’t it?”
So my Astoria. Astoria is bluntly honest, delivered in a way that ends up being funny. She does not have time for your bulls***, and she’ll say so. “Listen, I’m going to die before I’m thirty, this isn’t worth my time.” Astoria is adept at using weakness as a weapon. She definitely weaponized weakness during the Carrow year: they couldn’t really touch her, because anything they did had a decent chance of killing her, a risk they couldn’t take with her bloodline. And she weaponizes it in order to be able to live her life the way she wants to, and call things as she sees them. She’s also just intensely Slytherin. She can manipulate with the best of them, she’s intensely loyal to her family and her people, and her fierce ambition is to stuff as much life into the years she has as she possibly can.
Draco is fascinated by this girl who just takes no nonsense from anyone, and Astoria’s taken with this boy who’s just as Done with this crap as she is, who’s trying to figure out how to be someone that he likes since anyone else liking him is a lost cause. They do this adolescent rebellion thing together, and just, they have fun.
Astoria is a positive influence on Draco, but not in a “love will fix you” way. She’s someone who knows how to have fun and doesn’t care who sees her doing it, and Draco needs a role model for that in his life. Mostly, though, she’s a positive influence because he has to stand up to his parents to be with her. She doesn’t make him do it, and she doesn’t make him become a better person--it’s his efforts to become a better person that she’s attracted to, among other things. But Lucius and Narcissa do not approve of Astoria. Astoria Greengrass is not the pureblood wife you want to marry in order to make a bunch of pureblood babies. Draco’s willing to grow a backbone, tell Lucius he frankly doesn’t care about the Malfoy lineage, in order to marry Astoria.
It isn’t true, of course. Draco does care about the Malfoy lineage. There is all sorts of Drama associated with the production of baby Scorpius that I’m still working on--there’s a lot to unpack there to make it go down in a way I’m satisfied with, that doesn’t do the thing where a woman’s suffering is all about the men in her life, which Bothers Me about the Astoria Greengrass story.
Draco loves his wife, to a degree he kind if didn’t realize he was capable of. When her health is declining, he’s present for her until the very end--sometimes in ways that shut his son out. Her death damages him in ways he’s unlikely to recover from.
On the other hand... Draco Malfoy is not a strong person. He struggles, every time, to stand up to his parents, whom he loves very much despite the fact that they’re horrible people. Draco is not good at being a buffer between Lucius and Narcissa, barely-reformed wizard nazis, and Scorpius, whose mother raised him to respect people. (My Scorpius was quite well-developed before CC came out, and he bears very little resemblance to CC Scorpius. He’s a much sharper person, inherited a core of iron from his mother and a sarcastic wit from both of them and he and my Albus initially bond over trolling the s*** out of the blood purists that still infest Slytherin house.)
So, yeah. I like happy-Drastoria, when they’re young and in love and laughing together. I like cute-Drastoria with adorable baby Scorpius. I like Astoria not putting up with any s*** from Draco’s parents. And I like tragic-Drastoria when she dies young and he’s lost and kind of broken without her. (No link for that last one, because I’m mostly interested in my own take on that story, which is a work in progress.)
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morganapendragon · 6 years ago
Hi! Can I request #12 + Ron Weasley? Love your icons.
yes of course!!
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stuckwith-harry · 6 years ago
Unpopular opinion: Draco Malfoy is allowed to confront his bad actions and get a redemption arc but that sure as hell does not mean that the Hermione Granger is obligated to forgive him and/or date him. A meaningless, implausible and problematic romance cheapens his redemption arc and does great disservice to his character.
Agree, and while we’re on the topic: No matter how much you redeem yourself, the people you bullied, discriminated, and tormented on a daily basis do not owe you forgiveness. EVER. Do better, be better, sure. 
Don’t expect forgiveness. Don’t demand a second chance. They don’t owe you one. Not everyone needs or wants to grant forgiveness to move on.
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jametartt · 6 years ago
hey! congrats on your milestone! can i have a ron weasley moodboard?
asgh I didn’t feel like making a regular moodboard but I’m so glad you liked it anyway!!!!!!!!
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aliferousdreamer · 6 years ago
Ron/Hermione. Ron/Harry. Draco/Apple for the ship thing :)
thanks so much for the ask!!
OTP: i have to be honest- i don’t really ship characters per say (i have no idea why, but it’s hard to connect to romance), but these two fit together really, really well. they balance each other out and clearly have fantastic times when they’re alone together. they sometimes bicker, belittle each other and act petty- but it’s all stuff they manage to work through, and at the end of the day they would 100% die for each other and care so much for the other.
i do have to say though, when jkr says that they might need some couples counselling, i’m completely for that. from experience in therapy (both on my own/ with family members), i could definitely say that their communication skills would improve. therapy only works if people want to get/ be better, and i believe that ron and hermione would do it for themselves and each other, though it may take time.
BROTP: they’re amazing best friends with lots in common, and although they fight (usually when ron makes an assumption- when it comes to loyalty/ insecurities- about something, begrudgingly confronts harry- who then blows up, gets defensive/ aggressive and tells ron to piss off)- they are so incredibly “ride or die”. tbh, i could totally see them as OTP material and their romantic ship is very, very sweet; it just wasn’t set up that way in canon, with there being so many other love interests for each respectfully. 
BROTP: it’s harder for draco to bully a green juicy fruit, but i wouldn’t go quite as far as a romance. i know eating an apple is symbolic for villains being bad guys, but the apple is too good for him. maybe if he had a redemption arc where he didn’t eat the apple like a fucking villain, drapple would be The OTP.
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likehandlingroses · 6 years ago
Hi, could you please post/send a link to the Movie Ron interview? (so I can read the entire thing?) I second what Lytefoot said. Even I had to read the quote twice because people who had reblogged it, commented stuff that didn't make sense. And I don't want to read a section of the interview and form an opinion. I've already made that mistake (the wish fulfilment interview.) You can answer this privately if you want. Tysm!
Hi! Thank you for asking: I should have sourced it—I would have if I’d known it would get around. I was talking about the book so much on my blog, I didn’t think to reference it again! 
The trouble with sending a link is this interview is actually in a book—and it’s very, very LONG. It was a part of a special ebook edition of Melissa Anelli’s book “Harry, a History.” She’s one of the Bigs at The Leaky Cauldron website, and she wrote a book highlighting the HP fandom from its inception all the way up through Deathly Hallows (the books), basically.
One of the things she did was go interview Rowling. She and Rowling had a cordial, friendly relationship: Rowling had a great respect for the fansites and the people running them. So it was a long interview that dipped into all sorts of interesting topics! Of course, the original book only contained excerpts from that interview...and people wanted the whole thing! 
So a few years later, she transcribed pretty much all of it and dumped it into an ebook edition. So that’s where it comes from! I bought that edition back when it came out...I don’t know if it is all online anywhere. If so, I doubt it’s there legally! 
That said: I would be happy to try and pull as much of that part as I feel is relevant. That still requires trusting me, I guess, to make that determination...but I would be happy to put it in a fuller context. I know not everyone can or wants to go buy a book. 
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headcanonsandmore · 6 years ago
do you think we can start a rumour that jk rowling intended to make ron and harry a thing? or is it too late for that?
Wouldn’t hurt to try. And it’s not as if the books would dispute that claim...
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takaraphoenix · 6 years ago
Favorite book moment/scene? :)
Thanks for asking! ^-^
Mmmmh... Favorite scene. That’s so hard. There are legit a lot of good ones.
But due to my utter love for Clarisse la Rue and her friendship with Percy, it has to be the Demigod Files scene when Percy realizes even Clarisse has fears and wants friends.
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hillnerd · 6 years ago
Can you do Rarry (Ron/Harry) for 002?
RARRY  002 | send me a ship and I will tell you:
when of if I started shipping it. I always thought of it as something that would easily work, but didn’t actively ship it until about 3 years ago? I just was talking about it and was like ‘you know what, it’s adorable. I’m seeking it out’-
my thoughts: Rarry works on such a deep level. He’s Harry’s everything. He means so much to Harry and Harry just can’t function without him. Their deep friendship and love is so beautiful- so making it go that one step further to be romantic? I’m all for it. It’s a sweet pairing that makes sense and can bring a lot of passion to it.
What makes me happy about them: How the two of them are so copacetic. They just get one another so well. They have a shared sense of humor, work well together, and are such a power couple.
What makes me sad about them: Harry takes Ron for granted a lot of the time and doesn’t really understand and appreciate the emotional labor Ron puts in.
things done in fanfic that annoys me: Overpowering Harry, or making Ron stupid.
things I look for in fanfic: For it to exist and be longer than like 1000k? But beyond that- I really love any story that has a full romantic arc- I especially love it if jealousy isn’t part of their journey. 
My kinks: I love adventure couple Rarry and domestic bliss Rarry.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Romione and Hinny of course! I ship those over Rarry- but enjoy Rarry on its own.
My happily ever after for them: They’re a crack auror team- adopt war orphans or some kid/s from cases- so Ron ends up being a stay-at-home dad/WWW owner. They spend tons of time with Hermione and the Weasleys and are just happy as can be.
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lytefoot · 6 years ago
Soulmates ™ for the trope thing?
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know |
Okay. So I used to loooove Soulmates(tm) as a trope. Like, you meet that One Special Person and you are Magically Perfectly Bonded to them and you’re just gonna have to form a loving romantic relationship and there’s just no other option! It was so romantic.
And... then I turned sixteen, started reading something other than Heralds of Valdemar, and actually had a romantic relationship with another human... (Though to be fair, even Heralds of Valdemar got thoroughly tired of the idea of soulmates(tm) after a few series. I remember how mad I got when one of the characters! actually complained! about how arbitrary the whole thing was!)
The thing I hate most about the whole Soulmates(tm) idea is the notion that, like, there’s Only One Person who has your same identical funky birthmark or whatnot and is thus your One True Partner and the Other Half Of Your Soul. Why do I hate the idea?
If this current relationship isn’t Perfect, it’s not good and worth cultivating.
This relationship is The One tho! Why won’t Other Person just understand that they’re my soulmate and we are destined to be together! I must keep pursuing them forever!
And, what if this is The One but you break up with them and then you’re Forever Alone(tm), doomed forever to be only half a soul! Better stay in this toxic relationship just in case!
Oh, but what if they’re soulmates(tm)! You just can’t have a moral standard that certain relationships just can’t turn into romance, because what if they’re soulmates(tm)! Teacher/student is the one of these I tend to get most offended about--I’m sorry, if someone has ever been my student, they are Permanently Off Limits for a romantic relationship. Cheating is another one--okay, I messed up and got into a committed relationship with someone who wasn’t The One, but now I met my soulmate(tm) I must cheat! And it’s so often used as a way to make grooming a-ok! He’s not creepily grooming her until she’s of age, it’s just that they’re soulmates(tm)! So he’ll wait! That way it’s not creepy! Not looking at any series about vampires in particular here.
Don’t even get me started about what that says has to happen if your partner dies! Like, if your partner dies and they were your soulmate(tm), you’re doomed to Mourn Forever! Or, if you fall in love with someone else, that must mean the first person WASN’T your soulmate(tm)! So that was never real--enjoy! (Or there’s got to be some creepy age-difference stuff that’s excused by the second person being the literal reincarnation of the first person... thanks, Heralds of Valdemar, why did I ever think that was romantic?)
The entire notion that someone who isn’t in a romantic relationship only has part of a soul can die in a fire, honestly.
Now, I think it’s cute when people say, “We’re soulmates!” to mean something like, “We get along really well, we want the same things out of life, and we make each other feel fulfilled.” I sometimes write about Harry and Ginny being soulmates in that sense, because it’s a really charming phrasing.
And... the trope where, like, you’ve got your soulmate’s name tattooed somewhere on your body, or you’ve got an identical tattoo, or something like that? That’s actually kind of fun, and I guess you can do fun stuff with that. I don’t really fault that kind of soulmate AU, though it’s not really my thing.
Though it’s honestly more fun to see the soulmate-mark stuff subverted: like, I never met my soulmate, and neither did you, but we really like each other. Let’s fake having the proper birthmarks and then we’ll be allowed to get married. And then it turns out that’s what almost everyone has done exactly the same thing...
I guess it can be okay in fiction, as long as everyone acknowledges that it’s not real?
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morganapendragon · 6 years ago
Hi! Can I request some Purple Ron Weasley icons? :) Thank you so much in advance!
yes of course!
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stuckwith-harry · 6 years ago
how are you importing your tumblr to wordpress
it’s not actually presently working (i’ve already contacted their support and, big surprise, a LOT of people are importing their tumblr right now.)
but basically, if you go to your settings (insights on wp, i think), there’s an import option under manage that lets you import all your content from a lot of other sites, including tumblr, into your wordpress.
i’ll report back when i’ve made progress or heard from support again …
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lucy-shining-star · 6 years ago
Peace for the Language thing?
Pokój (btw,the same word is for room)
ó is pronounced like u(which is used in words depends on declination) and j is pronounced as y.
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