#romulus rain
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giveamadeuschohisownmovie · 6 months ago
Finished watching “Alien Romulus”. I’ll work on a full length review later but my immediate thoughts are:
1) Fede Alvarez should make a Resident Evil movie, the same way Ari Aster needs to make a Silent Hill movie.
2) It’s the 3rd best Alien movie I’ve seen. Aliens 1986 is still king, followed by Alien 1979.
3) While I respect the effort…it felt like a reskinned, updated version of the first movie. The two complainers, the captain, the synthetic, the person who cries all the time, the Ripley. It’s like how Evil Dead 2013 felt like a reskinned, updated version of the 1st Evil Dead (also another Fede Alvarez effort).
4) I feel like they tried so hard to make Cailee Spaeny’s character the new Ripley, but forgot the part that Ellen Ripley was a 3-dimensional character who could be both fun and serious. Cailee did fine, but her character’s writing felt pretty flat and dull. She was the least interesting character in the cast, especially since everyone else got more distinct personalities.
5) Andy was the true protagonist. He actually had an arc and he had the most interesting character development. And honestly, I think Fede Alvarez recognized that Andy would be more liked than Rain. He gave Andy the big hero moment, as well as Ellen Ripley’s, “Get away from her you bitch!” line. Andy, the MVP of the movie.
Overall…solid 7/10. It’s nice to actually enjoy an Alien movie, especially considering the state of the franchise.
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foryouloveme · 4 months ago
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sukunasboytoy · 7 months ago
ok ok well be the change u wanna see in the world right
i got too many Big Thoughts abt romulus n waiting around hoping for someone else to share similar thoughts is Not Working so here we go ! yapping abt romulus
specifically this post will be abt andys line that goes smth like “u wont see me as a child anymore”
n theres like soooo many ways that can be interpreted
like neurodivergent/mentally disabled ppl being infantilized is the easy read of that line. he doesnt want be seen as a burden n bc his directive is to take care of rain he has a sense of shame when she gotta step in n save him.
n there could be a interesting convo to be had there abt masculinity there too (like the shame of being a man needing to rely on a woman n smth smth the fact that this franchise is still decades later revolutionary for consistently having strong women as the mc so its interesting seeing that subverted where a man is essentially in the role of the damsel n his safety n protection is reliant on a women - but then theres also the fact that they subverted w race n what can easily be read as neurodivergence n but thats a different rabbit hole-)
but also !!
but also
the history of poc - esp the “safe” poc - ie the ones who r in the role of the supporter for the white persona/chara - r so often desexualized for the comfort of the white persona/chara(audience)
n i think thats one way to read andys line
u wont see me as a child anymore
u will see me as a man
n everything that “man” comes w for andy (source of protection safety n comfort, him being able to fully fulfill his directive by doing whats best for rain all the time not just some of time, n possibly even hinting at romantic/sexual feelings for rain- bc she just sees him as a synth (/desexualized black man/desexualized neurodivergent person)
rain (n a lot of fandom, interestingly enough) cant even comprehend andy as anything more then a “safe” desexualized buddy/sibling (even tho rains treatment of buddy- at least up until the end when she changes her mind -shows she doesnt even rlly view him as a buddy/sibling, but a thing)
at the end of the movie rain is forced to accept that andy isnt just some thing that hes fully complex n has feelings - those feelings ofc include a sense of belonging and betray, some form of love n hurt, but- at least in fan works -i think it could also be interpreted as romantic/sexual feelings to (hes a MAN not a child/synth)
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yoghurtsgirl · 6 months ago
Obviously no disrespect to OP and prev, but I wouldn’t even say it was a retread, as they’re doing two different things with the same core concept of “space alien who happens to be a penis and will eat you”. Romulus is far more a haunted house runaround than Alien, while serving as a continuation of plot threads left hanging from the Prometheus films. It stars a cast of young adults in over their heads, looking for an out from the capitalist hellscape they live in
Prometheus made such a big point to draw from the myths of Prometheus, how he took fire from the Gods and was punished for it. Drawing a parallel between that and man’s hubris and transgression for touching the stars, for infecting the universe with our sins and wants and desires. Our evils, our innate cruelty, even if it’s cruelty we’ve learnt from our Gods. And here we see a group of kids, desperate to survive, looking for any way out. They’ve been beaten down by their Gods their whole lives, forced to do their bidding so they can turn a profit. So they plan to steal technology that contains a hidden truth of man, something beyond our understanding. Something with no rational. A lit flame sent by the Gods. The punishment for that transgression has become so much more personal and relatable, and it really makes you hope the characters can make it out alive. Where they can beat God at his own game. It’s so fucking cool and such good theming while expanding on everything that’s come before??
Something that I really really admire about Alien is that while it essentially acts as a slasher film but in space, the principle cast are a good bit older than what you'd see in those kinds of films. It's not a bunch of teens and young adults fucking about and getting into trouble, they're professionals who should know what they're doing but are so out of their depth. Here, these are teens and young adults, and the reason why that works so well is because we've had six other Alien films where we see an older cast become less and less interesting. Returning to the slasher routes and showcasing the fucked up capitalist hellscape through the eyes of these young adults, allowing us to see what state the universe is in from a completely new perspective, is genuinely genius. We grow to love these meddling kids, and love to hate the ones we're certainly meant to
Romulus acts as a sandbox exploration of all things Alien. It cherry-picks the best bits and pieces to play with, all neatly tying the lore up in a lil bow and allowing this to be its perfect own lil thing. Even down to the Offspring being reminiscent of the Newborn hybrid creature from Alien 4, but being its own spin on it with it having the DNA from the Engineers in the mix too. The found family teen nature of it; the haunted house in space vibes; the allegories of Romulus and Remus and how their disagreements about the lives of others under their protection needed to be solved by the Gods and how one would die for his belief - and how Rain refuses to kill Andy even after his AI becomes corrupted and allows for the harm of their friends
It’s kinda the same deal as when people say The Force Awakens is the same movie as A New Hope when thematically, character wise, and purpose behind it are so different and it’s important to acknowledge the differences when discussing them through an analytical lens. I definitely see why people may call it a retread in parts and I do prefer Alien, but Romulus is so 100% my cup of tea and I so so so wish future Alien properties are this well thought out and crafted, because when we’ve seen the dregs of this franchise (Alien 3, 4, and AVP Requiem) and squandered of great ideas (AVP, Prometheus, and Covenant), we badly needed this third good Alien movie <3
was alien romulus a retread of the first movie except with more explicit pregnancy/body horror yes. did it absolutely rip grossnasty style. yes
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miss-carter · 7 months ago
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Cailee Spaeny as Rain Carradine ALIEN: ROMULUS 2024 | dir. Fede Álvarez
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lambf4rm · 6 months ago
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alien franchise girls
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sersh · 7 months ago
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CAILEE SPAENY Behind the scenes on the set of Alien: Romulus via pedroluque on Instagram Stories
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taivans · 5 months ago
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billy-crudup · 5 months ago
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dr-paint · 6 months ago
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Rain from alien romulus
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the-irreverend · 7 months ago
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P.S. I bet y'all are wishing you thought of this first.
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josketches · 7 months ago
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nothing in common but some reeboks and discovering a hostile alien species
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wazzappp · 7 months ago
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There isn’t even any shame left. Only yearning to be held gently by big monster.
Lineart only below
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sukunasboytoy · 7 months ago
so is it just me or does andy wanna fuck rain 👀
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huntseric · 7 months ago
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Romulus 🩸
Guess who watched the new Alien movie 🤓
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eugeneihood · 4 months ago
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Alien: Romulus (2024) Directed by Fede Alvarez Cinematography by Galo Olivares
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