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111gallery111 · 2 months ago
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La Metope del Partenone - Romeo Castellucci
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sandboy · 2 years ago
Questo è uno spettacolo che chiede molto allo spettatore, non c’è preparazione che tenga, perché gli stessi attori non sono preparati a ciò che accadrà. #bros #romeocastellucci #scottgibbons #polizia #disordine #sangue #dittatura
Non sanno che fare?Allora copiano.Non hanno idee?Allora trovano una materia.Non trovano la materia?Allora usano loro stessi. Non c’è parola nel buio di questa rappresentazione, giusto un bravo a risuonare incerto e isolato, solo atti formali, pose plastiche, al massimo motti scritti. L’uomo vestito di bianco parla, ma nessuno lo ascolta, profeta incomprensibile nella sua lingua antica che dice…
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eelbergine · 5 years ago
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"Endogonidic Tradegy" - by Societas Raffaello Sanzio. The work of Italian Director, Mr. Castellucci, reflects his early training as a painter and set designer.
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lucagrillo · 7 years ago
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SOCÌETAS RAFFAELLO SANZIO - OMAGGIO #societasraffaellosanzio #romeocastellucci #cluadiacastellucci #theatre #passion
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derkonterfei · 5 years ago
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ROMEO CASTELLUCCI - Theatre is a black mirror of our existence. How do you decide what to show to the audience? (2:10 Min.) - Katharina Lehr-Splawinski (Ed.)
One question - One answer. Audible on a sound picture card. ONE is a collaboration project of Der Konterfei, Vinylograph and students of various universities. What do we do all our lives? We try to make ourselves understood, ask questions, search for answers, we formulate. Subject and theme of the project ONE are relevance and reduction of questions, the selection of the physical counterpart, as well as the carrier medium, in this case an audible sound picture postcard. Over a period of three months, students have each chosen a person of public interest and asked them a specific question. The recorded response was cut on a sound picture postcard at Vinylograph. The required player is a conventional turntable and the sound picture postcard can be sent regularly by mail. DER KONTERFEI 061 / Limited Edition /ISBN 978-3-903043-51-0. Release Date: June, 2019
Go to Webshop: www.derkonterfei.com
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bradhorner · 6 years ago
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Marvelous to live in #montclair #montclairnj. Just saw #RomeoCastellucci latest performance piece #democracyinamerica at #peakperformance. It’s all about the imagery. https://www.instagram.com/p/BxQ7QrRnthZ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=18xvvnbx5r9m6
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scattteredmem-blog · 6 years ago
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alexmalism · 8 years ago
#romeocastellucci #bach #stmatthewpassion #philharmonischesstaatsorchesterhamburg
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presentmachtdiefuture · 2 years ago
ja i mean allez what a week no? plan nach utrecht ist aufgegangen, war so eine tolle busy woche mit echt schönen to dos, motivation, tollem wetter und co. war in super vielen cafés, hab wahrscheinlich millionen on coffee verschwendet aber dafür hab ich super viel für die MA geschafft und hatte einen richtigen schub. das einzig negative war glaub ich dat mit dem schimmel aber der nette landlord hat dat gut im griff. mit desi war ich im park spoor nord und hab die sonne jenossen bei unserem run, am freitag erstmal nach zuid 2 cafés, dann nochmal mit desi zu cuperus und abends to be antwerp mit vio und maría. dann n grindr date, samstag mit frederik schön inne sonne spaziert, dann nochmal to be antwerp, abends ROMEOCASTELLUCCI at de signel und omg was ein play, ich glaube das war das beste was ich seit langem gesehen habe. so brutal und laut, und enorm und gewalt und blut und wasser und sounds und scenery und costumes. danach noch het bos mit desi, war etwas unnötig aber lustig haha. gestern gechillt und heute ne new week. excited what it will bring 8) gratefulllllll but have to make decisions soon
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tvingstagedesign · 8 years ago
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Psychiczne wibracje na zmarszczkach czasoprzestrzeni życia! Mental vibrations and wrinkles on the life space..... #romeocastellucci #theatreolympics #godownmoses #wro @atmstudio @wroclaw2016 #time #theatre #ladyT #inspiration @noir.woman
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glanzkunstkultur-blog · 8 years ago
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#Repost ・・・ Castellucci - Orestie "Il n'y a pas de poésie capable de supporter une telle violence" #romeocastellucci #lemaillon #strasbourg #oreste #tragedie #greektragedy #eschyle #electre
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autopsiafanworld-blog · 8 years ago
Romeo Castellucci - #09 London
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xyohmx-blog · 9 years ago
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lucagrillo · 7 years ago
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SOCÌETAS RAFFAELLO SANZIO - OMAGGIO #societasraffaellosanzio #romeocastellucci #claudiacastellucchi #theatre #passion
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yourhighnessishigh · 9 years ago
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Castellucci - Orestie "Il n'y a pas de poésie capable de supporter une telle violence" #romeocastellucci #lemaillon #strasbourg #oreste #tragedie #greektragedy #eschyle #electre (à Le Maillon)
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emotionpublic · 9 years ago
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Raahh… Le Castellucci sur LE SACRE DU PRINTEMPS à la Villette. Des images très fortes, beaucoup de son, un tulle immense et une poussière chorégraphiée qui dansait dans les airs, de la poussière, des cendres d’hommes ? Une grande sensualité en fait, ça évoquait pour moi la Shoa, quelque chose de très très très violent et de très beau aussi. A quoi cela me sert ? Je ne sais pas… C’est comme lire un livre… À quoi ça sert ?... À vivre tout simplement Fanély
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