#romchat AMA
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Post 9 Gifs of Your Favorite Characters and Let People Guess Your Type
Tagged by @thisonelikesaliens but this is like choosing between my nonexistent children, friend 😭 I'll keep it to recent dramas from China, Japan, and S. Korea to limit myself...
...And by "limit" myself I mean keep to less than 9 types lol
Type #1
Type #2
Type #3
Type #4
Type #5
Type #6
Type #7
Tagging @dreamyklutzs @fairytaehl @dulcedeusex @sadviper @fiftysevenacademics and anyone else in case you'd like to share yours ☺️
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Love scout is doing so many things right but apprehensive about the boss-employee thing because she's not just his boss he's her secretary his literal job description is to take care of her and he goes above and beyond bc that's who he is + wants to keep his job so idk how they're going to show an equal partnership where they're both taking care of each other and it's not just him fulfilling her needs on and off the job
Hey, Anon!
Agreed, and I hope that's the conflict Love Scout will unpack with some nuance. (Versus whatever that fire flashback in Episode 4 might be hinting at 🙄 Curse Kdramas and their need for romances with childhood connections.)
But I wonder if part of the discomfort some of us might be feeling is due to how the show (visually) portrays Eun-ho doing his job. For example, look at the camera language, editing, and acting in Exhibits A, B, and C:
It's pretty clear Ji-yun is attracted to Eun-ho because 1) he's hot, 2) he's professional enough to be accountable to his mistakes and recalibrate how he thinks about her work, and 3) is incredibly attuned to her needs. So when he protects her head from the cabinet or offers an umbrella in the rain, it makes sense why Ji-yun would look at him in wonder, and the show reinforces her growing attraction with slowmow and long uninterrupted shots of her looking at him.
But what does Eun-ho feel in these moments? It's not clear.
From what I can tell, there are few moments when we see him explicitly thinking about her outside of a work context let alone reflecting on any growing attraction. (Yeah, he looks at her alot but the script doesn't always indicate if it's anything more than the concern, pity, and exacerbation an overly motivated PA would experience. Would he be so hands-on with a male boss like in that bandaid scene? Probably not but the drama doesn't actually show Eun-ho acknowledging and grappling with his own possible boundary crossing, which is weird given that his expertise is in HR.)
The one moment where that seemed to change, however, was during the basketball game in Episode 4. When Ji-yun took the ball and made the shot, it was clear that surprised him and something shifted in how he thought about her. What who knows.
So, on one hand, we can interpret actor Lee Jun-hyuk's intense gaze and the romantic camera language in these Big Moments as a figment of Ji-yun's imagination. Eun-ho is just doing his job but she sees it as more because she's always had to take care of herself.
I actually think this would make for a compelling conflict: she's a woman who has always prided herself on having high standards for how she conducts herself so indulging her fantasies (and committing a possible HR violation) would be upsetting to her own sense of self.
On the other hand, if we choose to interpret these moments as actually romantic (meaning Eun-ho is as affected as she is), I'd expect him to be equally as conflicted about entertaining this attraction given the financial risk to him and his daughter if their relationship imploded.
Ultimately, how well Love Scout can navigate this boss/employee romance for me really depends on how much interiority the script ends up giving Eun-ho's character. I'm still enjoying the show and see its potential but I'd love more insights into things like...
What does he think are the appropriate boundaries between boss/employee and when does he feel either Ji-yun or himself cross them?
Is he attracted to her and if so why? Does he sense her attraction to him? Is he scared of what those feelings might mean as a divorced father?
How central is being caretaker to his sense of self and self-worth?
How does he differentiate between the care he provides his daughter versus his boss versus a potential partner? Does he ever feel he acts too paternalistically because he's so used to being in Dad Mode?
Does he ever get tired of being a caretaker for so many people?
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Favorite QL Characters of 2024
Thanks @thisonelikesaliens for tagging me 🙏🏼 The Great Cdrama Drought of 2024 meant I had more time to catch up on my QLs, even watching a few live and joining the discussion here. (Y'all are so fun and smart!).
In no particular order...
Li Lun (Fangs of Fortune)
Pretty, homicidal, and tragic--not even the censors could contain this queer icon.
Tae Myung-ha (Love for Love's Sake)
I adored Cha Yeo-woon and those puppy eyes but watching Tae Myung-ha's story was like experiencing a love letter to one's self.
I hope we can all eventually choose ourselves.
Wei Zhi Yuan (Unknown: The Series)
The yearning was so palpable. Ugh, I can never get enough of an ML who yearns.
Jiang Tian (The On1y One)
See above.
Aoyanagi Hajime (BL Dorama no Shuen ni Narimashita: Kuranku Appu Hen)
Meme-able beyond belief.
Kakei Shiro (What Did You Eat Yesterday?)
Never have I identified with a character so much as when Shiro complained about "overspending" on shopping.
Shiraishi Yuto (Koi wo Suru nara Nidome ga Joto)
One of my most used gifs among friends. His bitchiness was unparalleled.
Ko Young (Love In The Big City)
I only just started this drama but I have a feeling he's going to be taking me on a rollercoaster.
Tagging @fiftysevenacademics @sparks-n-dust @incandescentflower if interested and anyone else willing to share :)
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I am loving the double but I can't help feel that the main couple's relationship is so transactional, all she does is ask him to do things for her and all he does is do them. I understand the drama is about her revenge but I thought when she said she didn't want to be a burden and that she's be his pawn too she'd actually help him with his schemes she doesn't have any power but she's very smart and could certainly contribute and help. They both have bigger fish to fry and his also involves loosing his parents but he spends so much time helping her because obviously he loves her I would've liked to see her do the same even occasionally.
Anon, have you seen Episode 28 yet? This scene made me squee:
Fangfei: I've been panicking trying to figure out how to pay you back so I tried to find an excuse. I used to think I would pay you back everything I owed you. Now that I've done the math, I don't think I can. Duke Su: Don't pay me back then. Fangfei: You'll suffer losses. Duke Su: I can afford it.
Their love language is digging up dead bodies and hosting exorcisms for each other.
The ledger might be more in her favor but they clearly match each other's freak.
Although your question makes me think what would happen if they were to get married.
A key theme of The Double has been Fangfei learning to express her desires and to step into the chessmaster role she was born to play. In her previous marriage, she shrank herself to make space for her husband's career and appease her in-laws. That self-sacrifice ultimately left her with nothing more than an open grave and a shovel to the head so with the Duke she uses transactionalism to make sure the scales of their complicated relationship never tip more in his favor than hers.
But in encouraging her autonomy and putting his trust in her, Duke Su has also given her room to bloom. It's a completely different relationship than with Shen Yurong, which opens a lot of narrative possibilities around how will Fangfei's story end, especially as she has always avenged those who have helped or sacrificed for her.
Will the big cathartic moment be from her avenging herself? Or will it be from avenging the Duke and his family because his grievances are now hers? Will she ultimately have to make a trade-off between her plans and his? Or will the tradeoff really be between revenge and her own healing?
As another man's wife or companion, will she truly feel equal and at peace?
I can't believe we only have like 10 more episodes to dive into any or all of that 😭
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2024 Tumblr Top 10
Wow, I’m surprised by this list given how much I complained about some of these dramas by the time I finished them lol
1. 352 notes - Apr 7 2024
I’m so glad to have another director to add to my pantheon of BL directors alongside Kato Ayaka, Hwang Da-seul, and Liu Kuang Hui. I’ve always appreciated Ray Jiang because of his ability to direct actors (Sam Lin in We Best Love is still one of my fave romantic performances ever) but it was such a pleasure seeing him translate that sensitivity to his cinematography as well in Unknown: The Series. The visual storytelling was so calibrated yet intimate, beautifully capturing the heartache of the two main characters.
2. 191 notes - Sep 2 2024
Hands down one of my fave FLs of the year 💙 She made me laugh and tear up, with and without that chest of dildos.
3. 180 notes - Mar 18 2024
Watching In Blossom was an exercise in frustration but getting to take an obscene number of screenshots of Liu Xueyi for this meta? Worth it.
4. 156 notes - Sep 15 2024
Man, the chokehold The Time of Fever’s cinematography had on me when it first came out. It’s been so long since I’ve seen teenage desire that achingly portrayed.
I could analyze this show forever.
5. 146 notes - Oct 29 2024
AKA when I lost my damn mind over a trio of queer as fuck demons.
6. 144 notes - Mar 3 2024
7. 143 notes - Nov 7 2024
“Nothing hotter than a triple agent and her girlfriend's demon boyfriend.”
8. 128 notes - Jun 18 2024
9. 127 notes - Jun 14 2024
10. 118 notes - Jun 9 2024
My god The Double pissed me off in the final fourth of the show but Xue Fangfei and Duke Su’s flirtation in the rain is still probably my fave romantic scene of 2024. The tension and sexiness was unmatched.
Created by TumblrTop10
#tumblrtop10#meta#end of year wrapup#unknown the series#No Gain No Love#in blossom#the time of fever#The Double#fangs of fortune#romchat ama
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Tagged by @thisonelikesaliens 🙏🏼 Opening the fun up to any who want!
Last Song: "In Between" by Aziza
(But also obsessed with the rest of the OST of this Palestinian movie)
Favorite Color: Blue
Last Book:
Fiction: Kim Ji-young, Born 1982 (absolutely brutal use of the epistolary form and apparently helped inspire S. Korea's 4B Movement)
Nonfiction: Black Disability Politics
Last Movie: Just queued up The Green Knight (Hopefully I'll finally figure out why so many people are obsessed with Dev Patel lol)
Last TV Show: Have been watching Fangs of Fortune (what a beautiful and glorious hot mess) but now that my sabbatical has started I finally have time to check out Let Free the Curse of Taekwondo and Love in the Big City.
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: As a cook this is so difficult but I recently tried my first lychee gummy and have been obsessed so I guess sweet at this moment in time?
Relationship Status: Blissfully single 🥳
Last Thing I Googled: "Train schedule between Kaohsuing and Taichung" as I prep for my trip to Japan and Taiwan in November
Looking Forward To:
In life? Escaping the US during the chaos of our presidential election and gorging on all the delicious Taiwanese dishes I've never tried before (if anyone has recs, please let me know!)
In media? Squid Games Season 2 (need to get my Wi Ha-joon fix)
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10 Favorite Film in GIFs
Thanks for tagging me, @fiftysevenacademics!
Rules: Without naming them, post a gif from ten of your favorite films.
(Gah this is so hard as someone with a DVD collection 500+ but these are some of the ones I probably return to the most.)
And a bonus because I can't resist:
Tagging @thisonelikesaliens @renewedmotionforjudgment @sadviper @lovedoesnotconquerall @dreamyklutzs @fairytaehl @si-sena in case you'd like to share yours ☺️
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following up on my prior ask! i found the luyang arc pivotal for xff and xh (i mean, who wouldnt? we got that beautiful rain scene!), but so much of their conversations confused me because of the way they use metaphors and dance around answers! i apologize if i come off as spamming ur inbox, lol!
some things i wanted to understand more:
-ep 16 tearoom: when xff talks about him inviting her over after every "show" and how what he says is apathetic but always hits the mark and makes her in debt. but now hes showing his cards and asks him if he wants to join?
ep 17 in the rain: when she says "you never tell the truth" and he says "what about you? even after drinking you havent told the truth once" what is she referring to? him i can kinda guess but her? idk!
-ep 17 eating dumplings: when xff offers to invite him to watch a play (her helping the ye family) and he says "i dont watch plays" why is he mad?! lol and why does she respond "if you like these buns and want them in the future, ill settle everything" when he says that when its found out to be a "misunderstanding" who does she think has to take the blame (referring to himself as he would tip them off)
-ep 18 eating dumplings (again): when she asks about how he tried cases in the past and he tells her she doesnt have to make him put up an act before she confesses? where did this come from? did i forget something in the past?? and then even more... "today onward, i am once again despised by everyone" what does he mean? when wasnt he? why does she respond with luyang is beautiful and the night duty is coming??
idk theres so much i think i grasp but then i relisten to it and confuse myself lmao! theres definitely more (like the huixiang pawn speech she had with him) but the luyang parts im most interested in! so sorry that this is so long and such word vomit!! thank you so much if u do take the time to respond! i think you have such a good comprehension and a way with words that seriously has added to my enjoyment of this show SO much more. thank you!!!!!
I welcome all word vomits but oh boy you're really stretching my memory here 😂
Ep. 16 Tearoom
Fangfei is still annoyed at Duke Su because of her jealousy over seeing him with another woman at the brothel in Episode 15. In that episode, she had assumed he was following her to Luyang but then thought differently once she saw him with Wu Lan. I think her calling out his sudden "apathy" is essentially her implicitly asking if their odd little relationship has changed (i.e., why are you acting differently?). Which is why he asks:
Duke Su: Are you getting angry at me? Fangfei: Can't I? Duke Su: Your words are really pleasant then. (smiles)
He just confirmed that she's behaving the way she is because she's jealous, which is why he finds her words "pleasant". So he reassures her by telling her who Wu Lan is even though she has nothing to do with Fangfei's dealings with the Ye family--he's like a husband keeping his wife informed about his struggles at work lol
Ep. 17 In the Rain
He's referring to her real identity as Fangfei (which he's known about for a while but wants to hear directly from her about) and I believe she's referring more generally to all his private dealings, which keeps entangling him in her plots (e.g., General Biao, who they had that drinking competition with).
Ep. 17 Dumplings
This was the day after Fangfei's drunken flirtatiousness in the rain so my guess is that he was fishing for her to reveal her true feelings about him ("does that mean you remember what happened that night?") and he gets frustrated when she friend-zones him by wanting his help for her scheming versus talking about this shift in their relationship. Especially since one of the last times they talked about theater, it was when he tricked her into being his cover during the theater attack and she told that him that she now clearly sees what their relationship actually is. Her talking about the theater after their almost kiss probably feels like taking one step forward and two steps back for him!
But Fangfei's "If you like these buns, I'll settle everything" is ultimately her asking for his help to execute her plan and trying to settle the score. Remember, at this point in the drama, she's always counting how much he helps her so she can pay him back and not have to owe him. (Which is why one of my favorite flirting moments of theirs is in Episode 16 when he swoops in during her drinking competition and tells her that his help won't be put on her tab.)
Ep. 18 Dumplings Part Deux
Oh that's just another flirtatious way of giving Duke Su permission to ask her questions about her real identity! By this episode, he's interrogated her at the nunnery as well as his residence but they're always interrupted and/or she leaves when he gets too personal. She's telling him she's willing to share more about herself because of how much he has helped her up to this point.
I'm not quite sure what "today onward, I am once again despised by everyone" refers to (maybe if the palace finds out how he has helped Fangfei given that I think at this point he knows of Princess Wanning's involvement in Fangfei's death?) but I wonder if Fangfei's night duty comment is her reflecting on how even though she just experienced momentary success there is still a long road of challenges ahead of her. That's why Duke Su reassures her that she's strong and a survivor ("right now, all the lights in Luyang are on. If you were a restless spirit, you would have long been reduced to ashes") and she promises him that she "will live on well."
Hope these ramblings were helpful!
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Nine people I'd like to get to know better
Tagged by @thisonelikesaliens (as usual thank you!)
Last song I listened to
Absolutely obsessed with the grooviness of all this band's covers.
Currently watching
Excited to finally start Season 2 of Interview with the Vampire but the stress of watching the shitshow that is my country's presidential election right now has been making me seek out the gentle escapism of To The Wonder.
Gorgeous cinematography and the women characters are lovingly written.
Edit to add: Nevermind the FL is awful. WTF kind of last episode was that?
Also, actor Yu Shi gives me young Takeshi Kaneshiro vibes, which is never a bad thing.

As a cook, this is like picking between my children but if I had to choose...savory.
Relationship status
Blissfully single 🥂
Current obsession
Just started my first Chinese web novel, Yuwu/Remnants of Filth, and am already unwell about the word "home". Pretty sure this danmei will destroy me by the end.
Anyone is welcome to join in to make up the final nine but a few folks might be @silviakundera @renewedmotionforjudgment @dreamyklutzs @aster-daisy @oceanodedoces @tsuyoi-hikari
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Do you think she will actually sacrifice duke su in the future like her husband did to her? Idk about the symbolism but I personally doubt it, even if we forgo the fact that she's falling deeply in love with him, she's not the kind of person who would that after it was done to her.
Like you, Anonymous, I doubt she'd betray him and it would take some extraordinary writing gymnastics to convince me otherwise.
That said, the only reason why I threw it out there as a possibility in my Episode 17 reflection is...
I don't believe the show has actually confirmed on screen that the Xue family is dead? Please someone correct me if I missed that scene. And on tv, if it isn't shown, there's always a possibility of that plot point becoming a Thing. So if there was any reason that Fangfei would betray Duke Su, whether unintentionally or out of necessity, it would be for her brother and father.
We're only 40 percent of the way through this drama and maybe this is just my Cdrama PTSD talking but that makes me nervous.
The symbolism of red. Like I've said before, I don't usually give that much credence to the idea that colors have strict meanings in dramas BUT I do think it's interesting that the Duke wears red so often. Originally, I had assumed it symbolized the political connection between his and Fangfei's tragic stories or even a red thread of fate that binds them but what if it also acted as forecasting?
But I truly hope it's none of these things and instead of a betrayal arc we get some sexy times with the Duke's red fan. 🤞🏼
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Your analysis of SOKP is amazing, can't wait for more. Also I haven't read the novel but lmfao I was under the impression that this was a love story between her and XW but I think I was sorely mistaken because how are we halfway through and she's in love with another man. I was all ready for my broken woman and even more broken man love each other enough to make up for everything because we don't get a lot of that but it seems it's going to be for him but not for her , the show is great nonetheless and I hope it stays that way until the end.
Thanks for the kind words, OP 🙏🏼
I haven’t read the novel either but I’ve been told it’s even more skewed towards Ning-er’s relationship with Zhang Zhe? So given the source material I think the drama has been doing an ok job at setting up her eventual shift towards Xie Wei because it’s clear he’s always been attracted to if not in love with her while she’s starting to clarify her own preconceptions about him and even sense his feelings.
And honestly I’m ok with the slow burn. Up until this point, Ning-er still remembers what happened in her first life and all the awful things that Xie Wei did. To me, she almost got too comfortable too fast given what she knows. It’s interesting how to a certain extent she must have always trusted Xie Wei in the original timeline because she believed he would honor her request to save Zhang Zhe after she died but outside of that we still haven’t seen flashbacks that would indicate she’d feel anything besides fear, disgust, or hate towards him. I’m enjoying the little nuggets of cute in the current timeline but as someone who LOVES angst I would have preferred seeing these two broken people rage at each other a little more before settling down as bantering partners in crime.
That said, I think the shift should happen soon. We’re going to get the rebel infiltration arc after Episode 20, which means Ning-er will not only have time to realize that she and Zhang Zhe might not be a good match but that she misses Xie Wei’s jawline and ruthless support. I’m also getting very bad in-law vibes from Zhang Zhe’s mom and we know how sensitive Ning-er is to maternal figures disrespecting her…
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hey, this is unfashionably late praise, but i just wanted to say that I loved your analysis of the cinematography of fitymi ep 6 (i only recently binged the show in its entirety and was really blown away). perfectly verbalizes what we as an audience member understand implicitly. the composition of each frame in the show is done so well and intentionally, which is super refreshing!! after reading your post, i became even more cognizant of other ziquan/ying scenes and how the camera is used to build romance between the characters (in addition to the amazing writing and chemistry between han dongjun and cai wenjing). thank you for your lovely post!!
Aww, thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed the analysis.
I adored Fake It Till You Make It. Ziquan and Ying were hands down one of my favorite dramaland couples of 2023. Their scenes were realistic but quietly sexy-- I so appreciate shows that use banter as foreplay and the camera work just reinforced the sharp writing and great acting chemistry.
And that walk-up scene when Ziquan is gazing at Ying through the windows of her walk-up?
Absolute perfection.
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Romchat's Meta
Still trying to figure out tumblr search for my own posts lol so pinning all my analysis stuff in one place.
NOTE: I love nerding out about my favorite shows through writing (visual) meta so I welcome asks about the shows I'm watching and/or the analysis process!
Director Deep Dives
The Feminine Gaze of Zeng Qingjie (A Familiar Stranger, Butterflied Lover)
BL One-Offs
The Time of Fever (Ep. 1-3): The Metamorphosis
Unknown: The Series (Ep. 1-8): How to film heartache
Unknown: The Series (Ep. 9): Life comes down to a few things
Cdrama One-Offs
Fake It Till You Make It (Ep. 6): Cinematography of falling in love
Fangs of Fortune (Ep. 25): Quick notes on the visuals
In Blossom (Ep. 1-7): How to film a gothic romance
Love in a Dream (Ep. 1-2): A masterclass in contrast
Ripe Town (Ep. 1): Under the cover of light
Ripe Town (Ep. 12): The ghost of one's conscience
The Rise of Ning (Ep. 1-2): Home is where the drama is
My Journey to You
Ep. 1-2, 24: Portraits of power and masculinity
Ep. 10: It's all in the hands
Ep. 11: Peering through paper doors
Ep. 12: Love in blue
Ep. 13: Lanterns of fate
Ep. 23: Ravens only belong to winter
Musings about Yuanzhi, Shangjue, Qian
Musings about Weishan's costuming and the use of naked skin
Visualizing the Slow Burn in My Journey to You and Story of Kunning Palace
Story of Kunning Palace
Ep. 14: Redemption in life
Ep. 18: Observing you observing me
Ep. 20: To be free like the birds
Ep. 24-25: Over the threshold of regret and possibility
Xuening's Harem
Visualizing the Slow Burn in My Journey to You and Story of Kunning Palace
The Double
Ep. 1: Beauty in death
Ep 17: Into the fog of the unknown
Ep. 26: A place to rest your head
Ep. 32: You reap what you sow
Duke Su’s character arc through cinematography
The On1y One
Ep. 5: Seeking an opening
Ep. 6: Boys in blue
Ep. 11: Burned
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Rules: without naming them, post ten gifs of your favorite tv shows, then tag people.
Tagged by @thisonelikesaliens (Heh this was fun. Thank you!!!)
I think I counted that correctly...
Tagging @sadviper @randomingoftherandomness @labseraph and anyone else to see what they come up with :)
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Gothic Horror in a League of Noblemen!!
Also since bad kids is that one director's older work. Would you recommend watching that before his recent drama? (brainfarting on the name.) Anyway what I mean does his style evolve in a way that it matters to keep his works in sequential order? Or does his storytelling mature further?
Ooh @kingsandbastardz this has to be a two-parter because I can go OFF about ALON.
The Long Season vs. The Bad Kids
I'm only halfway through The Long Season, but I'd say it's both thematically and narratively more sophisticated than The Bad Kids. The show is ruminative, bleak, but also humane.
One of the things I love about Director Xin Shuang's work is how meticulously he captures stories of the choices people make when they feel like they have no choices. In The Bad Kids, he uses color and frames within frames to create a sense of dread and inevitability about our young characters' futures. And in The Long Season, he uses editing and visual parallelism to create an even more complex narrative of fate. It's like the characters are forever suspended in time, doomed to repeat mistakes even in old age as they cling to the nostalgia and ideals of a world that doesn't exist. The fact that these moments are intercut with hope, resilience, and comedy make them even more devastating.
That said...I much prefer The Bad Kids. At least so far. It's simpler but also, at least for me, more emotionally engaging. The inherent vulnerability of our young main characters make the stakes feel that much higher. I also haven't seen a show do misdirection that well in YEARS. The way it plays with our assumptions and capability for empathy...it implicates us as much as its characters.
So I think watch order depends on the feeling you want to leave with rather than the director's style!
#the bad kids#隐秘的角落#The Long Season#漫长的季节#Xin Shuang#cdrama#meta#romchat ama#movie and drama recommendations
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hey! so sorry to bother you about this, but i want to say i ALSO saw ur posts on reddit (only knew it was you cause i checked the icon just now!) and i loved ur posts about the episodes there too, lol! just letting you know!!! thanks for providing beautiful, in depth reviews of the episodes. i genuinely want to know your thoughts on other things in the series, but only if thats okay!
Aww thank you so much 💙 Blushing over here like Duke Su.
Please ask away! It's been a while since I finished The Double (so my memory might be a bit spotty) but I'm always down for nerding out about Cdramas!
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