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hbsmanpowerconsultancy · 2 years ago
Best Technical Recruitment Agencies in India
Looking for Technical Recruitment Agencies for your company? 
HBS Consultancy is ready to provide you with all types of technical staff who belong to construction, automotive, offshore, plant, mining, EPC, civil, IT and other sectors. As a leading technical recruitment agency,  we source efficient and professional candidates from India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and the Philippines. As a global manpower consultancy, we always aim to give the best recruitment services for UK, Serbia, Romania, Malta, Croatia, Poland and other European countries. 
SO, What are you waiting for?
Choose the Best services from the Best Recruitment Agency for the  Best Client.
That’s why we always say, “Be Best. Be The Best”.
Contact Us:
HBS Manpower Consultancy
Website: https://www.hbsconsultancy.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HBS-Consultancy-100659552623862
Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/company/hbs-consultancy/
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worldnetrecruitment · 4 years ago
How to get trusted Manpower agencies for perfect job?
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A manpower agency helps job seekers find different kinds of job, they likewise help company or organization with finding the skilled candidate for the available vacant position in their business. There are a lot of benefits with regards to hiring the candidate from a manpower agencies, for example, finding the skilled and knowledgeable applicant through hundreds of applications for the job. In the present time, people are going after same job and some company do not have enough time to look through the similar application. This could apply to business owners and heads who don't have enough time to find the ideal candidate for a vacant position. Accordingly, this is where hiring a person from a manpower agency may be the perfect solution to that problem. The search of Trusted Manpower agencies in Nepal requires proper caution and a networking. This guarantees on the chances of the clients getting the right employee and candidate who are looking for perfect jobs get right employer. In present day, many manpower agency work online. The job seekers might be involved for registration so as to get updates and information about the vacant position from the company they want to work. The manpower agency affects your goal of working in a certain company and earning sufficient money. Not only this, Job seekers' entire family may rely upon the income of the job seeker. Thus, you should choose the trusted manpower agency which will fulfill your job needs. A trusted manpower agency builds a reliable foundation between the job seekers and the company. They can be help many job seekers over and over whenever a company or organization has vacant position. Building a decent relationship helps offer the two sides the chance to perform well and compensate well for the well done job. That is the reason why hiring from a trusted manpower agency won't just guarantee great service, it will likewise secure about good relationships and salaries. While choosing manpower agency in Nepal excessive caution is necessary. So, to fulfill your job needs here are some tips that will help you to get trusted manpower agency for perfect job-:
Research online
In this world of technology, online research is viable method of recognizing trusted manpower agency since a large number of manpower agencies have online presence through their official website. You can undoubtedly find out about the services that they provide, the way in which they look for job opportunity and the companies they work with. So online research is generally significant for finding the trusted manpower agency. Numerous issues can be solved when you research about the manpower agency. Gather information as much as possible regarding the background of the manpower agency, procedure, about the company they are working with, what sort of services are given in the company one will work for, the pricing details and the most crucial thing is the reviews of the previous customer. This will help in great way to choosing the trusted manpower agencies.
Knowing needs is essential
Regardless of whether you are a candidate who is looking for job opportunity or from hiring company, it is always essential to know your need. If you are a candidate, you should have a clear vision of what is your expectation in terms of salary, where you want or need to reach and what is your goal. Similarly, for the company or organization to select the skilled candidate who can meet their expectation. It is a great idea to have what a company or a person wants to achieve.  Employers should have clear targets to their staffing needs and job seekers must have a clear goal on their career paths and nature of work. This will help one with narrowing down the list of the best company to apply for or the best candidate top choose from.
Contacting the manpower agencies
Make a reference about the people and the company the manpower agency have provided service previously. This will help in deciding the agency reputation as well as reliability. One may need to register themselves with the agency in order to get some details and information regarding the vacancies. So, it is beneficial to contact the manpower agency and ask for the necessary information and data. Contacting the manpower agency will make it clear on what one needs to do next. Since the agency with good reputation provides the person with enough information and data on the recruitment work they do. If you don`t contact the manpower agency and it turns out to have bad reputation in the market then your money can be at risk and may give you a good temptation that you would get good position and salary in the particular company. So always contact the manpower agency and search for their reputation too.
Inquire about the prices
It may not be ideal to work with the manpower agencies that offers one extremely low or exceptionally high price for their services. For job seekers, it is good to search for Reliable manpower agencies in Nepal that are affordable and trustworthy. It is normal to ask about the price and the pay that is offered by the agency to maintain the needs that are fulfilled and a good working relationship. Do not hesitate to ask about salary and other benefits that you will get before applying for the job. On the off chance that you feel that salary and other different benefits are best for you, at that point just apply for the vacant position.
Never rush or be careless when searching for trusted manpower agency for a good job position. Get enough information about the agency so you can be at ease when working with the agency. Trusted manpower agency will work with their candidate and client to assure their responsibility as a recruitment agency which is to provide and to help people find jobs that they need for a better life.
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jordanrivereu · 4 years ago
Care este rolul unei agenții internaționale de recrutare?
 Munca este coloana vertebrală a oricărei activități economice sau productive. Lucrătorii calificați, semicalificați și necalificați sunt necesari pentru agricultură, producție sau servicii.
Agențiile de recrutare sunt sarcini avansate care necesită o analiză exactă a profilurilor candidaților, o evaluare aprofundată a adecvării acestora pentru fiecare profil și, în cele din urmă, încorporarea lor. Prin urmare, găsirea potrivirii potrivite pentru locul de muncă potrivit forței de muncă din Asia este un proces pas cu pas.
Agenția de personal temporar și permanent
Agențiile de recrutare satisfac nevoile atât angajare Asiaale solicitanților de locuri de muncă, cât și ale angajatorilor de ceva timp. O rețea globală extinsă și recrutori profesioniști sunt cele mai bune alegeri pentru a satisface nevoile angajaților dvs.
Deoarece anumite tipuri de servicii, cum ar fi serviciile IT și software, au agenții specifice, există agenții de recrutare care să angajeze lucrători în funcție de nevoile companiei. Agenția de recrutare este una dintre agențiile specializate care răspund nevoilor de muncă semicalificate și necalificate ale indieni in Romania.
Companiile care operează în diferite domenii nu au suficient timp pentru a se dedica activităților de recrutare în activitatea lor zilnică. Pentru a externaliza aceste servicii. Biroul este întotdeauna o idee bună, deoarece este sigur să obțineți o valoare adăugată.
Recruit Agency este un serviciu de recrutare specializat în recrutare indieni oferit de companii care au răspuns nevoilor clienților din întreaga lume. Un proces de selecție și evaluare specific și definit vă va ajuta să obțineți tot ce aveți nevoie pentru poziția dvs.
Serviciu de manoperă - Calitate pentru dvs.
Lucrul cu cele mai bune servicii de resurse umane este întotdeauna interesant. Și asta necesită o personalitate antrenată. ocupare a forței de muncă din Asia Agențiile desunt implicate în acest sector de mulți ani și au ales să lucreze cu cei mai buni profesioniști în domeniul abilităților de muncă.
În acest scop, recrutarea Nepalului a suferit unele dintre cele mai serioase sesiuni de instruire până în prezent. Și încercați să obțineți cea mai bună ofertă de la fără a vă pierde nici măcar buzunarul. Multe alte pachete te așteaptă aici.
Recrutarea resurselor umane pentru asistența dumneavoastră
 Angajarea forței de muncă acum nu este o sarcină ușoară. Există mai multe forme legale pe care trebuie să le urmeze toate agențiile de muncitori Nepal angajare Asia. Și acești termeni legali se vor schimba de la un sector la altul. Agenția este aici pentru a discuta despre cel mai bun proces legal constând în servicii de recrutare a lucrătorilor. Puteți fi sigur că veți obține cea mai bună recrutare de partea dvs.
 Manpower Services India - Rapid și accesibil
Ori de câte ori aveți nevoie de servicii de muncă rapide și accesibile în India, numele dvs. vă vine în minte mai întâi. El este încântat să poată ofericalitate pe muncitori India tici de care i-ați aplicat de mult timp.
 Organizațiile internaționale sunt deja cunoscute pentru deservirea diferitelor tipuri de industrii. Prin urmare, lucrul cu serviciile lor nu este o sarcină dificilă. Pe lângă faptul că lucrează pe marile piețe internaționale de recrutare, ar putea dori să ofere sprijin pentru un pachet de consultanță multinațională a forței de muncă.
Acestea vă oferă următoarele beneficii ca agenție de recrutare:
Lista scurtă a CV-ului dintr-o bază largă de profiluri potrivite
Evaluarea abilităților pentru forța de muncă semicalificată
  O compresie Servicii de formare și asistență oferite forței de muncă necalificate
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ajosoph · 2 years ago
The world needs you- Firefighters! 
Fire is one of the most powerful elements in this world. Once it gets ignited it is unstoppable. Everything turns into ashes once it catches fire. Fire is used by us in our day-to-day life but still, we fear fire and our body and mind are not capable of handling the trauma of fire anyway. It is always in the news we hear that –this house or building has caught fire. It might be of any reason electric sparkles, through any household chores, chemical blasts in factories, or there can be any mishappening which can catch fire. Firefighters must be well trained to put off the fire. 
But yes there is a solution to the problem of all the fire mishaps. There is only one army that can save us the firefighters and yes not just for once they have saved our lives many times. The firefighters are the real heroes saving our life in every part of the world. 
The firefighters are skilled enough to handle any situation, it doesn’t matter how horrible it is. To save thousands of other lives they put themselves in danger. Firefighters are taught how to contain and extinguish fires. To stop fires from spreading, firefighters must act swiftly and cooperatively. They operate pumps to activate the hoses and attach them to fire hydrants to help put out the fire. Additionally, they might have to save others trapped within burning structures. Days may pass while firefighters rescue survivors and assist with medical care at the scene of an emergency.
In addition to responding to fire situations, firefighters also respond to medical emergencies and traffic accidents. In addition to their duties in emergency circumstances, firefighters also train and conduct exercises, maintain their equipment, write emergency reports, and educate the public about fire safety. But nowadays it has been very difficult for companies to have sufficient manpower so they can send as many as firefighters required. The importance of firefighters is well understood and respected. Now the question arises of where to find these skilled-experienced or fresher firefighters. Candidates and companies both are hustling nowadays to settle down in a proper way. Firefighting is not an easy job. The firefighting recruitment agency lowers the pressure on the company and the candidate both. It helps the candidates get the best job that matches their job experience and the companies get skilled candidates. 
There are many firefighting recruitment agencies that are working actively, among one them is AJEETS. AJEETS is the leading firefighting recruitment agency in India that provides its services across the globe. AJEETS is providing manpower to different countries for the last 16 years. Our team of experts selects the most efficient candidates matching their job descriptions. Experts also guide and trains the candidates for different services. 
As the leading firefighting recruitment agency, we save your time by not letting you in these technical things of sorting resumes, taking interviews, and finalizing the candidates. We have a huge database of candidates that might help you in many ways. The hiring process is quite simple with AJEETS. When discussing the compensation, we make sure that the goals of the employee and the business line up. AJEETS team has recruited skilled, semi-skilled, and unskilled manpower to countries like Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Oman in the Middle East; Singapore, Brunei, Malaysia, the Maldives, and China in the Far East; and the United Kingdom, Germany, Poland, Romania, and Serbia in Europe. As the leading firefighting recruitment agency, we recruit manpower from India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Kenya, and Uganda. You won't regret choosing AJEETS as your firefighter recruitment agency, we assure you.
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ajeetsgroup · 2 years ago
Guidance on the Best Nurse Recruitment Agency
Health – the word contains a lot in itself. Within these 2 years of Covid times, we have been a lot more secure in our health.  A good Doctor and a nurse are the primary cause of a good running hospital. Basically, nurses should be well skilled and professional on their part. A Doctor will be checking on the patients for a short time but after that, the nurse is the one who will be taking care of the patient all the time.
A nurse possesses knowledge similar to a doctor. Even in the case of an emergency, a nurse is the one who handles the most severe cases of patients until the doctors arrive. Nurses are always a great savior, of all time. Any medical, healthcare clinic or nursing organization would be incomplete without nurses. They are in charge of caring for sick people in hospitals and sometimes in their homes. To treat illness, the health industry requires experience, skills, practice, and a high level of consciousness.
Nursing is one of the toughest sectors to get a good placement. There is always job scarcity in this field. To get a good opportunity is a tough nut. AJEETS is one of the best Nurse Recruitment Agency that recruits candidate from different countries. Candidates might have got a good education from renowned universities but to acquire practical skills and a good job is very tough. AJEETS recruits the candidates for their dream jobs by placing them in their dream job.
AJEETS has become the best Nurse Recruiting Agency by completing all the challenges and best as in serving our clients with the most skilled and efficient candidate. We connect nurses with dream employment in their desired locations and pay scales. Aside from that, we provide clients with custom staffing solutions depending on their projects to help them achieve their business objectives.
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AJEETS has been working for the last 16 years as one of the top global nurse force agency. We have recruited candidates across the globe and they have proved their best. We provide candidates with the most up-to-date information about nursing job openings as well as clients with qualified individuals. Established healthcare clinics and hospitals from all over the world are affiliated with us. We have millions of candidate profiles in our database, as well as information about job openings in many countries.
We're here to help you every step of the way as you work to improve your career and find the greatest individuals for your healthcare agencies. Our services also include assisting with job applications, visa approvals, and basic training. In a competitive market with countless options to pick from, it becomes challenging for employers to deal with the intricate recruitment process. Our team of professionals assists customers in finding the appropriate individuals for the right jobs, which benefits both the clients and the candidates.
 We use a variety of skill assessments to sort the deserving candidates. We have a team of professionals who work around the clock to create various test materials to assess candidates so that we can select the best for you. As the best global nurse force agency, we would never let you down in recruiting the best candidates. We have always matched up to the expectations of our clients. Our services are offered all over the world with an emphasis on countries like Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Oman in the Middle East; and Singapore, Brunei, Malaysia, Maldives, South Korea, Indonesia, and China in the Far East Countries and the UK, Germany, Poland, Romania, Serbia in the Europe Continent. As the global nurse force agency, we hire manpower from India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Kenya, and the Philippines.
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hrnepalmanpower1 · 3 years ago
Manpower Agency in Nepal | HR Nepal Manpower
HR Nepal manpower agency specializes in recruitment & counseling for human resource procedures. HR Nepal manpower agency is one of the manpower agencies in Nepal, which serves in many countries like UAE, Romania, Kuwait, Qatar, Serbia, and Croatia. It's a recruitment firm which resides in Nepal. This agency recruits employees globally with different job roles as security guards, construction, and catering staff. manpower helps in the development and diversification of industry.
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manpowerrecruitmentagency · 3 years ago
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hbsmanpowerconsultancy · 2 years ago
Looking for Construction Worker Agency in India
HBS as a construction worker agency offers best recruitment services in the field of Infrastructure, railway, road, electricity, telecommunication, roads, coastlines, airports, railways, telecommunications, and electricity, irrigation and construction across Europe. And plays a big role to supply many multi-skilled candidates (Laborer, Plumber, Shuttering Carpenter, Draftsman, Ductman, Mechanics, Roofer, Painter, Tiles Fitter, etc). The candidates are picked from Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh & Philippines to meet the industry requirements. As a global manpower consultancy, we always aim to give the best recruitment services for Poland, Italy, Austria, UK, IreLand, Romania, Hungary, Malta, Maldives, Serbia and Croatia. 
 SO, What are you waiting for?
Choose the Best services from Best Construction Recruitment Agency for the  Best Client.
That’s why we always say, “Be Best. Be The Best”.
Contact Us:
HBS Consultancy
Website: https://www.hbsconsultancy.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HBS-Consultancy-100659552623862
Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/company/hbs-consultancy/
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hbsmanpowerconsultancy · 2 years ago
Construction Staffing Agency from India
HBS Consultancy is a well known construction staffing agency that provides best staffing services in the field of Infrastructure, railway, road, electricity, telecommunication, roads, coastlines, airports, railways, telecommunications, and electricity, irrigation and construction across the world. The recruitment agency provides workers for the construction industry from top to lower level who are picked from India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh & Philippines to meet the industry requirements. As a global recruitment agency, it deals with clients from Poland, UK, IreLand, Romania, Hungary, Malta, Maldives, Bulgaria, Serbia and Croatia who need manpower.
SO, What are you waiting for?
Choose the Best services from Best Construction Staffing Agency for the  Best Client.
That’s why we always say, “Be Best. Be The Best”.
Contact Us:
HBS Consultancy
Website: https://www.hbsconsultancy.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HBS-Consultancy-100659552623862
Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/company/hbs-consultancy/
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ajosoph · 2 years ago
AJEETS can be your helping hand in recruiting candidates.
The process of recruitment is definitely a difficult task. It takes a whole lot of time to hire and find a perfect job role for a candidate and on the other hand, there are lots of companies who need efficient candidates for their industry in a very short interval of time. The competition is rising day by day and getting a good opportunity has been more difficult for the candidates. This is where the need for a recruiting agency arises. AJEETS comes in the list of top job consultancy in India that recruits manpower in abroad countries in different industries with a handsome amount of salary.
AJEETS is the most reliable job consultancy in India, that is working for the last 16 years for clients and candidates selflessly. The human resources industry has undergone a considerable upheaval this year as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and expanding technical developments. Many job positions are vacant as companies don’t find efficient candidates for their industries. It is always better to rely on a recruiting agency for manpower. AJEETS has an efficient group of experts who work day and night for the selection of candidates. 
We not only set up prospects for interviews, but we also discuss with the customer what kind of experience, qualifications, skill set, or hard talents they want in a candidate. Rather than just selecting prospects for interviews, our recruiter's screen and filter candidates that suit the job description and will work for the organization in the long run. Rather than scheduling effective interviews, we uncover people who are appropriate for the position and qualified for the job. AJEETS as the top job consultancy in India is primarily concerned with supplying or developing a qualified personnel resource for you so that you can have a productive workforce.
We hire manpower for industries like Construction, Steel, Infrastructure, Oil and Gas, Hospitality, Medicine, railways, Marine, IT, and many more industries. We hire skilled, semi-skilled, and unskilled manpower as per the demand of the clients. Once a candidate is chosen, we conduct an orientation or introduction program where he is acquainted with urgent angles like – Work Culture of Respective Organization, Industrial Practices, Safety Issues, Labor Laws, and Other Relevant Issues. We update our database on a daily basis in order to present the best possible job possibilities. Our long-standing reputation has been founded on our dedication to going above and beyond to give the best solutions to our clients. AJEETS has always exceeded our clients' and candidates' expectations. We not only recruit but also help the candidates to migrate from one country to another. We help them get their visas and other necessary things at the time of migration. Undoubtedly, AJEETS with its efforts comes out as the top job consultancy in India. 
AJEETS hires human resources from India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Kenya, the Philippines, and Uganda. AJEETS team has recruited skilled, semi-skilled, and unskilled manpower to countries like Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Oman in the Middle East; Singapore, Brunei, Malaysia, the Maldives, and China in the Far East; and the United Kingdom, Germany, Poland, Romania, and Serbia in Europe. AJEETS has been providing the best recruitment services across the globe for the last 16 years and has made its clients and candidates both happy. Make us your India-based recruiting agency today. For more queries, you can reach us anytime. 
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ajeetsgroup · 3 years ago
Engineering is an art and Engineers are artists. An art that is not understood by humankind, so that’s why we have engineers. If we lead a smooth life today without any sort of complications that’s only because of Engineers. Engineers add prosperity and security to a nation. If a ‘STATE’ is now well developed or developing and is well known internationally then it’s because of the most proficient engineers who work day and night to make it happen in real. Engineering plays an important role in every field of life, whether in Chemistry – Physics, or Biology. It has come up to par excellence in every field of our lives.
Engineering is that science that has instructed us to make things that nature has not given us. From the dawn to the dusk around the clock we work with different technologies, different apps, and different systems that have minimized the effect of damage in our ecosystem.
Nowadays there are a lot of engineers but not getting the perfect job because of lack of companies and Engineering Recruitment Agencies. But now, we are here to solve this issue. AJEETS is known as the best recruitment agency in Engineering all over the web, in all the fields like Aerospace/aeronautical engineering, Chemical engineering, Civil engineering, Electrical/electronic engineering, Mechanical engineering, engineering management, Biotechnology, etc.
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As the best Engineering Recruiting Agency, AJEETS will never let you down in selecting the best candidate for your company. For the last 16 years, we have been hiring candidates across the globe and they have achieved par excellence in their respective fields. Whether civil/ mechanical/biotechnology/electrical/computer science or any other field our experts hire the best among millions of resumes to give our clients the best candidature across the globe. We acquire manpower from India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Kenya, and the Philippines for Engineering candidates but are not limited to only these countries.
Our services are offered all over the world with an emphasis on countries like Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Oman in the Middle East; and Singapore, Brunei, Malaysia, Maldives, and China in the Far East Countries and UK, Germany, Poland, Romania, Serbia in the Europe Continent. For more of your queries, you can contact us anytime.
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ajeetsgroup · 3 years ago
How is an IT recruitment agency fruitful for candidates?
echnology is ruling the whole world. With a click, we are able to access a lot of things easily. The current big thing is information technology, and corporations are embracing it on a large scale. People from all walks of life are intrigued by how quickly technology is evolving and transforming the digital world.
The software engineers work day and night and develop the best software on which the whole world depends. Technology has definitely saved our time and efforts on which we used to waste a lot of time, but now it has become very easy. In recent years, the demand for qualified tech talent has soared. Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, IT has played a crucial role in maintaining stability as organizations embrace a hybrid work model, and security and risk management have become a high-level issue.
All of the technologies we take for granted every day, such as the applications on our phones and the computer programs we use to do our jobs, are created by software developers. Developers create the software that runs networks and allows users to execute tasks on a computer or device, such as watching a movie, playing a game, or creating a spreadsheet. Developers write, test, deploy, and manage the user-friendly computer applications required to meet their requirements after meeting with clients to assess and define their needs.
IT researchers develop novel computing methods and technology to solve problems in business, science, and other fields, as well as discover new applications for existing technology. Their work has enhanced networking technology, processing speeds, and information security in a variety of industries. With the technological age, the demand for IT experts with machine learning and AI (artificial intelligence) skills continues to rise.
But getting placed easily in an IT company is tough nowadays. Every IT engineer is hustling to get good opportunities abroad. AJEETS recruits the most skilled and professional candidates across the globe. For the last 16 years, AJEETS has been known as the best IT recruitment agency. Candidates recruited by us have proved themselves as the best and clients are well happy with us. We always match up to the expectation of candidates and clients.
There are always job vacancies in the IT industry and candidates are too hard to find. But as one of the best IT recruitment agencies we offer a diverse and talented pool of people, as well as a vast database of specialists at all levels of seniority, to meet all of your IT staffing requirements. For IT firms all across the world, our professionals choose the top applicants from thousands of resumes. Your business is technology, and we have the people to make it work.
Our services are offered all over the world with an emphasis on countries like Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Oman in the Middle East; and Singapore, Brunei, Malaysia, Maldives, South Korea, Indonesia, and China in the Far East Countries and UK, Germany, Poland, Romania, Serbia in the Europe Continent. We acquire manpower from India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Kenya, and the Philippines.
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ajeetsgroup · 3 years ago
Is a catering recruitment agency helpful for candidates?
Catering as a business deals with the provision of food-related services at various venues, such as hotels, resorts, airplanes, trains, cruise ships, and so on. As part of its operations, the catering and foodservice industry includes the hospitality and management disciplines.
Catering recruiting necessitates qualified and capable individuals to take leadership because hospitality and management are fields where talent and experience are critical. Chefs, managers, quality checkers, operation managers, cold-storage managers, and other positions in the catering industry necessitate human recruitment.
In the catering industry, there are numerous job options. Resorts, five-star or seven-star hotels, Michelin-star hotels, and catering organizations all require Catering Recruitment, and Ajeets Group has extensive experience in meeting these needs. In this industry, we provide Catering Recruitment services all over the world.
The catering industry is a hidden gem that does not come out but serves millions of people. We all love to eat delicious foods but we never know how much time and effort it takes to get prepared. Every one of us likes to dine in a different restaurant but behind these setups, there are a lot of hands that work day and night to serve us.
In the catering industry, it is always tough to crack a good job. Candidates don’t often get good opportunities. The Career of the candidates looks tough because of the job scarcity. But no issue we are here to solve this issue. AJEETS is one of the top Catering recruitment agencies which helps the candidates to get good placement abroad for better opportunities and better living.
AJEETS has been recruiting skilled, semi-skilled, and unskilled manpower for the last 16 years in the catering industry. We have always matched up to the expectation of the employer and the employee.
We hire for job profiles like Chefs, Cook, waiters, Night cooks, Kitchen helpers, housekeeping, gardeners, and many more. Our agency’s skilled recruitment staff ensures that our clients receive the best employees for their positions and provides excellent service.
For the recruitment process, our recruiters use technologically innovative and current approaches. To demonstrate their worth, the candidates are put through a series of tests devised by our experts. Employees in this domain must be enthusiastic about representing the culture and traditions of the country or continent in which they operate, as this is an important element of their profession. We consider not just the success of our clients, but also the success of our staff.
Our services are offered all over the world with an emphasis on countries like Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Oman in the Middle East; and Singapore, Brunei, Malaysia, Maldives, South Korea, Indonesia, and China in the Far East Countries and UK, Germany, Poland, Romania, Serbia in the Europe Continent. We acquire manpower from India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Kenya, and the Philippines for the Catering Industry.  AJEETS is the best Catering Recruitment Agency till yet which is providing large numbers of manpower across the globe. Our cost-effective service is all-inclusive, quick, and proven. Contact us for an expert opinion.
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