#roman sanders is very gay
halfhissandwich · 2 months
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This is my birthday present to myself bc this song really fits Logan, but you all can see it too if you’d like :)
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Niles Crane is kind of Roman Sanders before Roman Sanders happened. Only thing is he's written as a straight character.
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spoondrifts · 1 year
logince gay deceivers au. does anyone else see my vision
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puzzled-pegasus · 10 months
I made a list of Sanders Sides as John Mulaney quotes a long time ago and forgot how Absolute Gold they are
"I'll keep all my emotions right here, and then one day, I'll die."
 "I need everybody, all day long, to like me SO MUCH."
"Everyone get out of my way, I just want to sit here and feed my birds."
"I never knew that relationships were supposed to make you feel better about yourself. That's not really a joke, that's just a lil sweet thing I like to say."
"Do My Friends Hate Me, or Do I Just Need To Go To Sleep?"
"I am thirty-five years old and I am still terrified of secondary locations."
"In terms of instant relief, cancelling plans is like heroin."
"My vibe is more like, 'hey, you could pour soup in my lap and I'll probably apologize to you!'"
"Ooh, ducklings!"
"[My dog] is my best friend, I give her a million kisses a day, she does not like me and barks at me and bites me all day long."
"And I said 'no,' you know, like a liar."
"You have the moral backbone of a chocolate eclair."
*imitating an old gay man* "you want me to do what?"
"No, that's okay. I was lying. It was a lie. To get drugs. You know, like a crime?"
"You can go very far in life if you pretend to know what you're doing."
"Because it's the one thing you can't replace."
"Hey, do you want me to kill that guy for you? Because it sounds like he sucks and I will totally kill that guy for you."
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I took a break from petting my cat to deliver you this post, so I might as well deliver it as nicely as possible.
Sanders Sides are yet again drawing each other, this time, Virgil drawing everyone else!!
Yes, guys, gals and enby pals, we've reached "dark sides" territory!! It will be even angstier, you guessed correctly.
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Firstly, Patton!! I'm reintroducing the bullet points!
Yes, Virgil did draw him playing with puppets
Yes, Virgil did draw Patton manipulating his puppet
Yes, if you look closer, the look in Patton's face isn't that of a happy father but that of an OG manipulator.
(I need to prefix this by saying that I love Patton and his complexity and by no means am I attacking him)
But yes, Virgil has had enough, our poor little anxious baby needs his freedom (and his thunder) back!
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Rare Logan moment caught on camera!
Virgil drew him in his onesie because Logan is only comfortable enough to wear it around him and around no one else
He is indeed reading a puzzle book that Virgil (and Roman) came up with
You might wonder, why does Logan have a look of disdain in his eyes while reading this book?
Oh, he doesn't. For once, I'm bad at sketching
For twice, anxiety is anxiety. He was actually quite pleased to receive such gift, but with Logan having unreadable facial expressions and Virgil being Virgil, he took his expression as that of disdain.
I love them, your honour.
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Ah, hello there princey.
Don't ever make me draw side profiles, this took 30 mins and it's not even good.
Okay, real talk, Virgil did draw Roman in the middle of the latter saving someone (him)
And Virgil did draw Roman with flowers and his updated princely costume and all that.
However, it's fascinating to point out that our Prince is covered in vines. (no, not because Thomas used to be a viner, no)
But because something, someone, is holding Roman back.
And Virgil chose to portray it with green vines.
Hmmmmmm, nothing to see here folks.
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Remus in the house!!
Virgil is absolutely terrified by Remus.
So ofc he drew him with his mace!!
The schrodingers details are really popping off here.
And by that, I mean that it is both a pretty detailed sketch, and a very rushed through one.
Firstly, it's the first full body sketch we see from Virgil since Patton
Which emphasises the fact that he really knows Remus (the past doesn't go away that easily)
Secondly, it's the little ruffles on his sleeves, and high boots, and dirty knees that pull all of this together.
But I can't ignore that it's still rushed through. That Virgil hasn't grown to the point that he can accept Remus, or see him as something more than a scary illness.
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Janus and his oddly numbered strings.
Another detail that I'd like to bring to your attention right about now is, how both the dark sides are looking straight (gay) to the viewer (Virgil).
In antithesis to the "light" sides, that are looking at something or someone else.
But Janus' sketch is pretty self explanatory.
Virgil views him as a one of the worst sides who could dictate Thomas' life.
And not only is he part of the conversation now, but Virgil knows from personal experience, that he's keeping all the others at bay.
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Lastly, our Virgil!
I will pretend like I'll improve in drawing in the future if you pretend those are wings.
When I told you not to ever let me draw a side profile again i meant it.
Regardless, Virgil is doing his damn best to hold it together as of this moment
So, he's doing what the next side would do in his position: comfort himself with his safe space.
He's sitting down (on something that is somewhat a chair, good for him)
He is listening to music
He is grounding himself (by having his hands on the stool
But even so, his wings remain closed. Virgil can pretend all he wants that those momentary solutions will fix the problem, but it won't go away. He must learn to accept all of Thomas' sides.
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colorfullpaperbird · 7 months
Taste in books i think each of the sides on Sander Sides would have
Logan: Easiest side to tell since he says his book taste in canon lmao, mistery books guy, agatha christie, sherlock holmes, murders on rue morgue, he just really enjoys a good mistery (he’s just like me fr). He also probably reads books about scientific discoveries and psychological studies on a day to day basis (since he seems to have an answer for everything), either really likes or really hates sci fi depending on the scientifical explanations the books gives
Patton: Ok so, im gonna be honest, i don’t think Patton reads much? In fact hes probably the one who reads the least out of all sides, but he does seem to know his stuff, quoting studies in some episodes ( ‘Can lying be good?’ being the one who comes to mind ), so he probably reads a few articles about Morality and philosophy, also when i imagine Patton reading i imagine children’s books with deep messages like Dr Seuss, so personally i think Patton’s taste in books would be books like “The Tao of Pooh” which explains philosophy in a simple fun way taking inspiration from children’s media.
Roman: Roman’s my favorite side and although i would like to dump my personal taste on him i am aware that he canonically hasn’t read my favorite book and dislikes dark retellings of fairytales, leaving me to tears since those are my favorite kind of story. However i will indulge a bit and say that Roman would love Shakespearean plays ( His favorite would be Hamlet bc it inspired Lion King ) and typical fantasy books. Im also 100% sure that guy has a shelf full of Disney Movie Books like the novelization of Beauty and the beast and the villain’s origin books by Serena Valentino, also has those super pretty Disney Classics books ( lucky mfer ). And obviously he would have the original novels of multiple musicals ( Wicked, Be more chill, Dear Evan Hansen…) and some ballets/non-Disney classics as well (The nutcracker, The wizard of oz, Swan lake… ). Also Harry Potter i guess, since that’s canon 😒
Virgil: We all know what im going to say, Horror fan. Likes Edgar Allan Poe’s stories and classic horror books that inspired movies/series ( Carrie, Ring, the haunting of hill house… ), also reads a concerning amount of True crime about unsolved murder cases, and he has a special edition of the novel of The nightmare before Christmas somewhere trust me. And to self indulge a little, Dark retellings of fairytales, especially the Horror leaning ones.
Janus: I feel like Patton would read simplified philosophy books while Janus would grab shit like The gay science by Friedrich Nietzsche at the local library (never read this book, hilarious title tho), Overall i think Janus’s taste on books would consist of either philosophy and sociology books (especially the ones that annoying people read to keep gloating about how smart they are, except he actually likes them), and influential plays like Shakespeare, The Odyssey, The Iliad, Medea, Phantom of the Opera etc… His taste is the perfect combination of annoying Theater kid with pretentious philosophy kid (He is the guy they strive to be 😭)
Tw: Remus and everything that comes with him
Remus: YES, REMUS READS, YOU CANNOT CHANGE MY MIND ON THIS, The books he reads? Very simple, Dark romance and horror, the books are his inspirations for new creative ways to annoy the shit out of the other sides, he is slowly but surely making a list of new horrid murder and torture methods he learned via horror books, also dark romance for him is just romance since he thinks normal romance books are boring and lack taste, some other side definitely walked in on him reading once ( picture him reading on the sofa twirling his hair and bouncing his legs in a very stereotypical teen girl way ) and asked what he was reading only for him to answer something like “ ‘Taken Hostage by the Hot Mafia Boss’ :D” Also definitely read the Kam4 Sutr4.
Bonus: Remy/Sleep has a book detailing the multiple different ways on how to brew coffee and Picani has every Kids Show Book he could find ( Gravity Falls 3rd Diary, Star vs the Forces of Evil Book of spells etc… )
ALSO WARNING: If you want to buy any of the books i talked about here be aware there is currently a boycott of Disney and any other properties that have ties to the genocide committed by Israel!! And mainly, i would recommend to grab any book i mentioned in the library since they’re one of the only public community spaces that haven’t shut down yet, support your public library to make sure it stays that way!
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Rated T
CW: Swearing, Roman gets punched
Like with all my little one shots I'm posting this above/below the cut as well, but the formatting from AO3 will not transfer so it is a better experience for this fic if you click the link.
"Shut up!" "Make me!"
Virgil socked him in the jaw.
"What the gosh peck?! Why would you hit me?!" "You told me to shut you up!" "Yeah, well, I thought we would like, make out or something!" "W-why would we make out?!" Now he was thinking about it. Oh God, kissing Roman... "Oh.. Um you know, like just if you wanted to... or something..." And boy did he want to- "Why would I want to?! You're being dense as fuck! Get it together Princey!" "Well it's not my fault, you were kind of sending me signals and-" "God, just shut up!" "... Make me?"
Roman was fairly certain the arm that came up was going to punch him again, but he was pleasantly surprised when it simply pinned him to the wall. Wait, did that mean- Oh, ok, they were kissing... They were kissing!
"Mmph!" Virgil immediately flinched back. "What? Was that not ok? You just said-" "No!" Virgil flinched again. "I mean yes! I mean that it was ok! I just had realized what was happening and it startled me!" "... It took you that long?" "Well I didn't really expect it to happen. You did just punch me a second ago." "Oh, shit, right. Are you ok?" "Yeah, I'm ok. I can tell you were holding back, I've caught your Fight on enough occasions to know." "You'd think you would stop popping up around corners." "Maybe. I just get so excited when I hear you coming." Shit, that was cute, say something nice! "You're just like a dog." Crap. “I can’t believe I let you kiss me with that mouth.” “Aw, c’mon. My mouth is your favorite thing about me.” He could still probably save the situation. Roman let out an amused huff with a smile. “Can’t argue there.”
Ah! Virgil could feel his brain short circuiting. He was way too gay for this.
“Well, um, we could like, hang out or something if you wanted I dunno and it could be a date or whatever…”
Roman had two options here. He could tease Virgil’s shyness, or he could meet his nerves with genuine sentiment. Considering he wanted Virgil to continue speaking to him in the foreseeable future, he opted for the latter.
“I would like that very much. I’ll see you at 8?” “Um, yeah, sure that’s good, fine, cool, whatever.” Roman chuckled. “I look forward to it.”
Roman had nearly made his way all the way down the hallway they’d been standing in before he heard Virgil call out to him.
“Wait, Princey! We never settled the argument!” “You were right! I was just worried if I agreed with you we wouldn’t have anything to talk about! And then I got a little too into it!” He called back. “You’re such a dork!” “Your dork!” “Shut up!” “Make me?!”
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himbothemboswagger · 1 year
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Why should you vote Laios Touden?
"The dudes so nice but everyone (in story) judges him way too cuz hes bad at picking up social cues and has monsters as a special interest. Multiple times where hes just trying to be friends with people but they get angry at him cuz he can’t pick up their not interested even though they never actually tell him explicitly. He is my boi and its very unfair. No way this guy is neurotypical. It takes until the last 20 chapters when the world is literally ending because of the demon controlling the dungeon for him to finally conclude “maybe the dungeon is actually bad”. He just wants to become a cool monster and live in peace but eldritch horror and political maneuvering keep on getting in the way. A bunch of dudes literally try kill him but he’s just chill with them cuz hes cool like that."
Why should you vote Roman Sanders?
"Roman is a state of mind, Roman is a slay, Roman is an icon, you love Roman and Roman loves you."
"He is so gay and dramatic and he is a fucking hero"
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roseianxiety · 2 years
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“ Ang iyong ganda'y umaabot sa buwan (your allure ignites and reaches the bright moon)
Ang tibok ng puso'y rinig sa kalawakan (as the drums of my heart resounds to the galaxy) ”
Song: Buwan (Moon) by Juan Karlos
Man, I love these two so much. This ship is very special to me in many ways that I can't even describe it. They're just so perfect aaacckk 😩✨
(Click image for better quality)
Image without text ↓↓↓
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damn, i want someone like Roman or Logan 😔😔
Art Taglist: @cutebisexualmess @uhhh-hi-there-i-am-nervous @virgil-sanders-the-gay-emo @patchesofwork (please tell me if you want to be added or removed in the tag list)
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to the annoying people that called me homophobic and said i hate sunshines and rainbows for my last ask when i said calling straight ships yaoi/yuri is annoying
first of all, i'm queer, very much so, and not homophobic or transphobic at all. i promise you, i've worked on my internalized stuff. you don't know me.
i mostly sent the ask because i know the people doing that stuff kind of claim it's canon which ties into another ask i sent in that said to... just stop doing that. and just give into the fun of having hcs for the fuck of it and not thinking they will be canon. because to be totally honest with you, thinking two characters that barely had five minutes of screentime combined would ever be canon is... sad to say the least. and you can't call me homophobic for not thinking nichaxel would be canon.
and this isn't ship hate it's more like fandom hate i. this fandom is just exhausting. i think it's because of the influx of new fans. but it's been CRAZY oh my god. everyone is so immature and acts like it's their first fandom. even joining, like, the sanders sides fandom where they put tws on the characters would be better (which is still so fucking funny to me like "tw // c!logan, c!roman" first of all get your dsmp stan ass outta here..)
BUT i will say that the person that used that ask as a copypasta is funny as fuck. i laughed at the 'alpha male and a mysoginist kissing gay style'. i never thought i would read that sentence with my own two eyes but the TDI fandom opens up new possibilities for me every day.
so, to be perfectly clear: i am a multishipper. i have a lot of hcs that are waaay off from canon. i enjoy damien x ripper, ripper x chase, chase x zee, ripper x axel, axel x nichelle, bowie x raj, and now raj x bowie x wayne is growing on me. among other ships. i also love transfem harold, transmasc cody, non-binary zee, hell i've thought of my own crazy shit like transmasc emma (rr), transmasc heather, transfem justin etc. my problem with the ships and headcanons is when they are claimed to be canon, and annoyingly so, and when people get mad that they're not. which is insane. you can't expect every single ship or hc to be canon. you should've seen it coming that axel and nichelle wouldn't be together ever. you are 100% allowed to be upset that axel was put together with a man because it breaks your hc; it's happened to me dozens of times! but you can't call homophobia, especially when she hasn't shown attraction in girls, and neither has nichelle. and it's so okay to hc ripper as a transfem lesbian. i hc harold as that, and it's harmless! but you have to remember that in canon, they're not. and you can't claim they are. jokingly, sure; but you can't come on here and state in full seriousness that axel is still a lesbian because ripper is one too... and say it's canon. it's just not how it works.
TL;DR - i don't have a problem with "this straight ship is yaoi/yuri" or trans hcs, as i do this stuff myself, i only have a problem with it when it is repeated hundreds of times and claimed to be canon, which it's not.
- 🦝
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tss-whumper · 10 months
my whump intro!
hey, gang!! i'm annie, you might know me from my main blog (@prodigal-explorer). this is my side blog, and it's a place for all things sanders sides whump! whump isn't a very big thing in this fandom, but i really love it and i think this fandom has so much whump potential.
to clear things up for anyone confused, whump is basically a genre of fanfic/headcanons/content where characters (they are called whumpees) are being hurt either by other characters (they are called whumpers) or by natural elements such as sickness and weather. sometimes, there are characters who help whumpees feel better, or protect them from whumpers (they are called caretakers). whump is sort of like hurt/comfort, but there's not always the guarantee of comfort. whether or not there's comfort is up to personal preference! when it comes to whump, pretty much any kind of pain/injury/hurt is on the table, so when engaging with it, it's important to read tags carefully, just for your own safety!
with this blog, the characters from sanders sides will be playing whumpees, whumpers, and caretakers in an assortment of ways! characters will not always be named. sometimes it will just be (side a) or (side b), or it will just be labeled as "whumper" or "whumpee" if i don't really have a sanders sides character in mind for the scenario.
more info about my page and what i will and won't write below! (warning: i don't censor any of my words, so proceed with caution if that bothers you. some of the content i mention is very sensitive.)
whump themes/ideas/characters/tropes i LOVE writing:
emotional/verbal abuse
physical abuse
familial abuse
religious trauma
pet whump
whumpee turned caretaker
caretaker turned whumpee
caretaker turned whumper
small whumper and large whumpee
medieval whump
canonverse whump
non-canonverse whump
stress positions
inhumane punishments (especially when they have significant meanings in the story)
sunshine character who is secretly the whumper
whumpers who genuinely think they're doing the right thing
whumpees who are bad people
caretakers who don't know how to be a caretaker/bad caretaker
unreliable narrator
eating disorders
age gaps (as long as they're painted in a bad light)
whumpees of marginalized communities (poc, lgbtq+ besides gay cis white men, disabled, fat, jewish, etc.) because there is NOT ENOUGH OF THAT IN THE WHUMP COMMUNITY. i get it's tricky territory and you have to be careful with it, but why are little white guys the only ones getting rescued and taken care of?
descriptive fics
multi-chapter fics
bullet fics
whump themes/ideas/characters/tropes i WILL write:
whumpee turned whumper
whumper turned whumpee
suicidal thoughts/ideation
boxboy (though i don't have much experience, so i will be learning as i go!)
lady whump (it's not my favorite but i'll do it)
sick whump
wilderness whump
child whump
children whumping children
whump with remy/sleep, c!thomas, and emile picani (i'll write them as any role, whumpee/whumper/caretaker)
whumpee x caretaker (as long as it's not codependent)
toxic whumpee x whumper (where it's clear that the relationship is not a good one)
whumpee x whumpee
courtroom scenes
major character death
unhappy endings
happy endings
bittersweet endings
whump themes/ideas/characters/tropes i WILL NOT write:
tiny whump (just not my thing)
fem side x masc side (especially when the whumpee is the fem side)
any whump involving thomas sanders (like the real person) or any of his friends.
anything relating to bodily waste
detailed descriptions of needles (it just freaks me out lol)
feel free to send in an ask requesting anything you want me to write or react to, as long as it's not in the "will not write" category. if you don't see what you want listed anywhere, just assume that i will write it! there isn't a lot that i don't do, but i will not negotiate with the boundaries i have, so please don't try to convince me!
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pencilpat · 11 months
Sanders Sides: College AU - Part 3
Character sheets | Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2
Patton has a very bad night, like many before it, that quickly descends into a very nice night, like none they've had before it.
Janus seethes. Remus tries to help.
2,531 words
[CW: alcohol, manipulation, implied abusive father, nightmares, panic attack, religion, sexual themes/implications, unintentional misgendering
It’s always the same sea. The dark, choppy water blasting foam into their mouth, tossed around and around in the storm.
Every night this dream comes, and even asleep Patton’s dream self has come to accept it, letting the waves toss them limply as they choke. Suddenly they are tossed onto a rock, and their drenched form lays naked on the cold surface. Shaking, they gasp at the freezing air, coughing up seawater. They drag themselves to their feet, stumbling down the rock, compelled by the same force as always. “Someone wants to see you,” calls their mind, driving each shivering footstep.
They make it to the beach, that grey sand cutting into their feet with torn bits of shell. There, as always, they collapse on the beach, subconsciously preparing themselves. There is a great sloshing of the ocean, and a shadow rises above them; they gasp wetly as it overtakes them. Patton sits up on the coarse sand, turning to look at the statue before them. “Hi, pa,” they whisper. The statue is silent, looming.
Hugging their legs, Patton looks up at the stone eyes. Their gazes lock, and they brace themselves.
Water gushes from the eyes, nose, and mouth of the statue, falling directly onto them in torrents, burying them beneath deep, dark water. They can do nothing but sob and choke, drowning, drowning, drowning.
They jolt awake, gasping. Patton grips their hand into the sheets just beside the body of their sleeping partner, glancing up at him through hurried breath to make sure they haven’t woken him. Virgil is sleeping soundly, thankfully, and they swallow hard as they sit up and stare at the wall.
Being in bed becomes too upsetting, and like many nights before this they stand up to go sit in the living room. They fall onto the main couch and drop their head into their hands. If they didn’t know any better, they’d think God was torturing them. But they know by now that He’s not watching close enough to care. Their face furrows up, and a few hot tears spill into their palm.
The house itself is upsetting. All of it is. They need to get out. They need to run! This swelling restlessness fills their gut, and Patton inhales sharply as they go back to their room just briefly to put on clothes. Virgil doesn’t stir in his sleep as they quietly dress themselves, throwing on one of Virgil’s black hoodies over their own clothes, perhaps to make them look scary, but more to make them feel scary. They glance at his black hair peeking out of the covers as they pass through the doorframe, but worry over him isn’t enough to unravel the storm twisting their gut and telling them to escape, somehow.
In Roman’s car, halfway towards nowhere, the world barely feels real to them. Patton listens to wind whistle against their ears from the window and zones out to the tune of yellow street lights and honking late night drivers. They even honk at people themselves, something they’ve never done before. It’s just the agitation, they tell themselves, rubbing their forehead. It’s just the lack of rest and the fact that I’m in the party side of town.
Rows and rows of bars line the streets, and Patton’s fingers tap the wheel anxiously. They chew on their lip, breathe in deep, and pull over on the street next to the first one appearing to be a gay bar – perhaps that will be safer? Having never gone to a bar in their life, Patton feels ridiculous and child-like on the sidewalk outside. Being an over 6 foot, stocky person brings them no comfort, and they bet they’d look small next to a 4-foot-nothing guy right now.
The door is pushed open onto music and mostly darkness. The only lights are underlighting the bar and the neon glow-in-the-dark dance floor and wall designs lit up under black lights. People are mostly dancing rather than sitting, so the bar has many available seats. Patton nervously shuffles onto a stool that glows with bright blue flecks under the lighting. Every seat is a seemingly random color, and they do admit the effect is very pretty – like bioluminescent sea creatures in the deep dark. The haze of bodies crushing and pulling and swaying makes them dizzy.
“Hey, buddy?” someone calls, fully tapping them. Patton startles, adjusting their glasses as they look up at the bartender. “I asked what you’d like to drink!” The bartender is an older woman with buzzed hair and black lipstick on, Patton would consider her very pretty if they were focused enough to process it. Instead, they stumble on an order.
“Um, how about, uh- I don’t know the names of drinks- Uhh a martini?” They laugh nervously, but manage to spit out the first drink they could think of.
The bartender gives them a look that seems to be pitying, and nods, going off to make their drink. Patton puffs out a breath and sets their forehead in their palm.
“You look nervous,” a smooth voice from beside them calls out above the bumping music. Patton startles, and turns to look at the golden flecked stool beside them. A woman with two toned hair smiles at them there, giving a little wave. She already has a drink, something that glows and bubbles under the blacklights. “Up here, honey,” she laughs, and Patton’s wide-eyed gaze meets hers properly.
“S-sorry! I… ah, geeze, I guess I am nervous.” Patton lets loose a high-pitched giggle, truly overcome with the nerves.
“Cute jacket. You look too old for this to be your first night out. Is it the being alone?” The woman sips her drink, animatedly glancing around the two of them as if looking for threats. “Don’t worry, I don’t bite without consent.”
Patton gapes at her open-mouthed, cheeks going dark with blush. The girl laughs smoothly, and also begins blushing. Patton can just barely see lighter patches of vitiligo under the lights, but every part of her skin aside from her face is covered somehow, mostly in skintight black clothing.
“You look like someone just puked in front of you or something, am I that bad at flirting?”
“Oh, oh no no, it’s not that! I’ve just- I never- This actually is my first night out. Um, ever. I’ve never even been in a bar before.”
The girl tilts her head to the side, her face seeming to wrinkle with confusion. “Wait, seriously?! Your first time ever?”
“Uh, yes?”
“Oh my gosh! Do you have a drink coming? I can help you choose a nice one if you’d like.”
“I- I’ll be honest, I ordered a martini on impulse, I don’t know any drinks.” Just as they were saying it, the bartender comes back over holding said drink, setting it before them.
“Oh, hey!” she calls to the woman. “Let me guess, you’re paying for this one? Or are you managing to sit next to a pretty girl and not flirt for once?”
Patton cringes at the girl comment, but they don’t expect much else from a stranger considering their presentation. The woman nods and winks, shushing her finger over her lips. The bartender laughs, definitely knowing this woman well. She must be a regular, Patton decides.
“Get two BJs for us, and then we’ll see.” As the tender walks off with the money, Patton glances at the woman cautiously. She looks at them as well, smirking. “Based off of that face I’m guessing ‘girl’ wouldn’t be best.” Patton startles, and the woman smiles wider. “You make expressions like a cartoon character, and you cringed the second that word left Katty’s mouth, love.”
“W-well… Yes, uh, girl wouldn’t be best. I’m nonbinary. Thanks for, um… noticing? I-I don’t know.”
“You can relax. You’ll be ok, um…?” The woman extends her gloved hand in question, stalling for a name.
“Pat,” they offer, shaking her hand. They know better than to give a full name to a stranger.
The woman’s smile chills over a bit, but she doesn’t say anything. “Call me J.”
“Jay, like a bird? Or the letter?”
She laughs, melodic and cool. “Yes, the letter. I mean, you know how it is with strangers and all.” Patton tenses up slightly, and turns back to the bar to stare at their martini. ”Are you going to try it, Pat?”
“I- I will, yeah,” they gulp, another nervous laugh worming its way out of them. They pick up the drink, and bring it to their lips shakily. It doesn’t taste nice, but it’s not horrible either. It does make them cringe slightly, and the woman definitely notices as Patton watches her black-stained lips curl up at the corners yet again.
“Didn’t like it?”
“It’s really… unique. I haven’t had much alcohol before. I don’t think anything else really tastes like this!”
“Unique. What a funny word for it.”
The bartender, Katty apparently, comes back with two shot glasses stacked high with whipped cream. The liquor inside is a light toffee color. “Here you go, guys! Make sure she drinks it right!” She walks off before any corrections on gender can be made, and Patton chalks it up to her seeming to be older, in her 50s at least.
J grabs the drinks and slides them to the edge of the table. “Stand up with me, there’s a special way to drink these – you can’t use your hands,” she winks, gesturing to her mouth. Patton flushes again as they watch her place her hands behind her back, and lean over the shot glass, taking it around the rim in her mouth and tilting her head up and back to knock the alcohol into her mouth. She sets it back on the bar with a flushed laugh.
Patton stares at their own, unsure if they can manage that feat. They try though, for the impulse of it, stanced with their feet to the side and leaning down. They can feel how intensely they’re being watched by J as their lips close on the glass, whipped cream already on their tongue. It hits them why it’s called a ‘BJ’ as they lean back and choke just slightly on the sweet alcohol. It’s nice, though, tasting like coffee and cream.
“Good job!” The woman claps her hands together once, chuckling.
“That tasted really good actually,” they admit a bit timidly.
“Of course you like the sweet stuff. You look that type.”
“What do you mean?”
“You look sweet as pie, honey,” she says, putting on a faux southern accent like a stereotypical cowgirl.
Patton laughs, bashful. They don’t get flirted with often, and in fact Virgil is their first partner ever-
Oh. Virgil. Patton tenses up, suddenly horridly ashamed at having felt attraction to anyone else. “Oh my god, I- I’m sorry, I forgot to say, I have a partner! I- Oh my gosh I’m sorry, I know you’re flirting with me but it’s-“
“Calm down, honey,” J laughs. “I could kind of guess, honestly. The hoodie doesn’t fit well… and it doesn’t suit you at all. Patchwork isn't your thing - very 'unique' though. One of a kind.”
Patton blanches slightly, staring at her, not for the first time tonight. “You’re really um… perceptive!”
“Hell, someone has to be on this miserable planet, right?” She laughs, then sighs. “Well, there goes my night.” A pause. “Or maybe not. You still need a bar buddy, even if the partner slot is taken. Who else would keep you safe among these scoundrels,” she hisses the last part, like someone telling a campfire story with intent to terrify. “You, Pat, are going to get all of the best drinks from the best bars in town or so help me god.”
Patton laughs, untensing and feeling a little more comfortable by J being silly to them instead of flirtatious. “Well, I mean, if you say so! I- I do probably need to go tonight-“
“What?” J calls, as a particularly loud song begins, covering up all speech between them. Patton huffs in frustration, and grabs her hand gently, tugging her all the way out of the bar. When they turn back to face her, standing on the pavement in the streetlights, she looks at them with a bemused smirk, friendly and open.
“I needed to get out of there. Look, J, how about you give me your number? You seem nice, and you’re very welcoming… I don’t drink often. Or really at all besides tonight. But maybe we can try other things?”
J laughs again in that musical, cold tone, touching her forehead. “You sure are something, Pat. Denying my flirting but still taking my number? How could you,” her tone is light and teasing, and she holds out her hand to receive their phone. She adds a number in, and texts herself. “There you go, Mx. Pat. If you don’t mind, I have more bars to hop. So… see you sometime, then.”
Patton nods silently, though they give her a genuine smile and a wave as she walks off down the street. They walk towards the car with a shaky breath to themselves. Patton looks down at J’s text to herself, and finds a simple heart emoji followed by a green apple as the contact name.
Janus slams the door as she steps inside, slumping against the wall, having no assistance of crutches tonight. Remus startles upright, mid mouthful of candy from her cupboards. “Hey, you’re back!”
“Ugh,” she simply offers, dragging herself along the wall. She wobbles, and semi-collapses down to the floor with her back against the wall. Remus makes a noise of surprise and rushes over to her, reaching out a hand. “I’m fine, Remus, stop. I just… need to sit here.” Her head spins, woozy with drunkenness. Her heart is beating so quick it sounds like pounding in her ears.
“Janus, you look like hell’s asscrack! Jesus, you reek of booze, are you okay?”
"I’m fine. Leave it at that.”
“But you just nearly fainted! Are you-“
“Yeah, my heart gets weird when I drink, asshole,” she hisses, putting her dizzy head in her palm.
“Jan, geeze, are you seeing doctors and stuff? You know I can help you out, money-wise, I make-“
“Shut up.” She grits her teeth, trying to breathe through the beginning of tears. A few more breaths and they disappear.
“Why? Can I not help you? You… you’re living so poorly, y’know, and I make enough to-“
“I don’t need to owe you something,” Janus seethes into her palm, eyes squeezed shut.
“Who said anything about owing me something? I can pay for it, rea-“
“I don’t need your fucking money, Remus. Just stop. Stop.”
“I want to help you.”
“You don’t even know me anymore.”
Remus is silent, and she leaves it at that, hauling herself up and dragging her way to her room without glancing back at him. Remus watches her go, watches her shut her door and leave him alone. Strangely, though, the sensation of a wall being erected before him isn’t there. There is openness, still, simply concealed under anger that is not his causing. He scratches at his facial hair, sighing. He resolves to check on her later, maybe talk about it when she isn’t exhausted and reeking of a night of drinking. He does know her, and nothing about her has changed.
Janus has always been a liar, after all.
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disneybrandautism · 10 months
my names finn or roman!! welcome to my tumblr!! here are some things to get to know me!
my pronouns are he/she/they
i’m 17! (insert the MINORS. MINORS! audio clip here)
i have adhd as well as general anxiety disorder! so if you ever want to chat PLS do but i struggle to reach out because of my anxiety.
i have a LOT of interests so talk to me about whatever, i swear i will respond i LOVE to chat abt them.
i can’t spell very well but i promise i try. i am just a really really bad speller, sometimes it’s unbelievable.
i also say fuck a lot. i swear often.
here are some of my main interests but i’m prone to side quests:
The saw franchise
disney anything. i’ve seen it all. but i specifically love disneyland and disney channel from about 2007-2015.
the hunger games (the books and movies)
Film. Film always. talk to me about movies.
Sander Sides (… it’s borderline a special interest)
stranger things (mostly just steve)
succession (i love flawed characters)
hannibal nbc. i’m crazy about will graham.
community (i love troy and abed)
topgun (but in a gay way.)
marauders (just to mess with the terf)
ghost the band
here are some of my favorite characters (aka characters that are just like me fr):
finnick odair (the hunger games)
rapunzel (tangled)
austin moon (austin and ally)
steve harrington (stranger things)
reggie (julie and the phantoms)
rooster bradshaw (topgun)
tom “iceman” kazansky (topgun)
adam faulkner-stanheight (saw)
roman sanders (sander sides)
virgil sanders (sander sides)
simon “ghost” riley (COD MW2)
kendall roy (succession)
abed nadir (community)
sirius black (hp/marauders)
for sander sides i’m #1 multishipper except for remrom. they are brothers in my noggin.
my dislikes!
I don’t like mean people or people who make fun of me for my interests. unclear instructions. terfs. JKR. loud sounds. passive aggressive people. homework.
my likes!
all the fandoms and characters i previously stated! headcannons. sleep. fashion. plushies. talking to people. playing video games. reading. the color green.
to find me on my other socials!
discord: oatbees or bees#3730
instagram: finnsmojodojocasahouse
tiktok: o4tm1lk0
that’s all!!
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My favorite Sanders Sides headcanons that I have that I will add to almost any AU I make:
This is a top 10 list of different headcanons that I have for every side + C!Thomas that I add to every AU I make of the sides. Also included are gender, pronoun, and sexuality headcanons as well as a few extra headcanons with the whole group
Small TW for weapons mention
(Quick little thing: When I’m talking about Thomas I mean C!Thomas)
This took so long to make I swear-
Cut off because this is a really long post
Achillean/Gay (switches between labels)
They/them nonbinary
1) Remus is autistic (I have a different post about that here so I won’t go into much detail)
2) They likes to doodle on their headphones, so all their pairs of headphones are just covered in stickers and drawings
3) They does pole dancing for sport and are really strong because of it
4) Sometimes Remus will end up falling asleep hanging upside down on their pole and no one knows how or why they do it
5) They have a weapon called a “jack handle” which is a handle with a button that can transform it into any weapon at will
6) Remus has octopus tentacles that they can summon at will, which they usually use as a hammock to lounge around
7) They are very dependent on attention and if they don’t get attention they will be very spiteful, and do things just to annoy people until they are given attention
8) A lot of times, Remus’ll just say the most unhinged things ever and then just be like “Anyways, today I saw a balloon :D”
9) Remus grows their hair out really long that they have to have Janus help them keep it clean
10) Remus likes having their hair played with and combed
It/they agender
1)Janus plays guitar and has actually written a few songs of its own
2) They work as a lawyer
3) They like to read in its spare time, but usually ends up having to keep Remus near them in order to be able to read for a long time
4) It can transform into a snake at will, which they usually use so they can get some rest while staying near Remus
5) Janus uses a scythe as its main weapon with their cane being used as a prop to give them a more dramatic flair
6) They cannot look casual without looking like a model, they literally do not know how to make a casual outfit because it’s so dramatic
7) Janus likes customizing its hat with different kinds of ribbons and bows for different occasions
8) They have a lot of snake like traits, a couple being bad eyesight, cold blooded, and being hard of hearing sometimes
9) Janus’s shapeshifting tends to go haywire when it’s stressed
10) They suffer from identity issues sometimes because of their shape shifting powers
He/she bigender
1) Roman is very protective of his family
2) He has ADHD
3) He is very artistic, being able to draw human anatomy really well, but usually gives up when it comes to faces, leading a bunch of her artworks faceless
4) She only really gets vulnerable about his feelings with people he’s close with and trusts
5) He is very protective of her loved ones, leading herself to get injured a lot trying to protect them
6) Roman has a hyperfixation on Disney, cartoons, and theatre
7) She is a very big theatre person, and performs in almost every community theatre production
8) He is fluent in Spanish, and knows a little French
9) She carries a bag with a sketch book and some art supplies with her wherever he goes
10) Roman can be pretty reckless at times but not as much as Remus
Asexual omnisexual
He/him trans male
1) Patton likes to bake desserts for all the sides
2) Patton is always the first one asleep in the house
3) He is usually the one who ends up having to stop arguments
4) He is very understanding of what the others need and will make sure to do what he can to help the others
5) He is very good with pets and it usually the person the others go to when they need help with their pets
6) He loves wearing stuff with pastel colors
7) Patton likes to collect stickers and basically everything he has ends up covered in stickers
8) Patton doesn’t like to fight and usually tries to talk things out with the person but will throw hands if he needs to
9) He is very generous and puts others needs before his own, opting to help others with their problems before fixing his own
10) Patton doesn’t have any weapons due to not liking fighting
He/they demimale
1) Virgil is usually the last one asleep in the household
2) He likes to collect pins and buttons
3) They are very skilled with knife tricks, sometimes showing off the tricks he learned during gatherings
4) They mostly stay in their room which is dimly lit and quiet
5) He has his old season 1 jacket still hanging in his closet although they never wear it anymore
6) He has a horrible sleep schedule due to insomnia and usually takes a lot of naps during the day
7) They are very good at hiding and bending in due to their darker color pallet
8) They like to collect vinyl records and have a record player in his closet that he plays the records on
9) He is a very big horror movie fan, and watches a bunch of different horror movies (usually also accompanied by Remus)
10) Virgil still likes to use wired headphones but mostly uses Bluetooth ones since they’re easier to use
He/it agender
1) Logan is the cook of the household
2) Logan tends to get very caught up in its work, sometimes forgetting to eat lunch
3) He secretly loves to sing, and can sometimes be caught quietly singing to himself while working
4) Even though it tends to get caught up in his work, it still has a very good work schedule
5) It likes to keep to schedules and will schedule a bunch of stuff months in advance
6) He likes a lot of things that would seem “girly” to other people and thinks gender roles are stupid
7) One whole side of his room is just a library of books that he’s collected
8) It’s a really big fan of comic book but doesn’t admit it
9) It likes to volunteer as a librarian sometimes, and will help the local libraries
10) He has the most healthy diet out of everyone in the group
He/him cis male
1) Thomas is a father figure to Remus and Roman, helping the two through anything they’re going through
2) He is the only one in the group who’s able to hold everyone together
3) He wears a flower clip in his hair with the petals colored to each of the side’s colors
4) He cannot keep a houseplant alive even if his life depended on it
5) He is very dedicated to his acting career
6) He likes to collect little trinkets like stones, shells, leafs, etc whenever he goes somewhere and has a big box of stuff in his closet
7) Thomas is very protective of the group but knows how not to put his life at risk while protecting the others
8) He is very thoughtful of the others feelings, and is usually the person the group goes to if they need comfort
9) Thomas loves to buy new Lego sets so much that the others usually have to convince him that he doesn’t need a new set
10) He likes trying out new things from time to time and sometimes picks up a new hobby because of it
Extras: Group
Ships: Demus/Dukeceit, and sometimes LAMP
Remus, Janus, and Roman are all best friends
Roman and Remus have a really good sibling bond, they like joking around with each other and will comfort each other when one feels sad
The twins will sometimes end up getting themselves into trouble because one decided to encourage the other’s stupid decisions
Remus and Virgil are very competitive when it comes to Just Dance and will both cheat each other over if they play together
Roman and Remus both have matching masks of those theater masks with Remus having the smiling one and Roman having the frowning one
Roman and Remus will have duals in the mindpalace for fun
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iamfear · 10 months
Sanders Sides PJO Au
-Remus Princetown
-Mother is not there so him and Roman ran away
-He and Roman were making there way to camp Half blood
-Roman is 1 year older than him
-They got into an argument
-Roman left
-Remus waited for his brother till a satyrs and brought him to camp
-Whilst doing archery,he was claimed by Apollo
-He has the power to infect people with illness and noise control
-Year rounder
-He is good at archery
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-Roman Princetown
-Mother is not there so him and Roman ran away
-He and Remus were making there way to camp Half blood
-1 year older than Remus
-Got into an argument with him
-left Remus ,but planned to go back
-got lost
-was found by lupa
-after that he was sent to camp Jupiter
-quick rose in the ranks
-was claimed by Apollo after he helped heal Janus
-has the power to heal people and noise control
-not the best at archery, but really good with a sword
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-Logan Galdur-Berry
-His Mom dropped him of at camp when he was 12
-was at camp for 2 months till he was claimed
-Desendant of Lyssa
-claimed by Hecate
-Everyone thought he would he a kid of Athena
-Powers:mist control, talking to dogs and polecats
-Year rounder
-Wepon of choice is a dagger
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-Virgil Dark
-raised by his older sister and his older brother who are also a demigods
-was attacked
-older sister died is the attack
-him and his brother feld to camp
-Sister:Hellna Dark
-Brother:Marlon Dark
-very shy and doesn’t talk much
-claimed by Aphrodite on his first night at the same times as Patton after protecting Patton whilst he was healing another camper
-Powers:Charm speech, but hates using it
-Year Rounder
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-Patton Cakily
-Son of Hebe
-descendant of Apollo
-Raised by Older Sisters also demigods but not of Hebe
-Sis 1:Jay ,kid of Iris
-Sis 2:Korren, kid of Demeter
-Helps in the hospital place
-claimed by Hebe after helping to heal one of the younger campers at the same time as Virgil
-Powers:Healing by humming(works on every age but better on youth)
-Year Rounder
-doesn’t like fighting, but if he has to he uses a sword
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-Janus Dolion
-Mom sent him to camp jupiter when he was 14
-claimed after almost being caught stealing something
-son of Mercury
-one mortal younger sister
-Sister: Tory Dolion
-powers:great at stealing, increase of speed, stealth in shorts bursts, can easily pick locks
-use sword
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Icarus(that’s the name i think the orange side is called):
-Icarus Galdur
-grew up in new rome
-never new his mom, was rasied by one of the new rome Librarians
-Desendant of Lyssa
-Clamied by Mars at 14
-Cousin to Logan, they just don’t know that
-uses sword
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For the WIP fanfic author ask game -> 🍄♻️🤔 ? (from @virgeandhis-pocket-protector)
🍄Decriscribe your wip/one of your wips in the format of “___ + ___ =___”  
Sanders Sides+Inside Out= To Know Every Side of You. Which is ironic because Sanders Sides is really similar to Inside Out, but I wanted to take the idea of Everyone Has Emotions from Inside Out and apply it to Sides. This one has been made...difficult in the last year or so because I was diagnosed with OSDD. Part of the inspiration of this fic was my experience with "my own Sides". There was that huge trend that took the fandom by storm and I was so confused because "what do people mean, making Sides? Mine were just there." So I was playing on that idea and now I kinda wanna go back and rework the world building because in retrospect it was heavily influenced by my experience as a system. While Sanders Sides is very similar to my experience and has helped me a lot in many ways, including with working with my system, it isn't a wholly accurate representation of being a system so I do want to take care to make those distinctions.
♻️A scrapped idea for your current WIP
I have several WIPs that I am bouncing around with right now, there are at least three that I've worked on today. So going from those, a scraped idea I had was an installment in the Parent AU set in which c!Thomas was dating Roman because in the rush of inspiration and wanting to try writing things I haven’t written before I forgot Nico existed very temporarily and have since written Nico into the story as the love interesting and recast Roman as a brother in law.
🤔What’s a story you’d love to write but haven’t even started yet?
Ooh. This one. I've had this idea that would go along with my Parent AUs set, that's sort of Hallmark-esque, but gay. The idea being that these two people (guy and girl of course) meet up in the midst of some tragedy in which they are each unexpectedly left their siblings' kids. Their parents are each pressuring them to give up the kids to them, on the grounds that they're single and not ready to be parents.
The two main characters each fight against their parents to honor their respective siblings wishes. And upon meeting and realizing they're in the same boat, decide to get married. Mostly to spite the parents. The twist here, of course, is that they do not fall in love as they are both gay and/or ace. Instead they legally stay together just to make things a little easier as far as custody, while dating their own perspective partners in the meantime.
I don't know how any of this would work muchless end, but it is a thing I think about.
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