#rollo seems like someone who is very stubborn and very ?? idk whats the word dominant?? like he would take charge in a relationship because
lanshappycorner · 2 years
Yuuroro has such a silly funny relationship because Yuu really just marches to the beat of his own drum 💀 like he is down horrendous for Rollo, but he would not change any major aspects of himself or bend to Rollo's opinions if he disagreed. Like yeah he would let's say dress up more if Rollo requested that he idk dressed up for formal occasions even though Yuu normally hates dressing up.
But if Rollo starts spouting shit like how mages r bad magic is bad Yuu is being badly influenced blahblahblah Yuu will ABSOLUTELY rip Rollo a new one. He would also as a matter of fact throw hands if Rollo pissed him off enough (which never happens once they start dating bc they r past that by then, BUT during the beginning of their friendship Yuu has 100% started AT LEAST one or two fist fights with Rollo💀💀 like on the ground kicking screaming both of them tugging each other's hair punching throwing profanities at each other fist fighting)
Further into their relationship I would assume that Yuu has helped Rollo move past his ideologies, but Rollo still does not fully regret all his actions from the past and Yuu never fails to give him shit and acts snarky about it 💀 Yuu is down bad but he is not a pushover. He can be very opinionated sometimes too and that's why they clash but also why they work well together
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