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leslieworks · 5 years ago
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A thoroughly blissed put, danced out not so mature, mature rock chick after the Rollin Stoned gig! . . . . What a show! What a performance! What a great band! Please forgive my phone sound quality. . . . . #therollinstoned #rollinstoned #rollingstonestributeband #rollingstonestribute #rollingstonesmusic #startmeup #infullswing #atagig #greatshow #greatband #halfmoonpub #thehalfmoonputney @halfmoonputney #putney #withmymate #withtheband #livemusic #liveband #girlsjustwannahavefun #rockchick #stillgotit (at The Half Moon Putney) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9UM3fsH3Qz/?igshid=wvcq7bgexiem
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sergiosmoking · 5 years ago
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Este sábado a la hora del vermut. 13h. En SamViu, Ripollet. Smoking Stones al completo!!!! Rolling Stones Revue!!!! #smokingstones #welovethestones #therollingstones #rollingstonestributeband#quebienlopasamos #rockandroll #icantgetnosatisfaction https://www.instagram.com/p/B2Umje-IgsT/?igshid=1p9zrzddn2o8s
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fuzionnyc-blog · 6 years ago
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Jumping Jack Flash’s Beatles vs Stones returns to Canada this month! #beatlesvsstones #beatlesvstones #stonesvsbeatles #beatlesvsrollingstones #beatlesvstones #jumpingjackflash #rollingstonestribute #tributetorollingstones #rollingstonestributeband #rollingstonestributeshow #4ladsfromliverpool #4ladsfromliverpooltribute #beatlestribute #beatlestributeband https://www.instagram.com/p/B16cvpcAjxA/?igshid=yt21xgxmj9ch
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ultimateentertainment · 6 years ago
Mick Adams and The Stones, Rolling Stones tribute show
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leslieworks · 5 years ago
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Final performance clips from the Rollin Stoned gig at the Half Moon in Putney. I was delighted with Keith Moons recorder playing. What a show! What a performance! What a great band! Please forgive my phone video and sound quality. . . . . #therollinstoned #rollinstoned #rollingstonestributeband #rollingstonestribute #rollingstonesmusic #startmeup #infullswing #atagig #greatshow #greatband #halfmoonpub #thehalfmoonputney @halfmoonputney #putney #withmymate #livemusic #liveband #rubytuesday #playingtherecorder . . (at The Half Moon Putney) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9UDjDuH5L1/?igshid=1ru08me00q6zi
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leslieworks · 5 years ago
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What a show! What a performance! What a great band! Please forgive my phone sound quality. . . . . #therollinstoned #rollinstoned #rollingstonestributeband #rollingstonestribute #rollingstonesmusic #startmeup #infullswing #atagig #greatshow #greatband #halfmoonpub #thehalfmoonputney @halfmoonputney #putney #withmymate #livemusic #liveband (at The Half Moon Putney) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9SJR5cHNSK/?igshid=tp71jganjatd
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leslieworks · 5 years ago
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Excitement is building now. The lights are now in gig mode. The band is getting ready to play! Night out with Lisa and Chris to see Rollin Stoned at the Half Moon in Putney. More to follow... . . . . #meandmymate #girlsjustwannahavefun #nightout #halfmoonpub #pubvenue #rockingirls #rockandroll #rollinstoned #tributeband #besttributeband #rollingstonestributeband #putney #sundayismyweekend #bluelight #rollingstoneslips (at The Half Moon Putney) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9P_Gpbn2W0/?igshid=1684ys7wvp1e7
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leslieworks · 5 years ago
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We arrived early at the Half Moon in Putney so the Rollin Stoned band members could get ready, we could chill, have a drink and chat before they went on at 9 pm. More to follow... . . . . #meandmymate #girlsjustwannahavefun #nightout #halfmoonpub #pubvenue #rockingirls #rockandroll #rollinstoned #tributeband #besttributeband #rollingstonestributeband #putney #sundayismyweekend #giggoers #pubgoers (at The Half Moon Putney) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9P9tD2HRlo/?igshid=110paffieuyve
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leslieworks · 5 years ago
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Nothing quite like being 'with the band'. A great feeling. Such fun seeing and hanging out in the dressing room, seeing the funky decor and some of the band's accoutrements. Last night with Lisa and Chris, to see Rollin Stoned at the Half Moon in Putney. More to follow... . . . . #meandmymate #girlsjustwannahavefun #nightout #halfmoonpub #pubvenue #rockingirls #rockandroll #rollinstoned #tributeband #besttributeband #rollingstonestributeband #putney #sundayismyweekend #guitarcase #guitarcases #dressingroom #backstage #withtheband #bandgear #accoutrements (at The Half Moon Putney) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9P8LI0HPwz/?igshid=b73ugi9u3l9d
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leslieworks · 5 years ago
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Girls just wanna have fun! Had a blinding night with my mate Lisa, to see the band her hubby is in, last night at the Half Moon in Putney. More to follow... . . . . #meandmymate #girlsjustwannahavefun #nightout #halfmoonpub #pubvenue #rockingirls #rockandroll #rollinstoned #tributeband #besttributeband #rollingstonestributeband #putney #sundayismyweekend (at The Half Moon Putney) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9P53-hn8iN/?igshid=y4pkfysi1c85
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sergiosmoking · 6 years ago
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9 agost Nit de Rock a Llagunes. Smoking Stones con A Contra Blues y Lynne Martin @acontrablues @smokingstones @lynnemartin #smokingstones #welovethestones #therollingstones#rollingstonestributeband #jaggerrichards #rockandroll #rollingstonestribute #rollingstonestributeband #icantgetnosatisfaction #streetfightingman #therollingstones #brownsugar #itsonlyrockandroll #beastofburden #jokermendylantribute https://www.instagram.com/p/B0y8S6MigVL/?igshid=1fmaggouay7pc
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sergiosmoking · 6 years ago
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En la puerta del hotel esperando que nos lleven al escenario. 🍻🍻🍻 #smokingstones #welovethestones #therollingstones#rollingstonestributeband #jaggerrichards #rockandroll#rollingstonestribute #smokingstones #honkytonkwomen #rockandroll #jumpingjackflash #crazymama (en Oviedo, Asturias) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzi5jXBCV8S/?igshid=10up6qfun0qfl
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leslieworks · 5 years ago
The suspense is building in a blue light bath. Waiting for the Rollin Stoned to play at the Half Moon in Putney. . . . . #therollinstoned #rollinstoned #rollingstonestributeband #rollingstonestribute #gettingreadytoplay #halfmoonpub #thehalfmoonputney @halfmoonputney #putney #girlsjustwannahavefun #withmymate #livemusic #liveband (at The Half Moon Putney) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9RJSWhnsi3/?igshid=1wtzpuzj97qre
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sergiosmoking · 5 years ago
Sweet Virginia. Smoking Stones luz de gas 2019 #smokingstones #welovethestones #therollingstones #rollingstonestributeband #quebienlopasamos #sweetvirginia https://www.instagram.com/p/B5BIBDvoU8H/?igshid=vm2jubwn9sfb
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sergiosmoking · 5 years ago
16 noviembre Smoking Stones en Luz de Gas Barcelona 21h.🚀🎸🎤🥁🎹🥁🎶🎤📸🍾💋💖❤️💣💥😈📽️ #smokingstones #welovethestones #therollingstones #rollingstonestributeband #quebienlopasamos#icantgetnosatisfaction #luzdegas #polymernoize #jokermendylantribute #jaggerrichards #jaggerrichards #justmyimagination #welovethestones #welovethestones https://www.instagram.com/p/B4nupEII0Hp/?igshid=m74oywrox1tz
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sergiosmoking · 5 years ago
Tumbling Dice @smokingstones #smokingstones #welovethestones #therollingstones #rollingstonestributeband #livemusic #likearollingstone #tumblingdice #therollingstones #rockandroll #alldowntheline #icantgetnosatisfaction #streetfightingman #handoffate #honkytonkwomen #welovethestones #rollingstonestribute https://www.instagram.com/p/B2OuVk4B4VD/?igshid=cj01do0g09o7
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