#role model rx
iconsfinder · 5 months
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God, his music is the best, listening to him and Wallows always makes me feel better ahaha! 😅🖤my peeps lol they jus get me, yn?..
Life is funny makes me think of this(big mood):
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Just some of my favs off his new album to apologize for my dark ass writing. I swear I’m okay 😅lol this is just my vent acct
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theladybrownstarot · 3 months
Pick-A-Card : What does your feminine side wants you to know ? (Collab : @tarot-by-e11e♡)
☪︎ Here's my masterlist for more !
☪︎ Make sure you like/reblogg/follow/Comment for more pacs like these !
Pile 1. Pile 2.
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Pile 3. Pile 4.
Pile 1 .
Namaste pile 1 ! Let's get with your reading :-
cards pulled out : 10 of wands rx, 8 of swords rx and The sun .
☪︎ You people are literally stressed out and burdened with a lot of things that can be felt through the reading . Are you people having teeth pain out of stress because i can feel that . Your feminine side says that stop for second leave others and prioritize your mental and physical well-being ! take proper sleep do not over-do anything because there's always a limit . Your feminine side says even though you got lot of potential inside you but still take how much you can do.
☪︎ Next , some of you might be going through some legal problems and if not then you are full of unecessary thoughts which needs to filtered out seriously otherwise you are going to face lot of problems. Doing work out fear , insecurity or any other negative emotion is not gonna help you out . You might be facing some kind of injustice and i really feel that your feminine side says that you are not taking any proper action against it this tells me the need to have proper boundary for yourselves .
☪︎ last but not the least , your feminine side says that she is going to beat the shit out of you if you cannot enjoy and let yourselves get drowned in that sadistic pool of thoughts and actions ! let yourself be happy and really bring out that child inside you that craves to go out and do whatever it wants , be positive your world is not going to end .
Pile 2 . [@tarot-by-e11e]
Thank you so much for being here ♡ @e11e27
Cards pulled out : 2 of Cups, 8 of Coins reversed, Temperance, 7 of Swords, 3 of Swords, Queen of Wands, Hierophant, Knight of Wands, Judgement.
☪︎ The time in my clock is 1:01 pm as I sat down by my window enjoying the cool summer rain, so that I can interpret for my dear pile 2.
☪︎ Angel number 101 shares an undeniable news about growth, progress and new beginnings. There is this welcoming message of growth and collaboration with your feminine side. This makes me feel like my pile 2 are either: finally taking baby steps in wanting to lean more into your feminine side OR you've reached a certain point of burn out, that you feel called to want to learn how to graciously accept the help from the universe and your guides.
☪︎ With the 2 of Cups, there's this gentle whisper of unity and mutual respect for your feminine side. It would seem that pile 2 might have "girl-bossed" a little too hard this past few weeks/months, so much so that you’d rather push your body to the point of exhaustion than actively allowing yourself to rest and recuperate. There's also this air of hypervigilance caused by the lack of genuine support and healthy role models growing up.
☪︎ More like, Pile 2 was surrounded by who they promised they will never want to become. With the first card alone, the message your feminine side wants to tell you: Let yourself be open to others again.
☪︎ It seems that Pile 2 had experience betrayals and has been in survival mode to God knows how long. To be so disregulated that you feel guilty for even purchasing skincare, even if you are not financially struggling anymore, is quite a heartbreaking situation to be in. Your feminine side is telling you: "Self - Care = Self - Love", so pile 2 can be the type of person that struggles to be okay with putting themselves first. It seems this pile is for my people pleasers.
☪︎ The songs, "You don't know" by Katelyn Tarver popped in my head. Particularly the lines, "I know you got the best intentions, just trying to find the right words to say..."; this line makes me feel like a line you want to tell anyone who wants to help you out. In this case, this is a song you dedicate to your own feminine side. But here's the thing sweetie, your feminine side DOES KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE TO BE YOU...
☪︎ Your feminine side, as much as they want to help you out, they can't seem to outscream your insecurities and troubles away. Your feminine side is soft spoken yet firm with their love for you. Your feminine side wants you to know they'll always be here for you, they're just waiting for you to sit quietly in your feelings and take the time to hear them out. They're always ready to help, they're just waiting on your signal. And you choosing this pile, your feminine side is welcoming you with open arms, with them, you are allowed to safely get vulnerable, without judgement or shame. They're always ready to welcome you back into helping you feel like *you* again.
☪︎ So first thing your feminine side wants to tell you is: "Welcome back home".
☪︎ With 8 of Coins reversed, your feminine side wants you to forgive yourself for only taking the time to only want to hear what they have to tell you. It's okay, you're safe with your feminine side. Remember, no judgement or shame will ever come from them.
☪︎ With how much you have on your plate in your life right now Pile 2, having debts and bills to pay, responsibilities piling up higher than your bookshelves, alot of people depend on you for everything, even on things that they can easily deal with themselves, yet they actively decided to pass their burdens to you. Seeing as your attention, focus and efforts are needed elsewhere, it's okay that you only felt the need to sit down to what they have to tell you.
☪︎ The more I interpret for pile 2, the more I can imagine that this pile is for the chronic workaholic people pleasers, it also has the vibe of the sole provider and/or oldest sibling energy. The heavy feeling of burn out is so prevalent in this pile, so much so that you tend to be the type to drown in work while your friends and family barely got a chance to spend time with you.
☪︎ Just know, they love you and miss you so much. They do appreciate your efforts to keeping a roof over everyone's heads and food on the table, but you tend to forget that you deserve to be taken cared for too. This is a strong message from your feminine side, let others show how much they can take care of you. Let others into your life. Learn to let love in again in your life again. Betrayals in any shape or form had closed the gates of your heart, to the point of self-imposed isolation, guised as working hard to provide. It seems that pile 2 overworks to hide their pain. It's like, "Working more means less time to feel".
☪︎ With Temperance, your feminine side suggests you start reassessing your current lifestyle and curate your daily routines to cultivate a "healthy work life balance". I can already feel some of pile 2 are rolling their eyes back so far inside that they can see their brain cells barely surviving from fatigue. And yes, I'm also lovingly call out those of you who leaned back as you begrudgingly "ugggggggggghhhh..." into surrender.
☪︎ Definitely my burn out overwhelmed workaholic people pleasers pile. You're so conditioned to always Go, go, go to the next task before letting yourself catch your breath. My dear, unless your line of work is in ER surgery, you allowing yourself to rest won't lead to someone's demise. So if you work in the medical field pile 2, your feminine side is way more stricter with you about work-life balance. I heard the words "It's non negotiable at this point". So pile 2, please, for the love of rainbows, cookies and butterflies, please curate your daily routines into a healthy work-life balance.
☪︎ With 7 of swords, your feminine side is asking you to keep quiet about your plans for self-love and self-care. This was a rather odd card to show up but with the multiple instances of me mentioning betrayal with the previous cards, it seems pile 2 is surrounded by people who benefit from your lack of boundaries. That's actually the kind of betrayals you've consistently dealt with. People taking your kindness and generosity for weakness, as if it's an invitation to openly abuse your giving heart. Oh no dear pile 2, I'm so sorry you are surrounded by people who can't stand you stepping into your power.
☪︎ This message feels rather severe but your feminine side is asking you to keep your happiness and achievements under wraps and offline. Don't post anything celebratory, it seems that evil eye and ill wishes from jealous and insecure coworkers and/or family members tends be your usual cause of bad luck. So with that, cleanse and establish healthy boundaries with people who have proven that they have no intention of wishing you well. Keep those kind of people out of your life. Take that message in any shape or form that you feel called to interpret it as.
☪︎ Your feminine side urges you to let yourself be nurtured again. You don't have to always be assertive; you don't have to also be the one that leads. You are allowed and you deserve to receive. So let yourself be on the receiving of your friends and loved one's care.
Pile 3 . [@tarot-by-e11e]
Thank you so much for being here @e11e27 ♡
Cards pulled out : High Priestess, Ace of Swords, 4 of Wands, King of Cups, 4 of Swords, Strength, 6 of Coins
𐙚 My dearest pile 3, right off the bat, this feels like the “Stepping into your power” pile.
☪︎ Starting with the High Priestess, this talks about listening to your intuition, leaning more onto your spiritual practices, and, in this specific question, leaning more into listening to your feminine side. I feel called to share a little way to discern the difference between intuition, anxiety, and wishful thinking.
☪︎ Wishful thinking feels self-gratifying and short-lived, and leans more toward satisfying an urge/itch in the moment; like having a quick dopamine fix from doomscrolling. It’s the easiest to fulfill and do, out of all the three.
☪︎ Anxiety is fear-based and meant to keep you safe; there are certain times when safety, when taken too far, leaves you stuck and resentful; If any negative thought starts with “What if..”, this is an example of an intrusive thought that’s rooted in anxiety. It feels comfortable because it’s familiar, but it leaves you regretful and resentful for not pursuing something else.
☪︎ Intuition is sometimes like an invisible cord that’s pulling you into doing something you subconsciously feel is the right thing to do. There are times when intuition makes you feel uncomfortable, if you are in a period of stagnancy; but there are also times when intuition feels right, when even without logical and substantial evidence to back up the decision, you feel in your gut that it “just makes sense.”
☪︎ With Ace of Swords, your feminine side shares that you will receive some sort of clarity/breakthrough once you learn to listen to your intuition more; it takes practice to differentiate fear and inner knowing, so be kinder to yourself as you go about this journey. The more you listen to your gut, the easier it is for you to have new ideas and have a sense of focus towards the vision of what you want your life to unfold as.
☪︎ 4 of Wands is about your community, stability, and a sense of belongingness. With this, your feminine side suggests you put yourself out into the world to call in your soul tribe/chosen family. More like, the more you become the person you know you are meant to be, the easier it will be to naturally draw in your like-minded community.
☪︎ With the King of Cups, your feminine side urges you to embrace a compassionate approach in life, not just towards others, but particularly, towards yourself. Try to strike the balance between duty and nurture. Try to find a way to hone the skill of living a balanced life.
☪︎ Pile 3, your feminine side urges you to let yourself rest in the 4 of Swords; taking a nap while overthinking is not resting; sleeping and feeling guilty about not being productive hours before is not resting. (Damn, the call-out is real in this pile). Your feminine side asks you to truly let yourself rest and recuperate, unapologetically. How about this: whether you rest later, or rest now, your responsibilities remain; so if you rest properly now, you’ll have more energy to do your tasks wholeheartedly, and the chances of you producing results beyond your expectations is a high possibility. But if you push yourself too hard now just to have something you can “produce for the sake of having an output”, 9/10 the result is half-assed, and this will lead you to have more reason to stress and be filled with regrets. So the choice is up to you.
☪︎ The Strength card feels like your feminine side is telling you to embrace your inner power. If you’re the type that’s made to feel small, now’s the time for you to step out of your comfort zone, and try to build your confidence. You don’t have to make a huge. Life-altering change overnight. This feels more like building that steady foundation of your self-confidence. Learn how to reassure yourself that no matter what, you’ll get through everything because you are sure about your decisions and dreams in life.
Pile 4 .
Namaste pile 1 ! Let's get with your reading :-
cards pulled out : The world rx , The hermit , Knight of pentacles , Ace of penatcles rx and the emperor rx .
☪︎ People your feminine side encourages you to move forward and no to give up because you are almost the half way to what you need , i feel you are going through major setbacks and still you people trying to do everything you got to make yourself come out of the situation you are in currently and you will actually .
☪︎ Your feminine side encourages you to go for deep self reflection and take time-off from people and other things to sort out what needs to be , she says that you already have got all the wisdom and solution you are seeking that was because of the constant experience , i feel there's a mistake or an action that your committing again and needs to be stopped . She encourages you to meditate and take rest and don't seek help outside because you got it all !
☪︎ Some of you might be having some male relation issue or an issue with authority which will resolve quickly but you being encourages to take your stand .
☪︎ Your feminine encourages or warns you to be aware of any future scam or money investment you are doing , you need to change your long term financial plan or need to revaluate for better , I feel some of you might not get the desired job as of now and it could be that you facing job related issue which resolve quickly withing 2-3 months or before just do not stop .
©️ @theladybrownstarot 2023 all rights reserved. Any stealing Or copying of work will be a punishable offence.
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ivyblossom · 2 months
For the first time in 17 years I let my synthroid prescription run out. I have 8 doses left and I can't see my doctor until the middle of next month.
That's bad. I don't have a thyroid, so my prescription isn't a supplement like it is for most people, it's a replacement. You can't live very long without thyroid hormone. I did it for a month once, it took me a year to recover from the damage. It's really irresponsible of me to let this happen.
Fortunately, synthroid is one the most commonly-prescribed medications in the world, no one's that fussed about it and it isn't a controlled substance, so my local pharmacist is being a mensch giving me 3 months' beyond my Rx. He just texted me that I can come pick it up. A blessing on your house, Local Pharmacist!
I could blame conference planning, travel, a wedding, and getting the flu, but I'm pretty sure fanfiction is the real culprit here. I should be doing my bloodwork and making appointments like an actual grown up, but instead all I want to do is write angsty Narnia smut. The needs of the fictional people outweigh the needs of this meat vehicle, apparently.
This is why I'm not inclined to even try pursuing writing as a full-time career. I honestly don't think I have the executive function to stay alive if I'm not expected to put the fanfiction down and show up for work 5 days a week.
Don't be like me! I am a bad role model.
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outsidereveries · 1 month
How does I’ve Wonyoung manage / go through all her popularity and criticism?
how wonyoung goes through her popularity?
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8 of pentacles, 5 of pentacles, 8 of swords rx, page of wands, 4 of swords
she pretty much overworks herself. wonyoung tries to not think about her popularity and tries to be as humble as she can. don't get me wrong, i actually see that her personality seem to be really authentic compared to others! but she's trying to not think about her insecurities and other stuff that will discourage her. she's holding to build her feelings about it not because she thinks otherwise but because she geniunely believes that if she cares about it, then what'll be the real self in front of the camera? she cares about her image so much that she really tries to be a role model to many, many people and that's her motivation to go through her current relevance. she doesn't have enough time for herself, she rests but just not enough, if she has a day-off in a week, she'll sleep the whole day, or work even if she has to stay at her home.. and that's pretty much it. she relies on that she has to be literal role model.
asked on 23rd august 2024
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cardboardheartss · 8 months
Lisa and Rihanna’s First Impression of each other
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Lisa’s thoughts : 6oC & The Hanged Man rx
I think Rihanna is Lisa’s role model?! She most definitely grew up listening to her music, and she really looks up to Rihanna as an artist and most especially as a business women too! They must’ve also spoken for a while too!!! And they were probably stalling on purpose since they restricted from staying together for too long because of their schedules…
Rihanna’s thoughts : The Lovers & The Sun
She respects Lisa! I believe she might also be a fan too?! Riri really thinks they could also make really good business partners as well! She really sees the business or collaboration doing well! She really thinks Lisa is a successful and confident woman. She really loved Lisa’s high vibrational energy, and she also thinks Lisa got her bag secured lol!
Overall energy : 10oP
They really see each other as successful and are genuinely happy for each other! Riri and Lisa also believe they’ve created their own legacy too!
Just overall… really positive vibes!😆💛💫
Thank you for reading 📦
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yyouzip · 9 months
im genuinely curious what're blackpink jennie and le sserafim huh yunjin's impression of each other- ofc they haven't met but what do they think of each other? (it girls 💗)
𐙚˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。 ˚ What are Jennie Kim and Huh Yunjins impressions of eachother?
-- remember, tarot is just for fun and depends on the energy at the time of the reading.
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how does Jennie see Yunjin/what is her impression of her?
... - the chariot, the hierophant, 4oW rx
Jennie thinks Yunjin is someone who is smart, hardworking, honest, a great idol, and kind person overall. with 4oW rx she thinks shes a bit awkward and maybe shy? but overall a great speaker and extremely hard worker who is no doubt going to achieve her goals and more.
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how does Yunjin see Jennie/what is her impression of her?
... - the tower, 9oP, 3oS rx
To Yunjin, Jennies life, company, and career seem overwhelming and stressful. she thinks jennie has been through a lotttt and is impressed by her ability to move on and put the pain behind her to live her own life. she thinks jennie is an icon and has truly made a name for herself globally. Jennie is, in many ways, a big role model to Yunjin. she thinks jennie has achieved so much during her career and worked extremely hard (especially with the amount of hate and stress she has, so that makes it all the more impressive!) she thinks jennie is like, a total girlboss and icon !!!!! shsdhdjhfhsdhj. i also get the vibe that she sees her in the way that fans see their idols if that makes sense? like even though yunjin herself is a celebrity, she sees jennie has a celeb and would no doubt fangirl in her presence!
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Hope you enjoyed !
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ms-m-astrologer · 9 months
Transiting Sun enters Capricorn
Friday, December 22, 2023 - Saturday, January 20, 2024
Capricorn the Sea Goat*:
Earth (material - practical, grounded, sensual, reliable, stable, cautious)
Yin (gravity - ingoing, receptive, intuitive, collecting)
Cardinal (initiating action - generating, acting, directing)
Transpersonal (universal - focused on ideals and abstractions)
“I utilize”
Ruler - Saturn; exalted - Mars
Color: deep forest greens and pine greens
(* Gleaned almost completely from the book Astrology for Yourself by Bloch and George; the color is my own theory/belief.)
I always feel a definite “jolt” in the vibe, as we transition from raucous Sagittarian “deck the halls,” to contemplative Capricornian “silent night, holy night.”
And the whole “New Year’s resolution” tradition is a good way to feel the general Capricorn intention: we’re taking a longer term view, trying to determine the best path going forward to promise the most success.
The Sun’s transit through Capricorn, this time, is bracketed by some significant conjunctions: we begin with Sun-Mercury, and end with Sun-Pluto.
Friday, December 22 - Sun/Capricorn conjunct Mercury Rx/Capricorn, 0°39’. A systems upgrade for our frame of mind - we take a more serious, disciplined approach. How can we be cannier about life?
Sunday, December 24 - Sun/Capricorn sextile Saturn/Pisces, 2°37’. Oh yes, we’re taking Capricorn seriously, all right - exploring dimensions we can’t find in a cursory, superficial glance.
Tuesday, December 26 - Sun/Capricorn (4°30’) sesquisquare Uranus Rx/Taurus (19°30’). A little post-holiday frustration? We see where we want to be, and we can’t quite get there . . . yet.
Wednesday, December 27 - Sun/Capricorn trine Jupiter Rx/Taurus, 5°36’. Feel better now? That goal isn’t as far away as it seems.
Saturday, January 6 - Sun/Capricorn square Chiron/Aries, 15°29’. Watch out for hurt feelings when people don’t acknowledge one another. We are stronger together, and we’re all equals.
Then a very intense few days between Tuesday, January 9 - Friday, January 12:
Sun/Capricorn semi-sextile Ceres/Sagittarius, 19°00’
Sun/Capricorn (19°04’) semi-square Saturn/Pisces (4°04’)
Sun/Capricorm trine Uranus Rx/Taurus, 19°13’
Sun/Capricorn square North Node/Aries and South Node/Libra, 20°21’
New Moon, 20°44’ Capricorn
Sun/Capricorn trine Juno/Virgo, 21°52’
Sun/Capricorn sextile Pallas Athene/Scorpio, 21°53’
The main thing is the New Moon, with all the other aspects valid for it. We’re very interested in making practical innovations, more on a scale of benefiting our everyday lives and relationships. Be wary of “my way or the highway” attitudes, of Eeyore-like negative attitudes, and especially of “going along to get along.”
Sunday, January 14:
Sun/Capricorn inconjunct Vesta Rx/Gemini, 24°00’
Sun/Capricorn square Eris/Aries, 24°09’
Ego getting in the way, and a lack (or failure) of personal integration. Guard against anger undoing our plans and hard work.
Monday, January 15 - Sun/Capricorn sextile Neptune/Pisces, 25°21’. In the US, this is Martin Luther King Jr. day. There’s an exemplary Capricorn role model for us. Read his final speech for some pure Capricorn. (And read his Riverside Church speech “Beyond Vietnam” for more Cap insight.)
Saturday, January 20 - Sun/Capricorn conjunct Pluto/Capricorn, 29°59’. This is the very last Sun-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn for the next 240-ish years. Think about everything we’ve gone through between 2008 and now - what went wrong, what went right - and how has all that changed our perception of Capricorn? The Sun enters Aquarius a mere 21 minutes after this conjunction matures, followed by Pluto about 11 hours aftwrward.
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theninthdoor · 1 year
#tqq First of all, How are you? Hope you're doing good and life is treating you well. If it's not too much trouble, I was wondering if you could do a "How do the skz members feel about JYP?" (the man, not the company). They have such an interesting relationship with him - especially the 3racha members who he seems to trust A LOT.
Bang Chan || nine of swords, five of cups: Bang Chan feels like JYP can never be pleased; there's nothing he can do to make him happy or to get a significant sign of approval from him. At some point, too, I feel like Chan placed him on a pedestal, only to be let down continuously as the years went by. As of now, he doesn't have any wishes to spend time with him or approach him; he wants to stay away and avoid his judgement and attention.
Lee Know || knight of pentacles rx, strength: He respects JYP's strength and confidence, but not his work ethic or system. He never delivers his promises, is too stubborn and stuck in his ways, and can't seem to be able to adapt to other people's work style (meaning that it's always all about him and about him ONLY; others/the whole world must adapt to HIM, not the other way around).
Changbin || the hanged man, queen of cups: Changbin seems to feel quite emotionally attached/connected to Park Jin Young, almost like in an uncle-nephew type of way. However, he always makes sure to keep some distance between the two, which makes JYP's influence over him much weaker than we'd expect given that emotional factor. He doesn't look up to him nor look for his approval, necessarily; it's much more about him liking to be under the "leadership"/counsel of someone that he is fond of and trusts. Still, they are very different people and Changbin knows that fully well!
Hyunjin || seven of swords, knight of cups: JYP knows how to use his charm to get what he wants, which might be the only thing that Hyunjin admires in him, apart from his creativity. He feels like Park Jin Young is usually quite shady and unreliable; the type of person who's always looking out for his best interests; not someone who can be trusted when it comes to personal/sensitive matters. But, in this particular case, I see Hyunjin's willingness to play this game with him and get his own wishes fulfilled out of it!
Han || the devil, two of pentacles: I literally heard "a two-faced manipulator"… On one hand, Han respects how JYP always seems to be able to do the impossible, attain whatever he desires, get people to do anything and everything for him, etc; on the other hand, though, it's not really something that he associates with the character of a "good person". He's a master at playing the industry game, and we must give credit where credit is due… Still, that doesn't make him the type of person Han would choose as a role model, in any way.
Felix || four of wands, king of pentacles: Contrasting directly with Han, Felix looks up to JYP as a business man + artist. He's truly an inspiration; someone he wishes would take him under his wing and show him how to achieve his level of power and success. Felix is not only proud of being connected to JYP, he also feels like this is where he belongs, under his guidance and carrying the "JYP" nametag. Yet, more than anything, this is about what he has built for himself! - that's Felix's focus: Park Jin Young's career achievements.
Seungmin || seven of cups, judgement rx: He doesn't really respect the man… Seungmin sees him as too unrealistic, lacking self-awareness and as someone with very poor judgement. He's hard to work with + to understand; he's always changing his mind and hoping that others follow along without asking questions; a very poor communicator, too. Although he likes some of JYP's ideas, Seungmin doesn't look up to him as someone whose approval is needed because, to be completely honest, he doesn't trust the man's taste.
I.N || the moon, the tower: I feel like Jeongin doesn't enjoy being around JYP too much… this talks about big emotional outbursts, lies, delusion and him causing other people a lot of frustration and anxiety. It's really not the best environment to be in, so Jeongin would much rather stay away and only interact with him when it's really necessary. Besides that, it's clear that they can't understand each other - there are misunderstandings, unwillingness to see the other's point of view and even some intimidation. (Plus, I must say. I.N reads as quite a sensitve person, so it's natural that he feels so affected by this type of behavior/personality, whereas some of the other members don't seem to mind it.)
(Disclaimer: All readings are alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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selene-tarot · 2 years
hello. how are you? can you do a personality reading on Jenna Ortega 💞 thnk u!
Jenna Ortega Personality Reading
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DISCLAIMER: This is all ALLEGED, please take this reading with a grain of salt, the reading may not be a 100% correct and just know this is tarot, don't take it super seriously. This is for entertainment purposes only.
Card's: Hero/Heroine rx, Advocate, Child wounded, Monk/Nun, Child: Magical, Vampire
Goes from one extreme to another(Often will push herself to the limit)
Lives in her head; Escapism problems
Advocates for causes she feels resonates with her; most times, it will be genuine. Other times will be other reasons.
Dedicated to her craft
Her energy just feels so.. Melancholic and wallflowerish
Mysterious; Keeps to herself and is more introverted
Has desires to be a role model(?)
I feel like her ideas aren't taken seriously, or rather, she'll have to fight to be taken seriously in her career
-May also have a temper
In terms of her career projection, she's a wild card. One moment, you'll see her do this and then do a complete 180(or 360 lol) and do something very different. You'll frequently be surprised because she likes to switch it up.
Side note: ..... y'all is this girl ok? I keep getting a deep sadness from her. Maybe things are bittersweet for her currently.
Be more discrete about her moves(People ARE watching and talking)
May have to travel for work soon
Offers for her career and love(dates and stuff). Though it seems she's not even remotely interested in love rn.
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kosmictales · 2 years
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(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و musical asteroids in haechan’s chart (mini overview)
in my haechan brain rot era & he deserves all the love. for this post, i will be using his leo rising chart cause i fully believe he is one
⊹ terpsichore (81) — muse of dance and choral song
19° gemini in his 11H
conjunct his sun and mars — it’s evident that dance and music is a big part of haechan’s life. in fact, with it falling in the 11H, he finds himself participating in dance and music primarily in group settings (hence why he is an idol). in a more literal sense, with it in gemini, he finds himself in two groups — 127 & dream
he learns how to dance and sing through imitation (gemini), primarily from those within his community (11H). so other idols really push him to become a better dancer and singer. he learns a lot of his skill from the people around him.
with his terpsichore in gemini, he is very versatile, being able to embody different dancing styles and musical genres. he becomes an important asset in the groups he is in due to his versatility.
terpsichore in the 11H makes him a role model to other people within the kpop industry
in short, haechan can do it all — sing, compose, songwriting, choreograph. a true all-rounder
⊹ harmonia (40) — musical talent
18° capricorn rx in his 6H
haechan is very dedicated to his musicality. in the 6H, music is a huge part of his daily routine. whether that be listening, practicing, creating — he incorporates it in his daily life.
(maybe a stretch) but since 6H deals with physical health, if you don’t know already, haechan has perfect pitch, which is often genetic.
both his parents are musicians so its safe to say that from an early age music was instilled into his daily life
with harmonia in capricorn, haechan won’t stop until he feels that he is a master in his craft
⊹ polyhymnia (33) — muse of hymns (linked to acting, poetry and creativity)
15° taurus in his 10H
this asteroid sits at the highest part of his chart, joining his mc, saturn, and jupiter in the his 10H. at his best, haechan is a never ending creative outlet. that is what he enjoys being seen as and of course, it his career
his creativity is where he feels the most comfortable (taurus) and it may take time for him to really come into his own creatively. art is important to him and he does not want to rush developing his crafts
polyhymnia is also known for her desire to want to pursue different mediums in her career. with this landing in haechan’s 10H, it shows that any art medium that he desires is up for grabs and he will pursue them with time.
⊹ melpomene (18) — formally the muse of chorus, she is now the muse of tragedy. can be used as an indicator of singing ability and/or acting ability
12° leo in his 1H
lol @ it being in his 1H cause we all know haechan is dramatic as fuck
this placement makes haechan widely know for his singing abilities. (its giving, you’ll hear his voice before you see his face)
it trines his chiron in the 5H and i can just imagine singing has been very healing for him :( this can also indicate having to overcome criticism of his voice , which is likely due to the unique tone he has. he has learned to embrace it. as long as he enjoys it, that is all that matters
in this sign leo, haechan was always meant to receive recognition and notoriety for his singing abilities
please do not repost anywhere without crediting me! i want to keep going but we might be here forever. might do a part two or do it for all of nct, who knows!
©kosmictales all rights reserved
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iconsfinder · 12 days
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over-the-time-flow · 1 year
Super Robot Rollcall: Nu Arrivals
v Gundam
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Source Material: Mobile Suit Gundam: Char’s Counterattack
Model number: RX-93
Height: 24.2 meters
Power Source: Nuclear Fusion Reactor
Real World Designer: Yutaka Izubuchi
Amuro's personal-use prototype Mobile Suit. That's not a V for Victory in the name, it's the greek letter N (pronounced "new") in lowercase, so this machine is more often referred to as the "Nu Gundam" in the english-speaking world.
Hastily built in just 3 months by taking inspiration from all Gundam frames built so far and utilizing many pre-existing parts under the Londo Bell's jurisdiction, and further powered up by the leaked Psychoframe technology.
Being one of the most popular Mobile Suits ever made, it's no surprise that it boasts a massive number of SRW appearances, rivalling even the eternal champion and soaring iron castle, Mazinger Z.
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It's got great Mobility and Movement Range, comes with an I-Field (extremely powerful anti-beam barrier), incredible range thanks to its signature Fin Funnels... but its damage output is slightly underwhelming without its combination attack, and its combination attack will not be available for most of the game.
Speaking of not being available for most of the game, that's also true for this machine! It'll be with us to the end, but it'll spend most of the game away, and when it comes back it will only have whatever upgrades you put onto it right now. If you pick the Nadesico route at the beginning of the game, you're better off not even putting Amuro in this, sadly.
Fun Fact: In Fukuoka, there is a life-sized statue of a variation of this machine; known as the RX-93ff v Gundam, it sports a single large Fin Funnel known as the "Long Range Fin Funnel". Pragmatically speaking, this was done to make sure it wouldn't easily topple, as typhoons happen often in Kyushu.
It's just a statue, not a moving machine, so you could say it's just for show.
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Mass-Produced v Gundam
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Source Material: Kunio Okawara Collection (M-MSV)
Model Number: RX-94
Height: 21.2 meters
Power Source: Nuclear Fusion Reactor
Real World Designer: Kunio Okawara
Just as the name implies, it's a v Gundam designed with mass-production in mind. For that reason, it allows for easy changing of Incoms to Funnels and vice-versa.
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For a secret unit, at first glance, the MP is rather underwhelming. Unimpressive stats and even less impressive damage, with its strongest move, the Incoms, only barely breaching the 4k threshold at max upgrades. Its long range is good, yes, as is the fact it doesn't require Will to use, but it's still not really all that impressive.
Much like the "true" v Gundam, this machine will be leaving eventually and be gone for most of the game, but unlike the v Gundam, when it comes back it'll have quite a few more tricks up its sleeve, which will make it much more convenient to use.
Fun Fact: Supposedly, at one point the MP v Gundam was to make an appearance in Gundam Unicorn, but this didn't come to pass and its role was taken up by the Silver Bullet. This info is on the japanese SRW wiki with no source, so take it with a grain of salt.
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newwayastrology · 2 years
Those who are inexperienced in astrology have a big lesson to learn about synastry. The thought pattern is to create a bi-wheel, measure aspects between them, and actually think that those aspects are going to define the relationship.
I had a couple 6-7 months ago who were less than rookies in astrology. They were all flipped out because his Jupiter was on her blah blah and her Venus was on his whatever. Her horoscope had Saturn Rx in the 4th ruling the 2nd and it squared Venus in her 5th. That is a huge, Times Square, red neon blinking sign of self-esteem issues that make sex difficult because of something having to do with the father in her early years.
When I talked to them alone individually, she told me that her father had been a serial womanizer who was thrown out of the house when her mother caught him in their bed with a 19-year old. My client had no relational role-modeling in her life and her horoscope has a Moon-Uranus conjunction in the 7th. She was a mess but no worries because "his Jupiter is on my Sun." After catching her looking through his phone for the third time, the guy broke off the relationship. I had him again for a consultation yesterday.
The moral of the story is that what counts in a relationship are how two individuals are as individuals, and we see that through analysis of the individual charts. Planets aspecting from one horoscope to another don't look through your phone, lie to you, always leave things dirty expecting you to clean it up, look at things on TV that you dislike, etc.
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luxury777carrental · 8 days
What are the reasons behind Lambo rental price?
The price of renting a Lamborghini, often referred to as Lambo rental price, is influenced by several factors that reflect the vehicle’s exclusivity and performance. 
Here are five key reasons behind the cost:
·  Model of the Lamborghini: 
Different Lamborghini models come with varying rental prices. For instance, renting a Lamborghini Aventador, known for its high-performance V12 engine and advanced features, will generally be more expensive than renting a Huracán. 
The rarity and technological advancements of each model impact the overall cost.
·  Rental Duration:
The length of the rental period plays a significant role in determining the price. Short-term rentals (a few hours) often have a higher hourly rate compared to longer rentals (full days or weeks). 
Extended rentals might offer lower daily rates but require a larger upfront payment.
·  Season and Demand: 
Prices can fluctuate based on the season and demand. During peak tourist seasons or special events in Dubai, rental prices can increase due to higher demand and limited availability. Conversely, prices might be lower during off-peak times.
· Insurance and Deposits: 
The cost of insurance and security deposits can also affect the rental price. Luxury car rentals often include comprehensive insurance coverage, and a substantial security deposit is required to cover potential damages. 
These costs are factored into the overall rental price.
·  Additional Services: 
Extras such as chauffeur services, premium insurance options, and added amenities (like GPS or child seats) can raise the rental price. 
Customizing your rental experience with these services often comes with an additional fee.
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what are the best car brands at Luxury777 that are cheaper than Lambo rental price?
If you’re looking for high-quality cars at Luxury777 that come at a more affordable price point compared to a Lamborghini, several reputable brands offer excellent options. 
Here are some of the best car brands you can find at Luxury777 that generally have a lower Lambo rental price:
·  Cadillac: 
Known for its luxurious interiors and smooth rides, Cadillac offers models like the Cadillac Escalade. 
This SUV combines comfort, advanced technology, and powerful performance, making it an excellent choice for those who want luxury at a more accessible price.
·  Honda: 
Honda vehicles are celebrated for their reliability and efficiency. Models such as the Honda Accord or CR-V provide a blend of comfort and practicality. 
With modern features and dependable performance, Honda is a great option for those seeking value without sacrificing quality.
·  Hyundai: 
Hyundai offers a range of well-equipped and affordable cars. The Hyundai Genesis, for instance, is known for its upscale interior and advanced technology. 
It delivers luxury-like features at a fraction of the cost of higher-end brands.
·  Kia: 
Kia has made significant strides in the luxury market with models like the Kia Stinger. This sports sedan offers a stylish design and impressive performance, making it a competitive alternative to more expensive luxury cars.
·  Land Rover: 
Renowned for its off-road capability and premium features, Land Rover’s Discovery or Lange Rover models offer a blend of ruggedness and luxury. 
They are perfect for those who want an upscale experience without reaching Lamborghini prices.
·  Nissan: 
Nissan offers models like the Nissan Maxima or Pathfinder, which provide a mix of performance, comfort, and advanced features. 
These vehicles are well-regarded for their reliability and value.
· Toyota: 
Toyota’s luxury division, Lexus, includes models such as the Lexus ES or RX. These vehicles are known for their high-quality interiors, smooth rides, and advanced technology, offering a luxury experience at a lower cost compared to Lamborghini.
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What are the cars with the lowest Lambo rental price?
If you’re interested in experiencing a Lamborghini without breaking the bank, some models come with a lower rental price compared to others. Here are five Lamborghini cars with a relatively lower Lambo rental price:
· Lamborghini Huracán EVO: 
The Huracán EVO is a more accessible entry into the Lamborghini lineup. Featuring a 5.2-liter V10 engine and advanced aerodynamics, it offers a thrilling driving experience with a more manageable rental price compared to the higher-end models.
·  Lamborghini Huracán Performante: 
This model is designed for performance enthusiasts, boasting enhanced aerodynamics and a powerful V10 engine. Although it’s a bit pricier than the base Huracán, its rental cost is still lower compared to models like the Aventador.
· Lamborghini Gallardo: 
Though older, the Gallardo remains a popular choice for those seeking the Lamborghini experience at a lower cost. With its 5.2-liter V10 engine, it delivers impressive performance and style without the premium price tag of newer models.
·  Lamborghini Urus: 
As Lamborghini’s luxury SUV, the Urus combines the brand’s performance with practicality. While it’s more expensive than some sports cars, it is generally cheaper than the high-end sports models, offering a balance of luxury and performance.
·  Lamborghini Huracán Spyder: 
The Spyder version of the Huracán provides an open-top driving experience. While it is typically more affordable than the top-tier Aventador, it still offers an exhilarating drive with a relatively lower rental price.
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What are the best places to visit when you hire Lambo rental price with Luxury777?
When you Lambo rental price with Luxury777 in Dubai, you’ll want to explore the city’s top destinations in style. Here are four must-visit places that are perfect for a luxury car experience:
·   Burj Khalifa: 
Start your adventure at the world’s tallest building. The Burj Khalifa offers breathtaking views of Dubai’s skyline from its observation decks. 
Arriving in a Lamborghini adds an extra touch of elegance to your visit.
·  Palm Jumeirah: 
Cruise along the iconic Palm Jumeirah, an artificial archipelago renowned for its luxury resorts and stunning coastline. 
The scenic drive around this man-made marvel provides a perfect opportunity to showcase your Lamborghini.
·  Dubai Marina: 
Explore the Dubai Marina area, known for its glamorous waterfront and high-end dining options. 
The vibrant marina is ideal for a stylish drive and offers plenty of upscale restaurants and cafes to enjoy.
·  Dubai Desert: 
For a more adventurous experience, head to the Dubai Desert. A Lamborghini might not be made for off-roading, but you can still enjoy the contrast between the city’s opulence and the serene desert landscape.
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In conclusion
Navigating the Lambo rental price in Dubai involves considering various factors, from the specific Lamborghini model to rental length and peak times. 
By understanding these elements, you can better plan your luxury car experience and find a rental that fits your needs and budget. 
Whether you’re seeking a thrilling short-term drive or an extended luxury experience, knowing the ins and outs of rental pricing will help ensure you enjoy every moment of your time on Dubai’s glamorous roads.
Contact us now at Luxury777 and get the best Lambo rental price now!
What factors affect the Lambo rental price? 
The Lambo rental price is influenced by factors such as the model of the Lamborghini, rental duration, seasonality, and additional services like insurance or a chauffeur. Higher-end models and peak times generally increase the rental cost.
Are there any additional fees beyond the Lambo rental price?  
Yes, additional fees may include insurance, security deposits, and optional extras like GPS or car seats.  Always check the rental agreement for a detailed breakdown of all potential charges.
Can I get a discount on the Lambo rental price for a long-term hire? 
Many rental companies offer discounts for extended rentals. Booking a Lamborghini for a longer period can often reduce the daily rental rate compared to short-term hires.
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outsidereveries · 2 months
Heya 👋
What do Irene of red velvet and Sunghoon on enhypen think / feel about each other?
how irene and sunghoon see/feel each other?
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irene towards sunghoon | 5 of cups rx, 2 of swords, 7 of cups
she sees that sunghoon has a lot of potential, possibly to be as impactful as her glory days, i believe, but is also very sad about how enhypen's path is so far. irene might criticise belift behind the scenes, to be honest, because she sees that sunghoon can be very popular in the future, and not only because he can do this and that. as i feel the energy being very personal, she sees herself in him, especially in her rookie years. she feels that enhypen, sunghoon included, is in their own bubble and belift are in fault for doing that. there's nothing wrong about it, but she's kind of puzzled why the subsidiary don't give enhypen, especially sunghoon all of the activities he can do in his life? she hopes for his best nonetheless but can't help but wonder of belift's treatment towards enhypen.
sunghoon towards irene | judgement, 7 of swords rx, 7 of pentacles
with his spread i sense they might know each other personally. he feels very thankful that he knows the bare, vulnerable side of irene behind the scenes. as he is usually an observer rather than .. communicative, sunghoon doesn't say much but cannot help but appreciate irene's energy being similar to his. sunghoon also sees himself in irene and thinks of her very highly, as his role model personality-wise. with the time he realised that they're indeed very similar and tries to get what he can in this industry.
i'm not sure how close they are but it looks like they know each other from acquintances outside of their jobs or from their families; asked on 140824
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