#rokea's display case
rokeas-finest · 4 days
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Doodles from a while ago when melanie had just gotten her trailer released I made a small au where she was also from the pet capture deluxe level and was a critter thing like mozelle
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rokeas-finest · 1 month
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Welcome, Folly.
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rokeas-finest · 1 month
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Top 10 moments before disaster
So funny story turns out I didn't realise melanie wasn't getting added (well at first I was like oh no and then i saw nobody talking about it and uh whoops. Got my hopes up) folly seems cool though
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rokeas-finest · 27 days
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Bringing this ship to the table and dramatically running away. Melzelle everyone
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rokeas-finest · 1 month
if u could draw prototype that’d be soooo cool ^_^. also maybe unpleasant. perhaps. grisns
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Here you gooo drew them both together
This was going to involve them telling unpleasabt they were pretending she wasn't there but then i forgot to add the text so just use your imagination
(based off below interaction)
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rokeas-finest · 1 month
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I think their interactions are really funny
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rokeas-finest · 1 month
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Some scribbles of regretevator characters I did in school :) ignore the text on the sides it's just me listing characters out before i got miced up alphabetising the initial list
Close ups of some of my favourite bits under the cut!!!!
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rokeas-finest · 2 months
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Pov gnarpy desiggnnn (thiz was my first time drawing xem so I'm pretty happy on how iy came out) also obligatory lampert doodles. Fun fact i did not realise this pen was green til days later
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rokeas-finest · 1 month
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Spliiiit it has genuinely been so long since I've done any shading
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rokeas-finest · 1 month
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Love for digitally colouring my traditional art is discovered, it's so over for everyone. Coincidentally I also discovered a burning hatred for drawing MR
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rokeas-finest · 1 month
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Wallmark thing i did ft digital colourong!!!! Mad how long its been since i used colour actually
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rokeas-finest · 2 months
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More lampert doodles!!! Still older stuff but i like this stuff more I'll eventually start posting newer stuff please forgive flesh cousins design. And how weird pilby looks i swear i know how to draw them both now I STILL LIKE THESE THOUGH!!! Very happy with them over a month later
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rokeas-finest · 2 months
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Some older lampert doodles i did as a first post on this blog
The other guys designs have changed slightly over time and I'm not gonna go through aaaalll their tags cause tjis is lampert focused and i don't want to clog up too many tags and i aammm rambling my bad ALSOOOO these are like my first attempts at drawing lampert from like. Over a month ago thats why he looks odd
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rokeas-finest · 1 month
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Melanieeee her design is so cute
It is such a struggle drawing her though and my brains suddenly taken that as a challenge to try and practice drawing her as much as possible
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rokeas-finest · 1 month
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Pest and poob!!!!! Both from school so i had like zeeero référence of pests shirt also itwas my first time drawing him specific. Cannot ever consistently draw poob though lmao
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rokeas-finest · 1 month
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Drew this you'll never guess where. School.
Anyways Lampert being comforted by Mark ft seal plush
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