#rogers and rumple can be besties
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For the character ask, what about Alice Jones and also Elsa?
oooh, nice ones!!
Alice Jones
OTP - Alice/Robyn, for sure! They were wonderful! The perfect mix of heartfelt and adorable + I loved how they developed them and let them get together in both EF and the modern world.
BrOTP - Can it be Alice&Rogers? No? Damn. Alright, if I can’t have that, I think I’ll go for Alice&Henry. Especially after they get their memories back. I just kinda love the idea of either Killian with his kidos.
OT3 - I have 2! Alice/Rogers/Robyn and Alice/Rogers/Weaver. Oh, shoot, no! Also Alice/Rogers/Sabine. Basically, Alice and Rogers + anyone :D
NOTP - Does anyone ship her with Rumple? Cuz that would be gross. Also for some reason the idea of her and Ivy popped into my head and nope!
BrOTP - Elsa&Emma, duh! Magic besties for the win! Elsa was the only quality friendship (other than Killian’s) that Emma got on the show.
OT3 - Elsa/Anna/Kristoff. Mostly cuz I love Elsa and Kristoff’s banter. Definitely not romantically.
NOTP - Anyone but Liam? I dunno, I don’t really see her with anyone else. I’m gonna assume that some people ship her with Anna and I want them to know that incest is gross.
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OUAT 2X22 - And Straight On ‘Til Morning
Despite all the mourning from the last episode, we’re gonna go straight on ‘til we finish off this season.
...Wanted to make my last pun of the season classy. Now you know what to do.
Press Release The inhabitants of Storybrooke brace themselves for the end when Greg and Tamara detonate the trigger Regina had placed within the curse, with the annihilation of the town and its residents imminent; and Mr. Gold mourns the loss of his son, Bae/Neal. Meanwhile, back in Neverland of the past, Hook discovers his connection to a young Bae after he rescues him from the sea and soon realizes that the Lost Boys are in hot pursuit of the boy. General Thoughts - Characters/Stories/Themes and Their Effectiveness Past I really struggled with how I felt about the past segment. Something about this flashback has always rubbed me the wrong way (Or at least, as much as the two times I’ve watched it can do) and I spent the lesser part of two days wondering why. And I think I finally figured it out.
The actions and broad strokes of this storyline are great, as is admittedly much of the dialogue. I like the bond that forms between Killian and Bae and I like how Killian’s framed. The dialogue is for the most part pretty good and I love all the time we get to spend on the Jolly Roger. However, the thematically heavy lines like “being alone” and “caring only about yourself” are honestly so distracting because Killian’s is blatantly committing revenge on Milah’s behalf and he has a whole crew with him.
Now on one hand, I get it. Especially given Killian’s decision at the end of the flashback, one can argue that Killian’s revenge and the decisions stemming from it are more for his sake than Milah’s. It’s similar to what Regina was doing with Snow and her subjects, where she claimed that after she killed Snow, she’d show them love. On the other hand, as I said before, it’s honestly so distracting and I feel like if the above were the case, there would’ve been more to paint it that way.
Okay, so now that I’ve gotten that out of my system, just remember: The segment is good, but dialogue choices like that separate good from great. The drama between Killian and Bae is one of the most important parts of Killian’s redemption and their bonding provides serious insight into who Killian is as a character. Present First off, I love the way Neal’s “death” was handled. First, let’s talk about the acting. Robert Carlyle continues to be flawless. He shows how Rumple’s overcome with sadness and regret immediately upon hearing the news. Second, I love how he’s paralleled against Henry. While Henry has his mother to lean on and hold (A great if not tragic Swan Believer moment in and of itself), despite being told the news by two people, Rumple’s in the shot where he first takes it in alone and only comforted from a distance. Third, it gets Rumple questioning his own philosophy and is one of the biggest cases of “all magic has a price” being turned on him. It’s nothing short of a spiral and the way he pulls everyone down with him fits the character so well.
I got so many Spongebob Musical feels as I was thinking about the main story here. XD I’m going to explain it when I get to arcs, but I think that the main story does a good job bringing together Emma, Regina, Henry, Snow, and David’s stories. Every emotion here hits and the main story, which seemed to rightly get the most focus, was handled well.
Keep that in mind when I go off here.
”I did it [Kill Cora] because it was easy. It was a mistake.” FUCK THAT NOISE! NO! IT WASN’T EASY! IT WAS ACTUALLY BOTH DIFFICULT IN EXECUTION AND IN ITS AFTER EFFECTS! It was cruel, sure. And I get the guilt, but honestly, it was Cora (An uncontrollable monster) or Rumple (Someone who had been persuaded to do good in the past and could in the future AND had two morality pets to keep him on the straight and narrow). Fuck the noise where this was a wrong decision and that GOD this is the last instance where Snow says something like that! “There were other paths -- harder paths.” AND THEY WOULD’VE RESULTED IN MASS MURDERS ALL AROUND. FUCK! The ONLY good thing about that shitty flashback in “The Cricket Game” was that you supposedly learned that this idea was bullshit and you just threw that idea out like a dirty diaper! FUCK THIS SET OF LINES! It’s especially infuriating because it comes in the middle of a GREAT Snow scene where her optimism and leadership are so well shown!
Finally, What’s interesting to me is how Killian immediately dismisses Emma’s speech about being alone and being part of something by asking “Why are you really doing this?” Bae, being dead and Henry no longer having a father, is the spark that becomes the flame of his redemption. I’m with @sab031794 with the idea that Bae is definitely his turning point, while Emma’s words further the point, something he appreciates. Insights - Stream of Consciousness -Was there ever a concrete answer as to who drew the Milah drawing? Was it Killian? Milah herself? Like one of the people at theme park who paints people? -SMEE!! So by this point, is Smee Killian’s first mate or is he still just a regular crew member? Also, got to hand it to Smee for his faith in Killian. Smee’s a scared dude, so to see him with so much resolve in his voice as he tells Killian that they’ll avenge Milah, it’s so much bigger of a moment! -I didn’t realize how closely this episode borders on child trafficking until now! Dark. -I’ll never quite be over the way Bae’s eyes pop when he tells someone what happened to his father. Powerful! -It’s great seeing Killian piece together the puzzle that’s this new boy and immediately making a plan upon realizing just who he is. -It’s so creepy seeing how having only Lacey to depend on as a morality chain can corrupt Rumple so much. Hurting Henry to save himself at the very least was a point he was torn on when he first found Neal and learned the truth about his and Henry’s relation. But as he sees Henry on the swing, he’s so close to giving in and killing Henry. (Okay, someone write a dark ass fic where this happens. Henry dies and Emma goes crazy trying to figure out if his death was an accident or not. Can you IMAGINE the final confrontation there?!) Also, I refuse to believe it’s a coincidence that it’s David that snaps him out of it. Sheep Bros to the rescue! -Colin acts that last scene in the mine so freakin’ well! Like, less than three minutes later, that’s gonna turn out to be horseshit, but he sells that so believably! -I will say, while I don’t like a lot of platitudes this season, I’m cool with Henry’s “work together” schtick. -David, that was an amazing punch! XD -WHAT AN EXCELLENT REGAL BELIEVER SCENE! Once again, Regina apologizes to Henry and it’s very sincere. She’s not blaming anyone and is saying that it’s she who failed to live up to his standards. And Henry’s reaction does not absolve her, but lets her know that he loves her. THAT is GOOD! -”The things we do for our children.” This is kind of a weird line. -I love how it’s so obvious that this Pan is “him” and they are doing every backflip to make this a killer twist. -Oh My God! Felix is trying to be so menacing and it is just the HAMMIEST thing ever! XD I love it! It’s not appropriate at all to the mood they’re setting, but fuck it! I love it! -Grumpy, that is the best cup I have ever seen! I can’t even blame you for taking it back for Sneezy (And then maybe channel your inner-Stealthy and take it for yourself)! -I’ve been trying to do a count of the number of men in KIllian’s crew. So far, I’ve seen at most six pirates (Killian and Smee included). Does anyone have a better count? -Left is port, right is starboard. I don’t know why, but I always forget it. Hopefully, Captain Hook will be able to help me remember! -It’s interesting to me how Killian, even when he was just using Bae, used a real and vulnerable part of his life to relate to him. It’s great insight into Killian’s life and a subtle nudge in the direction of Killian coming to care for Bae even before the truly touching moment on the scene hits. -I do have to wonder, why does Killian want to live so badly? During “The Outsider,” Killian was more than willing to die so that he could return to Milah, but he wouldn’t have even killed Rumple then (though one could argue that he’d at least leave a black mark on Rumple and Belle’s relationship). Here, he’d be killing Rumple and there’s no sign he care about saving anyone else. -”I’m not your mate.” Give it a season, Davey! -Emma and Regina work brilliantly together here. There’s such a softness to Regina sacrifice and the way Emma tries to fight against what looks to be the inevitable. It’s a great testament to their dynamic. -Wow! The CG for the destruction of Storybrooke is awful! XD -Farewell, Lacey. I hardly knew ye. -Snow, that is not all of Storybrooke. That’s not even a quarter of Storybrooke. There should be a giant ass crowd of people, not just your besties! -The moment when Bae is told the truth of his mother by Killian is so powerful! There’s so much rage, passion, and love, all of it left on on the floor in the scene. -”I’ll track them down in Hell if I have to.” Granted it’s not regarding the same character, but give it a few seasons, Emma! -”There’s no way. I spent a lifetime trying to cross worlds to find my son.” Hindsight makes that line utterly hysterical! -Rumple! Let Belle help! Get some other stooge to cast the protection spell! Belle’s such a good tracker! -Why is this goodbye making me flashforward to Belle’s death?! *bawls* -GOLDEN HOOK WORKING TOGETHER!!! That look they exchange as they understand the map’s destination! YES! I’M FILLED WITH THE POWER OF YESSSSSS! Arcs - How are These Storylines Progressing? Regina’s Redemption - Regina’s redemption was handled masterfully in this episode. The focus of it was put on Henry. As the inevitability of the end hits her, all she can and does focus on is keeping Henry alive. But that’s not all. Her acceptance of ehr bad reputation being her own fault goes a long way towards washing away the exasperation from the last few episodes away. Her sacrifice works on every level, reinfusing sympathy into Regina without it feeling out of character because of the sharp focus on Henry. Rumple’s Redemption - So like usual, Rumple takes one step back and one step forward, and I felt that it mostly worked. I say mostly because I don’t really get how Lacey attempting to use Bae’s shawl is the turning point for Rumple using the memory potion on Lacey. It’s not like Lacey used the shawl maliciously and she even apologized for it. Was it so she could help him grieve? If so, I wish it came across better. That said, I like the effect that Lacey has been corrupting Rumple, but he realizes that he both needs Belle in her real state and that his thoughts of murdering Henry are awful and need to be shunted. At the same time, he’s not willing to lend a finger to help with the end of the world. Killian’s Redemption - What’s interesting to me is how early on in this episode, Killian is pointed at for not believing in something by Tamara, and when he does turn, Killian himself is one of the most belief-heavy people on the show! Additionally, in the flashback, Killian is so belief-heavy, believing that he can get his revenge on the Dark One and later that he and Bae can fill the empty holes in their hearts. But aside from that, Killian’s turn around is actually pretty simply set up for a sympathetic character. First, it comes through in the decision to go to the heroes to help stop the diamond, knowing they’re more effective. Second, it’s of course the decision to turn his ship around. It represents Killian’s decision to start caring again, allowing himself in a way to be reborn. Emma Accepting Her Parents - “Mom...Dad…” ...Do I even need to say any more? ...Well, apart from the fact that it’s a great closing out of the arc in the beginning of the season, it’s also a PHENOMENAL setup for the events of Season 3. Greg and Tamara - Greg and Tamara kind of get stupid in this finale upon revealing that they don’t know who runs the home office and all the deflectation that takes place when Killian questions them. Really? A group of people who supposedly value science over magic wouldn’t ask who their boss is? Favorite Dynamic Emma and Regina - Emma and Regina are amazing to watch. The episode doesn’t pretend that they’re friends or even that they like each other all that much, but that their bond over Henry is powerful enough that they can overcome those facts and at least start in that direction. For the first time, I feel these two come together as real mothers. They act in Henry’s best interests and that includes saving the other, being honest to Henry, and portraying the other in a good light. Darker Elements (TW: Mention of Child Trafficking) I’ve seen it be said that Killian’s decision to abandon Baelfire was the most evil moment of his life. While I’m not sure how much I believe that, I must point out how this is as close to child trafficking as OUAT can ever get without outright saying it, and that is fucking dark. While trying to examine my own feelings on the issue, I think in terms of the show, because of the fantastical distance of the child trafficking being conducted in an equally fantastical way by a pirate with a hook for a hand and a set of children in cloaks putting a boy in a dinghy to take him to Peter Pan, it’s different than other instances of Darker Elements that I’ve already touched on. If a woman is assaulted or someone is raped by deception, the resonance with the treatment of women and the realities of sexual assault, especially in our modern political climate, makes it difficult to cloud with fantastical elements. And I’m not saying trafficking isn’t, but it’s not something a large portion of OUAT’s audience sees on a constant basis.
Writer A&E are as usual in charge of the finale, and honestly, while well delivered, I expected better. So much of the dialogue works, and that makes the fact that some of the crucial dialogue doesn’t hurt so badly. I feel like they were trying to make square pegs fit in round holes when they talk about things like Killian choosing to be alone and how kiling Cora was easy and and how Rumple decides to turn back Belle because Lacey accidentally used Bae’s shawl as a napkin. it almost overshadows the genuinely good dialogue in other places and I feel like with another draft, those problems would either be minimized or non existent. It pains me how this episode reminds me in a lot of respects more of “The Heart is a Lonely Hunter” (My current least favorite episode of the series) than some of their better episodes like “Broken.” Rating 8/10. I’ve been torn on ratings before, but never quite like this. So much of the Season 2 finale does work, but it does have failings and they chip away. However, I’ve gone on about some of the dialogue choices enough. Let’s talk about the good stuff. This episode is a good culmination point for so many of the arcs started and presents a good jumping off point for them to be furthered in the next season. It’s entertaining to watch emotionally resonates where it counts. It’s dark, but optimistic and has that Once-y feel! Flip My Ship - Home of All Things “Shippy Goodness” Swan Fire - We get to see some pretty sad and yet hopeful Swan Fire stuff. Emma is barely able to mourn Neal’s loss, but when she tells Henry and Killian the truth, you really feel the grief she’s going through. And then Neal’s alive! Swan Queen - It was so great seeing Emma and Regina working together! You really feel for the emotional bond they’ve formed as they fight off the diamond and it’s gotta be said that there’s a serious weight to the fact that the two of them together managed to fight off something that neither thought possible. Captain Swan - I feel like Emma and Killian really get their deserved start here. Emma not only tries to get her bean back, but tries to invite him to the hero squad with as much effort as she can given all else on her plate. And while it initially doesn’t work, Emma’s speech does find its resonance with Killian through remembering of his love for Bae. Rumbelle - My thoughts on how Rumple decided to use the potion aside, the moment where Belle comes back and they kiss is beautiful and heartwarming, as is their goodbye at the docks. Grumpy Beauty - Grumpy went out of his way as they were all gonna die to get another memory potion to restore Belle! That is so cute!!! I love this ship!!! There’s also such a real feeling of sacrifice as Rumple sees Belle off before his trip to Neverland. ()()()()()()()()() Oh My God! Season 2 is completed!!! Well, sort of! Like last season, I’m going to do my overview where I talk about everything from the quality of the season itself to the best dynamics to who was the best writer! I hope you’ll join me for it because it’s gonna be a lot of fun!
Thank you all for reading and to the fine folks at @watchingfairytales! Couldn’t have done it without you!
See you next time!
Season 2 Tally (194/220) Writer Tally for Season 2: Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis: (58/60)* Jane Espenson (44/50)* Andrew Chambliss and Ian Goldberg (40/50)* David Goodman (24/30)* Robert Hull (24/30)* Christine Boylan (26/30)* Kalinda Vazquez (28/30)* Daniel Thomsen (18/20)* * Indicates that their work for the season is complete Operation Rewatch Archives
#ouat#once upon a time#watching fairytales#ouat 2x22#ouat rewatch#jenna watches ouat#tw: mentions of child trafficking
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Rewatching last night’s episode because I think I was a bit distracted from time to time. Running thoughts below:
Kids, I know you’re prisoners, but that’s no reason to not wipe your mouths. Honestly.
Alright, that’s still weird. Also, I can’t imagine the kind of bug problems that witch has having a house like that.
I know I’m biased, but can someone aside from Alice and Killian acknowledge in one episode that he’s cursed, too? And maybe focus a little bit on helping him, too? Okay, I need to chill.
Still a nice shot. Jacinda and Sabine also look so good in this scene.
Damn those jeans look good on you, murderface.
This isn’t how you treat your besties, Hansel. Not without a safe word established.
“I know who you are, Captain.” That annoyed look on her face and her calling him “Captain Curse” better be frustration that he’s still asleep instead of her being rude to him again....
YAS I’m going to imagine Margot and Rogers realizing who the other is to Tilly and chatting about her.
I can’t help but want to go all DC Comics about the pronunciation for Ivo.
Dude, you know better than to tell your children to leave breadcrumbs. First of all, you all are seriously not looking like the richest people, so how about not wasting food? And, really, it just isn’t a logical choice.
OMG Hansel! His legit desire to be Henry’s friend! HE’S SO HEARTBREAKING! Bless this scene. I seriously had no idea how they were going to reconcile this whole thing, but this had me buying it.
Finally they’re bringing back the author thing. Also the fact that Henry is terrible at subtlety.
Sabine, dear, if Drew is helpful with the fryers and Tilly brings in business, how about occasionally having them work together and you relax a little?
WHY ARE SO MANY PEOPLE AWAKE AND NOT THE ONES I WANT TO BE AWAKE?! Oh, right, potentially the poisoned heart situation that NO ONE HAS HELPED WITH, YET.
Supportive words and “you’re still here, annoying me”...Weaver-Rumple is my favorite Rumple.
I do really love that, aside from Henry, the OG ones this season are all former villains. This season has done well to show a different side of them.
Zelena, you used to be in a similar house and had a similar fireplace, I’m sure. You cannot tell me you don’t know how to start a fire without magic.
Literally every other guy Zelena is pictured with is a better love story than Zades.
“I just have to do something first.” Seriously, why didn’t you tell him anything more?
ROGERS!!! Being a good boy! Being a good detective! Being a good bro!
If only you had a nail you could snap that rope with...
Yay! Being shown he’s Lucy’s dad!
Ugh, Henry, believe it!
I feel so bad for murderface here trying to convince Henry and failing.
“I’ve been tied to enough trees with you to know these ropes won’t hold.” What the hell kinda kinky things did you boys get up to???
I do enjoy the dynamic between Regina and Zelena this season.
Heh. Candy Crush.
Okay, but how did Hansel and Gretel get out of there? What the heck happened? Why did the witch not say anything? Pride, maybe...?
You know, for having once been a “dive” apparently, Roni’s looks like a super cool place to hang out.
How did he know where Chad was and when? I mean, I get that Henry alerted him to the fact that Kelly was a “real woman with a real fiancé” but how do you know where he is?
I do love that stairs shot. Good job, Lana!
Zelena, seriously, this still isn’t your home. You should knock before letting yourself in. Unless you really had gotten close over those few days? IDK.
HOW DID YOU KIDS GET OUT?!?! At least you finally washed your faces.
Yeah, actually, you could have told him when you were leaving to get them? Maybe? “I think I know where they are.” Or something? Anything?
Alright, this dude hardcore overreacts. I don’t blame Zelena for getting pissed off. Of course, I do blame her for burning a kid’s arms. Jeez, woman.
I know Hansel is super pissed off at her, but he just got super burned. I don’t think he’d be calm enough in that second to make that face.
“Must be a bitch trying to keep track of your driver’s licenses.” Hehehe. I find that line more entertaining that I should.
“You remember the last time we played this game.” You mean when you burned the hell out of a kid? Yeah, fun game.
“I’ve changed.” *knock out* “more or less.” Ha!
That look of forced smiling and panic is such a sad face and good on Bex for that brief second where you seriously feel everything Zelena is feeling.
Hahaha I really do want to know why Regina has handcuffs. Yeah, I’m going to think she has them from Rogers and they had a few happy happy fun times back in that room. They both need some ways to relax.
Awww, Zelena being so sad and resigned. WTF Once, you managed to make me like her this season. How did you do it?!
Awww! Precious family hug! And I find it adorable how he cradles Lucy’s head.
Poor Naveen. :(
“Go on you monkey. You get on that bike and fly.” HAHAHAHA. Okay, this was both a really weird and adorableish line? I do like the callback to her introduction as Kelly.
Omfg I love Margot/Robin. “Crime boss, I knew it!”
Awwwww supportive Zelena!
“It’s still really early.” Not as early as you think it might be.
Awwwww!!!! Maid of honor!!!!! So cute! Good job on your momming skills in this scene, Zelena.
I like the shot with the bike spokes. Again, good job Lana.
How did Facilier get into that room without anyone seeing him? I know he has magic, but that was just a straight up stroll in.
Oh, look, Gothel and Facilier both after the dagger and both likely screwing with my poor baby, Alice. I hope you both go away now.
Such an anticlimactic end to Jack...
I AM SO HYPED FOR THE NEXT EPISODE! Seriously, cannot friggin wait. So many questions are going to be answered! Golden Hook! KnightRook! Curious Archer! Curious Weaver? Idk but SO HERE FOR IT!
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Thunderbirds Chapter 14
T/W: Oh look, more smut!
When I woke back up the sun was coming out, and I laid there against Shannon's chest while I watched the dust motes in the morning light and thought about the last twenty-four hours. Shannon had said we'd only just started but I think he knew this wasn't a start. This was just a two-day long goodbye that was already almost half over. I had been clear from the start. I had been firm about my reasons. I probably shouldn't have said I'd think about it because even though I knew I wasn't going to think about much else, the end result was not going to change and it wasn't fair to let him hope. But short of turning him out of bed and sending him on his way now I didn't know how to make it much clearer to him. It's not like ending things now was going to make any of this any easier. I'd as well enjoy what little time we had left.
I carefully climbed over Shannon so as not to wake him and pulled on a t-shirt and my robe before making a quick dash to the bathroom. Roger either was not awake yet or had gone out, there was no sign of him. I stopped in the kitchen long enough to start a pot of coffee and then returned to the bedroom, hoping to slip back into bed before Shannon awoke. He was already up though, sleepily stretching those muscular arms as he waited for me to rejoin him. I shrugged off my robe and slid under the blanket.
“I put a pot of coffee on,” I told him, snuggling back into his arms. He gave me a light kiss.
“Look at you, starting the coffee as soon as you're conscious. I knew we were meant for each other,” he said.
I returned his kiss a bit more deeply. “Is that the only reason?”
He smiled at me. “Well, you are kind of cute and you make some mean tacos.”
I laughed and pulled him in for another kiss. He looked so ridiculously hot all sleepy and rumpled, with heavy eyes and messy hair. I couldn't resist him. I slid my legs over to straddle him, running my tongue over those full lips of his before diving in for more. He locked his hands at the small of my back and pulled me against him, waiting until I paused for air before saying anything.
“Okay, better wake up than coffee even,” he laughed. I just grinned and pulled my tee off over my head. “Definitely better.”
Now that I was feeling a little more comfortable I wanted to take some time and enjoy my sexy temporary boyfriend to the fullest. I began moving my kisses further down, nibbling my way across his chin and jaw, amused at the way his stubble made my lips feel stung. I paused at his earlobe, feathering my tongue across it before sucking it into my mouth for a hungry nip. That elicited a grumble from my sleepy bear and I remembered he had acted similarly when I had paid his earlobes attention before.
“Oh, you like that do you?” I said teasingly, moving over to the other ear. He groaned again before pulling me back to center.
“Someone's feeling saucy this morning,” he said playfully, fusing his lips against mine for a kiss that left no doubt that he approved. I wiggled my hips against him, letting myself slide down until his rapidly hardening cock was trapped between his stomach and my own aroused core.
“Mm-hmm,” I said, rolling my slick folds up and down the length of him, enjoying the way his shaft felt as it rubbed against my all my tender bits. “See what a monster you created?”
He kissed me again, his hips grinding in time with my own. “I thought you liked monsters and scary things.”
“Oh, I do.” I pulled away for a moment to grab a condom, then settled back to give myself room to sheath him. “Let's see if you like this one.”
Bracing myself against his chest I raised my hips before carefully settling down on his thick shaft. He watched me with naked fascination as my head fell back as he filled me, lust spreading through my cells like a magic spell. As I undulated against him I pulled his hand up to my mouth, sucking his thick fingers in as I rode him.
“Jesus, Janey,” he groaned as he reached for my hip, “this monster can come out and play anytime.”
I slipped his hand down to my breast and leaned back, bracing myself against his thighs. I had started moaning and swearing again, and I was astounded at how little I cared. I was finally outside of my head for once. It was amazing.
Shannon slipped his hand over to the junction between us, sliding across my lips a few times before narrowing in on my swollen clit. I found myself writhing shamelessly against his hand, shouting as my orgasm slammed through me and left me pulsing around him. He gave me just a minute to stop trembling and then slid me over onto my stomach. I felt his warm lips brush the base of my spine, and he kissed his way upward as he surged back into me. Since I wasn't looking at him now, I was so much more aware of the sensations of him. I could feel the heat of his skin as he pressed his back against me, the dusting of hair on his thighs as they gripped my own. He was moving much slower now, the pace much more sensual as he continued to rain kisses all along my shoulders. My shouts quieted to whimpers and as I reached back to touch him he twined his fingers into mine, gripping my hands tightly as he took his time with me. This was a completely different spell than the one I had woven on top of him.
“Fuck, Shannon....” I whispered against his hand, the long, slow ride pushing me somewhere new. He kept the pace steady as the heat between us built. I could feel him pulsing inside me, and in this position, every time he rocked his hips as he withdrew his head would drag across my g-spot, sending little shock waves out from my center. It was incredibly intense, and I was desperate for release, but when I tried to pull my hand back to reach my clit Shannon just gripped it tighter. I whimpered in protest.
“Wait for it Janey,” he breathed into my ear. “It'll be worth it I promise. I won't leave you hanging.”
Fuck. I couldn't say anything, I just curled my toes and writhed against him. He just kept up that relentless motion, pulling himself across that sensitive nub of flesh in my channel, and I could feel the heat there growing. It was if all my blood was pooling right there at my center, creating a sort of heavy fire that was blotting out every other sensation. I was mewling and keening beneath him, and just when I was sure I couldn't handle any more of this sensual torment everything shattered, and I crashed in around him, devastating waves of pleasure carrying me off as I screamed into the blanket I had futilely shoved my face into. As I lie there shaking Shannon's hips convulsed forward a few times and then he was coming apart too with a shout. He collapsed next to me and for the longest time I lay unmoving, completely overwhelmed, feeling like I was returning from a trip to the moon. When I finally got my wits about me again I looked over to see he had propped himself up on his elbow and was grinning down at me. I smacked him in the center of his chest.
“Ow, hey, what the hell was that for?” he said with a laugh of protest.
“You asshole,” I told him. “You can do that and all I got in the treehouse was that weak shit?”
He laughed at me. “I told you that was awful. Do you believe me now?” He gave me a quick kiss. “I was drunk and stupid but I was just so happy to be with you, Janey. I'm just glad I got a second chance.”
I tried not to remember how I had screwed that all up and snuggled my head into the crook of his arm. We were damp and sweaty and the sheets were a disaster and I was just about to suggest a shower when I heard knocking at my bedroom door.
“If you kids could come up for air for a minute that would be great,” Roger called from the other side.
“I'm pretty sure I'm like five years older than you,” Shannon retorted.
“Okay, old man,” Roger amended, “if you could climb off my bestie for a few minutes I'd like to talk to her.”
I climbed out of bed on wobbly legs and pulled my robe on before answering the door. Roger stood on the other side with a couple of bags and a smile.
“So,” he said, shoving one bag at me, “there's not much in the house and I didn't want you adorable little sex fiends getting dehydrated so I brought you some Gatorade and protein bars.”
I heard Shannon laughing on the bed behind me. “Seriously?” I said. Roger continued on, handing me the second bag.
“You're not used to having this much sex so take some advice, get up and pee afterward and drink this. It's cranberry juice. Honeymoon cystitis is not a good companion for your first day on your new job.”
I snatched the bag away from him, mortified. “What the hell Roger. You don't even have a vagina. How do you know these things?”
“Also, as a side note,” he said, ignoring the question completely, “I am feeling really bad right now that we're only just discovering that you're a screamer.” This brought a roar of laughter from behind me. I would have punched Roger if I didn't have my hands full. He probably planned it that way just for that very reason. He leaned around me so he could address Shannon. “Good job!” he smirked, giving him a thumbs up signal. I kicked the door closed. Roger continued shouting on the other side.
“Also, there are more condoms in a basket in my room if you need them! And lube in the top drawer if that's your thing! Going back out now! Bye!”
I tossed the bags on the desk and waited for Shannon to stop laughing.
“He's like a perverted mother hen,” Shannon said, smiling.
“Sorry.” In spite of Roger's embarrassing delivery I knew he knew his subject material so I opened the bottle of cranberry juice and took a swig. “I'm sure the coffee is ready by now.”
He got out of bed and pulled his briefs on. “I should probably call Jared so he knows I'm not passed out in a gutter somewhere.”
“How about you do that, I'll strip the bed, and then we'll get some coffee and showers?”
I managed to find some sweats and a t-shirt in Roger's room so Shannon could get changed once he got out of the shower. I would have climbed into the shower with him, he seemed to bring out my inner nympho, but our shower was ridiculously tiny and there wouldn't have been room to do anything anyway. He let me shower first, so while I waited for him I put down fresh sheets and straightened up. By the time he re-emerged I was waiting on the sofa, coffee in hand. He took his cup and snuggled up to me, and the first thing I did was take a big sniff of him. He smelled like my soap now and it was still wonderful and still Shannon.
“You smell me an awful lot,” he pointed out.
I shrugged. “Can't help it. You're the best thing I've ever smelled.”
He wrapped his arms around me, carefully balancing his coffee mug. “I find that hard to believe.” He took a careful sip from his cup. “So, what do you want to do for the rest of your last full day in Los Angeles?”
“I don't care,” I told him. “I've seen everything I wanted to see while I've been here. I don't have anyone else I need to say goodbye to. Everything that's going with us is packed, and Roger has someone coming to get everything else out of here on Sunday after we're gone. When I said I was all yours, I really meant I was all yours.”
Shannon thought for a minute. “Okay, let's go grab something to eat, then swing by my place. I want to get a change of clothes and my camera.”
I narrowed my eyes. “Why do you want your camera?”
“Why do you usually want a camera Jane?” I continued frowning at him. “If you're running off to the other side of the country I'm getting some pictures of you.”
“I don't really know if I want to run into Jared.”
“He won't be there. It'll just be us. It'll be great.” He took another sip of his coffee before continuing, more softly. “Of course, if you didn't run off on me I wouldn't need pictures to remember you by.”
Not this again. “Shannon, please, I already explained. Please don't spoil today.”
He pressed his lips against mine, and I tasted toothpaste and the coffee he had just drunk. “I won't say another word, I promise, if you just come with me.”
@msroxyblog @nikkitasevoli
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