#roger has also grown on me a lot. ESPECIALLY with how frontiers allowed him to demonstrate his voice acting talent
timewontwait · 2 years
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small reminder that this sonic is heavily based on the adventure --- unleashed era of sonic (including sonic x, as well as bits and bats from the archie comics + AOSTH). it was the era i grew up on, so naturally it’s what i think of when it comes to writing him. and his voice claim is jason griffith! but i do really enjoy ryan’s sonic a lot, too. i especially liked that the sonic & tails R podcast demonstrated his take on sonic without all the loud blasting music the old games he was in typically had dfjkds. but yeah... jason’s sonic is what i think of whenever i write dialogue for this guy. 
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sophfandoms53 · 2 years
Speaking of RCS, it was such a pleasure hearing his voice in TOH again before Sonic Frontiers!
Yeee it was like a nice little treat!
Also I’m answering this now bc I have time and we’ve gotten some more voice clips from Sonic in Frontiers and everyone has been voicing their opinions and I’m gonna toss my two cents out there bc why not.
To start off, I do like how Roger’s sounds. This is definitely the best he’s sounded in a modern main-line game and I’m pretty sure it’ll be his strongest performance in this category as well. There’s this nice balance in his tone depending on the line and the context which plays a role in his delivery, so we have a more serious and low tone for some lines and a slightly higher and fun tone for other lines.
It shows off Roger’s range and I like that.
Now the issue is very much a me thing, but even after these clips, I still don’t hear Sonic when he’s talking. Again that’s totally a me problem and this can very much change once the full game is out. I just know Roger’s voice regardless of his character so when Sonic is talking I’m just hearing Roger play Sonic rather than just hearing Sonic.
I’ve seen people talking about him being a miscast and i don’t rlly agree with that. The guy can sound good as Sonic, he has in the past, it’s just a matter of Roger’s voice being recognizable and for me that’s distracting. I can usually get into a character regardless of recognizing their actor but it’s been so hard for me to do that with Roger.
I’ve grown very fond of this entire cast and I do enjoy Roger’s Sonic a lot more than I did as a kid, but something about his portrayal just hasn’t clicked with me personally and that’s totally fine.
I think my problem is that I prefer it when Sonic has a higher, energetic, and more cartoony voice, if that makes sense. Ryan and Jason both did this with their Sonic voices and they both could dial it back when the scene called for it, and it sounds like Deven is heading in this direction too based on the Prime trailers. I just kinda prefer Sonic sounding like he’s a character rather than sounding like a person, that probably sounds dumb LMAOO, so Roger’s lower voice and delivery has always thrown me off bc it sounds too natural.
Now I don’t dislike Roger’s deeper voice the way other people do. Even if I prefer a higher voice, I still think it works pretty decently, especially when things get serious and he’s lowering it for that purpose. It’s just his delivery I’m still getting used to. And Roger can pitch his voice up to be higher, his Sonic voice actually started higher than it currently is, and I enjoy those a lot, but again for me the issue with Roger has never been his tone, it’s been his delivery.
His Boom performance is still my favorite of his because of that balance of a higher, energetic, and cartoony portrayal he gives his Sonic voice even with the deeper voice. It’s a solid delivery and it’s why I like it so much. I do think we’ll get that in Frontiers, it’s just rn clips all from several different scenes.
Again, I still like his performance, I’m loving the range he’s finally being allowed to show. I think he’ll do a wonderful job, it def sounds like he will, and I just gotta fight the part of my brain that keeps me from vibing with him.
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