#rodolfo friedmann
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Production et réalisation de reportages, enquêtes, entretiens, portraits et documentaires au long cours, dans la tradition du journalisme engagé (concerned).
Journalisme engagé
“Le véritable journalisme est toujours motivé, c’est-à-dire qu’il se fixe des objectifs et vise à instaurer une forme de changement. Le bon journalisme ne peut qu’être ainsi. Si vous lisez les textes des meilleurs journalistes, les œuvres de Mark Twain, Ernest Hemingway, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, vous constaterez vous-mêmes qu’ils ont pratiqué un journalisme engagé. Chacun d’eux se bat pour une cause. Il raconte pour atteindre un but, pour obtenir un résultat.”
Ryszard Kapuściński, Autoportrait d’un reporter, Plon, 2008 (textes choisis par Krystyna Strączek ; traduit du polonais par Véronique Patte), et Flammarion, 2010 (présentation, choix de textes, notes et dossier par Patrice Kleef, traduction [du polonais] de Véronique Patte).
Pour Pascual Serrano, qui dans son maître-ouvrage* évoque le journalisme engagé tel que le pratiquaient des auteurs comme Rodolfo Walsh, Robert Capa, Edgar Snow ou Ryszard Kapuściński, un des talents de John Reed* était de donner la parole aux protagonistes des histoires, qu’il s’agisse des grandes grèves du textile à Paterson, aux États-Unis, de la rébellion des contrées poussiéreuses du nord du Mexique, des tranchées de la Grande Guerre en Europe ou du Palais d’hiver à Petrograd, où les bolcheviques ont établi leur quartier général. L’objectif était de faire tomber les stéréotypes à partir de l’information et de la vérité. Ce que John Reed énonce clairement dans la préface de son livre sur la révolution russe (Dix jours…) : « Dans la lutte, mes sympathies n’étaient pas neutres. Mais, lorsqu’il s’est agi de relater l’histoire de ces grandes journées, je me suis efforcé de contempler le spectacle avec les yeux d’un reporter consciencieux, attaché à dire la vérité. » * Contra la neutralidad. Tras los pasos de John Reed, Ryszard Kapuściński, Rodolfo Walsh, Edgar Snow y Robert Capa, Barcelone, Ediciones Península, 2011. ** Auteur du Mexique insurgé (1914), un recueil de reportages sur la révolution mexicaine, et des Dix jours qui ébranlèrent le monde (1919), la plus célèbre chronique de la révolution russe de 1917.
Cornell Capa (1918–2008) chose the phrase « concerned photographer » to describe those photographers who demonstrated in their work a humanitarian impulse to use pictures to educate and change the world, not just to record it. During a long career as a photographer, Capa worked for « Life magazine » from 1946 to 1967, and for the Magnum Photos agency beginning in 1954, covering social and political issues in the United States, as well as England, the Soviet Union, Israel, and Central and South America… « Concerned photography » is the recording of what the world looks like, with a social and/or environmental focus. It is a form of documentary photography, with the aim to draw the public’s attention to ongoing social issues. It may also refer to a socially critical genre of photography.
Cornell Capa (né Kornél Friedmann, frère cadet de Robert Capa) a choisi l’expression « photographe concerné » (ou « photographe engagé ») pour décrire celles et ceux qui montraient dans leur travail un motif humanitaire à utiliser des images pour instruire et changer le monde, pas seulement pour l’observer. Au cours d’une longue carrière de reporter, C. Capa a travaillé pour Life magazine, de 1946 à 1967, et pour l’agence Magnum Photos, à partir de 1954, couvrant principalement des sujets sociaux et politiques aux États-Unis, ainsi qu’en Angleterre, Union soviétique, Israël, en Amérique centrale et du Sud… La “photographie engagée” fait le constat de ce à quoi le monde ressemble, avec un accent social ou environnemental. Il s’agit d’une forme de photographie documentaire et critique, dont le but est d’attirer l’attention du public sur les problèmes sociaux. Observateur critique
“Je me suis autodésigné comme observateur critique de la société dans laquelle je suis né, avec une tendance à faire honneur et donner une reconnaissance à ce qui est souvent ignoré ou invisible.” David Goldblatt Documentaire critique
“Ainsi, nous entendons ne pas laisser dans l’ombre qui et quoi que ce soit, et cela fonde à notre sens un projet documentaire. Nous ne saurions refuser le monde, ses évidences, au profit d’un monde uniquement tourné vers le profit, l’exclusion, l’exploitation, le nationalisme étroit. Nous préférons considérer, au contraire, les subalternes, ceux qui sont les grands acteurs de l’Histoire bien qu’ils aient disparu des sphères organisées de la visibilité. (…) La photographie documentaire entend s’exercer comme une des modalités de pensée critique du monde, pour le pire et le meilleur, mais surtout dans un large mouvement prospectif pour l’avenir.” Philippe Bazin
Une façon de vivre
“L’appareil photographique est pour moi un carnet de croquis, l’instrument de l’intuition et de la spontanéité, le maître de l’instant qui, en termes visuels, questionne et décide à la fois. Pour « signifier » le monde, il faut se sentir impliqué dans ce que l’on découpe à travers le viseur. Cette attitude exige de la concentration, de la sensibilité, un sens de la géométrie. C’est par une économie de moyens et surtout un oubli de soi-même que l’on arrive à la simplicité d’expression. Photographier : c’est retenir son souffle quand toutes nos facultés convergent pour capter la réalité fuyante ; c’est alors que la saisie d’une image est une grande joie physique et intellectuelle. Photographier : c’est dans un même instant et en une fraction de seconde reconnaître un fait et l’organisation rigoureuse de formes perçues visuellement qui expriment et signifient ce fait. C’est mettre sur la même ligne de mire la tête, l’œil et le cœur. C’est une façon de vivre.” Henri Cartier-Bresson
L’humanité de l’instant
“S’il est une chose que doit posséder une photographie, c’est l’humanité de l’instant. Cette forme de photographie est appelée réalisme. Mais le réalisme seul ne suffit pas. Il doit être visionnaire. C’est à ce prix qu’une photographie pourra être réussie. La ligne est ténue où s’arrête le sujet et commence l’esprit.” Robert Frank
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Enrique Buzarquis pide pérdida de investidura a Zacarías Irún
Enrique Buzarquis pide pérdida de investidura a Zacarías Irún
Enrique Buzarquis pide pérdida de investidura: Enrique Buzarquis, senador del partido liberal, anunció en el día de hoy que presentará un proyecto de perdida de investidura para su par colorado Javier Zacarías Irún.
Enrique Buzarquis pide pérdida de investidura
El mismo señala que el legislador cartista se encuentra en la misma situación que Rodolfo Friedmann, Tanto Javier Zacarías Irún…
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Gobierno paraguayo aprueba el mayor paquete de transgénicos de la historia
Gobierno paraguayo aprueba el mayor paquete de transgénicos de la historia
🍃 Los 13 nuevos productos transgénicos son variedades de soja, maíz y algodón que según la información brindada por el propio MAG pertenecen a las trasnacionales INDEAR, BASF, Syngenta, Dow y Monsanto, este es el mayor paquete de transgénicos aprobados en la historia del país.
El Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería, a cargo del político colorado Rodolfo Friedmann, aprobó la liberación y el…
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¿Marly y Rodolfo, matrimonio pantalla? El Congreso especula: "Ambos son bisexuales"
En la sede del Congreso Nacional, el senador Rodolfo Friedmann Alfaro y su esposa, la exmodelo Marly Figueredo, son blanco de comentarios ... via Cant https://ift.tt/2Fu1fUj
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Fernando Lugo convoca a Friedmann y Gusinky para juramento
El presidente de la Cámara de Senadores, Fernando Lugo. Gentileza
El presidente del Congreso, Fernando Lugo, confirmó en la tarde de este jueves que finalmente convocó a Rodolfo Friedmann y a Mirta Gusinky, en detrimento de Horacio Cartes y Nicanor Duarte Frutos, para el acto de juramento de los senadores electos, que se realizará este sábado.
La posición con relación…
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Madrid se convierte este 2017 en la capital gay del mundo, elegida sede para la celebración del WorldPride, y por primera vez en la historia, también sede del EuroPride. Es la primera ciudad en el mundo que reunirá ambas celebraciones en la misma ciudad y en el mismo año.
WE Party se enorgullece en presentarse como fiesta oficial del Madrid World Pride 2017, os queremos presentar nuestro festival de verano WE WORLD PRIDE FESTIVAL:
Una edición con más días: 9 días
Más fiestas: 11 eventos
Localizaciones más grandes: Ciudad Del Rock, Fabrik y espacios multiusos
Las mejores salas de Madrid
3 Recintos al aire libre: open air parties
Carroza del Parade
Un año en el que esperamos más de 60.000 asistencias de personas de todo el mundo a nuestros eventos.
Madrid celebra 40 años de Orgullo, un Parade que comenzaba como una marcha reivindicativa en 1977 y que desde entonces se viene celebrando en el centro de la ciudad durante el primer fin de semana de julio.
Este año Madrid adelanta sus fechas – del 23 de junio al 2 de julio- para ampliar sus días de celebraciones, y también para coincidir con la fecha conmemorativa de los disturbios de Stonewall, la madrugada del 28 de junio de 1969 en Nueva York, y que fue el detonante de la primera marcha reivindicativa por los derechos LGBT.
El Parade de Madrid está considerada la marcha más multitudinaria del mundo desde que se celebrara en 2007 el EuroPride en la ciudad. 10 años después podemos presumir de ser uno de los Orgullos más importantes del mundo, más de 2 millones de asistentes y con expectativas de llegar a los 3 millones este año.
Un Pride que cuenta con el apoyo institucional del Gobierno Central, La comunidad de Madrid y el Ayuntamiento de Madrid, quien en 2016 declaró las Fiestas del Orgullo como Fiesta de Interés General de la ciudad.
Más de 400.000 turistas visitan la ciudad cada año con motivo de estas celebraciones. Una cifra que podría superarse durante esta edición, en la que también cumplimos 12 años de matrimonio igualitario en el país.
Como Festival y Orgullo van de la mano, desde 2016 WE Party fue nombrado fiesta oficial de estas celebraciones para el Madrid WorldPride de 2017 abanderando la ciudad y como sponsor internacional de MADO (Madrid Orgullo) en el mundo.
VIVA LA VIDA es el lema del WorlPride 2017, sin traducción, ha sido elegido como lema oficial también en cada uno de los prides de los países que forman parte de InterPride. Contará con una oferta cultural muy amplia de la mano de MADO, que organizará espectáculos en escenarios públicos en las plazas más importantes de la ciudad. WorlPride Park, en Madrid Río, será otra de las novedades más significativas de esta año.
Mientras, WE Party, se presenta como la oferta de ocio en espacios privados con WE WORLD PRIDE FESTIVAL:
Las mejores producciones: Escenarios, luces, pantallas LEDS y visuales.
Los DJS más relevantes del circuito gay: Abel – Alex Acosta – Anthony May - Aron – Binomio – Dani Toro – Dan Slater – SR Edu – Elad Navon Felipe Lira – GSP – Isaac Escalante – Ivan Gómez – Kingstone – Jack Chang - Lucas Flamefly – Micky Friedmann – Nacho Chapado – Paco Johns – Phil Romano – Rodolfo Bravat – Rony Deville – Sagi Kariv – Sebastien Triumph - Suri – Taito Tikaro - Tomo Stephan.
Chicos provenientes de todas las partes del mundo
Los mejores shows y bailarines internacionales
9 días en los que poder disfrutar del que será el mejor Pride que jamás hayas visto!
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Winter Party Festival Schedule
Winter Party
March 1-7, 2017 in Miami Beach
Winter Party is a weeklong festival of iconic dance and social events, produced to raise critical funds for the LGBTQ community. This year, experience DJs ROSABEL at the Beach Party, the return of WE Party, a special edition VERVE Afterhours, and an all-new location for the Pool Party!
Founded in 1994, the original Winter Party featured just one event, a dance party on the sands of South Beach. In the years since, Winter Party has grown into an iconic weeklong celebration featuring dozens of events and drawing crowds by the thousands from around the globe. Their method is part genius and part magic. They feature an amazing mix of people, music, entertainment and international DJ talent, in the exhilarating, world-class venues of Miami Beach. Get ready to PLAY HARD.
You can pick up your tickets at The National Hotel (official Host Hotel) which is also the site of the Welcome Center. You can also shop for swag there or have a few drinks with the people who make all the parties happen.
From Thursday, March 2 through Tuesday, March 7, Miami and Miami Beach’s hottest nightclubs will be taken over by the thousands of partiers who will come out to help raise money for the National LGBTQ Task Force. Some of the highlights of the weekend include:
Thursday, March 2
Score (1437 Washington Ave., Miami Beach)
10 p.m. – 5 a.m.
You’ve been waiting all year, and the wait is almost over! Winter Party officially gets going on the dancefloor at Ignite. This event is the perfect opportunity to get to know the people you’ll be dancing with for the next five days! Joining Winter Party for the first time, DJs Aron and Alex Lo will turn up the volume and set the pace for what promises to be a great weekend. Reunite with friends, and make new ones. Do not miss this kickoff event!
Friday, March 3
High Bar at The Dream Hotel South Beach (1111 Collins Ave., Miami Beach)
5-9 p.m.
Afternoon cocktails in Miami Beach perched atop one of the hottest hotels on the beach? Yes please! Join the revelers as the sunsets on day two of the festivities. Join DJs Dawson and Roland Belmares as they provide the beats while some of the most beautiful people Miami has to offer get down up high.
10 p.m. to 7 a.m.
Club Space (34 NE 11th ST., Miami) Every year, Friday night at Club Space is an iconic part of Winter Party Festival. This year organizers are stepping it up a notch. The all-new Friday night party HEAT is produced with Hilton Wolman Events. DJ Nacho Chapado makes his Winter Party debut alongside DJ Alex Acosta on the Space Terrace, with DJ Deanne all night in the Space Basement. Three world-class DJs, one sizzling Miami night. Be there!
Saturday, March 4
Under One Sun
12 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Deauville Beach Resort (6701 Collins Ave, Miami Beach)
Under One Sun Pool Party is one of the most popular Winter Party events. This year, organizers are moving it to one of the largest pools in Miami Beach, the Deauville Beach Resort! Move to the rhythm-inducing beats of Winter Party alumni and fan-favorite DJ Dan Slater. Get ready for DJ Kitty Glitter, making her Winter Party debut! Take to the ocean-side pool with a sea of friends and fellow festival goers; this will definitely be one of the most memorable pool parties of the year!
Illuminate I
5-11 p.m.
Palace Bar (1200 Ocean Drive)
This year, the block party at Palace Bar has been expanded and will take place on Saturday afternoon as well. Part one gets kicked off with DJs Rafael Barreto and Rodolfo Bravat after the Under One Sun Pool Party. Dancing is free, but VIP options including drinks are available at the Winter Party website.
10 p.m. to 7 a.m.
Score (1437 Washington Ave, Miami Beach)
Get ready to feel the ENERGY, our Saturday night main event with the ultra-talented DJs Micky Friedmann and Isaac Escalante on the main floor, and DJ Hannah downstairs! Two floors of world-class talent, one event so iconic it could only be Winter Party!
Sunday, March 5
The Beach Party
1:00 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Sands of South Beach at Lummus Park (12 St. and Ocean Dr.)
The Beach Party is the largest and most popular Winter Party event, the crown jewel of Winter Party. It’s hard to describe the magic of dancing on the sands of South Beach with your chosen family, and thousands of new friends from all over the world! It’s an experience you have to see to believe, and one you will never forget. For the first time EVER in 2017, Winter Party favorite ROSABEL (DJs Ralphi Rosario and Abel Aguilera) will be on deck, pounding out the beats you will not be able to resist! If you do even one event this year, it better be this one. Grab your sunscreen, your favorite speedo, and we’ll see you there!
Illuminate II
4-11 p.m.
Palace Bar (1200 Ocean Drive)
Head from the beach to the block as Winter Party rolls onto 12th street, outside Miami’s legendary Palace Bar, who is partnering with Jake Resnicow for Sunday’s block party, part two of the Illuminate series. The music, the memories and the party all keep moving, making for an unforgettable – and unstoppable – Sunday evening with DJs Erik Vilar (On the cover of Hotspots this week) and Cindel.
WE Party Sailor
10 p.m. to 5 a.m.
Copa Room (1235 Washington Ave., Miami Beach)
Just when you think you’ve seen it all … Winter Party with Masterbeat presents: WE Party Sailor! This legendary Sunday night event returns to Copa Room (formerly Mansion/Icon) for a party that you will not soon forget! Making their Winter Party debuts, DJs Binomio and Oscar Velazquez will keep you dancing all night long. This event is MASSIVE and not to be missed! Don’t forget to take off on Monday!
For a complete list of events and to find out about different ticket options that are available, visit Winter Party at WinterParty.com.
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2017/03/02/winter-party-festival-schedule/ from Hot Spots Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.tumblr.com/post/157903463720
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Winter Party Festival Schedule
Winter Party
March 1-7, 2017 in Miami Beach
Winter Party is a weeklong festival of iconic dance and social events, produced to raise critical funds for the LGBTQ community. This year, experience DJs ROSABEL at the Beach Party, the return of WE Party, a special edition VERVE Afterhours, and an all-new location for the Pool Party!
Founded in 1994, the original Winter Party featured just one event, a dance party on the sands of South Beach. In the years since, Winter Party has grown into an iconic weeklong celebration featuring dozens of events and drawing crowds by the thousands from around the globe. Their method is part genius and part magic. They feature an amazing mix of people, music, entertainment and international DJ talent, in the exhilarating, world-class venues of Miami Beach. Get ready to PLAY HARD.
You can pick up your tickets at The National Hotel (official Host Hotel) which is also the site of the Welcome Center. You can also shop for swag there or have a few drinks with the people who make all the parties happen.
From Thursday, March 2 through Tuesday, March 7, Miami and Miami Beach’s hottest nightclubs will be taken over by the thousands of partiers��who will come out to help raise money for the National LGBTQ Task Force. Some of the highlights of the weekend include:
Thursday, March 2
Score (1437 Washington Ave., Miami Beach)
10 p.m. – 5 a.m.
You’ve been waiting all year, and the wait is almost over! Winter Party officially gets going on the dancefloor at Ignite. This event is the perfect opportunity to get to know the people you’ll be dancing with for the next five days! Joining Winter Party for the first time, DJs Aron and Alex Lo will turn up the volume and set the pace for what promises to be a great weekend. Reunite with friends, and make new ones. Do not miss this kickoff event!
Friday, March 3
High Bar at The Dream Hotel South Beach (1111 Collins Ave., Miami Beach)
5-9 p.m.
Afternoon cocktails in Miami Beach perched atop one of the hottest hotels on the beach? Yes please! Join the revelers as the sunsets on day two of the festivities. Join DJs Dawson and Roland Belmares as they provide the beats while some of the most beautiful people Miami has to offer get down up high.
10 p.m. to 7 a.m.
Club Space (34 NE 11th ST., Miami) Every year, Friday night at Club Space is an iconic part of Winter Party Festival. This year organizers are stepping it up a notch. The all-new Friday night party HEAT is produced with Hilton Wolman Events. DJ Nacho Chapado makes his Winter Party debut alongside DJ Alex Acosta on the Space Terrace, with DJ Deanne all night in the Space Basement. Three world-class DJs, one sizzling Miami night. Be there!
Saturday, March 4
Under One Sun
12 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Deauville Beach Resort (6701 Collins Ave, Miami Beach)
Under One Sun Pool Party is one of the most popular Winter Party events. This year, organizers are moving it to one of the largest pools in Miami Beach, the Deauville Beach Resort! Move to the rhythm-inducing beats of Winter Party alumni and fan-favorite DJ Dan Slater. Get ready for DJ Kitty Glitter, making her Winter Party debut! Take to the ocean-side pool with a sea of friends and fellow festival goers; this will definitely be one of the most memorable pool parties of the year!
Illuminate I
5-11 p.m.
Palace Bar (1200 Ocean Drive)
This year, the block party at Palace Bar has been expanded and will take place on Saturday afternoon as well. Part one gets kicked off with DJs Rafael Barreto and Rodolfo Bravat after the Under One Sun Pool Party. Dancing is free, but VIP options including drinks are available at the Winter Party website.
10 p.m. to 7 a.m.
Score (1437 Washington Ave, Miami Beach)
Get ready to feel the ENERGY, our Saturday night main event with the ultra-talented DJs Micky Friedmann and Isaac Escalante on the main floor, and DJ Hannah downstairs! Two floors of world-class talent, one event so iconic it could only be Winter Party!
Sunday, March 5
The Beach Party
1:00 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Sands of South Beach at Lummus Park (12 St. and Ocean Dr.)
The Beach Party is the largest and most popular Winter Party event, the crown jewel of Winter Party. It’s hard to describe the magic of dancing on the sands of South Beach with your chosen family, and thousands of new friends from all over the world! It’s an experience you have to see to believe, and one you will never forget. For the first time EVER in 2017, Winter Party favorite ROSABEL (DJs Ralphi Rosario and Abel Aguilera) will be on deck, pounding out the beats you will not be able to resist! If you do even one event this year, it better be this one. Grab your sunscreen, your favorite speedo, and we’ll see you there!
Illuminate II
4-11 p.m.
Palace Bar (1200 Ocean Drive)
Head from the beach to the block as Winter Party rolls onto 12th street, outside Miami’s legendary Palace Bar, who is partnering with Jake Resnicow for Sunday’s block party, part two of the Illuminate series. The music, the memories and the party all keep moving, making for an unforgettable – and unstoppable – Sunday evening with DJs Erik Vilar (On the cover of Hotspots this week) and Cindel.
WE Party Sailor
10 p.m. to 5 a.m.
Copa Room (1235 Washington Ave., Miami Beach)
Just when you think you’ve seen it all … Winter Party with Masterbeat presents: WE Party Sailor! This legendary Sunday night event returns to Copa Room (formerly Mansion/Icon) for a party that you will not soon forget! Making their Winter Party debuts, DJs Binomio and Oscar Velazquez will keep you dancing all night long. This event is MASSIVE and not to be missed! Don’t forget to take off on Monday!
For a complete list of events and to find out about different ticket options that are available, visit Winter Party at WinterParty.com.
source https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2017/03/02/winter-party-festival-schedule/ from Hot Spots Magazine http://hotspotsmagazin.blogspot.com/2017/03/winter-party-festival-schedule.html
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Winter Party Festival Schedule
Winter Party
March 1-7, 2017 in Miami Beach
Winter Party is a weeklong festival of iconic dance and social events, produced to raise critical funds for the LGBTQ community. This year, experience DJs ROSABEL at the Beach Party, the return of WE Party, a special edition VERVE Afterhours, and an all-new location for the Pool Party!
Founded in 1994, the original Winter Party featured just one event, a dance party on the sands of South Beach. In the years since, Winter Party has grown into an iconic weeklong celebration featuring dozens of events and drawing crowds by the thousands from around the globe. Their method is part genius and part magic. They feature an amazing mix of people, music, entertainment and international DJ talent, in the exhilarating, world-class venues of Miami Beach. Get ready to PLAY HARD.
You can pick up your tickets at The National Hotel (official Host Hotel) which is also the site of the Welcome Center. You can also shop for swag there or have a few drinks with the people who make all the parties happen.
From Thursday, March 2 through Tuesday, March 7, Miami and Miami Beach’s hottest nightclubs will be taken over by the thousands of partiers who will come out to help raise money for the National LGBTQ Task Force. Some of the highlights of the weekend include:
Thursday, March 2
Score (1437 Washington Ave., Miami Beach)
10 p.m. – 5 a.m.
You’ve been waiting all year, and the wait is almost over! Winter Party officially gets going on the dancefloor at Ignite. This event is the perfect opportunity to get to know the people you’ll be dancing with for the next five days! Joining Winter Party for the first time, DJs Aron and Alex Lo will turn up the volume and set the pace for what promises to be a great weekend. Reunite with friends, and make new ones. Do not miss this kickoff event!
Friday, March 3
High Bar at The Dream Hotel South Beach (1111 Collins Ave., Miami Beach)
5-9 p.m.
Afternoon cocktails in Miami Beach perched atop one of the hottest hotels on the beach? Yes please! Join the revelers as the sunsets on day two of the festivities. Join DJs Dawson and Roland Belmares as they provide the beats while some of the most beautiful people Miami has to offer get down up high.
10 p.m. to 7 a.m.
Club Space (34 NE 11th ST., Miami) Every year, Friday night at Club Space is an iconic part of Winter Party Festival. This year organizers are stepping it up a notch. The all-new Friday night party HEAT is produced with Hilton Wolman Events. DJ Nacho Chapado makes his Winter Party debut alongside DJ Alex Acosta on the Space Terrace, with DJ Deanne all night in the Space Basement. Three world-class DJs, one sizzling Miami night. Be there!
Saturday, March 4
Under One Sun
12 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Deauville Beach Resort (6701 Collins Ave, Miami Beach)
Under One Sun Pool Party is one of the most popular Winter Party events. This year, organizers are moving it to one of the largest pools in Miami Beach, the Deauville Beach Resort! Move to the rhythm-inducing beats of Winter Party alumni and fan-favorite DJ Dan Slater. Get ready for DJ Kitty Glitter, making her Winter Party debut! Take to the ocean-side pool with a sea of friends and fellow festival goers; this will definitely be one of the most memorable pool parties of the year!
Illuminate I
5-11 p.m.
Palace Bar (1200 Ocean Drive)
This year, the block party at Palace Bar has been expanded and will take place on Saturday afternoon as well. Part one gets kicked off with DJs Rafael Barreto and Rodolfo Bravat after the Under One Sun Pool Party. Dancing is free, but VIP options including drinks are available at the Winter Party website.
10 p.m. to 7 a.m.
Score (1437 Washington Ave, Miami Beach)
Get ready to feel the ENERGY, our Saturday night main event with the ultra-talented DJs Micky Friedmann and Isaac Escalante on the main floor, and DJ Hannah downstairs! Two floors of world-class talent, one event so iconic it could only be Winter Party!
Sunday, March 5
The Beach Party
1:00 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Sands of South Beach at Lummus Park (12 St. and Ocean Dr.)
The Beach Party is the largest and most popular Winter Party event, the crown jewel of Winter Party. It’s hard to describe the magic of dancing on the sands of South Beach with your chosen family, and thousands of new friends from all over the world! It’s an experience you have to see to believe, and one you will never forget. For the first time EVER in 2017, Winter Party favorite ROSABEL (DJs Ralphi Rosario and Abel Aguilera) will be on deck, pounding out the beats you will not be able to resist! If you do even one event this year, it better be this one. Grab your sunscreen, your favorite speedo, and we’ll see you there!
Illuminate II
4-11 p.m.
Palace Bar (1200 Ocean Drive)
Head from the beach to the block as Winter Party rolls onto 12th street, outside Miami’s legendary Palace Bar, who is partnering with Jake Resnicow for Sunday’s block party, part two of the Illuminate series. The music, the memories and the party all keep moving, making for an unforgettable – and unstoppable – Sunday evening with DJs Erik Vilar (On the cover of Hotspots this week) and Cindel.
WE Party Sailor
10 p.m. to 5 a.m.
Copa Room (1235 Washington Ave., Miami Beach)
Just when you think you’ve seen it all … Winter Party with Masterbeat presents: WE Party Sailor! This legendary Sunday night event returns to Copa Room (formerly Mansion/Icon) for a party that you will not soon forget! Making their Winter Party debuts, DJs Binomio and Oscar Velazquez will keep you dancing all night long. This event is MASSIVE and not to be missed! Don’t forget to take off on Monday!
For a complete list of events and to find out about different ticket options that are available, visit Winter Party at WinterParty.com.
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2017/03/02/winter-party-festival-schedule/
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#cartes#partido colorado#fernando lugo#senado#juan darío monges#darío messer#rodolfo friedmann#código procesal penal#honor colorado#constitución nacional#cartes ese
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#caso messer#comisión bicameral#darío mess#darío messer#rodolfo friedmann#horacio cartes#bicameral del congreso#poder judicial#bajar audio#cartes
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