#roddy plays fe5
I….am not sure if it’s physically possible for me to beat this boss.
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"Oh and the king fucked off years ago, too. We heard he's out there somewhere with a new daughter, dodging his child support payments for the prince and princess."
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Oh she just outright says it. "Yeah the king's a dipshit."
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...I wonder how much of a trip it was/is whenever Leif finds out that Seliph's green-haired advisor who's been popping around to check up on things is the fucking king of Silesse.
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One of my favorite things in older Fire Emblems is the frankly batshit recruitments that happen when you take some sort of optimistic female character and toss her onto a battlefield and she spots like the one enemy soldier with reluctance in his eyes and hones in on him like a fucking beacon of "I am going to convince you to join my lord's army" and I'm talking about Caeda who I love so dearly but also like.
Meet Safiya, a cleric who set out on a quest to recruit soldiers to defend her city and she got kidnapped by pirates and tried to get them to join her cause, and then she convinced us to spare the pirate leader saying she thought he could repent, and then later she's plopped down on this battlefield where she spots a fucking...mercenary who was hanging onto the pirates and she zeroes in on him with "I know you're better than this" when she barely even fucking knows him and the time she did spend in proximity to him she was kidnapped by pirates.
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And then her conviction sways him. Okay, that's normal.
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What does not feel normal is the fucking emotionally fraught continuation of this conversation where he's like "so you're willing to lay down your life for this prince and this cause, but what do you really truly want for your life?" like holy shit WHAT is happening, what is wrong with both of you, what the FUCK. They're insane. I'm going to go insane trying to grasp this. This is like Lena and Julian except if Lena was a little bit more like Caeda in actively trying to recruit people, and if Julian was completely fucking insane.
And the kicker.
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THEY DIDN'T EVEN INTERACT ENOUGH WHILE SHE WAS KIDNAPPED BY PIRATES FOR THEM TO LEARN EACH OTHER'S NAMES. I'm losing my mind. I fucking love older Fire Emblem games so goddamn much. You just can't get shit like this in Three Houses. Safiya of Tahra I Am In Love With You.
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Oh, good, he's got a fake name prepared and at the ready. Smart boy.
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Oh wait forgot to post these before the chapter end--
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This is the kind of statement that would be deeply ominous and worrying if this game weren't a midquel to another game that I know Finn survives. I will drag Finn all the way to the end of this game too. He will survive because I love him and I refuse to let him die. I say this with certainty because he's already died like four times. They need to remake FE4 and then remake Thracia to import your pairings and also all of the levels and the 50* rank on Finn's Brave Lance that I got him in Gen 1. Yes I know if you did a different pairing then Karin running out here looking for Ced wouldn't make sense if he wasn't Lewyn's son. I don't care. I put so much loving care into leveling Finn in Gen 1 and I am sad that I have to do it all over.
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Oh?? Oh??? We got cousins now? We got some more cousins running around causing problems on purpose?? Hell yeah dude.
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Wait so then that means that MANFROY HAS FUCKED???
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....that's a dick move to be part of that, Quan. Your dad. Whichever one of you was in charge. Dick move, all of you.
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"Some important assholes accidentally murdered each other with a holy weapon or whatever the fuck, and everything's been dogshit since then."
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Yeah this is what we call a "bruh moment", Quan. Bruh. I get that Travant was an asshole too but like. damn. Everything in Jugdral really is just about desperately trying to fix the mistakes of your parents fathers. Seliph, Julia, Leif, Altena... your dads all fucked up a bit, huh. Some more than others.
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Oh well that's not good. The last time I played a Chapter 5 with "Mother" in the title, it was Fates, and Mikoto got murdered by an exploding sword and Corrin went apeshit!
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Anyway going into this game I know like. five things:
this post
Finn my beloved
You know how Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light established a lot of archetypes for the series? Like the Camus, who's a noble knight who fights for an opposing kingdom but has a close relationship with an important figure on the protagonist's side, whose tragic death is then mourned as one of the painful consequences of war? I really wish that the series would've kept going by incorporating Zeke's arc from Gaiden into the Camus archetype. I really think every game after a Camus appears, that Camus should have amnesia and just randomly show up involved in the plot on some other continent. I really think they should've just said fuck it, Eldigan's in this one when they developed Thracia. But they didn't, but at least they did that "random amnesia after a supposed death" arc with someone and at least she's blonde just like Camus and Eldigan are. Anyway Evyel. I know her.
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Yeah fuck it I'm in a certain sort of mood, let's go.
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Long time, no Thracia 776! Where we last left off...uh, I was only on Ch 8 or something, so let's do the full recap:
The little town where Leif was taking shelter for the past few years got attacked by Grannvale, and Nanna and another young woman, Mareeta, were kidnapped. Leif, with help from Finn and Mareeta's adoptive mother, Eyvel, go off to rescue them.
And take a detour to fight pirates and pick up a shady tactician.
Leif got taken prisoner by Grannvale and gathered up a ragtag crew breaking out of prison. And then we rescue some kidnapped children.
Leif and the new crew finally catch up to Nanna, who's about as fine as anyone can be, and Mareeta, who's gotten possessed by a cursed sword. Then Eyvel gets turned to stone.
Leif and the gang head across the border towards Thracia to evade the Grannvale forces and Finn finally catches up to them.
Now we're uh....I think we were headed for some city-state that's under attack by Grannvale, because Leif took shelter there some years ago and wants to go help them. Actually I think that's been our plan since we fought pirates, we just got a little sidetracked.
I finally unlocked the preparations menu and access to the convoy before a chapter begins. Yes it took that long.
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Also, having Augustus - August? I think Heroes officially localized his name as August? - here as Leif's non-combat advisor/tactician has finally made me realize what Sigurd's problem was: he didn't have a shady secretive weirdo advisor/tactician. He had Oifey, who was fourteen. Seliph has Lewyn and Leif has August, but Sigurd didn't have anyone that made you go "hey dude how the fuck do you know all this" and that's why he was doomed.
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Ah. Hell. I hate stealth missions when the game doesn't allow me to toggle the enemy ranges on permanently. I think I made it like 2 turns in Path of Radiance before we just started blasting.
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One of the things I like about Leif is that he's just so fucking angry. He is full of hate and anger and violence and I think that's fun. He's been through so much and he's come through it so full of his love for his friends and the people who have helped him, and so full of hate for the people who have wronged him.
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Oh....he thinks of Eyvel as his mom....
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She was turned into stone, Leif. I don't think our Heal staff is gonna help much--
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How do you know this.
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Hang on can we get a flashback real quick--
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--Yeah, okay. Right. Sure. Yeah okay let's just go with this for the time being. Why not.
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