#rodazz response
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๐ด - w/ Rodazz :O
A sleepy Rodazz walks up to a door, knocking gently. When it opens, a familiar Oliveblood stands there, a kind look on his face.
"Hey, what's wrong/? You wanna come in/?"
"Yes please..."
Shudao brings him in, taking him to the couch.
"So, why'd you come here so early, Ro/? Did something bad happen/?"
"N-noth!ng bad happened... ! just couldn't sleep, and !'ve been really exc!table today, s-so ! don't want to bother my lusus any more..."
A soft smile forms on the oliveblood's face, looking at the other troll.
"How have you been sleeping recently/?"
"Q-qu!te well... !'ve been try!ng to get used to sleep!ng out of my recuperacoon so ! can stay w!th you more often..."
"Rodazz... You know that isn't healthy/. The only reason I can do it is because I'm not a normal troll/."
"Y-yes, ! know, but !'m gett!ng used to !t now... ! can sleep almost just as well sleep!ng out of !t as ! do sleep!ng !n !t..."
Shudao sighs, and picks up the smaller troll in his arms.
"I guess if you're adapting to it alright, it should be fine/. Let's see if I can help you sleep, eh/?"
"Yay! Thank you!"
Seeing the younger troll get so excited fills Shudao with a sense of pride, and he carries him up to his respiteblock.
"You need anything before we sleep, little man/?"
"A glass of water m!ght help..."
"Alright then, just wait here, okay/?"
Shudao quickly heads downstairs, pouring a glass of water before coming up and handing it to the small seadweller.
"There you go, kiddo/. Now, let's get some sleep, okay/?"
"Okay! Goodn!ght, Shudao!"
"Goodnight, Ro/. Sweet dreams/."
The two of them lay there on the blanket pile, Rodazz snuggled into the half-lusus' arms as they fall asleep.
#just felr like using this as an excuse to actually show this dynamic#rodazz response#shudao response
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๐ Rodazz - 11, 19, 23
11. if you were emperor or empress for a day, what would you do with your unlimited power?
Well, ! th!nk f!rst !'d try to change some of the laws to stop people being!ng culled for the!r blood colour or other th!ngs l!ke that, but that would maybe take more than a day, and !t would be really t!r!ng, so after that ! th!nk !'d just take a nap...
19. favorite hobbies other than work?
! l!ke do!ng a lot of th!ngs! But ! really l!ke when ! get to see everyone!
23. on a scale of 1-10, how cool do you think you are. do your friends agree?
! th!nk !'d maybe be around... hmm... maybe a 6, 6.5? ! l!ke myself, but ! just don't necessar!ly know !f cool !s the r!ght word! ! hope other people agree, but !'d have to ask them!
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Rodazz - ๐โก
๐- How do they spend their nights do they go out? Stay in?
Oh, ! normally just spend my n!ghts work!ng on d!fferent th!ngs! But when !'m not do!ng that, ! l!ke spend!ng t!me w!th e!ther my lusus or w!th Shu! But somet!mes they're busy so ! just go out and explore!
โก- Is your troll ok or accepting of mutants?
Well, Shu !s k!nd of almost a mutant, and !'ve never really met anyone who's a naturally hatched mutant, but ! th!nk !t would be cool to eventually!!
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Rodazz, hiii!! :D So How are you like with trolls your age? Do you have any other friends?? Do you hope to make more? :O??
! don't really talk to many trolls my age, or really anyone as!de from the others part!cularly often... Mostly because a lot of trolls are scared off because of my blood, and a lot of other h!ghbloods !'ve met are mean...
But !'d def!n!tely l!ke to make more fr!ends one day!!
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Rodazz, what would you say was one of your favourite moments with Shudao? :O?
There's so many good moments, !t's really tough to choose... But ! really l!ke !t when he helps me get to sleep... He's warm, and h!s ta!l !s really fluffy and cuddly!!
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Rodazz, how do you feel about fireworks?
They're so cool!!! ! really l!ke them! But... when ! don't expect them, they can be pretty scary...
But most t!mes they're set off around me, ! know about, and ! just s!t and watch them!!
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Rodazz - How do you feel about other seadwellers? Have you met any others?
!'ve met a few, yeah! But they're all so mean normally.... ! w!sh there were more n!ce people around here...
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Rodazz - What would you want to do when you get older? Any wishes for the future ahead?
Well, ! really want to look !nto some of the th!ngs my ancestor made, ! remember read!ng some notes on a b!g project he was work!ng on, and ! need to f!nd more of h!s old notes! Other than that, ! th!nk !'ll just keep work!ng on d!fferent !nvent!ons, maybe start up some k!nd of eng!neer!ng shop!
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Rodazz, Consider: making something explosive :)
Oh, ! cons!der that a lot! Most of the t!me, though, !f someth!ng ! make explodes, !t's because !t went wrong... Last t!me ! del!berately made someth!ng that explodes, ! got told off, because ! made !t a l!ttle too explos!ve, and almost got myself hurt...
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Rodazz - Hey lil man!!! Are you working currently on any new and exciting projects? :O
!'m not really work!ng on anyth!ng r!ght now... ! haven't had any !deas... But ! hope ! have one soon!!
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๐ฃ๏ธ Shudao + Rodazz!! Seems like another interesting one! :D (Jeez Rodazz how come you get to have TWO dads? /j -one literal lusus and one father figure-)
((gonna make this a follow up to this post from a while ago!))
As the sun sets, Shudao wakes up, gently nudging the small fuschia.
Come on, bud, time to wake up/.
Rodazz shifts, waking up, looking unusually tired given his normal state.
O-okay... !'m awake...
There we go/. You sleep alright, kid/?
Yeah! ! have a t!ny headache but !t'll pass!
The oliveblood chuckles, amazed by how quickly the other troll perked up.
That'll happen if you sleep outside of sopor/. Seems like you really have been getting used to it though, which is pretty impressive/.
Rodazz beams at the half-lusus, already back to being full of energy.
Does that mean ! can stay w!th you more often?
I don't see why not/. But try and let me know if you're coming beforehand/.
Yay!! !'ll try my best to remember!!
Oh, and if you can't, or don't remember to let me know, obviously I'll answer the door if I can, but if I don't, you know where I keep the spare key, right/?
! th!nk so!
I'll show you again later/. And if you do use it, just... knock, before you go in any rooms/? And, uh, try not to listen to anything you might hear/.
The small fuschia looks confused at this, as Shudao's face takes on a very slight green tinge.
Well, uh, I might be... busy/?
Busy? W!th what?
The oliveblood flushes a little brighter as he tries to figure out how to explain without saying too much.
Well... you know how a few times I've told the guys not to come over, because I'm spending time with Anri/?
Yeah, ! remember! Vex started act!ng really we!rd...
He sure did/. But yeah, that's why I might be busy/.
Oh, okay!
Shudao lets out a sigh, glad he doesn't have to go into any more detail.
Anyway, we should be getting up/. Luckily, I have some of your clothes here since I bet you forgot to bring a change, didn't you/?
Oh... yeah, ! forgot. Sorry!
It's fine, it's fine. Just...
The oliveblood digs through his closet, finding the spare set of clothes he keeps for when Rodazz stays over.
Here you go/. Now, go get changed and I'll make breakfast/.
Yay! ! can't wa!t!!
Rodazz rushes off to get changed, and Shudao, after getting his own clothes on, heads downstairs to cook breakfast.
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And now to Rodazz,
So, lil man! How was space? :)
!t was really fun! We d!dn't go anywhere, but !t was really fun see!ng all the stars!
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Rodazz, what would you say would have been your ''funnest'' and/or most enjoyable invention you've made?
! th!nk that would be my cape! !t's des!gned so ! can attach !t to my shoes and !f there's enough w!nd, ! can use !t to gl!de around!!! !t also helps !f ! go up h!gh, because ! can just use !t l!ke a parachute!!
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Rodazz, hey little man!! What'cha been up to? Anything exciting going on, any new inventions or stuff in the works? :O??
Hello!!! !'ve been really great!!! ! haven't really had too many new !deas recently, but !'ve been hav!ng a lot of fun!
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Rodazz, what is it like to essentially have two parental figures? :O (Your literal Lusus + Shudao)
!t's really fun!! And, and, !f ! need help, then there's always someone ava!lable! L!ke a wh!le ago, ! was hav!ng trouble sleep!ng, and s!nce the sun wasn't up qu!te yet, ! went to see Shudao and he let me stay w!th h!m because my actual lusus was already asleep!
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Speaking of Lil fish and Funny dog man,,
Rodazz! Kinda just double checking at this point, but are you aware of, y'know, what's been going on with Shudao? (Him getting a Matesprite)
It's not recent news anymore, but I was just wondering what you think of that since he's basically your second lusus! Any sort of thoughts or opinions?
Yeah, ! found out when he acc!dentally sent that self!e to all of us! ! haven't met her yet, but she looks l!ke she's really n!ce!
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