boyd-speaks · 6 years
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I have been waiting until Mother’s Day to post this.
And then I just dropped a blue overlay layer onto the whole thing.
Digital art is hard, cause it’s so easy to change so much.
I think I like this version best? I made a lot of versions.
This drawing started with @heyepiphora’s #rockyourgspot contest. I started brainstorming some imagery and landed on basically what you’re seeing.
Every year for quite awhile now I’ve drawn my Mom something for Mother’s day, and as I started working on this image, I realized she’d really like it.
So I decided to use her as the subject instead of making up some original character and got to work.
It’s the longest I’ve worked on one of my Mother’s Day images, since I usually start sometime in the week prior, but this year I had the inspiration to start back in April.
So thanks Piph for the incentive to get this started early.
Looking forward to seeing what everyone else has come up with for the contest!
You can see my originally posted version here: https://theboyd.deviantart.com/art/Kathy-in-the-Sea-with-Dolphins-744723468
https://piph.it/rockyourgspot @FunFactoryUSA
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