#rocky top ballads
Track of the day // Fine - Coasting
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dustedanddim · 3 months
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iamthecrime · 3 months
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Meat Loaf - I'd Do Anything for Love (But I Won't Do That) 1993
"I'd Do Anything for Love (But I Won't Do That)" is a song written by Jim Steinman, and recorded by American rock singer Meat Loaf. The song was released in August 1993 as the first single from the singer's sixth album, Bat Out of Hell II: Back into Hell (1993). The last six verses features English singer Lorraine Crosby, who was credited only as "Mrs. Loud" in the album notes. While visiting the label's recording studios on Sunset Boulevard, Crosby was asked by her manager Steinman to provide guide vocals for Meat Loaf, who was recording the song "I'd Do Anything for Love (But I Won't Do That)". Cher, Melissa Etheridge and Bonnie Tyler were considered for the role. The song was a commercial success, however as Crosby had recorded her part as guide vocals, she did not receive any payment for the recording but she receives royalties from PRS. Crosby did not appear in the Michael Bay-directed music video, where model Dana Patrick mimed her vocals. Meat Loaf promoted the single with American vocalist Patti Russo performing the live female vocals of this song at his promotional appearances and concerts.
The power ballad was a commercial success, reaching number one in 28 countries. The single was certified platinum in the US and became Meat Loaf's first and only number one and top ten single on the Billboard Hot 100 and Cash Box Top 100. It also became Meat Loaf's first and only number one single on the UK Singles Chart, and was the best-selling single of 1993 in the UK. The song earned Meat Loaf a Grammy Award for Best Rock Vocal Performance, Solo.
American film director and producer Michael Bay directed the accompanying music video for "I'd Do Anything for Love (But I Won't Do That)". The cinematographer was Daniel Pearl, particularly known for filming The Texas Chain Saw Massacre in 1973. Pearl says that this video "is one of my personal all-time favorite projects… I think the cinematography is pure, and it tells a story about the song." The video is based on Beauty and the Beast and The Phantom of the Opera. Bob Keane did Meat Loaf's make-up, which took up to two hours to apply. The make-up was designed to be simple and scary, yet "with the ability to make him sympathetic." The shoot went over budget, and was filmed in 90 °F (32 °C) heat, across four days. The video, which was the abridged seven-minute version of the song rather than the twelve-minute album version, was put into heavy rotation on MTV.
Meat Loaf appeared in over 50 films and television shows, sometimes as himself or as characters resembling his stage persona. His film roles included Eddie in The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) and Robert Paulson in Fight Club (1999).
"I'd Do Anything for Love (But I Won't Do That)" received a total of 77,7% yes votes!
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mothercain · 27 days
Do you have a favorite song or artist right now?
i've been listening to rocky top ballads by fine like my life depends on it, it's honestly a masterpiece. shoutout my drummer bryan for showing it to me.
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speakeasyaoi · 1 year
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Rocky Rickaby x GN!Reader
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> Requested by @d144-catzie | A bit shorter and messier than I'd like it to be, schoolwork got in the way :P
PROMPT: Rocky is in a close friendship with the reader that looks more like a couple at first, and has the beginning buds of a romantic relationship.
Rocky has a tendency to be extremely clingy and attached from the minute he meets you, especially so if he finds himself attracted and crushing on you. He ends up finding every excuse he can to spend some quality time with you, be it skipping out on work at his own expense and following you around at your heels like a stray pup, or dragging you along by your scruff on his chaotic escapades- He's constantly craving your presence, and he'll scrape together any opportunity he can to get it.
Rocky just adores both giving and recieving physical affection, and it's fit to make him burst with excitement nearly every time without fail. He tends to avoid things like chaste kisses and handholding in fear of seeming too forward, but he's more than open to ruffling your hair, wrapping an arm around your shoulder, patting your back or walking by your side with your elbows interlocked. Maybe he sneaks a hand on your waist or your hip as you're walking together, or hugs you for just a little longer than what might be considered platonic, but nothing too drastic. When he hugs you, he totally does the thing where he sways you side to side or lifts you up and spins you around.
He tries to talk you into getting some kind of matching article of clothing with him; matching neckties with your initials on them, matching bracelets he can wear under his sleeve or lapel pins he can wear alongside his Lackadaisy pin, he really isn't picky. Though, doesn't have the money to afford to buy you something of the quality he thinks you deserve, so it's probably going to be handmade. ...Or stolen. One of the two.
It's a fun pastime of his to tell you long, over-exagerrated stories of his life- including anything during his youth, adolescence, his time spent travelling around the states in search of work, and earlier years spent working for Lackadaisy with Zib's band. His storytelling skills are nothing short of grand and over-the-top, and he'd be ecstatic to ramble on to you over a shared platter of pancakes or a brisk walk through St. Louis if you'll let him. Fair warning, you're not going to be able to shut him up.
It's often he'll invite you over to Lackadaisy to watch him play his violin, and if not there, he just takes you to a nice, secluded area where he can show you without interruption. Most of what he plays is upbeat, spritely instrumentals or brief little tunes, but every once in a while he'll work up the confidence to sing you a ballad with vague lyrics that seem to apply to you a bit too well.
Similarly to how he calls Calvin Freckle, Ivy Miss Pepper, and Mitzi Miss M, he can't help but come up with a fun, sweet little nickname to call you, mainly serving to take the place of the more romantic terms of endearment he wishes he could call you without coming on too strong. But for now, what he's chosen works.
There's a 100% chance that Rocky's going to try and sweet-talk his way into staying with you in your home instead of continuing to live in his car. He'll beg and whine and plead and hug you tight once you finally give in, agreeing to crash on the living room couch. Though, if you aren't careful enough, he's probably going to end up sleeping in your bed one way or another. Oh well!
If you're able and willing, Rocky takes to teaching you how to play the violin. In all honesty, he makes a pretty shitty teacher, but he tries his damn hardest to help you with the very basics at the least. He also can't help but use it as an opportunity to be close with you, laying his hands over yours as he guides you into playing the right notes and holding the violin in the right position, peppering words of praise an encouragement all throughout.
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Other notes: I struggled to keep this one not overly romantic, but still close and fluffy enough to stick to the prompt, this should be fine. I'm also probably going to keep to a range of 8-15 bulletpoints moving forward to speed up the time it takes to get to each post and keep me from burning myself out lol
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amillieaway · 1 year
prompt: that hurts
They break up in the middle of dinner.
Maybe at a restaurant Granger would have avoided a scene, but because they were staying in, yet again, and because Draco insisted on it, she takes full liberties in unleashing hell upon him.
At one point plastic cutlery and teriyaki-stained wooden chopsticks are airborne. Later, when Draco undresses, he finds a rice noodle in the buttonhole of his blazer. And for the grand finale, shards of his great-aunt’s vase become a mosaic on his foyer floor, once valued at some fifteen thousand galleons. Now, worthless.
She’ll be back, he thinks, quite confidently. He experienced a similar rockiness when he dated Pansy. They broke up and got back together at least every other fortnight.  
A day goes by.
Three, five, ten—and nothing.
Fine, Draco relents, he’ll write to her.
It’s a fine letter. Bottomless black squid ink, proof-read four times, eloquently expressing that he misses her, that he’s sorry they haven’t been together in public places and, if she’s willing to hear him out, he’ll take her out for a proper meal. She can even tip-off the Daily Prophet if it pleases her.
She doesn’t reply.
Draco grows irritable. He begins to resent her a little.
Once, before the war destroyed his reputation, any girl would have been thrilled Draco Malfoy was giving her the time of day. He was good-looking. He was wealthy. His family was connected to top politicians and moguls in the Wizarding World. He was Slytherin’s Seeker. She would have been lucky to date him.
So what, they haven't been out in public after a couple months of dating? That gives her no right to give him the cold shoulder and act like they never knew one another.
To hell with her.
Days pass, and Draco is gutted. Wrecked.
Her absence hurts and hurts and hurts.
He catches himself staring out into space at odd moments. Over a bowl of soggy cereal, trying to remember what her hair smelled like. Peach? Pear? Wiping the same spot on the window for five minutes, knowing it’s Sunday, and somewhere on the other side of town, she must be cleaning her flat too.
He caves and writes to her once more.
This time, with more apologetic and less arrogant undertones.
Radio silence.
He knows she’s receiving them because he prodded gossip out of Blaise who lives with Pansy who bumped into Potter at a party, and Potter drunkenly blurted out that ‘your douchy friend Malfoy’s still trying to win Hermione back. She needs to forget that wanker, if you ask me.’
Well nobody asked you, Potter, thank you very much.
And so Draco spirals a little.
He sends fifty-three bouquets to her office. One for each day they were together. When he hears nothing, he follows it up with fifty-three cauldron cakes. When that proves no bueno, he hires a mariachi band to follow her around the Ministry, singing cheery love ballads. He’s given them express instructions to perform until she visits him.
That should prove he’s more than okay with everyone knowing they’re together. He doesn’t care. All he needs is Granger back. Because-because—
“I miss you,” he says when she Apparates into his office precisely thirty-seven minutes after he unleashed the mariachi band upon her, holding out longer than he expected.
She’s red in the face, shoulders bunched up to her ears, eyes blazing, pointing a finger at his chest. “You are the most infuriating, conceited, over-the-top…”
“I miss you,” he repeats, speaking over her as he rounds the desk to meet her on the opposite side.
“…PRAT I have ever had the misfortune…”
“I miss you so much.” He has her shoulders, forcing them down a little, pressing his thumbs right where he knows she needs it most, watching delightfully as they liquify even as she’s going on.
“…encountering and when I’m done with someone, Draco, I am DONE…”
“I need you back, Hermione.” He draws his palms down her arms, grabbing her hands and pinning them to his chest when she tries to swat him away.
“…and I refuse to date anybody who’s even slightly ashamed of where I come from…”
“I love everything about you.”
And that about does it.
Granger stands there, mouth agape, no more screaming. She drops her gaze to her hands, splayed open on his chest, realising, perhaps, how close they are. Feeling, maybe, how her presence alone turns Draco on. Seeing, hopefully, the authenticity in his gaze.
“You… you…”
“I love you,” he says, prepared. “I’m sorry you had to leave before I realised it.”
“Harry says I need to forget you.” She’s staring at his lips now, making no effort to step away.
“Potter’s a wanker.”
She frowns, but doesn’t seem angry. Her eyes grow distant, lost in thought.
He waits.
When her focus resurfaces, she's watching his lips again, heat creeping into her irises. “Kiss me on two conditions.”
“One?” he asks, heart racing.
“We tell everybody.”
Her breath is warm on his skin. Deliciously close. “And two?”
“You never send anything to my work ever again.”
It’s the sweetest deal he’s ever made.
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air-exec · 2 months
What life is like on a troop train...
(Life Magazine - November 13, 1943)
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What life is like on a troop train… speeding over the Water Level Route
This is "Main 100"… a twelve car troop train…identified on railroad orders only by its code number.
A few hours ago, no one at New York Central knew this train would be needed. Yet here it is, assembled, scheduled and speeding to its secret destination.
Sometimes "Main 100" is all Pullman, sometimes all coach, sometimes a mixture of passenger cars, baggage cars, and freight cars for equipment. But whatever its make up, its job is the same…to move its share of the 2,000,000 members of the armed forces carried on duty each month by the railroads of America.
Visualize the thousands of cars and engines required for this task. Add on the large number of accommodations needed for fighters on furlough. You'll see then why train space for civilian travel is often "sold out"…why trains are sometimes unavoidably delayed…and why civilians should travel only on urgent and essential business.
"Main 100" must have the right of way.
Field Kitchen The Mess Sergeant, an Army Cooking School grafuate, sets up his field kitchen in a baggage car to serve 3 or 4 troop cars. That's what many baggage cars are doing. So if you must travel, travel light!
Mess Call Men eat at their seats. On some trains they file up to the kitchen to be served; on others, food is brought to them. Meals are tops and plentiful. One reason why your home and our diners are rationed.
First Aid In one of the washrooms, the Army Surgeon sets up a "field hospital" for minor accidents or ills. His prompt care of scratches and colds keeps our fighters among world's fittest
G.H.Q. on Wheels From these "headquarters," the Train Commander orders the time for reveille and taps…the posting of guards…all the details of this traveling Army camp, of which he alone knows the final destination.
Railroad Liaison A New York Central Passenger Agents acts as "Train Escort" to assist the Train Commander with transportation matter…procure extra supplies…arrange for stops…handle mail…and perform may other services en route.
Music By The Mile The soldier with a portable radio competes with the local "live talent." Barrack room ballads and current hits share honors with "Sweet Adeline" and other old close-harmony favorites by the company quartet.
Preparing For Taps Men are usually allowed later hours en route than in camp. At the time set by the Train Commander, the Porter makes up the berths…as carefully as he would for the most generous traveler on a limited train.
V-Mail Soldiers long for letters, and write many to get answers. For secrecy's sake, none many be mailed en route…except through the Train Escort who posts them only at points permitted by the Train Commander.
39 Men To A Car Soldiers sleep two in a lower berth, one in an upper. Even with such full cars, today's military movement needs half of the Pullman's, a third of the coaches. One reasons you may find train space hard to get.
Seeing America Soldiers spend much time at car windows. They are moved an average of six times for special training…seeing the Hudson River and Great Lakes one trip, perhaps the Rockies or California next.
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Here's a couple of dirty yummy curl your toes wincest fic recs from iconic The Ballad of the Invisible Boy writer, dollylux. I was happily surprised I had never read these before now:
Full Service - weecest (12 and 16), rated E, 3403 words, first time
Dean’s a double scoop cone of chocolate. He’s rocky road with extra fudge. He’s strawberry with candy sprinkles and whipped cream. He’s a fucking banana split with six cherries on top, and Sam’s been starving for years.
Sex Hair - wincest, first time, rated E, ep 8x20, hair pulling 👀
Prequel to the episode “Pac-Man Fever” in which we learn how Sammy got crazy sex hair in the first scene.
and to cleanse the palette, here's a softer sadder, Stanford era star-filled one:
I Get Lost in my Mind - Stanford, pre-slash, G rated, drunk text/call, 2234 words
stars and the vastness of the night sky and of a lifetime of memories and a whole heart of gaping loneliness and where is my brother
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mymanyfandomramblings · 3 months
what are your fave finn centric episodes?
just asking for a friend :]
ooh, my favourite eps for Finn, I'll try to do one for each season, plus some honourable mentions...
Ballad--sure he's an idiot but good gravy, he's a charming idiot. The karate in the bathroom, I'll Stand By You (my beloved) and the utter sincerity in You're Having My Baby despite the fact it was a Bad Move. Also, he jumps in to defend Quinn from her parents and stands up for her, which is pretty sweet. Besides, it's the beginning of Furt, which is very important.
My suggestion for Season Two episodes, is always going to The Sue Sylvester Shuffle--best episode of the show fr fr, and has Finn showing some admirable leadership.
Heart--the only season 3 episode where Finn is in focus without putting him through the wringer--we get some excellent Finn/Rachel interactions, plus The Dads. Also that scene during Love Shack where he pops up with the massive grin.
Dynamic Duets--the beginning of Teacher! Finn, and he's so cute in this episode. Besides, he's really good with Ryder and Jake. (also I love the newbies and this is a good ep for them)
Preggers--Finn crying makes me sad, but Cory's acting in this scene is incredible. Also, early Furt, my beloved
Sectionals--THE ACTING! In the confrontation scene. It's truly brilliant. Also the beginning of Finn's leadership skills
Grilled Cheesus--most episodes where I'm hyping Cory's acting, it's usually ones where he's making me cry, but in this case, I'm hyping the utter earnestness he shows in approaching the wildest material. Like, Finn believing that Jesus is in his sandwich is incredibly stupid, but Cory's acting makes me fully believe that this is something that could happen in Finn's reality. Besides, it's hilarious.
Duets--not a great episode for Finn on his own (he's not great with Sam and Kurt), but it's called the best episode for Finchel for a reason. The chemistry, acting and humour is off the charts for both.
The Rocky Horror Glee Show--Finn is my favourite part of this episode.
Silly Love Songs--he's being a tool in this episode, but it's so fun to watch
Born This Way--he's very out of focus here, but he gets I've Gotta Be Me, and the goofy smile on his face before he breaks Rachel's nose is everything
Rumours--always a top-tier episode for everyone, and it has a lot of Finn/Quinn--they're such a toxic couple, but they're fascinating together.
Yes/No--it's hard to watch in the light of Cory's death, but a very good episode for Finn, and the acting is so moving
Nationals--Paradise By The Dashboard Light. Enough Said.
That's all I can think of for now
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genshinhimbos · 2 years
Ok so I’m fully in 6reeze hell (I became obsessed back when it was just 4nemo and here I am still)
I just really like thinking about what the dynamic would be like between all the anemo boys and how they would sync up with one another in an idol group so here are some headcannons! These are just my personal headcannons btw, I’m not sure if the fandom has collectively given this au lore or anything so don’t mind my ramblings I guess.
(This is mostly inspired by Scara becoming playable, if that wasn’t obvious)
In my mind, the anemo boys idol group kinda works like NCT in that every so often they add another member to the group
As such, I’m gonna think of the current iteration of the group name as more of an “era” name, and each era is defined by the addition of another member
(So 4NEMO was their first era with the original 4 members and 5WIRL was the era after Heizou was introduced)
So now, with the addition of Scara, the group has entered their 6REEZE era
In terms of an idol name, Scara didn’t really have a name he particularly wanted to go with.
The name “Scaramouche” was associated with his past too much for him to be comfortable using it, and he didn’t want to use his real name, Kunikuzushi like some of the other members.
(Venti, Xiao, and Aether have stage names, while Kazuha and Heizou chose to use their real names)
(Venti’s situation is odd. His real name is Barbatos, and he used to go by that as his idol name when he was a soloist, but after joining 4NEMO, he decided to go by Venti. He actually prefers to be addressed as Venti now, and has contemplated legally changing his name)
(Xiao goes by Alatus as his stage name, and Aether didn’t know what he wanted his stage name to be, so he just picked whatever the fans called him after their debut.)
Scara contemplated going the same route as Aether, but in an effort to be more transparent, he had the fans vote on his idol name.
In the meantime though, I like to think that every time a new member debuts, they have a solo feature debut song, where they are the center in terms of vocals or rapping.
Heizou probably had a fun, pop-ey song or something with heavy rap (I see him as a rapper)
But Scara would probably decide to go with a ballad as his debut song.
But not just any ballad… imagine him singing “Shirunoga E-wa” by Fujii Kaze
The other members would be backup vocals or instrumentals (almost Day6 style)
I like imagining Xiao on the drums, Kazuha on synth and Venti killing it on the piano.
Aether and Heizou providing the upper and lower register backup vocals, respectively.
And just. Scara. Absolutely in his own headspace singing this song. An ode to his rocky past and the love he has for his fans—the ones who love him despite what happened.
I feel like the other members would just look at him in awe during his debut performance
And right as he finished, Venti would grab the other members and they would all dogpile on top of him
In conclusion. I have a lot of thoughts about 4NEMO turned 5WIRL turned 6BREEZE.
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sugarsnappeases · 9 months
top films of the year!!!
tagged by @standardlovers <3333 who actually has like Film Opinions that don't revolve around how silly/sexy the films were but anyway here's my films...
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np tags for @themuseoftheviolets @stillagoodwitch @quillkiller @fxreflyes @star4daisy <3333
i’m also gonna do some comments like teddy did bc i never know how to shut up ever so…
1. Point Break (1991), the film of all films, i think i rewatched it like three times this year, its my favourite film of all time, i never shut up about it, it literally has it all - surfing, bank robbery, skydiving, keanu reeves, patrick swayze, an excessive amount of deaths, rampant homoeroticism etc etc
2. Mickey Blue Eyes (1999), another rewatch, another banger, hugh grant is his typical bumbling englishman but this time it involved the mafia!! which i love, and manslaughter and the fbi and it’s a bit ridiculous which, of course, is a necessity
3. Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007), i said it on my letterboxd and i’ll say it again - there is NOTHING like the love between a man and his razor blades, also helena bonham carter is SO sexy as always and there’s a lot of fun murder, my only note would be that they don’t sing the ballad of sweeney todd, which is clearly the best song from the musical, but otherwise very enjoyable
4. My Own Private Idaho (1991), what was in the water for keanu in 1991?? bc honestly this film is incredible, the campfire scene broke me into pieces, humpty dumpty style, and i’m still not back together again, also there are excellent insults in this eg. you starfish, you vile punk etc so i loved it a lot, and river phoenix is brilliant, are you kidding me??
5. Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure (1989), another keanu but this one is Overtly silly rather than just being silly by association (all keanu films are silly bc he’s a lovably awful actor but this one takes the cake), literally party on dudes like be excellent to each other, what more do you want me to say??
6. The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975), ohhh my god guys idk how i’d never watched this before but honestly just incredible, so so so SO good, my friends told me that i give riff-raff vibes which… i’ve chosen to take as a compliment bc after all… it’s astounding… time is fleeeting (picture me bursting into a choreographed musical number)
7. Dangerous Liaisons (1988), a banger, i watched cruel intentions like years ago but this is dare i say it… better??? there’s just something about a period drama that elevates everything, keanu was very sweet, i loved when he was all covered in blood and bedraggled, and just in general i love when women are evil and malicious
8. A Knight’s Tale (2001), this film was an experience… i do think it should’ve just been about the bros going on an adventure and doing a spot of jousting instead of having that romance plot which was kinda eh, but the soundtrack fucks and there were generally excellent vibes and heath ledger was fantastic
anyway that’s that i guess!!!
honourable mention for Puss in Boots: The Last Wish (2022) bc god that film goes so hard, and also But I’m a Cheerleader (1999) bc like come on now, need i say more??
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kjack89 · 2 years
If you're still taking Spotify requests: E/R for which ever song is your favorite that ISNT a repeat from last year. (Or Taylor Swift. My coworker has been over playing Midnights in the office and I'm so sick of it atm.)
Oh man, this was a hard song to pick, because I love so many songs on this playlist (obviously, or they wouldn't be in my top 100!). In the end, I went with the song that I have loved the longest, the one that I used to ask my father to play whenever he drove, like, 4-year-old me anywhere because the album this was on was one of the cassette tapes he had in his car.
Well, it was this album or Enya, and sadly Orinoco Flow didn't make my top 100 for some reason.
87. "The Ballad of Billy the Kid" by Billy Joel
It's a Western AU. Because why the hell not at this point.
The night was quiet and peaceful, its stillness broken only by the gentle crackle of the dying fire and the ubiquitous chirp of crickets, but Enjolras couldn’t seem to enjoy it, his own ears still ringing with the sounds of chaos from earlier.
As a general rule, Enjolras didn’t like robbing trains. Too high a possibility of innocent people being hurt or recognizing one of Les Amis, defeating the purpose of how they handled their robberies, and besides, word of mouth spread faster when robbing banks.
But when Combeferre got reliable word that the Corinthe, headed from back east out to the west coast, was carrying a stash of money belonging to none other than F. H. Tholomyès himself, one of the wealthiest and most exploitative robber barons the West had ever seen, Enjolras knew that not even he could pass up this opportunity.
Which was how Les Amis had found themselves that morning perched along the train tracks, guns and horses at the ready. As they waited for the train to round the bend in the tracks, Enjolras could not help but share a few words, knowing they would never have another opportunity like this one. “Gentlemen,” he started, sweeping his hat off his head to catch their attention, “where are we going?”
To his right, crouched behind a rocky outcropping, Courfeyrac muttered something that sounded suspiciously like, “For Christ’s sake,” but Enjolras ignored him, instead glancing around at their compatriots.
Joly sheepishly raised a hand. “Are we going to the train?” he asked, barely managing to hide his smile as Grantaire and Bossuet sniggered on either side.
Enjolras’s eyes narrowed, and Joly’s smile disappeared. “Yes,” Enjolras said, with a bite of impatience. “We’re going to the train just as we are going to the future. And what we do here today is in service of all people. Gentlemen, we are no mere robbers—”
“We do not steal for riches,” Bahorel recited in what was clearly meant to be an undertone but carried a little too well.
“We do not steal for glory,” Feuilly added, a grin twitching at the corners of his mouth as Prouvaire chimed in, with the cadence of an orator, “Thievery, I hate you, but I make use of you—”
“—For by stealing this money, so too do we steal our future from those who would keep it from us,” Bahorel, Feuilly and Prouvaire finished in unison, and Enjolras glowered at them.
Grantaire cleared his throat. “Maybe if you didn’t use the same speech at the start of every robbery—” he started, but Enjolras ignored him, barreling stubbornly onward.
“We are advancing the unity of man,” he said through gritted teeth. “The common man out from under the thumb of the rich, that is the goal. And whatever happens here today, through our failure or through our success, we are creating an alternative to those who think there’s no other way to live.”
He glanced at Combeferre on his left, who also looked a little like he was trying not to smile, and Enjolras scowled. He was saved from saying anything by the train finally rounding the tracks, and instead jammed his hat on his head before he raised his voice to shout, “Courage, and onward!”
From there, things had devolved into the usual controlled chaos that was the undercurrent of every robbery they had ever done, all leading to this moment camped out by the fire, their afternoon’s takings – even more than Enjolras had hoped – in a series of nondescript bags to be tied to a horse’s saddle. 
As much as Enjolras disliked robbing trains, he disliked the aftermath of a robbery even more. He could never find a way to calm himself after the excitement, always ready to move onto the next. He reckoned it was part of what made him so successful, even if it meant always feeling a little like an outsider as his friends traded jokes and stories around the campfire as he brooded on their next plan.
Still, there was nothing else for it, and with a sigh, he sat upright, grabbing his hat from on top of his saddle and placing it on his head before standing. He bent to pick up the saddle, carrying it over to his horse, Mabeuf, who was drowsily grazing where he was picketed. “Sorry for the early morning, boy,” he murmured, rubbing the horse’s neck before lifting the saddle onto his back.
A similar movement caught the corner of his eye and he immediately turned, his hand automatically falling to the pistol at his hip. He relaxed when he saw it was just Grantaire tending to his own horse.
The relaxation was short-lived, seeing as how Grantaire had never been an early riser and had managed to drink enough whiskey to drown a lesser man, and Enjolras’s eyes narrowed. “What’re you doing?”
Grantaire didn’t even glance over at him, adjusting the saddle with a practiced eye. “What’s it look like I’m doing?”
Enjolras scowled. “Looks like you’re packing up.”
Now Grantaire did look over at him, a small smile creasing his face. “I always knew you were more than a pretty face.”
Enjolras crossed his arms in front of his chest. “Why are you packing up?” he asked, ignoring Mabeuf nudging his shoulder in search of an apple or sugar cube.
Grantaire shrugged. “Because I’m going.”
“Going where?” Enjolras ground out. No one managed to irritate him quite like Grantaire did.
Grantaire shrugged again, squinting out at the horizon where the first hint of light was just beginning to break. “Well, now, that’s a good question,” he said easily. “Not sure yet.”
Enjolras sighed. “You know you can’t come with me.”
“I do,” Grantaire said.
Enjolras scowled. “You know why we do it like this.”
“Hasn’t changed.”
“Grantaire.” They’d had this argument so many times before that Enjolras really only needed to say Grantaire’s name in that tone for them to both know exactly how this would play out, just as it had every time before. It was as familiar to them as the sun rising over the plains, and almost as comforting in a strange way, as if a mission wasn’t complete without its familiar cadence.
Which was why Enjolras kept his tone calm but firm in the explanation he’d given a hundred times before. “I’m the one who has to go,” he told Grantaire. “We do the job, I split off with the money and distribute it to where it needs to go. That way, I draw all the attention to myself, and let you all get away. No one ever suspects you. You can’t be implicated.”
They hadn’t always done it this way, but after the first posse got together to track them down, Enjolras had insisted on the change, had insisted that everyone else cover their faces so that the only one anyone ever got a good look at was him.
There was a reason Les Amis wasn’t well known throughout the West, and it wasn’t because they weren’t damn good at what they did – it’s because to every sheriff from the Mississippi to the Rio Grande, they were known as Apollo the Kid and his Gang.
He didn’t need to remind Grantaire of that, though – Grantaire knew. Even in the dim light of the dying fire, Enjolras could see a muscle working in Grantaire’s cheek. “That is indeed the plan.”
Enjolras suddenly found he couldn’t quite meet Grantaire’s eye, and so busied himself with Mabeuf’s bridle. “Which is why you can’t come with me,” he said, his voice rough.
“You already said that,” Grantaire said, matching his tone. “I ain’t deaf.”
“Could’ve fooled me,” Enjolras shot back.
Grantaire scowled at him. “Listen, the job’s done, right? So there’s no need for me to stay. Way I see it, I’m free to go.”
Enjolras jerked a shrug. “I guess.”
“You guess?” Grantaire repeated. “And here I thought freedom was the entire point of what we were doing here.” He paused before adding pointedly, “Isn’t it?”
Enjolras rolled his eyes. “Of course, but that’s not—”
Grantaire gave him a look. “Ain’t you the one who keeps saying that the working people need to unite because the only thing we have to lose is our reins?”
“Chains, but—”
“Then let a man pack his horse in peace,” Grantaire finished.
Enjolras scowled. “Fine, if you’ll answer me one question.”
“What’s that?” Grantaire asked, not looking over at him.
“Why’d you suddenly decide to pack up now when I started to?”
Something that might’ve been a smile twitched at the corners of Grantaire’s mouth. “Coincidence.”
Enjolras’s eyes narrowed. “Helluva coincidence.”
“Sure is.”
Still, despite himself, despite everything, Enjolras had to admit that packing up seemed to go faster with Grantaire at his side. Or at the very least, it seemed just a little bit less lonely.
When they were both packed – and the money they’d stolen carefully stashed in Enjolras’s saddlebags – Enjolras pulled himself onto his horse, glancing over at Grantaire. “You heading out?”
“Yessir,” Grantaire said, patting his horse’s neck as he added in an attempt at casual, “Which way are you headed?”
Enjolras jerked his chin toward the horizon. “West.”
Grantaire nodded slowly. “Well, whaddya know,” he said. “So am I.”
Enjolras just shook his head. “Coincidence?” he asked wryly. 
Grantaire half-smiled. “Sure is.”
Just as the packing was less lonely with Grantaire by his side, so was the ride. It was early enough that neither man worried too much about anyone else being on the road, though both kept a weather eye out, just in case.
But the ride in comfortable silence could only last for so long, and eventually, Enjolras reined his horse to a stop, Grantaire stopped as well. Enjolras nodded to the fork in the road up ahead. “This is where we part ways,” he said, a note of warning in his voice.
Grantaire’s expression was unreadable. “If you say so.”
“I do,” Enjolras said with conviction. He hesitated before adding, “Thank you for coming all this way with me—”
“It was nothing,” Grantaire interrupted. “I was headed this way anyway.”
Enjolras managed a small smile. “Coincidence.”
Grantaire smiled as well. “Well, something like that, anyway.”
Enjolras nodded, something sharpening in his expression. “Just like it’s coincidence how you always seem to be headed my way after every robbery,” he said lightly.
Grantaire’s smile faded, and he shrugged. “Ain’t the world a remarkable place,” he said noncommittally.
“I suppose it is.” Enjolras glanced over at him. “Where are you headed now?”
Grantaire shrugged again. “Oh, here, there, and around,” he said, purposefully vague, but Enjolras didn’t miss the way his hand twitched toward his gun in its holster. “Got some business to keep an eye on.”
Enjolras frowned. “You know I don’t need you to protect me,” he said bluntly, tired of playing this little game every single time.
To his surprise, Grantaire barked a laugh before running a hand across his mouth. “Enjolras, you don’t need me for a damn thing.”
“I don’t know that I’d go quite that far,” Enjolras said before he could stop himself, and he quickly looked away, feeling the back of his neck burn despite being protected by his hat. “In any case, I’ll, uh, I’ll see you at the rendezvous.”
Grantaire nodded. “Yessir.” He kneed his horse forward, ostensibly toward the fork Enjolras wasn’t taking, then paused, turning back to face him. “Oh, and Enjolras?”
Grantaire raised his chin just slightly. “Anytime you want it to be something other than a coincidence, all you have to do is say the word.”
Enjolras’s throat felt tight. “I know,” he said, his voice low.
For a moment, it looked like Grantaire might say something more, but instead he just touched the brim of his hat before kneeing his horse forward again. Enjolras watched him go before starting forward once again, alone.
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Shuffle your ‘on repeat’ playlist and post the first ten tracks, then tag ten people.
Thank you @igotsnothing for tagging me 😇 I must admit I have a very strange music taste (some might even say I don’t have any 🤪😅). Moreover, normally I shuffle the albums of a chosen artist and listen to this for quite a while. That’s why I’d better share with you my Top-10 artists with a bunch of my most beloved songs 😇 All the songs except the “Little bird” by Jonas brothers have a YouTube link for your comfort. “Little bird” must be on Apple Music and/or Spotify. 
Ed Sheeran. This ginger guy doesn’t need any special introduction. I just wanna say that his music on shuffle-repeat was with me in the hardest periods of my life. Songs "on repeat”: End of Youth, Toughest, Tides, Photograph.
Rita Dakota/ Рита Дакота. Rita’s deep meaning songs bring me to tears quite often. Songs “on repeat”: Армагеддон, Мантра, Карандаш, Карма, bitch. 
Zveri/ Звери. A Russian rock-band that I’ve been a huge fan since early teenagehood. Their style have significantly changed over time, but I still find something in their latest not-so-rocky ballads. Songs “on repeat”: Мечтаем, Солнце за нас, Дальше, Просто такая сильная любовь.
The Script. These Irish guys make me smile, dance and believe in the best. Songs “on repeat”: Freedom Child, Paint the Town Green, Hall of Fame.
Nick Jonas and Jonas Brothers. Jonas Brothers were my inspiration for writing the Harry Potter fan-fiction “Hold on”. I still listen to their old songs if I need a cheer-up. Nick’s songs are deeper but no less beloved by me. Songs “on repeat”: Who I am, This is heaven and Chains by Nick, Little bird and Take a breath by Jonas Brothers. 
Elka/ Ёлка. An absolute masterpiece mix of dreamy music and unforgettable voice. Songs “on repeat”: Моревнутри, Домой, Пара.
Imagine Dragons. I call their music “dimensional”, meaning that the depth of the sound is mind-blowing. Songs “on repeat”: Real life, Amsterdam, Whatever it takes, Believer.
Nathan Goshen. I discovered Nathan while being a Middle East faculty student learning Hebrew. Nathan’s music is a perfect combination of modern tunes and oriental charm. Songs “on repeat”:  
באתי לחלום, הכל פה יגמר, מה אם נתנשק
Ermal Meta. Appeared on my playlist when I was actively studying Italian and was following the San Remo festival. Songs “on repeat”: Vietato morire, Molto bene, molto male, Non mi avete fatto niente (feat Fabrizio Moro).
DiO Filmy/ ДиО Фильмы. The Ukrainian music band that unfortunately split up in around 2015 (if I remember it correctly). Vladimir Dantes and Vadym Oleynik continued their music careers solo, but I enjoy their band songs more. Actually both of the guys were prototypes for main characters in my fantasy novel about another planet (never finished the novel though). Songs “on repeat”: Стая, Можна випити, Мне уже 20 (for its drive and ‘cause we were having fun singing it in karaoke on my bachelorette party 😃).
I would love to learn about the playlists of @evendash, @sims4littlebird, @brokenagesims , @mlady-mimsy, @cubzikbuilds, @satureja13, @trofysisters, @maestro-simguru , @edyavtostopom  and everyone in the mood. If you don’t feel like it or have already shared the list - no stress 😎
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The Hunger Games is a series of young adult dystopian novels written by American author Suzanne Collins. The first three novels are part of a trilogy following teenage protagonist Katniss Everdeen, and the fourth book is a prequel set 64 years before the original. The novels in the trilogy are titled The Hunger Games (2008), Catching Fire (2009), and Mockingjay (2010). Each was adapted for film, establishing The Hunger Games film series, with the film adaptation of Mockingjay split into two feature-length motion pictures. The first two books in the series were both New York Times best sellers, and Mockingjay topped all US bestseller lists upon its release. By the time the film adaptation of The Hunger Games was released in 2012, the publisher had reported over 26 million Hunger Games trilogy books in print, including movie tie-in books.
The Hunger Games universe is a dystopia set in Panem, a North American country consisting of the wealthy Capitol and 13 districts in varying states of poverty. Every year, children from the first 12 districts are selected via lottery to participate in a compulsory televised battle royale death match called The Hunger Games.
The 13th district was also subjected to this, but led a rebellion against the Capitol. Since District 13 specialized in nuclear weaponry, the Capitol quickly surrendered and agreed to a peace deal. The two sides agreed that the residents of District 13 would all move underground and the land above would be bombed to make it seem like the Capitol had won.
The novels were all well received. In August 2012, the series ranked second, exceeded only by the Harry Potter series in NPR’s poll of the top 100 teen novels, which asked voters to choose their favorite young adult books. On August 17, 2012, Amazon announced the Hunger Games trilogy as its top seller, surpassing the record previously held by the Harry Potter series. As of 2014, the trilogy has sold more than 65 million copies in the U.S. alone (more than 28 million copies of The Hunger Games, more than 19 million copies of Catching Fire, and more than 18 million copies of Mockingjay). The Hunger Games trilogy has been sold in 56 territories in 51 languages to date.
A prequel novel, titled The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, about the early days of the Hunger Games, featuring a young Coriolanus Snow as the protagonist, was released on May 19, 2020. The prequel has been sold by Stimola Literary Studio into 35 territories to date.
The Hunger Games trilogy takes place in an unspecified future time, in the dystopian, post-apocalyptic nation of Panem, located in North America. The country consists of a wealthy Capitol city, located in the Rocky Mountains, surrounded by twelve (originally thirteen) poorer districts ruled by the Capitol. The Capitol is lavishly rich and technologically advanced, but the districts are in varying states of poverty. The trilogy's narrator and protagonist, Katniss Everdeen, lives in District 12, the poorest region of Panem, located in Appalachia, where people regularly die of starvation. As punishment for a past rebellion against the Capitol (called the "Dark Days"), in which District 13 was destroyed, one boy and one girl from each of the twelve remaining districts, between the ages of 12 and 18, are selected by lottery to compete in an annual pageant called the Hunger Games. The Games are a televised event in which the participants, called "tributes", are forced to fight to the death in a dangerous public arena. The lone victor and their home district are then rewarded with food, supplies, and riches. The purposes of the Hunger Games are to provide entertainment for the Capitol and to remind the districts of the Capitol's power and its lack of remorse or forgiveness for the failed rebellion of the current competitors' ancestors.
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fangirleaconmigo · 2 years
Hi Des, I have an ask for your i can't believe it's Not fanon series
The fanon thing that Jaskier befriends all the witchers He meets. Can you do something for that? I would really love to know which witchers he meets and whats his relationships with them is
Hello dear! There are surprisingly few witchers in the book series. Other witchers are mentioned in passing but that’s it. They aren’t named and you get zero details about their lives with two exceptions.
In Blood of Elves, you meet the witchers who are wintering at Kaer Morhen, but Jaskier isn’t there.
Then, in Season of Storms, you meet a cat witcher named Brehen in a tavern. Dandelion is there for that, however it is not a friendly meeting.
Brehen threatens to kill a priestess right in front of Geralt and challenges Geralt to a fight to the death for a contract.
So, once Brehen is gone, Dandelion does what he always does, which is talk too much shit and tell people how lucky they are that Geralt of Rivia was there:
“…they really are like cats: aggressive, cruel, unpredictable, and impulsive. And Geralt, as usual, is making light of it so as not to worry us.”
It’s too bad he doesn’t meet other witchers in the books, because I do think he would absolutely love that.
Dandelion very much gravitates towards non humans. Also, his very favorite people seem to be blunt, rough around the edges types with hearts of gold and a penchant for drinking and chatting shit. And we all know who fits the bill for that.
Also, he loves Geralt, so he ends up loving and caring about anyone important to Geralt. (Regardless of how rocky it is at first with Yen). So the Kaer Morhen witchers would get adopted sight unseen, I think. And if he visited, he would get ten ballads minimum out of Kaer Morhen itself. The history, the moat, the people.
And I think they’d like having him around too. In the setting of the witcher books, storytellers are prized and to top it off, he would love to try their white gull and talk into the night with them, I’ve no doubt. As long as no one expected him to do chores or engage in any athletics or combat, they’d all be good.
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