#rockstar!joel is such a dad though
cowgurrrl · 1 year
Literally nobody ever ask me about the OFTM timeline because I only have a very vague idea and it is as follows:
1. Meet Joel when the girls are 14 and 18
2. Live in Ireland for fifteen months and come back to the states when the girls are 15 and 19
3. Get engaged when the girls are 17 and 21
4. Get married when the girls are 18 and 22
5. Have Sammy when the girls are 20 and 24?? Because Sam’s birthday is May 15th and I think Ellie’s is sometime between April and May??
6. Have the twins when Sam is 4 and the girls are 24 and 28?? The girls are born on July 28th and Sarah’s birthday is July 20th 🤨
See like once I get into the math I’m like holy shit what
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poodlejoonas · 2 years
Hey Mia! I know I bug you constantly about the Dad AU but I was wondering if you could explain the relationship dynamics and how the couples fit together?
Also I remember in one fic Niko saying it’s not cheating if it’s Marja. Please explain 👀
I am always willing to offer my thoughts 👀
(under the cut for length)
We all know that Joel is a love skeptic and puts his guard up because of his trust issues in relationships, so I wanted to give him someone who would understand and be patient with him. He and Milli are opposites on a lot of visual fronts (librarian vs. rockstar, small vs. tall, bubbly and outgoing vs. broody and edgy), but they are one of the definitions of "opposites attract" and the fact that they are just so in love with each other makes those differences so endearing.
Like Joel and Milli, Joonas and Kirsten are total visual opposites. Their personalities are a lot less opposite though. She loves pastel colors and he never parts from his black clothes, but they're both the same flavor of bubbly, outgoing, and fun-loving that there's never a dull moment between them. Kirsten loves a guy who can make her laugh and he was cracking the jokes from their very first meeting -- how could she resist him?
Niko and Jenna are probably the first couple of this group that are more alike than different. They were first crushing on each other because they were probably two of the only few kids in school who shared the emo/goth personality and interests. They were spending hours every night texting each other as love-struck teenagers, and they picked right back up where they left off as adults. They're one of the two couples who best fit the "soulmates" model.
The other soulmates are Olli and Riina, lifelong friends who knew every piece of each other's lives before they ever started dating. They're both high fantasy nerds and Olli loves Riina's medieval cosplays. Riina needed someone who loved her unconditionally and never expected from her any more than she could give in return, and she found that person in Olli. Having twins is also symbolic that their love was more than enough to handle the challenge of raising them.
Niko and Jenna knew what they were doing when they brought Tommi and Marja together. They have the same small-tall visual as Joel and Milli, but they're both equally very private people. Tommi was Marja's type from their first meeting, but his size combined with his calm and patient personality turn out to be comforts for her. He understands where she was coming from before their relationship, and he's quick to love Miikka as his own.
Aleksi and Laila never really seemed like a match. He's quiet, friendly, and hardworking, but she's loud, rude, and generally entitled to what she thinks she deserves in life. She came into their relationship with her bad reputation and just being around her almost brought Aleksi down with her. They're the only "high profile" couple in their pair, whereas the other guys married non-famous women, and that fame was a small contribution to the problems they had.
Aleksi and Hanna, on the other hand, were meant to be. Aleksi wasn't going to let any random girlfriend around Noah, but her background as a psychiatrist taught her how to connect to him and respect him as an autistic child. She knew he was a father and understood that there would be some some time before she met his son. She takes care of him on all the fronts that Laila neglected, and he returns the favor with all the love he can give.
And now, for the last part 👀 (NSFW, of course)
Niko, Jenna, and Marja have basically been a throuple ever since the first relationship. In college, Marja helped Jenna come to the conclusion of her bisexual awakening. Even now, after she and Niko have gotten back together for good, he knows that they frequently sleep together and occasionally gets treated to surprise pics and videos when he's away from home. They've never been the kind of couple to shy away from a sexy threesome and when Tommi comes into the picture as Marja's boyfriend, they like to switch up the combinations.
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the-killer-queenie · 3 years
Baby's first word (dad!Joonas)
Hey! It finally happened; I wrote my first fic ever. I know, I'm shook too. The things Blind Channel are making me do🥴
I really want to thank @poodlejoonas 💜 (the culprit xP) for not only letting me run with her AU but also for being a total angel and proof reading, making corrections and suggesting ideas. I'm linking both of her fics incluiding dad!Joonas but all of her fics are totally worthy and so extraordinarily written: poodlejoonas's dad!Joonas fic (aka the fic that started all) // the BC guys as uncles
Hope y'all enjoy it!☺️
After one year and a half without shows, the world slowly started to open up which meant Blind Channel managed to get new gigs in what seemed like forever. Everyone was thrilled at the idea of playing shows again like before the pandemic hit. Sure, UMK and Eurovision were amazing experiences but playing multiple times and only one song couldn't beat the adrenaline of performing a proper setlist in front of a real crowd jumping and singing along.
To say that Joonas was really excited wasn’t enough. His time was split between rehearsals with the band and spending time with you and Sohvi at your home. As perfectionist as the boys were, they even had to encourage Joonas to leave some rehearsals earlier so he could spend some well-deserved time with his daughter. But even at your home, Joonas would keep practicing (not that you would complain, since you love hearing him play and sing) giving mini acoustic shows to a starstruck Sohvi, who would watch his dad with loving eyes and sloppily clap when the songs ended.
Of course, the thought of bringing you and his little daughter to one of the shows crossed his mind, but both of you decided to wait a little more before taking young Sohvi to one of the band's concerts.
Despite only being away for a weekend, Joonas left you both with him promising he’d try not to go off the rails, to which you laughed and reassured him not to worry as long as he found his way home.
Joonas had to leave really early in the morning. You weren’t even up yet but felt his kiss on your cheek. You also heard him making a stop at your daughter’s room to say his goodbye to an asleep Sohvi.
At around the time Joonas would come home from the studio, you heard Sohvi babbling in the living room. Since she couldn’t talk yet, she motioned towards Joonas’s guitar he kept in the corner of the room, which you took as her way of questioning where her father was. “Clever girl,” you said as you picked her up. “Daddy is playing songs like when he plays it for you before bedtime, but this time for thousands of people.'' You knew she couldn’t yet understand her father’s profession but she made happy noises, which you took as a sign of understanding. "Such a good girl," you said as you bopped her nose. “We can go to the park and then we can call daddy, okay?” you proposed, which was met with even more cheerful noises.
Joonas came back late at night. You were taking a shower when you heard the rattle of keys and the front door being open. Joonas was finally home, and he left his guitar and bag against the wall. He heard the shower, so the first thing he did as soon as he dropped his stuff was check on Sohvi in her bedroom, where she lay asleep in her crib clutching her teddy bear (a present from Uncle Tommi). He tucked her in and gave her a kiss on her forehead. You, having finished your shower, stood against the door frame, adoringly observing the scene. The scene lasted for a moment until Joonas, feeling your presence, turned around with a cheeky smile.
"Enjoying the view?"
"Hey, you rockstar."
Joonas approached you and hungrily kissed you. Breaking off the kiss, you started to close Sohvi's bedroom door, so you could talk without waking her up. Joonas took a last look at the little baby and whispered.
"She's such an angel."
"She really is."
You could tell he was still buzzing with excitement from the weekend he just had. He seemed really excited to talk about the show and how good it felt to play live again. But as enthusiastic as he looked, he also looked extremely tired, so you immediately demanded him to go to bed and get some rest, promising he could tell you all about it in the morning.
The next day was a day spent with family. The band decided to take a few days before starting new rehearsals and working on the next album. You forced Joonas to stay in bed as you prepared breakfast and brought it to him. After that, both of you spent the morning cuddling, until you heard Sohvi waking up. Joonas finally left bed to greet his little angel. Sohvi was still sleepy but thrilled to see her dad. “Isä on täällä.”* Joonas softly said as she babbled and made grabby hands towards him. He took her out of the crib and carried her to your shared bed. What followed were more cuddles and Joonas’s weekend stories (at least the few “child-appropriate” ones, since Sohvi was present and you know kids are like sponges). He recounted how Olli lost his bass, which made you laugh but also made you both wonder if he still was the best choice for being Sohvi's godfather.
After lunch, Joonas received an email from their photographer with a bunch of videos of the concert, so naturally he had to show them to both of you. He set up his computer in front of the sofa, where you were sitting with Sohvi in your lap, and played the videos. Whenever Joonas was on scene, you’d point at the screen and say, “look Sohvi, that’s daddy right there,” and Joonas’s heart would melt. Sohvi even started to do little jumps and you could swear she was trying to mimic Joonas’s movements he did to hype up the crowd before Dark Side was played. Joonas was so delighted by the scene he took out his phone and started filming the whole situation.
“Look at her, a proper heir of the Porko dynasty.” Joonas joked, though you knew in reality, he was half-serious and wondered how much time would pass until she got any kind of instrument in her hands, either a present from Joonas or from any of her uncles.
But none of you were prepared to hear your baby saying her first word when Joonas’s solo came up: “isä.” She said “daddy” in her father’s native Finnish. Both you and Joonas froze and looked at each other with teary eyes as you both processed the moment. Joonas interrupted in cheers as he picked her up and kissed her cheek, his blonde curly hair getting in her face and making her laugh. You quickly grabbed Joonas’s phone from his hand, since it almost flew away as he spun Sohvi around and kept recording the tender moment.
"I have to tell the boys. They were sure her first word was going to be Porko. Joel even bet on it."
"Oh that explains their insistence on saying Porko even though you weren’t in the room but Sohvi was…”
*Isä on täällä = Daddy's here (according to google translator, so @ Finns feel free to correct me pls)
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lucymaewrites-blog · 7 years
Joel Watson On The Road Trip From Cheffing To Music
For Melbourne audio producer and musician, Joel Watson, music was always the answer, it just took a lot of questioning himself and his heroes to get there, Lucy Johnson writes.
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Source: Maddie Bell Photography [facebook]
THE dim, shingled walls of Fitzroy’s Worker’s Club are a far cry from the sanitised kitchens where Joel Watson crafted his culinary skills for the last decade. These venues are his stage now, and rattling the walls with his Valerie Avenue bandmates, he wouldn’t have it any other way.
“When I was a kid I wanted life to be a musical,” Watson concedes, “As I grew up and went through puberty, I started wanting to communicate different messages and I knew I wanted to be in a band.”
It has been a decade since Watson left high school to pursue a career in cheffing, a completely different path to the musical he once had in mind. In that time the cyclical drainage of gruelling hours and high pressure took its toll on the Rosebud expat, however the rockstar dream is finally coming to fruition.
“My Dad was a muso and he really encouraged me to play guitar, but I picked up the bass,” the instrument he has chosen to stick to with Valerie Avenue.
“He and Mum were both really supportive of me, so that when inspiration hit me I had everything I needed.”
It wasn’t always easy for Watson to enjoy his musical endeavours though, and in his early professional years his bass took the back seat.
“I’d have half an hour spare when I was a chef and I would just write down poetry about what I was going through and get in my creative zone,” he says.
“But for a long time there music almost had no part in my life.”
Watson worked for a time at the Mornington Peninsula’s crown jewel Portsea Hotel before travelling to other esteemed eateries, and while the experience was rewarding, the intense pressure of the kitchens slowly took its toll.
“I am a pretty emotional person, and chefs really shouldn’t be”
“I was abusing drugs. I was down, depressed and I couldn’t work. But I never had nothing because I had friends who would take care of me,” he admits.
“I am the kind of person who can bottle up stress for like, a year and a half. So every eighteen months or so I’d have a breakdown, I’d quit my job and I’d take a road trip up the coast to get away.”
It was on one of his escapes Watson decided to delve deep into exploring his passion for hip hop, with hopes of gaining enough information to pursue his affinity for hip hop audio production.
On his informative road trip, a friend introduced him to Canberra MC, MLZ whom Watson dubbed “the patron saint of Australian hip hop”.
“He was a real dark knight.”
From there he was introduced to a number of formative artists including MCs Scarecrow, Toddler and Aussie hip hop collaboration Coda Conduct, all of whom he interviewed at length to deepen his understanding of the craft.
“I kept asking everybody, ‘why are you doing this?’ and ‘what got you into hip hop?’ and what I was really doing was asking everyone else so I could find my own answers,” he says.
It was MC Sereck, Paul Westgate who finally answered these questions and encouraged Watson to turn the passion into a career.
“I was like, ‘yes sir!’ [salutes]. I left like I’d been handed a torch from the blessed chosen one.”
Upon his return from the affirming road trip, Watson enrolled in audio engineering and returning to his bass.
“[In cheffing] I was surrounded by people I didn’t understand. Going from working in those environments to working with other creatives has been a big journey,” he says.
“I’m a very collaborative person and I need my little collective of a family to get things started.”
Things certainly started on a high after meeting his current creative commune through his studies at the Australian College of the Arts. Having commenced his studies in February, Watson attributes his creative hunger to the passions of his cohort.
”We are crazy, flamboyant equals bouncing around off each other chaotically. It just works,” he said.
“We are giving to each other without losing anything.”
Aside from his academic pursuits, Watson formed Valerie Avenue with classmates after hearing frontman Brad Dixon’s “powerfully expressive lyrics” at a university event.
“Our approach as a band is just taking the creative force that is Brad and putting some support behind him,” Watson says.
“Every gig has been about that and our peers really vibe off it.”
Oly Ithier, Valerie Avenue’s wild haired drummer expressed enthusiasm for working with Watson, both in their current band and on their upcoming hip hop collaboration, The Poet’s Tree.
“Recently, Joel came up with the idea that we’re starting a hip hop/ rap group. I’m drumming for that. Daniel Segrave is in it too, playing bass. I’m on the drums and Joel will be spitting some raps and playing some guitar,” Ithier confirmed.
“Joel really knows how to bring the vibes and energy for whatever genre of music we jam on, it’s like his mind is focusing on accuracy while his body and soul are connecting to something greater.”
This intangible connection to the music resonates in what Watson says is the reason he returned to his dream of “becoming a fucking rockstar”.
“In the end I had to ask myself, ‘why am I burning and cutting myself every day when I could be trying to make life into that musical I’d always wanted?’”
Valerie Avenue is playing The Workers Club on Monday, August 28, supported by Strangers In Town, Colour Fires and Le Pine.
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cowgurrrl · 4 months
Okayyy bear with me, this for our OFTM! What about a celeb who meets actress!reader at some awards or something or they’ve worked together and the pictures turn out so gorgeous and he uploads it with some cheesy lovey dovey caption and it kinda sets Joel off with jealousy and a bigggg green eyed monster. It doesn’t help that Tommy, Ellie, and Sarah start pulling his leg in their fam group chat saying oh wow look at mom with him or something and y’know tommy would pull his leg more to get a reaction out of Joel. And Joel is just alternating between fighting for his life in the chat and fighting for his wife with actress!reader and just comedy and fluffiness????
(also I have one more inspo that I dreamt of sending you in the next one)
OOOOOHHHH LOVE THIS I haven’t played around with jealous joel in SUCH A LONG TIME also I know you weren’t necessary referring them but I immediately thought of Jessica Chastain and Oscar Isaac because I MEAN
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Wildflower & Barley
Pairing: rockstar!joel miller x actress!reader
Summary: this ask
Warnings: ✨multi-media✨, jealousy, life stuff, literally just them being the sweetest couple
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You sigh as you read the text. Joel is normally very comfortable in your relationship, unshaken by the various actors and actresses who’ve played your love interests and partners on screen. He shrugs off silly press comments, sits through love scenes remarkably well, and even goes as far as congratulating your costar on a job well done. “Not that it’s hard to pretend to be in love with her,” he said when asked about it in a red carpet interview a few years ago. But, once in a blue moon, he gets jealous and a little insecure. You figure Spencer’s post didn’t help with the little green monster sitting on his shoulder the past few months. 
With all your littles in school now, you’re extremely busy. You’re constantly running around from baseball practices, PTA meetings, recitals, doctor’s appointments, birthday parties, and more. Not to mention making time for all the Miller-Hernandez-Caradonna-Pierce grandkids, Isaac, Cecilia, and JJ. Joel’s working on a new album and getting his record label up and running while you’re not only directing and co-producing a smaller film while acting in a different one and getting ready to go on a (limited) press tour. You and Joel haven’t had the most time to catch up, and it feels like you’re passing ships. It’s temporary. You know it is, but it doesn’t feel good to see your costars more than you get to see your husband. You’re almost positive Joel’s jealousy stems from that. 
“Hey, you ready to get back to it?” Your co-producer, Ava, asks, jolting you out of your thoughts, and you nod. 
“Let’s do it.” You say as you tuck your phone into your back pocket. The day goes relatively smoothly with only one broken prop and an impromptu refresher session with one of your actors and the armorer. You make it a point to end the day early so you can get home and talk to Joel before one of you can fall asleep on the couch (a bad habit you’ve both developed recently), and thank god you did. 
The second you open the door, you can smell the delicious dinner Joel is making in the kitchen and hear the music he’s blasting through the Alexa. “Mom!” Sammy yells as he and the girls run over in a flurry of overlapping stories and demands for hugs and kisses. Even though Sam is nine now and on the cusp of thinking he’s too cool for his parents, he’s still your little love bug. 
“Mommy, will you come draw with me?” Violet asks and you smile as you tuck a curl behind her ear.
“Of course, baby. Can I go say hi to Daddy first?” 
“Fine but hurry!” Violet whines, making you laugh. You hang up your purse by the front door and toe off your shoes, already feeling better with your heels off, and pad into the kitchen. Joel is wearing the apron you got him for Christmas last year that says “Caution: Hot Dad” and made the older girls groan in embarrassment. You laugh when you see it on him, and he quickly turns down the Bee Gees to hear you. 
“You’re home early.” He says as he leans down to peck your lips and wrap an arm around your waist. You chase his lips and kiss him again before pulling away to look at him.
“Wanted to catch you before bedtime,” you say, and he hums. “Plus, we’re making good time on production. We can afford to cut a little early.”
“Well, I‘m glad you did.” He says. You can hear the kids in the other room playing loudly and you know Violet is gonna burst in any moment and order you to draw with her so you savor the semi-private moment with him.
“Are we okay?” You ask quietly and he takes a deep breath. 
“We’re okay.” 
“It’s okay if we’re not.” 
“Baby,” he soothes, slipping a hand in your back pocket. “We’re okay, I promise. I just… had a moment.” 
“It’s fine to have a moment. I don’t want you to keep that from me just because we’re busy,” you say. “You don’t actually think I’d trade you in for someone else or whatever the fuck Tommy said, right?” He sighs and you raise your eyebrows at him.
“Just… please tell me this isn’t like a Mr. and Mrs. Smith thing.” He says. You would laugh if he didn’t seem as upset as he does just because of how bizarre the idea is. How could anyone ever compare to him? How could he even think that you’d leave him like that?
“This isn’t a Mr. and Mrs. Smith thing. Not even close to it. Spencer has been married to his wife longer than we’ve been married and they’re solid. I promise, he just posted that to get people excited about the movie.”
“You’re not wearing your ring in the picture.” He says. You pull the chain hiding under your collar out and show him.
“I was. You just couldn’t see it.” 
“How long have you had that?” 
“Since we got engaged. You’ve definitely seen it before.” You say, laughing a little at the surprised look on his face. 
“Yeah, but I didn’t know that’s why you wore it. I thought you got it as a wrap gift or somethin’.” He defends. It makes sense why he wouldn’t know. You only take the necklace off when it can’t be hidden under the costume, and even then, it’s normally tucked into your pocket or, at the very least, hidden safely in your trailer. It’s a part of your routine to put your ring back on at the end of a shooting day or between breaks to help you transition back into your real life, which means Joel only sees it after it’s returned to its rightful spot. Even the few times he’s been on set filming something with you, you’ve been so busy that he didn’t have time to notice it. 
“Good to know I can still surprise you all these years later,” you say. He only looks a little embarrassed when he reaches around you to turn off the stove. The kids are, thankfully, still occupied, and you take the opportunity before it can slip away. “Joel, I adore you. I am still as helplessly in love with you as I was when we were in New York for the first time. There isn’t anybody else for me, okay? It’s you. It’s always gonna be you. So you don’t need to worry about costars or living Brangelina or whatever because you are it for me.” He works at his jaw as he processes your words, and you wait. Joel’s mind has always been an elusive one, so you like watching his gears turn. 
“Okay,” he mumbles finally. “I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to be sorry. You just have to tell me when you’re feeling this way,” you say, kissing his jaw. “Besides, if you’d said something earlier, I would’ve been able to tell you that you’re a much better kisser than Spencer.”
“I was just gettin’ over the post, and now I have to watch y’all kiss?!” He groans dramatically, and you laugh. 
“You’re the one who married an actor.” 
“And I’d do it again.” He says as he kisses you, crowding your space so you’re stuck between him and the counter. It’s broken between giggles and kitchen timers beeping but it isn’t until Violet tugs at your shirt do you fully break away from Joel.
“Mommy, you said you would come draw with me.” She pouts, and you immediately drop down to her level.
“I’m so sorry, baby. I did say that. Daddy just had a hard day so I was trying to cheer him up. I can come draw with you now.” You explain, and she gasps, looking between you and Joel.
“Daddy!” She exclaims, putting her hands on her hips. “Why didn’t you tell me you were having a bad day?” 
“Because it’s not your job to fix Daddy’s day.” 
“But I want to! Can I give you a kiss?”
“I wanna give Daddy a kiss!” Sophia runs in, launching herself into Joel’s arms. He scoops both girls up and kiss his cheeks simultaneously, making you both laugh. 
“Thank you, girls. You always make me feel better.” He says, and they giggle.
“What about Mom?” Sam asks. He’s too big and too tall for you to pick him up anymore, but he snuggles perfectly under your arm and squeezes you tight. 
“You’re so sweet, honey. Thank you.” You say, kissing his head. 
“Are you better now?”
“So much better.” 
“Daddy, are you better?” Violet asks. Joel meets your eyes over the heads of the kids and smiles. It’s sweet and just for you, and you can’t help but smile back. 
“I’m perfect.”
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cowgurrrl · 2 years
Hi, my name is June (she/her) and I’m a writer! This blog is an 18+ space and minors will be blocked. All works are original and written by me and I do not give my consent for my work to be copied and shared elsewhere or being fed to AI or used to make AI chat bots. Enjoy 🫶
Requests: Open! 📥
What is June writing?
🍓= fluff/comfort
🥀= angst
🎸= rockstar!joel
🪩 = more than 1k notes
❤️‍🩹= personal favorites
Joel Miller:
When You’re Lost in the Darkness: Look for the Light prequel
Look For the Light: fix-it happy ending with a family :-)
One for the Money, Two for the Show: rockstar!joel miller x actress!reader 🎸
Hippies & Cowboys: no outbreak! au
Everything Leads to You: Who says grief and braiding hair can’t go hand-in-hand? [2.1k] 🍓
Crazy Love: Ellie wakes up from a nightmare and you and Joel help calm her down [1.3k]🍓🪩❤️‍🩹
Joel as your study buddy head canon 🍓
Joel as a girl dad headcanons 1 & 2 & 3 🍓🪩
NFWMB: What was it Bill said about protecting the ones we love? [1.5k] 🍓❤️‍🩹
Dramatic (request) 🍓
Eat Your Young: You and Ellie work together to get away from David [4.1k] 🥀
She’s A Gun: Someone didn’t give the new guy a warning about not talking about Joel Miller’s family [1.6k] 🍓👑❤️‍🩹
Going to The Chapel: Joel proposes [2.2k] 🍓
And We’re Gonna Get Married: You and Joel get married [4.4k] 🍓
Snowqueen of Texas (Request) 🍓
Everyone I’ve Never Met: You tell Ellie the truth [2k]🥀
If I Ever Were to Lose You: Joel Miller comes home for the last time [1.1k] 🥀
To Be Alone: You and Joel realize how different your lives are in Jackson [1.1k] 🍓🪩
Good Heart: Joel patches you up even though you’re trying to push him away [1.9k] 🥀❤️‍🩹
Alone and Forsaken: You and Joel meet for the first time [3.0k] 🥀❤️‍🩹 pt. 2 coming soon!!
Ladybird [1.2k]: (request) 🍓🎸❤️‍🩹
Rockstar!joel headcanons 🍓
Like Real People Do: movie night doesn’t go to plan [~800] ❤️‍🩹
Name of the Game: When work separates you and Joel to opposite coasts, it’s nice to know that nothing’s changed 🍓🎸❤️‍🩹
Sunset Canyon: Date night with pre-outbreak!joel 🍓
cardigan: You and Joel talk about scars [1.6k] 🥀❤️‍🩹
Piano Man: college!joel does karaoke 🍓
She’s got a book for every situation: helping college!joel with an essay 🍓
Surprise (Request)*
Getting Older: Tommy and Joel have a talk [1.5k] 🥀🍓
Sam: Joel and Ellie adopt a dog [1.2k] 🍓
You’re So Good When You’re Bad: Date night with cowboy!Joel [1.8k] 🍓
Don’t Let This Darkness Fool You: Joel’s journey to sobriety [1.1k] 🥀
I’m Still Glad I Met You: Ellie and her ghosts 🥀
Roll The Bones: A bad pain day with Joel [1.5k] ❤️‍🩹
Javier Peña
Wanted: Javier Peña x CIA!agent
Strangers: Javi struggles to assimilate back into civilian life in Texas until an old friend returns [1.5k] 🍓
I Don’t Smoke: Javi makes an unwelcome reappearance in your life [8.1k] 🥀
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cowgurrrl · 1 year
Pairing: rockstar!joel miller x actress!reader
Author’s note: oops (fic named after this song)
Summary: Nothing good ever happens on an LA road [2.3k]
Warnings: NOTHING SUPER GORY, car crash, injuries, hospital setting, found family but make it angsty
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When you first moved to LA, you and Ryan would drive around for hours, just talking and taking in the sights. Normally, you'd end up sitting somewhere and gossiping about this actor or that producer for hours. But, with each of your busy schedules, it's a little harder to find time to just be friends instead of coworkers. That's why when you both had a free day, you decided to drive around and update him on everything that's been going on. You tell him about the auditions you have lined up, the reshoot schedule, and even what happened during and after New York.
"You met his kids?!" Ryan half-yells in your ear, and you smile as you turn on your blinker to get off the freeway. "That's huge! Did they like you? How old are they? What are their names? Do they want to be friends with Elizabeth?" 
"Sarah is eighteen, and Ellie is fourteen, so I don't think they'll be particularly interested in hanging out with your toddler." You say, and he feigns disappointment before sitting up again, suddenly giddy.
"But they liked you?"
"I think so. They invited me to their family movie night on Friday."
"They as in the girls?"
"We're in a group chat. Ellie's idea, not mine." 
"No shit?" He asks, and you nod. You stop at a red light and turn in the driver's seat to look at him. You can't help the big smile or how it grows when Ryan looks at you all excitedly. "Is Joel just head over heels in love with you now that his daughters like you?" You scoff and roll your eyes.
"It's only been a few months. He's not in love with me."
"I knew I was gonna marry Carolina on our third date."
"Well, that's because you guys are crazy."
"And you think you and Joel are sane?" He has a point, but you'd never tell him he's right. "But, seriously. Do you see yourself being with him for a while?" He asks, and you turn your head to watch the red light turn green.
Before you got to know him, before you went to New York, before he introduced you to his family, you would've said no. You would've made up some lie about how it's just for now, and neither of you is really looking for anything serious. But now he's inviting you over for movie nights and late-night studio sessions like this is how it's always been, and you like it. You like being a part of his life and having him in yours. You just don't know what that means for the future.
"We're just… having fun. I'm not worrying about the future for once in my life. Can you please let me have that?" You sigh, and Ryan throws up his hands from the passenger seat.
"Fine, but I will say one more thing before we drop it," he says, looking at you sincerely. "You seem really happy. Like the happiest I've ever seen you. So, I'm Team Joel, as long as you are. I'll make t-shirts and cheer you guys on, and when the time comes, I'll even officiate the wedding."
"I don't know about the wedding part, but t-shirts would actually be hilarious," you laugh, even though the genuineness in his voice makes you want to cry. You reach over and squeeze his hand. "Thank you, Ryan."
"You're welcome," he squeezes you back. "Now that we're done talking about your love life, can I tell you what Elizabeth said the other day?"
"I wish you would." You say as the light turns green and cars slowly begin moving. Ryan begins spinning an elaborate story about how Carolina's dad was visiting last week, and they were playing in the playroom. You swear you're listening, but traffic is backing up in your lane, and you're desperately trying to get over. Thankfully, someone lets you in, and you can finally go the speed limit for once. Ryan is laughing at his story, and you're tuned back in when he gets cut off by metal crunching.
You don't know exactly what happened after that. You think you saw a black— no, a blue— car sputtering away after hitting you. Your ears ring, and your vision blurs as you struggle to breathe. It feels like someone is squeezing your lungs like a stress ball. Pricks of pain erupt across your face and thighs as your eyes flutter shut. Your head weighs a million pounds, and all you want to do is sleep, but then you hear groaning, and you suddenly remember Ryan.
Something takes over as you look at him, glass and blood all over his body. You unbuckle your seatbelt and get out of the car on shaky legs to run to his side, the side hit by the speeding car. The door is partially dented in, but you're able to open it and see his chest rising and falling. You curse under your breath as you apply pressure to the gnarly-looking cut on his head. He jerks under your touch, and you shush him gently. Distantly, you hear sirens and pray that they're for you.
"Hey. Hey, you're okay. You're fine. We're okay," you say. His eyes open halfway before dropping down again. "No, no, no. Hey, you gotta stay awake for me, okay? You gotta finish telling me your story about Bethy. What did she say? You didn't tell me." 
"Are you okay? We called 911, and..." a kind voice approaches, making you jump. You turn to look at her and watch a flicker of recognition pass over her. "Holy shit, you're-"
"He needs help," you cut her off. "Please, can you help him? I... I don't know what to do. The c...car came out of nowhere, and he..." The asphalt sways under you, and she quickly reaches out to grab your elbow. You shake your head and grip the mangled door for balance. It's then that you realize that your car is stopped in the middle of the intersection, with broken glass and car parts littering the road. You also realize that bystanders surround you, their beady camera lenses pointed at you. A shudder runs down your spine despite the California heat, and something in your side twinges in pain.
"You need to be sitting down." The woman tries to pull you away from Ryan, but you rip your arm away from her. You position your body between his and the cameras, bending over him to protect his bloody face.
"No. No, 'm fine. Need to be with him." 
"I said no!" You yell as an ambulance squeals to a stop nearby, and paramedics rush out. 
"Are you hurt?" A paramedic asks, medical gear slung over her shoulder as she approaches.
"I think he hit his head. I don't... know. He's bleeding." You say, and the paramedic nods. You think she says something to the kind woman about shock, but you can't hear over all the blood. It's on your hands, your clothes, and in your hair. The dark red is suffocating you, and all you can do is watch.
Ringing takes over your senses as they cut Ryan out of his seat and put him on a stretcher. You repeat Carolina's phone number over and over again. You tell them his blood type, the dosage of his anti-depressants, and his bad knee. The left one. The left one gives him the most trouble. The left one pops when he stands too fast or walks upstairs. He needs surgery, but he won't get it. You tell them he's a father. You tell them that there are people who need him a lot more than they need you. Your legs give out as soon as he's loaded into the ambulance and sent away with shrieking sirens. Someone catches you before you can hit the pavement, and you can feel yourself shaking.
"Your friend is gonna be okay. We're gonna meet him at the hospital. Is there someone I can call for you? An emergency contact?" A medic asks, and you shake your head.
"That was my emergency contact. I... I don't have anyone else. I don't," your chest heaves with panic when a set of numbers flashes in your head next to Carolina's phone number. You repeat to the medic, and they quickly scribble it down. "His name is Joel."
"And who's he?"
"My partner."
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Your body feels heavy when you wake up, like someone tied cinderblocks to your joints and told you to swim. Ringing fills your ears before giving way to a cloud of painful noise, and for a second, you wonder if the car crash was just a dream and when you open your eyes, you'll be back in bed. You'll text Ryan about how weird it was and make plans to hang out later in the day. Except, when you open your eyes, harsh fluorescent lights shine down on you. Your face pulses with an unrelenting throbbing. Pressure explodes across your temples, and you grit your teeth as you try to take a deep breath, but your ribs protest. A gentle squeeze of your hand surprises you, but it doesn't hurt.
"Don't move too fast. Doctors said you'd be sore," Joel says quietly. You slowly turn your head and find him sitting in a chair next to your bed, both of his hands holding one of yours. Tears immediately flood your vision, and your chest aches under the weight of your cries. "What's wrong? Are you in pain?"
"'Ryan. Where's Ryan? Is he okay?" It hurts to talk, and Joel has to move closer to hear you, but once he realizes what you're asking, he kisses your hand.
"Ryan's next door with Carolina. He's got some bumps and bruises like you, but he's gonna be just fine," he says, reaching out to smooth your hair down, and you let out a sigh of relief. "You were the first thing he asked about when he woke up, too."
"Really?" You ask, and he smiles.
"Course. Said he could hear you the whole time, but he couldn't say anythin'. He told me that knowin' you were there made him feel safe." 
"I... I told the paramedics about his knee." You sniffle, and he raises his eyebrows.
"You did?"
"His left one is bad. They needed to know. I had to tell them." 
"You did great," he murmurs, wiping your tears away with gentle thumbstrokes. You take a shaky breath and focus all your strength on squeezing his hand. He smiles and kisses your forehead, his eyes glistening with tears. "You scared me."
"'M sorry. I didn't know who else to call."
"Hey, don't be sorry, okay? You did the right thing tellin' 'em to call me. I was scared because you were hurt."
"What's the damage?" You ask, and he takes a deep breath as his eyes scan your face.
"You've got a concussion and bout seven stitches on the side of your face here," he traces a line over his left eyebrow to show where he's indicating without hurting you. "Three cracked ribs and two broken ones from hittin' the steering wheel, some cuts from the glass, and lots of bumps and bruises." You nod as you listen, taking a mental inventory of everything. He watches you process silently, pressing kisses to your hand, forehead, and cheek whenever he gets the urge. Memories of blood, warped metal, and phone cameras run through your mind, and you swallow thickly.
"People were taking pictures of us after we got hit." You say, and Joel nods.
"I saw 'em."
"Out of all those people, one stopped to help us," your voice cracks. "I thought Ryan was gonna die, and they were fucking taking pictures."
"He didn't. He's safe. You're both safe, and Mel is already workin' on gettin' those pictures taken down, okay?" He says. You just nod and wrap your other hand around Joel's wrist, bringing your joined hands to your chest. You stay like that for a while, listening to the incessant beeping of your heart monitor and Joel's breathing. He doesn't rush you or make you talk anymore. He waits.
It would've been so easy for Joel to not show up. Or to show up, focus only on you, and completely forget about Ryan and Carolina. But he didn't. He knew how much they mean to you. He showed up, and he visited them, and was there when he woke up. He talked to Melanie about getting the photos from the accident taken down. He held your hand and said you did the right thing and didn't flinch when he saw your bruises. I'm Team Joel, as long as you are, echoes in your mind, and you smile.
"Thank you," you mumble as you kiss Joel's hand.
"For what?" He asks, and you shake your head.
"Bein' you."
"You're gettin' sweet on me, pretty girl." 
"Mm, I don't know about that one," you say. "Think people will still wanna cast me with a big ass scar on my forehead?" Joel nods as he leans down to kiss you gently.
"Oh, yeah. 'S sexy." He says against your lips, and you chuckle. 
"Shut up."
"Yes, ma'am," A wave of fatigue hits you as Joel settles in his chair again, and you yawn. "Get some rest. I'm not goin' anywhere." He squeezes your hand again, and you close your eyes, letting the pain meds drag you under again. 
You don't remember what you dreamt about that night in the hospital, but you remember blood washing down the drain. It wouldn't stop. There was so much. You remember thinking the blood on your hands almost looked sparkly as camera shutters reflected in the red. Everything looks prettier on camera, right? 
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cowgurrrl · 1 year
Thinking about Joel holding your hand the whole time and staying right by your side during and after the delivery, nervous to meet his son, but it all goes away as soon as Sammy finally arrives. Thinking about him holding his son in his arms for the first time and falling in love with him instantly, so emotional and proud, completely showering you and your baby boy with love🧸
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Newborn dad Joel Miller, I could kiss you.
Brooklyn Baby
Pairing: rockstar!joel miller x actress!reader
Summary: You and Joel welcome your son [2.2k]
Warnings: pregnancy, labor and delivery (NOTHING GRAPHIC), pre-parental panic, Joel literally being the best, talks of Anna and Angela
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You go into labor a month early. In New York City. Thousands of miles away from your OBGYN, who knows your birth plan backward and forward. You were there for press, and Joel went with you because there was no way he was going to let you travel alone across the country thirty-six weeks pregnant. You'd been having sporadic contractions for a few months, but the doctors told you it was Braxton-Hicks, and they were nothing to worry about. So, when you started having contractions in the middle of the day, you didn't think anything of it, except when they got less sporadic and even became predictable. Ten minutes apart for about two hours. You were at work most of the day, so Joel didn't see you having to take pauses or deep breaths in the middle of interviews, the pain knocking the wind out of you and distracting you. When you get back to the hotel, though, it's an entirely different story.
You're trying not to freak him out. If he freaks out, you'll freak out, and you're barely hanging on by a thread with the constant pain and the worry that you won't make it home. So, a little selfishly, you hide how you check the time when the pressure in your abdomen returns. You have time. You're fine. But Joel has eagle eyes and picks up on your pain the second he catches you wincing.
"What's wrong?" He asks, a gentle hand landing on your back as you sit there with your hands on your belly. You shake your head and take a deep breath.
"It's nothing."
"Is something hurting? Should we go to the hospital to get checked out? Did something happen at work?" He asks quickly. You swear you can hear the moment his brain makes the connection. "Are you having contractions?"
"No, I'm not due for another month. It's just Braxton-Hicks." You say as the contraction ends, letting you relax into your chair for a moment.
"How far apart are they?"
"I'm not timing them," you say, but he sees right through you. He knows you have three different contraction timer apps on your phone, and you've been religiously counting your contractions, even the false ones. "Right now? About ten minutes."
"Honey, I think we need to go to the hospital."
"No, it's fine. I'm not due for another month, and we're in New York. I can't be in labor right now. Our doctor isn't here, and we have nothing ready for him, so I can't be in labor."
"I don't know if he cares about any of that right now."
"Well, I do, and I'm his mother, so it's fine," Joel says your name sympathetically, but you shake your head, tears pricking in your eyes. "I'm fine. It's fine. I'm not in labor. They're Braxton-Hicks," Joel wordlessly grabs your hand and runs his thumb over your knuckles, and it's enough to make you break down. You squeeze his hand and wipe your tears on your shirt sleeve. "This isn't how I wanted it to happen."
"I know, and I'm sorry. If I could get you back to LA without you havin' our son on a plane, I would, but he's comin'," he kisses your hand. "He probably knows he's got the world's best mama waitin' on him and got impatient."
"Oh, is that your conclusion?" You ask, smiling through tears, and he hums.
"This isn't ideal. I know it's not, but you know your birth plan, and New York's got some of the best doctors in the world. You'll be safe and taken care of, and we're gonna have the cutest baby ever, and it's gonna be okay." He says, and you cry a little harder at how sweet he's being.
"We don't have any clothes for him."
"We'll go get some."
"The girls. They said they wanted to be here. We need to call them and-"
"And I will get them on the first flight out here, okay? Little guy's probably gonna take some time. I'll make sure they get here before he does." He says easily, and you sigh.
"Promise?" You ask, and he nods.
"Okay," you say quietly, sending Joel into a mad dash to get you out of the hotel. He gathers all your things as you sit and watch him, another contraction creeping up on you. In his few minutes, he calls Sarah and Ellie, Tommy, and an Uber. You get to the hospital in record time.
The second you're there, a nurse checks your dilation and confirms you're in labor. They agree to keep you because you don't have time to fly home, and they immediately hook you up to three different machines, tracking the baby's heartbeat, your heartbeat, and contractions simultaneously. Sarah and Ellie confirm they're on their way to the airport and should be getting into the city in a few hours. "Tell her to hold him in!" Ellie shouts over the phone, making you laugh.
As your labor progresses and the contractions get closer together, Joel holds your hand, rubs your back, and holds your hair back when the pain gets to be too much, and you throw up. He asks the nurses questions, ensuring you both understand what's going on and hums your favorite songs as you hold onto him, swaying beside your hospital bed. He's the perfect partner, and you chalk it up to his being here before.
"Tell me about the day Sarah was born." You mumble as he rubs your back, and he chuckles.
"It was the end of July, hot as hell, and Angela called me from her house to tell me she was havin' contractions. She didn't have a car, and I had my beat-up old truck that should've never had a baby in it, so I took her to the hospital. I was so fuckin' scared. I didn't know what was gonna happen or what to do, but I did my best to be there for her," his voice is a little nostalgic, and you smile as you imagine an early twenty-something version of Joel nervously pacing the delivery room. "But, then, she was there, and she was cryin', and I remember all my fear goin' out the window the second I saw her. She was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen, and I knew I'd do anything for her."
"From that first moment?" You ask, and he hums.
"From that first moment," he confirms. "Angela didn't wanna hold her at first, so I did. She was so small and fragile, and I swear, she reached for me, and that was it. I knew I was meant to be her dad." He says, sniffling at the memory, and you smile. You push down your disbelief at Angela, not wanting to hold her own newborn, as you look up at him and melt at the look in his eyes.
"Do you feel more prepared this time around?"
"Fuck no," he says, and you both laugh. "I'm still just as scared, but I have you, and the girls are on their way, and we have the most perfect little boy comin' soon. So, I know it'll be okay." You smile and fight the urge to ask what he knows about the day Ellie was born. You never found out exactly what killed Anna, but you're not sure if finding out while you're in labor is the best move. You let it go as another contraction takes over your body, and your grip on Joel's arms tighten.
It takes another hour to give in and get an epidural finally, the pain becoming too much as you progress, and you're able to get some sleep once the pain medication floods your system. When you wake up, Sarah and Ellie are whispering with their dad, your pre-packed hospital bag next to them, and you burst into tears. You wrap your arms around your daughters and thank them for making it and bringing stuff for the baby. At this point, you've been in labor for almost eighteen hours and are ready to be done, even with the epidural.
As you lay on your side, holding Joel's hand, as Sarah perches on the edge of your bed, rubbing your back, he smiles. "D'you remember the first time we came to New York?" He asks, and you nod.
"Of course I do," you smile.
"What did you guys do when you were here?" Sarah asks. You tell her about your walk through Central Park, showing Joel your old apartment and how you talked the entire time. You conveniently leave out the details of what happened the night before because you figure that's the last thing the girls want to know about their dad, but the memory still makes you blush.
"'S when I realized I was fallin' in love with you," Joel admits, and your eyes fill with tears again— stupid hormones.
"It is?"
"Of course. How could I not when you were tellin' me all the little facts and things you remembered?" He says, and you start crying again. It's a perfectly sweet moment, and in any other moment, you might not have cried as much as you did, but you can't help it.
However, there's less time for sweet moments once your water breaks. After that, the world devolves into chaos as the pain intensifies, and you can't stop the curses and groans from falling from your lips. Joel stays close, wiping your forehead with a cool rag and letting you squeeze the life out of his hand as contractions come and go. Ellie and Sarah consistently praise you as the hours go by and don't leave your side for anything. After another ten hours of labor, the doctor finally returns to help you push.
You're exhausted and hungry, and all you want is to be done. You want your son to be here. Joel lifts your water bottle to your lips to take a sip as the girls stand on the other side of you, Sarah with a hand on your arm as Ellie holds your hand. You push for thirty minutes, which is longer than you ever thought you'd have to push, and once the contraction ends, you lean back into the flat hospital pillow and cry.
"I can't do this. I'm so tired." You sob, shaking your head. Joel pushes your sweaty hair out of your face and kisses your temple.
"Yes, you can. You're doing so good. You're almost done."
"I'm so tired." You repeat like if you say it enough times, someone will snap their fingers, and you'll suddenly be holding your baby.
"I know you are. You're almost there. Just a few more big pushes, and he'll be here, okay? You're so fuckin' strong. I love you so much." Another contraction stops you from being able to respond to Joel. You give it the rest of your energy, two more pushes, and then the world goes silent. Either that or you deafened yourself trying to get him out. Then, without any warning, a shrill cry cuts through the air, and your son is placed on your chest for the first time. You rest your hand on his back and gently kiss his head.
"You're okay. We're okay. I'm right here, baby boy. It's okay," you tell him as you take a big breath. You look at Joel and see tears falling from his eyes as he stares at you. "It's okay." You say, reaching for Joel and pulling him to you. He kisses you before kissing your son's forehead and crying some more.
"You did so good. You're so strong. I love you." He says, a jumble of emotions playing out across his face— pride, excitement, joy, and only a little bit of fear about this tiny new person that just joined your family. Sarah and Ellie cry and kiss your head, too, as a nurse takes the baby to get weighed and cleaned up.
It's dark when all the doctors and nurses leave you with the little boy who gave you enough excitement for a lifetime. He's perfectly healthy despite being so small. His legs are long and skinny, and his fingers grasp anything within reach. He's strong. He has Joel and Sarah's nose, wide and straight and all identical. But, your eyes and lips match. He has a lot of hair, so much so that it sticks out of his little blue hat. You watch Joel hold him on his bare chest, a little hand grazing his tattoos every time he moves, and you smile.
"Does he have a name yet?" Ellie asks from her place next to you in your hospital bed, and you raise your eyebrows at Joel.
"You wanna tell 'em?" You ask.
"It's yours to tell, Mama." He says, and you smile as you turn to look at Sarah and Ellie.
"His name is Samuel James Miller, but I think we're gonna call him Sam."
"Sam," Sarah repeats, trying the name on her tongue, and she smiles. "It's perfect."
"Yeah." She nods, and you feel like your heart could burst. There, as you watch your daughters take in their brother for the first time, your family feels whole and perfect. It feels like nothing could ever top this moment. It doesn't feel like you're filling in any missing spot in your heart, but it does feel like it grew in size.
Besides, how could anything ever be missing when you've had all three of them for so long?
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cowgurrrl · 1 year
Ok listen LISTEN ! I would love to see the twins go through a clingy dad phase. Rockstar!Joel feeling like he won the round and reader just thinking he is ridiculous but still slightly jealous. Please 💛
I love this idea!! I hope you enjoy 💛💛 (ps I’m slowly working through requests so there’s more coming!!)
Pairing: rockstar!joel x actress!reader
Summary: this ask
Warnings: none just fluffy reassurances :-)
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Thirty-six weeks of sleepless nights spent trying to get comfortable, high-risk doctors, blood test after blood test, and a total carriage of ten pounds of baby only for them to cling to their father three years later. You're not upset. Joel is a great dad. It's one of the reasons you married him. Still, when you're on tour, and the girls only want to hang out with their dad 24/7, even though he's technically working, and your redirections to their favorite things like ice cream and Bluey don't take their mind off their dad, you have to admit you feel a little flustered. It didn't help when Violet told you, "Daddy is more funner than you."
You're not upset. Joel is fun. Especially when he gets all three little kids in a golf cart and races it around whatever stadium you're in. Sam and the girls giggle maniacally as Ellie, JJ, and Dina follow close behind them, giving the security team a little excitement when they accidentally speed past the glass doors where hundreds of fans are already lined up. You swear the screaming shakes the ground when they catch a glimpse of not only Joel but Ellie. When he has to go to soundcheck, you have to wrestle the kids to the green room set aside for your family. Even when you get them set up, the girls cry and whine for their dad, wanting absolutely nothing to do with you.
You're not upset when the three of them dogpile onto Joel the second he can sit down. You're not upset when the girls make drawings for him instead of you. You're not upset when they suddenly resent your bedtime routine and only want their dad, who's on stage and can't just leave to read "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?" You're not upset. You're not upset. You're not upset. You repeat it over and over again as you juggle three kids, all under the age of ten, while simultaneously helping Dina with JJ. No wonder the girls think Joel is more fun than you are.
"I think it's funny." Joel chuckles when you mention it to him after one of his shows and the kids have all gone to bed. You sigh and run a stressed hand through your hair.
"Of course you do."
"Remember when Sam went through the same phase?"
"Yeah, but that was just one kid. This is two. Two who lived in my body for almost nine months and are the reason I pee a little when I sneeze," you're dead serious, but a smirk pulls on Joel's lips. He saunters over to you and grabs your hands before you can defiantly cross them over your chest, and you roll your eyes. "Don't."
"Don't what?"
"Work your Joel Miller magic. I wanna sulk in my emotions for a little longer."
"Honey," he says gently, and you give him a look. "Are you jealous?" He asks. You want to scoff and push him away and insist that you're not, but you've been together for too long to pull that anymore. You take a deep breath and look down at your joined hands.
"It's stupid." You mumble.
"It's not stupid. Not if it's botherin' you." God fucking dammit, you think. Sometimes, it's annoying how good he is at being a supportive husband. It's not that he doesn't have his moments where he leaves his shoes in the middle of the living room or goes to the store and buys everything except the one thing you asked him to get, but this— making you feel heard and supported— is something he's always been a master at.
"I'm not a rockstar, Joel. When they come to work with you, they get to be loud and crazy and have fun. When they come to my work, they barely understand what I'm doing and why. And to top it all off, they have to be quiet and still. Otherwise, we'll have to reset and start all over again, which makes me stay longer and makes them antsy," you ramble. "Plus, they probably like you more because they've seen the trailers of me kissing other actors and subconsciously think I'm cheating on you."
"Woah, woah, woah," Joel says, struggling to figure out where to start with all the information you just gave him. "First of all, I think you're givin' too much credit to our three and seven-year-olds. Second of all, you're bein' way too mean to my wife." And there it is. The Joel Miller Magic. You sigh and try to get away from the stupidly sweet look in his eyes, but he drops your hands to gently hold your face.
"Those kids love you. I love you. JJ and Isaac love you. You're the glue holdin' us all together. I wouldn't be able to do half the things I do without you by my side. When they asked us to go on tour, you're the one who said we should. You pushed me to make this album. You gave me the biggest inspirations of my life. You are a fuckin' rockstar, baby," he says with so much conviction that you have no choice but to believe him. “This is just a phase. They’ll grow outta it.”
“How happy did it make you to be the one to say that to me instead of the other way around?”
“We don’t gotta get into the logistics.” He says and you laugh. He smiles too and kisses your forehead, swiping affectionate lines across your cheekbones with his thumbs. “Feel better?”
“A little.” You say.
“Only a little?”
“I mean, the parenting compliments were pretty good.”
“Yeah?” He asks and you nod. He kisses your forehead again before trailing down your nose, your cheeks, and jaw before finally kissing your lips. “Would it help if I said somethin’ about how hot you are?”
“Maybe.” You mumble against him and he smiles.
“You’re so fuckin’ hot.” He says, his voice deep and low the way he knows sends a shivers down your spine. You feel your face flush and hide it in his shoulder, wrapping him in a hug.
“Thank you,” you say sincerely, and he knows it’s not just about the compliments or the physical affection but the reassurances he gave you. He hums, obviously smug as he rubs your back.
"Are you still riding your high of being the fun parent?"
"Oh, yeah."
TAGLIST: @abbyhaslongshorts @moonandseatgr-yngf @kiwiharrykiwi @sumsworldz @myloveistoolittle @korynnekorynne @anavatazes @marantha
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cowgurrrl · 9 months
now that i think about it, though, actress!reader and rockstar!joel having their own stars on the walk of fame would be iconic! the stans would be freaking out and ofc their families would be supportive
Hello I spent way too long writing these speeches??
You would both agree that because it’s such a big deal and you’ll probably already be crying all day to not speak at each other’s ceremony. It’s enough that the other and all the people you love and care for are there to support. Joel’s ceremony is a week before yours because you’re in different industries and he’s been in the public eye for longer than you. Which is fine because you’re weirdly nervous for your own ceremony. You’d much rather watch him get his first so you know what to expect.
The day of, you wear a simple, pretty black dress and gather your entire family into the car to get to Hollywood. The kids, all being 12 and above, don’t require as much supervision as they have in the past and are free to greet aunts and uncles they haven’t seen in a while. They quickly disperse in a chorus of, “Uncle Dave!” “Uncle Harry!” “Aunt Patti!” and more. You stay close to Joel before the ceremony actually starts and you’re relegated to the front row and he smiles sweetly as he kisses your cheek.
“Thanks for bein’ here.” He says and you smile and squeeze his bicep.
“Thanks for inviting me.” You say. You mingle through the crowd together, his hand always on your waist, in yours, or ruffling the hair of a passing child or grandchild that looks weirdly like him. When the ceremony begins, you sit in the front and he shoots you a wink from the podium before he starts giving his speech. Of course, he thanks his producers, band mates, managers, and everyone else as he spins the yarn of the young single-dad who showed up in LA with a dream and practically nothing else. Every once in a while, he looks up from his paper to meet your eyes and you nod to encourage him. Sometimes mouthing, “you got it.” He nods back and goes back to his words.
“I wouldn’t be near where I am today if it weren’t for my family. My brother, Tommy, and his wife, Maria, and their daughter, Lucy, never let me forget my roots and keep me grounded as the Texas boy I am. The little girl I showed up with is now a psychologist who’s way smarter than I’ll ever be, and a wonderful wife and mother to two little ones— Isaac and Eleanor. The daughter that isn’t of my blood but is of my soul is now a tattoo-covered drummer with an attitude that impresses even her Aunt Patti, an activist fighting for LGBTQ+ rights all across the world, and an amazing mother to a not-so-little JJ. My first son who’s given us a run for our money from the second he was born spends more time playin’ baseball than the guitar and we love him for it. My twin girls, our final Millers, never miss a beat and not only keep me on my toes but keep me updated on the latest TikTok trend so their old dad doesn’t go out of style just yet,” he says. Sophia and Violet giggle down the line of your family as you sit there and watch him. His eyes meet yours and you catch them misting over and you’re a goner.
“And my incredible wife who’s been patient, understanding, and gentle beyond belief for eighteen years. You are forever and always my inspiration, my rock, my best friend, and my confidant. The only reason I was able to make Grammy-winning albums and go on tour is because you stayed home with our kids for the first two years of their life. I know it wasn’t easy and there were days when we both wondered if we made the right decision. I hope you feel like we did. The sacrifices I’ve made are nothing compared to yours and I will do everything I can to repay you for that. This star— this accomplishment— is as much yours as it is mine. I love you with everything I am and everything I could ever be. Thank you.” His words hit your heart and all at once, all five of your kids are reaching across each other to grab your hand, touch your wrist, your knee, any part of you they can reach. You laugh and kiss each of their hands as you wipe your eyes. He looks at you with raised eyebrows, looking for approval, and you nod.
“I love you,” you mouth.
“I love you, too,” he mouths back.
At your ceremony, a week later, you stand on the same stage he did and look down at your family. The day’s emotions have made you especially teary and seeing all their sweet faces doesn’t do you any favors. “Alright, I’m gonna try to do this without crying,” you say, making everyone laugh. You thank your team and all the people you absolutely need to thank before turning to where you know Carolina, Ryan, Elizabeth, Victoria, and Penny are sitting.
“I met Carolina Garcia and Ryan Long while looking for a roommate for my 1,200 square foot apartment in Hell’s Kitchen. I was twenty and in the middle of my studies at NYU when Carolina responded to my Craig’s List ad. She said she didn’t have any pets, allergies, or baggage with her except for her boyfriend, Ryan. I was skeptical but agreed to meet him and thus began our decades-long friendship. When Carolina booked her first big TV gig, she threw my name in the hat and helped launch my career. Over the years, Carolina, Ryan, and their daughters have become cornerstones in my life. They made me a godmother and costar when they didn’t have to. They’re kind, selfless people and I owe who I am to them,” you say.
“Carolina and Ryan were also present when I met my husband, Joel Miller, and watched me fall in love with him. Carolina drunkenly told me during our wedding reception that she knew Joel was the one when I told her I could not only tolerate, but sleep through, his snoring,” Joel laughs a little too hard at the anecdote from his spot in the front when all five of the Miller children nod in agreement.
“Over our twenty-year relationship and eighteen-year marriage, Joel has given me support, love, and a family. I met his daughters, Sarah and Ellie, when they were 18 and 14, and although I didn’t bring them into this world, they gladly welcomed me into theirs. They were exceptionally patient and sweet as I adjusted to life with them and their father and let me love them as if they were my own. I never thought I could be a mother, but they helped prove me wrong. Quickly, we went from a family of four to a family of seven with the addition of Sam and our twins, Sophia and Violet, but through it all, the three of you made it easy to be a mom. Even then, all of you made me want to be a better mom, a better wife, a better actress, a better person. With the five of you, I felt unstoppable. I share this achievement with all of you as I do my love. Being your wife, mother, friend, godmother, and Nanny has been the greatest ride of my life. I love you. Thank you.”
Your family embraces you the second you’re off the stage and soon social media floods with pictures of Joel lifting you off the ground and spinning you around, kissing you, and holding your hand or waist for the rest of the day. You get sweet comments and congratulations from fans and other people in the industry. People Magazine celebrates the two of you as “The Most Successful Couple in Hollywood” and praises you for your speeches. You could give a thousand speeches and none of them could ever come close to describing what it feels like to watch Joel play with the kids and grandkids and nieces and nephews.
None of them could ever come close to encapsulating how much love you have for him and the life you get to lead together.
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cowgurrrl · 1 year
Love the writing! Could I get one where Joel is on your and the twins are still really tiny and oc!actress is having a really hard time and has to go home, I don’t know something really angsty and also just fluff at the end of him being a girl dad and loving his 2 little beans.
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Love You
Pairing: rockstar!joel miller x actress!reader
Author’s note: sorry this took so long!!
Summary: Combining these two asks!! [1.5k]
Warnings: weird Hollywood questions, brief brief brief talks of body image, PPA if you squint, people on twitter being The Worst, Joel being The Best, I think that’s it!!
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You weren't supposed to be working. Then again, you were still supposed to be pregnant. You normally wouldn't pick up new projects or anything super intensive until the twins were at least two years old, but you signed on for this interview two months ago when you didn't think you'd go into labor quite so early. But now you've got one-month-old twins at home and a mandatory event. Sierra would've happily called out of it on your behalf, but Joel told you it was okay if you wanted to go. You hadn't done much except focus on the twins since they were born, and he knew how much you loved to talk about your work— especially since this interview was for the anniversary of one of your first and most well-loved projects, Sweet Water. Carolina will be there too, and it’ll last two hours at most. 
"Go. I can handle this." Joel reassured you. Still, when you went to leave, you cried and repeated instructions for the umpteenth time, even though Joel knows their schedules and habits as well as you. You got kisses from Sam and Joel before walking out the door and doing your best not to turn right around and come back. It's only a few hours, you remind yourself. Nothing catastrophic will happen in a few hours.
You fight your anxiety to constantly check your phone for an update from Joel as Alexa does your makeup. She asks how you're feeling post-partum, how the kids are, and makes a point to tell you how good you look for just having twins. You're not sure if she's laying it on thick because she can clearly see you're frantic, but you appreciate the compliments, nevertheless. As you're walking to set, your phone buzzes with a picture of Sam snuggling up to the girls with a long text about how many ounces the girls drank and what Sammy had for lunch. 
Now, we're watching Frozen 2 for the thirtieth time.
Thank you. Hopefully, I'll be home before the rock giants.
No rush, Mama. We'll see you whenever you get home.
I love you.
Love you too.
Reluctantly, you slide your phone into your pocket as PAs rush around to get everything set up, and the interviewer enters the room. He's an older guy you recognize from many other documentary-style interviews, and you smile as you shake his hand and introduce yourself.  
"It's so nice to meet you. I've heard so many good things." He says, and you laugh. "I've also heard you just had twins."
"Oh, yes. Twin girls about a month ago." You say.
"Congratulations," the reporter says. "Who's watching them today?" He asks. The question takes you back a little bit. Who the fuck does he think is watching your kids?
"My husband, Joel. He's at home with our toddler and the twins."
"Oh, poor dad! Stuck babysitting." He laments, and you scoff, glancing around to see if anybody else is hearing what you're hearing.
"I don't know if it's babysitting when they're also his children, but he was very excited about spending time with them." You say, plastering a smile on your face despite the annoyance bubbling under the surface of your skin. 
"Right. Of course." He says, but his tone makes it sound more like if you say so. You try to brush it off as just old, stupid ideas about parenting and the role fathers take when caring for their kids, but once the cameras start rolling and the questions start coming, all the questions are around the same lines. How did you physically prepare for the role of the young nurse you played in Sweet Water? What were your thoughts when you read about Alex and Griffin's relationship? How old were you when you played Alex? What was it like filming the scenes where you were exposed before the time of intimacy coordinators? 
The questions made your head spin. None of them had anything to do with Alex's character development, what she meant to you, and how her relationships with other women helped you form life-long friendships. They're all bathed in misogynistic prying and thoughts about your twenty-four-year-old body. You smile and redirect where you can, but the whole thing makes you feel gross and invalidated. The second you're done, you meet up with Carolina in the hallway to warn her, and she rolls her eyes before going in. 
As you walk out to your car, you open your phone to text Joel that you're on your way home when a headline from Twitter catches your eye. Your name is in the title, followed by "seen out working one month after giving birth to premature twins. Sparks debate about parenting." Normally, you're not one to doom scroll on the internet, but you can't look away from the thousands of people judging you for leaving your kids at home. Two hours. You were gone for two hours while your husband and the father of your children watched them, but to strangers, you're a vile, evil person who doesn't deserve those sweet babies. Many tweets focus on the fact that the twins were premature. They were if you're looking at typical, singleton pregnancies, but for twins, they were right on time. 
You know it's all stupid and untrue, but you also haven't slept more than four hours a night since Sam was born, and you just went through one of the worst interview experiences of your life, and you miss your kids. You cry the whole way home, your therapized brain and your anxiety brain battling it out the entire drive. Joel doesn't think you're a terrible mom. These past few months, he's done nothing but care for you, and remind you that you're doing amazing and he loves you. So, why can't you focus on that instead of strangers on the internet? You go through the gambit of emotions, and you're completely exhausted when you pull into your driveway.
As soundlessly as possible, you unlock your front door, and Daisy greets you as you step over the threshold. It’s surprisingly quiet. You crouch down and scratch behind her ears, making her close her eyes in contentment, and you laugh. You look behind her, half-expecting Sammy to be barreling right toward you like he always does when you get home but see nothing. "Where is everybody?" You ask her as you kiss her big head and walk into the living room. 
There, spread across the huge couch, is your family. Joel has the girls snuggled to his chest and Sam tucked under his arm as Frozen 2 plays softly on the TV. All three of them are sleeping, but Joel, ever the watchful dad, is awake. Barely, but he's awake. He's wearing his glasses and a half-buttoned-up shirt. You'd be surprised if he even looked at a hairbrush today, let alone used one considering how messy his hair is. He smiles when he catches you staring and beckons you over with a jut of his chin, careful not to wake any sleeping babies. You take a shaky breath as you walk over. Joel's brows knit together when he sees your flushed face up close. "What happened?" He whispers as you kiss him. You don't answer immediately. Instead, you lean down and kiss the girls and Sammy's head before perching on the edge of the couch near Joel's socked feet. 
"Bad day." You mumble. His hand twitches to reach for you but Sophia shifts in protest. He sends you a sympathetic look and points his foot at you.
"I can't hold your hand, but you can hold this." 
"Joel, I love you, but I'm not holding your nasty ass foot."
"Rude." He says, and you smile. "Do you wanna talk bout your bad day?" 
"When there aren't three sleeping time bombs attached to your body." You say, reaching out to run your fingers through Sammy's hair. He sighs in his sleep and cuddles into Joel, making your heart jump. When you look closer at how they're tangled up, you almost start crying again. Sam is tucked between Joel and a pillow, but his right hand holds Sophia's foot, and Violet and Sophia hold hands as they sleep peacefully under Joel's chin— a perfect Miller cuddle. 
"Is there anythin' I can do to help?" He asks quietly, and you shake your head. Your entire day melts away as you stare at your precious family, and even though he had no way of knowing about your day, Joel gave you the gift of coming home to your favorite sight. 
"This is perfect." You say, and he smiles. You cuddle up on the opposite end of the couch, somehow intertwining your legs, and catch the last ten minutes of Frozen before falling asleep too. Later, Joel will cook you dinner, and you'll do bathtime and get the kids to bed as a team. You'll check in with Sarah and Ellie and tell him about your horrible day. He'll hold you close and reassure you, and you'll feel better. But right now, a nap is the perfect thing you need to regulate your emotions, and you fall deeper in love with him for letting you sleep. Because as the years go by and your marriage changes, as do both of you, he still finds a way to read you better than you could ever read yourself.
And you can't imagine a better person to share your life with.
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cowgurrrl · 1 year
Hi! Love the work, requesting future fluff for rockstar!joel. Him finding out he is going to have a boy and actually freaking out because he really does not know what to do with a baby boy.
Beautiful Boy
Pairing: rockstar!joel x actress!reader
Author’s note: I’m about to say fuck it and post all my drafts
Summary: this ask
Warnings: parental anxiety, pregnancy, I think that’s it??
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“So, do we want to know what baby is?” The nurse asks as she moves the doppler over your belly. You can feel the baby move as they seemingly try to get away from the nurse pressing into your skin. You look at Joel sitting next to you, his eyes glued to the little screen showing your baby. He smiles and squeezes your hand.
“Up to you, mama.” He says, and you bite your lip, excitement blossoming in your chest. You look at the nurse again and nod.
“We want to know.” You say. She moves the wand around and says something about a baby being stubborn, and you laugh. When you told Joel’s parents you’re pregnant, Lucia wished you luck and told you being headstrong seems to be a Miller family gene at this point. Nevertheless, both sides of the family are ecstatic about the newest addition. The room is so quiet, the clock ticking ominously, as the nurse furrows her brows at the screen until she finally lights up.
“Alright, you ready?” She asks, smiling, and you nod. “It’s a boy.” Your jaw drops, and you look at Joel, who looks just as shocked as you do. You laugh and put your hand on your forehead as you process the news. A boy. You and Joel are having a boy. It seems to hit him simultaneously because he suddenly lets go of your hand and puts his hands on his face.
“Oh, my God! I don’t know what to do with a boy!” He says, and you laugh more. “Are you sure?”
“I’m pretty sure.” The nurse says as she points to the screen and begins explaining what you’re looking at. Joel is still in shock, but he’s happy, kissing your hand before your lips.
When you get home and tell the girls, they seem just as shocked and excited. Sarah begins scouring Etsy for onesies and little band shirts for your son to wear the second he can. Ellie complains about the idea of having to deal with another Joel, but you can tell she’s super happy. It’s a little bit of a relief each time the girls get excited about your pregnancy. You were so worried that bringing another person into their family would make them hate you or feel like they weren’t a priority anymore, which isn’t even close to true. They’ve been so supportive and helpful, bringing you whatever weird shit you were craving or helping you shop for all the silly baby things.
Even though everyone is happy and excited, that night, as you’re getting ready for bed, you listen to Joel spiral about your unborn son.
“What if he doesn’t like me? I didn’t like my dad when I was a teenager. I haven’t even spent a lot of time with baby boys. Have you? Are they different than girls? I mean, obviously, they are, but how? What if I mess up? I know a lot of guys who have weird relationships with their dads. What if that’s us? What if-“
“Joel,” you finally cut him off. He stops pacing at the edge of your bed to look at you. You hold your hand out and wave him to sit beside you in bed. “C’mere.” He sighs but comes over anyways. You grab his hand and put it on your stomach, where you just felt the baby kicking.
“Say something.”
“What?” He asks, a confused look on his face, and you roll your eyes.
“Humor the pregnant lady, will you?”
“Uh… Sarah and Ellie seem really excited that we’re havin’ a boy, so that’s good, but I…” he trails off when your son moves at the sound of his father’s voice. Just the deep bass of Joel’s voice is enough for the baby to jump inside you. Joel’s smile is enough for you to ignore the uncomfortable foot in your ribs.
“He loves you. We both do. I’ve never had a son before either, and I’m just as scared as you are,” you say, lovingly pushing his hair off his forehead. “But he’s gonna be perfect and wonderful, and we’re never gonna be able to imagine life without him ever again. So, it’s okay to be scared, but I’m not worried because I know him, and I know you. We’re gonna be okay,” he takes a deep breath as he processes your words, and you smile as he unclenches his jaw. “So, stop freaking out because you’re gonna make me freak out, okay?” You ask, and he laughs.
“Okay.” He says as he kisses you before leaning down to kiss your belly.
“Good. Now, can we talk about something else? Like baby names or what color we’re gonna paint the nursery?”
“For the nursery walls or for a baby name?”
“Hard veto,” you laugh. “Can we please agree to not be that celebrity couple who names their kids weird shit?”
“So, you mean you don’t want our son to be named Viper?”
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cowgurrrl · 1 year
Heavy Metal Drummer
Pairing: rockstar!joel miller x actress!reader
Summary: When Joel’s drummer suddenly drops out, who better to fill in than the girl who’s been there since the beginning? [1.3k]
Warnings: Joel being stressed, drummer!ellie, Ellie and Joel being scute, pre-Sam, Ellie is 18 and Sarah is 22!!
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In the ten years Joel has played with his band, he's never had a situation like this. His longtime drummer, Wayne, had to leave the tour halfway through to care for his aging mother. You would've done the same exact thing, except Joel doesn't have a backup. Normally, he would have someone on standby, ready to take over in these kinds of situations, but his backup drummer is recording in LA, and you're in Denver. You and Ellie watch Joel pace back and forth as he calls any drummer he's ever worked with in his entire career, practically begging one of them to help him out.
"He's gonna have an aneurysm if he can't figure this out," Ellie mumbles to you, and you sigh. Ellie decided to hop on this tour for a multitude of reasons. The most important one was that she graduated and wanted to join her dad before she went off and did whatever she was going to do. She's also genuinely interested in music and the entire industry. She already has rockstar energy, in your opinion. She takes a lot of style inspiration from Joel, whether she realizes it or not, and she just got a massive tattoo on her forearm, making her look a little edgy. So, Sarah is watching Daisy and doing an internship in LA, and you, Joel, and Ellie are touring the United States and a little bit of Europe for the next couple of months. Or, you're supposed to. "D'you think he'll be able to find someone?"
"He has to." You say, and Ellie nods. Joel huffs as he ends another call with yet another drummer who can't fill the spot. He runs an anxious hand through his hair as he stares at the both of you.
"I don't know what to do. I can't cancel the show tonight. We've only got a few hours before it starts."
"Do you have an isolated track of the drum line?" You ask, and Joel makes a face that tells you that's the last thing he wants to do. You're not sure what his other options are. "Okay, what about some of the band pulling a double? Does anybody else know how to play the drums?"
"Even if they did, I can't sacrifice another element for them to play."
"I can play," Ellie jumps in, and you and Joel look at her. "Wayne's been teaching me since I was little, and I know your music better than anyone else's," It's true. She's been raised on album after album of Joel's and watched him and the band tour since he adopted her. She has her own guitar and drum kit in the home studio, but you've never heard her express any interest in playing in public, much less in a sold-out stadium. "Unless you just wanna cancel the show and give thousands of people a refund." She snarks, and Joel rolls his eyes.
"What's the drum beat per minute on 'Stuck on You'?"
"One hundred and seventy." She answers without flinching.
"What's the percussion instrument Wayne uses in 'Yellow Subway'?"
"Did Wayne teach you actual songs or just fundamentals?"
"Dad, c'mon," Ellie gives him a look. "When have you ever known that man to half-ass anything about music?" She asks, and Joel takes a deep breath before looking at you.
"What d'you think bout all this, Mama?" He asks. He always asks your opinion when making decisions about the kids, even though, legally and biologically, neither of them is yours. Both of them are adults now, so it's even less necessary, but you still appreciate it when he asks. You look at Ellie and shrug.
"Wayne taught you for a reason." You say, giving her your support, and she smiles. Joel takes a second to weigh his options but probably realizes he doesn't have much choice. He looks at Ellie and holds up a hand.
"I'll let you play one show. One. The second I feel you freak out or get overwhelmed, I'm pullin' you. You understand?" He asks, and Ellie nods, a big smile invading her face. She knows she won.
Ellie blows it out of the fucking water that night in Denver. She keeps time perfectly, comes in for her fills without hesitation, and pulls her weight like a goddamn professional. Joel is astonished, even taking an extra long vamp between songs just to watch Ellie dominate on the kit. She puts her hair half up from her face and wears a white tank top, showing off her tattoo and drummer's muscles for the girls in the front row. You laugh when they freak out about her winking at them from her place behind the drums. In the middle of the concert, Joel introduces the band as usual, but he saves Ellie for last, glancing back at her as his guitar swings over his shoulder.
"A few of you may have realized we've got a new face with us on stage tonight. On drums, we have the insane, beautiful pain in my ass, Ellie Miller!" He says, and Ellie hits the drums in response. You cheer as loud as you can from your place in the pit, cheering your loves on. Joel claps for her and blows her a kiss before turning back to the mic. "For those of you who don't know, Ellie's my kid, and this is her first time playin' a show with me," the crowd erupts into applause and shocked murmurings, but Ellie takes in all in stride. "I love you, kiddo."
"I love you, too, Dad," Ellie says, speaking into her mic for the first time that night. She had been filling in the harmonies, but nothing that would single her out. Like everyone else in the stadium, you can't stop the 'aw' sound from leaving your mouth. Joel goes to say something but has to wipe at his eyes and compose himself before he can. Your heart could explode from how much love you have for both of them.
"Count us in, baby girl." Joel finally says, tears still sparkling in his eyes, and Ellie obliges, adjusting so she can operate her kick drum and do an eight count for the rest of the band before they explode into the next song.
"WHOS THE NEW DRUMMER" and "OH MY GOD IT'S HIS DAUGHTER" trends on Twitter that night, followed by images and videos of Ellie and Joel jamming out on stage together. Ellie seems to handle all the sudden attention well and smiles widely when you make the two of them take a picture together, Ellie holding her drumsticks and Joel holding his guitar. Julia and Alex are blown away by Ellie's talent and encourage Joel to let her fill the vacant spot. And he does. For the rest of the tour, Ellie gets up there and fucking shreds on the drums.
As she gets more comfortable, she conspires with Julia and Alex to slow songs way down or pick them way up to watch Joel try to keep up. He laughs and seamlessly falls in time with them, mouthing, "You little shit," to her as she picks the tempo back up. As Ellie plays, Joel will walk up to her kit and offer her a thumbs up to make sure she's okay. She nods and smiles without missing a beat. When Joel gets doused with water bottles on stage, she's the one who orchestrates it. Joel responds by spraying her with silly string during a complicated drum solo. No matter what shenanigans take place on stage, every night, without fail, as they leave the stage before the encore, Joel walks to Ellie's kit and gives her a hug and a kiss on the forehead before escorting her off stage, ever the gentleman. You adore watching them interact but even more so in this context.
Who says a hardcore drummer can't also be a daddy's girl?
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cowgurrrl · 1 year
Love LOVE Rockstar!Joel. Could I request super protective Joel with pregnant reader and the paps getting too close to her and him punching them. Actress cracking a joke whilst scolding him saying ‘this is how we got here in the first place.’
I LOVE THIS!! I’m so happy you’re loving rockstar!joel!!
Pairing: rockstar!joel miller x actress!reader
Author’s note: AU Joel showing OG Joel traits
Summary: this ask
Warnings: pregnancy, weird paps, Joel being protective
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Something you've learned over time in your line of work is paparazzi can be brutal. They'll follow you while you run errands, show up at your house, and even stalk your friends. You didn't know how much that brutality would escalate the second you started showing. Pretty much since you announced you were pregnant, paparazzi have been hounding you for pictures of your bump or to catch you in a less-than-flattering light. It's despicable to pry on anyone like that, but especially someone who's pregnant. 
You took it in stride, doing your best to cover your belly with Joel's shirts or your purse like a badly hidden pregnancy in a TV show. You ignore the questions about the baby or anything related to your pregnancy. You keep your head down and your mouth shut for your and your son's sake. Joel, on the other hand, hates it. He hired another bodyguard for you even though you insisted you were fine and is consistently sending cease and desists to paps who try to sell pictures of you. If people thought Joel Miller was protective of you, they didn't even know the lengths he would go to for his children.
One day when you're about six months pregnant, you, Joel, and the girls are trying to go to lunch when you notice you're being tailed by paparazzi. Joel tries to lose them, but more are waiting for you by the time you get to the restaurant. It's almost impossible to hide your bump at this point, and you're tired of trying to. You should get to be excited and show off your belly as much as you want to. Joel is fuming by the time he parks. 
"Stay behind me." He instructs as the four of you get out of the car. You tuck Ellie and Sarah under each of your arms, keeping your heads down as you let Joel lead the way into the restaurant. All at once, there's a swarm of cameras around you with people asking loud, private questions about your family. "Do you know what you're having yet?" "How's the baby doing?" "Sarah and Ellie, what do you think about your dad and step-mom having another kid?" "When are you due?" The wave of sound is overwhelming on its own but coupled with the push of people, it's terrifying. You cling to Joel's hand and tell the girls it's okay when one of the paps gets too close, his gear hitting your stomach. It doesn't hurt, but the shock takes the air out of your lungs. 
Before you can even blink, Joel shoves the guy to the ground and stands over him. He's yelling something you can't quite hear, but you know it's something along the lines of "my wife," "my family," "you fuckin' idiot." His hands are balled into fists at his sides, and you have to physically pull him away before he breaks eye contact with the pap on the ground. 
"I know you're pissed, but if you beat someone's ass in front of our daughters, I will let you sit in jail over the weekend. Do you understand me?" You say through gritted teeth. He takes a shaky breath, still standing over the guy he pushed, and finally looks at you. You don't have to turn around to know he can see Sarah and Ellie's scared faces over your shoulder, and that's enough to get him to break.
"Let's go." He says, wrapping his arm around you protectively and storming into the restaurant with the girls holding each of your hands. As soon as you're safe at your table, you slap Joel's arm and give him a look.
"Are you fucking kidding me, Miller?" You ask, watching Sarah and Ellie giggle at the two of you. 
"He could've seriously hurt you or the girls!" 
"Do I need to remind you how we got here in the first place?" You ask, and his face twitches as he fights a smile. He kisses your cheek and rests a hand on your belly like he won, and you roll your eyes. "No more punching people. That's not how we're going to teach this kid to handle conflict."
"But what if he meets the love of his life because of it?" 
"You barely met the love of your life because of it." You say, making Sarah and Ellie laugh. Pushy paps and invasive questions are quickly forgotten in the lilt of your daughter's laughter. It sounds like music and feels like warm sunshine. Joel apologizes to you and the girls and spends the rest of the lunch with an arm on the back of your chair or glancing over his shoulder, the protective father and husband never quite backing down from his post. 
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cowgurrrl · 1 year
Pairing: rockstar!joel miller x actress!reader
Author’s note: fuck it we ball
Summary: Sammy tries to figure out if he likes what his dad does
Warnings: pregnancy, parental worry, silly family fluff
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Being thirty-four weeks pregnant while your husband plays a sold-out concert is, apparently, not ideal. Sarah and Ellie are absolute godsends, helping you remember things that slipped your mind and even flagging down security in a golf cart so you don't have to walk very far. You're all baby at this point, your son measuring scarily big and making you feel like your insides are his personal playground. You're both healthy, though, and that's the most important thing.
Tonight, Joel is doing a one-night-only show in LA where he'll play songs from his newest album for the first time. He's excited and nervous, but while he's freaking out, he's great about checking in with you. You're not due for over a month, but every time you make a face or have to stop and take a breath, he frantically asks if you're going into labor. It's a little funny to watch him be so protective of you, tasking Ellie and Sarah to get him if your water breaks in the middle of the show. You tell him you're fine, and the baby isn't coming for a while, but he still worries. He always does.
During sound check, you, Sarah, and Ellie sit near the edge of the stage and watch the band adjust their instruments and work together to create the music you've been listening to nonstop for the past few months. Wayne, the drummer, yells at Joel for making the pregnant lady come to work with him, and Joel flips him off. Julia, the bassist, rubs your belly for good luck and laughs when the baby kicks at her. Meanwhile, the keyboardist, Alex, just watches everyone interact in their own quiet way. Once everyone gets settled, they start from the top of their set and work out any kinks along the way.
As you sit there, you notice every time a song starts without warning, the baby jumps in your stomach like he got scared by someone hiding around the corner. You laugh to yourself like a crazy person when it happens repeatedly, and Sarah and Ellie give you a look. You grab each of their hands, put them on your belly, and tell them to wait for the next song. Sure enough, when Wayne hits the snare, the baby jumps. The three of you laugh so loud that Joel can hear over the ticking in his earpiece and the loud music surrounding him. You feel a little bad about laughing at your son, but you doubt it'll be the last time. Besides, if you're going to be the one to push him out, you think you're allowed to have fun while you still can.
When the song ends, Joel walks to the end of the stage with his guitar still strapped over his shoulder and a questioning look on his face, and you laugh. Sarah and Ellie help you stand, and you reach for Joel's hand. He furrows his brows but lets you put it on your stomach anyways.
"Okay, strum." You say, and he glances between you and the girls.
"Just do it." When the dissonant note fills the empty arena, the baby jumps again, making both of you laugh.
"Oh, my poor baby! You're bein' so mean to him," Joel laughs as he bends down to kiss your stomach. "We've gotta get him some headphones or something."
"And do you want to be the one to identify where his ears are or..."
"We'll just put some headphones over your belly," he says, already looking around the stage for a pair, his hand lingering on your bump. What you don't see is Ellie taking pictures of the two of you, neither of you looking at the camera, both of you focused on finding headphones to stretch over your baby bump. Once you find a pair, Joel puts the ear pads on either side of you, and you laugh at how stupid it looks. "Better than nothing."
"Mom, Dad! Look!" Ellie calls, and you look to see her standing there with her camera. You smile as Joel kisses your belly again, just over the headphones, and Sarah laughs as Ellie snaps the picture. Joel then stands to his full height and kisses your lips, his guitar hitting your headphones and sending another dissonant sound through the arena, but the baby doesn't jump this time.
So, that's how you ended up getting your picture taken five million times from different angles while you and Ellie danced on the outskirts of the pit with headphones on your stomach. Most of the comments were people gushing over how cute it was or how the baby is a rockstar in the making, but you could only focus on dancing to your husband's songs with your kids— all three of them.
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