elizapdushku · 3 years
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Bionic Commando, 1988 #bioniccommando #capcom #nathanradspencer #superjoe #generalissimokillt #masterd #soldier #heavysoldier #beehive #mutant #rocketsoldier #shortsoldier #gremlin #captain #cratesoldier #flamethrowersoldier #mechpilot #helicopter #junkotamiya #fridaygaming #gamesilove #favouritegames https://www.instagram.com/p/CXFK280MR62/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ussthunderquack · 6 years
So much hope restored, so much to celebrate....!
Steve Rogers continuing to show real, powerful, in-your-face, natural-looking EMOTION! 
I don’t know what they did to get Evans invested in his role again but by fuck they could’ve tried doing that ten movies ago. 
Tony Stark narrating! 
...makes no sense but I don’t care. The important thing is, “Tonky” is hogging the trailer again, which means more delicious “anti-Stark” rage-tears pouring like a waterfall into my coffee pot! 
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Rocket Raccoon is with the team! 
He’s got a clear intro-shot in the trailer! He’s clearly walking among the silhouette, among ALL the Avengers! They’re not just gonna shove him into a corner for fear of being “too silly,” they’re REALLY doing it! They’re REALLY letting Rocket Raccoon interact with all the Avengers! YES! YES! AND A THOUSAND TIMES AGAIN YEEEEES!
And do you know what else having Rocket interacting with all the Avengers means...? 
(Five, because Thor already teamed up with Rocket in the last movie, so ThunderRocket is probably already a thing.) 
 I am such a tool, forgetting Rhodey, Carol and Nebula like that! 
Nebula was already from the same series as Rocket though, so I’m sure there’s already a RocketNebula crack ship. 
But now we have SEVEN MORE! RocketSoldier, IronRocket, RocketMachine, MarvelRocket/ARocketCarrol, AntRocket, RocketWIdow, and RocketHawk! 
Tony and Nebula! 
Yes! They ARE teaming up! My co-worker said Nebula would just leave Tony on Titan “because she’s Nebula.” As if Tony is the only character who underwent character development in the MCU. Nebula may be a cold-blooded android assassin, but after losing her sister, do you really think she’d pass on the sad, lonely, fuzz-faced Earthling alone with her? Fuck no, she has a pet primate now, and she’s gonna take him to space with her and name him Fluffnugget! 
Serious Social Commentary
The Earth-shattering disaster where coutnless lives were lost at once....is conveyed right away with shots of the New York skyline and iconic NYC sites. Maybe a tad on the nose, but who cares. Still got my heart right by the strings. 
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ladyofnucleus · 11 years
"Doc doc doc doc!"
"Vhat, vhat, vhat?"
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ladyofnucleus · 11 years
"If you say so, doc..." He lie down on the table, squinting up on the lights. "Don't enjoy too much on your observations."
Eliza lifted a brow in response.
"Zhe only observation--" a yanked bit of shrapnel. "--I vill be making is vhen you haff no more metal embedded in your body."
Truth be told, that little bit hadn't been necessary. But at the same time it was, if only to make a point. As a medic, she saw many body types in tending to her team, but to deny that some part of her enjoyed it would be a lie. Still, there was only one she -wanted- in terms of complete submission. There hadn't been much left to remove, so Eliza's work went fairly quickly.
"Zhere ve ah," she quipped, holding the medigun closer. "You should be right as rain in just a moment."
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ladyofnucleus · 11 years
"Um... I really do hope what you're doing.. Sometimes I wonder what goes to the doctor's minds sometimes.." He stripped his belt off of him, dropping the grenades on the ground. Then goes his jacket and his shirt.
"You haff been in my lab, und you still question me? Tsk," she remarked, shaking her head as the soldier did as he was told.
Indeed he had been peppered with shrapnel, and she did her best to get it out without hurting Max. The fumes from her medigun took care if any excessive bleeding, but that did not keep her from working fast to get the foreign material out. It took a while, but she managed to get the larger pieces out with little consequence.
"Und now zhe difficult part. I need you to lay down, Herr - I need to check for any smaller pieces."
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ladyofnucleus · 11 years
The soldier moved up to the table sitting himself up. "Just a few shrapnel here and there... Yeah..."
Eliza tutted gently, looking the soldier over a moment before moving to take his grenade belt and jacket.
"So I see…Max, I need you to remove zhese. Your undahshirt, too. I cannot get to zhe injuries viss it in zhe vay."
Her medigun had been set in the ceiling chassis earlier that day, and she pivoted it so that the fumes would drift over the soldier as she worked. Eliza rolled a table with surgical tools over, waiting for Max to do as instructed.
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ladyofnucleus · 11 years
"Yeah... But the enemy never rest. I don't simply give up. Even if I'm wounded. "
"Hmph, ja - I am vell avare," she said with a chuckle, leading him inside and down to the medical ward. "You ah alvays so bull-headed like zh—ah, here ve ah."
They had finally made it to her ward, and Eliza guided him in slowly to an examination table.
"Now…let’s see vhat ve haff hier."
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ladyofnucleus · 11 years
"Thanks, cupcake.." He rubbed his shoulder, limping towards the woman.
Eliza nearly chuckled at the pet name, holding an arm out to help steady the taller man.
"Komm hier," she instructed, far more gently, her arm wrapped around his back the closer he came. "I alvays told you to be more careful vhenevah you rocket jump."
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ladyofnucleus · 11 years
"Doc... Ugh.. I kinda blasted my way in here... From the skies... Is this nucleus, yes?"
Eliza stopped, deadpanned, at the sight of the smoldering Soldier.
"Herr Max…!" she half-gasped, surprised to see him at all. "Vhat ah you doing h—ja. Ja, zhis is Nucleus. Oh, for goodness sake…come hier. Ve haff to get you patched up."
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