#rocket punch dahyun scenarios
girls-scenarios · 2 years
Wildest Dreams
Idol: Dahyun (Rocket Punch)
Prompt: Rocket punch's Dahyun angst/fluffy scenario where her and the reader are like,, bsfs that are inseparable and the school makes up rumors that they are dating and turns out they do like each other but they were being stubborn and waiting for the other person to confess first? Lol sorry if that sounds confusing but thank you anyways 💕💕
Writer: Admin Kiwi
A/N: Please support Rocket Punch’s song Chiquita! I love it so much, it’s so powerful! Also, Dahyun is my daughter and I love her. Anyways, sorry I’ve been MIA, I hope you all enjoy!
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This was a nightmare. In fact, Dahyun was pretty sure she’d had this exact nightmare many, many times before. That was why she stayed silent, her feet rooted to the floor and her hand frozen on her locker door as Sohee spoke excitedly, bouncing around her.
“It’s so funny, Dahyun! Who would have thought that you and (Y/N) would be voted as the school’s best couple when the two of you aren’t even dating?” Sohee laughed as she pulled her books from her locker beside Dahyun’s and closed the door. “I heard that Wonyoung and Yujin are whining about losing to you guys. They totally thought they had this contest won!”
Dahyun took a deep breath, trying to settle the nerves shuddering in her chest. Her hands shook as she finally closed the locker door, forcing herself to speak. “How many people saw?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, how many people do you think saw the post?”
“Well, the school’s blog and newspaper are really popular, so I’m guessing a lot of people tuned in to see the results. After all, everyone has been voting for a week. They’re betting on the winners being crowned at prom.”
“Oh.” Dahyun felt her world rocking around her as she clutched her books. How could this happen? Who had started this rumor and how could it get this big?
“Dahyun? Are you okay?”
“L-let’s just go to class,” the younger girl responded, keeping her eyes downcast as her body burned with embarrassment and fear. What would you say when you heard the news? She didn’t even want to think about it.
How many years had she kept her feelings for you a secret? She thought she was doing well, pushing them down and promising herself to just be your friend. She was happy just being by your side and seeing you smile, so why did this have to happen? You were probably disgusted by the idea of dating her.
Negative thoughts swirled around her as she made her way towards class, trying to hold back the tears that threatened to overflow. How could she ever face you now?
Dahyun wished that she could shut everyone out, even if it was just for a day. No matter where she went, someone brought you up.
“Wow, are you guys finally dating?”
“Congrats for winning the contest! You guys are the cutest!”
She did her best to take everything in stride, giving them awkward smiles as she tried to clarify the situation, but no one would listen. It seemed like everyone really thought the two of you were dating, and no matter what she said, they would just accuse her of being shy or embarrassed.
Worst of all, she hadn’t seen you once all day.
Usually by now the two of you would have bumped into each other in the halls, or at least texted each other to talk about meeting up for lunch. But her phone was silent except for the multitude of texts from Yujin claiming that the two of you stole the best couple spot. She hadn’t tried to text you either, in all fairness. She just couldn’t bring herself to press send any time she typed out a message. All of her fears would explode, making her quickly erase the message and shove her phone into her pocket.
You probably hated her now. That was why you weren’t texting her.
When lunch finally rolled around, she found herself ducking into the bathroom to hide and catch her breath. Her chest hurt as she looked at her phone. The two of you had been eating lunch together every day for years now. It was strange not to head straight to your locker, but she couldn’t bring herself to leave. She was too scared to face you.
So instead she dialed her mom’s number with shaky fingers, putting on her best sick voice.
“Can you come pick me up? I’m not feeling well.”
You didn’t text her after lunch, but Sohee did.
S - Hey, where are you?
D - I went home, I wasn’t feeling well. Why?
S - (Y/N) was looking for you. They were worried because you didn’t come to lunch. What’s wrong?
D - What did you tell them?
S - That I hadn’t seen you since first period. Seriously, what’s wrong? Do you need me to get you something?
D - No. I’m just feeling sick. Sorry for not telling you.
S - It’s okay but you should text (Y/N). They looked really worried.
D - Okay, I will.
Of course, she was lying. She was too nervous to text you, so instead she fell onto her bed and pulled the covers over her head, shutting her eyes tight. Maybe when she woke up, all of this would just be a really bad dream.
Unfortunately, she wasn’t lucky enough for that to be the case, and there was no way her mom was going to let her skip another day of school. Begrudgingly, she pulled on a hoodie and kept her head down with her headphones on, hoping that her classmates would get the hint and not approach her. She wasn’t in the mood to deal with more questions, because she hadn’t been able to sleep the night before. All night, she’d stayed up tossing and turning, wondering what you were doing and what you were thinking.
She missed you. This was the first time that she’d gone so long without seeing or talking to you, and it felt like there was a hole in her chest: like she’d lost an important part of herself. But she was too much of a coward to reach out first, and she hated herself for it.
So once again, she spent the day ducking out of your line of sight and trying to avoid any mention of you. She pretended to be studying when people wanted to talk and spent as little time as possible at her locker, just in case you happened to be passing by. It was pathetic and she knew it, but she couldn’t help it.
Even Sohee had called her out on it. “Are you avoiding (Y/N)?”
“Uh,” Dahyun responded dumbly, looking up from her desk to face her best friend.
“Come on. I can tell that you haven’t talked to them, because you’re moping around like you just got dumped.”
“I didn’t-.”
“Yeah, yeah, I get it, but why are you avoiding them?”
“T-they haven’t texted me either,” she retorted weakly and Sohee sighed, crossing her arms.
“You kids and your first loves. You always make it so difficult.”
“You’re barely older than me.”
“But I’m old enough to know that this is dumb, and you should talk to them. Maybe they haven’t contacted you because they’re just as scared as you are, haven’t you thought about that?”
Dahyun swallowed. She hadn’t thought of that. But could that really be true? Could you really be just as nervous to face her as she was to face you? She couldn’t imagine it.
“You can’t avoid them forever, Dahyun.”
She couldn’t, and she knew it. But she wasn’t quite ready to face you. Not yet.
It was at lunch that her plan to avoid you came crashing down, because she exited class to find you waiting outside the door, clutching your bag nervously and looking for you with wide eyes. The moment she saw you, she thought about running away, but you caught her eye, and she knew she was trapped. You seemed to freeze in place before you swallowed and made your way over to her, a determined look on your face.
“We need to talk.” Your voice was softer than usual and Dahyun felt a pang in her chest as she nodded.
“Y-yeah, we do.”
She followed behind you as you led her away from your classmates and towards the place the two of you always hid during lunch: the big tree behind the school. On the way there, she felt like everyone was watching her, but she kept her eyes down, focused on the back of your shoes as she forced herself to move forward.
When you stopped, she felt her breath catch before she dared to look up at you.
To her surprise, you didn’t look angry. Instead, you looked almost... scared. The bags under your eyes looked just as bad as her own, and she felt hope jump up into her throat before she squashed it down, not wanting to get herself hurt. She couldn’t hope, not anymore.
“Are we still friends?” Your voice shook as you blurted it out, clenching and unclenching your fists.
“What?” Dahyun as too shocked to reply, her eyes widening.
You bit your lip and took a deep breath before repeating yourself. “Are we still friends? Y-you’ve been avoiding me ever since we were voted as the best couple, and now I don’t know what to think! Do you really hate the idea of dating me that much? I know it was surprising but I didn’t think you would just throw away years of friendship because you were uncomfortable!”
“Wait, wait,” she said, her heart pounding. “You were avoiding me! You haven’t been texting me at all, I thought you were weirded out by the idea of dating me!”
The two of you blinked at each other, suddenly realizing that both of you had misunderstood the situation. Tentatively, she dared to speak.
“S-so, you aren’t grossed out by the idea of dating me? You still want to be friends?”
You flushed, glancing at the ground. “Um, no, I don’t feel grossed out. I was just nervous because... well, because the idea made me kind of happy.”
Dahyun’s world turned upside down for a moment, and she felt lightheaded, like she might float off at any moment. Her mouth was suddenly dry and her heart threatened to beat right out of her chest as she gazed at you, hardly believing what she was hearing. “It made you happy?”
Somehow you got even redder, laughing nervously as you rubbed at the back of your neck. “Yeah, I guess so, I thought we would make a good couple. Not in a weird way! I’m sorry if you think that’s weird or-.”
A smile slowly spread across her face as relief washed through her and she interrupted you. “I don’t think it’s weird. I like you, (Y/N). That’s why I panicked. I thought you would hate the idea of dating me and it would make our friendship weird. I didn’t want to lose you over my feelings for you.”
“R-really?” You let out a sigh as your shoulders finally relaxed. “Oh my god, you have no idea how scared I was.”
“That’s my line!” She shot back. For a moment, the two of you just looked at each other, half in disbelief and half in relief. Then both of you burst into giggles. “I can’t believe we both freaked out about the same thing.”
“Do you think our friends think we’re ridiculous?”
“I know they do.” She couldn’t stop smiling as she giddily tucked her hair behind her ears, willing her face to stop flushing. “At least now we can tell Yujin that we won best couple fair and square.”
You raised your eyebrows, a teasing sparkle in your eyes, even if your smile looked more hopeful than mischievous. “Are you saying we’re a couple now?”
“If you’ll have me,” she responded, her heart stopping for a moment. Was this really happening? Thankfully, you laughed, stepping forward to grab her hands.
“Of course I’ll have you. I’ve liked you for a long time, Dahyun.”
All of the worries from the past couple of days drifted away as she felt herself falling into your eyes, squeezing your hands. Who would have guessed that this nightmare would turn into one of her wildest dreams? She knew her friends were going to tease her, but she couldn’t care less. All she cared about was you and your beautiful smile, finally all hers to love, and to love freely.
“I’ve liked you for a long time too, (Y/N).”
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girls-scenarios · 4 years
I haven’t heard much about rocket punch but your scenario seriously made me want to get to know them better. Do you have any advice about what videos or songs to check out first?
Absolutely! I love Rocket Punch and I’m so happy to get this question! They’re a six member girl group that debuted in August of 2019 with Bim Bam Bum and have had two comebacks so far with Bouncy and most recently Juicy. The members are Yeonhee, Juri, Suyun, Yunkyoung, Sohee, and Dahyun. Juri used to be in AKB48 and participated in Produce 48 (as did Suyun and Sohee) before debuting in Rocket Punch. My favorite b-sides of theirs are Girl Friend and Twinkle Star. As for videos you should check out:
They have a channel called Punch Time where they upload videos of the girls with each comeback! All of the videos have English subs and they’re really fun to watch! It’s sort of like IZ*ONE Chu.
They also have a series called ID: Rocket Punch which consists of shorter, more vlog-style videos of the girls
I’d recommend following their YouTube since they upload covers and special videos there (most of which also have English subs).
They recently did a Q&A with this comeback which would be good to watch for new fans!
They did a BTS Boy In Luv cover on Dancing Idol and a Seventeen Oh My cover both of which I really enjoyed!
You can find subbed videos by fans on different YouTube channels, such as Mallang
They went on After School Club after they debuted and they did a cooking show with their last comeback, but unfortunately they haven’t been on a lot of idol shows. Hopefully with this comeback they’ll be on Fact iN Star or something similar so that we can see more of the girls!
I hope this helps you get into Rocket Punch! Our fandom name is Ketchy and we just got our lightstick, so we’re steadily growing! I love them a lot so I’m always happy to see people joining the fandom!🥰 - Admin Kiwi
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girls-scenarios · 2 years
Rocket punch's Dahyun angst/fluffy scenario where her and the reader are like,, bsfs that are inseparable and the school makes up rumors that they are dating and turns out they do like each other but they were being stubborn and waiting for the other person to confess first? Lol sorry if that sounds confusing but thank you anyways 💕💕
Your request is finally up, thank you for your patience and I hope you enjoy! - Admin Kiwi
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