#robust customer
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Imp 🔱
This is a custom of Imp Tweek from one of the South Park games.
His wings, clothes, hair, ears, horns, fluff, tail, and back legs are made from Apoxy Sculpt along with the top of his trident. The bottom of it is made with metal wire.
This customs base is a little old (I made this guy for Halloween, TWO YEARS AGO) and only just had time to paint him. I dropped him so many times in the process, and he never once broke, I touch him with my paint brush, though, and then his tail decides to fall off!!
Anyway, I'm super happy with how the sculpts came out on this one, especially the wings. The wings came out goooooood!
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californiaquail · 1 year
i think what i need to do about my incapacitating driving anxiety is simply create a driving persona who has no emotions and is extremely confident and competent at all times and not afraid of tailgaters or changing lanes. surely this is a normal and effective way of addressing problems
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tofupixel · 3 months
⭐ So you want to learn pixel art? ⭐
🔹 Part 1 of ??? - The Basics!
Hello, my name is Tofu and I'm a professional pixel artist. I have been supporting myself with freelance pixel art since 2020, when I was let go from my job during the pandemic.
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My progress, from 2017 to 2024. IMO the only thing that really matters is time and effort, not some kind of natural talent for art.
This guide will not be comprehensive, as nobody should be expected to read allat. Instead I will lean heavily on my own experience, and share what worked for me, so take everything with a grain of salt. This is a guide, not a tutorial. Cheers!
🔹 Do I need money?
NO!!! Pixel art is one of the most accessible mediums out there.
I still use a mouse because I prefer it to a tablet! You won't be at any disadvantage here if you can't afford the best hardware or software.
Because our canvases are typically very small, you don't need a good PC to run a good brush engine or anything like that.
✨Did you know? One of the most skilled and beloved pixel artists uses MS PAINT! Wow!!
🔹 What software should I use?
Here are some of the most popular programs I see my friends and peers using. Stars show how much I recommend the software for beginners! ⭐
💰 Paid options:
⭐⭐⭐ Aseprite (for PC) - $19.99
This is what I and many other pixel artists use. You may find when applying to jobs that they require some knowledge of Aseprite. Since it has become so popular, companies like that you can swap raw files between artists.
Aseprite is amazingly customizable, with custom skins, scripts and extensions on Itch.io, both free and paid.
If you have ever used any art software before, it has most of the same features and should feel fairly familiar to use. It features a robust animation suite and a tilemap feature, which have saved me thousands of hours of labour in my work. The software is also being updated all the time, and the developers listen to the users. I really recommend Aseprite!
⭐ Photoshop (for PC) - Monthly $$
A decent option for those who already are used to the PS interface. Requires some setup to get it ready for pixel-perfect art, but there are plenty of tutorials for doing so.
Animation is also much more tedious on PS which you may want to consider before investing time!
⭐⭐ ProMotion NG (for PC) - $19.00
An advanced and powerful software which has many features Aseprite does not, including Colour Cycling and animated tiles.
⭐⭐⭐ Pixquare (for iOS) - $7.99 - $19.99 (30% off with code 'tofu'!!)
Probably the best app available for iPad users, in active development, with new features added all the time.
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Look! My buddy Jon recommends it highly, and uses it often.
One cool thing about Pixquare is that it takes Aseprite raw files! Many of my friends use it to work on the same project, both in their office and on the go.
⭐ Procreate (for iOS) - $12.99
If you have access to Procreate already, it's a decent option to get used to doing pixel art. It does however require some setup. Artist Pixebo is famously using Procreate, and they have tutorials of their own if you want to learn.
⭐⭐ ReSprite iOS and Android. (free trial, but:) $19.99 premium or $$ monthly
ReSprite is VERY similar in terms of UI to Aseprite, so I can recommend it. They just launched their Android release!
🆓 Free options:
⭐⭐⭐ Libresprite (for PC)
Libresprite is an alternative to Aseprite. It is very, very similar, to the point where documentation for Aseprite will be helpful to Libresprite users.
⭐⭐ Pixilart (for PC and mobile)
A free in-browser app, and also a mobile app! It is tied to the website Pixilart, where artists upload and share their work. A good option for those also looking to get involved in a community.
⭐⭐ Dotpict (for mobile)
Dotpict is similar to Pixilart, with a mobile app tied to a website, but it's a Japanese service. Did you know that in Japanese, pixel art is called 'Dot Art'? Dotpict can be a great way to connect with a different community of pixel artists! They also have prompts and challenges often.
🔹 So I got my software, now what?
◽Nice! Now it's time for the basics of pixel art.
❗ WAIT ❗ Before this section, I want to add a little disclaimer. All of these rules/guidelines can be broken at will, and some 'no-nos' can look amazing when done intentionally.
The pixel-art fundamentals can be exceedingly helpful to new artists, who may feel lost or overwhelmed by choice. But if you feel they restrict you too harshly, don't force yourself! At the end of the day it's your art, and you shouldn't try to contort yourself into what people think a pixel artist 'should be'. What matters is your own artistic expression. 💕👍
◽Phew! With that out of the way...
🔸"The Rules"
There are few hard 'rules' of pixel art, mostly about scaling and exporting. Some of these things will frequently trip up newbies if they aren't aware, and are easy to overlook.
🔹Scaling method
There are a couple ways of scaling your art. The default in most art programs, and the entire internet, is Bi-linear scaling, which usually works out fine for most purposes. But as pixel artists, we need a different method.
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Both are scaled up x10. See the difference?
On the left is scaled using Bilinear, and on the right is using Nearest-Neighbor. We love seeing those pixels stay crisp and clean, so we use nearest-neighbor. 
(Most pixel-art programs have nearest-neighbor enabled by default! So this may not apply to you, but it's important to know.)
Mixels are when there are different (mixed) pixel sizes in the same image.
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Here I have scaled up my art- the left is 200%, and the right is 150%. Yuck!
As we can see, the "pixel" sizes end up different. We generally try to scale our work by multiples of 100 - 200%, 300% etc. rather than 150%. At larger scales however, the minute differences in pixel sizes are hardly noticeable!
Mixels are also sometimes seen when an artist scales up their work, then continues drawing on it with a 1 pixel brush.
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Many would say that this is not great looking! This type of pixels can be indicative of a beginner artist. But there are plenty of creative pixel artists out there who mixels intentionally, making something modern and cool.
🔹Saving Your Files
We usually save our still images as .PNGs as they don’t create any JPEG artifacts or loss of quality. It's a little hard to see here, but there are some artifacts, and it looks a little blurry. It also makes the art very hard to work with if we are importing a JPEG.
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For animations .GIF is good, but be careful of the 256 colour limit. Try to avoid using too many blending mode layers or gradients when working with animations. If you aren’t careful, your animation could flash afterwards, as the .GIF tries to reduce colours wherever it can. It doesn’t look great!
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Here's an old piece from 2021 where I experienced .GIF lossiness, because I used gradients and transparency, resulting in way too many colours.
🔹Pixel Art Fundamentals - Techniques and Jargon
❗❗Confused about Jaggies? Anti-Aliasing? Banding? Dithering? THIS THREAD is for you❗❗
As far as I'm concerned, this is THE tutorial of all time for understanding pixel art. These are techniques created and named by the community of people who actually put the list together, some of the best pixel artists alive currently. Please read it!!
🔸How To Learn
Okay, so you have your software, and you're all ready to start. But maybe you need some more guidance? Try these tutorials and resources! It can be helpful to work along with a tutorial until you build your confidence up.
⭐⭐ Pixel Logic (A Digital Book) - $10 A very comprehensive visual guide book by a very skilled and established artist in the industry. I own a copy myself.
⭐⭐⭐ StudioMiniBoss - free A collection of visual tutorials, by the artist that worked on Celeste! When starting out, if I got stuck, I would go and scour his tutorials and see how he did it.
⭐ Lospec Tutorials - free A very large collection of various tutorials from all over the internet. There is a lot to sift through here if you have the time.
⭐⭐⭐ Cyangmou's Tutorials - free (tipping optional) Cyangmou is one of the most respected and accomplished modern pixel artists, and he has amassed a HUGE collection of free and incredibly well-educated visual tutorials. He also hosts an educational stream every week on Twitch called 'pixelart for beginners'.
⭐⭐⭐ Youtube Tutorials - free There are hundreds, if not thousands of tutorials on YouTube, but it can be tricky to find the good ones. My personal recommendations are MortMort, Brandon, and AdamCYounis- these guys really know what they're talking about!
🔸 How to choose a canvas size
When looking at pixel art turorials, we may see people suggest things like 16x16, 32x32 and 64x64. These are standard sizes for pixel art games with tiles. However, if you're just making a drawing, you don't necessarily need to use a standard canvas size like that.
What I like to think about when choosing a canvas size for my illustrations is 'what features do I think it is important to represent?' And make my canvas as small as possible, while still leaving room for my most important elements.
Imagine I have characters in a scene like this:
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I made my canvas as small as possible (232 x 314), but just big enough to represent the features and have them be recognizable (it's Good Omens fanart 😤)!! If I had made it any bigger, I would be working on it for ever, due to how much more foliage I would have to render.
If you want to do an illustration and you're not sure, just start at somewhere around 100x100 - 200x200 and go from there.
It's perfectly okay to crop your canvas, or scale it up, or crunch your art down at any point if you think you need a different size. I do it all the time! It only takes a bit of cleanup to get you back to where you were.
🔸Where To Post
Outside of just regular socials, Twitter, Tumblr, Deviantart, Instagram etc, there are a few places that lean more towards pixel art that you might not have heard of.
⭐ Lospec Lospec is a low-res focused art website. Some pieces get given a 'monthly masterpiece' award. Not incredibly active, but I believe there are more features being added often.
⭐⭐ Pixilart Pixilart is a very popular pixel art community, with an app tied to it. The community tends to lean on the young side, so this is a low-pressure place to post with an relaxed vibe.
⭐⭐ Pixeljoint Pixeljoint is one of the big, old-school pixel art websites. You can only upload your art unscaled (1x) because there is a built-in zoom viewer. It has a bit of a reputation for being elitist (back in the 00s it was), but in my experience it's not like that any more. This is a fine place for a pixel artist to post if they are really interested in learning, and the history. The Hall of Fame has some of the most famous / impressive pixel art pieces that paved the way for the work we are doing today.
⭐⭐⭐ Cafe Dot Cafe Dot is my art server so I'm a little biased here. 🍵 It was created during the recent social media turbulence. We wanted a place to post art with no algorithms, and no NFT or AI chuds. We have a heavy no-self-promotion rule, and are more interested in community than skill or exclusivity. The other thing is that we have some kind of verification system- you must apply to be a Creator before you can post in the Art feed, or use voice. This helps combat the people who just want to self-promo and dip, or cause trouble, as well as weed out AI/NFT people. Until then, you are still welcome to post in any of the threads or channels. There is a lot to do in Cafe Dot. I host events weekly, so check the threads!
⭐⭐/r/pixelart The pixel art subreddit is pretty active! I've also heard some of my friends found work through posting here, so it's worth a try if you're looking. However, it is still Reddit- so if you're sensitive to rude people, or criticism you didn't ask for, you may want to avoid this one. Lol
🔸 Where To Find Work
You need money? I got you! As someone who mostly gets scouted on social media, I can share a few tips with you:
Put your email / portfolio in your bio Recruiters don't have all that much time to find artists, make it as easy as possible for someone to find your important information!
Clean up your profile If your profile feed is all full of memes, most people will just tab out rather than sift through. Doesn't apply as much to Tumblr if you have an art tag people can look at.
Post regularly, and repost Activity beats everything in the social media game. It's like rolling the dice, and the more you post the more chances you have. You have to have no shame, it's all business baby
Outside of just posting regularly and hoping people reach out to you, it can be hard to know where to look. Here are a few places you can sign up to and post around on.
/r/INAT INAT (I Need A Team) is a subreddit for finding a team to work with. You can post your portfolio here, or browse for people who need artists.
/r/GameDevClassifieds Same as above, but specifically for game-related projects.
Remote Game Jobs / Work With Indies Like Indeed but for game jobs. Browse them often, or get email notifications.
VGen VGen is a website specifically for commissions. You need a code from another verified artist before you can upgrade your account and sell, so ask around on social media or ask your friends. Once your account is upgraded, you can make a 'menu' of services people can purchase, and they send you an offer which you are able to accept, decline, or counter.
The evil websites of doom: Fiverr and Upwork I don't recommend them!! They take a big cut of your profit, and the sites are teeming with NFT and AI people hoping to make a quick buck. The site is also extremely oversaturated and competitive, resulting in a race to the bottom (the cheapest, the fastest, doing the most for the least). Imagine the kind of clients who go to these websites, looking for the cheapest option. But if you're really desperate...
🔸 Community
I do really recommend getting involved in a community. Finding like-minded friends can help you stay motivated to keep drawing. One day, those friends you met when you were just starting out may become your peers in the industry. Making friends is a game changer!
Discord servers Nowadays, the forums of old are mostly abandoned, and people split off into many different servers. Cafe Dot, Pixel Art Discord (PAD), and if you can stomach scrolling past all the AI slop, you can browse Discord servers here.
Twitch Streams Twitch has kind of a bad reputation for being home to some of the more edgy gamers online, but the pixel art community is extremely welcoming and inclusive. Some of the people I met on Twitch are my friends to this day, and we've even worked together on different projects! Browse pixel art streams here, or follow some I recommend: NickWoz, JDZombi, CupOhJoe, GrayLure, LumpyTouch, FrankiePixelShow, MortMort, Sodor, NateyCakes, NyuraKim, ShinySeabass, I could go on for ever really... There are a lot of good eggs on Pixel Art Twitch.
🔸 Other Helpful Websites
Palettes Lospec has a huge collection of user-made palettes, for any artist who has trouble choosing their colours, or just wants to try something fun. Rejected Palettes is full of palettes that didn't quite make it onto Lospec, ran by people who believe there are no bad colours.
The Spriters Resource TSR is an incredible website where users can upload spritesheets and tilesets from games. You can browse for your favourite childhood game, and see how they made it! This website has helped me so much in understanding how game assets come together in a scene.
VGMaps Similar to the above, except there are entire maps laid out how they would be played. This is incredible if you have to do level design, or for mocking up a scene for fun.
Game UI Database Not pixel-art specific, but UI is a very challenging part of graphics, so this site can be a game-changer for finding good references!
Retronator A digital newspaper for pixel-art lovers! New game releases, tutorials, and artworks!
Itch.io A website where people can upload, games, assets, tools... An amazing hub for game devs and game fans alike. A few of my favourite tools: Tiled, PICO-8, Pixel Composer, Juice FX, Magic Pencil for Aseprite
🔸 The End?
This is just part 1 for now, so please drop me a follow to see any more guides I release in the future. I plan on doing some writeups on how I choose colours, how to practise, and more!
I'm not an expert by any means, but everything I did to get to where I am is outlined in this guide. Pixel art is my passion, my job and my hobby! I want pixel art to be recognized everywhere as an art-form, a medium of its own outside of game-art or computer graphics!
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This guide took me a long time, and took a lot of research and experience. Consider following me or supporting me if you are feeling generous.
And good luck to all the fledgling pixel artists, I hope you'll continue and have fun. I hope my guide helped you, and don't hesitate to send me an ask if you have any questions! 💕
My other tutorials (so far): How to draw Simple Grass for a game Hue Shifting
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digitalwibe · 29 days
Europe Aircraft Leasing Market: Rapid Development and Value Trends Forecast (2024-2032)
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The Europe Aircraft Leasing Market is on a trajectory of rapid development, driven by evolving value trends and a robust aviation sector. As European airlines and operators navigate the complexities of fleet management, leasing has emerged as a strategic solution to meet both current and future needs.
Europe Aircraft Leasing Market showcases the following key aspects:
Fleet Expansion and Modernization: European airlines are increasingly turning to leasing to expand and modernize their fleets. This approach allows them to quickly integrate new aircraft models that enhance operational efficiency and comply with environmental regulations.
Economic Uncertainty and Flexibility: Leasing provides airlines with greater financial flexibility amid economic uncertainties. It allows operators to manage capital expenditure more effectively and adjust their fleet size according to market demand.
Technological Advancements: The adoption of advanced technologies in leased aircraft supports better fuel efficiency and lower emissions. European airlines benefit from these innovations without the long-term financial commitment of owning the aircraft.
Regulatory Pressure: Europe’s stringent environmental regulations drive the demand for modern, eco-friendly aircraft. Leasing offers a practical solution for airlines to meet these requirements while minimizing financial risk.
Geographical Distribution: Key markets in Europe, such as the UK, Germany, and France, are at the forefront of the leasing trend. Their well-developed aviation sectors and strategic positions contribute to the overall growth of the market.
The forecast for the Europe Aircraft Leasing Market is characterized by robust growth and ongoing development. As airlines continue to seek flexible and cost-effective solutions, leasing will remain a vital component of the region’s aviation landscape.
About US
At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services. MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions. To stay updated with technology and work process of the industry, MRFR often plans & conducts meet with the industry experts and industrial visits for its research analyst members.
Contact us:
Market Research Future (part of Wants tats Research and Media Private Limited),
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#The Europe Aircraft Leasing Market is on a trajectory of rapid development#driven by evolving value trends and a robust aviation sector. As European airlines and operators navigate the complexities of fleet managem#leasing has emerged as a strategic solution to meet both current and future needs.#Europe Aircraft Leasing Market showcases the following key aspects:#•#Fleet Expansion and Modernization: European airlines are increasingly turning to leasing to expand and modernize their fleets. This approac#Economic Uncertainty and Flexibility: Leasing provides airlines with greater financial flexibility amid economic uncertainties. It allows o#Technological Advancements: The adoption of advanced technologies in leased aircraft supports better fuel efficiency and lower emissions. E#Regulatory Pressure: Europe’s stringent environmental regulations drive the demand for modern#eco-friendly aircraft. Leasing offers a practical solution for airlines to meet these requirements while minimizing financial risk.#Geographical Distribution: Key markets in Europe#such as the UK#Germany#and France#are at the forefront of the leasing trend. Their well-developed aviation sectors and strategic positions contribute to the overall growth o#The forecast for the Europe Aircraft Leasing Market is characterized by robust growth and ongoing development. As airlines continue to seek#leasing will remain a vital component of the region’s aviation landscape.#About US#At Market Research Future (MRFR)#we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR)#Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR)#Raw Research Reports (3R)#Continuous-Feed Research (CFR)#and Market Research & Consulting Services. MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence#services#technologies#applications#end users#and market players for global#regional
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6 Best Online Brokers for Day Trading of September 2024
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1. Capitalix: Innovative Features and Robust Platform
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Key Features:
Advanced Charting Tools: Capitalix includes state-of-the-art charting tools that help traders analyze market trends and make informed decisions.
Low Spreads: Competitive spreads across various asset classes minimize trading costs.
Educational Resources: Comprehensive educational materials and webinars are available to enhance trading skills.
2. SmartSTP : User-Friendly and Versatile
SmartSTP.com is renowned for its user-friendly interface and versatile trading options. It caters to a diverse range of traders with its extensive market access and customizable trading environment.
SmartSTP.com excels in providing a seamless trading experience across multiple devices, ensuring that traders can stay connected and make trades on the go.
Key Features:
Mobile Compatibility: The platform is optimized for mobile devices, allowing for on-the-go trading.
Real-Time Data: Access to real-time market data and news helps traders make timely decisions.
Personalized Alerts: Set custom alerts for price movements and market events.
3. TradeEu: Cutting-Edge Technology and Comprehensive Tools
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Key Features:
Algorithmic Trading Support: Utilize advanced algorithms to execute trades automatically based on pre-set criteria.
High-Speed Execution: Benefit from lightning-fast trade execution to capitalize on market opportunities.
Customizable Platform: Tailor the trading platform to meet individual preferences and strategies.
4. FX Road: Reliable and Cost-Effective
FX Road is a broker that stands out for its reliability and cost-effectiveness. With competitive trading fees and a focus on customer service, FX Road provides a solid foundation for day traders looking for value and efficiency. The platform supports a variety of asset classes and is known for its transparent fee structure.
Key Features:
Low Trading Fees: Enjoy low trading costs with transparent fee structures.
Diverse Asset Range: Access to a broad range of financial instruments, including forex and indices.
Customer Support: Responsive customer service to assist with trading inquiries and issues.
5. Trade EU Global: Comprehensive Market Access
Trade EU Global is a broker that offers comprehensive market access and a wide range of trading options. This platform is well-suited for traders who seek exposure to global markets and diverse asset classes. Trade EU Global provides advanced trading tools and research resources to support strategic trading decisions.
Key Features:
Global Market Access: Trade a wide variety of assets from around the world.
In-Depth Research: Access detailed market research and analysis to inform trading strategies.
Advanced Tools: Utilize sophisticated trading tools for enhanced market analysis.
6. CapPlace: Innovative Solutions for Modern Traders
CapPlace is a broker known for its innovative solutions and cutting-edge technology. It offers a range of tools and features designed to meet the needs of modern traders. CapPlace stands out for its emphasis on technology and user experience, making it a strong choice for those who value innovation in their trading activities.
Key Features:
Tech-Driven Platform: Experience a technologically advanced trading environment with enhanced features.
Customizable User Interface: Personalize the trading interface to suit individual trading styles.
Educational Tools: Access a range of educational resources to improve trading skills.
Choosing the right online broker is essential for day trading success. As of September 2024, Capitalix, TradeEu, FX Road, Trade EU Global, and CapPlace are among the best brokers offering a range of features and benefits tailored to meet the diverse needs of traders. By selecting a broker that aligns with your trading goals and preferences, you can enhance your trading experience and achieve better outcomes
#In the fast-paced world of day trading#choosing the right broker is crucial for optimizing your trading strategy and achieving your financial goals. As we step into September 202#the landscape of online brokers continues to evolve#offering traders a wide range of features and benefits. This comprehensive guide will explore the top six online brokers that stand out thi#providing detailed insights into their offerings#fees#platforms#and more.#1. Capitalix: Innovative Features and Robust Platform#Capitalix remains a top contender for day traders in September 2024#thanks to its advanced trading platform and cutting-edge features. This broker provides an intuitive user interface combined with powerful#making it ideal for both novice and experienced traders. Capitalix offers a wide array of trading instruments#including stocks#forex#commodities#and cryptocurrencies.#Capitalix#Key Features:#Advanced Charting Tools: Capitalix includes state-of-the-art charting tools that help traders analyze market trends and make informed decis#Low Spreads: Competitive spreads across various asset classes minimize trading costs.#Educational Resources: Comprehensive educational materials and webinars are available to enhance trading skills.#2. SmartSTP : User-Friendly and Versatile#SmartSTP.com is renowned for its user-friendly interface and versatile trading options. It caters to a diverse range of traders with its ex#SmartSTP.com excels in providing a seamless trading experience across multiple devices#ensuring that traders can stay connected and make trades on the go.#Mobile Compatibility: The platform is optimized for mobile devices#allowing for on-the-go trading.#Real-Time Data: Access to real-time market data and news helps traders make timely decisions.#Personalized Alerts: Set custom alerts for price movements and market events.#3. TradeEu: Cutting-Edge Technology and Comprehensive Tools
0 notes
janarthanantumbl · 4 months
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🌞 Dive into style this summer's end with Kapaver's Mobile Back Cover Case Sale! From sleek designs to rugged protection, discover your perfect match and safeguard your phone with flair. Don't miss out—shop now and make your phone shine! 📱💫 #Kapaver #PhoneProtection #SummerSale"
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sigmasolveinc · 5 months
Comprehensive Benefits of Custom Product Engineering Services
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In today’s fast-paced and dynamic business landscape, staying ahead of the competition requires organizations to continually innovate and deliver unique solutions. Custom product engineering services play a pivotal role in this process, enabling businesses to create tailored products that meet specific needs and deliver unparalleled value. In this blog post, we will explore the extensive benefits of leveraging custom product engineering services. 
Understanding Product Engineering: 
Product engineering is the process of designing, developing, testing, and deploying a product, typically in the realm of technology, software, or hardware. It encompasses a systematic approach to transforming ideas into tangible, market-ready solutions. Custom product engineering services take this a step further by tailoring the entire process to the specific needs of a client. 
Key Components of Product Engineering: 
The foundation of any successful product engineering endeavor lies in a thorough understanding of the customer’s needs and market demands. Requirement analysis involves gathering and comprehending the specifications, constraints, and expectations associated with the product. This phase sets the stage for the entire development process, guiding subsequent decisions and iterations. 
Design thinking is a human-centered approach that places emphasis on empathy, ideation, and prototyping. By understanding end-users’ perspectives and engaging in creative problem-solving, product engineers can devise innovative solutions that truly meet customer needs. This iterative process ensures that the final product is both functional and user-friendly. 
Prototyping and Iteration: 
Prototyping allows engineers to transform conceptual designs into tangible, testable models. Rapid prototyping enables quick feedback loops, facilitating continuous improvement through iterative cycles. This component is crucial for refining the product, addressing potential issues, and ensuring that the final solution aligns with the initial vision. 
Collaborative Development: 
Successful product engineering thrives on collaboration among cross-functional teams. Engineers, designers, marketers, and other stakeholders must work cohesively to leverage diverse perspectives and expertise. Effective communication and collaboration tools enhance transparency, reduce development bottlenecks, and foster an environment conducive to innovation. 
Technology Stack and Infrastructure: 
Selecting the right technology stack and infrastructure is critical for product scalability, performance, and maintainability. Product engineers must carefully choose programming languages, frameworks, and architectures that align with project requirements. Scalability considerations are crucial to accommodate future growth and changes in user demand. 
Quality Assurance and Testing: 
Ensuring the reliability, functionality, and security of a product is paramount. Quality assurance and testing involve rigorous examination of the product at various stages to identify and rectify defects. Automated testing tools, continuous integration, and robust testing methodologies contribute to the delivery of a high-quality, bug-free product. 
Regulatory Compliance: 
Navigating regulatory landscapes is essential, especially in industries with stringent standards. Product engineers must stay informed about relevant regulations and compliance requirements to ensure that the final product meets legal and industry standards. Adhering to these regulations not only mitigates legal risks but also enhances the product’s market acceptance. 
User Experience (UX) Design: 
A seamless and enjoyable user experience is a key differentiator for successful products. UX design involves creating interfaces that are intuitive, aesthetically pleasing, and aligned with user expectations. By prioritizing user satisfaction, product engineers can enhance customer loyalty and drive positive reviews and recommendations. 
Benefits of Custom Product Engineering Services: 
Tailored Solutions for Unique Requirements: 
One of the primary advantages of custom product engineering services is the ability to create tailored solutions that align perfectly with unique business requirements. Off-the-shelf products may offer generic features, but they often fall short in addressing specific challenges that businesses face. Custom engineering allows companies to build products that precisely cater to their needs, fostering efficiency and competitiveness. 
Enhanced Product Quality: 
Custom product engineering places a strong emphasis on quality. Engineers can meticulously design, develop, and test each component, ensuring that the final product meets the highest standards. This dedication to quality not only results in a more reliable and durable product but also enhances customer satisfaction, ultimately contributing to brand loyalty and positive word-of-mouth. 
Accelerated Time-to-Market: 
Contrary to the misconception that custom solutions take longer to develop, custom product engineering services can, in fact, accelerate time-to-market. By leveraging agile development methodologies, engineers can quickly adapt to changing requirements, prioritize essential features, and deliver incremental updates. This flexibility allows businesses to respond swiftly to market demands and gain a competitive edge. 
Cost-Effective Scalability: 
Scalability is a critical consideration for businesses anticipating growth. Custom product engineering services provide the flexibility to scale both vertically and horizontally based on evolving needs. This scalability is not only cost-effective but also ensures that the product infrastructure can seamlessly accommodate increased user loads, data volumes, or additional functionalities without compromising performance. 
Optimized User Experience: 
User experience (UX) is a key differentiator in today’s digital age. Custom product engineering allows organizations to focus on crafting a seamless and intuitive user interface tailored to their specific user base. By understanding user behaviors and preferences, engineers can optimize the product’s design and functionality, resulting in an enhanced user experience that promotes user satisfaction and engagement. 
Innovation and Future-Proofing: 
Custom product engineering services foster a culture of innovation. Businesses can continually iterate on their products, integrating the latest technologies and responding to emerging trends. This not only ensures that the product remains relevant in the market but also future-proofs it against evolving industry landscapes. Innovation becomes a strategic advantage, positioning the organization as a leader in its field. 
Full Control Over Intellectual Property: 
Custom product development grants organizations complete control over their intellectual property. Unlike off-the-shelf solutions, where the underlying code and features are often shared among various users, custom solutions are proprietary. This control is crucial for protecting unique business processes, algorithms, or any other intellectual property that contributes to a competitive advantage. 
Seamless Integration with Existing Systems: 
Many businesses operate with a variety of existing systems and technologies. Custom product engineering ensures seamless integration with these systems, minimizing disruptions to ongoing operations. Whether integrating with legacy systems or other third-party applications, a custom solution can be designed to work harmoniously within the existing technological ecosystem. 
In conclusion, the benefits of custom product engineering services extend far beyond just creating a unique product. They empower organizations to tailor solutions to their specific needs, enhance product quality, accelerate time-to-market, achieve cost-effective scalability, optimize user experience, foster innovation, maintain control over intellectual property, and seamlessly integrate with existing systems. As businesses navigate an ever-evolving landscape, custom product engineering emerges as a strategic investment that propels them to the forefront of their industries.
Original Source: Here
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dirtcube · 1 year
Minecraft Wiki is independent again!!
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Yahoo!!! No more FANDOM wiki!!! Find the new minecraft wiki at minecraft.wiki!!
I thought it would be good to make a little PSA post with summarised information on why they moved from FANDOM!
Why did they move?
FANDOM is notoriously a bad wiki for both readers and editors alike. This is due to the insane amount of ads, the site layout, the lag, the fact that FANDOM can just take your wiki from you, etc has made the minecraft wiki decide to move
Because of the lack of agency the minecraft wiki has over its own wiki, they had a long discussion and vote with the community on what wiki platform to move towards. You can view both discussions here and here
By moving to a more independent wiki, they can provide a much better and friendlier service.
What's improved with the new wiki?
New site look, lacking the ugly FANDOM yellow sidebar and removing all other unnecessary bloat! This also includes a dark mode option and other custom settings.
Faster load times! I have incredibly good internet, and even I notice the STARK difference between the load times of FANDOM and the official wiki!
Less ads! At the moment they have no ads, but they do intend to have at least one. The placement of which will be discussed with the community to ensure minimal disruption to the user.
Better search functionality! FANDOM's search is notoriously bad at giving you the answers you need. Now they can have a more robust search function that more accurately brings users to what they are looking for.
No age popups- Unlike FANDOM this wiki does not need to know if you're a child or adult.
Anonymous editing has returned! Users can now once again anonymously contribute to the site!
FANDOM refuses to close old wiki's that have moved away, and so they will continue to show up in search domains. The old domains such as minecraft.gamepedia.com and minecraftwiki.net are also permanently attached to the FANDOM wiki.
In order to help the new wiki be successful, you can help out in the following way:
Spread the word!
Don't interact with FANDOM links. The less people interact with FANDOM, the more google knows that people are looking for the official wiki and not the FANDOM one!
Dont use the old links, again for the same reason as above!
And of course, improve the wiki :D! Since you don't need an account to make edits, see what you can contribute!
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ahex-technologies · 10 months
In an era where the mobile app industry is projected to generate a staggering $935.2 billion in revenue by 2026, businesses, from startups to established brands, are making the enthusiastic shift from traditional brick-and-mortar models to digital platforms. It’s an exciting transformation driven by the promise of increased accessibility, convenience, and revenue potential. However, amid this digital revolution, a critical factor often goes unnoticed: the alarming fact that approximately 11% of app users uninstall an application within days of downloading it due to technical glitches or confusion stemming from poor user experience.
Learn more: https://ahex.co/
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panmixia · 11 months
oki I made a cohost. now what 👍
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transarsonist · 10 months
law idea: products that are not currently and will not be purchasable from the parent company for the foreseeable future are not counted as "copywritten" in regard to the sharing, reproduction, and other "piracy" claims in court of law.
if you aren't selling them your customer doesn't have to buy
this is in regards to all copyright, if someone starts a factory producing clones of iPhone and iMac chips for the purpose of repairing devices, that's not copyright infringement, because apple does not sell those chips :)
if they want to keep their copyright they can put their repair chips on the public market, continue matinance of old products, etc
Nintendo will hate this law the most I'm sure.
widows is surprisingly robust to this law as you can actually buy every copy of windows ever produced right now on windows website, albeit you might have a hard time finding it because they'd PERfer you didn't.
streaming companies dropping original content from their service for tax purposes can expect to find it on YouTube the next day for free no ads
I think you all will be able to see how this will have a hotting effect on the market, where as now copyright holders have the power to delete content from the legal sphere, under this law they cannot do that. they can sell it themselves or they can give it away for free.
no more manufactured scarcity for the sake of inflating already inflated prices
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crimsonender · 1 year
Dreaming of making my own game. Not sure if I should focus on that or Minecraft modding. I feel like modding Minecraft you're always starting on your back foot because they're updating it and there's no supported modding API. Everytime I get started on a mod project Minecraft updates. It's really discouraging. If I made my own thing I wouldn't be so pressed for time.
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Optimize your DevSecOps approach in a complex multi-cloud landscape. Discover best practices and empowering strategies for sustainable growth.
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Optimize your DevSecOps approach in a complex multi-cloud landscape. Discover best practices and empowering strategies for sustainable growth.
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janarthanantumbl · 4 months
Kapaver Back Cover Case Top 5 Reasons to Use the Nothing Phone 2A CyBer-i Edition.
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Alright, so these days our smartphones are like our best friends, right? We use them for everything from talking to friends to watching movies to getting directions. Since they're so important, keeping them safe is a big deal. The Nothing Phone 2a is a really cool phone, but like any phone, you want to protect it. That's where this case comes in - the Kapaver Nothing Phone 2a Cyber-i Edition back cover case. This thing does way more than just protect your phone - it also looks awesome and is super durable. In this post I'll go over the top 5 reasons why this case is perfect for the Nothing Phone 2a. From how tough it is to how stylish it looks, this case has everything you need to make sure your phone stays in perfect shape. Let me tell you about it!
Kapaver Unmatched Durability:
Okay, so this case is quite durable, which is vital for safeguarding your phone, correct? The Kapaver CyBer-i Edition Back Cover Case is composed of high-quality materials, so it can withstand daily scratches and bumps. If you drop your Nothing Phone 2a or it gets jostled about in your luggage, this Back Cover Case will protect it. The corners are strengthened, and the inside is intended to absorb shocks. So, no matter what life throws against it, your phone will come out unscathed. Isn't it pretty sweet? This cover will undoubtedly protect your phone in one piece.
Sleek and Modern Design:
So this phone Back Cover case, the CyBer-i Edition, not only protects your Nothing Phone 2a but also really adds to the look of it. The case has a really sleek, modern design that just makes the phone look even better. It's thin so it doesn't take away from how slim the phone is itself. But it also has some nice design details that make it feel a bit more stylish and sophisticated too. You're not compromising on protection just to have something that looks good either. This case keeps your phone safe without sacrificing the aesthetics.
Enhanced Grip Back Cover Case:
So this Kapaver Phone Back Cover Case is trying to prevent you from dropping your phone, which let's face it, we've all done at least once before. It has a really textured surface on the outside which makes it way less slippery. That extra grip means your phone isn't going to slide out of your hands as easily. On top of that, they designed it to fit really well in your hand. combined with the grippy outside, that comfortable hold helps you keep a solid grasp on your phone. No more worrying about it flying out of your hands! The case is also ergonomic, so even if you're on your phone for a long time, your hand isn't going to get sore. Seems like they really thought about preventing drops while also keeping it comfortable to use.
Precise Cutouts and Responsive Buttons:
So this phone's Back Cover Case is really well designed. The cutouts for all the ports and buttons are super precise so your phone still works perfectly when it's in the case. The covers for the buttons are super responsive too, they feel just like the normal phone buttons. So you can use your phone just the same as without the case. Everything works smoothly and nothing gets in the way, so your phone can do everything it normally does without any issues. It really keeps your Nothing phone 2a protected without messing with how you use it.
Raised bezels provide screen and camera protection:
So your Nothing phone 2a back cover case protects the screen and the camera can get scratched up and damaged pretty easily, right? Well this case has raised edges around those parts to protect them. See, the edges go up higher than the screen and camera so if you put the phone down on a table or whatever, it doesn't touch the surface directly. The screen and camera are kinda lifted up above it. This keeps them from getting scratched or cracked if the phone gets bumped. It's a nice little extra feature to keep those important parts looking good as new for as long as possible. The designers really thought it through with this Back Cover Case.
Alright, so in summary, this Kapaver Nothing Phone 2a back cover case really stands out from the crowd. The mix of durability, sleek design, better grip, precise functionality and protection make to keep your phone safe. Not only will it protect your phone, but it'll also up the style and usability. If you get this Kapaver CyBer-i Edition case for your Nothing Phone 2a Back Cover Case you're taking care of both protecting it and keeping it looking good and ready for whatever the day brings. This Kapaver case really seems to have all the bases covered when it comes to keeping your phone protected while still allowing you to use it without issue. It'll keep your Nothing Phone 2a safe from damage so you don't have to worry, plus it adds to the experience. Might as well invest in one of these cases to keep your phone in top shape both inside and out.
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rubylogan15 · 1 year
Optimize your DevSecOps approach in a complex multi-cloud landscape. Discover best practices and empowering strategies for sustainable growth.
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