#robmyheart asks
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@amadhatter--92 thanks for the tag, sir!!!
Rules: answer all the questions and tag blogs you’d like to get to know better
Gender: Male
Zodiac: Pisces
Height: 5'7 and 1/2
Time: 9:48 am
Birthday: Feb, 22 1992
Occupation: Banquet Set-up Lead Coordinator
Orientation: Bi-ish maybe idk
Favorite bands: uh if its like an actual band probably Paramore
Last movie i saw: Ingrid Goes West
Last show I saw: either How to Get Away With Murder or DBZ Super
When did I create this blog: 5 years ago?
What do I post: uh Anime, Music stuff i like,Movie, TV shows into. Art, Nature, Photography, like soft core porn. i try not to just go crazy with it basically anything i like or think is cool. or that people should be aware of
Last thing I googled: Ingrid Goes West, just to make sure that was the right name
Any other blogs?: Nope! just this one. im lazy lol
Do you get asks?: uh not really lmao i wish
Why did you choose this URL: Kiiara has an album called Low Kii Savage and me and friend was jokin around and said low kii ratchet and i liked it
What type of blogs do ya follow: uh alittle bit of everything. some anime/comic book blogs. gamer blogs, a few porn just cause, black supportive blogs cause we are beautiful, uhh and my friends blogs, plus some art stuff and country stuff
Favorite colors?: 50 shades of green lol when its closer to blue is nice
Average hours of sleep: probably 5 unless i have an off day then 8ish
Lucky number: dont really have one but i always pick 18 or 17 because of DBZ
Dream trip: hmmm Greece maybe. its so beautiful from what i saw. i just love beautiful seas i can swim in. mountains are nice too.
What are you wearing?: a black express polo and basketball shorts
How many blankets do you sleep with?: i prefer just a sheet but 1 blanket if im using one
Favorite foods: Lasagna is my life but nachos is my staple and all things matcha
Dream job: not sure. im really into cooking but iunno if i would want to do it everyday. i just want somethings that pays enough and that i actually would like going to work for
Nationality: African American a little bit of Choctaw thats all i know of really
I’m tagging: @closerthanwethinktohome @thedreadpiratematt @ray-winters-sings @charkyl @cpdude @just-a-john-doe @robmyheart @espioakakeith @jehovahhthickness @verylilpimpin
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Tag Game
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag blogs you would like to get to know better. I was tagged by flower nerd @ciaran-r
Nickname Yanqui, im not sure how since my name is short as hell on its own
Height 5'6
Star sign Pisces, glup glup
Time right now 9:05pm
Last thing I googled that “the evil is defeated” picture (it was for meme purposes, dont judge me)
Fave music artist Marina Dimandis, Halsey and Brendon Urie aka forehead dad
Song stuck in my head The greastest- Sia
Last Movie I watched Moana, and I fukin loved it
What are you wearing right now sweat pants and🌸 A flower pattern t-shirt 🌸
When did you create your blog i think March 2014, sometime around my birthday
What kind of stuff do I post meme and gay stuff
Do I have any other blogs I run a cat blog @cat-kittens-kitty-cat and some other group blogs
Do I get asks regularly not really, one a month maybe
Why did I choose my URL my old one was hideous and this one captures me pretty well
Gender Male
Hogwarts house I dont really know anything about the series 🚨dont send death threats please🚨
Pokémon team Valor, would’ve choose Instinct tho
Fave color blues and greens. Turquoise?
Average hours of sleep 8-10 I sleep like alot sometimes
Fave Characters Kiawe, Guzma and Kukui from Pokemon Sun and Moon
How many blanlets do I sleep with 2, theyre soooo soft
Dream Job i cant decide on anything, Ill be surprised if i even get a job
following 200 something blogs
I tag: @language-infierno @slcgaynerd @a-hammock-of-stars @cherryso-duh @spicylube @xxluluboltxx @darksouschef @valentinaphoenix
@flag-stone @honestlypain @robmyheart
I keep adding people so feel free to do this even if youre not tagged! Tag me, of course, so I can see it!
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Tag Game
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag blogs you would like to get to know better. I was tagged by @robmyheart (i feel like we’ve been mutuals for a very long time i can’t believe you haven’t unfollowed me)
Nickname - liv, livvy
Star sign - sagittarius
Time right now - 7:32
Last thing I googled - star wars
Fave music artist - ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Song stuck in my head - float on by modest mouse
Last movie I watched - star wars: the empire strikes back
What are you wearing right now - my pajamas
When did you create your blog - idk, it’s probably been like five years now
What kind of stuff do I post - ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Do I have any other blogs - no
Do I get asks regularly - no
Why did I choose my URL - it’s sorta my name. i think olive is a lot prettier than olivia, and there aren’t a billion people w the name
Gender - female
Hogwarts House - i never really got into harry potter, but i would say hufflepuff
Pokemon team - instinct
Fave color - yellow and grey. it’s a tie
Average hours of sleep - eight. sleep is important and makes me happy
Fave characters - man, i can’t list them all. i just can’t
How many blankets do I sleep with - two
Dream Job - making movies or being the person who decides street names
Following - i follow 52 blogs
Okay i get i’m supposed 2 tag people, but like, i don’t want to annoy anyone so. i’m just gonna leave this here, goodbye, happy 2k17
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Would you ever consider going on a date with one of your followers if they lived scopes enough?
I don’t care how many scopes you lived. I would still date a follower.
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2, 20, and 91 😘
2. Can you remember the names of everyone you’ve slept with?
Slept with? Like sleeping? Eyes closed? You mean like fallen asleep with in the same bed right? I assume that’s it. That’s what sleeping with someone means. And yes, I do! Marques, Bryce, John, Mitchel, and Daniel.
20. What’s the queerest shit you’ve ever done?
(I answered this just now but I’ll answer it again for you
91. Post a selfie.

Ask and ye shall receive
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I want you to waterbend your cummies right into my hole
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TBH you're too cute if you lived closer I'd hit on you so hard
yes please. hit on me. knock me tf out.
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1, 2, 15, 21
Reese u Alaskan bitch I’ll give you some straight answers!
1. If someone wanted to really understand you, what would they read, watch, and listen to?
This is kind of a weird question. Like, if you want to understand me just fucking talk to me. I’ve never really read or watched anything that really seemed like it was overly personal. There are things that I like to watch and read, but I don’t really think they represent me. So I guess Read: Peter LaBerge, Lauren Groff, Allen Ginsberg, Lisa Fay Coutley (these are writer’s names, not actual titles). Watch: Steven Universe, Prayers For Bobby (actually don’t watch that, it’s garbage and made me cry. Just go read the synopsis), Gilmore Girls, AtLA and LoK. Listen to: Sam’s Town (the album not the song) by The Killers, “Small Town Moon” by Regina Spektor, “Your Song” by Elton John (and also the Ellie Goulding cover).
2. Have you ever found a writer who thinks just like you? If so, who?
I honestly wouldn’t know if a writer ever thought like me. I guess Lauren Groff? When I was writing my novel, my professor recommended one of her books to me because it sounded a lot like what I was trying to write and I thought it matched up pretty well so I guess that’s a start.
15. Five most influential books over your lifetime.
(In no particular order)
1. The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver
2. Cat’s Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut
3. Howl by Allen Ginsberg
4. The Monsters of Templeton by Lauren Groff
5. All The King’s Men by Robert Penn Warren
Honorary Mentions: The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas. Makeshift Cathedral by Peter LaBerge. Errata by Lisa Fay Coutley. The Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling.
21. Do you love easily?
I guess yes and no. Like, there are certain types of love that come easily to me. Fleeting love happens to me all the time, and I feel it a lot for people I’ve never met before. Like, I love all my followers because they’re actively following me and paying attention and that alone makes me feel affinity for you and everyone else who follows me. Platonic and romantic love are things that I feel take more time and those are things I try to work for more than anything. But I feel different loves for all kinds of people and that probably sounds a bit weird but I dun care I’m a loving person except when I’m also spiteful and an annoying bitch.
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And 7 because I'm an asshole.
7. Do you care about your ethnicity.
Yes. Like, literally duh it’s part of who I am so of course I care about it. Being a Mexican American is something that factors a ton in who I’ve become and the things I value so I would say 100% yes. And that’s a pretty universal thing I feel like, your race and ethnicity is something that molds you, whether you realize it or not.
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12, 53, 64?
12. Do you have any kinks?
Being appreciated and having someone to love and support me is one of my most sinful kinks imo.
53. Is it hot or gross to get ejaculated on?
Okay, first off, I’m never doing this ask again because I hate all of these questions omg. Second, I think it’s hot to ejaculate regardless of where it ends up, this is a silly question.
64. Your most embarrassing sexual experience?
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5. 19. 34.
5. Are you well-acquainted with your G-spot?
We’ve yet to be formally introduced.
19. Have you ever to a nude beach, naked party, or other situation involving casual nudity?
Lol nope. “Casual” and “nudity” are not words that go very well together for me.
34. How big is your penis?
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31.5 just your favorite names in general
Hmmm there are a lot of names I like. For girls, I like the names Voletta, Nadine, Juniper, Victoria. And for guys ehh, I like the names Max, Robin, Chris, Ezra and Alexander
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3, 9 and 30 for the music box asks
3. A song you loved when you were a teenager or kid
Omg yes. “Everywhere” by Michelle Branch used to be my jaaaamm. I still listen to it every once in a while and I’m reminded a lot of 2001 since it was the same year my family moved into our house.
9. A song that reminds you of yourself
“Small Town Moon” by Regina Spektor without a doubt. It talks about the pain of leaving a small town and that’s something I find myself relating too a lot.
30. A song you recommend
If you’re ever alone and feel like humming along to a song or dancing by yourself, I would totally recommend “Lonely Town” by Brandon Flowers. It’s got an 80′s pop vibe and it’s my personal choice right now.
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How are you? Are you ok?
Hoo boy anon do you have some awful timing. I’m not doing so well actually. I’m starting to plan big changes in my life and a possible move in the next four months and I’m anxious as hell and afraid I’m leaving a lot of loose ends and that I need to make up for a bunch of shit. Very big depression mood lol but I guess that’s not too major. How about you?
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74: Favourite animal? 77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? 81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr 148: What I'm really bad at 151: What I'd do if I won in a lottery
74. Favorite animal?
77. What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?
(I just answered this so I’ll copy and paste what I said here).
I don’t know, there are a lot of songs that make me happy. I’ll just put a short playlist here: “Wannabe” by the Spice Girls / “Lonely Town” by Brandon Flowers / “Dance Anthem of the 80′s” by Regina Spektor / “Love Myself” by Hailee Steinfeld / “What’s Up” by 4 Non Blondes
81. My top 5 blogs on tumblr
Ugghhh I haaaaaate this question. I don’t want to alienate any of my mutuals because you all fucking rock and I would hate to lose any of you. I’ll just @ some of the ones who have been super nice with messaging me on here (which all of you should do because I love talking to y’all.) @jewzians @hexa-jon @low-kii-ratchet @charlizzard @whiskeyuncle (and of course whoever you are, anon, for sending me these questions
Honorable mentions: @notcalvin @hesburiedinthesnow @your-favorite-nerd-geek
148. What I’m really bad at
Being a functional human being. I’m literally leaving first thing tomorrow morning to catch a flight to DC and I’ve done absolutely no packing yet. HOO I am the king of preparedness and mental acuity.
151. What I’d do if I won the lottery
Not gonna lie, I’d use a lot of it to fund a move out east to a nice city and get a nice apartment and chill the fuck out for a long time. I’d probably give a lot of it to my family, friends, and I’d donate some too.
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